Hestia finished marking the powder on the floor, then stood, letting the empty bag fall to her side. "Good. She's been away far too long." Her hair slipped over her shoulder as she began to write lettering into the powder, carving out the words that would send them to where they wanted to go. "Though I feel I must warn you, she won't make it easy. It's your master she wants." Pausing for a moment, Hestia looked at the two soldiers with a sigh. "Most underestimate her, because of her gentle nature. I would advise against it. She did give birth to Titania, after all." Getting back to her feet, she clapped her hands together, and intoned the spell in Arabic. The portal rose from the ground, a dark tunnel that seemed to writhe and at the same time not move at all. "And there you are. Though..." she tapped her finger against her cheek, "It's only one way. Good luck getting back!" Passing by Black Rook, she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Let me know if you want something for those nightmares. I can do income based." She winked, then strolled back to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of the blue liquid on the counter. Portal making was thirsty work, after all. Clarity paused, before glaring at Rhett. "I'm not quite as stupid as you seem to think." She said acidly. She couldn't see a way to save Felicia from Cin's grasp, and she refused to put herself in between Rhett and a fight. The scars that hadn't yet healed from his skin indicated how badly that could go for her. Even if it was Rhett, he was still a werewolf, and they weren't entirely ruled by human instincts. She stepped back, and looked at Roxanne. For once, she could agree with the girl. Neither of them wanted to get involved, because they simply didn't have the hero complexes their compatriots had. "I'll remember, white roses for your grave." She told Rhett as an idea popped into her head. "You should at least give your wolves the chance to escape before Cin uses them as individual punching bags. Tell them if they go into the Institute, they'll be safe." She sighed. "Or don't. Come on Roxi baby." She bolted back inside, speeding towards the room she had just left. Brianne was still asleep, a stranger staring at her. Clarity froze, then sighed. "Angel's tits, you scared me." She commented, before pointing at the stele. "Roxanne, grab that. If I do it, I'll end up worse then dead." "ANGEL!" Rhett screamed as Brianne slid to the ground, her eyes empty, body limp. The howl that tore from the werewolf's throat was both inhuman filled with such pain that if Alarick's heart hadn't broken at the sight of his twin's body on the ground, he might have felt sorry for the phantasm. Because they weren't real, they couldn't be real. Even if Brianne's first Change was accelerated, she would not be strong enough to coherently fight for a few days after. Still, the sight burned him to his core as he turned, cutting Rhett across the stomach as the werewolf charged Ash. The injury dropped him, and Alarick stood over, hand clenching his staff as the werewolf simply reached out, fingers stretching for Brianne's own. The hallucinations were true to life, and what he said told him more then words ever could. Alarick set his mouth in a firm line, and cut Rhett's throat, turning away as he clicked the button, sliding the blades back into the wood. The fairy reappeared, her face solemn as she looked down at the bodies. "It seems Gaia was right about you." She said, her voice gentle. "She had hoped you would have the drive to complete the task set before you, no matter the consequence." The fairy knelt, closing Brianne and Rhett's eyes. "Follow me, please." She turned, and walked back into the forest. Alarick went after her, unable to look at Ash, or the bodies they left behind. Morrigan's gaze snapped up, and she stared at Nick, really stared at him for a few seconds, before turning her eyes to the plants that bound him. She tried to reach them with her magic, but she was too far. Gritting her teeth, she slid her arms through the bars, hissing as the iron scalded them where it touched her skin. "I won't be able to do this for very long." The plants were now just barely on the fringes of her magic, and they writhed, fed by Gaia's magic but being forced down by hers. She was able to pull them away from his arms by a few inches, but his legs remained trapped. "Nick please hurry." She whispered, her voice filled with pain. Brianne's eyes flickered open at the sound of Creed's voice. She moved to sit up just as Clarity barged back in. "Wha..." Brianne's eyes narrowed. Clarity clearly wanted Roxanne to do something. And judging from the noises outside...."We need a barrier rune." Clarity told her, light colored eyes wary. "Cinead is out there. You might have met him. But I don't want him to meet you, not right now. So." Brianne nodded, pulling her stele out with some difficulty, and setting it on the table, her arm shaking. Her eyes were hazy, but filled with determination. "No one can help me, Creed." she whispered with a gentle smile. "Roxanne has to do the barrier rune. I don't think I can carve them anymore." The sentence hurt to say, but it was the truth. To use her angel given rights would only accelerate the process, and she wanted to cherish every minute she had left as her old self. Grayson stared at Slavko, then raised an eyebrow. "I was always told demons were somewhat intelligent. I suppose everyone's prone to overestimation though." He looked around the battle arena, then up. No doubt Paragon, or at the very least, the good doctor was waiting for him to do something. Grayson sauntered over to the wall, drew back his fist, and put at least a little effort into it. The wall spider-webbed under the force of the blow, and he grinned, stepping back to view the damage. "Gotta say, doc. I'm pretty excited that I still look gorgeous, and have all this strength. It feels pretty good to be me." He turned back to view Slavko. "You hedging your bets on coming back? I wouldn't. Judging by the screams going around this place, there's a hell of a lot of your kind waiting their turn first. Might be years." He grinned, folding his arms across his chest. "So come on, let's see if you can make me mad. I'm waiting." The dagger glints as Masque draws towards Valister, pulling it across the open skin of his arm. There is a slight tickling sensation, but the blood flows freely, allowing Masque to begin his work. As time wears on however, Valister's thirst begins to worsen, a yellow sheen along the blade of the knife perhaps revealing the reason why. The werewolf glanced behind her, then turned, walking backwards. "So, you've got a bow." She winked at Sien. "Always loved a good archer. Bullets are a bit too quick for me." She nodded towards Aethelrick. "Though nothing against you. Still, timing is everything, isn't it?" She turned, and faded from view as the leaves rattled overhead. A leaf fell onto the right side of Sien's chest, plastering itself to his clothing as if glued there. An odd prickling, followed by a sensation of ice, would only grow as time went on. The same happened to the left side of Aethelrick's chest.
Bryce's vision flickered as he swung his axe, stumbling forward as best he could. Unfortunately, it was not enough, and the axe nearly hit Aedan, who was backing up. Bryce mumbled an apology as he struggled to pull the blade out of the floorboards. It was then that the drake swung its attention towards Sanderson, and Bryce smiled tiredly, finally pulling his weapon free. Now that it was distracted, he could attack! But brambles appeared in the drake's way, and the undead creature swung back towards Bryce, who had time to look at Aedan with bigger puppy eyes then ever thought possible, before the drake clamped on his arm. Bryce attempted to shake the drake off his arm, gasping as the cold began to infiltrate his body. Swinging his battle axe with one arm, Bryce winced in pain as he tried once more to bring the blade down on the unholy creature. He didn't understand why Aedan had decided to sacrifice him to the undead drake, but he was not going willingly. Tessa wanted to retort to Alice, she desperately wanted to punch Ren, but instead she only stood in front of Rayyad as he had a bit of a midday complex. She wanted to go to him, to stop him. It wasn't his fault and she knew it, but what could she say? She turned, eyes glittering as she looked them over. Of the people here, Lumen seemed to want to avoid conflict, and Kara seemed to be trying to prevent any fighting. Conrad was by her side, but for how long? He hadn't seen what she had, none of them did. None of them understood, except for Rayyad. "He's not here to hurt us. If you don't want to help then just stay here. None of you saw. None of you get it. Stupid humans." She added under her breath before turning to chase Rayyad down. Drawing up next to him, she looked her friendly quietly before reaching out to take his hand. "It's okay." She promised. "None of them get it. Even I only saw a small piece. But I understand. We'll get you free." Kara watched Rayyad, a small frown on her face. The guy definitely wasn't all there, but he didn't seem in any way capable of the desire to harm them. And she supposed, she wouldn't be completely sane if she had spent so long alone. No one would be. "Not to be the ***** in your chain, Ren, but uh.." she started to walk past him, glancing back. "Weren't you the one who pet the spider? While it was basically dying from a brain aneurysm? It didn't hurt me at all." she pointed out, stopping by Conrad. "Do you want a hand with that?" She asked, her face serious. She hated slavery as much as the next person, and that's what this sounded like. Rayyad clearly didn't want to be here, and even if Kara was a little sketched out by the guy, Tessa was helping him. And she couldn't just leave Conrad to watch Doe Eyes all by himself.
Brianne had been tolerant of the coarse conversation, up until Ritter spoke. She stood up, using a nearby abandoned data pad to scan through the list of crew members. "Ritter, please open local comms channels for the ship." She waited until she heard the click, before speaking. "Crew members Crow, Winters, and Pavlov, report to the armory immediately. The rest of you, stay on red alert for possible ship invasion." She waited a second, as Ritter turned off the channel, before asking him another favor. "Please contact Captain Altius and inform her I will be leaving the bridge to lead the landing party." She turned, tapping Yvette's shoulder as she walked by. "Pilot, you're with me. Ah, good of you to join us, Ensign Rivida." She greeted Aeros as she walked by, not waiting for a salute. "You're in charge of the ship. Please, in the event of a landing party, don't crash her into the nearest asteroid. I'd like her, and the Captain in one piece when I return." She walked towards the elevator, pressing the button before stepping inside. As the doors closed, she stared straight ahead, keeping her cool. This was what she was made for. This was what she was good at. She stepped out of the doors and into the armory, heading straight for the weapons locker. Clarity narrowed her eyes as Quint laughed. The high and mighty attitude irked her to no end. If she had been a green medic, not ever having seen the battlefield, or dug her hands wrist deep into a man's stomach, then maybe she would have been more respectful, less argumentative. As it happened, he had a perfect excuse for why he needed what he did, and why he didn't want her to do it. She stepped away from him, refusing to remain by his side any longer then she had to. She might have punched him otherwise. "Convenient. But still an addiction of another kind." She hissed, giving him the barest of salutes. "I understand perfectly well, Inspector." Wishing to get away from him before her frustration and anger drove her to actions that would typically land someone in prison, she turned to Alexei, who still managed to make her smile, despite the inner turmoil. "Now that you mention it, I could use a d-" She was cut off by Commander Lightwood's voice. Well that doesn't sound pleasant. Glancing at Alexei, who's name had been mentioned, she winked. "Careful not to get shot down there, or I'll have to put my hands on you. And the last man who experienced that didn't stop screaming for hours." She purposely left out whether it was in pain or pleasure, and turned to her desk, staring down at the supplies. She would need to get organized. Battle always meant injuries, whether minor or severe, and she wanted to be ready. Ana was curled up in the lounge, rubbing her bare feet on the soft material of the couch, when she heard Brianne's voice come over the loud speaker. A small twinge of worry clenched her stomach as she listened, then slipped on her shoes. If Brianne had thought she was in danger, she would have taken Ana with. She had promised Ana would be safe. Grabbing the datapad she had been staring at while the ship had been flown to their destination, she pulled up the screen again as she paced the room. Her chemical substance should be enough to deter any intruders. She had hoped to test it further, but it seemed time was of the essence. Her wings fluttered, then settled against her back, drawn in tightly as they did when she worried. She stepped out into the hall, and made her way towards the bridge. She would need to get Captain Altius' permission for what she was about to do.
Titania let one finger drag around the basin as she circled the room. The images flickered from that of a sick Brianne, unfortunately still alive, to Corvo, who had been joined by Luce. "What a shame, Yorick." She whispered, gently caressing the image on the water, until it disappeared. "It seems your scion has joined the forces against us. We must retrieve her, and punish her until she sees the error of her ways." She didn't wait for Yorick to respond, or expect him to, really. His gaze was blank as he stared ahead, although he did manage to nod. She raised an eyebrow in surprise, and then her laughter, like tinkling bells, filled the room. "Oh, you Shadowhunters really do deserve more credit. Much tougher then you look." She turned her attention back to the water as Cin's face flickered into life. "Well now, Cinead. It seems that you've erred too. Such a shame, I had hoped for so much more from you." A small smile began to lift the corners of her lips as her eyes glittered. "Really, you have such a strange sense of loyalty. But that's what makes you all the more amusing." Her mirth hid her irritation at being unable to scry the other Lightwood twin, or Ash and Morrigan. Wherever they were, they were hidden by a great power, and it made her uneasy to consider exactly who owned that great power. "Oh dear Yorick, I don't believe there's any reason to call in your forces yet. I'm grateful for your concern, but I do believe I can handle Cinead, on my own." Her eyes glowed, and the plants began to encircle the room once more, slithering across the floor and sprouting leaves just to try to touch her. At least they knew not to bite the hand that fed them. She turned, her bare feet sweeping across the floor. "Please don't trouble yourself on my account. By all means, remain here, in the safety of my palace. And I believe, when I return, that I may have company for you. Although.." her voice echoed down the hallways as the lights extinguished, leaving the Shadowhunter completely in the dark, "he may arrive in several pieces. I'll try to keep something big enough for you to enjoy." Clarity ended the call, letting the phone drop from her hand and onto the coffee table with a clatter. She could hear noise coming, and gently shifted Brianne so the now sleeping Shadowhunter was resting more comfortably. As she shifted, murmuring unintelligibly, Clarity brushed the sweat soaked strands of hair from her face before straightening. She walked towards Roxanne, and then past her, towards the noises. "You can talk to me all you want, sweetheart, but it's not going to do her a sense of good. You think I don't know how this works?" She glanced at Roxanne, over the girl's distinct features. "Pretty sure I met your grandmother at some point. Same hair." Pausing for a moment, Clarity pulled a knife from her boot. "She would be disappointed in the girl she sees right now. Strong woman. I admired her." She then turned her light colored eyes onto the Shadowhunter. "Yeah, people are going to try to kill her. I would hedge a bet, since you know about it, you were in on the meeting, which means they expect you to do it too. The only reason you're still standing is because I don't see a weapon on you, and I can tell you care for her. In your own way." She sighed. "But if you go off again, you're only going to get into a worse situation. You think you're the only one here who has it bad? My dad raped my mother in order to create me, then left her to die when I was born an ifrit. I have no family, except for those that I chose to fill those holes. I had no friends, until Ash found me and guided me. I could have easily gone mad, or wandered the world slaughtering people in order to try and take vengeance, but honestly, what's the point?" She yanked another knife out from her sleeve. "So my advice, girly? Watch my back. Because I think this is about to get messy." Clarity handed Roxanne one of her knives. "I'm going to want that back. And I mean it. Watch my back. Because if I go, you can be sure as the Angel's holy shit that you're going to go too." Turning, she walked out the doors, towards where Felicia was already charging.....Cinead. Clarity swore, then pulled another knife out of her holster on her belt. One of the few obvious places she kept it. "You're an idiot, fairy, if you think this is going to get you what you want." She called out, circling the battlefield towards Rhett. "I would advise you stay back." She told the werewolf, narrowing her eyes. Had she gotten here earlier, she would have stopped Felicia. But now, it was too late. Best to wait for an opportunity. Alarick glared at Ash before attacking Rhett once more, vaulting through the air to try and slash the werewolf's shoulder. The Downworlder stepped to the side and kicked, forcing Alarick to tumble forward to avoid getting caught by the blow. "Don't think you know anything about my sister, warlock. Don't think you understand the pain she is going to go through. That is the reason I grieve for her. We have been together through everything. Don't pretend to understand our bond. I have walked through every hellfire with her at my side, and now I have to watch while she does this alone. So spare me your words." In his anger, he stabbed into the werewolf's arm. Rhett howled with pain and fury as his eyes darted to Brianne, held captive by Ash's shadow. "Let her go!" He roared, turning on the warlock as he pulled out his gun, and took aim. Gaia gently pressed in on Ash's mind, her thoughts like a soft brooke, bubbling in a stream as she spoke to him through the connection. "They are your weakness, warlock. Prove you are stronger then your weaknesses." As abruptly as her presence had come, it left. A shadow appeared from the forest, tapping Sien on the shoulder. "You finally understand." The werewolf laughed, her incisors pointed and her eyes glowing. "Come with me, please." She winked at Aethelrick. "You too homeboy." She turned and walked into the jungle, brown hair flying behind her.
Veera, for the most part, ignored Keenan's ramblings. If he had wanted to know what was going on, he should have stuck around the Kaer more. But coming back only once a year, and then disappearing again, was not something that provoked the making of strong bonds with any kind of person. Yes, they led wandering lives, but she had spent years training with Derrick and Veceslav, and then at least four or five months, when the winter was harshest, weathering the cold with them. Compared to the numerous days that they had hunted together, and the nights spent in the great hall, drinking each other under the table, what was one day? Veera chose to lose herself in those pleasant memories, rather then remain here in the present. Here, where she ran with strangers, after a mass murderer that would probably lead to her death. Here, where the world was filled with death and destruction, and she had been the cause for some of it. No, she wanted to remember the time that Derrick had Axiied Veceslav into drinking a year old Swallow potion, or the time she had knocked Derrick into the ground with a practice dummy. The times they broke each others bones trying to best one another, racing to see who could jump off the higher parts of the walls, or leap the farthest. She had been so different back then, much more carefree and happy. Derrick and Vec had always brought out the best in her, she thought. And now she had lost them both to her own mistakes. Perhaps she would need to find that part of her only they remembered, the worst bits that didn't ever see the light of day. After all, it wasn't as if she expected to make it through this. She reached back, as if to check that her swords were still there, criss-crossing across her back. Her pouch clinked as she walked, filled with the potions and oils that Veceslav had given her. Her blood boiled at that memory; how dare he act repentant? He could have taken it all back, forgiven her, but he carried out the punishment, and then asked for her forgiveness? She dropped her hand, clenching it. That was too fresh a wound to think of. No, she would focus on the happier times. The memories where her family was flawed, but in laughable ways. She would walk into hell with a smile on her face, if it would irk the devil. Treasa smiled a little, lifting her head painfully as Derrick's voice projected back to her. Perhaps it was a side effect of having been thrown by a giant cow monster, or perhaps she was becoming weak, but she was glad to hear the enthusiasm in his voice. They weren't much farther away, and she could practically feel the blankets of a nice bed closing over her...but the cruel irony was, she couldn't sleep. She had to keep reminding herself of that thought, injecting the fear of death into her veins and snapping her eyelids open just when they had been about to close. Although, if they could get a healer, someone who could perhaps give her something for the pain, then maybe it was a possibility. Or at the very least, she could get a time frame on when it would be safe to sleep again. "Alastar and I landed here, when we traveled from Skellige." She spoke quietly, but given how close Derrick's horse remained to hers, coupled with his witcher senses, she was sure he could hear her. It mattered little anyway, it was something to keep her awake, keep her going. "I had thought the castles of Ard Skellig were magnificent, but only until I saw the city of Novigrad." Her head throbbed, and she quieted down for a moment, letting the pain slowly slip away before attempting to speak again. "There were so many people, so many ships, so much going on. I was a little overwhelmed at first. In Skellige, everything is so desolate, isolated. Once Alastar and I were lost in the wilds for two months, before we found a ship to take us back to the capital. Stupid trolls." "The people here, they're different too. They're my father's countrymen, but I could never have compared the two. My father was more of a Skelliger then even my mother, fierce and proud and unstoppable." It had taken four of the raiders to finally bring him down. "He would never have consented to wearing fancy outfits, or trying out different perfumes to blot out the stench of horse. He was never obsessed with riches and gold, only glory. It was no wonder he left this place for my mother." Her mother had killed half the marauders before they finally decided she was too much trouble, and cut her throat. "I wish I was more like her. My mother. She could have been a Valkyrie, a warrior goddess." Another silence, as she listened to the sound of the hoofbeats on the road. "Being around you witchers, was probably the closest I've felt to home in months." Tessa crossed her arms over her chest, feeling her anger rise. Bryce had always called it "Hurricane Tessa". He had also known to stop berating her and simply wait out the explosion, usually with raised eyebrows at the curse words, and the complexity with which she combined them. She missed him. She missed how he could simply sense her mood, and do something to make it better, or rub her forehead when she wasn't feeling well, or sing to her softly when nightmares of her parents woke her screaming. She missed his voice, the sound of his armor as he walked, the smell of the oil he used to clean his silver sword, ever so carefully. Bryce had been influential in their home. She had never wanted for anything, even safety. He had been capable, and strong, and strategic. No one would have "messed with him", as Matilda put it. And while she had been kept away from the aftershocks of such an event, she heard stories. She did run a bar, after all, and not once had she ever been pestered for "protection money". If Bryce had kept away the rival gangs simply with his name, then he was formidable indeed. But not once, not ever, had Tessa used her connection to him to try and make people fear her. She wanted to be respected as an individual, not as Bryce's sister. "You keep talking about your father. What he'll do when he gets back." She hissed, her cheeks flushing with anger. "You think you can just run to him every time something goes wrong, and he'll wave his arms, and make it go away? Well, Matilda. I don't see your daddy here now. And I don't recall being born into a human family, so don't try to tell me what to do. I had an older sibling. I don't need a replacement." Until now, she had always thought her doppler status was something to be afraid of. Something to be ashamed about. But watching the brutality on that stage, she was glad she wasn't human. She hated them. All they did was take away every time she tried to give back. And she was sick of it. Spinning on her heel, Tessa turned and walked into the crowd, heading for gods knew where. Just away. Matilda had done them a favor, but only because Sigmund had ordered it. She didn't owe the girl a gods-damned thing. She owed Sigmund, and she would see he got what he had paid. But he hadn't specified the way she would get the money. "Coming, or what?" She spat at Adolin and Seth. "Or go with her. I don't care." She knew she wasn't thinking clearly, but Hurricane Tessa was still in full force, and it was telling her to go take out her anger on the ones who had caused it. Even if it wasn't directly doing so.
Name: Ana Jereck Sex: Female Age: 21 Species: Maraku Appearance: ~ Rank: Lieutenant Division: Science Bio: Ana was born on an alien planet, far from the dusty and windswept planes of her homeworld. Her mother died soon after she was born, leaving her to be raised by her father. At the age of five, Ana was taken by slavers. When she attempted to escape, her wings were broken, disallowing such schemes in the future. Ana was sixteen when the camp was raided, the slavers killed, and Ana met Brianne Lightwood, then a lieutenant herself. Brianne took Ana under her wing (har har), getting the girl the psychological help and physical therapy she needed in order to learn how to walk, run, and eventually, fly. She also pulled some strings in order to get the Marakan a job in the Coalition, and taught Ana how to defend herself. One year later, Ana is as functional a person as she has ever been, and has joined Brianne for her first mission off the planet she made her home. She still has yet to try to use her wings to fly. Other: Officially discharged as a successful outpatient of psychotherapy, no known issues remaining that cannot be handled by the patient in question.
"We can get more iron at the Institute." Luce told Corvo, not that he heard as he continued ramble in his own way. She leaned her head back against the mattress, waiting for him to finish. Had she sentenced Yorick to die? Yes, but it was better then as he was now. Right now, he was not the man she had grown up respecting, or learned from. He was a weak old fool, too bewitched to understand what had happened to him. Perhaps it was best that way. But when Corvo asked why she had not reported it earlier, her temper flared once more. "I'm sorry, your Highness. When exactly was I supposed to waltz away from watching our mentor break every rule in the book and our code? When he was busy scrubbing the blood off the floor? When he was slitting the throat of innocent Downworlders because that Titania bitch told him it would summon the Angel? When he was having me run his errands? I'm so sorry that I don't have a magical mirror, or a cell phone that works." She shoved past him, pushing him away as she momentarily ignored all the talk about working together and strategy. Instead, she strode towards the wall, punching it hard enough she felt a knuckle crack. Wincing, she punched it again, but much less harder. Calmer now, she turned, and took Corvo's hand with the other, uninjured one. "Fine. Better then my idea anyway." She grabbed her gun and slung it around her shoulder, before waiting for Corvo to get ready to leave. Hestia raised her eyebrows, then shrugged, letting the flame cat jump down from her arms. "Fine. I'll help you two get where you need to go. But not them." She jerked her head at the soldiers who had followed them. "If you're going where I suspect you are, I'm not sending an army to an old friend. After leaving me alone for so long, she doesn't deserve that much entertainment." Turning, she walked deeper into the apartment, before grabbing a pouch of powder. Undoing the drawstrings, she pulled out a handful and began to draw the designs on the floor. "You're also going to have to tell me where you're going, and why. Portals don't come easy." Clarity gently rubbed Brianne's back, frowning as she watched the woman's eyes roam underneath her lids. The fever was coming fast and hard, with no way of stopping it. She had half a mind to go get Rhett, just to make sure Brianne wasn't dying, but then he would go all, "Angel forgive me, Angel I adore you, Angel you have to come with me." And Brianne didn't need to go anywhere. "What's wrong with her?" She looked back to see Creed, and Roxanne standing in the doorway. Creepy. "She's sick." Clarity replied shortly, her hands resting protectively on her friend. "And if you're here to make her worse, then go the hell away. She needs peace right now." And...she needs someone who knows what's going on. But Clarity wasn't ready to admit that out loud yet. "Do you know-" She was interrupted by Brianne's phone ringing. Digging her hand between the couch cousins, she pulled it out, frowning at the number. "Seriously, I don't know how she would find patience or time for all of you. Like a bunch of frickin' kids." She muttered, pressing the button and holding the phone to her ear. "This is Clarity. Hi Hendrick. Brianne's under the weather. A lot of weather. Institute is filled with werewolves, and well, Roxanne is here. She looks like she needs someone with more patience then I have, given she screamed in my face. You should probably head down." "It's not our status! She could have stayed in New York forever if it made her happy!" Alarick dodged another bullet before shoving the bo staff's blade into Rhett's shoulder, a small smile flickering across his lips as the werewolf yelped in pain. He stabbed him again before backing up, the werewolf trying to recover as they circled each other. "She won't be able to ever hold her weapon, a weapon she's had for thirteen years, again. She's losing her ability to fight!" Alarick hissed as Rhett shot at him, the bullet hitting its mark in his shoulder this time. He found himself somewhat relieved that Ash hadn't started hurting Brianne yet. He didn't know how he would handle her screams of pain as he stabbed Rhett again in the leg, forcing the werewolf to howl, and limp back. This only enraged Brianne, who snarled, twisting against the magic that held her in place. Morrigan walked after the girl, feeling a little uneasy. "We're going kind of far." She whispered to Nick, but stopped when the girl in front of them stopped. She turned, her teeth clacking against each other as she looked from fairy to warlock. "Neither can be free until they are both unchained." She whispered, her image fading. Morrigan realized immediately and turned to warn Nick, too late as the bars sprang up around her. She tried to grab the bars, and shrieked as it burned her palms, the iron causing her flesh to steam. She backed up, pressing them to the floor, which was thankfully, cool wood. Nick himself was yanked against the nearest tree by vines, pining his arms to his sides and his legs together. "Nick!" Morrigan called, then freezing. Was it just her, or did the cage suddenly seem to get a little bit smaller? Brianne could hear the voices above her, but she couldn't bring herself to particularly care. All she wanted to do was just rest, the exhaustion weighing down her body and fogging her mind. An ice bath also didn't sound like the worst idea. Grayson, now dressed, stalked after the person who had offered him such clothing. He knew better then to resist, regardless of how much he wanted to. But it seemed his less the mindless obedience had finally paid off. Now they were going to let him fight, and it would be a good fight. "So, what's this guy's name? And what can I do to him?" The vampire leading Valister and Masque turned, his eyes gleaming in the sunlight. "Even the simplist of lies can hold the most complicated truth." he responded to Masque's accusation, the voice becoming deeper, more similar to Gaia's. "Sometimes the purest of artwork, must be tainted by the blood of those innocent of the crime." With that, the vampire began to fade away, leaving a small dagger and a larger easel in his place as a small log twisted itself into an artist's easel.
"I didn't know you had a sense of humor Rose. All this time, and you never told me." Teliana grinned weakly, bracing her back against the sand dune. "Because I am literally covered in my own hemoglobin. And maybe other people's." She grimaced. "Did you kill the guy? You should have. He was a di-" She hissed, gripping her shoulder. "I think I might be screwed on the breathing part." She whispered, watching her hemoglobin stain the sand. "Hey, you know what would be funny? If I made it through getting gangbanged by the bullets of half the army here, seduced the Lancer, fed Kalak to Bullseye over there, freed you, only to bleed to death because I can't walk back to the ship. That would be funny as fu-" once more she doubled over, her hand going to the bullets lodged in her side this time. "So yeah. If I die here, just make sure people know I did all that, okay? It's kind of impressive, and I don't want Jayce thinking I died because I was too busy thinking about my date.....which I am never going to make. But being dead is a good excuse, right?" Despite her talkative manner, Teliana was scared; scared she might not make it out of this one. That'll teach you to open strange shuttle doors, looking for your bound assassin friend.
Teliana pushed herself up to her elbows, then sat up, leaning heavily against the wall, her forehead covered in a sheen of sweat. "Rose." She croaked, her body shaking as she tried to resist the shock that her injuries was pressing upon her. "Rose, get him." She was interrupted by the sound of heavy footfalls, and turned, her eyes gleaming with her as of yet unused power as she looked up into the face of a.....robot. Teliana blinked, opening her mouth to...swear? question? She didn't know. It greeted her kindly, and she wondered if she was slipping into hallucinations. Had she lost that much blood? Then the robot picked her up, and she found it was no illusion made by her mind. "Rose!" She screamed hoarsely as it carried her away. She wasn't sure what direction he headed in, or where he was taking her, but she was powerless to stop him....it? That alone was terrifying in and of itself. She didn't know how to refer to the robot. It set her down, placing a cup of tea with her while reminding her to be careful. "So you're literally going to leave me here to bleed out and die?" She asked the empty air as the robot turned and ran the way he had come. She could see the battle in the distance, but it might kill her to crawl that far. Instead, she focused on trying to treat her injuries, to keep herself from dying right here. Using the little remains of her shirt, she began to tear strips and bind the open wounds. The ones that had the bullets remaining under her skin, she left open to the air. Each breath hurt, and what little energy she had was slipping away as she tried to keep the remaining blood inside of her. At least Rose is free. Now Ana had to figure out how to help herself get back to Kalak, and the girl she had just freed. Shouting was tempting, but not the best idea. Hopefully he was up high enough that he could see her, and as much as she hated to admit it, help her.
Luce grinned, then pointed the barrel at the ceiling. "I lied. Yorick took all my iron too." she let the butt of the gun rest on her hip as she rested her hand on the other hip. "It's some sort of mind control. But she can't do it without the powder. At least I don't think she can. I honestly don't know on that one. But I've seen it on Yorick when he's come back. Not that he told me it came from her, but it's not hard to figure out when someone starts having an intense hatred of all things iron." She set the gun against the wall, and sat down, leaning her back against the bed as she stared up at the ceiling. "I don't think she's made him do the other things, Corvo." Her voice was sad, and weary. "The things I've seen him do. He's not the person he used to be, but I don't think that's the fault of anything other then his own fanatical dream." She braced her arms on her knees, hair briefly covering her face. "He killed the rest of the Clave. It's only him now. And those Downworlders you're giving him?" She glanced up at Corvo. "He's sacrificing them to the Angel. One by one." Alarick ignored Ash's taunts, pulling his stele out and carving the rune for Speed, and Quickened Healing. "Brianne's in trouble." Was his short reply as the stele went back into his belt, the button pressed on the bo staff to spring out the twin seraph blades. "Raphael, Michael." He whispered, the blades glowing into life. The howling drew closer, until he could have swore the wolves would have been right in front of them, and then stopped. Alarick's grip slackened, his body going tense with horror, as two figures stepped out of the woods. "See." Brianne hissed, squeezing Rhett's hand before dropping it. Her hand was healed, no sign of the incident ever having been there. Her eyes glowed as she stared at the warlock and her twin. "They're conspiring against me. They want to kill me. Even my own brother." She choked on the last words, the pain so real Alarick wanted to drop everything and run to her. It had to be an illusion, it had to be. But if it was, it was the best damn copy he had ever seen. Everything, from the shape of her eyes to the pain in their gaze, was so true to life. Rhett narrowed his eyes, everything in his stance oozing of protective loyalty. "I promised you I wouldn't let that happen, angel." He growled, starting towards Alarick. "I'll keep you safe." Brianne began to circle around, towards Ash. "We have to kill them both. It's the only way." A half choked snarl, the sound of a crazed werewolf struggling with control, made its way out of her throat. Alarick could never forget that sound, nor the sound the creature had made when he killed it. "Hear that, Ash?" she taunted the warlock. "I showed Rhett what it meant to actually be loved, when you only wanted him for his abilities, his naivety, his unwavering loyalty. He'll be free of you, and I'll be free of him." She jerked her head at Alarick before leaping at Ash, attacking him the same time Rhett attacked Alarick. She pulled out a simple iron dagger, swiping at Ash's arm with a snarl. Alarick blocked the werewolf's hatchet before forcing him back, swiping with the staff towards his chest. The blow was blocked as Rhett backed up, pulled out his gun, and fired. Alarick felt the bullet graze his shoulder as he jerked to the side. Illusions couldn't fake pain. They couldn't cause pain. "What in the Angel's name is going on?" He whispered. Brianne rested against the wall of the alleyway, wiping the sweat from her forehead. She had removed the runes after getting a safe enough distance away, when the burning became too intense to bear. The fever had returned with a vengeance, causing her clothes to become heavy with her body's moisture, her hair limp as though it was a hot summer night. She gritted her teeth, shutting her eyes to catch her breath, and then starting forward again. She had left underneath her own willpower, and by the Angel she would return the same way. Stumbling towards the back door, she pressed her forehead against the cool stone of the wall before opening the door. "I could use a shower." She muttered to Clarity before collapsing on the couch next to the ifrit, not much caring that she was awkwardly sprawled across her friend's body. Clarity immediately sat up, pressing a cool hand to her forehead. "Shit, Bri." The ifrit whispered, keeping her blessedly cool skin pressed to Brianne's. "You accelerated it. You ran, didn't you? And the runes....." Brianne didn't nod, didn't move. Just enjoyed the cool sensation while it lasted.
Luce turned, dropping her gun on the floor gently before stalking towards Corvo, she bent over him, staring into his eyes, their faces barely an inch apart. "How the fuck do you plan to talk to him?! He's been magicked you goddamned idiot." She hissed, grabbing his face and pulling her fingers down his cheek before pulling them away. "And she tried it on you!" She jumped backwards as if she had been burned, her eyes narrowed as she quickly rubbed the powder on her pants. "Shit, you could already be turned." She grabbed her gun bag again, slinging it over her shoulder. If nothing else, it could be used as a weapon. "You stupid idiotic specimen of a man you let her touch you." She groaned, pacing the room, agitated. "No help for it." She pulled her gun out of the bag, shoving a bullet from her pocket into the slot before pulling the lever back, the projectile slipping into the barrel. Turning, she pointed the sniper rifle straight at Corvo, without aiming down the sight, her face set. "I am going to murder the Seelie Queen, Corvo Eismauer. If you are poisoned by her magic, you will be unable to stop yourself from attempting to disarm me of this iron bullet." She clicked off the safety, and let her finger brace against the trigger. "If you do, then I'm sorry." Clarity had enough of the crazy girl. She grabbed one of her daggers and in a second had it pressed against Roxanne's throat. "Screaming is acceptable in a few places." She said, almost conversationally. "One would be during a tragic event, or when someone is bleeding out on the floor, staining your carpet. Another is winning the mundane lottery. And the third would be if you were in bed with me, screaming 'By the Angel's glorious tits, because I'm just that good. Since no one is dying, no one is bleeding, I don't see lottery tickets or money anywhere, and we are most definitely not having sex, it is not appropriate to do that. Especially in someone's face." She pressed the dagger harder to Roxanne's throat, her other hand finding a second one and pressing it to the girl's stomach. "Now that you've received a lesson in proper conduct of society, free of charge, let me give you another, gratis." She smiled, sweetly. "Do not piss off someone who's crazier then you. I've lived twice as long, seen four times as much shit, and believe me, I'm quite a bit more insane, compared to a simple girl like you." She leaned in close, her breath stirring the girl's hair. "I just don't make it obvious." Just as quickly as they had appeared, her knives vanished, the same as Brianne. Clarity moved out of the doorway, whispering good luck to her friend as she felt the air stir by her arm, before glaring at Rhett. "Tell me what to do one more time, Fluffy, and I'll show you what Ash taught me when you were off trying to sleep with that ifrit." She promised, before walking to the couch and sitting down. She wasn't much of an anxious pacer, so it was time to relax, and wait for Brianne to come back. She was the one person Clarity had counted on. Besides Ash. But Ash was a dick. Alarick glanced as Ash joined them, his ever present frown practically cemented on his face, though this time with the added bonus of a furrow in his brow. They followed the winged girl for a few minutes, walking deeper into the jungle. Alarick's alarm bells were going off in his head, and he stopped, reaching out a hand to silently halt Ash's progress as well. "Something's not right." he muttered. Then the fairy girl turned, her image flickering. "Bonds made in war are stronger then those made by blood." She whispered, before flickering away. Howling filled the jungle around them, and Alarick turned, bo staff in his hand and eyes darting through the jungle. Morrigan touched Ash's face gently, before he was gone. "Be careful." She whispered, letting her hand drop before turning, noticing the small girl who had attended Gaia. She bent down, smiling at the tiny girl, who smiled back showing razor sharp teeth. "Come on. You and him." She pointed to Nick, gesturing. "I've got something you'll like!" She turned, giggling, and darted off into the woods. Morrigan turned, making sure Nick knew he was supposed to follow them, before shrugging. "She says she has something for us." She murmured, confused, but charmed by the tiny warlock. She started off through the jungle after the girl, making sure to watch her step. It wouldn't do to watch out for metaphorical sn-reptiles, only to be bitten by a real one. Brianne knew Rhett was displeased, but he hadn't stopped her. She would remember to thank him later, as she waited for the Rune to complete itself, before slipping past Clarity, who appeared to have taken personal offence to Roxanne's antics. She would have to deal with that later. So much to do later. Walking up the steps, slipping past the werewolves that milled around the Institute, she walked towards a place that few ever went, save herself. The library, or the garden, or her own room, would have been obvious choices. Instead, Brianne had chosen the small altar that made up the chapel. She went to the fourth bench, and gently moved it aside before removing the stone from the floor. Inside, wrapped up in the cloth Alarick had carried it with, was the Mortal Sword. Simply being in the presence of an Instrument took Brianne's breath away, and she had to sit for a moment, before picking it up. Gently setting it onto the ground next to her, she replaced the stone, and then the bench, before walking towards the back door of the Institute. "Time for you to get a new home." She whispered, slipping out into the breaking dawn. A vampire slipped, as soft as a shadow, to stand next to Masque and Valister. "You two must come with me. The others are in danger." He intoned, his voice cool and emotionless, before slipping back into the jungle. They would only have moments to follow his silent footsteps as he receded back into the forest.
Clarity stared at Irrin, his words making all too clear what she was seeing in front of her. "You're a drug addict." She found no humor in the situation, and instead stared in open horror at the Inspector. "And you're lecturing me on my behavior?" She was growing angry, indignant even, that he would threaten her with punishment, when he was openly feeding his habit in front of two..no three witnesses. She noticed the guy in the corner, and pressed her finger to her lips before turning her attention back to Irrin. She stepped towards him, tempted to smack the container out of his hand, when Alexei dropped out of the vent. She couldn't help but smile at the engineer, though she couldn't resist whispering in reply, "at least you got the young part right." But she didn't agree with letting the Inspector continue to drug himself. It was wrong. It was against everything she stood for as a medical officer. "Alexei." She hissed, before turning to the Inspector. He didn't care about her, or her vows, or her desire to help people. He was abusing it, and it enraged her. "Maybe I don't feel like keeping quiet." she said through gritted teeth, her hands clenching. "Thank you, Ritter." Brianne murmured, clenching one hand on the armrest of the seat. "Stand by to alert the crew to emergency procedures. Should this not prove the wisest course of action." She turned to the communications bridge, and took a deep breath. "Yes, hail the foreign ship." And down the rabbit hole we go.
Clarity laughed, the sound echoing through the narrow tunnel. "I hope it's more bite then bark." She teased, in reference to his art. "Although I hear that's a good way to contract venereal disease." Halting, she grinned at him, before executing a bow, though it was basically a head nod. "Such a gentleman." She grabbed the edge of the ceiling tiles still in place before sliding down, until she was hanging from them. "Don't let go, Jack." She said dramatically, before her fingers slipped, and she dropped to the floor, landing on her feet. Straightening, she brushed herself off, pausing as she caught sight of someone else in the room. "I live up there." She said automatically, pointing to the tile. This man had an air of importance about him, and her immediate thought was that she didn't want to get Sparky in trouble. Perhaps if he heard her talking to someone else, he at least could escape the punishment, if there was any, for climbing through the ventilation shafts of the ship. "It's quite small, but it's nice. Saves the ship a bunk space. You must have forgotten to ring the bell. Everyone forgets to ring the bell." She shook her head, before stepping to the side, a little more in front of the shaft. If Alexei dropped down now, he'd likely land on her. "Is there something I can do for you?"
I've changed my mind. I don't want pizza. I want chocolate. Veera decided, cutting her way through what felt like the millionth heartless. The work had become so tedious, her mind was slipping elsewhere, paying less and less attention to what was going on around her as her battle instincts took over, letting her turn on autopilot. And maybe some rum. Mmmm chocolate mixed with rum, now there's an idea. Heartless Kill Grand Total: Shadow: 154 Dark Ball: 20 Total Experience Gained Veera: 835 EXP (61 Shadows, 5 Dark Ball) Xara: 800 EXP (53 Shadows, 6 Dark Ball) Aislinn: 775 EXP (7 Dark Ball, 46 Shadows)
"Well it's about time!" Daisy stumbled slightly before righting herself, and whirling to look at her savior. Only...it wasn't who she had thought it would be. "Mickey?" She blinked, her tone softening slightly in her confusion. "But I thought Donald....ooohhh if he thinks he can use this to get out of our date night then he is dead wrong? Where is he?" She crossed her arms over her chest, foot tapping as she waited for Mickey to give her a response. The tough exterior was little more then a front; she was upset and lost. How had she gotten into that gem? Where were they now? Donald wasn't with Mickey, was he trapped the same way she had been? It was easier to feel anger over pain or sadness, and so Daisy chose the former. "Mickey.." She warned, indicating she was about to lose her temper. That tone of voice had always sent Donald into a tizzy, and regardless of Mickey's position, she wanted answers. She could apologize for the disrespect later. Or never, knowing herself.
"That's not entirely fair." Luce flipped her hair over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow. "He didn't take out the wooden stakes, or the silver bullets. He just doesn't want you to kill any fairies. Big difference." But at his next sentence, she got to her feet, eyebrows lowering. "You're a fucking coward." She declared, crossing her arms over her chest. "I thought I was doing us, both of us a favor, by coming here. But if you're so readily going to abandon the man who gave you everything, then I'm better off trying to save him by myself." She strode to the bag, yanking it from Corvo's grasp and pulling out her sniper gun case, pulling the strap over her shoulder and grabbing her stele, hooking it into her belt. "I thought you had some loyalty. By the damned Angel, was I apparently wrong. Keep your concern. I don't need it from a traitor." Luce headed towards the door, face set with determination. If Corvo was too weak, and Yorick was too far gone, then it was up to her, and her alone. Hestia waved her hand before returning it to the fire cat as the creature mewed its displeasure. "Hestia is fine. And you both should come in." She turned, leaving the two to close the door as she strode inside. "I usually ask for money as payment, but from you two..." She eyed them, frowning speculatively as she continued to pet the flaming cat. "You're going to tell me a secret. One from each of you. Something no one else knows about yourselves. Whenever you're ready, of course."[/COLOR] Clarity turned to stare at the slightly crazed girl who was begging to be let in. "You must be the crazy one. Roxanne. And no." She held her hand out, not touching Roxanne, but telling the girl silently to keep her distance. "Brianne doesn't need extra stress. You might have missed a little bit since you abandoned everyone and everything, and walked off, but she needs to be kept from as much emotional turmoil as possible. You, in your current state, are only going to accelerate her distress." Clarity motioned for the girl to move. "Go, take a shower, get something to eat. Do something, to calm down that doesn't involve murdering anyone, and then come back. And if you even think of trying to force your way past me, I promise you, I'll make sure you regret it." Alarick glanced at Nick. "I...I want to ask a request." he murmured, running his hands nervously through his hair. The aura of power that Gaia emitted was troubling. He had yet to meet the Seelie Queen, her daughter, but if she had even a tenth of the fey's presence, then he was going to have to seriously reconsider trying to take her on, should they return without Gaia. "What about yo-" But his question was interrupted, as a small girl with pointed ears and wings appeared from the jungle. "The warlock Ash, and the Shadowhunter Alarick, please follow me. Gaia wishes to speak to both of you privately." The girl turned, her wings fluttering slightly before turning into the woods, leaving the two she named to follow her. Alarick clasped Nick on the shoulder with a small twitch of his lips. "I'll be back soon." He promised, before following the fey girl into the woods. Morrigan interlaced her fingers with Ash's. "I think the opposite. Bonds mean everything to her, and she's going to test ours. However fragile they may be." She glanced around at their group, before stiffening as Ash's name was called. The winged girl turned before Morrigan could get a good look at her, and she instead looked up to Ash. "I guess you're being summoned." She told him with a small smile. Brianne listened calmly to Paragon's voice, not saying a word until he was finished. "Thank you, for the warning. Once again I find myself in your debt." She replied, her voice empty of any emotion. "I'll take your advice under advisement, and return the favor when I am able." She ended the call, setting the phone down on the couch, as Clarity's back was turned, and she seemed...preoccupied with a familiar figure. Roxanne. Brianne sighed, catching the end of Clarity's sentence. The ifrit was right, and Brianne was coming back to herself a little bit more as she realized it. She had never been one to wallow, and now, there was something she needed to do to ensure her survival. She would have to consider Paragon's angle later. Much later. Right now....She stood up, brushing Rhett aside with a gesture that took more effort then it appeared. Her skin felt clammy, but she ignored that as well. "There is something I need to do. Only me. Alone. It will not take long, and I will return shortly." She turned, the stele warm as she took it in her hand, carving Runes for invisibility and protection from magic onto her body. They burned, but only slightly more then usual. She had a limited amount of time to do this, and it was happening now. Her skin slowly began to disappear from view as she waited for the Rune to take over completely. "You can all bother me then. But I promise you, if you any of you hold me back from this, you will be the cause for my death. And I will pray that the Angel never forgives you." The steel in her voice grew stronger, the more of her that disappeared. Ironic.
Teliana halted when Vyle did, trusting his superior senses. Not a minute later, the same man he had apparently seen stepped out of the fog, walking towards them with all the jaunt of a nobleman, though without the same sense of style. Or perhaps lack thereof. Ana narrowed her eyes, her hand clenching around the fire, swallowing the magic back into her skin. It would take less then no effort to call it back, and only a little more to create the dangerous kind of flame. She kept a careful distance from Vyle, not because she was afraid of him, but because she didn't want him to fear her. Her hand reached out to tug Zephyr closer as her intuition whispered there was more to the fog then she could possibly see. "I've got your back." she whispered to Vyle, trusting him to deal with the stranger as she turned to scan the area behind them. Veera listened to Keenan's speech with only a set of raised eyebrows. "You shouldn't blame the gods, so much as The Crow." She finally replied, before returning to the trail. She wasn't pleased that Kruez and Keenan had decided to follow her, likely to their deaths, but she had given them their choice. Their blood would not be on her hands. Not like Aaron's. For this reason, she was glad Ellyn was making the choice to raise more men, get more help. Veera, bound by the Code of her punishment, was not allowed to request such. "Safe travels." She told the other woman, with as close to a genuine smile as Veera could get, raising her hand in farewell before turning away. It would not be long now, and she would face Solomon, and before gods and mages and undead, she would receive her judgement. Hardly the ending she had seen for herself, but then again, it was better then dying against some undiscovered monster in the middle of nowhere. Treasa could only smile at Derrick's reply. Maybe you're not so bad. She thought to herself as she squeezed her knees for her horse to follow his, keeping her eyes focused on the horse's neck as it moved. That way, the vertigo wasn't quite so bad. He thinks you're extraordinary. A small voice whispered in her head, one she quickly shut down. The last thing she needed was to become giddy over the praise of some witcher. Even if that witcher was a legend. For sleeping with people. She reminded herself, gritting her teeth as a jolt sent a pang up her spine. She refused to complain, would never do so. At this point she wanted a warm bed and a fire, preferably the former. Hopefully, both awaited her in Novigrad. Zack nodded to Riel to keep going as he turned to talk to the stranger. He narrowed his eyes; people traveling this close to Oxenfurt were either murderers, sicophants, or stupid. He couldn't rule out any, or all of the three. "We're just a caravan of paupers and troop players. Looking for a new place to play. Oxenfurt wasn't to our tastes. I think we're going to try somewhere more south." He turned to her, tense but not visibly wary. "What's a woman doing out here, riding alone?" She didn't look like a farmer, or the daughter of one. The nearest town was Pontarsfork, but it would be strange for her to come this way if that was the case. It was possible there was a hermit hut out here in the wilds, but she didn't strike him as the hermit type. Too many inexplicable things, unable to add up, put Zack on his toes. His wary toes. Tessa gritted her teeth. They should have split up, like she suggested. Perhaps they could have found Talon by now if they had. She looked back at Adolin, eyes narrowing. Just what did he have to do? She didn't like people disappearing on her, even if they were strangers. Perhaps it was the fire in his eyes, or the promise in his voice, but Tessa felt as though she had found a part of Bryce she had lost, when he stabbed her in the back. Literally. She wanted to keep this connection to the guardian she had lost, even if it was a shadow of the relationship she had. It was still better then the emptiness that had taken its place. "We should stick together." She decided to voice her argument. "Two go one way, and two the other. Then we meet back at the safe house. It'll be better if we aren't alone, if something happens." She didn't stop walking as she spoke, but she glanced back at Adolin, to see his reaction. She didn't intend on letting anyone slip away from her easily anymore. "You're not keeping me inside for this." She told Seth, deciding to start the battle on that front before the other doppler got a chance to say so. "I'm going to help. I have a dagger and I'm fast. If you're good enough for this, then so am I."
Veera blinked, frowning. Flame shouldn't be revealing such weakness to me. But she refrained from speaking such thoughts, bowing her head and turning to leave. She passed Kala on the way out, giving the girl a closer look as she did. The bodyguard had shadows hunter her eyes, and her hand was trembling, all too slightly. Veera frowned once more, and once more refrained from commenting. As she strolled out into the day, she looked around the city. It was easy to rule in times of peace, and Flame was right in taking that for a blessing. But if the girl thought ruling during the good times was hard, how was she going to hold up against the bad? Kala glanced at Veera, a little creeped out the way the woman was eyeing her, but then turned to Flame. "I won't sit, but we can talk." She replied, glancing at Galadorn with a little smile. If he had to remain on duty, so did she. "We can't ever go back. Only forward." The words were just as much of a reminder to Flame as they were to herself. She couldn't keep remaining focused on the past, not when the future could hold more hope, if she would only let it. There would be a way to control her powers, a way to rid herself of the guilt, and she would find it. She had to. For Galadorn's sake. Zack opened one eye to stare at Adelina, before shutting it again and stuffing his face back into the pillow. As much as he loved his girlfriend, he loved sleep too. They were the two rivals for his attention, always and forever locked in battle. With a sigh, he flipped over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. "Isn't Tessa on a breakfast date?" He asked, running his hand over his face to try to wake up. "I don't know that she'd want to interrupt that with babysitting, no matter how much she loves the kids." Tessa smiled up at Gale, shaking her head. "If you're late, it's not by much." She sipped her coffee before adding a little more sugar. "It's really quiet out there today." She commented, resting her chin on her hand, her elbow on the table. "Kind of strange, but perhaps there's only a storm coming." It looked sunny now, but she had seen the weather turn in an instant. It didn't bother her, not exactly, but it was just strange.
Clarity grinned, following Alexei through the tunnels. "Poor Aeros. Getting his heart broken before he even had a chance to confess his feelings. You're a cruel man." She slipped through a tight spot, exhaling afterwards before carrying on. Chuckling to herself, her gaze slid over Alexei again, this time more slowly, given he was facing forwards and probably wouldn't notice her. "Art isn't meant to be hidden away from the world, it's meant to be seen, and appreciated." She commented. At least she would have a nice view while they clambered through the strange mechanics of the ship. "So, been here long?"
"The train, actually." She replied, stepping inside his room and dropping the bag once more on the floor, rubbing her shoulder where the strap had rubbed her skin raw. A tank top was probably not the best idea for wardrobe when going into battle, but she had trouble keeping cool. "And then my own feet. You're welcome for that, by the way." She turned, her sharp eyes roaming over Corvo's appearance. "You look like hell." She commented, throwing herself onto the bed and crossing her arms behind her head with a sigh. "Is New York really that bad?" Because if it is, it's about to get worse. "I came to delight you with the presence of my company, because I didn't want to go visit the Seelie Queen with Yorick." She kept her eyes on Corvo, gauging his every reaction. "And before you look in the bag, he's removed all the iron." Sitting up, she crossed her legs, moving her fingers through her red hair to begin re-braiding it into a tighter weave. "Care to hazard a guess as to why?" Gaia had her hand pressed against the ground, feeling the flow of life around her as she smiled. This forest had been created from a whim, but it took surprisingly little energy to keep the greenery alive in the middle of a desert. Just another sign that life could always find a way. Taking her hand off the ground, she looked up as Shadi approached. "Thank you." She told him, straightening as her regal voice echoed through the small clearing. She looked over the group, and was not disappointed in what she saw. The warlock, Ash, held Morrigan by the hand as they led the group. Valister, the only vampire to make the journey, was hanging around the middle of the group with Sien, the second warlock. Both were studiously avoiding themselves and each other, focusing on the magic around them. Masque was somewhat hidden behind Morrigan, and Gaia tilted her head, the waves of raven black hair tumbling over her shoulder. It seemed the fairy was more forgiving then even she had anticipated. The Shadowhunters brought up the rear. She could see the pain written across Alarick's soul, though hidden from his face. Nick, at his side, trying to be a pillar of strength. And Aethelrick, unsure of his future. This was going to be interesting. "You have traveled far to see me. It is only fair I allow you the courtesy of rest, before you continue on your journey." Her eyes flicked from Nick, to Ash, and then Morrigan. "You all have something you would ask of me, a question, or a request. This will not come free of charge." A small child peeked out form a tree, and Gaia turned to smile a the girl, kneeling down and reaching out a hand. The girl came forward, speaking in Somalian nervously as she looked over the ragtag group. Gaia replied in kind, kissing the girl's forehead before standing again as the child took off, disappearing into the jungle. "You are each strong in your way. But the bonds between you are still weak, prone to breaking at the slightest discretion." Her eyes slid back to Nick, and then Masque, before she turned. "You may rest here. When you are ready, one of my people will come to guide you to the village where we reside. There will be time for your questions, your...requests..." Her eyes turned to Morrigan, and rested on the fairy. "later. You have done well, banrĂon." She turned, and walked back into the forest, disappearing into the trees. The clearing you have been left in is sunny, the jungle dense but filled with birdsong. When you are ready to leave, have your character state so in your post. Morrigan had trouble not simply falling to her knees when they walked into Gaia's presence. The sense of awe was overwhelming, as was the magic that seemly permeated the air. She could only listen, her hand tightening around Ash's when Gaia looked her way. It wasn't until the Mother of Fairies was gone that she felt she could relax, and leaned against a tree, tilting her head up to look at the sky. "Something's not quite right, here." She murmured. Not that she had expected to be taken directly to Gaia's home, but the way the fey had phrased her words. "What do you think?" She looked up at Ash, keeping an eye on Masque just in case he ran into trouble.