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  1. Fearless
    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyeah sure. I'll sign up, then.

    Watch me die round 1 lol
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 10, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Fearless

    Hi I'm Fearless and I am also a cosplay nerd.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 8, 2017 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Fearless
    Seeing now that Daeni had composed herself, Relli finally looked away to the room at large. Yes, there were ten of them, just like they'd thought, of varying backgrounds it seemed. Looking at each of them in turn, each appeared different from the other, and except for themself and Alder, none looked like they came from the same place. It was difficult to determine what they might have all had in common, that someone might place them here. Or perhaps it was random, just some freak accident? Maybe they'd put themselves here, but had their memories erased in the process. There were a million possibilities.

    "How about we introduce ourselves properly. That way, we don't just call each other by our pin numbers?" Daeni said as she introduced herself, prompting Relli to notice for the first time the pin that had attached itself to their person. VIII, it read, and what could that mean? Perhaps their presence wasn't as random as they'd initially thought.

    Again, it was Alder's voice that brought them out of their inner musings, and it seemed that now, they were beginning to make plans to leave the dank cave at last. There was arguing, there was planning, there was talking, and it was difficult to get a word in edgewise. "It would be safest staying at the center of the group," Alder said aside to them, and Relli recognized the request for what it was. Not an order, but a request, to make it easier for the guard to keep him safe. They were torn; on the one hand, Alder was only doing his job. On the other Relli was tired of being safe. They hadn't been safe since they had left home, however long ago that was.

    It took a long moment for Relli to come up with a response. "Okay," they said finally, and summoned their own keyblade at last, the flash lighting the cave momentarily. They could follow the request, but they weren't helpless.

    "I'm Relli," they introduced to everyone else. "And, uh, it might be, uh, prudent... I mean, a good idea, to get out of here while we can."

    They turned back to Daeni and grinned, and offered her a hand, remembering how scared she had been of the outside earlier. "C'mon. We can go together, okay?"
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 8, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Fearless
    Relli was pleased to realize that Alder knew them as well (though it probably would've been more odd if he hadn't). It meant they hadn't changed at all since they'd been gone. Or maybe they hadn't been gone all that long after all? Either way, a familiar face was welcome in their book. And the fact that they hadn't been outed as royalty just yet was only a bonus.

    "I'm glad you're okay, as well," Relli grinned at Alder. "It seems that we're all still a bit confused, though."

    Almost as soon as the words left their mouth, a girl's shout echoed around the cave, louder than any other voice thus far. "I don't think that's a good idea!" she shouted, nearly in hysterics, before running and hiding from the others behind Relli. An impressive feat, considering their small stature, but it still took them off guard for a moment.

    Ignoring everything else for a moment, Relli turned slightly to look at the girl behind them. She was definitely older than them, but had tears in her eyes, and looked frightened beyond all belief. Relli honestly had no idea what was going on, hadn't paid attention to most of what was going on around them, but that was no excuse to not help. They offered the girl a kind smile, and made sure Alder wasn't going to pounce on her. They knew how guards could get about them.

    "I'm sure everything is okay. We just have to work together," Relli said softly to the girl. "My name's Relli. What's yours?"
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 7, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Fearless
    Nah, I'll be putting up an Actual Minecraft Post once the server goes live. This is just to get peoples attention/let them know the situation.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 6, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Fearless
    So, uh, the Minecraft server isn't going up tonight for a variety of reasons, all of which are beyond my control. Sorry.


    We're taking signups for the server, so that when it DOES open, you can all hop right in instead of waiting for me to let you in. (Right now the new ETA for opening is sometime this weekend, subject to change).

    IN ADDITION. I'm also looking for a fourth mod for the server. Primarily, I'd really like someone who's not in EST, so that we can have someone available at more times during the day. It's a pretty chill job, you don't even have to be in the server much. Just have to be on call to get on in case someone needs you.

    KHV Username:
    Minecraft Name:

    KHV Username:
    Minecraft Name:
    Time Zone:
    Why you think you'd be a good server mod:

    People Signed Up:
    KHV Username: Captain Arch
    Minecraft Name: CaptainArch
    Time Zone: MT
    Why you think you'd be a good server mod: Because I called dibs. Well not really. But because I don't get bored landscaping by digging dirt for 5 hours.

    KHV Username: DigitalAtlas
    Minecraft Name: DigitalAtlas

    KHV Username: Ars Nova (Currently Novalentine)
    Minecraft Name: Ars_Nova

    KHV Username: Nate_River
    Minecraft Name: itzSalty

    KHV Username: Midnight Star
    Minecraft Name: ArcherMidnight
    Time Zone: GMT (GMT+1 in summer)
    Why you think you'd be a good server mod: Different Timezone?
    Thread by: Fearless, Feb 6, 2017, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Fearless
    holy fuck it's fork
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 6, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Fearless
    Relli had been perfectly content to watch the commotion from the corner, really, but a familiar voice sparked their interest. That man... the one in the armor. They knew him. Where did they know him from, again?

    The arguing had stopped, now, and a more quiet conversation had begun to spring up, instead. If 'quiet' could indeed be used, with every word spoken reverberating on the walls and echoing to every part of the cave. Still, Relli relished in the words; it had been so long since he'd heard a voice other than their own. They couldn't remember when. Months? Years? It couldn't have been terribly long, if they still remembered them, right? They couldn't remember.

    Relli's attention turned back to the familiar man. The man wandered over to the large broken contraption in the center of the room, examining it. As he watched, Relli stood slowly and moved closer to the main group. They could feel others' eyes on them, but they paid them no mind. They remembered the man, they were sure, it was on the tip of their tongue...

    "Whatever this was, it's not working anytime soon," said the man quietly, and it rushed back to Relli's head so quickly that they started talking before their brain could process it.

    Post by: Fearless, Feb 6, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Fearless
    The first thing Relli could remember was darkness. Well, not exactly true; they could remember their home, and where they'd been before this. So, no, not the first thing. But definitely the current thing.

    Opening their eyes didn't provide much clarity. They seemed to be in some kind of cave, and it was only dimly lit, making it hard to distinguish anything with their eyes. Their ears, though, definitely picked up on the sounds of arguing.

    Pulling their senses back to them, Relli really woke for the first time in what felt like forever. The cave floor was cold under their cheek, making them shiver, and the cave echoed with the sounds of people awakening from their own slumbers. Slowly, Relli pulled himself up to a sitting position, and looked around at the cave. The two people arguing stood in the center, the only lights coming from their blades, a man and a woman. Around them, others were scattered around the floor, some stirring, others still asleep. Relli slowly counted them, one by one, and if they counted themself, that made... ten people? Ten whole people!

    Relli was the furthest away from everyone else, tucked into a back corner of the cave, and a perfect vantage point to see all around. They shoved their overgrown hair behind their ear and watched as, one by one, more and more people awoke. They wondered if they should join them, make themself less of an outcast from the get-go. Might be better to keep watching, and see what they could see.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 6, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Fearless
    Name: Relli Sine Metum Metrunos
    Age: 15
    Gender: NonBinary
    Appearance: here
    Rank: VIII
    Keyblade: Brightcrest
    Homeworld: Sunset Palace
    Personality: A bit of a space-case, often daydreaming, and very airy. More perceptive than people give them credit for. Can be a bit blunt, but means well, and often says things without thinking. Actually very outgoing, but very awkward and hasn't had a ton of friends before. Puts others needs before their own, often at risk of their own safety.
    Likes: Nature, Swimming, Raspberry Sherbet, Sleeping
    Dislikes: Bullies, Being Cooped Up, Boring Meetings, Being Talked Down To
    Other: Probably one of those people who was extremely hyperactive as a kid.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 5, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Fearless

    Gwendolyn helped with Get 'Em
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 5, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Fearless
    /insert something witty

    Gwendolyn attacked Mizrabel
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 5, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Fearless

    Gwendolyn attacks Mizrabel
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 4, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Fearless
  15. Fearless
    Gwendolyn lets that guy out of the box and wishes these losers would stop getting locked in boxes.

    Gwendolyn freed Kel
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 3, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Fearless
    It's DatFearlessChick /fingerguns
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 2, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  17. Fearless
  18. Fearless
    It doesn't really work well on phones tbh. And I don't know what to tell you about your laptop, sorry.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 2, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  19. Fearless
    I don't do forum duels anymore. If you wanna duel me, it'd have to be on YGO pro.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 2, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  20. Fearless
    That feel when you main Crystal Beasts irl >_>
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 2, 2017 in forum: The Playground