Hello there, just to let you know messages has been left for you in the Premium Postbox!
;-; meaaaaaaaaaaaaan I am a leviathan, I have rights doncha know D: I shall try to, though it is unlikely ._. And I love your book club idea <3
I think it looks pretty interesting. To be honest it feels more like a game than a movie, if that makes sense? I did have to lol at the stereotype of the ginger Scot.
"Damn kids, get off my spam zone, back in my day we had to wait 15 minutes to get from one thread to another, in the SNOW" That sounds nice...
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox! ...again
Stop trying to expose me D: I do not like being exposed D: I don't like getting changed if there is anyone in my HOUSE let alone whatever room I...
So, how have you been? I was wondering if you would ever active yourself again.
You're welcome, I am glad you're feeling better now. It's really no problem, besides, sometimes it really helps to just vent things, even if...
Because you are, you shall be chasing members around with a little cane soon <3 I look forward to it greatly. Do you have any exciting plans?
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox! Again :b Hello Pumpkin <3
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox!
This is the show about the girls who get mermaid powers right? I've not watched it myself, but my niece loves it, it seems alright, just not something I have ever really bothered with getting into.
I am actually, it is a lot of fun for me, and seeing everyone so happy and stuff is making me feel all happy too <33 And I have no freakin clue,...
Happy Birthday :]
Happy Birthday from England time :b Bahahaha, Ienzo beat me tho, I was going to say it earlier Ah well, enjoy your day <3 you're getting old now
Baby you can go wherever you like, yeah you can go wherever you like
Welcome <3 I have missed seeing you around
I'm in, I will add recommendations later because I need to go through my books and pick out what would be acceptable. Love this idea though. Oh, question, if you don't want to make something, can you just give straight discussion?