On a personal level, I must reply Luxord... who you went to the both of naming wrong in the poll...-_-" I've been waiting way too long to play as the most debonair Nobody ever, and I have to admit, though he is difficult to make reach his highest potential, he is no doubt when of the most balanced and best fighters of at least 13 choices. (The King, Riku, Xion, etc... aren't mentioned in the poll, all the while, I still think Luxord bests them all too.) But this is simply a matter of opinion on my part.
Well unfortunately, I've been under close watch for the past few years, and this site is still the best kept secret from my family.
Anyone can rate Fishy instead of me. I was being worryful a dude would post before me, and I'd have a high number for a dude. -_-"
My sexyness is a time paradox. Hell yeah; don't think I don't know what 0/1 is. It goes on- FOREVUR! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ummm. For starting this spam thread: 2/10.
10/1000. That pretty much sucks, but I don't mean it for iFishy I guess. I don't know iFishy I think. So, I'm just rating based on whoever posts within the time I'm posting, because the Spam zone is just like dat. xP EDIT: I was lucky, I posted right below Fishy. Therfor, my scoring is: 7/10. I know you're a female, but I don't have a freakin' clue of what you look like.
0-0"... I shall have to ask everyone in the theater I go to if they use the name "Clawtooth" at all. *Gulp* I'll have to admit one thing about DDC: The plot of the movie sucks... but the puzzles, riddles, and places that are involved are a nice touch. But can you really blame me for hating the plot? It's a movie about a theory Jesus married one of his disciples. Can you see the ability that gives for a twitch of the eyebrow, at least?
Knowing you... I question how you mean that.. >>...<<... But I will accept the compliment, if that's what it is. Fiction Exactly. The entire reason, so far, the Church and Vatican alike are protesting, is because of the tension Da Davinci Code started, and that "A war is going on in the Vatican." Personally, I don't care where the war is. It could be on Mt. Calvary or in Bethlehem for all I care, just so long as the point is that evil is being prevented. And that's exactly the word to describe the Illuminati. They started out as a peaceful society based entirely around science, but then, or so I hear, became full devil-worshipers, hence the title "Angels & Demons." When the Illuminati began to actually threaten the human race (Because those guys make today's Atheists look like push-overs), I think that pretty much justified the "masacare" described in the movie. Of course, nothing about death is justifiable, but when you and the the entire race is at risk, I think that gives you a reason for something. But what I mean is, exactly what you mean. Also, I did pick up the actual book A&D to read the back, and it lead-on that it was the prequel, but then the movie trailer made it sound like "He revealed the biggest cover-up in Human History, now the very same people he almost destroyed, are hiring him." Or something like that. And what exactly does Deception point cover, exactly? I hear they will make that into a movie as well. But it's mostly fiction, with real elements involved. And as a side note, I'd just like to add: We Catholics are in big enough shniz already in this "War against the church." We apparently don't "believe" in any parts of scientific laws, which is a lie in itself, the fact of Bill Maher's existence doesn't help either, and Pope Benedict gets the biggest bullets of all from the crossfire in a double-play. 1.) He is German. Ooo! He must be a Nazi... who wears funny hats... (****'in Maher's) 2.) Don't think that even I haven't noticed how he bears an almost strong resemblance to Emperor Palpatine. >,< EDIT: Some even think A&D is Tom Hank's and Dan Brown's half-apology for DDC. Hence the reason DDC was released first, methinks.
I guess the "St. Sebastian idea" will have to be dropped then. I cannot find a single render of the good Saint anywhere on the entire freakin' net. Could you try this perhaps? Do the entire sig and make two copies: One with the either of the St. Sebastian stock pictures I offered, and one with a render of the below attached file. Forget the option of without text. I will take the text no matter how it looks. But if I can get St. Sebastian or not is my main concern. But believe me, you're definately getting rep for this. Here's the other option. It has a bordered box around the two characters, but it has a white background.
I want to see it. I mean, I know the real Vatican is going against the movie because of the crap Dan Brown has written before, but Angels & Demons actually shows the religion he mocked in the first book with a little bit better of a light. I actually want to see it, but if they start any more Mary Magdelen(Sp?) Bull**** I'm literally going to yell "Bull****" in the theater and walk out. I am NOT freakin' kidding. I'll allow them refering to it, but any more "revelations", and I will vomit in an Atheist's popcorn and walk out. Okay, maybe not that first-part, but definately the second. But seriously, this movie, judging by the trailer, isn't that bad looking. For instance, the Catholics are the good guys who did something long ago to prevent a peaceful that turned into a very violent group from overtaking the world. When the Illuminati come back for revenge on the church, they employ the guy who "revealed the biggest cover-up in human history"(Again, I say Bull****. Bull**** is what I say. Plain out Bull.... crap.... what did you think I was censoring??) to help defend the church. There is even a freakin' Preist working with what'shisname Tom Hank plays. So, as a word to all Catholics, I suggest going to see this movie just to see if it really is as bad as it leads-on to be. But any more "Jesus got married!" Crap, and you may walk out on the spot. They will know us by our actions, such as a single finger-raised in the direction of Hank's face, if need be ...xP Now, the reason I didn't put this in the movie section, which I debated, is because this is still an open discussion on how bad the movie is, apart from the actual theme of the movie. It is a discussion mainly about how Catholics view it. For instance, This movie could be bloodier than Hell, and still get the highest rating ever, and then when Boondock Saints: All Saints' Day comes out, everyone's going to be like "Wtf, that was crap!" So then, have it, everyone. What in your opinion, makes this movie a little bit better than the last piece of trash from Brown. (Also note: Even Brown knows what he's written is purely fiction, and sometimes even laughs there's people that actually use what he says as evidence to the contrary of reality.)
I recall the person who you center your profile around once said: "*I forget the name* Can kiss my swinging Emerald *Forum Censor*." This is...
Jokes, yes. I agree there. I mentioned Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis among the unfortunates who gets paired, and that was fired up because Jerry would smack Dean right on the lips to get a laugh. They also got married in one skit, and Jerry Lewis was in a bridal outfit. xD It all starts with what feeds it all. What get's people to think it. Walt Disney loved Mickey Mouse more than he could ever think of loving a woman, King Saul thought the aforementioned Jonathan was becoming gay because of how close he was with David, and Axel... well... we can all pick a line and agree where people got the idea. I once brought up the subject of simply Akuroku, and blamed it largely on Gay using a rallying beacon of sorts, but it turns out, not many Gay people actually do draw any kind of off Yaoi in characters that we generally know. They tend to wait for a character that is indefinatbly(sp?) Gay because the people who made that character said so, before they use that character for anything.
If it weren't for that cheek, Anti-Alaskanism, and John McCain obviously being a Ku Klux Klan Member since it's est., he might of won.
Oh, then I feel better.
You freakin' racist.
Oh! Can I be the talking dog?!?! I know he can tend to talk so much, so I know I wouldn't fit it very well, but the Dog is so awesome! OMG! He's almost as awesome as our newest moderator, but not nearly that cool. But seriously, that dog talks way too much.
Does Marluxia count? xP He was actually planned to be a fem character, hence the Pink hair and flowery powers. But, if there were two girls in the entire Organization, and they both happened to be traitors, this would spark feminist Hell braking on Sqaure, so Marluxia is instead a glorious light for Gays everywhere. "The next person to call me a Gay person will be the first to actually have their head cut off by a pink scythe!" Ahem, sorry. My actual vote is Namine'. She's got that "unconventional beauty."
What-ith, the ****ith?
I-eth not-eth. Ith Merely-eth a joke-eth. I use God's name in vain everyday. I try not to, but it happens. There are worse sinners. e.g "I try not to do drugs, abort babies, and sleep with every person of the opposite and same sex every day, but it happens." Or: "I try not to envy Ioan's red name, but it happens." xD *KOFF ATLAS KOFF*
Don't doth use the Lord's name in vain-ith. Use the name's pop-culture hath giveth us all. e.g Bruce and Evan.
Attempt at wit fail. Sorry, I just call it like I see it? Holy ****! Where did I hear this from?