Search Results

  1. Fearless
    You're not the only person to get this, a handful of other people have reported that that happens when they come here too. It's something to do with the server we're on? I'm not 100% sure.

    Anyway, if you talk to one of the admins I believe there's a solution.
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 21, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  2. Fearless

    Gwendolyn Summoned O'Malley and the Alley Cats! 36,000 cats appear
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 21, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Fearless
    Still here. Still attacking.

    Gwendolyn attacked Mizrabel for 25 Damage
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 20, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Fearless
    Something something I don't have time for this right now something Gwendolyn attacks again.

    Gwendolyn attacks Mizrabel for 25 Damage
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 18, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Fearless
    Gwendolyn winced at the attack that spread to the others, but still, she couldn't help but be relieved that it had missed her. Also, it seemed to have missed that poor unlucky bastard on her right. Good for him.

    Might as well keep going.

    Gwendolyn attacked Mizrabel for 25 Damage
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 17, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Fearless
    "What. What the fuck. What the actual frick-fracking fuck."

    Did she say this fight was eight shades of bullshit earlier? She meant eighty shades. Eighty shades of pure, unglorified bullshit. Welp, here we go again. The guy on her one side had already been freed, so she might as well go for the other guy who seemed to have to worst luck in the world.

    Gwendolyn freed Stratos
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 16, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Fearless
    Well that was lame. She'd healed that dude, only for him to go right back down. Gwendolyn felt for the guy, really she did, but she had enough tactical knowledge to know that just repeatedly healing would not win them the fight. And besides, it looked as though someone else had already handled it. Time to jump back into the fray.

    Gwendolyn did 25 Damage to Mizrabel
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 15, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Fearless
    See, you make this poll.

    Now I have to be the last.
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 15, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Fearless
    Gwendolyn jumped back from the attack, and then was thrown onto her bottom from the following attack by the supposed witch. The guy on one side of her didn't seem to get hit at all, but the guy on the other side was knocked out cold from the attack. She pushed herself off the ground and stumbled back to her feet. Across the hall, she watched as a girl complained about not being able to cure herself with her key.

    'Can I do that?' Gwendolyn wondered.

    Her eyes shifted to the side, to the unconscious guy, and then back front. Well, if the attack had worked the same as everyone else, then there was no reason to think she couldn't cure this guy.

    Gwendolyn heals Stratos for 12 HP
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 14, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Fearless
    Seeing those closest to her had now been freed, Gwendolyn decided instead to focus on the fight at hand. She had zero strategy; she'd never had to fight before in her life, unless one counted primary school playground fights. Hell, she didn't even know how to use the damn weapon in her hands. Everyone else around her had finesse that she's never be able to pull off in a million years. But still, she had to try, so she rushed forward to attack with all her might.

    Gwendolyn did 25 Damage to Mizrabel
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 13, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Fearless
    One minute, Gwendolyn was standing inside the door to this magnificent castle, holding her cat and her key, staring around at all these other kids hanging out, and the next she was in... somewhere completely different, with a lady screaming at her, and most of the other kids trapped in a circle. Somehow, this was the least surprising thing to happen to her today. Fuck her life, really, because everything that could go wrong, absolutely was going wrong.

    Well, this was eight shades of bullshit, but that didn't mean she had to sit around and take it.

    "Screw that! I do what I want!"

    First order of business; some help would probably be nice in this situation. Gwendolyn still didn't know what the key was about, but the other kids still out seemed to be using their own keys as weapons. That worked for her, so she copied the others and went to open the closest box she could see.

    Stratos was freed.
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 11, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Fearless
    The 0.2 trophies aren't that spoilery, imo. It's mostly shit like 'open all the treasure chests' and 'beat the game on critical mode'.
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 10, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Fearless
    To be completely honest, Gwendolyn hadn't expected death to be so frick-fracking cold. Although, perhaps she should have? They always called it 'the cold hand of death', so maybe that was an indicator of what death was meant to be like. Cold, empty, and boring. An eternity of nothing. In her defense, she'd been raised to believe the gods were merciful, and would reward you with a good afterlife if you were a good person, so she'd kind of expected a little more from her death. Like sunshine, and hot people, and that funnel cake that you could only get at the annual fair because they only made it that good at the fair. Or, hell, even a fruit basket would have been nice. She liked fruit.

    Instead, she got a whole lot of nothing. Either that meant she'd been an awful person, or the gods were a faerie tale that adults told to children to make them be good. Like Father Nicolas. Or the Tooth Faerie.

    A fuzzy something rubbed at her face, and there was a meow in her ear. Ah, so it seemed she wasn't alone here after all. Also, she was starting to think she wasn't actually dead, which was also pretty good news. She opened her eyes, and found her companion, the orange cat, looking at her with big eyes. She watched it for a moment, then sat up.

    "So I guess we're not dead, huh?" she asked the cat, picking it up and putting it in her lap. "Although I do feel like I got hit by a truck. That was some crazy shit."

    The cat meowed in agreement, and rubbed its head against her hand, so she continued to pet it in the dim light. There was only barely enough light to see by, harkened by a beacon in the distance that seemed to light the area for miles around it. Scanning, it was also the only thing she could see at all.

    "Well, we have two options, cat. We can either stay here forever, and probably die of starvation or some shit," Gwendolyn said, "Or we can start walking towards the light. Personally, I'm kinda for the second option, but this is a democracy, so what do you think?"

    The cat said nothing, only purring under her hand as she continued to pet it.

    "I'll take that as a yes. Also, you're a cat." Gwendolyn paused. "...Why the hell am I talking to a cat? ...Whatever. C'mon, I'll even carry you, you lazy ass."

    The cat again purred at her, and she stood, picking up the cat. She stopped, again, when she saw the silver key lying nearby on the ground. It was beautiful, and it seemed to chase the darkness away just by existing. And it had certainly helped against those shadows. Hesitantly, Gwendolyn reached down and picked it up. Might as well take it with them.


    Gwendolyn had no idea how long she'd been walking. It had definitely been long enough that her arms were tired from carrying the cat and the giant key, and more than once she's considered ditching the key or making the cat walk. But no, she couldn't risk the cat wandering off. And the key, well... she felt like she should hang onto it. Call it a gut feeling, but another thing she'd been taught growing up was that her gut was usually right.

    At least it wasn't one of those 'no matter how far you walk you're never closer' bullshit deals like in those purple-prose novels written by old dead guys they made you read in school. She'd been able to see steady progress as the light definitely got brighter and more voluminous as she walked, and now it was bright enough that it could've been daylight around her. Not that there was much to see; this land was barren and rocky, and honestly, pretty depressing to look at.

    Either way, it had definitely been a few hours by the time she finally approached the source of the light, a beautiful castle that seemed terribly out of place in a world like this, and by the gods was she bone tired. She was dirty, and tired, and hungry, and she could absolutely do with a cup of tea and a lie-down, and if something attacked her right now, she knew she'd be screwed beyond all belief. Still, she had made it to her destination, in relatively one piece, and at least she had that accomplishment under her belt. At least she hadn't rolled over and died.

    Now she only had to hope that the inhabitants of the castle were friendly, or at least hospitable. Gwendolyn looked down at the cat in her arms, who was snoozing lazily, and at the shining key in her hand, and shrugged. Nothing to it but to do it, or whatever.

    She walked forward and shoved open the door with her shoulder, slipping inside, and leaning back against it to close it before looking around, only to find about a dozen strangers standing around. Right inside the entranceway. Who hangs out near the entranceway when they have an entire castle to hang out in?

    "Fuck," Gwendolyn whispered under her breath.
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 10, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Fearless
    Whatever Gwendolyn had expected to be in the barn, it was certainly not a large, writhing mass of... whatever the hell that was. It was an ominous presence that held a coldness, and it washed over her very soul and down to her core, freezing her in place as every single eye stared her down like she was a lunch buffet. It was paralyzing, and she didn't think she'd be able to move if she wanted to.

    But, more importantly, what had happened to her cats? She complained, she bitched and moaned constantly about them, but they were hers. Her babies, from the oldest grey cat down to the littlest babies that she fed by hand because she couldn't stand for a single one to die on her watch, and they were gone. All completely gone, and in their place was something so horrifying her brain couldn't process the words to describe it. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream and shout at the thing to give her back her babies, if only she could move.

    A yowling at her feet finally broke the trance, and she started enough to look down. The orange cat, the only cat left, was chomped onto her boot and tugging at it with all its might, trying to pull her back toward the door. Unfortunately, the sound of the cat seemed to have awoken the wrath of the shapeless mass of darkness as well, as it gave a deafening screech that was halfway between a scream and the sound of nails on a chalkboard, and Gwendolyn quickly clapped her hands over her ears to protect herself from it. It was crying, the thing was crying out in pain, and it was heart-wrenching, but the only thing that ran through her mind was, 'gods, I have to get out of here'.

    When the sound faded, Gwendolyn opened her eyes again, only to find the eyes moving again, and beginning to surge toward her. She screamed, scooped up the orange cat by her feet, and sprinted as fast as her legs could take her, back out the barn door. Just in the nick of time, she rolled out, protecting the cat in her arms, and watched the mass of darkness burst out of the barn, practically blowing the doors off their hinges. Somehow, they sky was now purple and dark, as though night had come early, though she could have sworn it was midday five minutes ago. The wind whipped at her hair and dress, blowing every which way, and the house was nowhere to be seen. She was alone, in a field, with only a cat, a blown-out barn, and a monster that seemed to want her dead.

    "What the fresh hell..." she whispered, her words blown away in the harsh gusts.

    The cat seemed to read her mind, as it now squirmed its way out of her arms and back onto the ground, and yowled at the approaching darkness. The many eyed creature was again facing her, but it was now several smaller monsters, only now beginning to take form. They prowled forward, until she could see, in the dim light, the form they had taken. Maybe her dad was right, maybe they shouldn't have kept all those cats, and oh gods where was her father? Where was anyone?

    But she didn't have time to worry about anyone but herself right now. The orange cat stepped in front of her, a growl low in its throat, and her heart swelled at the thought that the cat was trying to protect her. One of the shadow cats stepped forward, and the orange cat hissed. That didn't seem to deter it, as the shadow cat didn't even spare the other a passing glance, it's large yellow eyes fixated on only her. She took a step back, and it leapt at her and oh god she was going to die, wasn't she? She put her arms in front of her face in some semblance of protection, and waited for the end.

    It seemed that wasn't the case, as instead of darkness, the inside of her eyelids were assaulted by a blinding flash of light instead, and upon opening her eyes, Gwendolyn was amazed to find, instead, a large silver key held in her hand like a weapon, blocking her from the creatures around her. In fact, they almost seemed to be... frightened of it? They wound around the circle of light surrounding her and the orange cat at her feet, getting close but never touching, yowling that strange, horrifying cry they had.

    They'd been saved, for now, but still, there didn't seem to be a way out of this. The weapon held the darkness at bay for now, but the storm was getting closer and closer, and more and more of the field seemed to disappear around her. Even the barn was gone now, blown away and around into the swirling mass above their heads, just like in that movie about the wizard. Somehow, she didn't think clicking her heels together three times and wishing for home would help here, though. She was on her own.

    The shadow cats seemed to get bored of waiting as she watched them with wary eyes. They pooled together in front of her, rising up once again into a large mass of eyes, and again solidifying into one form of a massive cat, with millions of eyes all over its body, and somehow that was more terrifying than the shapeless blob it had been before.

    She didn't stand a chance against this thing. So when the paw came up to swipe at her, she did the only sensible thing she could think of, and blocked. The weight of the giant paw swiped her and the orange cat to the side, off the small parcel of land left, and she too, was swept up and into the eye of the storm.
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 9, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Fearless
    You are the opposite of new here.
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 7, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Fearless
    Yeah lol I saw it last night. We've already made a tweet about it.
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 7, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Fearless
    I've been watching this thread and this seems like a riot.

    If someone wants to explain to me how to play, I'd love to get in on the next game~
    Post by: Fearless, Jan 6, 2017 in forum: The Playground