Oh no, any particular reason? D:
Its got a lot better now, so I can't complain ^^ I feel like I really need to dance
Maria Holic Alive Seriously. I loved the first season (Maria Holic) and thought it was amazing, and when I started watching this second season I expected the same from it, but as each episode comes out, it gets worse and worse, and now I am so bored when I watch it. I hate not finishing things though. I don't know if I can use this though since I haven't finished it yet. Other than that, I can honestly say that so far I have greatly enjoyed everything I have watched/am currently watching.
Maybe all the scores will have to be reset, and I shall finally have a chance at ruling Tetris kekeke >:]
You know what is really good for wisdom tooth pain? Mix a teaspoon of salt with some warm water, and swill it around your mouth like a mouthwash. I have a lot of pain from my wisdom teeths, and this really helps me. Do it in the morning and before you sleep, and if its really bad pain then a couple of times during the day too. Honestly since I started doing that when my wisdom teeth play me up, they've never hurt as much. Good luck, I know its painful as heck.
There is only one true way to solve this Spoiler
Scare tactics. I don't think it was a genuine warning. More something they said to cause a reaction and make people afraid. Obviously I am not suggesting we become complacent, but I don't believe we have anything to genuinely worry about from them. It is a good enough place to start. Precisely because there is nothing really to gain by hacking us. So if it had failed then it wouldn't be that embarrassing or whatever for them, as opposed to if they took on somewhere bigger and more "important" and it went wrong.
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Well that was unsettling ._. I am extremely glad that it was never included. Evil Woody is disturbing
This is fantastic
From what I can gather, I believe it wasn't a deliberate attack on the site personally, rather we were an easy target for them to practice on. Which sucks for us, but at least it wasn't malicious against us. /brightsideofthings
I am sad, because I spent many minutes composing my replies before ;-; *Supports*
Mreow miaow meow
I think you need to give yourself more credit dear. I actually like these. Also ^ this is delicious
Damn it guys, hide the explosives, she's staying a bit longer >_> Have an awesome time, switch off chill out and have fun <3
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