Sounds good, I'll be there.
Same, tho. Though the achievement means you can't equip accessories either.
lmao guess who's halfway done with 'em (fuck traverse town part 3 tho omg)
Do what i'm doing and Platinum KH1
Relli took barely a moment to register the contents of the graveyard, giving the area one sweep with their eyes before identifying the source of the whispering. The whispers were louder than ever, now, and it felt like they were being overwhelmed by them, unable to process anything else. They stood, just for a moment, in the center of the area, watching Cerdic and Daeni wander towards the side, before heading towards the crypt. The others could do as they liked; Relli had to find out the source of the whispering. They paused at the door to the crypt, again only watching as the darkness within leaked out into the open air. The smell was absolutely rank, the disgusting odor of darkness mixing with the scent of decay, and the young prince wrinkled their nose at it. But still the whispers bombarded their ears, so they steeled themself, and began to enter.
November 2016 - February 2017 Princess Kairi Spoiler Actual Badass Kairi (Redo) Princess Kairi Ballgown Design Soriku, aka did you really expect anything else from me Harley Quinn (For Midnight Star, Secret Santa 2016) Moar Soriku Trash SOS Banner Mer-Sora (For RP) Relli Sine Metum Metrunos (ReCollect OC) Spoiler Masquerade Sora (For RP)
Specifically, a scene from any of the books. I need it for school. Go.
what day is today, amaury.
Final Fantasy IX. I played it right when it came out, so I was quite young (maybe 6 or 7), so all of my early memories are hazy and are basically just flashes of story and color (and I never even made it past the Ice Caverns as a kid anyway lol) but I remember being entranced by it. Also, KH2. I think I watched the opening two dozen times when I first got it lmao.
What am I even doing with my life? /insert gif of Sora shrugging his shoulders
Personally, I'm hoping they'll sell the keyblade conductor's baton >_>
woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that escalated quickly.
Dimly, Relli was aware that they weren't alone on the pathway; at least a few of the others had followed them, but they weren't sure exactly who. Their mind was distracted, feet decidedly following the sounds of voices, and the few spare thoughts they had for their companions flitted from their mind as quick as they came. Gravel and dirt crunched under their boots, and as they went the path became more and more overgrown until the group practically had to walk single file to follow the path. For nearly fifteen minutes they walked along the path, the fog and darkness growing steadily until it was difficult to see, until the path simply trailed away into a large, imposing wall. Relli picked their way along what was left of the path, all the way up to the wall, until they were practically pressed against it, palms pressed against the smooth stone. They looked up, and the top of the wall, and not even the sky itself was visible through the blackness. The whispers were louder now, and to the young prince the voices bombarded their ears from all directions, but somehow were even more indistinguishable. Relli walked along the wall, fingers trailing across it as they went, following the party as they turned left. Despite leading through the path, Relli was now the last to join the group in front of an iron-wrought gate that trailed up two stories, with solid bars and a heavy lock. As they approached Cerdic (ew) opened the lock and pushed the gate open, then stepped back. Relli gave him a quick glance, then looked further inside the walls. The whispers were louder than ever, but they called to Relli, so they took the open invitation to go first and walked through.
Everyone knows Phillip could get the business.
I'm interested in attending the meeting, even if I can't do much to help rn. I'm available like all this week, and after that I'm available evenings after 5pm EST.
Oh hey you're that guy. I remember you.
Don't even own a switch but YAY x36,000