I DIDNT KNOW, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I wish you and your alien all the best, and ask that you post pics when its done cooking <3
okay but how the fuck did you get such a low number for an id
As the sun began to shine through the clouds, brightening the graveyard and surrounding area, Relli doubled over in pain. Much like their companions, memories began to rush into their head, but they meant little to them. A castle, carved into the side of a mountain, surrounded by flowers and other flora in all directions. Relli could've sworn they'd never seen it in their life, but they could remember the smell of the breeze as it rustled the grass, the feeling of it blowing through their hair. Could remember the vivid colors and the blue skies. It sent a shudder through them, and Relli remained hunched over long after the memory had faded and the graveyard reappeared in their vision. Vaguely, they could still hear the whispering, but it paled in comparison now. Out of the corner of their eye, Relli watched as Cerdic demanded the journal. Daeni handed it over, if reluctantly, but the young prince still cursed themself for being unable to stop her. Whether he was going to destroy the journal or not, Relli wouldn't trust Cerdic with a blade of grass any more than they'd trust him with anything else. Silently, Relli got to their feet, dusting themself off and glaring at where Cerdic was holed up in a corner. "If you want to know look yourself," Cerdic snarled angrily, shoving a page at Marley and stalking away. It was probably the most serious any of them had seen the man. "Lets just catch up to the others, and maybe murder someone in the process." Relli growled under their breath and raced after him. They'd had it up to here with Cerdic's bullshit. "No way! Not until you hand over that book," Relli shouted, slamming into Cerdic, and trying to grab the journal from inside his coat.
Thisssssssssssssssssss. This this this this this x36,000. Kairi is one of my all time favorite characters, and would love it if we could have her for a lead. One of my favorite AUs on the internet is just KH1 with Kairi as the protagonist, and let me tell you I would pay big money for it. One of my favorite blogs is just a Kairi as they keybearer, Riku's a prince, and Sora falls to darkness story. (Here's the blog, if anyone's interested. I'd suggest reading it in chronological order <3 ) It's not something I think would feasibly happen, but goddamn would I love it if it did.
They were almost there. By the time Relli stood up from their short respite, the majority of the remaining heartless had fallen, leaving only a lone half-dead Gigas Shadow. Listing to the side a bit, Relli took a few steps forward and shoved their keyblade through it, finally ending the battle. As the final enemy burst into wisps and floated away, the young prince watched it go, then turned back to their companions. No one seemed terribly hurt, which was fortunate, but they were no closer to answers than they were before. Tired, Relli sat down again, and dismissed their keyblade. Word Count: 101 BP Spent: 4 No Enemies Remaining
Sorry guys, looks like tonight's stream is CANCELLED. We're gonna try to reschedule for some point in the future, we'll let you know when~
I'm a college senior, ofc I'm tired.
Senpai has noticed you.
Relli watched, eyes trained on Daeni as she picked up the book and flipped through it. They weren't sure, but the did wonder if perhaps the book was the key to the mysteries that surrounded the group. Either way, it was definitely important. "Make sure you keep that book, Daeni," Relli said, voice cracking slightly. Their throat was dry, and the whispers were still screaming in their ear, and it made the young prince unable to concentrate on anything for long. They swung the flashlight around the small room, looking for the source of the whispers, but found nothing except for the corpses of the long dead. Why had they called them there if there was nothing? Was it the book? Or something else? Then, a voice sounded from outside, and it was like a spell had broken, the tension in their body snapped. The flashlight dropped from Relli's hand, only to be replaced a moment later with their keyblade. They whirled around on the spot and sped out of the crypt, taking the steps two at a time. Cerdic and Marley took out of a few of the small shadows, but Relli payed them no mind, with only the singular thought of getting rid of the heartless. They lept up and over the few remaining shadows, nicking one as they went, and pushed their way back out into the meager light of the graveyard. Chrys was surrounded on all sides by Gigas Shadows, with one, even larger Mega Shadow hovering off to the side closest to the crypt. Head still pounding, Relli rushed forward and smashed the keyblade through the Mega Shadow, splattering it back into wisps of darkness. It was here, unfortunately, that the headache overwhelmed them, and they sank to their knees, head in their hands. The pain was overwhelming and debilitating, and it felt like they were being split in half. For a long moment, Relli could do nothing but sit and breathe through their nose until it passed. After it passed, the whispers were still in their head, but lessened now that they were out of the crypt. Their head still hurt, but they could deal with it. They'd had worse. They dug their keyblade into the ground and used its weight to pull themself back to their feet, then fell back into a battle stance. They weren't going to fall here, that was for sure. Word Count: 401 BP Spent: 20 Remaining Heartless: (total shadows left, 4) Shadow: 2/5 Shadow: 3/5 Shadow: 3/5 Shadow: 3/5 (total gigas left, 5) Gigas Shadow: 7/10 Gigas Shadow: 7/10 Gigas Shadow: 7/10 Gigas Shadow: 9/10 Gigas Shadow: 9/10 Mega Shadow: Dead
??? What are you trying to do here, my friend? You got it, my guy. D'you mind if I remove your old account?
Added. However, in the future, I am gonna say if someone wants to be added, they have to ask themselves. No more asking to add other people.
Are they a KHV member? Also, if they're in Vulpes, it's me you wanna talk to, not Arch.
Hey guys, Fearless here! (sorry, no fancy graphics here) So, I'm doing something a little different here. Cat streams every other week (which you can find here!), and it looks like a really fun community event! However, I don't have a PS4, and can't join in the fun, and I know I'm not the only one. So, I thought, why not give streaming a try for myself? So, next week, on Saturday April 15th, I'm gonna be streaming! The usual rules apply, as do the regular time slots (one hour for a guest slot), and we'll be streaming the usual time of 7pm-12am EST. IN ADDITION, I'll also be recording the entire stream, which is later gonna go up on Youtube. So, which game am I playing, you ask? Spoiler All you need to sign up for a slot this time around is a Discord account; no extra equipment needed! However, slots are first come first serve. If you want a specific slot, reserve it now! If you have any suggestions for the stream, feel free to shoot me a message. Commentator Spots 7-8 EST: 8-9 EST: 9-10 EST: 10-11 EST: 11-12 EST: @Aelin FireHeart As always, the stream will be hosted via the Official KHV Twitch Channel. Make sure to follow us! https://www.twitch.tv/khvidsnet
Well I mean the entirety of the US is a shitpost right now. So that's a thing.
"Give back what you stole." Relli continued forward into the darkness, the light dim to the point of being unable to see beyond five feet into the crypt, despite the light of the outside pouring in through the door. It was almost as though the darkness was blocking it, making it unable to shine in its depths, repelling it. The whispers were louder than ever in their ears, making them want to cover their ears with their hands, it was so deafening. Vaguely, they can hear noises and voices behind them, meaning the others had followed them in, but they were indiscernible over the din around them. Relli wondered if the others could hear them as loud as they could. "Give back my balance." Relli stepped forward until they were standing right in front of the wall of darkness. Looking up and around, there was no way to go but through it, but the prince was reluctant to step though, even with the voices egging them on. They weren't frightened, not really, but it was unsettling. They shook their hair out of their eyes and prepared to step through. "You thief, give it back!" A yelp sounded behind them, and Relli whipped around, startled, to find Daeni on the ground. She stood, slowly, and picked up an object on the ground. She looked at it a moment, then handed it to Relli, saying something. They couldn't hear her, not really, but they got the gist, and so, took the flashlight. "Thanks," they replied hoarsely, throat dry and not working well. Behind Daeni, they could see the others had followed them. "Give back what is mine!" Relli turned back to the darkness and turned on the flashlight. It didn't help much, but it was better than nothing. So, Relli took a deep breath, and stepped further into the crypt.
Tbh I'm just excited about how much better the new line of figures looks than the old ones.
By god do I wish I could co-commentate. Someone buy me a PS4 so I can participate in Cat's suffering.
No rolling in the lounge. Insta-ban, go home. omg that turtle