Correction: Chosen by Scar. Why? Scar is Simba's Uncle. Simba's Daughter is Keiara(Sp? I haven't seen the movie in years). Kovu and Keiara are lions, granted, but they are also Disney characters. Ergo, Scar does have offspring with Zeira, but Scar chose another Lioness's cub to be his heir, and the cub is not in any known to be his. And whose to say Scar does not have a strong will? Demyx somehow became an Human-looking Nobody, and we all know Demyx. Scar was defeated by Scar and became a Heartless, so therefore, Scar could very well have a Nobody. Problematic however, is Spoiler the point that if a Heartless joins Kingdom Hearts before its Nobody is destroyed, then there's the fact is the being becomes whole again once the Nobody is defeated. Scar'll just come back after the climatic Pride Lands battle.
Zexion's attention was spirited away from Vexen's question, as he looked towards the door thinking he heard something. HAHAHAHAHA! Come on out! We don't bite." A voice echoed from beyond the door. It was male and distinctively latino-accented. "Bonzai, what're you talking about?" A stern female voice responded sharply. "Oh right! We do bite! Alot! Chew and chew and chew, right Ed?" The Crazy Latin voice cackled. Or maybe the sputtering laughter was another of the three unseen creatures, a third one. Very stupid sounding and manical all the same, it barely resembled the male's voice or the female's voice at all. Hearing the voices from beyond the merely locked door, no magical barriers protecting them down here, Zexion became penisieve and shouted, "Bust down the ceiling, quickly!" He commanded loudly, pointing one finger high into the air above him.
Very Good example. No problem. The character's all yours. IC: Zexion fixed his eyes on Lexeaus, whom he thought was doing something rather rash. "Calm yourself, Lexeaus. There are other ways of escape." He said in his timed tactional tone. "Corridor's, do not work, and some thing snarls at our only exit. But I'm sure there's another way of reaching the upper floors of the Castle." Zexion demanded Lexeaus stop what he was doing.
OOC: Correcto. And let me pointificate: By no means in Demyx alone. He's squished into the room by dozens of Disney Characters. This is why he can't escape the Gray Area. Also, try to make the posts a little longer guys. Explain what's happenining, and try to speak like the characters would speak. Not a problem, just a hint as to what makes a good RP experiance. IC: Xaldin called upon the winds, and they swept him high and fast into the air. Summoning his Lindworms, Xaldin floated in midair high above the tower floor, standing on a platform of solid air. Huffing his disapproval with what he saw below, he quickly leaned forward, and used his powers to jet forth, and down the side of the Tower wall, disappearing out of sight. Meanwhile, Saïx jumped over the short railing and carefully and gracefully slid down the slanted plane of the tower cone. Accurately, he jumped off at the right moment to land in the cockpit seat of the Nobody Flyer, gripping the handles to lift effortlessly off the empty space it was docked on. Lifting higher into the air, Saïx turned the craft around and stopped to hover a small bit above the tower floor, allowing the Superior easy accession. "We have work to do, Lord Xemnas." He said with a cordial bow of his head. Elsewhere, Luxord looked to his unlucky companions. "Axel, it came to my attention that Demyx did not leave the table where the dealer held a loaded gun. Out of any of us, Demyx was not of us who ran to safety." He began to theorize. "My bet is that he is either gone or trapped in the Gray Area with the rest of those disaster-stirring denizens." He gave Axel a very serious look. "There is power in numbers. We need to go first to the Gray area to get another useful good luck charm. If it comes to us being the ones unfolded, it would be better if all of us had a winning hand."
I especially liked the story that started with Vexen. Nice take on how the apprentices lost their hearts to darkness. Also, the next chapter of Homebodies is up now. I'll be working on Chapters 3-6 over the weekend, so it'll be rapid updates for at least that long. Not sure of much I'll be able to write next week.
OOC: Given. But I hate to sound like a stifler, but Xemnas doesn't start in a room. It's there on the first post that he starts with team 1 on top of the Tower that leads up to Kingdom Hearts in Kingdom Hearts II. I'm not bugging ya, but it's so there's an easy way of starting a storyline with this. You don't HAVE to change your post. So, I'll just continue as though you did what you did and said what you said as Xemnas where Team 1 is. Is that alright? BIC: Saïx could read the superior like an open book. The other two had tried as they could, but to no avail. There was no way out, and no way to regroup with the other members of the Organization. "My Lord," Saïx gave a slight gracious bow before the Leader of the Organization. "there is undoubtably no way of transporting between darkness. Yet, if I may offer a suggestion...?" He didn't literally ask, he simply questioned for formalities, "We could use the Nobody Flyers. They carry two at a time, and I can see two over the edge of this tower. We could escape to a lower floor this way." "He makes a point..., Xemnas." Xaldin need not bother with formalities, he was, after all, one of the original six apprentices of Ansem the Wise. "Truth betold, Xigbar's manipulation over the element of Gravity and mine over wind, the both of us need not the last flyer." Xaldin suggested, his face a solemn statue.
This has been resolved, thank you. Repliku is his own strike force allowed to do whatever his controller wishes. Other than that, I believe we have an adequte amount of players to begin. I suppose I will control the spare Organization members and Disney denizens for the time being, that is, until someone decides they want that character. This includes I guess: Xigbar, Xaldin, Saïx, Zexion, Lexeaus, Luxord, Roxas and Xion. If anyone else wishes to double role, I will most def. oblige. But if it's alright, I believe I'll select Luxord for myself indefinately. But if you double role, please pick other characters on your own set team. e.g I have no problem with Xemnas playing also as Saïx, Xigbar or Xaldin, but Zexion, Axel, Roxas, Xion, or Lexeaus? Please keep this temporary double-roling to your own team. And please note possibly "Temporary". You may also have to give up that character sometime during play. Well then, with that out of the way, without further adu, let's begin: Luxord sat on the corner of Axel's bed, farthest corner away from the pillow. He flipped a pair of his dice in his hand as he contemplated cause and reason. His mentally great mind was quite literally puzzled in the great mystery that was clammoring through the hall outside the closed and bolted door. The Details he knew were unfortunately limited. All he knew was that a portal had opened and ruined his entire day, and that himself, Axel, Roxas and Xion were locked in a room together without out anyway of contacting the other members of the Organization. Maybe if he gave it one more try, then there could be a chance, as Luxord was always a man of chance, (PAY ATTENTION TO THIS PART, IT IS IMPORTANT!!) He raised one black cloaked arm and extended his palm open to seemingly reach out at a blank white wall without moving from his seat. Despite his attempts, however, to open a Corridor to darkness, it simply was a wisp of black smoke that tried it's hardest to become a portal. Then the smoke died out completely, leaving Luxord to lower his arm and shake his head. They were going to be stuck here for quite some time, which was not in favor of its master this time. Little did Luxord know someone else on the other side of the Castle was mimicking him and was also attempting to open a corridor, with similiar complications and results. Xigbar stared at the empty space as he gazed out to the black and purple skyline beyond the small circle flat top of the tallest tower of the Castle that never was. He gave snarl in the general direction of empty space which he was facing, and turned to the others. "Stick a fork through us, boys, we're down." Xigbar proclaimed to his fellow Nobodies roughly. "What's going on down there anyway?" Xigbar asked to no specific person, mostly actually a question to himself, as he gestured to the stiars which had been blocked off by a magical barrier to keep World inavders from disturbing the masters of the Organization. A pair of souless eyes gazed upon the majesty that was Kingdom hearts at it's closest viewing point. So near to it, he felt the aura that radiated upon his skin, giving him a sense of deep indescribable power. Soaking in that power for a moment, wrapped in the euphoria of hearts from every world, Saïx turned to face the asker of the unanswerable question. He knew the question was largely rhetorical, so he refrained from speach. "As though it mattered, it is my guess that the enemy storms at our barricade at this very moment. They have hearts, and are so drawn to follow them, in fear, anger, and in, given the resounding snarls and growlings carried by the wind to my ears, hunger." The indomitable Xaldin noted plainly, as though the last part did not bother him, but said it also with the notion that whatever was trying futively to reach them, did not want to shake his hand. **** Larxene looked down over the edge of the tower of darkness upon which she stood. A large screen towering above her lithe and petit form, she leaned her back up against one of its supporting beams, crossing her arms over her chest. "Alright. I can see why we had to run, half of those pathetic world residents would have crushed us in their wake if we stayed, but why come here, Marly? I mean, it's soooo bor-ing up here." She sqeaked and squaked in her complaining. Marly was her choosen name for her traitorous cohort, Marluxia, whom she cocked an eyebrow at with a pouty look on her dainty but sharp face. OOC: Usually I'm against calling Marluxia "Marly" in serious RP's, but Larxene strikes me as the sort of character who would actually use the term. Again, any of the characters I used already can be requested for a double-roling while we start the real Role-playing. This also includes the characters I'm temporarily using that I didn't use right here in this post, Zexion, Roxas, Xion, and Lexeaus
The thought of roasted pork danced in Wakka's and he gingerly licked his lips and rubbed his stomach just in the thought of eating. "Don't forge' about de shredded barbeque pork, ya?"
Thanks. I tried to do some editing on this last chapter, and I hope it doesn't kill my Alright begining. It's not much, but I'm also currently halfway through Chapter 3, so please, to Nouveau and anyone else reading, please enjoy the next chapter: Chapter 2: Sunam City Well this looks quaint… Axel thought to himself as he crossed onto the other side of the Corridor, his booted foot meeting tar pavement. He stepped forward to allow the others behind him entryway and felt the hard turf beneath his feet make a distinctive sound when he went heel-to-toe, like a soft drum two-beat right below him. At the moment he was just taking in the scenery that surrounded him. Impossibly tall skyscrapers, ebony black behemoth monoliths barricaded both sides of the street with no alleys visible from this way down the marked road. As far he could see, the two lanes forked off in the direction he was facing, and more tall building blocked his view. Most of the Buildings were constructed similarly, so Axel guessed whoever was the Company Chairman in charge of “Yoshio Enterprises” (Which Axel could read on a grey slab plaque by the double-wide doors of nearby office building) was some rich cat. This much was obvious, but still a good lead into the affairs of this world. Also, with so many tall buildings in every direction, how was it still bright as day on the street? Axel looked and found this out very quickly as well. The Buildings were reflective in all the right places so that even if the sun was blocked in one position, light would still reach the otherwise ray-less two lanes. It took those two discoveries for his comrades to finally join him in Sunam. One after another walked through until the last one was accounted for and Axel shut the portal off, the Corridor vanishing in a puff of black smoke. Axel watched the others as they looked around in a state of natural curiosity of the mind. Luxord was the first to leave the group to calmly walk over to a nearby building, the one with the glass double-wide doors Axel had noticed first, and examined the same plaque. “This Yoshio seems to be the veteran player with the consistent Aces, as it would appear he has won the jackpot in the land development here.” He hypothesized in his usual sophisticated British tone. “Which means….?” Demyx didn’t follow, as usual, and Axel had to explain. “He means one company owns pretty much all the buildings you can see down this street and very possibly even more. The Chairman, C-H-A-I-R-M-A-N, Got it memorized (?), is most likely the guy with the fattest wallet in this ‘burg.” Axel said slowly so that Demyx could hang on every word. Losing his heart had made Demyx lose his emotions, but that obviously did not affect his limited smarts or natural intuition to sleep and be lazy all the time. He just nodded his head slowly and Axel shook his, rubbing his closed eyes to reduce the brain pain. “Just so long as you got the message, I guess.” “Hey Axel?” Roxas said with a note of displacement. Axel turned around and he could see Roxas and Xion were both starting to strain under the weight of their large duffel bag. Axel didn’t even have to ask. His bag was starting to get a little heavy too. He gave an “Hmm?” just so Roxas wouldn’t think Axel was ignoring him. “Me and Xion are starting to get tired. Is there anywhere we were supposed to go once we got here? This bag weighs a ton!” Roxas asked and alerted Axel of their situation. Maybe Roxas didn’t have to add that last part in though. After all, they were two and Axel was one, and he wasn’t complaining… much. Demyx rubbed the shoulder that supported the Guitar case on his back. “Saïx never said anything about a place to rest while we’re here…” “-And he never called for us to fold and continue with a lighter deck.” Luxord also noted. “Maybe we were supposed to get settled ourselves. Be less conspicuous.” Axel suggested, giving the matter some thought. “Sounds like Saïx…” Roxas added in saddened agreement. “First though, let’s see if Yoshio builds restaurants, I’m starved.” Axel concluded, rubbing his now growling stomach. A look at the others and he could tell they were also very hungry, some of their stomachs growling in tune to his own. “Agreed!” Everyone said in unison, and Roxas and Xion laughed to themselves. * It was quite a walk down roads stretching for miles inside the city, but eventually, the Organization crew found what they were looking for, and for some, just before they had collapsed and starved. Café Gray was written in Gray Palatino Font on a graphically designed sign out in the front window. It was true to its name for sure; walls on the outside, roof shingles, and even the welcome mat were colored Gray. To Nobodies who belonged to the twilight between Darkness and Light, this was just the place for them. Luxord walked ahead of the pack and opened the glass door, bordered with a grayish silver metal. Holding the door for his comrades, each one including Axel entered the glum looking diner, followed by Luxord, letting the door close behind him. Inside the décor matched the outside, stormy gray walls and gray and black checked tiling flooring with gray counters, booths, black tables and chairs, and an assortment of abstract paintings that fit the color scheme could be seen inside, and all sorts of aromas entered through Axel’s nostrils, the steams from soups, appetizers, hamburgers frying and Hot Dogs grilling filling his head with delicious scents. His stomach was doing sideway flips inside of him, no longer just growling but instead barking up a storm. Eager to eat his fill, Axel rushed up to the service counter with a hanging sign above it reading “Order”. The lady behind the counter was looking curiously back at Axel when Axel uttered like a speed boat, “Twobaconcheeseburgers, Astrawberryshakeandalargesideoffries, please!” And Axel subsequently gasped for air. “I’m sorry, Sir, but you’re going to have to repeat that.” The young lady somewhere in her mid-twenties responded, talking slowly, trying to ease the strange customer down. She wore a gray conservative cashier uniform, and was wearing her shoulder-length ginger hair in a ponytail. Axel was still breathing heavily. After all, he had walked quite a distance, hadn’t eaten since morning and the gray-faced clock confirmed the time to be 3:55 “Two Bacon Cheeseburgers, a Strawberry milkshake and a large order of fries… please.” He said in more earthly tongue. The service lady, when Axel stopped acting like a maniac he noticed she was wearing a name tag which read: “Sheila” in bolded print, pinned near her left shoulder, was still transfixed, watching Axel curiously as she did some typing onto the cash register in front of her. Green LED lights formed together an instant later on the tiny screen facing Axel and the others to form the numbers 300 followed by tiny letters that read: munny. Not wanting to waste precious time he could spend eating, Axel dug deep into his pockets for munny he had gotten through his last mission. A small round gold dice-ball with gold and light-blue colors was quickly retrieved and put on the counter. Once out of his pocket, the munny returned to its value, at least twice its introductive size. Repeating this method until a nice collection of munny pieces of various sizes lined the counter, the young woman Sheila tallied it all up to be 3,000 munny. This amount was on purpose, as Axel stepped to the side to let his fellow Nobodies order as well. Lunch would be on him, and not because he wanted to be nice, he just didn’t want somebody like Demyx to come up short on the dough and it would take Axel’s longer to cook into fresh buns for his Bacon Cheeseburgers. They got munny by defeating Heartless and given the Melodious Nocturne’s track record… Sheila totaled the whole order up once Xion had finished her order of a Cesar salad with plenty of Ranch dressing with side wedge fries and a medium Cocoa-Cola, which at least appeared to be one of the advertised beverages on the order board above Sheila’s ginger-haired head. The 3,000 covered the total cost and the bewildered Sheila handed the change to an all the more eager Axel and tapped one last button on the cash register before she ripped a paper slip from a whirring printer and stuck it to an order carousel which was fortunately housing only one other order slip. The cook behind a window that sat behind the Order Sign ripped the other slip from its spot and grabbed Axel’s salvation with the other bulky hand, thick with blackish-gray hair on the back of his palm and five digits. From what any Nobody could see, the cook was large and beefy-looking, square jawed with a bulbous pug nose and a prickly black beard and a buzzed head on top, the model for a stereotypical tough guy. That included the hand that snatched the first order had one digit less than the one that grabbed the second sheet of paper. He had a blank and almost robotic look in his eyes as he turned around to return to his work at a stove with a frying pan resting on each of the four lighted black spirals. “You’re order will be ready shortly.” Sheila finished formally, as much as she could muster at least, all while attempting to cloak a thick down under accent. “Our thanks are to you, Madame.” Luxord the now Gentleman of Fate replied to the fetching young Australian and simply strafed off to the side, watching the cook with a poker veteran’s soul-reading look as if that would inspire the large man to cook faster. Sheila was still perplexed and gawking at the rest of them. Just doing her job had prevented her from speaking out of protocol but seeing as that these black coated cuisine-chasers were the only ones waiting in line, the fair-faced girl couldn’t stop herself from asking one of the several thoughts that was running through her head. “You five aren’t from Sunam, are you?” She questioned in the direction of the first customer she had to contend with, Axel, not sounding as casual as at first. Also watching the cook intently, it took a moment for him to respond and looked back blankly when he did so. “What? Oh! We’re from out of town. Way out.” He replied nonchalantly, nodded his head and returned to watching the cook, who was starting to take notice of the audience he was gathering, raising a thick black eyebrow on his ape-like face. “How could you tell?” Demyx asked in his usual carefree tone. Sheila was silent for a moment, unsure of what to reply, but seeing as though she had started this; she might as well continue it. “Nothing… just you don’t look like you’re from here. Those black coats don’t look like any I’ve ever seen.” “It’s a black coat and if you see one, you see them all, trust me.” Axel took himself out of his obsession with the preparing food to speak. “Yeah, but you also carry at least 3,000 munny in your pockets with room to spare. Aren’t you worried? Don’t you use the bank?” “Why should we? Nobody is going to mess with us, right?” Roxas added himself into the conversation. Sheila just looked down at the teen and looked like someone had finally shed some light in the darkness. “I knew it. You’re definitely not from around here, or else you’d know about the Akinos.” “The what?” Axel’s interest was finally fully in something other than food. “The Akinos are a group of thugs that recently moved to Sunam city. Gratitude of the Baron running the City, they now control all incoming and outgoing travel and trade, and make themselves known to the rest of the city, using their power and numbers to ambush random by passers. If you don’t have much on you, they let you go… but if you have enough to carry around so willingly, it’s donated to their group.” Sheila explained in a hushed tone, as if speaking about the topic in public was a local taboo. “They’re lead by Toshiba Akino, a big crime boss who everybody knows, but nobody ever sees, they continue to run this distract as their favorite playground.” The conversation had now grasped the attention of Luxord as well, who wore a thoughtful expression as a well-maintained component of his scholar-like persona. “Tell me, Sheila: has this city been attacked lately by large quantities of shadow-based creatures?” “Yes, only just recently. Why? How did you know that? We’re the only nearby settlement yet who has to deal with the whatever-they-ares.” “Heartless. They are known through many lands as Heartless. They are dark monsters that vary in strength and they are always hunting beings for the hearts they possess.” Luxord added to the information stew. “They are baited by the darkness in those hearts. The hearts with the most darkness of all tend to lure them to new lands.” “So wait a second… those Heartless are here because of the Akinos, right? There’s nobody in the world as corrupted and evil as them.” Sheila figured much to the notice of the Organization Company. “Wow, that’s pretty good for a Who-“ Demyx was on his way to congratulating, but Axel silenced him quickly with a black glove clamped over the water-controller’s big mouth. Sheila replaced confusion and the almost friendly look on her face with one quite the opposite. “What was he about to call me??” “Trust me, not what you think. We should go now.” Keeping his guard over Demyx’s pie hole, Axel smiled that coy smile at Sheila, now almost fuming from the anger probably welling up, and was nudging his head in the direction of the tables off to the side. He figured time was best spent waiting for the food at a quieter spot. Sheila attempted to speak to keep the group from departing with their bags, but they had already passed by the counter by the time she could utter even “But- Ack…“. Axel breathed a sigh of relief, shoving Demyx into a booth, and then taking the seat beside him. Luxord Roxas and Xion took the opposite booth at the table, Luxord on the outer edge, away from the large window that gave a nice view of even more behemoth buildings. “What was that for?!” Demyx demanded loudly when he was finally capable of speech again. Axel simply crossed his arms and gave Demyx a ‘you idiot, isn’t it obvious?’ look that said it all. Demyx recoiled, much less angry and more willing to simply sit and wonder while twiddling his thumbs. It wasn’t long before a pair of waiters carrying silver trays came bustling to the window-side table. The two waiters were almost identical males, having the exact same facial features and lean build, only one had brown hair where the other had jet-black hair. Both colors however were styled the same, being slicked back with a noticeable amount of grease, giving their locks a crusty but suave look. They walked in the same step, balancing the steaming hot orders in both hands that belonged to the both of them. Axel could hardly control himself as a steaming hot plate of the two Bacon cheeseburgers, surrounded by a pile of fries was placed in front of him, followed by a glass bowl-like cup which contained a pink frothy mixture complete with a candy cane-striped bendy straw and a cherry on top of the swirly beverage. In record timing, he began his work on the first one, not bothering to chew slowly. It also didn’t worry his mind about the grease-coated fatty acid-piñatas he was consuming. The terms “Heart attack” or even “Heart burn” were no longer in his medical dictionary. He could also eat whatever he wanted and not have to panic about losing his lanky form either, having one of the best metabolism at the Organization’s disposal… too bad they didn’t use it too often for important missions like performing recon on a world made of ice cream or something. Speaking of Ice cream, Axel was in the set of mind, at least he knew how to pick a lunch. Demyx had ordered a banana split with the works, which if Axel knew Demyx, and he did, the lightweight wouldn’t finish it. Demyx could eat on someone else’s dime and not even allow his eyes to shrink to balanced proportion with his stomach. Maybe perhaps, if Demyx would later complain of brain freeze, it would be prudent and kind of Axel to light Demyx’s mullet like a rock star Roman candle. It was an option Axel considered, as he deftly finished the first Bacon Cheeseburger at his unbeatable pace. Watching the others eat with a thoughtful look while setting up himself to chow down the next Cheeseburger with some crunchy French fries, Axel’s chewing slowed to a humane and healthy speed, choking the bit down in one gulp. The thought remained in his mind as he looked around the generally empty diner, then outside. Lastly he looked at the bags which had been carelessly shoved underneath the table. They would need a place to stay, and a place that rested somewhere between a good headquarters and a better vacation spot. Put their pocket munny together, and they might just get a nice ritzy hotel room big enough for them all. Not penthouse material, but luxurious enough to at least make this mission a little bit more fun. He elbowed Demyx in the shoulder and upon impact, Demyx lost hold of the metal spoon he had just placed in his mouth, dropping it and sending vanilla cream onto his chin and the front of his cloak. The spoon dropped back into the ice cream bowl, luckily enough, but scoop facing up instead of down into the icy treat. “What?” Demyx sputtered, accidentally projecting speckles of light yellow to freckle Axel’s face. Axel grunted, wiped off his face with a napkin from a nearby dispenser, and went to saying what he intended to say. “Once you’re done, go find us a place to stay. We’re going to be here a while, so it might as well be somewhere where roaches aren’t our roommates.” “Eww…. Roaches are gross. Gross is not what I want to have to deal with. I’ll definitely help, even if it does mean walking around.” Demyx responded with a twitch of an eyebrow and nervous groan. “I’m sorry, young man, but I couldn’t help but over hear. You need a place to stay and have the pockets deep enough for the lap of luxury?” Came a voice from behind Axel and he had do a quarter turn in his seat to see an old balding man in a brown trench coat facing him, also turning to face the back of his aged self. He wore black sunglasses that concealed his eyes and had a bushy pair of graying eyebrows that matched a full Castro-style beard on his broad chin. Axel eyed the older man curiously. He was broad in the face mostly, but had a skull-like quality in his features that made his cheeks look like tightly laid drums below high cheekbones that were plainly visible below the black shades. “I am the proprietor of the Luck Rock hotel in Center City. It’s quite a walk, but puts you strapping young men in the real life of the city.” He pitched, adding real gusto and power in his booming, but raspy aged voice. Listening closer he almost had a slight Irish accent. “It’s not cheap, I won’t lie to you boys, but it’s listed as number 12 in the Sunam Sun’s top twenty hotels in Central City.” The old man had drawn the attention of the others sitting opposite Demyx and Axel, who were all now listening to the old man’s advertisement intently. “What’s central city?” Roxas asked, and Axel silently noted that was a stupid question given the circumstance. The old tycoon’s bushy eyebrows rose far above the tops of his sunglasses, and created creases on his otherwise wrinkles face. “If you don’t know Central city boy, get out of the gutter and live a little!” He chortled and politely covered his mouth with one brown-gloved hand and coughed. “Central City is, as you can guess, at the very core of the city; a city within the city, as a matter of fact. It’s where you find all the major businesses, HQ’s, Magazine Publishers, and all the iconic people too. It’s where the rich doggies play, the place where the lucky work, and the place where to fortunate stay, at my own hotel.” He said a bit more informative. The Organization Troupe was still listening, but was especially considering the new information about the world that might just be very useful. Demyx and Luxord were looking vaguely excited just by the name of the hotel: “Luck Rock.” Chances were it had high-class gambling and plenty of modern entertainment. “I don’t usually go out looking for tenants, believe me, I don’t need them urgently at the moment,” He laughed at his own wit and pulled out his wallet, black leather with a healthy amount of weight bulging like a square block that had an over-eating problem and held it at eye level with his viewers. “But you five look like the kind of residents I can see bringing in the cash to stay in a nice room furnished to the gills with only the finest that money can buy.” It was like the man was dreaming for them, painting a picture of an urban paradise. If Axel and his associates had hearts, they’d be aching to sign whatever deal or covenant that was needed to rent what this older gentlemen was offering. Axel turned to the others, who looked obviously just as tired and restless as he thought he did. It was a done deal, just looking at the others, and Axel turned to the advertiser behind him. “What are we talking?” The man’s eyebrows lowered and creased close to each other, twisted in thought. “I’ll give you a room that over-looks Sunam Square. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and even an entrance that reads your names, which I’m afraid I have yet to ask. I am Dolton Stard McAlles, former screen actor and current owner of the Luck Rock, Stard Studios, and this very diner, among other places.” He introduced himself, removing his mirrored sunglasses with one hand while he rested the other arm on the barrier between the seats to offer the hand to Axel in the style of the stereotypical business man. Revealing his eyes now, Axel looked at them first before he even raised his own hand, looking and inspecting the two orbs which were doors to the man’s very soul. They were gray, just like a large percent of the hairs on what was left on his head and was mostly in his beard. They had that natural twinkle and bore no immediate tell-signs of possession by a hell-based force. “And the price?” Axel asked an even more important question before totally giving to the deal-maker. “500,000 money to purchase the room up front; that’s a discount ‘cause I like your style there, and then it’s half that per month. No additional charges, no hidden fees, just the rent, a meal bill every two days for whatever you order at my world-renowned restaurant inside the hotel, and a little something called a staff tax, which is a small percent taken from every resident which helps give the senior employees a little something extra for their dedication. That’s all you pay for besides what you do outside my hotel, and what you pay to have fixed or add anything extra in your room.” He seemed to be telling the straight truth, because Axel would be able to read it easily if he was, and Luxord did not seem deterred in the slightest, and he could tell if someone was bluffing even if the person actually wasn’t intending to hide their true intentions. He gave his shake-ready hand a small flourish, as if to remind Axel it was still there, and it took Axel only a moment of thought to settle it over in his mind. He took the hand in his own and grasped firmly, shaking the now overjoyed middle-aged business tycoon by the hand. “You’ve got yourself a deal, man. This is Demyx, that’s Luxord over there, and those squirts are Roxas and Xion.” He pointed next in turn with his free hand to the others at his group. “And I’m Axel. That’s A-X-E-L, Got it memorized?” And the older of the two gave a hearty full-spirited laugh. “I like your style there, m’boy.” He grasped more firmly and shook harder in his laughter. “Meet me outside the Luck Rock tonight at 8:00. I’m throwing a party tonight, and something tells me you five will be guests of honor. The Board of directors likes to see fresh blood running in the veins of my business, and that’s the blood that brings me munny and settles over those snakes in men’s clothing.” He said in a slight tone of contempt, but also in a light-hearted sarcastic manner. The two released their grip and Mr. Dolton McAlles nodded to the other members of Axel company in a casually polite way, before getting up to leave, headed straight out the door to a waiting stretch limo Axel hadn’t noticed being there before. A general portion of their recent interest-stirrers gone and out the door, Axel looked to Demyx who in turn looked to Luxord, and Roxas looked from Axel to Xion in confusion. Each continued to devour their food hungrily, the food being very delectable for what they were each expecting, but now they had a warmer feeling in the pit of their stomachs. They now had room and board, and were going to kick off the year long mission in grand style. As a celebration, the Nobodies raised their glasses into one close circle and glasses clinked while plastic cups made a hollow knocking noise and the lids on those plastic cups popped loose only so slightly. They took a self-congratulating drink from their nice cold drinks, and each finished up eating to grab their stuff from the below the table and direct themselves from the booth to the entrance door, passing by Sheila whose “Wait!” fell upon deaf ears as they walked out onto the wide and coarse sidewalk. Maybe this mission was going his and the other’s way pretty much all the way, Axel thought as he breathed in the heated air, temperature radiated from the nearby row of light reflecting skyscrapers. *
Yes, sorry for the prior problem. Is the city skyline picture still an issue, or can your add that in yourself? It's just that when I make a sig...
"We beat the visitors by a landslide. Haha, hardly a 'miracle game', ya?" Wakka joked towards Mira. It was now he realized he had forgotten his blitzball in his room on the mainland. Oh well, he thought, going to be kayaking today anyway.
Wakka rubbed his head of thick brazen locks tenderly. "'Ey, don't be comparing my head to a flag, okay man?" He joked back at the emerald-haired joker. "An' nah... You can go without me, Selphie. I just ran awhile to get here an' all."
I forgot to add this into my PM, but let me illuminate upon a bit of a resume'. I will record a few voices I mentioned, plus a few others, and...
I searched for renders in the only place I could think of for easy access. There are now links for each requested character in my updated sig request.
Wakka was brightly grinning and chortling deeply as he nudged Mira off of him. Sitting on the ground, resting his hands on the soft terf, he gazed up at the white clouds and felt the wind blow softly on the underside of his chin and through his hair. "I dunno... It's likely, righ'?" Wakka said in his daydream state.
OOC: My apologies. Disregard my last post then. So that I don't have to totally rewrite both beginings, allow me to change Wakka's destination to the proper one, and the clothing to his normal outfit. Rai I must change entirely I suppose, but I don't know where he should be. IC: Wakka docked his boat at the usual small dock, setting the small boat alongside other similiar looking craft. He gave a fully extended wave over to the pier, where he could see a group of people on the smaller circular island connected to the rest of the island by a long wooden bridge. Gaiting over the sand, Wakka made fast progress to the wooden shack that would bring him up to level with the pier. He ran over the wooden boards, hearing the wood bend under his toned weight. Slowing down when he reched the island, he rubbed his orange hair in the back of his head and grinned a wide toothy smile. "What's happening guys?" He said in his usual Hawaiian-like accent.
OOC: I don't know the school schedules and there's quite a bit to read, so a brief recap would be good, please. IC: Oh man... whadda game yestaday... Wakka thought tiredly as he literally fell out of bed and fell to the floor like a rock crashing into the water. He had taken part of his tattered island print linens with him, still clutching a corner in his clamped tan hand. Motioning to get up, he did so very slowly. He was definately feeling the end of summer run he had taken just the other day. He stood up on both bare feet, no matter how unsteady, and balanced himself, wearing a white woolen muscle shirt and his blue boxers with a design similiar to the one on his blitzball sitting in the corner of his semi-disorganized room, he lazily looked about the clutter. Tired slits popped into very awake shock-taken dinner plates when they met the two hands of the clock. He had slept in, and big time, man! Hurriedly, falling over and crushing to the floor twice, Wakka finally managed to get dressed for school and ran out through his door made from the shafts of the local tropical trees. Rushing past the upstairs hall to reach the stairs, he purposefully skipped the first five steps and landed on the sixth with sloppy grace. After a scuttle walk down the remaining steps, Wakka sub-conciously grabbed a blueberry muffin from a plate on the dinner table as he ran out the back porch door. He hoped in his mind as he wolfed down his flaky breakfast, he wasn't going to be too late... "This isn't good,...y'know?" The hulky mass of body outmatching his brain noted to himself, looking first from a sheet of paper he held in his big thick hand, then to the door he was closest to. Class had already started and yet he couldn't find the room he was supposed to be in. The embers of anger were starting to burn and Rai stormed down the hall, cursing the fact he couldn't read the letters which told which class was behind what door. It was going to be a long morning, y'know?
Rai and Wakka please, y'know?
Re:Chain of Memories for the PS2 is pretty much better. It helps make the story more life-like and not so flat. There's more to do even, (Since January oflast year, I'm still fully completing the Organization XIII card collection for all modes of the game I've complete). Then again, though my vote is indefinately with the PS2 version, I have to say that the animations, sprites and all other aspects of the GBA version are indisposable all the same.
Axel obviously was in it for himself from the very begining. He helped Saïx try to take over the Organization because ergo, he would also rule the Nobodies in turn. After Saïx and him parted in the ways, following the joined friendships of Roxas and Xion, Axel still acted the same old Organization I way, albeit, an almost less dark version of himself. Theres a difference between CoM Axel and KH II Axel and you can very much see it. The change is shown in 358/2 Days, and Axel isn't the same as he was before when he was in a conspirancy with Saïx. He's less murderous in his actions later in KH II, but he very possibly is a bit of a shade of Gray because of his selfish actions mixed with his attempts to help and assist Sora shortly before he died. He obviously knew he was going to die after he gave his all in the his last battle, so it's justifiable to say his mind was far less malicous towards the very end. Axel died mostly a good person. So in short: Real Badass- Traitor- Friend of Roxas and Xion- Partially Badass- Angry and confused- Masterminding- Sacrificial- Good