Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox!
Whenever I think about you, it is this combination that comes to mind, I have missed it
I get that you guys are all pissy right now, but making a thread and bashing a member because you don't like their views/thoughts is just as childish as how that member is being perceived.
I was going to say Happy Birthday, but Dinamp beat me to it xD;; I wonder if you will ever log in and see this or not, either way, I hope you're...
Happy Birthday <3 hope you're having a great one.
Haha, I was coming to say Happy Birthday, but Dinamp beat me to it. Have a wonderful day~
Aww, I'm really glad you've felt more welcome ^^ that is always nice to hear. Have a really awesome time with your relatives, make sure you enjoy yourself <3 and we shall be here waiting for when you come back
I have the same thing happen to me too, however, your fix doesn't work for me. It corrects itself a little while later. Its an annoyance but I can deal with it, I'm glad I'm not the only one though.
Then do it ^^ it would be nice to see you around more. I always like your graphics threads <3
I am so confused ._.
Yeah ok, you win this time :b We did have a pretty huge storm here last night, but it hasn't cleared the air at all ;-;
You're welcome dear :B I try to be
I cannot stop watching this video 0.0
I do decide D: stop being a mean brother They shall become a bestseller :ninjacat: Good point, though I will be honest and say I am not really...
I love your name
Thank you so much, thats really nice of you to say <3 I'm really pleased with how it is going so far ^^
Wait wat?
I don't D: stop trying to trick me D: I shall do my best brother dear :b You're welcome, have fun with it ^^ looks like it has gained a lot of...