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  1. Fearless
    Hi there, welcome to KHV! Thanks so much for your interest.

    Unfortunately, the subscription we had to the radio feature ran out in January, and we just don't have the funds to renew a feature that very few people were using. A subscription is pretty pricey, and it's difficult to justify the radio when it's not getting hits like it used to, and members as a whole aren't interested anymore.

    So, to answer your question, yeah, the radio has been put on indefinite hiatus. I'm not gonna say we'll never bring it back ever, but for now it's definitely dead.
    Post by: Fearless, Mar 10, 2017 in forum: Bug Reports
  2. Fearless
  3. Fearless
  4. Fearless
    Relli looked outwards, towards where everyone else was looking, and looked back and forth between the two paths. They seemed equally mysterious, and equally likely to get them killed. After all, the light was no guarantee of safety, just as the darkness was no guarantee of danger.

    But, the rightmost path seemed more... intriguing. Moreover, Relli could hear the whispers coming from it, and they were drawn to them, in a way. They almost seemed to call out to them. Disregarding the rest of the group, Relli slowly walked over to the beginning of the dirty path and stared down into its depths. This way seemed like the right way to go.

    Behind them, Relli could hear the group talking and deliberating on their route, and whether they should split up or not. Splitting up seemed like a bad idea, and they would much rather they all stick together, but it wasn't like they could stop them. They would just have to go where their hearts were leading them. And right now, Relli's heart was telling them to follow the whispering.

    Glancing once behind them, Relli took a few hesitant steps down the dirt road.
    Post by: Fearless, Mar 4, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. Fearless
    Thanks so much, guys! Ilu all! <3
    Post by: Fearless, Mar 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Fearless
    Relli did not do well in that fight, they know. They got knocked around, got scratches and bumps and bruises all over, and that was unbecoming of them. Although, like they'd ever cared about how people viewed them.

    Either way, the young prince stood from where he'd been resting on the ground, and limped over to the rest of their group. They had more important matters to worry about.

    "Aevum..." they murmured, looking at where Ria disappeared. It sounded important, like something they should remember, but there was nothing. It seemed like some of their companions knew something, but if they did, no one was talking.

    "...We should get out of here," Relli agreed, turning to the group. "Ria might come back, or something worse might show up."
    Post by: Fearless, Mar 1, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. Fearless
    Yeahhhhhh, but this week had that event, so everyone was playing their face off.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 27, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  8. Fearless
    +5 HP for Relli plzzzzzzz
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 26, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Fearless
    Relli spun around, noticing the beginnings of an attack they didn't remember, but seemed very familiar. Instinctively, Relli pointed their keyblade in the same direction as everyone else, and prepared to attack.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 26, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Fearless
    Hikaru's grin oddly made Gwendolyn feel much better. He just seemed so sincere and encouraging, she couldn't help but grin back and allow herself to be guided through the portal. It seemed like this was a pretty good matchup, and she could feel her confidence levels rising. This would totally work out, probably.

    Through the portal, however, was yet another gigantic city, filled to the brim with shining skyscrapers and tight streets. Unlike Shibuya, though, which was almost completely modern looking, San Fransokyo seemed to be more of a mix of newer buildings and older traditions. With the sun shining down and reflecting off the millions of glass windows, the city looked bright and exciting, and Gwendolyn couldn't help but revel in it, after the ages spent in darker realms.

    "Hey Gwendolyn, any luck on your end? We're trying to find some one named Hiro, yeah?" Hikaru asked after a guy walked right through him. She opened her mouth to answer, when a little kid, probably like twelve or something, ran past at top speed, and Gwendolyn hopped out of the way as a large white... robot? came lumbering after him.

    "Hiro. It is important to look both ways when crossing the street," the marshmallow said. Gwendolyn watched it for a moment, then turned back to Hikaru.

    "I'm gonna take a wild guess, and say that that was Hiro," she said dryly, jabbing her thumb after the kid.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 25, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Fearless
    See, when I heard Roxas asking 'Tell me why he picked you', I always thought the 'he' was referring to Riku.

    Maybe it's me with my SoRiku shipping goggles on, but I assumed Roxas was asking why Riku chose Sora over Roxas, eg; why he chose to essentially kill Roxas in order to let Sora live. From our perspective it's super obvious, but from Roxas' perspective he was probably thinking 'Well, what's so great about this Sora guy, anyway?'.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 25, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Fearless
    Gwendolyn was just closing the book and tucking it under her arm (and boy, did she wish she had a bag) when everything began to happen all at once. Abilities were granted, talking mice were handed out, and then they were in the smack-dab center of the biggest city Gwendolyn had ever seen in her life. Skyscrapers on all sides, and so many people it was hard to make out individual faces. Thankfully, it was hard to get lost when their group (the SOS?) seemed to be isolated. There was nothing like this back home; the biggest city there had been a quarter of a size of this place, and half as tall.

    Staring around at all sides, it took her a moment to register that Yue was talking, and giving out information she should probably know. Whoops. She should really start paying attention better.

    "...Explain a couple of things about this special reaper's game," Yue continued, tossing everyone a player pin. Gwendolyn barely managed to snatch the thing from midair, and examined it as the other girl continued to explain the rules. Very ultra-modern design. Kinda stylish. It was pretty cool, actually. She put it in her dress pocket, and went to find her partner, the one guy that she actually knew by name; Hikaru.

    "Hi, again," she introduced awkwardly. "Sure is a weird test, huh? Haha."

    Two portals opened before them, and she followed Hikaru to the one they chose. Whichever one that was. She was just kind of going with it.

    "I, uh, I'll take RG, if you don't mind. I don't think you want a newbie to be the fighter of the group."
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 25, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Fearless
    Running forward had definitely not been a good idea. In fact, it was probably the worst idea they'd had today, but Relli never really had been one for thinking things through before going for them. Upon making it into the inner circle, Ria's ominous countdown finished, and the darkness became again a solid wave that rose up and headed straight for the group. Bracing themself did nothing, and Relli was knocked back to the ground, just like the others, by the sheer strength of the mass of solid darkness that Ria had thrown at them.

    This time, when Relli hit the ground, they didn't know that they'd be getting up again anytime soon. That last attack had hurt, and it certainly hadn't done any favors for their previous injuries. They'd be surprised if their entire back wasn't black and blue from this mess. Relli's vision began going white again, and they closed their eyes. Guess they'd lost after all.

    Suddenly, a wave of warmth washed over Relli, pulling them back towards wakefulness just in time to hear Alder speak. "Wake up, Prince. It's not nap time yet..." he called, keyblade in the air. Had... Alder healed them? Relli opened their eyes and blinked in the light of the spell, glancing around to see others getting to their feet. The pain from the last attack began to melt away, and at the very least, the prince thought they might be able to get up and keep going.

    Well, if no one else was giving up, then they certainly weren't going to either. Still wobbly, Relli pulled themself to their feet once again and took a moment to asses their situation. Daeni and three others were still stuck in the slowly dwindling hoard of heartless, seemingly unharmed by the blast. On this side, most people were looking a little more worse for wear from the attack, and in fact, three people were still down for the count. Including Cerdic. Ew.

    Relli didn't think they'd be doing much fighting in their situation, but they could still help. The prince held their keyblade in the air as well, and cast a healing spell over anyone they thought they could reach. They felt the warmth going over them again, and then also directed it at Alder, Marley, and the unconscious teammate who wasn't Cerdic. Relli looked at that jerk, still lying on the ground, and rolled their eyes. He'd be fine there for now. Probably.

    Total Words: 410
    BP Spent: 20
    HP Healed: 5 each (Relli, Marley, Alder, Chloe)
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 25, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. Fearless
    Relli saw the opening, and saw the others rushing for it. They couldn't pass up this chance.

    They wrenched themselves to their feet, ignoring the twinge, and ran forward with the others to attack the source directly.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 24, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Fearless
    Relli helped Daeni to her feet slowly, with their one free hand, and stood by her as she sniffled and wiped at her face. They felt for her, really they did; she'd never fought before, sucked into a battle for her life with no knowledge as to why or how, and now she was hurt. They knew exactly how she felt. They had once been in a similar situation.

    But now was not the time for crying. Now was the time for lifting your blade and fighting back, and Relli was all but about to tell her so when they were slammed hard in the side by a wave of crushing darkness, sucking the air out of their lungs. They couldn't breathe, couldn't even gasp for air, and for one terrible moment Relli thought they might have broken a rib or crushed a lung. They gaped like a fish out of water for a long second before finally managing to heave in a gulp of air, only for their senses to be engulfed by the rancid scent of darkness.

    Everything else rushed back to them in an instant as the wave of heartless carrying them lifted them into the air and pulled them away from the others, separating them, as the shadows continued to grab at them with their grimy claws, reaching for their heart, and Relli smashed at the closest ones with their keyblade trying desperately to keep them away. That was the wrong move, it seemed, as the hoard seemed to take offence to that.

    As soon as a fourth heartless fell away into the air, the swarm shifted, and again Relli felt claws grabbing at them, before the world began to fall away as the swarm slammed Relli downwards with all its might, down so quick that they couldn't begin to process it, and smashed them into the hard ground. Relli's vision went white as the air was knocked from their lungs yet again, and pain began to travel up their spine like electricity. The shadows fell away, presumably to go torment someone else, leaving the young prince coughing and gasping for air in the dirt. Slowly, they rolled themself onto their side and pulled themself into a sitting position, using the keyblade for balance. Their vision swimming, Relli pinched the bridge of their nose and attempted to stand, still leaning on the keyblade. They couldn't give up. Not yet.

    Word Count: 403
    BP Spent: 20
    Heartless Killed: 4
    Heartless Remaining: 101
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 23, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. Fearless


    Welcome back! I kinda vaguely remember you (or at least your username).

    Hope you stick around!
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 23, 2017 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  17. Fearless

    wtf tho
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 21, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  18. Fearless
    It felt like time had slipped away from Relli. One moment they were fighting, the next, everything was different. It was like their eyes had slid out of focus for just a second, and then come back to realize ten minutes had passed. Was this another side effect of the memory wipe? It was unnerving, to say the least.

    Relli shook their head, shaggy blond hair falling in their eyes, and pinched the bridge of their nose. They had to keep it together, just for now. They shoved their hair away from their face again and looked around, taking stock of the situation.

    They were winning, it seemed, but barely. The fight was dragging on, and they wouldn't be able to keep going like this forever. One person was even down for the count for a moment until Alder cast a healing spell. Speaking of whom, it seemed that both Alder and the person he'd healed had somehow gotten closer to Ria, and were now battling, separate from everyone else. Relli wished they could remember how that happened.

    But, that was enough speculation for now. Now was a time for action. Relli jumped away from where they'd been standing, and back towards the group. They landed next to Daeni, and brandished their keyblade out towards the heartless.

    "Pst...Relli....look at Ria. You can sometimes see a spot where things can go through. Makes me think there's some kind of a glitch going on here," Daeni whispered conspiratorially at them. Relli whipped their head around to take a closer look at Ria, squinting through the battle. Every so often, a gap would appear, and everything would be fuzzy, but through the gap was an opening. Perhaps a ticket to their victory?

    "You're right. That could be our chance," Relli nodded. "D'you think Alder and that other person have noticed?"

    Instead of an answer, however, Relli was met with a yelp from their friend, and they spun around again to find Daeni on the ground, trapped under yet another shadow. Relli gasped and began to dash over to rescue the elder girl, smashing their keyblade through a few more heartless along the way. Before they could get close enough to help, however, the girl with the first pin whacked the heartless away and stabbed it, freeing Daeni from underneath it.

    "Are you alright?" the girl asked Daeni, just as Relli came to a stop beside the pair.

    Total Words: 403
    BP Spent: 20
    Heartless Defeated: 4
    Remaining Heartless: 130
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 21, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Fearless
    There's a swamp biome if you go out the right entrance of the castle (with the dense forest) and walk for a bit. I also -think- there might be one if you go out the front entrance and walk straight, but it's much further out.
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 20, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  20. Fearless
    /sticks leg in the air

    I'm here. My Discord is Fearless #6603, or you can PM me.
    (Dont skype unless its an emergency, my skype is a broken piece of shit)
    Post by: Fearless, Feb 19, 2017 in forum: The Playground