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  1. Catch the Rain
  2. Catch the Rain
  3. Catch the Rain
  4. Catch the Rain
    I think it looks pretty interesting. To be honest it feels more like a game than a movie, if that makes sense?

    I did have to lol at the stereotype of the ginger Scot.
    Post by: Catch the Rain, Jun 28, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Catch the Rain
  6. Catch the Rain
  7. Catch the Rain
  8. Catch the Rain
  9. Catch the Rain
  10. Catch the Rain
  11. Catch the Rain
  12. Catch the Rain
  13. Catch the Rain
    This is the show about the girls who get mermaid powers right?

    I've not watched it myself, but my niece loves it, it seems alright, just not something I have ever really bothered with getting into.
    Post by: Catch the Rain, Jun 28, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Catch the Rain
  15. Catch the Rain
  16. Catch the Rain
    Profile Post

    Happy Birthday :]

    Happy Birthday :]
    Profile Post by Catch the Rain for Princess Rapunzel, Jun 28, 2011
  17. Catch the Rain
  18. Catch the Rain
  19. Catch the Rain
  20. Catch the Rain
    I'm in, I will add recommendations later because I need to go through my books and pick out what would be acceptable.

    Love this idea though.

    Oh, question, if you don't want to make something, can you just give straight discussion?
    Post by: Catch the Rain, Jun 27, 2011 in forum: Literature