Considering the fact I've watched both seasons three or four times now, I think it is safe to assume I am a fan. Zero is my favourite character, I feel so bad for him, poor tortured man that he is. I would recommend that you read the manga, it will answer some of your questions, especially in regards to what happens after VKG :] I'm not a huge fan of Kaname, several times throughout the series I wanted to personally stake him, but that may be due to my bias in liking Zero. He grew on me though and I'm rather fond of him now. Oh, also, Yuki kind of, irritated me beyond belief. I adored her the first time watching it, but now each time I watch it, I feel more and more annoyed by her.
I've never even heard about it. I'm assuming its some kind of mythical creature hunting type show?
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox! Also, Happy Birthday, have a lovely day <3
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox!
Laaaate reply ;-; How is keeping up with life going for you? :b I'm pretty great thanks, just tired @_@ I am liking your anime threads btw <3...
Gah late reply D: I hope you're having a great holiday <33 Also, that makes a lot of sense. When I am really tired, I hallucinate, more often...
You're welcome, I hope you had a great day ^^
I miss you too dear, how are you?
Hi there :3
Thank you Pumpkin <3 Are you all moved in now?
I was doing so, and still haven't got it out of my system :b Hope you're having a great weekend ^^
You're welcome, and thank you ^^ <3
:glomp: :glomp: :glomp:
I can't disagree with that, but what happened?
First of all, I am 23, and I am horribly shy and nervous about meeting people I know online. I find it somewhat amazing how calm you are about it. Can you not compromise? Like, arrange to meet halfway and have your mother go with you? I know a couple of people from this site who met when they were about your age and their parents went with them. I would advise that for now you let it drop, don't forget about meeting them, I'm not suggesting that at all, but if you show that you're willing to compromise and be mature they will be more willing to listen. If it is a strong friendship, you'll survive the time before you meet ^^ Don't listen to him guys, it is only because he wants to make me drink out of an axe and throw cats at skulls ;-; <3
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox! x 2 Also, happy birthday my Riku <3
I applaud you for facing your problems and taking some time to try and regain control. It takes strength to do that <3 I wish you all the best, and I sincerely hope everything improves for you, and we look forward to seeing you in the future.