Could always go with just 'Aki', if it's not taken.
I'm. I'm kind of tempted to leave this open, just because you went through all the trouble of digging this up. actually im kind of impressed
Or, alternatively, tell us how you're doing at work. My very last grades for my 4-Year degree were; Digital Illustration 2 - B World Cinema - A- Senior Thesis - A Advanced Costume Construction - B- Independent Study - A I graduated with an overall GPA of 3.38 <3
Head still fuzzy, the bleak colors of the world still float in and out of Relli's vision. The only grounding they can find is Daeni's hand in their's, and the solid ground beneath their feet. They feel Daeni push them down slightly, and the young prince feels out in front of them to find the cold metal of what they vaguely recognize as a ladder. Were they... going down the ladder? Best hope so, because Relli slowly climbs down, still nearly blind, and then sits at the bottom to wait for what will come next.
I solemnly swear to do whatever it is this says. (i specifically waited for my tablet so i could make this joke)
~ Locked ~ I know Spam is on the dead-er side right now, but don't necrobump my dude.
SCREECH I GOT A NEW CAR AND I LOVE IT (It's a 2012 Ford Fiesta)
Holding hands with Daeni, Relli continued to run, almost being pulled by the girl. Who knew she was so strong? The world seemed to pass by in almost a blur, and the environment just seemed like shapeless blobs of color. Even their teammates swam in and out of focus, though at least they could tell who they were. The exception was Daeni, purely through merit of being so close, and even her features swam into one another to an extent. They ran, until they stopped, and Relli nearly ran into Daeni at the suddenness. The prince wondered where they were now, and how long until the world would stop shifting with every movement.
Added. no get out of here no arches allowed in vulpes
Maybe I'm behind the times, but I only ever use Starlight for everything, unless I'm forced to use something else. It's also my strongest, at +28 and somewhere in the range of 9000 Strength. My current main medal setup for it is; Sora + Pals CoM Mickey (64%) Saix (4 Dots) Namine (3 Dots) Aqua (100%) And then I use Eric's Illustrated KHII Kairi as my friend medal 99% of the time.
KHUX is down for maintenance right now, so anyone wishing to change parties is probably going to have to wait until this evening/tomorrow, just as a heads up.
Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Cinema and Screen Studies Graduated Cum Laude that guy in the background made the best face
Relli hit and scratched and punched Cerdic as hard as they could, still scrambling for the journal, but unfortunately Cerdic was much taller and had much longer limbs, and managed to keep them at bay. They could feel the heat of Daeni's keyblade pointed at Cerdic as well, and they were glad that she had their back. This continued until Marley lifted Relli by the armpits and yanked them off the cowering man, shoving them away and back towards the path out of the graveyard. The young prince fumed, glaring at Cerdic. They wanted to see the page, sure, but they were more mad about Cerdic's general existence than anything else, really. They stormed ahead, only slowing when Daeni showed up beside them, and together the group walked back to the starting point, and then around to the other path. The town at the other end was barren, and just as frightfully creepy, with heartless popping up before their eyes. Relli summoned their keyblade, but stopped short when Ria appeared before them and began taunting them. Every word they said made Relli's blood boil, before finally they'd had enough. Relli couldn't stand Cerdic in the slightest, but Ria pissed them off just a little bit more. "Shut the hell up!" Relli screamed, slashing forward at Ria's knees.
I'm super down with this. I, for one, don't go into #general much, mostly because I find it too distracting when I'm working, and I know that that's an issue when users need a mod around. I feel like something like this would solve a bunch of problems in one swoop. +1 from me!
I mean the new album looks pretty sick, so.
I was just about to make that post, too.