You do know that being a rainbow can also mean you're... Nevermind. I won't say anything. *Innocent whistle*
Both of the attached files are really the closest thing to no background I could get. I figure it won't look too bad. That Link sig with the stock photo didn't come out that horrible to say the truth.
Awesome! The guy making my sig is a staff member! xD Jk, with some manner of seriousness in there. Congrats! I hope you'r not high up there enough to not do any more sigs. xP You're too awesome!
My First thought was "Okay, the guy with the blindfold on his face is Riku, but who's the guy on the ground kicking those Steroid-Shadows shnikeless?" And then when I saw his face, I thought somehow Sora had become somebody named Roxas, without knowing anything about CoM or Nobodies. So intially, I thought Square had made Sora into somebody new, but I eventually caught on in the freakin' long tutorial.
I have bad news. I leave tomorrow like I said; which means I may not be on for a while. But, for this RP, I will try my hardest to break the rules.
Radical Gay People are more dominant in today's world. The equivelant is an Army of God terrorist being Pope. And any remarks about Nazi-relevance to the current one are quite plainly stupid, to note as well. Gay people have been in existence for over 2,000 years. It's just in that nature. So, in this new culture where Radical gay people "help" to rule over what is tolerated, Fangirls are more likely to draw what they draw, and it must be loved and seen by all. And the thing is, that Heterosexual images that are able to viewed in today's public are now popularly accepted. We are only a step away from Yaoi being on the cover of "People" magazine and everyone must deal.
Well... this was an epic failure... -_-" You see, I'm trying to substaintly up my post number without spamming, and the Debate Corner was my only option because the other places where posts count, I find the topics to be "Not as satisfying." I mean intelligentally. But, I suppose I should at least give it a try. I need a 1,000 post total to finally reach Platinum.
I was hoping for a bit more intelligence in the matter, but then again, what intelligence is there to expect in a subject that is usually brought up by the errors of Fangirls?
Jesus and St. Peter, Timon and Pumbaa, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, Ernie and Bert, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, Sora and Riku, and by the last one, you should get the point: Axel and Roxas. What do people find so wrong with two guys who act like brothers, though they aren't actually related? It is a very serious matter I find. Can some people not have a mind enough to grasp that some people can be straight, and also have a Best friend who is the same gender as them? They can even love one another, but not with a sexual attraction. An unconditional love. Maybe that is why so many people think monogy is some kind of wood. While it is true, Gay people do exist, but why must their existence lead to the corruption of minds to automatically assume that two guys in a bar, having a drink together, are dating? There is an old Biblical term: "As close as Jonathan and David." This goes back all the way to the time of King Saul, when Jonathan and David were such close friends, they could trust the other with their life with no sexual interaction involved. But too many cannot grasp this concept, and many even waste pure artistic talent on drawing several of the aforementioned pairs in a odd intercourse with the other. This is not a thread about Gay people. This is a thread debating whether the people who can understand the true meaning of this homosociality (Note: Not Sexuality) or those who oppose them, are in greater numbers. Please No Spamming, Religion bashing, and definately(!) NO IMAGES OF YAOI ON THIS THREAD!! Keep your opinions fair, and open-minded, unless the other should truely make not a lick of sense. It's really your desicion to agree or not.
Sebax is watching you; WATCHING!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Lightning bolt cue; enter.* And I've got the coolest sidekick. PWN'D! xP Just kidding. I don't even really say PWN'D unless to be funny. I don't "Geek things out." >>...<<... No blanking comment.
Now did I say Roman-Catholics were boring? :p I used to be a Roman-Catholic before my family started going to the Maronite rite. I understand now that I was already practicing being an adult Catholic before my Confirmation; two words... or names... whatever: Cin and BunterX. I was already defending my faith against the two toughest Athesits on KHV, and the most stubborn. x)
I will read as much as I can of the original RP as a I patiently await your reply on the "Controversiality" (I make up words now? xP) of my OC. I...
Only for a short time, I'm afraid. Until Wednesday, I will have full acess to, but after that, it could be a long or short time before I log on again. But I'm trying to make the most of my time. :)
I chose a Historical figure. Is this to be allowed? I mean, this figure is very capable of fighting and his reason for being in the Under dome...
Does it have to be a Nobody character?
I see. Will this deux be revealed soon? I'd also like to implement a OC, if that's possible.
You sent me a Rp invitation for something called the "Under dome", but I don't know where to find the exact RP thread. Is it a crossover, regular,...
I am my own person. But I am an actor of sorts. When I act, I keep these different characters in my head as inspiration; not a ripoff. And if your so critical of sigs, just wait until my new one gets done. You despise People of Faith as well?
Nah, I've heard "Speed of sound", and was forced to sing it on a video game xP, and it's not all that bad. Had to sing like a freakin' chipmunk to get high enough notes...but not half a bad song...xD
I know Saint Peter won't call my name. Never an honest word; but that was when I ruled the world. Gotta love the use of strings and Church bells as Alternative Rock instruments. xP