We have to add you to it. You'll get a PM from Lux with the server IP when he's put you on the whitelist.
I got ya. Lux'll add you guys next time he's on.
Relli kept attacking, even as their group attempted to fall back into a defensive circle in the center. As many as they'd killed thus far, at this rate, it was going to take forever, and no doubt this Ria would've either disappeared or summoned something worse by the time they were through. They wouldn't be able to hold up like this for long; while Relli and Alder could probably fight for a while, no doubt not everyone was as skilled in combat. Heck, even Relli was only really schooled in the basics. At least Alder seemed to believe in them to fight. It was all just fancy footwork on their part, really, but just a bit of belief in their abilities made them want to keep going. Looking around, everyone else seemed to be holding their own well enough, even those who'd clearly never even held a keyblade before. Even Daeni, who hadn't known a thing, had figured out how to throw her blade. Still, it was up in the air whether they'd make it through this battle or not. "Watch out!" they heard Alder shout, and Relli quickly spun and dodged the attack. Others weren't so lucky, as they could see a number of their party fall back with scratches from the shadows. Even little scratches could be trouble from a heartless, and too many could mean the end of them. "Good boy, good dog. You are following orders and thinking to group up, yes yes, do you want a treat or something?" said that one guy, the jerk that kept hitting on the girls and mocking his guard. Impulsively, Relli 'accidentally' smacked a rock at the guy, and hoped maybe he'd take the hint and shut the heck up. Relli slashed forward with their keyblade towards yet another shadow, but this time it sprung out of their reach. It seemed that they were getting smarter with every blow, and that just reinforced their belief that they weren't going to get through this, at least not without some damage. Looking around, the prince found themself circled, trapped inside a ring of monsters. Just slashing wasn't going to cut it anymore. Relli hadn't done this in years, they'd never been the best at magic, they'd never had the attention span to pay attention to it, but now was as good a time as ever, right? "Fire!" Relli shouted, pulling their keyblade to the side, and a small ring of fire encircled them, eliminating a handful of the heartless, and freeing them from the circle. Sliding out, Relli moved their way back towards the larger group. Total Words: 435 BP Spent: 20 Heartless Killed: 4 Heartless Remaining: 228
To be fair, I voted for rainbow
Gwendolyn opened the book and began to peer through its contents a little more carefully this time. If she was gonna do this, and right now it was looking like she would, she needed to know everything she could get her hands on. She felt like the girl from that movie that got swept away by a tornado. Lost, confused, probably being hunted, but hey, at least she wasn't alone? "It's okay, don't be embarrassed." said a girl with braids in her hair. The other girl came up to her and patted her head, which was a little odd, but not unwelcome. "I assure you, we don't mind. That's what we're here for. Now, let me look at the book with you." Gwendolyn nodded and smiled, and held the book out so they could both look at it. "Sure. Sharing is caring, right?" But before either could really take a look, the tome was snatched out of her hands by a boy. "I'll check you out a little later, if you know what I mean," the boy winked, and geeze, if people thought she was rude, what did that make this guy? "Hey! We were looking at that, jerk!" Gwendolyn seethed, marching over to him. She kicked the boy, aiming for his knees, and took the book back. "If you want it, maybe you should ask first! Use your words!" She took the book back over to the girl with braids and opened it again. "Anyway, where were we?" The pair looked over the book for a long moment, and then Gwendolyn looked up and out over the crowd they seemed to have gathered out here in the dark. "Well, I guess I'll take this test, then. I guess the worst thing that can happen is I fail."
Version 1.0 [Jayn] - Version 2.0 [Calxiyn] Greetings, Crafters! After several months of waffling around and a few false starts, it's here! The thing you've been waiting for! The Official KHV Minecraft Server, Version 3.0! We've tried this in the past, and it's always been a popular site addition whenever we're able to host a server. Hopefully, this one will last a while lol. Because I put a lot of work into this. Special thanks to Luxord for helping us host the server. [RULES] ~ Keep the IP to yourself. Don't post it to the forum, don't put it on your twitter, don't give it to your grandma. There's a reason we give the information out privately, and we'd like to keep it within the community. We want to know exactly who's on the server, just in case, and to keep out griefers and other people who'd ruin the fun. ~ Don't steal or destroy other peoples stuff. There's a barrier around the spawn point to prevent anything happening to the castle, but unfortunately we don't have that luxury in other places, so do be careful. C'mon, guys, don't be a jerk. ~ Since this is off-site, I can't say KHV rules completely apply. Think of it like the Discord; keep it clean, keep it appropriate, keep it relatively PG-13-ish, and we'll be cool. Just use some common sense. (This thread is still KHV rules, though). ~ Don't ask for free stuff, and don't ask to be put in Creative Mode. For the moment, the server is gonna be completely vanilla. In the future, we might do a Creative event where everyone can have Creative Mode for a few hours. ~ I say the server is vanilla, we actually have two really cool mods; one that lets you keep your stuff when you die, and another that prevents creepers from blowing up solid blocks. We also have fire spread off, just for now. ~ Should go without saying, but respect the mods and respect other people. Treat others the way you want to be treated and all that jazz. [PLACES] SPAWN (There was a picture here. It's gone now.) A GIGANTIC castle, based heavily on the Land of Departure Castle. Contains community chests, an enchanting table, a world map, and more. Remember, don't get greedy; this stuff is for everyone! Built by: Fearless, with help from Calxiyn and Heart. Where?: idfk [MODERATORS] KHV USERNAME MINECRAFT USERNAME TIMEZONE Fearless DatFearlessChick EST Heart <3 Kh530 EST Dr. Lux Krptxxiiirc EST Midnight Star ArcherMidnight GMT [PLAYERS] KHV USERNAME MINECRAFT USERNAME Captain Arch CaptainArch DigitalAtlas DigitalAtlas Ars Nova Ars_Nova Nate_River itzSalty jafar danktacos C Christhor cstar cstarseastar G-dog Gdog0619 Korosu Merrinou KHGrl15 KHGrl15 Machazo T0M1123 kingdomheartsgeek soraxroxas Aelin Fireheart Aelin_Fireheart [PLAY!] You ready to join? Hit me up with a PM, either here or on Discord, with your KHV name and your Minecraft name, and I'll make Lux add you to the whitelist. NOTE: In order to play the server, your version of Minecraft MUST be set to 1.9.4. It will not work if you’re not playing that specific version. This is due to the various mods and server setups we have to make the server work the way we want it to. If you don’t know how to switch to 1.12, just go into the Minecraft Launcher, click ‘Launch Options’, and select ‘Add New’. Select 1.12, hit Save, then go back to ‘News’. Next to ‘Play’, click the little arrow, then select the 1.12 option. Then, just hit play!
because creamsicles are the in color this year.
The shadows that surrounded them were numerous, multiplying to the point that it looked more like a mass of swirling black and yellow eyes than any individual beings. The Heartless... those who lacked hearts. One could almost feel sorry for them, if they had the time; they had once been human beings, too. Unfortunately, they didn't have the time. Those shadows were on the hunt, and Relli didn't doubt for a second that they'd rip them all apart without hesitation. One of the beasts sprang forward toward them, and Relli cleaved it in half with their keyblade before jumping back, almost falling into Alder. They turned slightly, looking up at him, and then shifted so that they were back to back with the guard. It was exhilarating, being in battle again, even if this was nothing like the mock fights they'd been in as a child. This was a real fight. Luckily, this wasn't Relli's first real fight either. "In another situation, I'd recommend for you to stay behind me but since we're surrounded..." Alder smirked at them. "Far be it from me to order you to join in." Relli chuckled and held their keyblade out in front of them. "Are you sure you can keep up with me?" they teased cheekily, throwing a grin back at the elder. "I've always been pretty fair in a fight, after all." Relli leapt forward, smashing another shadow that had aimed itself at Daeni. He turned to look at her, to ask if she was alright, only to be interrupted. "Relli, please. Stay back...if you're a really a prince, we have to protect you," she pleaded, and Relli was blindsided for a second. How could she think that? That they were just some helpless royal? Hell, Relli was fighting better than she was! "I'm not some helpless kid!" they growled at her. "Maybe I am a prince, but I don't need protection!" Angrily, Relli turned away from her and smashed out two more heartless, channeling their rage into two hits that smashed the shadows instantly, with a finesse of someone who'd clearly been in a fight before. They spun the keyblade above their head and leapt back, again towards Alder, and looked around at their companions. Who cared whether they were royalty or not? They weren't some baby that needed watching. They would fight just as hard as the rest of them, and prove they could be just as good as them. Total Words: 409 BP Spent: 20 Heartless Killed: 4 Hearless Remaining: 264
If you became a contributor, there's an option to stay pink, officially, but still get all the perks of the contributor usergroup. A few people have chosen to do that already. You just have to let an admin know.
The book opened before her like magic at the other boy's tap, and she quickly skimmed down the table of contents. It seemed like a lot to memorize, and gods knew she'd never been the best at school. But this was so much different than any class she'd ever been in. This was a lot of new information to take in. But, hadn't she just helped everyone defeat that witch? She hadn't thought about it at the time, but if she could handle that, then surely she could keep going? It wasn't like her Dad was waiting for her at home. "Well, uh," Gwendolyn started slowly. "I, uh, I guess I can try? I mean, I definitely don't wanna sit here doing nothing if you guys are gonna be risking your necks to save the world." She opened the book to a random page, and boy, this thing was a regular encyclopedia of keyblade-y stuff. That dude hadn't been kidding about it being enchanted, because this thing seemed to contain more information than there were pages. She looked up again, at all the faces staring at her, and realized with embarrassment that she'd been pretty obnoxious to everyone when she'd interrupted them. "Um, thanks, everyone."
Well, at least she'd gotten some attention, Gwendolyn thought. And an explanation, although to be quite frank, she now had more questions than answers. Still, at least Hikaru had tried, and that was something. "Nice to meet you," Gwendolyn nodded at Hikaru. "I'm Gwendolyn. And, uh... that's all cool and all, and it sounds like y'all are fighting the good fight, but... why am I here? How did I even get here? I thought I was legit dead..." She paused for a moment, ineffectually attempting to wipe some dirt off her cheek, and looked down at the silver blade still in her hand. "Is this... one of those Keyblade things?" She stared at it a moment longer, only looking up when Dreamer handed her a book. Maybe the book would give her some answers. Though, she didn't fancy carrying all this stuff with her everywhere she went. At least she didn't have to carry the cat anymore. Gwendolyn tucked the book under her arm, and then had another jolting, terrible thought. "My home... and my Dad... are they gone?"
Relli wished they'd stopped Alder before he'd attacked. But, what could they have done? Alder was hot headed, that much they knew, but this wasn't home, and they had no idea if they could've done anything anyway. Being called royalty was all well and good, but it meant nothing without the proof to back it up. Not that it mattered to them anyway. Daeni's question made them stop and think. "What if....what if it extracted our memories? To make us forget something bad that happened? Does it sound farfetched, cuz I think it does, I mean, really...memory extraction? Sounds impossible to me," she said. It's certainly a possibility, they thought. "You might be right, Daeni," Relli replied slowly. "I don't know much about machines, but it would explain a lot about what happened and how we got here." But now, it seemed they were in for a fight. Relli pulled out their keyblade and prepared to fight, though they didn't know how much help they'd be.
I will always, always, ALWAYS argue in favor of Coded. Sure, the story was a bit on the meh side, but I maintain that Re Coded is probably the most fun of the handhelds to play. It changed up the gameplay without being obnoxious about it, it had a lot of neat features without being overwhelming, and it's great for hop-in/hop-out kind of style (which some people prefer on a handheld). It's probably one of my favorite KH games to chill out with. @tamale get in here and help me, you love this game
I did? Actually give a specific date? It was supposed to be out on Monday, but some shit happened behind the scenes that I have literally zero control over. As a result, I no longer have any sort of date to give out, and in fact, I don't even have a time frame to give you. Trust me, I'm just as frustrated as everyone else, but there is nothing I can do.
the more you keep asking the longer it's gonna take
Congratulations on Senpai noticing you~ I'm Fearless, nice to meet you! Hope you enjoy your stay.
It was all so much to happen in the space of five minutes. First the cave in, then a hooded figure on a cliff... It was more than Relli could process, with so many new faces and voices and information. And the cloaked being. Did they know Alder? Did they know what was going on? Relli looked between Alder and Ria, confused. This person... they were trying to trick them all. It's true, they didn't know Alder as well as some, but he'd always been loyal, never wavering in his strength or honor. Relli found it hard to believe that Alder would be a traitor. The darkness swirled around them, choking them, trapping them, and Relli found that they could do nothing more than stand frozen in place, frightened, but mostly in shock. How could all of this have happened? It was all a blur. "Hey, your highness. Get your dog to talk. He knows something I need to know. What exactly does the extractor do?" They could feel eyes on them. Some of them looked around for who the royal amongst their ranks could be, but it was obvious to others. There was only one person who knew Alder by name. And this person... this person, ordering them around, like they were just some puppet to control, like Alder was just some lackey instead of a person, like Relli was just some dumb kid. How dare they?! "Get real! I'm not gonna sell Alder out, even if he does know something!" Relli blurted angrily, spell broken. "Let us go! Now!"
The witch went down, and with it, went the castle. It seemed that today was destined to get weirder and weirder, and there was no way off of this crazy train Gwendolyn had found herself on. Welp. Choo choo, motherfuckers, here comes trouble, whether you like it or not. Gwendolyn had remained silent for the majority of the conversation around her, getting more and more lost by the second. Keyblade? Test? Everyone else here seemed to know each other, know what was going on, and here she was, literally stumbling around in the dark, all on her own. On top of that, her cat seemed to have disappeared. This morning (?) she'd been tending to chocobos in a field, and now she was standing here, dirty, totally fucked up from that fight, and just as confused as ever, holding the weird key thing that had magically appeared in her hands. This was bullshit, and she was pretty much done with it. "Yeah, hi, excuse me?" Gwendolyn shouted, putting her hand in the air, interrupting everyone. "Someone wanna tell me what the fuck is going on?"