Hello everyone! This is St. Sebastian calling out to all people on the right side of Religion! :D
I can never remember where I last left off, and every time I try to read, I think on the wrong chapter. It's a good thing DF's taking forever coordinating, because I have other stories to read after this one...0-0 Switched! Destined Sacrificed Kingdom hearts comes to Earth and the Seqeual. That's my list for now.
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, Jak II, Jak 3. Three of the most awesome games ever, agreed upon by many of kh-vid'ers. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Perhaps a game even more epic than Jakky Elfman and his fuzzy sidekick. If you know these games, its likely you know of what's to come. Uncharted 2: Among Theives and Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier. Amazed or anxious? Personally, I'm beside myself wondering whats going to happen in Uncharted 2. The future of Jak and Daxter is so unexplained, it's hard to guess what'll happen, but Uncharted 2 at least has been shown to a much larger public. Before either game comes out, how about some predictions, hmm? Perhaps some hopes, wishes, or just plain-out ideas? I have a few myself, and it would definately be fun to one day play both games, and try to look for anything mentioned here. So come on: What do you think of the Jak games, and how was Uncharted? And how are the seqeuals likely to run?
OOC: You know you have free time when you and one other person Role-play over 10,000 posts, with limited interuption from other people who took roles.
Where in the game is this again? Be a little more specific please. I can't understand what Black Heart.
Like most medically related things, such as Abortion, Artificial In-fwatch-i-fic-ation, and cutting implements, people tend to make the subject very dark by abusing it for selfish purposes. For instance, Abortion was intended and is right for a Mother who cannot give birth due to health issues, and come on, almost everyone now believes its a right, We all know of Nadyia Sulleman, and ask any Emo out there; cutting is awesome. Was or is your friend grossly overweight, or was it a mere "gifted curse" of genetics that gave her what caused her pain? I only ask, because if she was also overweight, it wouldn't be out of the question for Lipo as well. If so much fat were to accumulate as to make her chest that size, Liposuction would be used in the correct terms, which is for people who are morbidly obese, and need a little help to fitness. I know I'm going to be attacked for my Abortion views, maybe not my Nadyia Sulleman views, but how the use of advanced medical practices are being used, they were just not intended that way, and people need to stop before the world is completely a mess.
At last! An Update! I've got some big plans for this Fanfiction. Like future reaccuring Real-life people as characters. Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, George W. Bush, Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Non-blasphemous of course), Ryan O'Donohue, Keith Ferguson, Robin Atkins Downes (You should get the picture by now), and maybe some other Video game characters. I have yet to decide from the many episodes which have popped into my head without kh-vids.net constantly in my reach. She couldn't get past it. The morning following the strange occurences at breakfast, all Larxene could think about was how incredibly light she felt. She rose from bed on her 12th floor room, themed with yellow bolts on the walls and Olympic furniture, with hardly an effort. It were as if she weighed nothing, this strange feeling was only accompanied by a unwordly rattling sound she couldn't place. All the same, she got up, looked in the mirror, then... "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Her shouts of sheer terror echoed from hall to hall on her floor, and richochetted it's ear-piercing song from floor 8 to floor 13. Startled by the screams, the denizens of each room, Luxord, Axel, Demyx, Marluxia, and Roxas rushed into Larxene's room to be met by a ghastly sight. "Larxene! What happened??" Demyx shrieked meekly. Indeed, everyone was looking at a freakish sight. A sight usually only seen in horror movies with Larxene's hair on its scalp, a skeleton, with black, empty eyes, and absolutely no skin or insides to speak of. That explained the bone rattling and the light-feeling. But this in itself could not be explained. "I know this is going to sound ackward. But how are you defying gravity?" Uh-oh,...the "K" word. Bad Marluxia. Woosh! Marluxia knew what happened immediately, and in a slightly smallish voice, he grumbled, "For cryind OUT-LOUD!" He sounded like some kind of midget, looking weird to boot. "And another phenonmenon-related question: Demyx, how did you get out of bed?" Luxord asked inquistivley with much success. "I don't know. I wanted to stay in bed this morning, and before I knew it, I found myself on my feet." Demyx replied dimly. "Oh Boo-hoo! Demyx the poor baby couldn't get a few more winks." Larxene's vocal-cordless embodiment taunted haughtily. Neither did she have lips, but yet she talked clearly by just moving her bony white jaw. "I think we have bigger problems to deal with! Who did this?!" She fumed, playing a short melody on her showing rib-cage much in the fashion of a xylophon, using her fingers as sticks. "Wait! I think I know who did this!" Bad Marly, bad. Wooooosh! Marluxia's head shrunk double the pace this time, making him look headless, his noggin the size of a pea. "Craaaaaaaap!" He bellowed in a chipmunk voice. Trying to get over this unfortunate happening, Marluxia went on. "Who do we know that can alter reality?" If Larxene had eyebrows, or for that matter, a face, pure fury would show upon it. Her mouth opened, but before she could speak, we will now change our direction to Zexion's bedroom on the 6th floor. A thickly-fingered, beefy hand opens the door, and Lexeaus walks into the room. He tried to flip the light switch by the door on, but it was so dark, even his gorilla-hands couldn't find the switch. "Zexion..?" Lexeaus muttered subtly into the dark, his voice deep and somewhat worryful at the moment. "Zexion... Are you there?" "No..." Zexion's youthful voice responded from an unseen corner of the room. "Liar. I hear you, Tactian." "What you hear is nothing more than a story, my friend." "A...story?" Lexeaus questioned slowly. He could not possibly understand what Zexion meant. "I will go get the others." And so the door closed. *** Pacing. Every foot paced one in front of the other, as the last pair reached a warp globe, the pair that belonged to Demyx. All twelve hands laid thier hands upon the glass ball with purple swirling forever inside it, all their minds, one inside a skinless dome, one belonging to a Nobody unaffected by change, and two the size of a pea, focused on the sixth floor. And within seconds, they found themselves there. "Everyone know the plan?" Luxord asked everyone. All said aye except for Marluxia. "Marluxia?" Luxord urged with a smirk. "Oh, right. I know it." Marluxia was caught off guard. Bad Luxord, very bad. Woosh. "Luxord you egotistical son-of-a-" "Okay. Break!" And before Marluxia could finish his curse, everyone began to slip into the first door without Marluxia. Marluxia soon followed, and before anytime at all, they had reached Zexion's sleeping quarters, like Lexeaus, to find it completely dark with no way of- click. The light popped on, no one by the switch. "I knew it. My success is so infallible, I could not fail to turn the light on." Luxord proudly pointed out. A moment of temporary happiness. However, there was no Zexion's neck to choke of. Only his lexicon on a desk stood out. "It's about time some one found me." Zexion's voice muttered from the large book. It took no guessing to figure out what had happened. Apparently, some how, Zexion had altered reality with an illusion by reversing the curses darted at each other very much earlier. However, instead of reversing what was wished upon him, it went the way it was, and so the illusion became reality itself. Or at least thats what Luxord deducted, and being infallible, he was right. Zexion comfirmed him. "So how are we going to turn back?" Demyx questioned worriedly. "I know how." Axel said suredly, his eyes fixed on the Lexicon, his hand outreached. He seemed calm, but furious at the same time. "You cannot burn me Axel. You freeze things now, remember?" "Did I miss something?" Roxas suddenly blurted out. He had been speechless from the begining, and now he was finally regaining his mind. "Go to Hell, you insufferable little twerp." Axel shot back. Still, before Axel found his head full of keyblade, Luxord quickly explained since another smarmish remark at Axel had been about Roxas and Axel's close-friendship. Obviously, Axel now hated the blonde-boy's guts. "Anyway." Axel continued after Luxord's lecture. "I don't have burn you. I can do this now." With a smirkish smile, Axel breathed in with all his might, and out came a blizzard from his lips, directed straight at the desk. "Ah! S-s-s-s-s-s-so c-c-c-cold!" The book shook violently on its own. "F-f-fine, just open this book up, turn to page 2009, and read from Section 3, subsection 8." Zexion instructed, and many huddled around to watch closely as Larxene's pointed-fingered hand opened the book, and flipped to page 2009. Luxord recited. "World to world, darkness nor light; create a home and a hope, for our plight." "What does that mean?" Larxene tilted her bony head to the side and inquired. "After the swirling vortex about to suck us all into another dimension called True Reality, you'll figure it out." Zexion answered, this time coming out of a hidden door, glaring at everyone with a knowingful smile. Nobodies posted. >,< And just as a side-note: I AM NOT STEALING MEXONY'S IDEA! You'll get that part later. "I think I am going to be sick..." Roxas murmured as he bonked noggins with Demyx, a blunt coconut sound coming from Demyx's cranium. The reason the Young teenager and Mullet-Man collided was because everyone, including those Organization members who had not been in the room when a shot of plasmic light burst from Zexion's book right on the desk, was swirling around in a world of nothing. No gravity fields kept the Nobodies airbound as lines of black with jagged thorns emitted form a limitless white oblivion. Everyone had been reverted back to normal, Larxene and Marluxia particularly grateful for a normal sized head for one and skin and clothes reformed for the other. Larxene insisted that despite the current situation looked bleak, to poke at every possible piece of skin under her black polyester robes, ... well... not every piece of skin; certain poking would lead to stares and questioning from the others. Axel, however, no matter how glad to be a fire-starting entity again, was only persistant only killing a certain shrimp with Dark slate gray hair... again. He continued to stretch his arms out in frustration at the worriless schemer, as he merely passed the time by closing his eyes. "I swear Zexion, if we're stuck here! I will show you that I left Vexen off easy with the pyrotechnics!" Axel barked, so much his canine teeth almost became daggers right there. Vexen slowly floated by, his long hair over his face, making him look like Cousin "it". "I am so pleased to hear that you made my death so placid, Axel. In that moment, I really thought you were really trying." Vexen smirked in his casually scientific voice. "If I could start a fire in this place, you and Zexion would so be bonfires right now!" Axel barked again, really losing his cool. Zexion's eyes opened in a split-second, his eye contact directly at nothing in particular. "If everyone would please assume the lateral degree I am currently at, we will be arriving soon." Just about everyone obeyed, except for Axel, who was horizontal unlike the others. "Why is everybody listening to him?!" Axel's eyes were becoming like burning flames themselves. "he's the reason we're in this-" Light, true light, and scenery replaced the nothingness so quickly, Axel was instantly cut off, still being on his stomach in accordance to... the ground. And everyone was at least six feet up in the air! The fall would be brief, but also so very painful. For every Nobody, the landing was graceful, as the opening in the bottom of their cloaks acted like parachutes, their feet gently touching the dirt and grass of an unfamiliar place. I'm sorry, but I can't write anymore tonite.
Like said, there are four suspected traitors leaking Info to the IRIS Netowork, which will be explained later. Marluxia, Larxene, and Axel are most likely suspects among the others, but that leaves out one other, and let's just say there's only one traitor in the list of Kingdom hearts story-line traitors. The three Organization members who betrayed the Organization in Kingdom hearts are under a close-watch, but they are trusted to a certain degree.
This has already probably been done, but what the "Gives you Hell"- All American Rejects.
Eh? What does Spam wars mean?? I MUST KNOOOOOW!
For those who don't know, Beyond Good and Evil is a game that was released by Ubisoft in 2003. It is a very in-depth game, supporting stunning graphics, which aren't half-bad today, a good original story line, and a cast of entertaining characters. It was not at all a bad game, but due to its hard core and challenging gaming style, it suffered in the sales department, though still not lacking in being Critically acclaimed. A new Sequel is To be announced, though confirmed, with more modern graphics. I personally suggest playing Beyond Good and Evil for Hard core gamers who aren't afraid of using their heads to get to the end, and for those who love great stories. Background Info on characters: Jade: A Female reporter in her early 20's who lives in a Lighthouse along with canine Woof, the children orphaned by the DomZ kidnappings, and her "uncle" Pey'j. It appears that she is not actually human, as suggested in the first game. She fights with a Deï-jo stick, which she uses against the DomZ creatures. Black hair, green lips, wears a dark green jackets, light pink shirt, dark green pants, and squeakless shoes to allow for stelth, which she is very adept at lurking in the shadows. Equiped with a camera and a glove that shoots energized disks. Works for the IRIS Netowork as a reporter under the code name: Shauni. Pey'j: A Sus Sapien who is half man, half boar. He's Jade's adopted Uncle, and a mechanical genius. Wearing a similiar jacket to Jade's, a white undershirt, smothered with sweat, jeans, and a pair of gravity-defying jet boots. He fights a with a highly advanced tool wrench, which can also be used to fix mechanical things. He is in fact the secret cheif of the IRIS network. Hub: A former Sergeant in the Hillyan Army, he now works with the Underground, but has gone missing ever since his last mission. He wears large, bulky dull-yellow armour, employing a very formidable hammer-like weapon. Code name: Double H. Other NPC Hillyan characters who will be potrayed by myself for story-line sakes. What are Sora and Company doing on Hillys? They have come across the world while flying in the gummi-ship, detecing strong Heartless and Nobody movements. Unfortuneatly, Organization XIII is controlling both Kingdom hearts factions, and dealing with the DomZ along with another mysterious traitor. Speaking of traitors, many members believe that four members within the Organization is leaking info to the IRIS Network. All pretend as if it not them. Rules: 1.) You are allowed one character from the Hillys Hero list, as there's only three playable characters, and two Kingdom hearts roles. For instance, you could be Double H, Sora and Donald, or even Sora, Jade, and Axel. It doesn't matter which faction you pick on the Kingdom hearts side, you can even be on both sides. 2.) Try to simulate the character's personalities in the best way. It is suggested that you had at least play BG&E before, or you've looked them up and know them moderately well. 3.) No yaoi, yuri, or yiff. Mild straight flirtation is permitted, but please, no relationships that plainly...wouldn't work out. e.g. SoraxJade, Double HxJade, Pey'jxKairi..0_0" How about just SoraxKairi and we can keep it at that. 4.) Please respect your fellow player. 5.) Do not spam, powerplay, or control and/or kill another persons character, unless it is a NPC DomZ creature, Heartless, Nobody, or Alpha Section trooper. 6.) A fight scene will be alerted if coming up, and once the complete party has reached the various assigned objectives, a cutscene of sorta will occur, where I will lead on to where the story is going next. 7.) Feel free to stay in one place for as long as the entire cast would like, just don't keep them there forever. 8.) Have fun! Cast: Hillys Heroes: Jade- Pey'j- BaseSebastian Hub- Hillys Villians/Misc.: DomZ creatures/Alpha sections/IRIS Network leaders/Various Hillys Denizens- BaseSebastian Kingdom Hearts Heroes: Sora- Goofy- Donald- Kairi- Riku- Serious King Mickey- BaseSebastian Kingdom Hearts Villians: Heartless/Nobodies: Organization XIII- Xemnas: Xigbar: Xaldin: Vexen: Lexeaus: Zexion: Saïx: Axel: Demyx: Luxord: BaseSebastian Marluxia: Larxene: Namine' and Roxas are left out, but will be featured in chapter-like cutscenes. First chapter Intro will be released when the following requirments are met: Somebody is playing: Jade, Pey'j, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Kairi, and Riku Special announcement to RP moderators: Due to my involuntary inactivity, please do not close this RP down, please, even after the 30 days without a post deadline.
When we last left Demyx, Stitch, Goofy, and Hercules.. Demyx finds out Burger King needs a new paint job, and goes to the holy land of Home Depot to purchase some much needed paint. In the process, he accidentally runs over a forgotten Fast Food Mascot, and meets a alien who looks human called Mork from some TV show from the 70's. Hercules finds himself in a comatose state, his musclehead bruised from smashing into a wall. After being taken to the Hospital, not much else is known from this point. Stitch is still eating some onion rings and drinking his soda. He is preparing to take over Herc's job at McDonald's. Meanwhile, A large, prolonged snore interupts the announcer.-...Er... What was I saying?... Oh! Right...*AHEM*, Meanwhile, Goofy found out that he is the clone of Mickey Yourke, but terribly disfigured to look better and- The snore happens again, showing Goofy asleep on the counter once again, drool dribbling from the corner of his snout. Oh Dear God! He's asleep again! Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce the latest in Goof Alarm clock technology,... THE FOG HORN! SCREEEEEE! Hearing a very loud, very disturbing noise enter his ears, Goofy wakes with a startled jump and commotion, proceeding to mess up the entire work area around him. He then rubs his head, and pays more attention to his post. ** Meanwhile, Stitch finishes his meal with a very gross, very smelly burp. The smell of onion rings mixed with cocoa-cola fills the air in the Burger King, as the abomination leaves through the door. Thus concludes our catching up prog- "Hey!" Comes a voice from offstage, and Demyx comes storming in to face the announcer. "What about me??" He demands to know. Oh yes, so sorry. AHEM, Demyx is a dork and will be continued later. Dorkyx, er-...Demyx becomes extremely blank in the face, standing in the same spot looking into empty space.
I am somewhat back. Yay! ^^ My Uncle and Grandparents know I'm on here, and the only one who can not know is my Mother... who would go ballistic....
Thanks! Happy New Year to you too!....WHY IS MY MESSAGE NOT AS FLASHY???! >,< (Do'nt feel compelled to answer, I know how you get those glitters. XP)
Allowed. Keep in mind however, I can't get on alot these days.
OOC: You know that's a song right? I ran over the taco bell dog. And what Demyx talks about is some of the lyrics. xD BIC: After getting out the synagog, Demyx is surprised to find his lowrider stolen. However, right behind it, more boggling than already neccessary, is a what looked like a giant egg. Demyx closed in on it, cautious, and screamed like a little girl when it cracked open to reveal....a man. "Nanu Nanu." The being said in a friendly manner, offering his hand out with the fingers splitted at the ring and middle fingers. He looked human, with hair at his shoulders and wearing a red-space outfit. "Ummm...Hi....?" Demyx murmured, feeling a wet spot in his own suit. "I am Mork from Ork. I have come to study your race." The being went on went on in a estactic but monlouged manner. "Okay...I should have skipped driving and gone for a jog. Want to join me and we can talk about....the human race?" Demyx continued sheepishly. "What is a jog? And why would you- Gah! I had no idea some beings on your planet lacked the other dimension needed to make them not discus." Mork started off in his usual care-free way, but when he looked at the crushed dog, he went into a similiar panic as Demyx. "Wha?" "Why is that pooch a pancake?!" "oh...that...I'm pretty sure it was somebody else. Come on, let's go before the authoritys show up- I mean, it gets darker."
Hours later, as Demyx drove on, he immediatly realized he must have gotten lost in the dark fog of the evening. "Oh man, I'm confused, where am I?" He grunted sheepishly. Demyx hoping to find his way back somehow, reached under the dashboard for a map. "Yo equero Mexico." Came a woofish voice from the front of the car, and then a smush followed it. "Oh Mama!" Demyx shouted, hearing the smush. Without a hestitation, he stopped the car and got out, and what he saw scared the wits out of him. "I ran over the taco bell dog! My lowrider crushed that little chiwawa!" Demyx paniced. "Now they will lock me up with 20 locks....unless I can pin it all on that Jack-in-the-box guy. I'll be whipped then beaten, and then I'll be flogged. I RAN OVER THE TACO BELL DOG!" Demyx went on panicing. He turned around, looking for help, and saw two buildings. One was the "First Mexican church of Barrack" and the other was a synagoge(sp?). "Ummm...I'll just beg forgiveness and maybe I won't go to hell for flattening that pup." Demyx ran into the synagoge.
Ring! Ring! The phone holder shakes as a call comes in. And unfortunatly, the phone finds itself implanted on Demyx's confused, sleeping face soon enough. Waking up with a start, Demyx speaks into the phone. "Yes? Burger King." Unhearable by others, a thin-voice speaks from the other end. "Oh, Axel, it's management. They say we have to change the paint them around the store. Sand and light brown colors." Demyx spoke up to Axel, getting himself to his feet, and still listening to the phone. "Okay, I just need to go out and get some paint. Okay, bye." And he hung up. pulling his hood up, he walked out of the store to get into his Baby-blue lowrider, driving out of the parking lot to get some paint. "I'd better hurry...it's getting late.." OOC: Look around, and Burger King's have actually been getting new paint themes. Or at least where I live. Also, I'm going to have fun with Demyx in the next post.
If you know a way, I'd like to hear it. Trust me, you'd be doing me a huge favor. Also...My condolences upon the yellow Sudwoodo. Yes, I write Fanfictions too. DF is a great writer, far better than I.
Not if I slip only once and forget to delete Google History. Or maybe kh-vid.net history. I dunno, there's also links I follow on here that would be hard to explain. And thanks for the defense. Not going to happen. Ever since a tragedy involving a friend and the web, her senses of mistrust have gone up twofold. Then I suggest a loving pet, preferably not a dog with a bladder infection.