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  1. BaseSebastian
  2. BaseSebastian
    Check your sig shop. Please.
    Profile Post by BaseSebastian for Advent, May 11, 2009
  3. BaseSebastian
    Render (No stocks, I won't use them; you can find renders here): Any picture of a Catholic Saint, Sebastian. Would this qualify as a stock or a render? This only the third time I think I've requested a sig.
    Dimensions (Default is 400x125, I like to keep it around that usually): Default
    Text (I'm not too great at text placement yet, so if you want text, I'll include a version of the sig with text, and a version of the sig without the text; again, leave blank if you don't want anything): Thy Will be done.
    Style/Color (I'll ATTEMPT to stick to this, though sometimes my outcomes look different from what I envisioned; leave blank if you want me to come up with it myself): Try to keep with Gold, but not too bright, shades of Navy blue, and green. Design can be whatever you so wish, though I prefer an "industrial" or "gilded tapestry" look.

    You can even use the picture in my avatar. That's Saint Sebastian.

    Reason: I recently got confirmed in the Catholic church, and I chose the name "Sebastian." Ironic, no? xP

    If you choose not to do this Sig, I won't mind. It does stretch into a religious ground.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, May 11, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  4. BaseSebastian
    At last, I am confirmed! ^^ I had my Confirmation on April 24, 2009, and I chose the name Sebastian. Kind of Ironic, right? I was confirmed in a Maronite Rite Church, so techincally, I am now a member of the Maronite Church I think. And being a Maronite is no different than being Roman-Catholic.

    The Maronites were started by a group of monks who were taught under St. Maron, the only true Saint recognized by by Rome of Lebanon. We're still a Catholic Rite, there's about 22 I believe, look it up, and not so much differs to our mass except that masses are often said in full aramaic(sp?), but always for the blessing of the Eucharist. And that's about the only difference.

    Yes, the Rite is Lebanese-Catholicism, and so the Catholics over in the Middle-East literally have to pray for their lives. Esp. now.

    So, hope everyone liked their history lesson. xD
    Post by: BaseSebastian, May 11, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. BaseSebastian
    Disclaimer: I am a dude. I am a human dude. However, I am a Catholic and aside from that benefit, principaly level-headed, who is not restrained by the biases of stereo-types about disobeying their own faith. Therfor, let me say, I did not do anything , shall we say, rash(?) when I did some researching into this field.

    As it turns out, many Hooters Sports Restaurants require their workers who have the eponymous(?) anatomy to be a certain bra size. This will often press certain women into having surgery done. This is wrong.

    I recall another stereo-type about a different sub-class of people known as Asians or Orientals to be very "flat-chested". This is where that aforementioned research became... risky to my staying on the internet. (Or staying alive for that matter) Merely search "gravure" or "Rin Aoki" in any Image Search engine, and you most likely be tempted to do any of several vulgar things that cannot be named on a forum such as this. Not to be self-righteous, but I did none of these things, like I said before as well. I actually don't suggest you actually search these keywords; It's more just evidence to the whole "quest for wrongful perfection." You cannot tell me all those women found have never had plastic surgery, esp. the living hentai-anime character "Aoki".

    I also researched that most Women actually do get several types of surgery to either get a guy, or further please the one they have. I believe more than half of these women, according to the source, were pressed by a male counterpart. As you can guess, this is borderline wrong. I'm afraid that's all I can say about it. It's actually more of a choice on the operatee's part as far as I can see.

    And the reason I quoted Kitty_has_claws is because of this last note:
    To help everyone from actually searching such things as "gravure" and other such keywords, let me paint a picture mentally. "If a single one of these girl walked into a hospital for a CHECK-UP, the entire emergency room would be cleaned out for her." So while you are correct that is is neither wrong in the case of breast reduction, but also not totally incorrect that breast augmentation or "enhancement" is fundamentally insane, there is only so far one can go in any field of plastic surgery, before they are truely able to be considered an abomination. Oh, and another mental picture: "Hell... if you choose to search anyway and... please whatever-have-yourself." Even if you don't believe in it; I am sure that even if it didn't exist, it would be spontaneously created for your sole containment. That's how much I really don't want anyone actually attempting to research this subject ever again for the purpose of this thread. It's honestly not worth your dignity.

    (And if I seem to be only talking to men, I'm not. Seeing these images, even on a search engine, would turn the straightest woman Lesbian, I swear.) For once, I'm not actually kidding around. This is probably my most serious post ever in this area of the forum.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, May 11, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  6. BaseSebastian
    In response to Princess Aurora, I will first commence by converting Stitch to Catholicism! Muahahahahahaha! xD A little joke on my status in the Debate Zone. But seriously, my hand in this story is not as big for my character as it was when Base was first introduced into it. I hope Shades will let me write a few scenarios to fit in for Base and Stitch, but, this is afterall, his story, he can eat cake if he wants to. Or kill to birds with a half-eaten twinky or something.

    Speaking of Twinkies, I think I get the implemention of the Twinky in this story. George W. Bush was played by his best impersonator, Josh Brolin, in the movie W., and the same actor got acclaimed regard for playing another Political role where his character eats a twinky, and whatdoyouknow, there's a dead mayor and a dead Gay Guy who was actually a good politician. I am sorry to my Christian brothers on KHV, but you have to admit, there have been worse politicians. *KOFF* Really hard name to pronounciate. Sold Obama's Senate seat*KOFF* I must have ADD or something, I totally sidetracked. Am I right in this guess about this twinky implemation?

    Anyway, great chapter, I was thrilled from beginging to end. And Yoda's voice spontaneously resounded in my head: "begun, the Pink Teal War has." Genius! xD
    Post by: BaseSebastian, May 10, 2009 in forum: Archives
  7. BaseSebastian
  8. BaseSebastian
    I agree with the religious point-of-view, but comparing the K.K.K to us is like comparing Hitler to... Crap... We have so many Evil people, but when it comes to the Saints, we're not allowed to have them. >,< We can't even use the name "Army of God" to describe our preaching abroad anymore. Freakin' terrorists.

    Anyway, the Catholic-Kid is back for a short time, and I've said what I've had to say about Plastic surgery, pretty much, except that there are definately two types of plastic surgery, from a comical point of view:

    There is the case of a female breaking her back to lift probably the equivelant of a gallon or more of milk on her chest, perverts will now stop snickering, and the other case is a woman with extensive surgery who pushes the doors of building open, not with her hands, and walks in five minutes later.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, May 10, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. BaseSebastian
    A area point out, if I may? Transgender surgery is probably the dumbest surgery you could undergo, not because of the whole "you were born like that, deal with it thing", but because of natural Human nature. For instance, some surgery procedures can be fixed if the patient decideds that's not what they wanted, but Transgender surgery is a one-way road.

    Also, I'd just like to make it clear to everyone, that caring about the way you look is important, but there's a balance. You don't have to get Lipo for that extra few pieces of flab on the stomach, and if your a blond chick, and already "impressive", Breast augmentation literally makes you a "dumb blond." It's all about taking care of yourself, but not looking like a double for the Hunchback of Notredam either, neccessarily.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Mar 10, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. BaseSebastian
    That, my friend, was a miracle. The definition of miracle is anything that disobeys or goes beyond the laws of nature and science. The real meaning is... whatever God helps you to make it be. To quote from a movie that wasn't totally off-base: "A Teenager who says no to Drugs and Yes to an education...that's a miracle."

    So, Miracles happen everyday.

    And to finish off, some may have noticed the artist formerly known as Bunterx's signature quote. I rewrite it saying:
    Civilization will not attain to it's true perfection, until the last stone, from the last Church, falls on Bill Maher. We can rebuild. ;)
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Mar 10, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  11. BaseSebastian
  12. BaseSebastian
    I have no clue. And I've never seen a Non-Hentai, or even Hentai for that matter, xP, character with an augmented chest. So honestly, I don't get the point.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. BaseSebastian
    It sorta depends on how busty the character is. A character could look half normal, or look like a very large pair of bees stung them...someplace. I honestly don't know the real reason Japanese artists draw females that way, but it does attract male readers. And what kind of Non-hentai characters are we talking about here. Most characters I can think of look normal.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. BaseSebastian
    He's really old. Born in the 1800's I think. He was born James Howlett, not Logan, the meek and constantly sick son of a rich and kind man. James was constantly sick, he couldn't even go out in the sun for very long, so a young girl was employed to watch over young James. The girl's name was Rose. Growing up was great for both of them, and one other child who lived near by, except that the other child, "Dog", was the son of the drunk and abusive landkeeper, Logan. Logan had the hots for Jame's Mother, hated his Father, and beat his son up alot. Eventually, Logan takes up arms against the Howletts, and windes up dead, courtesy of three bony claws to his midsection. However, Logan doesn't die without at least some pleasure, which was blowing Jame's Father's face off with a gun, right in front of Young Wolverine. That's the night Ol' Wolvie gets his powers, and Rose and him flee. Both of Jame's parents are dead, by the way, Missus Howlett went crazy and shot herself in the head. "It's not going to hurt..." <<..." Yeah right. The rest up until Wolvering gets his handle "Wolverine" because of how hard he works, and he accidentally kills Rose. Yeah it's real sad.

    Wolverine has served in more than one American War. Due to his Healing factor, which can vary in speeds depending on how bad off he is, (Example, a scrape will patch up within minutes, while it would take maybe an hour after being hit by a truck, and yes, this has happened.) he was always on the frontlines, and employed for the more dangerous missions. His animalistic rage didn't hurt either...except those who wound up being the targets.

    How he got his metal bones was because of the Weapon X program. There's different variants of the Weapon X happenings, but in any way, Wolverine has lost all his memories, and he's just one more bit indestructible. In some older stories, after joining the X-men, Magneto rips Wolverine's Metal-skeleton coating out, leaving him with his regular bones.

    Lastly, Wolverine, despite being solemn and silent in most cases, is a real parental figure in the X-men, helping out with the more outcast of the outcast, like Rougue, Shadowcat, Jubilee, and X-23 (Pretty much his clone but a teenage girl). He hates Cyclops sometimes, but some of his closer allies, as close as anyone can get to being friends with him (XP), include Gambit, Nightcrawler, Ice man and Collosuss.

    Tell me if you need anything else on Wolverine, and I'd like some good rep for this as well.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. BaseSebastian
    Hobobis, adding from Rainbow's post, I'd like to say that God only gives you what you deserve, and even if your totally right in God's eyes, it's your parents that say about the puppy. God doesn't just merge a new dog together in your living room because you were nice, and he esp. wouldn't do that behind your parents back.

    It's sort of the same predicament in most cases. Except you replace parents with other worldly factors. God is all Powerful, God is Almighty, but God isn't Alldo-it-for-you.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. BaseSebastian
    I couldn't help laughing at Pete when Genie kept pushing him around, hugging him, and making fun of his weight, thinking Pete was Al[addin]. The first intro, being like 7 years old, I was all like: IT'S ABOUT FREAKIN' TIME! BUT WHERE'S ROBIN WILLIAM'S VOICE! I didn't know about his Vendetta against Dinsey, with the whole Genie merchandise coming out at the same time as the Movie Toys. Truth be told, in KH I, I was ticked, but by KH II, I was used to Genie-Homer.
    Post by: BaseSebastian, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. BaseSebastian
  18. BaseSebastian
  19. BaseSebastian

    Zola. Quite possibly the worst right-hand man to ever have in any galazy, anywhere in the Universe. Fowl smelling, cunning, power-hungry, and a sabetour, he had helped bring many worlds to its knees by taking out their most prized Heroes. He was, by no means, an impressive alien. Tall and incredulously lanky, he maintained only one power. The ability to teleport one being from one place, and put them in another. He used this power for none other, than the most powerful Tyrant in the known Universe, Mazer. His blue, reptilian scaled skin was quickly turning purple, a taletell sign of worriment in his species, and this also showed in his large Black, saucer-sized eyes. He rolled his two taloned fingers on his desk, thinking of his life no doubt soon coming to an end.

    Mazer lived off the souls of Heroes fallen. For the past Bicentury, Zola had sustained the powerful being, but now, candidates were running low. Zola knew that in the throes of his death, Mazer would call for Zola, and devour him before he died himself. Zola thought of the numerous Heroes who were forced to do battle against each other, each believing their Hero bretheren from other worlds were themselves Villians. These Heroes would kill each other off, until only one remained. Then, "The Victor", would be brought to the "King" to "accept his prize." The prize being swallowed whole by the gigantic, bestial Ruler of Slum City. In his thoughts, he did not realize he was biting his extremely thin lips, and when your teeth were rows of sharp daggers, you would draw blood this way. Grabbing a nearby tissue to soak up his slowly draining green blood, he sighed heavily. His Master Mazer would die in exactly One Month. Even if he could gather a batch of victims, Zola would also have to make sure they would all die out in less than One month.

    "Dast this acursed machine!" Zola cursed the large moniter in front of him. The machine was supposed to search out Heroes and their locations, so that Zola could bring them to Slum City. "I am doomed for sure!" He pounded one weak fist on the keyboard. In latent terms, doing this was never a good venture.

    The machine began to work double the time it usually did, destroying all previous recorded data of devoured victims, but to Zola's great astonishment, also brought up the pictures of a dozen Heroes in action. His prayers to the Dark Polns had been answered! There were enough Heroes on this list to sustain his Master for at least half a century. Certainly long enough to look for even more Heroes in the mean time. The problem with the Hero finding machine, was that it usually only found a Candidate every five years. This stroke of luck would not last long. Quickly, Zola began searching through the specs on each Hero, three of which Heroines, and beared his dangerous smile.

    Pressing the the intercommunication button, Zola bent over his tall frame to speak into a sparkling glass tube resembling a fully-flowered plant. "Master Mazer...?" Zola spoke with slight fear, his gravely voice raising a pitch half-sentence. There was no garuntee Mazer would answer right away, but this time, luck was on Zola's side.

    "Yes,........Zola?" Bellowed the deep, omnious voice of one who was both very large, very evil, and possibly even very Corbulent.

    "I have found exactly twelve meals for your gloriousness. Shall I bring them here...?"

    " core grows weaker, my Servant......Bring them now......Bring me......more Heroes!"

    Kingdom hearts
    Jak and Daxter
    Super Mario
    Legend of Zelda
    Beyond Good and Evil
    To be cont.

    Playable Cast:
    Slum City Denizens:
    Zola- BaseSebastian
    Esta the Banker-
    Pasdel the Car dealer-
    Froyt the Arms Dealer-
    Grone the Bartender-

    Hero 1-Sora-
    Hero 2-Nathan "Nate" Drake- BaseSebastian
    Hero 3-Jak/Daxter- BaseSebastian
    Hero 4-Spyro the Dragon-
    Hero 5-Mario-
    Hero 6-Wolverine/Gambit-
    Hero 7-Link-
    Hero 8-Shauni(Jade)-

    Thread by: BaseSebastian, Mar 8, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. BaseSebastian