I hope you have a great time, its just the thing you need to forget about college stress <3 Don't worry about us, we'll survive <3 and we'll see you when you come back
From the looks of it this is a staff one? I think
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox!
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox! x2
Bivivivivivivivi you better actually BE on msn more then papayahead D: ilu and we shall catch up soon <3 I don't mind if you leave here as long as you don't leave the internet full stop, then I will be a sad Kay. Much love<3
Your avatar is delicious /adore
I've read this before, it makes me ;-; every time
Excuse me for my language one moment, but this is ****ing stupid. Wow, can they not focus on more important matters?