Luce wanted to scream as Corvo ran. She had told him to, could hardly fault him for leaving, but she was terrified. And judging by the Seelie Queen's words, she had somehow missed a big piece of the puzzle. She struggled against the vines, but it was hopeless. The more she tried, her worse it got until she could only manage small gasps of air, her heart racing in her chest. She lost the feeling in her fingers, and shut her eyes, hoping that she might wake up and find this all a terrible dream. Please, let this be a dream. Titania smiled at Rhett's response. "Perhaps I should meet your grandmother. She might make a lovely addition to my household. I don't discriminate against age, after all. Magic can fix nearly everything." Her enjoyment was ruined, however, by the stupid ifrit's laughter. She strode over just as a few words slipped from the girl's mouth. Titania hadn't been close enough to hear them, but she was close enough to see that she wasn't breathing. "Well, it seems your little friend was not as strong as I'd hoped." She commented to Rhett, nudging the girl's body with a vine. "That's just unfortunate. I suppose I have to just take you instead. One way or another, Morrigan will be mine again. I do like having a back up, after all." Dropping Clarity's body to the ground, she stopped, freezing in her place as the plants shrieked around her, shriveling up and dying. "You." She hissed, her hands glowing green as she called up more greenery in place of the dead. Hestia's eyes glowed as she strode forward, the cat made of fire at her side. Its fur was up, its hackles raised as it hissed at the sight of the Seelie Queen. "You had best pray, for your sake that the girl is not dead." Hestia murmured, her voice dead quiet as flames burned in her irises. "I knew you were lost, Titania, but to lay your hands on one of my subjects..." she knelt by Clarity's body, her eyes lowered for a moment. The cat rubbed against the girl's leather shirt, burning it. "You have lost your mind." She pressed a hand to Clarity's chest, then rose, her eyes grim. "How dare you." She spoke, her voice never raising, her tone anything but gentle. "How dare you cast your mother, burn away her memory to ash. How dare you kill her mate, driving her to the very depths of heartbreak?" She planted herself in front of Clarity and Rhett, the cat at her side. It was slowly growing larger, now the size of a dog. "You have no right." Titania hissed, vines struggling to wrap around Hestia's legs. She simply burned them away with a flick of her wrist. "I have every right. I was your sister. Who will, if not me? I let it go for a thousand years, but no longer." The cat, now the size of a tiger, roared its fury. The vines around Rhett burned, letting him drop to the ground. "Now leave. And pray that she lives the night. Or come morning, there will not be an inch of your home left unscathed." Hestia swore as the tiger ran towards Titania. When its paws hit the ground in front of her, it exploded into a fire ball that lit up the surrounding area. After the smoke had cleared, Hestia was picking up the small body of the fire kitten, caressing it gently. Titania, Cin, and Luce were gone. Alarick felt the edges of his lips twitch as Nick approached. "I find I am glad of that fact." He replied quietly, grabbing Nick's shoulder and squeezing it before letting his hand drop. He wasn't sure if it was for his comfort, or Nick's. "It doesn't seem that the Lady is giving us an easy time of it. I hope these trials are limited. I need to get back..." He drifted back into his own thoughts, but he remained close to Nick as they headed into the clearing with the werewolf. Gaia approached the pair, inwardly shaking her head. Will people never learn? But she didn't mind, she had been welcoming people into her fold for a thousand years. And if Paragon wished to test her in order to gain what he sought, she could not stop him. It had been taken out of her hands the moment she had let Titania take control, and kill....She let the memories, still painful, fade from her mind. "Why have you come here?" She asked the two, her eyes drifting from one, to the other. Morrigan watched Nick walk away, her eyes slightly narrowed. We will talk, Shadowhunter. That, I can promise you. Ash left her side a moment later, separating them once more. She refused to show how much it frightened her, and instead squared her shoulders, turning to follow the werewolf into the woods. As they arrived, she looked at the others, her worry only escalating. She knew Nick the best, the other two were strangers. And Nick, she would consider it later. Brianne bristled, though she was too exhausted to put real fight into her words. "I may be ill, Roxanne, but I am still the Head of the Institute, and until I go through my first Change, I will remain as such. I will not run simply because the Seelie Queen wishes me dead. I imagine half of New York does at this point." Hendrick appeared at that point, and she merely smiled in his direction, though there was both nothing and everything to say to him. She lifted herself off of Creed in order to lean against the wall, pressing her hot forehead against the cool stone. "And hello to you too Corvo. Nice of you to drop in. Though no one is removing me from the situation. And I'd like to make sure that before I do leave, you're not going to murder everyone present who doesn't have angel blood in their veins. Myself included." She turned her head to look at the Inquisitor, her forehead shining with sweat. "And I'd like to know why I smell blood, and what in the Angel's name is going on outside my front door." Grayson growled, throwing his arms out and spinning around quickly. "Doc what does it look like I been doin?" He shouted, before turning around and whipping a punch at Slavko like the chemically enhanced mutant boss he was. The werewolf turned, her face solemn. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry." She said simply. Her form began to twist and change, growing taller then any of them, the back hunched, the skin spotted with patches of fur. "By the Angel." Alarick whispered as she turned, teeth as long as his finger shining in the near jungle light. "What is that?" The werewolf, or whatever it was, snarled and crossed the jungle floor in a single bound, swiping at Sien, before whipping around and snapping at Morrigan. Vo's wings fluttered as she knelt on the ground. "Good luck." She whispered in her soft voice. The ground shot up around her, creating a mound that closed up around her. The ground rolled and cracked, before a second pillar of earth shot up, from underneath Ash's feet, careening him into the sky. A second shot towards Aethelrick, aiming to shove him into the nearest tree.
Ana frowned, crossing her arms across her chest. "Well they didn't have me back at CM, did they?" She retorted, offended that he didn't believe in her ability, or perhaps her determination. "And you're lying. Why are you lying to me? Does my opinion of you matter that much? I hardly think so. And I don't need the help of the "stubborn medical officer". She waited until Quint left, before exiting the lift herself. Depositing the remains of her data pad in the nearest trash receptacle, her eyes narrowing as she watched Irrin approach the pilot's seat. He was uncomfortable; the tension in his body, the wrinkle on his brow, the jerky manner in which he moved. He was trying to hide it, and doing a very good job. But it was Ana's job to notice things. "Captain, I-" She was interrupted by Quint, who reported no life signs. Furrowing her brow, she stepped forward, and promptly clapped her hands to her ears as the sirens wailed throughout the ship. A tremor of fear went through her as Quint reported an attack on the ship. They won't take me. Brianne promised. But Brianne wasn't here. But Ana could help. There might be a bit more of a mess in the end. But she could stop this. She could stop what happened to her from happening again. She stuck her hand in her pocket, felt the vials there, and smiled grimly before following Quint towards the lift. She might not have a gun, but she had something better. Clarity was sorting through her medical supplies when suddenly, sirens jolted her out of her revere. She frowned, raising her head as she looked out the door of the medical bay, trying to understand what was going on just as the lights went out. She was encased in darkness for nearly a minute before a red emergency light flickered into life, throwing her surroundings into relief once more. It was quite surreal, and not altogether comforting. The opposite in fact. She grabbed the hilt of the trem blade on the table, grippinig it tightly as she grabbed a nearby bag, shoving as many supplies as she could before looping the strap over her shoulder and across her chest. Moving slowly, wincing each time the needles and bottles clinked in the bag, she exited the med bay and moved along the corrider, towards the lift. Trying to press the call button did nothing. Everything was eerily silent, except for the wail of the sirens. This is so not good. She headed towards the opposite wall, hoping to find a stairwell of some sort. She wanted to know what was going on, and she would be damned if she was going to wait for it to find her first. Brianne raised her eyebrow at Lieutenant Winter's tone of voice. "Careful, Winters. I'm sure you've heard the stories, but I don't take insubordination particularly well." Whether it was because she was a woman, or younger then him, it didn't matter. She hadn't slept her way to the position of Commander, and she had been dealing with his kind all her military career. If he proved to be a problem she would simply request a difference officer from Captain Altius. Whatever his issue, she would not let it cost her the lives of the others. "Well, glad someone was paying attention." She told Crow, winking at him before exiting the ramp. "You're safer with me then with them. Just keep your head low and don't do anything stupid." Easier said then done as Winters and his team walked into the enemy's spotlight. She fired at one of the pirates running for cover, her eyes narrowed as her body relaxed, instinct kicking in as the gun pressed against her shoulder, the trigger held back by her fore finger. "Winters, on your left!" She called, moving her self to right and towards a low wall that might have been the foundation of a garden or something at one point. "Crow, on me!" In the heat of battle, honorifics hardly mattered. And the seconds that were spent saying them could be used to fire bullets at the enemy instead.
Luce prepared as best she could, knowing that by leaving this room she may not return. It was a risk that each Shadowhunter took when they left for battle. It wasn't something she relished, but as she inscribed one last bullet before slipping it into the cartridge and pulling the lever back on her bolt action rifle, she realized that her life would be incomplete. She had been raised to cherish the sanctity of battle, the thrill of the fight, and the heady rush of victory. Without that, who or what was she? She nodded to Corvo, following him out of the room and making sure the door was locked behind them. Just because they might not come back didn't mean they had to make it easy for spies and thieves. Corvo seemed preoccupied with his phone, which was a funny bit of irony to Luce, but she didn't bother to comment, her eyes set ahead on the future. They would get to the Institute, get their weapons and allies, and then they would rescue Yorick. She looked up at the architecture of the building she had heard so much about, but never actually visited. Just as she was about to step forward, Corvo yanked her back. His words made her blood run cold. She dropped her gun to the ground and yanked out her seraphim blade, hissing its name just as the light glowed. But it was too late. Stupid stupid stupid Luce, you walked into it like a doe into a trap. She couldn't help the shriek that left her lips as the ground shattered from underneath her feet, the roots catching and entangling her. She just had time to throw her blade to Corvo with a, "Get in the Institute you fucking moron!" before she was whisked away and around the corner, held just to the left of the Seelie Queen. Her mouth went dry as those glowing green eyes met hers. "You think?" Titania's laugh echoed through the air. "You should be certain, young one. After all, lives depend on it. Namely, yours." She bent close, her face inches from Rhett's. "Maybe I'll just see if your screams are enough to bring her running." She felt Cin struggle, but he wasn't going anywhere, and she had the rest of time to deal with his infractions. She couldn't help but smile at the thought, the expression disappearing at Rhett's uttered threat. Her hand whipped out, grabbing the werewolf around the throat and constricting, her eyes narrowed. "Never speak of her to me." She hissed, the vines weaving up around his body and tightening. She smiled sweetly, increasing the pressure until she was sure his ribs would crack, before letting go. Her eyes widened as she turned away, and a truly delighted expression lit up her face. "Oh my. Corvo, my darling. You've truly outdone yourself." She whispered. The trees and vines around her began to weave in ecstasy as they dragged Luce through the air towards her. She stepped in close, taking a strand of Luce's hair and twirling it around her finger. "My, haven't you grown up." She murmured, her eyes glowing. "Such a little girl you used to be, all those years ago. But look at you now. No wonder Yorick has been so protective of you, keeping you from me all these years. I suppose, time isn't the same, is it? Years are seconds, at best. No matter. You're here now. Don't worry. I'll take good care of you." She kissed Luce's cheek before turning back to Rhett. "Right, where was I?" She clenched her fists, and the vines tightened, unyielding in their grasp. "Howl for me, little wolf." Fading in....fading out....she wasn't sure if this was life, death, or somewhere in between. If it was, it could have been a little warmer. And more comfortable. She felt the vines restrict around her, and sighed, choking on the blood that was leaking through her chest cavity. Alright, so maybe not quite death. If she was doomed to asphyxiation by blood for the entire afterlife, then it was going to get a little messy. Her hands slipped around something so familiar, she could practically see it in her minds eye. Her fingers began to move, so infuriatingly slow she could have screamed with frustration, if she had the wherewithal. Instead, she finished what she needed to do, and then began to laugh as the phone slipped from her grasp. Her laughter turned to choking coughs as she felt the vines tighten around her. "Stupid bitch." she whispered, even as Titania's presence drew closer. She wanted to say something more, but her vision was gone, her heart was slowing. Exhale, inhale. Exhale, inhale. her mind was breaking down. Exhale, inhale. She couldn't....Exhale, inhale. "Stay with Ash." The words barely left her lips, meant for only one person. Exhale. Gaia turned to Shadi, one eyebrow raised. "I don't recall saying the test is complete." Turning away, she watched as four more came to the clearing. Three calm, if not a little shaken, and one very upset little warlock. How disappointing. She merely blinked as the painting came hurtling towards her, only to land on the ground at her feet. She let Masque scream and yell, simply waiting out the storm. There was no sense in trying to battle the waves, and only riding them out would lead everyone safely to shore. Well, mostly everyone. "And I had such high hopes for someone of your intelligence." She finally said, getting to her feet and smoothing out her dress as one by one, the Downworlders that had let the comrades back disappeared. "But I suppose, that is the way of the test. To rule out those that cannot stand before the trials that matter." A vampire approached her, the same one that had led Masque and Valister to their trial. The same that led them back. The difference was, this one was real. He handed her something, his expression passive. "Thank you." She told him as he turned and disappeared back into the crowd of Downworlders who had stopped their daily work, wary of the spectacle. Gaia didn't blame them. It wasn't every day someone threw a painting made of blood at their Lady, after all. She unrolled the cloth, bespelled by magic to have kept the item inside invisible, along with its protector. It hadn't been a great stretch, to replace the real people with hallucinations. After all, illusions would hardly have been able to interfere had something truly gone wrong. And Gaia had learned a thousand years ago that leaving things to chance meant tempting the God of Death. Holding up Masque's true mask, she offered it out to the warlock, her expression hard. "I find it the most painful of ironies in that protesting how unlike everyone else you are, you've become exactly like them. Don't try to pretend for one moment that in your utterly short life, you could hope to understand the things I've seen, the places I've been, and the tragedies I've endured. I assure you, little one, they make yours seem paltry by comparison." She set the mask down gently on the ground before turning, and walking away. Morrigan looked down to her injuries, then shook her head. "They are my scars to bear. I will do as I must to prove my strength." She said in return, taking Ash's hand and squeezing it gently before releasing her hold on the warlock. "Tá mé go maith, Luaith." She turned her eyes to Masque, then Gaia. Though she wished to interfere, instinct told her that to do so would invite trouble she could not handle. And so she waited simply to see what the warlock would do. The werewolf appeared as silently as she had gone, though her expression was more solemn. "It was for the Lady to decide whether you have passed. And The Lady has proved to be merciful." She glanced from Sien to Aethelrick, and shrugged. "If you believe in the gods, I would start praying to them now." Turning, she walked back to the clearing, where she clapped her hands to get the attention of the others. "The Lady wishes for your second trial to start now. Morrigan, Alarick, Nick, and Sien, you will be coming with me. Masque, Valister, Aethelrick and Ash, you will be following Vo." The fairy appeared, her wings fluttering gently. "Masque, if you wish to remain behind, you may do so, but your team will suffer without you." The werewolf shrugged once more before turning away. "Let's go kiddos, I want to eat supper on time tonight." She led the four away, to another clearing, and then disappeared once more, as Vo did the same with the other group.
Brianne grinned at Alexei, though she was quick to hide the response. At least someone wasn't just a robot. As the shuttle lifted off and exited the loading pad, she placed her hand on the holster of her pistol, just making sure it was there. Like her security blanket, she always had it at her side. Ensign Greer proved to be a reliable pilot as they dropped out of the Ouranos and drifted into space. She leaned back when she felt the blasters turn on, steeling her mind and calming her adrenaline to more tolerable levels until they had landed. The entrance into the planet's gravity was rough, and as she jostled around in her seat, she checked to make sure the rest of the crew were still steady. Suddenly, the turbulence evened out, and she unfastened her seat-belt getting to her feet as they gently set down on the planet's surface. "Weapons check." She announced, doing so herself and making sure the safety was turned off. Ammo caches, full. "Alright people, get your partner and stick to them. In case you forgot on the short ride down, Lieutenant Winters, you're on point. Take the rest of the security team and make sure to keep the fire off the rest of us. Ensign Yvette, you stay with Ensign Alexei at the ship, keep it undamaged and in flyable condition until we return. Ensign Crow, you're with me, but stay to the back. We'll be covering Lieutenant Winters." She paused, looking at each of them. "And I don't believe I'll be asking if there are any questions." she finally continued with a small smile before smacking the door to opening the landing pad. As it slowly lowered itself to the ground, she drew her assault rifle, holding it against her chest and cocked, ready for action. "Weapons hot, let's move people!"
"You and you, on me." Veera collected a few scouts from the barracks before turning and strolling away. With little else to do, she was going to perform an extra patrol run. It beat staring at her wall in boredom, or trying to make conversation with another person. And the exercise might help clear her mind. She felt better doing something instead standing around. Perhaps the reason she was so frustrated was because Flame had ignored her warning about the calm. And something was off today. The people were normal, talking and laughing as they went about their daily tasks, but there were no animals, and even the wind was silent, the leaves still in the heavy air. It made her uneasy, thus the extra scouts. She picked up three more on the way out of town for a total of five, before activating her 3D maneuvering gear and swinging away into the trees. The titans had been relatively few and far between, but occasionally one wandered into their neck of the woods. Veera wondered if they focused on the city within the walls because they somehow instinctively knew there was food in there. She didn't care what Akari or any of the others said; having fought the titans for her entire adult life, she knew there was a predatory instinct in their brains, somewhere. Somehow, they knew how to hunt humans, and it only made them all the more terrifying. The five scouts behind her kept pace easily, and didn't speak, giving her a nice break from the usual banter between Zack and Tessa. Some days, she didn't mind their company, but others she would rather focus on the task at hand. Getting attached to them would only cause her to lose her head in the heat of the moment, and gods forbid it should ever come down to it, but should she ever have to choose between saving one or the other, she knew it was going to have to be a decision ruled by logistics, not emotion. Movement caught her eye, and in silent coordination the five scouts and their leaders dropped lower. From their position in the trees Veera could see two men, helping along a third figure that may or may not have been male as well. Judging by the noise up ahead, there was a fourth figure that was making a ton of noise, calling out for help. Veera narrowed her eyes, and perched on a branch, silently holding up a fist. The others flanked her on either side, lining up like blackbirds. Any sane being would have known that making that much ruckus was the best way to call titans, like ringing a dinner bell. Someone stupid enough to do that wouldn't have made it here from any of the neighboring villages or the city in the wall. That meant they were either enemy scouts, in which case they would not have been calling for help in order to remain silent, or they were powerful enough that the titans were not a worry for them. If that was the case, then why was the third figure injured? Veera didn't like this, but she couldn't allow them to remain this close to the village. She descended, the others dropping behind her, landing easily behind Koldo, Damian, and Lexander. At her hand gesture, two dispatched to go look for the fourth figure, mostly to keep him from attracting titans while they spoke. "Who are you?" Veera asked. Given what she had deduced, she supposed that every answer she received was going to be a lie. Nevertheless, she would take them, and instead watch for something much more tell tale. Kala glanced at Galadorn, wondering what he made of the exchange. Flame was not the same person she had known and cared about. Maybe it was as Galadorn proposed, and Flame had always been this way, Kala just hadn't seen it until someone else came into her life, contrasting what she knew. She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. "Your Majesty, there are still the reports from the Builder's Regiment, and the requests from the harvesters regarding their equipment for the summer crop." She didn't want to sound like an overzealous parent, but as Flame had said, she knew that people were already doing their jobs. Why go supervise them and make them nervous? "And there's the matter of the city behind the walls..." They hadn't heard anything from those people in so long. Long enough that Kala could see Veera nearly twitching each time she gave her report, and long enough that Kala could almost believe what happened there had been a lifetime. For the city of Kantya to have helped them, and then no word, not even in reprimand or thanks, it was...odd. Even Kala could see this, and she could only gather what little diplomacy skills she had from listening to Flame's father and from books she had read so long ago.... Perhaps it was time she told Galadorn the truth. Not the entirety, but enough. She had kept this from him too long, and he was the only one she trusted enough to reveal her face. If he was going to betray her because of it, if he would wish her dead, then more time would not change his response. She should do it, get it over with, and put her fate in the hands of the person who knew her best. If he chose to accept her, then good, great, even. She would finally be able to move on with her life, and perhaps find her own happy ending. And if he didn't...well then she would let her life end, by her own hand, or his. She would not let anyone else have that claim, for they had no right to it. But this balancing act, trying to remain between one side and another, she could continue it no longer. To try and do so would destroy her from the inside. Now, Kala just had to keep the courage she felt until she found a moment of privacy with the centaur. Zack groaned as he finally swung his legs out of bed, rising with a stretch and rubbing the muscles in his stomach. At practice in the barracks, Tessa had given him a rather sharp elbow in the abdomen to escape one of his holds. He would have to pay back the favor, somehow. Maybe asking her to watch the kids would be appropriate, since he knew that she knew that he could never hurt her. Running his hands through his messy hair, he pulled a shirt over his torso before rummaging around for a pair of trousers. He knew that Adelina would want to spend the day with him on one of his few and far between days off, but she got to see him at a near constant rate when he wasn't at work. And when had been the last time that he and Tessa had actually done something together? He didn't chase the thought, knowing it would lead nowhere good as he walked out into the living room barefoot, nearly tripping over one of the baby toys. Stifling a curse, as Adelina would only yell at him if he did swear in front of the children, he looked around for the socks and boots that were tantamount to his daily dress. As always, the 3D maneuvering belt went around his waist. He was always prepared for trouble, and by now it had just become routine. "I can take one of the kids and go get us some breakfast. That way you don't have to do the work or clean up." He didn't voice the rest of his thoughts, still unsure how they would be taken. But at least this way he could give Adelina a break, and get some time with his children. Or at least one of them. For some reason, she insisted in taking on most of their care herself, leaving very little for him to do. He loved spending time with little Zelina, and teaching Zarron to wave his arms. Most days he found Adelina's compulsive need to care for the twins endearing, but on days like today, he wanted to feel like an actual father, and not just a sperm donor. Tessa smiled at Gale before turning her attention back to the window. She would take the sunlight and gentle summer breeze over a storm any day, but something about the wild rain, the uncontrollable thunder and the crackling lightning, it called to a part of her soul that was not normally unleashed. Perhaps everyone had a part of them that longed for a place with no rules, to do as they pleased. Her mind floated back to when she and Zack had first received their maneuvering gear, and raced each other through the tree tops. She hadn't felt so alive until that moment, her hair tugged by the wind and shining in the sun, her heart racing as she dodged branches, birds and squirrels, laughter bubbling in her throat. He had beat her nearly every time, making up for her speed with his agility. Where Tessa had to take more open routes and avoid getting tangled, Zack moved through the trees as though he was a ghost. She was envious of his ability, his talent that had blossomed into skills.. Although Tessa had to remind herself that he was older then she by six years more often then not. Closer in age to Veera then even she, although when she called him old, he would simply ruffle her hair with the reply, "Age before beauty." Yeah, she missed those days. She missed her friend. It had been a lot simpler. Leaning back in her chair, her eyes glanced at the man sitting across from her. It was obvious Adelina had it in her mind that Tessa needed to be paired with someone. Was it guilt for taking away her only friend? Or perhaps a hidden insecurity that Zack would care more for her then the fairy and his children? Tessa knew that the moment Zelina and Zarron had been born, everything had changed. Everything her friend did was for them, and their future. He had told her, in confidence, that he had started putting away money for them, just in case something happened to him and Adelina. He had also wanted her to watch over them. The words weren't specifically said, but she got the feeling he wanted more then a guiding hand. He wanted what his aunt had been to him. Shaking herself out of those brooding thoughts, she turned back to Gale. "So, why are you here?" she asked abruptly. If it was because Adelina had talked him into it, then she wasn't sure why she should stay. If it was because he wanted to enjoy her company, well then she felt like maybe wandering through the woods. And if it stormed, then perhaps she could finally just let go of these worries and inhibitions.
Teliana glanced up, the elevator light shining off the injection as Irrin pressed the needle to his arm. She lowered her gaze back to the datapad, her mind racing. Her thoughts were pulled to a halt as Irrin's fingers intruded on her field of vision. She accepted the piece of her tablet from him, eyes downcast upon the ground as she nodded her head in reaction to his warning. As the elevator doors closed, she finally looked up, rubbing her finger over the cracked surface methodically. "Nitazoxanide. Broad spectrum antimicrobial treatment." She looked down at the ruined electronic in her hands. "Usually they don't let people on that sort of medication just walk away, unless you're in recovery. Which you just said you're not. So..." She lifted her eyes to Irrin. "Your body is going to become resistant, eventually. You might already need a stronger dose. Have they tried combining Melarsoprol with Eflornithine?"
Bryce will follow Shyra Bracklewood Tessa will follow Aston Venger Kara will follow Sanderson Bracklewood
Clarity ducked the swing, landing lightly on her feet. She whipped around, just in time for her eyes to scream as Cinead dropped the power of the sun down upon them. She didn't have time to step back before the icy feel of steel cut across her chest. What followed was agony a thousand times worse then Corvo's Runes as she flew backwards, hitting the ground and tumbling a few times before lying still. She opened her eyes, her vision flickering as she tried to focus on the grass only a few inches from her face, her body trembling. I'm so sorry Ash. She tried to move her fingers to push herself up, but all they did was twitch, barely able to respond to her commands. The pain quieted as her mind shoved her into the cool blanket of shock, trying to protect itself from the trauma that had occurred. She rolled onto her back, the noise that made its way out of her throat closer to a mewling kitten then anything else. It was bad. So very bad. She didn't need a doctor or medic to tell her as she pressed a hand against the wound, trying to keep the blood from leaving her body so willingly. So very sorry. Guess I'm the one not coming back. She stared up at the blue sky, her breathing ragged. The clouds blurred, either because of the tears slipping from her eyes, or because she was dying. Because she was, in fact, dying. Her feet had gone cold, the iciness creeping up her legs. Her fingers no longer obeyed her command as her hand slipped from her chest. "Oh, now this won't do at all." A silky soft voice, as venomous as a sn-poisonous plant, whispered in her ear as a hand gently brushed over her wound. "Rest, ifrit. I have plans for you, and I will not allow you to die before they reach fruition." Brianne started to reply, when her eyes went wide. She could smell.."Where's Clarity!? Where's Rhett and Roxanne?" She swayed where she stood, before looking down, having no memory of getting to her feet. "Creed, help me out there. Someone's in trouble!" She insisted, grabbing his arm to steady herself. Titania rose from Clarity's side as vines wrapped around the body, pressing themselves on the wound. It would take time for the powder to work, after all. Brushing it from her fingers, she stepped forward, the ground cracking beneath her feet to allow the plants that lived underneath to grow. Even the grass began to lengthen, the tips brushing her fingers as she walked towards Cinead. "You have disappointed me." She spoke softly, her eyes glowing as she snapped her fingers. Vines wrapped around the Seelie Knight, holding him still as she looked at his opponents. Two werewolves....and a third, roaming somewhere. "Oh..." a smile curled across her lips as she stepped towards Rhett, the beginnings of a small sapling winding around her legs like an eager dog. "You. Since it's just silly old me here, and I can only carry, well.." she glanced back. "Two, at a time, I'll offer you a deal. You can tell your sweet little angel wolf to come out, and I'll be gentle with her, and let you stay here. Or, you can make this difficult, and when I return, I will raze this building to the ground, and I will take her by force. Then, I'll bring her back to you. And I will make you watch as I carve her apart, piece by piece." Titania smiled sweetly, gently stroking a poison ivy plant that had stretched up to her waist. "It's amazing, how much a werewolf's body can resist death by silver. Truly, you are forces to be reckoned with. So what will it be?" She had no quarrel with the other alpha, and no need for her death. If she was smart, Felicia would stay quiet. If she wasn't, well....Titania could always find out if she could carry more then two people. After all, it wasn't a party unless there was a crowd, isn't that what the mundanes said? Because Magick was down with the sickness and high from the medication, she could not come up with a response to her confusion and inability to link Grayson's posts together fluidly. Thus, Grayson ignored Slavko's first taunt, and stopped moving as he began to laugh. The sound of it echoed off the walls as he wrapped his muscled arms around his stomach, tears nearly coming to his eyes. "A demon, complaining that life isn't fair. Oh God, I've heard everything now." He started up again, unable to control himself as the irony, and the absolute humor of it hit him over and over. "Oh my god I haven't laughed that hard in ages." He sat down, running his hands through his hair as he wiped a tear of humor from his eye. "Oh you're funny, you really are."
Teliana let the fire dwindle from her hands as they reached the outskirts of the fog. She took a deep breath, and every tense muscle in her body began to relax; even the air felt less heavy outside of that fog. It still smelled of smoke, carrion and rot, but she wouldn't complain. Vyle noticed the trail of footprints, of which several seemed to be fresher then the rest. She hesitated, looking back at the city. He had said he wanted to come back here one day, but Ana would be happy if she never saw this place again. There had been too much suffering, and not just on her part. Hundreds had died here for the ambition of one person. How many more would have to for the city to be cleansed of whatever dark magic was there now? Turning away, she felt the wind rustle her hair, brushing along her skin with gentle fingers. Vyle reminded her to stay close, and she snuck a glance in the vampire's direction, out of the corner of her eyes. He was such an odd contradiction, she began to wonder if even he knew what he wanted. Waiting for Vyle to take the lead, she made sure Zephyr stayed close before following, lost in her thoughts. They were not ready for the magnitude of the trap that Solomon had set. Veera could only watch as Kruez and Keenan were grabbed, held down by people no longer living, and no longer working under their own will. If she attacked now, trying to free them, it would do no good. Even if she could reach one, they would be overwhelmed before they could escape. Why did you have to follow me? She wondered, her eyes shifting from her comrades to Solomon, who was supping as though nothing was wrong. Something itched in the back of her mind, but when she tried to follow the thought, the headache that appeared was swift retribution for such an action. It was severe enough she had to shut her eyes for a moment, pressing her hands to her temple to massage the pain away. Only when she completely gave up on trying to recover that past thought did her agony finally recede, allowing her to look once more upon Solomon, and the figure next to him. Her mouth went dry at the sight of the silver sword accompanying the steel, and she found that though she spoke to Solomon, her eyes could not leave the figure. We never found his body... "I find I am not hungry." She replied to the mage. "But I would like to carry on a conversation somewhere....quieter." She turned for one moment to gaze upon the army of the undead, the unsettled feeling a dead (haha) weight in her stomach. Zack nodded before turning his back to the mage, and cutting across a grassy knoll. He hadn't stopped to think about the people that had been in his company so briefly. The witchers, though he didn't think he had the occasion to ever learn their names, had they made it back to the Kaer? And Ana, was she still with her friend? She had looked so terrible when he last laid eyes on her, just a shadow of the person she had been. He hoped she was healing, however slowly it might be. And Zephyr. He had gone with Ana, and the less then human looking fellow. Had he stayed? For the mage's sake he hoped so. Eventually they arrived at the gutted remains of the campsite. With such a large group, it was hard to completely erase evidence of their existence, though Zack did his best as they walked through. "He stayed here, portaled by another mage who was severely wounded. The injuries were not those of battle, the healers told me, but of torture. It would be safe to say the witch hunters probably had her, although I never managed to get the story of how she escaped." He walked on, past the campsite to the small hill where his scouts had reported the witchers resting. They hadn't bothered the dopplers, and the dopplers in return stayed away. Both sides too exhausted from simply surviving the ordeal they had both been put through. "Here is where they went. I believe they wanted to join forces with the witchers, though whether that was successful or not, I don't know. My scouts reported that Ana successfully conjured up a portal, but where it took them, I don't know." He pointed to the scuffle marks in the grass, the bent blades that had not yet repaired from being laid upon. "Does this help you?" The bear stumbled back as the shield broke, roaring in anger as Terra's magic washed over it. The lightning hurt. Shaking his furry head back and forth, he looked up, huffing heavily as he took a step towards the mage and roared once more, his jaws inches from her face. But then, movement caught his eye. The other one, darting away. A human mind could only do so much in the body of a bear's and though it knew the mage was the larger threat, the animal instinct to chase was so much greater then logic. The bear shoved past Terra, knocking her to the ground as he ran after Sweallow, his charge gaining speed. The rocks the doppler threw did nothing to the bear as he ran him down, knocking him to the ground and fastening his teeth in the man's shoulder. His incisors made quick work of the clothing that stood in his way, eager to get to the flesh and bone that were tearing under his paws. Things did not look good for Sweallow.
Bryce stared at the shattered remains of the drake, uncharacteristically quiet as Sanderson ruffled his hair. He didn't even think to look if the man's sideburns were acting suspiciously. He found he really didn't care. "I think I'd like to go rest somewhere. Alone." He murmured, stepping away from both of his companions without returning their gaze. "Is there a place I could do that?" The only thing keeping him from going to find such a thing on his own was that there might be more of those things, and he didn't want to die frozen as differently sized chunks of meat. Even if that meant he would be able to rest. Tessa felt ice slide down her spine as the Webbar King's voice appeared from right beside her. Whipping around, she stared at Rayyad as the truth finally came out. She opened her mouth to speak, but the only thing came were tears. Stupid human tears. She wiped them away, angrily scrubbing at her eyes until they were puffy and red, but dry before turning back to Rayyad. "Why couldn't you just tell the truth?" she asked, her eyes shining as she rubbed at them once more. "Was that so hard Rayyad? Weren't we your friends, your pack?" This hurt feeling, it was new. And it stung. If she had to have labeled it, she would have said it felt similar to being stabbed in the chest with a knife. If this was the cost of having friends, perhaps she didn't want them. Perhaps she was better off alone. Her thoughts were cut off by Lord Arval's appearance. He pressed a dagger to Rayyad's throat, and she clenched her hands. "Stop. Just stop." She whispered as he spoke. "Just....STOP!" Her shriek echoed through the cave as she yanked her staff out of its sling and swung it at Arval. Trusting another human was her first mistake, and she would never make it again. Kara blinked, somewhat surprised that Alice had actually gotten something right in her crazy ramblings. She was also a little unnerved at the sudden change Rayyad displayed, going from imperial to ordinary in the blink of an eye. Frowning, she paused, then set the statue down just as Arval jumped out of nowhere. In all honesty, she had somehow thought the man had died...but where was Shyra? She peered behind him, hoping the familiar form would show itself, when Tessa's shriek alerted her that not everyone was taking Rayyad's capture so well. She whirled, but was too far away to stop Tessa as the girl swung her staff towards the military leader, her cheeks shining. Oh shit. Kara leaped forward, ready to either pull the girl away or defend her as need be. She didn't know Rayyad, and after what had just happened didn't trust in particular. But Tessa clearly had, and the look in the girl's eyes was one Kara was all too familiar with.
Ana stared at the data pad before using her finger to breeze through a few of the paragraphs. She had already read this over a few times, just to be sure she knew what she was getting into. It was going to be risky, and the captain would have every right to shut her down, but she at least had to try. Especially since it sounded like things were going to get ugly, and fast. Ana took a moment to steel herself, filing her lungs with the recycled air of the ship. Brianne would not have left her here if it wasn't safe, she reminded herself. Brianne had promised that no one would do those things to her again. And she believed the woman, for better or for worse. Eyes back on the tablet, Ana turned the corner, stepping into the lift and- She gasped as she smacked into something warm instead of the elevator walls, stumbling back against the real walls to steady herself as her data pad clanked to the floor, the screen fizzling out with a small chirping noise. "Shit." She said with a sigh, before raising her eyes to the person who had caused her to break yet another technological toy. And then her eyebrows raised. "I was under the impression that the Coalition had standards. Otherwise I would have started up a long time ago." She told Quint, dropping to her knees to grab the bent remains of her tablet. Brianne glared, very subtly, at the two who had to ask questions. So subtly in fact, she would not be surprised if they didn't notice. Or maybe she would. At this point, it didn't matter. "I had no idea an AI could sound impatient, but by the sweet sandstorms of my home planet, I now know. Let's walk and talk, people." She led the group towards the destination, the shuttle bay, which was, as the helpful Ritter ever so kindly pointed out, on deck twelve. "Expect space pirates. Scavengers. They won't have expensive weapons, but they'll be good with what they got. Unless we're lucky, and they've already drunk their midday meal." She rounded a corner, grabbing the assault rifle from its holster on her back and checking the ammo stock, just in case. "Don't know how many, so don't ask. Just keep on your toes, don't act like an idiot, and keep your weapon pointed at the people who aren't wearing Coalition armor." Finally, they arrived in the shuttle bay, and Brianne punched the button next to the closest vehicle, waiting for the ramp to lower to let them in. "As for you, Ensign's not a what. I do believe that it's a who. So don't shoot anything that resembles a space pirate. I won't be the one explaining to Captain Altius why our mission failed, if that's the case. Understood?" She spun around without waiting and marched into the shuttle. "And you better hope whoever this life form is, that they don't bite. Or it'll be your job to hold them in your lap the entire way back, Pavlov. Grear." She jerked her thumb at the pilot's seat before picking a chair for herself, and buckling the harness.
Kala felt the blow, but ignored the pain. Yeah, it was still there, but it was in the other half of her mind, the human one. This one, without the voices could put it away for a later time. All she wanted now was him. And there he was. She reached towards his face with her clawed hand, before her body stilled, the limb trembling. She looked down, her vision suddenly hazy, to see two spear points piercing her abdomen. They vanished just as quickly as they had appeared, but she felt that pain. Sinking to her knees, she let out an unearthly scream that was both pain and rage at the sight of Timothy's inert body on the ground, electricity crackling over his form. nononoNO NO NO NO NO! She turned and swung with her hand, tearing towards Jayce's side to incapacitate him even as the electricity crackled down his arm. She stiffened, unable to move, breath, think as the incredible agony coursed over her body. It was too much. It was always too much. I am alone again So alone...Timothy had been her reason for living, fighting, breathing. Now, she had nothing. The armored skin slowly shrank back, revealing the tan but bruised flesh underneath. "I'm sorry." She whispered, twitching as the sparks shivered over her skin before she collapsed into the dirt, her hand going limp in Jayce's grasp. "I'm so so sorry." Like a mother covering her child, unconsciousness slowly, gently blanketed over her, leading her into the painless dark. Here, she could be nothing, and it wouldn't hurt. It wouldn't be so lonely.
Treasa woke slowly. The ringing in her head was nearly gone, though the headache remained. She didn't feel dizzy anymore, and her ribs had been wrapped, the bandages circling around her chest. Still, even with that covering she pulled the sheet up over herself as she sat. It had been psychological torture for the doctor to even touch her, until the assistant must have realized what was going on and took over, using instruction from the doctor, who proceeded to work on Derrick, to get the job done. After that, there had been some form of herbal medication, ad Treasa had drifted off into an uneasy sleep. She gently felt the receding lump on the back of her head, wincing, before turning her face slightly, her cheek pressing against the warmth of her bare shoulder as she glanced at Derrick's half naked form. "You aren't far off." She said, reaching back somewhat self consciously to let her fingers drift along the tops of the warped skin. "It was a wild animal, in a way." Her heart began to pound when the roar of the animal echoed in her ears, the faint ghost of its claws raking down her back as she screamed. The quiet snuffles of apology, the look of such intense pain in its eyes when it realized what it had done. Bears could only fight their instincts for so long, after all... "He said it was a lost art. The only ones who knew how to do it, how to harness the magic were left in Skellige, hiding in caverns and forests, their wilder natures taken over." She turned her face away, letting her hair cascade over the other shoulder. "I almost died that day. Probably the closest call I've ever had, besides those bandits." But she didn't want to delve further into her darker past. "Tell me, Derrick." She turned back to face him, eyes dark with memories. "Have you ever faced down a berserker?" Just as Adolin's hand clamped down on her shoulder, Tessa's hand went to her dagger. She grabbed the hilt in her hand, spinning it around and flicking the blade toward Adolin's throat, her eyes burning. She was sick of being grabbed, of being told what to do, of being treated like glass. She wasn't made of such fragile stuff, hadn't Bryce raised her better then that? As Adolin spoke, she withdrew the knife, and averted her gaze. He had no way of knowing that Bryce was the one who had started Oxenfurt, the one who had begun the revolution, and the one who had caused it to fall apart. "We're going to do this right. We're going to save people. Not make them suffer instead." She replied, putting the knife away and reaching out a hand for Seth, whom she thought was close by. "We won't make it worse. We'll make it better."
Hestia watched Paragon's followers leave with the blankest of expressions, kneeling to pick up the fire cat as the portal slowly dissolved into the air behind them. "I know." She murmured to the creature, gently rubbing its back, the warmth tingling her fingers as she fed more fire into the animal. She hated to get involved, especially given the magnitude of her powers. Gaia had taught her that they had the responsibility to restrain themselves from meddling, as a price for their power, for how could they decide what was good and what was bad? The price of restraint was small, compared to what she could become. She sighed, rubbing her temple as she turned and began to intone Arabic, tracing letters in fire around her doorway. The cat watched with unblinking eyes, then mewed gently when she had finished. She kissed it on the top of its head before moving towards her library. "I'm afraid we won't be able to withhold ourselves much longer. The Shadowhunters are trying to handle more then they are able to control. Perhaps their time is done. What do you think?" She picked up the cat, its face now nearly pressed against hers as it batted her cheek with one paw. "We shall see." She continued, letting it wrap itself around her shoulders before reclining in her chair, picking up a book. "But in the meantime...." Clarity threw herself to the ground, the sword swinging over her head, and she could have swore cutting off a few strands of hair in the process. Rolling up and away, she remained crouched, dagger held in front of her, blade pointed outwards. There was no physical way it could block either of Cin's weapons; her only move was to duck and roll, and pray that he didn't have the reflexes to catch her. She had been around the fairy long enough to know you were dead if he caught you. And not dead in a way that Ash could fix. "Oh, you know me, Cin." She noticed Rhett joining in the fight, and had to hold back a smile. Stupid werewolf, always getting caught up in things. "It's so hard for me to resist pain. You should know." She winced as the bright light from the flames hit her eyes, her stomach tightening with fear. There was no backing out, but of all of Ash's contacts, Cin was the one who scared her the most. That she had met, anyway. The twang of a bow made her flinch, until she saw that it was Hendrick, the stubborn old man. Wait, who was she calling old? Waving casually, she zigzagged in towards Cin, pressing her feet hard against the ground to leap to the side, and then come in again with her dagger towards his left kidney. Gaia glanced at Shadi, her look calculating. "They will not have a place at my side as you do, Shadi. And if you do not recall, you had a test of loyalty of your own, though it was under far different circumstances." She gently placed a crown of flowers on one child's head before a sunflower grew up next to her, matching herself in height. She gently stroked the stem, patting the tiny warlock who had created it between her cat ears before turning back to Shadi, her eyes flicking to Alarick and Ash. "The tests are going to prove to me whether their character, their very being is sufficient enough to take on a task I have waited centuries to complete. I haven't even spoken of it to you, Shadi. And I shall wait to see if these people are, who I believe them to be." She turned her gaze to the sky, and smiled. "And it seems they may yet succeed." The sunflower next to her exploded into growth, growing as tall and wide as one of the trees. The children screamed in fear at first, and then delight as they began to clamber all over the plant. Morrigan tumbled out of the cage, careful not to touch the burns on her arm as she pressed her hands to the vines that held Nick. With some effort, they began to recede enough for him to step away. She got to her bare feet, legs shaking slightly just as the little ifrit girl returned. She carefully ran her hands over Morrigan's burns, frowning, before turning to Nick, and gently touching the cuts he had received from the vines. "Owies." she murmured, before taking Nick's hand, and pulling him towards the forest, beckoning Morrigan to follow. Grayson barked a laugh, rolling his neck to crack the vertebra. "Does that actually work with people? No wonder you're the only demon that the good Doctor has captured. You're probably the most unintelligent one. They haven't even been able to capture Raveners, and those can't even talk. " He laughed again, running around the arena for the hell of it before turning on Slavko again, moving faster as he threw a punch, followed up with a knee to the stomach, and then grabbed at Slavko's wrist to toss him onto his back. The vampire peered over Masque's shoulder, before leaning back. "Satisfactory. Bring it with you. The Mother will want to see with her own eyes. Oh, and she had one more request." Quick as a sn-reptile, the vampire snatched the mask off of the warlock's face, crushing it in his grasp. "She does not want you to hide. You have nothing to be ashamed of. We are equal here." Turning to Valister, he nodded, his face blank. "The Mother wishes me to remind you that should you try to harm any of her children here, your punishment will be swift and severe. Follow me, please." With that, the vampire turned and walked back into the woods.
Teliana almost gave up hope, wondering if perhaps it would be best to turn the shield into a dagger and simply put an end to her own life. Rose's fight was going badly for the assassin, and Teliana refused to be taken captive. She would not be Carissa's plaything, the sick bitch. Nor would she stand by and watch probably the closest thing she had to a friend suffer while she was able to do nothing. That would rend Teliana's soul more-so then being tortured herself. But a shiny, robotic angel from the heavens, a drop ship landed not too far away. Teliana couldn't help but smile, sweat dripping down her face as she stumbled to the side, away from the battle that was taking place in front of her. All she needed to do was get to that dropship with the familiar ensignia, and she would be safe. Safe. That seemed like it was too easy, after everything she had been through. Was it possibly her luck had changed? One hand pressed against her side, Ana began to limp towards the ship, hoping Rose was enough to keep the enemies busy until she too, could get on. "I could use an adult." She called out weakly, hoping at least the pilot, or someone on board would watch her back as she made her way onto the ship. Her legs failed her on the metal ramp, and she fell to her knees, not afraid to crawl the rest of the way before finally slumping to the side, tilting her head back against the wall. "Sweet baby Jesus, please. Just let me die in peace." She whispered, her breath hitching as the inconvenient bullets in her body caused pain where they remained. Hopefully Rose would get the memo and retreat. If it had been all for nothing, Ana would probably start to cry. And no one needed to see that mess. Veera listened to Ashleigh's plan. No visible emotions crossed her face until the very end, when a wolfish grin began to spread across her lips. "Can I...." she paused, unsure of the others listening in. "Is it going to be a problem if I go a little feral?" Ashleigh was probably one of the few that had seen Veera in full battle mode, and it wasn't necessarily the most pleasant of sights. Nor would it make it any easier to take prisoners. But Veera wasn't interested in prisoners. She was interested in blood, and death, and most of all, being the cause of it. Nothing else would matter, except for the safety of her pack. Which, of course, consisted of Ashleigh, Requiem and Anthem. And maybe the horse. Veera wasn't sure about the horse just yet.
Ana pressed her hand against the oozing wounds in her stomach, narrowing her eyes at Carissa. Would it be too much to ask to die before she got taken captive? "You know, you do the world a favor..." She slowly got to her feet, her breathing rough. "And you would think, there might be, oh I don't know, some good karma coming your way." The sword slid out from her hand, glistening and sharp. "But no. Nope, that would be too easy." She could feel the warmth of the red liquid seeping through the bandages. Another drop ship had flown in, presumably with reinforcements. Reinforcements that would not be coming their way, but were drawn to the battle instead. Men. Always going for the obvious. She stumbled to one knee as Black Rose proceeded to engage Carissa. "Please, just a little more." Teliana didn't know who she was praying to, but honestly, if the Grim Reaper himself would have answered her request, she would have taken it. She didn't want to die here, but if it was the only alternative to being little better then a slave, used for the Shard's own entertainment, then she wouldn't pass it over. Getting back to her feet, she wavered, then opened her mouth and screamed, "KALAK! WHEN I DIE I'M GOING TO PERSONALLY HAUNT YOU FOR YOUR SHIT ABILITY TO-" she used the blood sword to hold herself up, gasping at the pain. "JUST KNOW THAT THIS IS SOMEHOW YOUR FAULT, YOU STUPID DEMI GOD." And I won't even get to see you in hell. It didn't matter if he could hear her. It didn't matter if he couldn't. The anger and frustration helped revitalize her for one more go at Carissa as she lifted the sword from the ground, changing it to a shield that covered only half of her body. She couldn't spare any more blood to make it bigger. Then, she waited for her opportunity. Kala hissed as Kalak dodged her attack. She prowled, using all fours instead of just her two legs. She found it was much quicker to move this way, as her spine seemed to change in length. The tiny flaps on her back beat against her skin uselessly, which was slowly becoming blacker, harder. More like armour. Her bright blue eyes scanned the area, looking for potential items that she could use to get her hands on that bright light that resided inside of the Demi God. A sound interrupted her thoughts, the sound of storms. She turned, and screamed as she saw Jayce attacking Timothy from behind. Abandoning the bright light, she turned and sped towards the attacker, her heart racing as she reached for his wrist; she didn't even care at this point if she hurt him or not, but she couldn't let him hurt Timothy. Because when it came down to the wire, that robot was the only person in this world who cared if she lived or died. And no life force was worth losing that.
Ana sighed inwardly, though she said nothing as Vyle removed her hand. It was a weakness, but one she desperately needed. Still, it seemed they were being let go without too much trouble. Carefully making their way back towards the outskirts of the city, she couldn't help but notice the eeriness the fog created as it wrapped around burned out husks of houses and shops. Stains still covered the stones they walked on, remnants of the battle and the people that lost limb and life during. She paused as they past the fountain, that fateful circle of stone. The water was a dark color now, though whether it was the lack of sunlight, or gore, she could not tell. "One moment." She murmured, stepping away from the group. Her hands burst into flames, both illuminating her way and warning any potential enemies of her intent to harm. She ran one burning finger along the stone where she had sat, her eyes distant. If she hadn't been here...if she had been somewhere else, or more careful and wary, how different would things be? Would she have retained her magic? Been able to help turn the tide of battle, or save innocent lives? She didn't know. She would never know. What had happened to the two who had turned her in? She wondered bitterly how much they had been paid for her. She would never forget that woman's face. It was burned into her mind, right next to Milosh's, and Solomon's. Ana had never put much stock in revenge, but as she studied her scarred hands, barely healed, she knew that should she ever meet any of those people ever again, there would be a reckoning. Turning back, she returned to Vyle and Zephyr. "Let's get out of here before something tries to kill us." She murmured, brushing past both of them to take the lead, her hands still burning bright, her mind in the not too distant past. Veera led Kruez and Keenan up the path, and around a bend. Finally, the castle where Solomon seemed to have taken up residence came into view. She approached slowly, cautiously, half expecting to be attacked, or at least called out as she walked up to the gates. Curiously enough, it had been left open. Had they come here, and left? The smell of death and disease filled her nose, and Veera grimaced, though she pressed on. She needed to just bear with the stench, if only to make sure there were no traps nearby. She didn't look back to see if Kruez and Keenan had followed her. She would have assumed they did, after their declarations, but if they got cold feet now, she wouldn't blame them. Pausing in the entry way, she looked around, half expecting at least a skeleton to jump out from behind the fireplace, or under the table. But no, the room appeared empty. As she continued on to the great hall, the only sound was her footsteps, and her own heart thundering in her ears. She half wanted to call out for the necromancer, but that would only make things worse if he was here, and somehow didn't know she had intruded. If this was a trap, wouldn't make a difference. There was food upon the table, but no fire, no torches lit, everything desert. Veera peered at the table, narrowing her eyes in wary curiosity as she spied a substance that looked similar to the eggs fished laid. But why would it be served at the table, as if to eat? Alongside that, however strangely placed, was a roasted hog, still on the spit, and taking up most of the table. Veera's stomach rumbled, but she ignored it and stopped, listening. What faintly sounded like piano music had begun to echo through the halls, so soft that if she hadn't had the senses she did, Veera would have questioned whether she had missed it playing before. A short time later, she descended the stairs, hand still on the hilt of her silver sword. The entire castle had turned up empty, and the damned piano music was still playing, yet there was no one to be found. Had Solomon simply left? Found a new place? She went back towards the great hall, confused, and irritated. Zack frowned. The woman, if she was lying, was doing an excellent job of it. So well in fact, that he couldn't tell which parts could be lies and which could be truths. No one else would have known that Zephyr had been chased by witch hunters, or that he had the shackles on his wrists. No one else except who Zephyr had trusted, and his captors. Though it was still a possibility in Zack's mind that Willow might be one of the people who wanted to harm Zephyr, he couldn't take the chance that Willow really did care, and only wanted to help a friend. If it had been him, and Tessa? He pitied the poor man that would stand in the way. "I can show you where I saw him last." Zack finally offered. "There may be a trail from there." He turned, and began to walk in the west. He would keep an eye on Willow, see if she slipped up, and if she did, then he would do what he could do best. And if he died, well Lila, and Angeal and Riel would be able to keep their people safe. He had confidence in them to do the right thing, just like he had the confidence he was doing the right thing. If he didn't, then what kind of a leader was he? The giant bear charged Terra's barrier, ignoring the shocks and sparks that ran over its fur. They stung, but he was a bear. His fur was thick enough to stand the coldest of Skellige's winters for months on end, if he couldn't take a little pain, what kind of berserker was he? He smashed against the barrier, head first. Shaking it against the pain, he crashed it again. The sorceress wouldn't be able to hold the spell forever. And he found himself wondering how her companion tasted. The little man smelled quite good, after all.
Clarity watched Roxanne's unease, and sighed. She didn't like it either. Brianne, their leader, was fighting a losing battle on the couch. It occurred to Clarity that she was probably going to have to give away her blade and stele. But such thoughts had no place in the present. Clarity followed Roxanne out, watching as the wolves began to filter in, and pausing. Felicia's battle with Cin was not going well for the werewolf, just like she knew it wouldn't. However, just as Rhett began to order his wolves in, Cinead flipped what Clarity liked to call, "The F*cking Brutality Switch". She winced, gritting her teeth as her mind chose that particular moment to inform her that she owed Felicia, who had charged into danger to get the Inquisitor off of her. Granted, Felicia had also had a pack of wolves watching her back, but the point still stood. She owed the werewolf, and running away, letting another fight the battle was something she...okay honestly? She did it frequently. But this one, she would feel bad for. And Clarity hated regrets. Bolting through the entrance way, she pulled a dagger out of her sleeve and darted forward, around Rhett and towards Felicia. "Cin, you should probably take acting out of your future portfolio, because you suck." She skidding past the werewolf, aiming her blade at Cin's side while he was distracted with Felicia. She had a better chance then the werewolf, if not simply because "age before beauty"? Alarick followed the fairy silently, until they reached yet another clearing. This one however, was far more occupied then the ones left behind. Downworlders, not just fey, flitted to and fro between the tree trunks. The houses were not on the ground, but as Alarick looked up, following the winding staircases that seemed to be a part of the tree, he realized they were in the tree tops. The buildings hadn't been made of a separate wood, either. No, just as with the stairways, they looked to have been grown from the tree. He turned his eyes to the side, where the sense of a presence drew him away from the hustle and bustle. Gaia was resting, her legs crossed underneath her as a small child braided her hair, giggling and chattering away. Another was playing with a crown of flowers, while Gaia made a second and handed it to the little girl in front of her. The child flashed razor sharp teeth, and placed it on her own head, laughing. Alarick could only watch, unsure. Gaia noticed them, and shooing the children gently, rose to meet them. "You are the first. I am pleased." She said, her voice echoing with the reserves of her power. "You may do whatever you wish while we wait for your comrades. There is food, water, and a bed if you desire to rest." She gestured towards the smaller tree in the middle. As he looked at it, Alarick noticed it somehow looked...newer, then the others. Fresher, almost. "That will be the place you and your companions stay. You will find whatever you need has been provided. As for your injuries, neither or nor any other magic user here will heal them. You may find poultices, and apply bandages, but the pain is a mark of what you have survived. I would rather not let the lesson fade so quickly." She looked from Alarick, to Ash. "You have done well. Rest assured, your families are in New York." She gave nothing away as she spoke, but Alarick did not fail to notice that she did not mention their condition. Before he could ask, she turned, and knelt, speaking to the child with razor teeth, who once more grinned, and revealed a small, shiny stone. Gaia took it, and something shimmered. The girl clapped, and wrapped her hands around the small flower that now blossomed in the center of the rock. Creating life from nothing....If this was what Gaia was capable of, then what was Titania able to do? Brianne rested her head against the back of the couch, her energy waning. All I want to do is sleep...She shut her eyes, resting for a moment. "How long have we known each other, Creed?" She asked quietly, her eyes opening only to stare at the floor. "How many years has it been?" She remembered the first time she had met him, on the wrong end of a fight with a werewolf. Brianne had killed the werewolf, her target, and helped Creed get home. He had saved her life later, from a nest of vampires that decided a Nephilim in their home wasn't the kind of attention they wanted. She trusted him almost as much as she trusted Clarity, though the ifrit took the cake to everyone except her brother. "It seems you and I are going to have a similar battle of self acceptance soon." She said, her voice low as her fevered eyes turned back to Creed. Grayson blinked at the demon. "Why would I care what you want?" He asked bluntly, cracking his knuckles. "I barely even care what they want, and that's only because they know how to do some pretty fucked up things if you don't." He swung, almost lazily, towards the demon, barely putting any effort into his hit at all. "I know you demon types are selfish, but honestly, this is the first time I haven't been strapped to a table or kept in a room or put on a treadmill in a...I dunno, a long time. So when I decide to get to you, then I'll get to you. But for now..." His eyes glowed for a moment as he grinned. "I'm gonna enjoy my free time." With that he kicked sand towards Slavko, and then swung again, so slow even a human could have blocked it. He was just warming up, after all.
"At ease." Brianne nodded to Lieutenant Commander Winters, before turning to the rest of them. "All of you, suit up and load out. I want at least one weapon if not more on each of you, provided you know how to use them. And if you don't, then I'm not sure why you're here." She herself grabbed another gun, an assault rifle, checking the stock before grabbing the combat armor from her locker and sliding it on over her clothes. "Ensign Grear, you'll be piloting the shuttle. I want us in and out, quick as you can. We're here for a pick up only, don't focus on taking out the enemy unless they're about to snatch that life form we want or they're about the put one in between your eyes. Ensign Crow, you'll be staying back. I don't want our only medic getting shot on our first day if I can help it. Both you and Grear take at least a pistol, just for self defense. And if you shoot any of us in the back, then god help you. L.T Winters you'll be on point. Keep them off us and make sure we secure the target. I'll be watching your six. Ensign Pavlov...." she paused. "If you have any abilities to overload their weapons or machinery, do it. Otherwise, stay back and watch Ensign Crow's six, and maintain the ship. Any questions?"
Teliana snapped her fingers, a small fire appearing in her palm, illuminating the immediate area. It couldn't penetrate the fog, but just the comfort of the element's warmth in her palm was enough, for now. She didn't want to be back here. She didn't want to be facing another calm, yet emotionless man. His voice brought back memories that shouldn't have been dredged up, and she couldn't stand it. "We shouldn't be here." She whispered, the fire growing larger in her hand before she lowered it, peering uneasily around her. It would be all too easy for something to attack them here, where their visibility was reduced and the one enemy they could see was apparently nonthreatening. Just too easy. She reached back, using the hand that didn't contain fire to gently grab hold of Vyle's shirt, just to make sure he was still there, that he hadn't vanished. She would be okay if he was there. Zack winced as his lie was exposed, in his panic he hadn't considered that. And the name...."That's not a common name, to be sure." He replied, looking up at Willow on the horse. "What makes you better then the other people?" He asked. "Maybe this mage is running from you, to these certain other people. How am I to know?" He narrowed his eyes. "What are you, anyway? You called me out on my lies, I might as well return the favor. No woman would get far riding through these lands, alone and by herself. No one is riding around these lands, at all." As Terra and Sweallow wandered the not even close to wilds of White Orchard, a snuffling sound be heard. The sound was accompanied by cracking, and munching. It stops as they draw closer, then the sound of heavy footfalls approaches. A wild Beserker has appeared! Go Terra and Sweallow!