I don get it :imslow::stupid:
Hey guys, how goes it? Man, I haven't been here since forever. XD
If someone's dying, I think it would be the proper thing to do by spending as much time with the person. In this case, I would suggest visiting your grandpa. << Anything else can come after...
Zexion, Xigbar, Xemnas, Marluxia, and Saix. They are the beasts of the Organization.
If you ask me, I think the best option would be to make a new character. As for server, I dunno. I usually pick the one that seems to have the lowest amount of players. << (Usually so ppl don steal my monster kills but there could be different ways to level up now) All's aside, quit Maplestory. XD It's probably the grindiest game I've ever played.
Not bad at all. The shadings in both are good. Keep up the good job. :)
A little bigger would be better. Also, try to detail it's clothes some more, like with wrinkles or designs. Nonetheless, it's still pretty good. Keep it up.
Thx every1 for their comments. Hopefully I'll finish it up tomorrow or so. (once I get my homework done... -_-)
Happy New Years every1. Lets have another great year in the forums and IRL.
Zexion. He got choked to death in a dark room...how cool is that. <<
Wat did YOU eat?
3 kthxbai
Alrite, I updated the pic a little bit. Still far from finished, just lined the outline and colored it a bit. I'll put shadings and other touches later.
Once I get my tablet working again, I'll do that. -_-
Update-2 Colored Version <<
Definately KH1. KH2 was spacey and all but the enemies were pretty easy IMO. Plus KH1 HB had a darker theme and the structure was really awesome. (you can fall off places and stuff =/)
Marluxia, Xaldin, Xigbar, and Xemnas. They were pretty easy to beat on proud.
Yays. One moar with a tablet n da fameli nao. ^^ How'd u like it?
I dun get how Crisis Core so popular? Wats so cool about it? Wats Monster Hunter Freedom 2? I gota psp and I wana get some good games too. :)
umm hi guys?