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  1. Magick
    Username: Magick
    Character Name: Veera of Velen
    Age: 45
    Gender: Female
    Race: Witcher
    Appearance: Picture
    Bio: Veera was trained from a young age to become a Witcher. She managed to survive the trials and tribulations, becoming accepted into the order when she turned twenty three. Two decades later, she still upholds the Witcher code and struggles to return a sense of justice to the war torn lands of her home. She has traveled over much of the country and seen many things, leaving little to surprise her. As time has gone on, she has risen in the ranks to become one of the more respected leaders left. She is kind, but the code states that a Witcher cannot accept work without payment, and this keeps her from helping many people. She is currently trying to raise enough opposition to destroy the dopplers, whom she believe are as a whole an evil race.
    Occupation: Witcher
    Weapons (Note: for Witchers you will only be able to use a silver and steel sword. The type of sword can vary): Steel and silver sword, pretty basic.
    Secondary Weapon (Long bow, short bow, or crossbow. Can also be left as N/A): Crossbow.
    Powers (For Mages Only): N/A
    Other: She is nicknamed the White Lady.

    Username: Magick
    Character Name: Zack Humphry
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Race: Doppler
    Appearance: Picture 2
    Bio: Zack has been on the run since he was a teenager. He uses the appearance of a friend that passed away trying to help him escape a group of Witchers. He remains in this form at all times, unless it is absolutely necessary to change in order to escape. He likes to pretend that he is entirely human, and shuns any doppler communites, trying to blend in human cities or towns. He has tried to stay out of the war, hoping it will just pass him by.
    Occupation: Blacksmith.
    Weapons (Note: for Witchers you will only be able to use a silver and steel sword. The type of sword can vary): A steel sword that he forged himself.
    Secondary Weapon (Long bow, short bow, or crossbow. Can also be left as N/A): N/A
    Powers (For Mages Only): N/A
    Other: Being a doppler, he is deathly afraid of silver.

    Username: Magick
    Character Name: Teliana
    Age: 57
    Gender: Female
    Race: Mage
    Appearance: ~
    Bio: Teriana grow up as the apprentice to a powerful witch in Oxenfurt. At the age of twenty she set out on her own and lived for a time in White Orchard. She has now set out across the country side, trying to help refugees from the war and the victims of the crimes caused by the violence. She has a kind heart but is a powerful mage, and should not be crossed. She has fought against Veera of Velen many times, due to differences in their opinions. She has settled for gathering herbs and trying to make potions in order to get by. She recently walked into a cave to gather for mushrooms, and stumbled on a mysterious side.
    Occupation: Apothecary
    Weapons (Note: for Witchers you will only be able to use a silver and steel sword. The type of sword can vary): She carries a silver dagger at her side, but uses her magic as her primary.
    Secondary Weapon (Long bow, short bow, or crossbow. Can also be left as N/A): N/A
    Powers (For Mages Only): Specializes in fire magic.
    -Firestorm: Creates a tornado of fire around her to both deflect and inflict injury. Depending on the energy spent it can reach into the sky and be several feet across.
    - Fire wave: a wave of fire that washes in front of her, burning everything in its path.
    - Fireballs: Exactly like it sounds. Creates balls of fire using her palms that base their size on the amount of energy spent.
    Other: Known as Ana the Crimson

    Username: Magick
    Character Name: Bryce [deceased per Vyle]
    Age: 30
    Gender: Male
    Race: Doppler
    Appearance: ~
    Bio: Bryce has a mysterious past because this creator can't think of anything beyond her next cup of coffee right now. He at some point killed a witcher (someone important to someone important) and stole their medallion. It is at this time unclear how he can stand to wear the silver necklace. He has created a haven for all things doppler, but will not welcome those that don't abide by the rules. He has become something of a leader to the people living there.
    Occupation: Rebel. Leader. He doesn't make money.
    Weapons (Note: for Witchers you will only be able to use a silver and steel sword. The type of sword can vary): An iron sword and shield.
    Secondary Weapon (Long bow, short bow, or crossbow. Can also be left as N/A): N/A
    Powers (For Mages Only): N/A
    Other: Let the fun begin.

    Username: Magick
    Character Name: Tessa Jones
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Race: Doppler
    Appearance: ~
    Bio: Tessa grew up in the makeshift city that eventually came under Bryce's rule. As such, she has been relatively sheltered from the cruelties that dopplers face, though she is under no illusion why she has to grow up in secrecy, having lost her parents to witchers at a young age. She longs to set out on her own, but is at this point too fearful.
    Occupation: Barmaid
    Weapons (Note: for Witchers you will only be able to use a silver and steel sword. The type of sword can vary): An iron dagger.
    Secondary Weapon (Long bow, short bow, or crossbow. Can also be left as N/A): Long bow.
    Powers (For Mages Only): N/A

    Username: Magick
    Character Name: Alyse Starborn
    Age: 45
    Gender: Female
    Race: Mage....
    Appearance: ~
    Bio: Alyse has traveled and seen much of the world. The pain and suffering she viewed convinced her to look into one of the older forms of magic; healing. With this gift she has tried to diminish the suffering in whichever corner of the world she resides in. For most of her life she accompanied Teliana the Crimson, long after the sorceress abandoned her dreams of battle and opted for a more peaceful life. She has been waiting to hear from her for some time now, and grows more worried by the day, though she is reluctant to leave the safe haven she has found in White Orchard.
    Occupation: Healer, Alchemist.
    Weapons : A cross bow.
    Secondary Weapon : A small iron dagger.
    Powers (For Mages Only): Alyse specialized in healing, and can knit bones, mend veins, and sometimes re-connect torn tissue. The bigger the injury, the more energy it takes. Her power gives her the ability to manipulate certain forces in a person's body, though this is dark magic she refrains from using. She can help both people and animals, and has a small amount of control over water, allowing her to manipulate a cup's worth.
    Other: Should she use the darker side of her power, there are dire consequences.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Magick
    In New York

    Hestia watched Creed disappear with Clarity, marking the path he took before turning to Rhett. "Be careful what you choose to read. Some of it can be.....damaging." With a wave, she got to her feet, and passed by Creed. "Go talk to Rhett. You two might find some common ground." She told him, turning her mind back to the matter at hand. Clarity lay in the spare bedroom, her chest gently rising and falling in a some what steady rhythm. "You poor girl." She murmured, gently placing one hand on Clarity's forehead, and another on her chest, which still oozed blood. "I should have known Ash was not a proper care giver. We need to instill a sense of self preservation in you." Her hands glowed, lighting up the ifrit's blue skin.

    "This is not going to be pretty." Clarity's body arched, and an inhuman scream escaped her throat as her back arched.

    Titania watched Glynda disappear, Yorick in tow. At least someone has yet to disappoint me. She turned back to Cinead, raising a delicate eyebrow. "Have you spoken to Yuri lately? After what that Shadowhunter girl did to one of his own, he is less then likely to help them. I don't think he'll be the heart of my issue." Although Cinead did have a point. But she was far from alone.

    "Here." She released
    Cinead from his bonds with a snap of her fingers, before trailing out of the room. "Feel free to let Luce out, if you feel like having a chat. I'll let you two have some time together." She smirked as plants covered the the doorway behind her before walking over to her mirror. After all, I shouldn't let you off so easily.

    Luce watched Titania leave, before her eyes slid to Cinead. She narrowed her gaze, wondering if he was truly going to follow Titania's words, or if he would just leave her there. She didn't trust any of these fairies for a second. But what had Titania been talking about? Why would Yuri, one of the four, hate the Nephilim. Besides Hestia he was one of their last hopes against the Seelie Queen.

    Seelie Knight. What are you going to do?" she asked softly, her voice echoing through the room, her mind still thinking back to Yorick. He was gone...she was sure of it. Her eyes filled with tears and she blinked them back, mourning the loss of the most fatherly figure in her life.

    Brianne stalked around the room, her fists clenched at her side. She slammed one of them against the wall, gritting her teeth as shivers ran through her body. "I don't want to be here. Let me out." She growled, stopping in the center of the room and looking up. It wasn't furnished, and there were no windows. Why would Hestia have a room like this? She turned, and stopped for a moment, her rage put on hold. Is that...she peered closer at the burns on the floors, another shiver running down her spine.

    Hestia's practice room....She tossed her head up as Clarity's scream echoed through the room, and snarled. "What are you doing to her!?" She screamed at the ceiling, her eyes flickering.


    The bartender looked up to briefly meet Karl's eyes. "Another one, eh?" He grunted, taking the money and turning to grab the liquor. "This whole place has been nothing but talk of who's going to rule us all. If you ask me, we shouldn't have one. Just break off into clans and let us take care of ourselves. That's how it used to be in the old days." He set the drink down in front of Karl, and went back to cleaning glasses.

    "There are too many contestants to name. Everyone thinks they have a shot, now that Grayson's disappeared. As for one knows. He just up and vanished, and half his pack was murdered by Nephilim, word on the street is. No proof, though. Never is with that lot."

    In Somalia

    Gaia turned her eyes to Sien. "Warlock, you have followed friends and strangers here for the purpose of helping them. But should the Nephilim fall, should you be forced to betray your friends, what do you plan to do then?"

    A voice echoed in
    Ash's head. "Few know the burdens you have faced, just as you know little of their own trials. Yet there is still hope for you to find happiness among others. Tell me, if your happiness comes at the cost of those you profess to love, is it worth it?"
    Post by: Magick, Jun 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Magick
    Teliana had managed to drag her bleeding, bullet riddled carcass to the pilot. Giving him directions, she had made him, with the power of an intense knowledge of male physiology, fly over and land to pick up Black Rose. He had briefly left the pilot's seat in order to do so, leaving her with the radio and the task of coming up of more painful ways to tell him she was going to rip his balls off if he didn't do exactly what she said. She coughed, staring idly at the crimson liquid that escaped her lips and covered the armchair of his seat.

    That was probably a bad sign, on some level. But then, so were the fifteen holes in which lead still resided. The pilot was still bringing in the apparently paralyzed assassin when a call came over the radio. Teliana, she wasn't ashamed to admit, debated leaving
    Jayce. Letting him get a taste of what it was like to be abandoned, to be nothing. But her better nature won out. Barely hanging onto consciousness, she grabbed the pilot's fingers and bent one backwards, telling him his commander needed his service and needed it now goddammit. That might have been a little excessive, but if Teliana was going to die, she didn't want it to be in the sands of a strange desert, or on the metal floor of a transport ship. She wanted to be in a bed, staring up at a ceiling, knowing she was loved. The last one was a tall order, but she would settle for the first two. At this point, even just one would be nice.

    She propped herself up against the lower part of the dashboard, watching the pilot fly, the ship's movement doing strange things to her sense of balance. As it thudded to the ground, wherever the pilot figured
    Jayce was, she let her hand fall to her lap, watching the blood pool underneath her with a raised eyebrow. As much as she tried, the crimson liquid wouldn't respond to her commands anymore. How disappointing. Tilting her head back, she settled for staring up at the sky through the window of the transport. A single tear slipped down her cheek as she considered how beautiful the weather conditions were. "What a lovely lovely day." She whispered as the pilot opened the door to allow Jayce onboard.

    Veera grinned as Ashleigh gave her a command. Alpha thirsted for blood, and so did she. Her legs pounded along the ground, her feet racing faster as she darted along the battlements. Several times her feet touched down on what could have been a bomb, but then she leaped away. Most of the time it didn't explode. This gave several idiots the courage to follow her, the one time she actually did land on a mine. She didn't look back as they screamed, torn to bits by the shrapnel and gun powder. She didn't flinch as an arm landed next to her. Her eyes glowed slightly in the dim light as they focused on her single goal.

    Snarling, she slipped inside the crack in the wall, immediately jumping upon a soldier. She broke his neck with her bare hands and drew her sword, running his companion through before turning to face the rest, her gaze alight with the scent of battle. But she had to listen to
    Ashleigh's words. Ashleigh was pack leader. Alpha grumbled, but turned her attention to a sniper who was aiming at her down his scope. Veera slipped behind a board as he shot, and then turned, kicking another man in the stomach and running her blade across his throat, the blood spattering across her armor as she started up the set of stairs he had been supposed to guard. The sharp shooter that aimed at her fired again, grazing her cheek. She paid the injury no mind as she cut down another, the madness of violence in her eyes.

    She was someone. Who was she? No one? Perhaps. She tried to move, but her body refused to obey her. Kala. She clenched her fingers, her arm shaking with the effort as she struggled to raise her head. Miss Kala. Tears ran down her cheeks as she gave up, leaving her cheek to press against the grains of sand. The cold had long spread through her body, leaving her with little left to continue existence. Why bother? She didn't know. A girl needs a name. I don't want a name. Every girl has a name. I don't want a name. Monsters don't get names.

    Monster. Demon. Life taker. She shut her eyes, but the tears didn't stop, dampening the ground beneath her. The black had faded, taking with it the strength to live, it seemed. What will I be when I cease to exist? Will I go with the other humans? Or will I fall away to a different place? Forever alone? That hurt. She had been alone for so long, wandering the deserts by herself until Timothy had come. Timothy. And they murdered him. What will happen to him? Did robots as sweet and kind as her only friend get an afterlife? They should.

    Kala saw clearly, for the first time in a long time, what she was. The rest was bits and pieces, but she knew now. And she didn't care. I would rather let myself slip away then be condemned to be alone. Her hand slowly unclenched, and her head slumped, her tiny breaths stirring the sand a little less with each passing minute.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Magick
    Teliana narrowed her eyes at Willow, the woman who had introduced herself as Selene. She didn't like this. She didn't like it at all. Vyle didn't like it either, clearly, but for a different reason. As he stood over her, pleading with her, she could only sigh, half exasperated at herself and half frustrated with him before squeezing her fists once, putting out the flames. "You can talk to her." She told him, turning and walking towards an abandoned house. "I don't want to be near her." Or anyone. But how could Vyle know that a simple introduction from a friendly stranger could have led to so much pain and scarring?

    They hadn't talked about what had happened to her. The physical evidence was fading from her skin, though a remnant would always remain. And she was trying to battle her demons, the words that Milosh whispered which were a near constant companion. How could
    Vyle understand if she didn't tell him? Because I don't want him to. She didn't want to admit that she had given up the information on Solomon, that all she had been able to accomplish was freeing Zephyr from the same torment she had been put through. If Teliana put enough thought into it, she could still imagine Milosh peeling back her nails, feel his breath on her neck. She shuddered, feeling the taste of bile in her mouth. I don't want him to know.

    Veera's eyes flickered to Solomon. "There isn't a person alive who cares for me anymore." She said flatly before backing up from Aaron. "Don't touch me. I can do it." She glanced at the cage, briefly wondering what Solomon's plans were. Did it matter? She had little choice in submitting to his will. If she didn't, what used to be Aaron would touch her, and if that happened, then she knew she wouldn't be able to hold it together. And she had to. She had to keep herself in one piece for this to work.

    All of this hesitation lasted only a second before she stepped into the cage, her eyes straight ahead.

    Treasa laughed again, patting Derrick's horse on the nose as she glanced back towards the owner himself. "You know, you're much better at appearing jobless and desperate then you give yourself credit for." She teased, leading him down the street. "I'd wonder where you got the experience." Turning forward, she patted the horse on the nose before halting in front of a short stone building, a sign above swinging in the breeze. "I believe I have completed my service, o follower of mine." She replied with a smile, her eyes sparkling before she turned and grabbed the head, untying it from the saddle with very little reaction.

    "You can either come in, or stay behind, but we both know that you'll be happy with whatever I get for this thing." She held the creature's head at arms' length as she walked into the dimly lit building, waving incense smoke away from her face as she stepped up to the counter, letting the head plop onto the scales normally meant for ingredients. "What is it, what can I get for it, and how do I never see it again?" She asked the younger man behind the counter. He did her the disservice of looking her up and down, as though she were cattle. She ignored it, as best she could. Treasa needed this man's money, not his blood.

    "It's been haunting the countryside a fair bit. The folk beyond the city are calling it the Guardian of Cows. Or...were, I suppose. Said it would come whenever someone slaughtered one of their cattle. Killed a lot of people." The man leaned forward, a sleazy smile on his face. Treasa slowly counted down to the moment when she would break his ribs with his own spleen. Not an easy task, but she had dedication, and patience. "Just give me the money." The man raised an eyebrow, but did as she commanded, making sure his hand grabbed at hers. She resisted the urge to shudder, and instead bumped over several jars of ingredients. "Oops." She said flatly before strolling out.

    Tessa didn't want to retrace their steps, didn't want to have to go backwards, but she had no better plan. She followed Adolin with a sigh, her eyes warily scanning the people on either side of them. People betrayed you. People hurt you for their own gain. It was the law of the life they lead, and as a monster, that rule applied doubly.

    Her scar ached, and for a moment she could feel the cold silver plunging through her skin and muscle like it was butter, burning and freezing her until there was very little that remained that was her. Unconsciously, she reached forward, her fingers touching the nearest solid object they could find; the hem of
    Adolin's shirt. She clung on, gently but with determination, to keep herself from falling away. If she had nothing to hold on to, then what was there to keep her from letting go?

    Alyse shoved over Sweallow's limp body, being none to careful with her patient. There was no need to be, after all, his arm was more or less in one piece. And attached to his body, the correct way. That was the most important. She curled up on his other side, pressing her face into the sweet smelling blankets and sighing.

    Another attack, two strangers in her home; one's warmth she could feel behind her and the other collapsed on the floor, and still no sign. Alyse wasn't impressed with the gifts the day had brought her thus far, but perhaps it would be made up for later, with the promise of blood.

    Letting that be her last though, Alyse shut her eyes and passed out.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Magick
    Ana barely paid attention to Irrin's appearance at her side. She was too busy imagining doing that to every man who ever- A motion caught her eye, and she sighed, following Quint towards the bio signature pad. Her eyes narrowed, ignoring his words for the moment as she watched the screen deny him. Judging by the words that made it through her fog around her brain, it seemed to happen a lot. That was odd. The screens on the ship didn't malfunction like that, not around her anyway. Her eyes flashed to him, as she followed him through.

    "It doesn't matter how they got in now. They're in. Is there anyway we can restore enough power to our comm systems to do a head count? There's no way we were lucky enough to have everyone on the bridge. The pirates could be taking others, could be.." She cut herself off. "Let's just start clearing the ship of these scumbags." Her eyes were cold as she felt in her pouch for her defensive weapon. Brianne had told her to always keep one on her person, and she always listened to Brianne.

    Clarity blinked, and he was in front of her. She blinked again, and his hand wrapped around her throat. Her own went around his wrist in a feeble attempt to keep him from hurting her as her heart picked up to an even faster pace. Oh my goddess, I think I'm going to die. She was frightened by his words, his manner, him in general, but while he would be able to tell with her pulse beating against his hand, her eyes were outwardly calm. If she was to be claimed by the Goddess of the Wind and Seas, then so be it. She wouldn't gladly go, but she wouldn't fight for her place in the world.

    "If it's against their will, then it's not. They should be allowed to choose whether they desire to keep their mind free and experience the pain, or allow their consciousness to be violated." Her other hand clenched, trembling as she hid it in her pouch to hide her fear, her eyes never moving. And it had been such a nice day. "We all have a right to a choice, after all." It was then she yanked her hand out of her bag, holding the blade she had taken from the medical table and ramming it towards the
    stranger's side.

    Brianne saw the plasma bolt before Crow, and shoved him out of the way, hissing as the missile embedded itself in her shoulder. Still, she raised her assault rifle and managed to hit off a few shots towards the pirates, gritting her teeth against the pain. And this is where I miss good old bullets. The metal would hurt, tear through skin and flesh and bone, but the pain would dull as her body become accustomed to the foreign body in her, however temporarily. Plasma, though...plasma burned over and over, unrelenting, worsening even. She fired another few shots, not bothering to look in Crow's direction as she let her arm go limp, gasping.

    "You alright
    Ensign? Come on, let's get this over with." She asked before stepping forward. They had to be close. They had to be.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 1, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Magick
    In New York City....

    Hestia laughed at Corvo's comment, her eyes sparking. "Oh, you're much better like this. Too bad you're a Shadowhunter." She watched Creed walk through the portal before turning to Rhett. "I think you have mistaken my point, werewolf, but it matters little now. Let us be off." She watched him go through the portal too, tapping her fingers on her arm before giving one last long look at the Institute. "Well, here's hoping that you all can pull yourselves together. I fear for the existence of your race." It hadn't escaped her notice that for some reason, every Shadow Hunter had withdrawn to Idris. Whatever Titania had coerced the Nephilim to do, they were now all in the same exact city, every single one. Except for those here. Turning, she quickly walked through the portal, and into her penthouse suite. Behind her, the doorway vanished back into the ground.

    Creed, if you would assist me by taking Clarity." She indicated the unconscious ifrit next to her. Brianne was still captive in her flames, and she strode with the half changed girl into a very special place. "My calming room." Leaving it at that, she dropped Brianne and turned away, locking the door behind her. "Have fun, little wolf girl." She sighed, rubbing her temples. "My advice would be to leave her in there for the time being, Rhett. I cannot stop you from opening the door while I am resting, but it would be inadvisable."

    Turning with those words, she collapsed into an arm chair, leaning her head back and taking a deep breath. "Such deep magic has not been performed in so long." She whispered. "And I still have more to do." Clarity needed more. She was sustained for now, but she had perhaps an hour before her heart could no longer perform. Still, thirty minutes to rest would be sufficient. It would have to be.

    Titania laughed as she turned from Glynda. "Hush, Cinead, you're being rude in front of your betters. You had your chance to talk freely. I have grown bored with what you have to say. And why ever would I care enough about your opinion in order to want you to change it?" With that, she turned back to Glynda. "I have a special task for you. In about an hour, I would like you to take...that." she pointed towards Yorick, who was standing in the dark, with a vacant expression, "And bring it to the Shadowhunters at the Institute. Tell them that Luce...oh whatever is your full name dear? Ah, it matters not. Tell them that Luce is dead, died terribly, and if they want to avoid either fate, they need to hand over Brianne and Rhett. They'll have twenty four hours, since the meddling warlock has probably spirited her away already."

    Titania handed
    Glynda a lock of red hair she had cut from Luce's head. "Take that, and Yorick, as evidence. If they try to harm you, well..." She smiled. "You know what to do. Feel free to leave Yorick there. Or kill him. Matters little to me." She sighed. "Very well, that's all." Turning away, she crossed the room to her bed-frame, and sat upon it, letting the plants and vines crawl up her feet and drape across her body. "I grow so weary of silly mortal games."

    Grayson stepped forward, his eyes glinting. He felt excitement thrum through his body, and he grinned. "How could I ever refuse such an offer? Many thanks." He adopted a somewhat mocking bow towards Paragon, but his face had turned into a predatory mask, his lips pulled back from his teeth. "My first order of business will be to kill Rhett Alban, and his meddling Nephilim bitch. They're the ones that took what was mine."

    In Somalia....

    Gaia watched as first Sien shook his head, but Nick, Morrigan and Alarick agreed. A small smile on her lips, she turned her green eyes towards Nick first. All he would hear was an echo of her voice in his mind, silent to all others. Nicholas. In all this world, you have done so much good. Helped so many, straight as an arrow. Do you think you should doubt the choices you make, or continue to act on the orders of those higher then you without question?

    Alarick stiffened as he felt Gaia's voice enter his mind. Your sister will no longer be simply yours. She will have a difficult path ahead, should she survive the many twists and turns. Yet she will remain of your blood until her dying day. Will you allow the wolves to claim her, or keep her for yourself?
    I will let her make her own choices. If she wishes me to remain, then I shall. If she no longer wants me by her side, then I will leave. It hurt to admit, but it was the truth. He couldn't make the decision for Brianne. He hadn't been there to protect her, he had no right. There was a click in his mind, and then the voice receded.

    Morrigan lowered her eyes, very nearly falling to her knees when Gaia entered her head. It was too much power, too much magic for a mere person to hold. No, Gaia had to be more then that. Morrigan Moonsong. So mistreated by your own people. Such despair in your past. Yet you have found new happiness in the arms of another. If the choice lay between your own people surviving, and remaining with your love, which would you choose?

    Morrigan paused. She hadn't expected such a question to be posed to her. I......I would be selfish. I would choose him. Because none of my people stood to help me, none of them tried to save me. I would not be able to sacrifice the little joy I have for their lives.
    She tensed, a click echoing through her mind, and then the voice vanished.

    The fireball landed in the shadow's opening just as Masque's pencil cracked into the dome, splintering his hand. Aethelrick's seraphim blade cut into the earth even as he was pummeled with rocks and dirt, while another pillar of earth careened towards Ash, knocking him backwards. All would have been lost but for Valister, who broke his hand free and simply hit Vo. She turned, her eyes flashing as she grabbed hold of his arm and broke it, the snap of bone echoing through the dome as it disintegrated. She smiled, letting go of his limb and getting to her feet, brushing the dirt off her scantily covering dress. "You did it." She said with shining eyes. "I knew you could." Walking forward, she planted a kiss on Masque's cheek, for he had been the one to understand her words. "Gaia will be most pleased. Come with me. The others have started their final trial." With that, she walked back into the forest, towards the clearing.

    The child turned, her eyes frightened as she looked at White Queen's hand on her arm. "So determined in your cause." She whispered, the winds abruptly stopping as she dropped towards the ground. "But what happens when it comes at a price you cannot even imagine?" She looked to Black Rook, her eyes shining with tears. "What happens when it takes so much, and leaves only you, broken and bleeding?" Turning, she buried her face in White Queen's waist, wrapping her small arms around the vampire as her tiny shoulders shook with sobs.
    Post by: Magick, May 30, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Magick
    Ana leaned her head against the wall, her eyes welcoming the blessed relief of the darkness as her lids shut over them. "Well this was fun and all, but I want to go home now." She murmured, her breathing ragged. Every second of life cost her in pain, and she was getting low on revenue. She hadn't even looked to see if her rocket had helped, because she knew it hadn't. If it had been worth the effort and the strength, then they would be flying away right now, all of them. And they weren't.

    Goddammit. Opening her eyes, she stared at the ceiling. What am I doing here? Risking her life for a team that didn't care if she lived or died, giving her blood quite literally to try to keep them from death when they rushed into it with open arms...what was the point? Jayce only saw her as a piece of meat, a body to fill a slot on the battlefield. Kalak was no better. Ashleigh...she didn't even know what Ashleigh thought of her, and Veera gave everyone the same cold and blank stare. She didn't know anyone else at all other then by face, and even that was sketchy now. Rose....well Rose was the closest thing she had to someone actually giving a shit about her personal safety, and the assassin either refused or was unable to be an actual friend.

    Why am I doing this? Until now, it had been something to fill her time. But as her life flashed before her eyes, Teliana felt like she had made a horrible mistake. Next time....I take the date. Screw the mission.

    Veera couldn't help but roll her eyes at Ashleigh's melodramatic entrance. Sure, it was inspiring. If you wanted to let the enemy know there was any army waiting, that it had all been didn't matter. Veera rushed forward, her eyes glinting in the dark as she overtook most of the soldiers, hanging back until the hole in the wall had been made. Then? Then it was time to slaughter. And she had been promised many sheep.

    For the second time that day, Kala's gaze flickered into existence as her eyes stared at the sand. Such tiny grains....such small little lives. She pushed herself up, her body shaking with effort. What had happened? She could just barely remember...Timothy and the strange glowing man. And then she had...."Timothy!" She screamed, her voice hoarse and broken as she looked around. Please let it be a dream. Even if he never existed, please please please...But the gods were not so kind. Timothy's dormant robotic body lay on the sand, and the form of a man was hunched over it. All at once, the rage returned to Kala; though it could not restore itself to its former glory, it still gave her the strength to run across the sand, throwing her naked body on top of Aster and struggling to wrap her hands around his throat.

    "LEAVE HIM ALONE! HAVEN'T YOU DONE ENOUGH?" She screamed in his face, her tears blurring her vision. Suddenly, everything seemed to pulse. Kala looked up, the pupils of her eyes leaking into the white. The glowing
    man was here. His weapon aimed at Reitan. Reitan had been kind. Aster had been kind.

    Without so much as an apology, Kala used
    Aster as a springboard and leaped off the ground, flying towards Reitain with all the grace of a baby duck. She shoved the Lancer out of the way, a scream passing her lips as the Shadow Lance penetrated her stomach. "He's gone. It doesn't matter." She whispered, tears streaming down her face as she tugged at the thing sticking out of her, collapsing onto the sand. "My hood Timothy...." she whispered, her voice barely making any sound as the wind shivered over her bare skin, raising goosebumps. "I need my hood..." The black flickered, receding ever so slightly from her eyes as her body tried to convert the strange energy that had harmed her into its own.
    Post by: Magick, May 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Magick
    "Can't be any worse then the beer in White Orchard." Teliana commented, upon Vyle finding the water had been polluted. She looked around the desolate village, her expression hopeless. "I'm going to go to the outskirts and look for any sort of tracks." She murmured, drifting away from the group towards an outer set of buildings. Upon checking inside, they were empty of anything except a few bloodstains, and a grim image of what had happened. Teliana shuddered, remembering the bony fingers of the dead that had raised themselves from the ground to hold her down. If it hadn't been for Milosh, she would have very likely had nightmares about that instead.

    "What can do we in the face of such despair?" She murmured to herself, scanning the ground for any trace of a trail. She tensed when she heard the voice of a stranger, who was now between her and
    Vyle. Woman or not, Teliana felt the now familiar sensation of a fist tightening in her stomach. The last person she had been talking to, before Milosh had been a woman. Someone friendly, seeking out company. And she had played right into their trap. Unbidden, fire exploded from her palms, though it remained bonded to her skin.

    She had enough of her mind to know she didn't need to attack, just yet.

    Veera didn't need to guess. Nor did she need to look at the mage to see what he was feeling. She stepped closer, just a little bit, her eyes on Aaron's corpse. "You become empty. Nothing is ever enough, nothing is comparable to what you felt with that person. You think the worst is the grief, watching them slip away from you. Watching what you had turn to ash, and you're powerless to stop it. And then one day, they're gone. And the pain is so intense, so very immeasurable, that it takes everything you have and more. It leaves you with emptiness, with nothing. There is no material in the world that could describe it."

    Her words were quiet, measured, as if she were speaking about the weather. But it wasn't Aaron's face Veera saw in front of her. No, it was...

    Treasa blinked, and then laughed as Derrick began to yell up and down the street, acting like a common merchant. She grabbed his arm, tugging him down as she continued to laugh. "People are going to think you're trying to sell your horse as some strange creature." She told him in between giggles, taking the reins of the horse from him, her fingers brushing his for a moment. "Come on. There's an apothecary down the street. Maybe they've some notion, at the very least if this thing had a bounty on it."

    By now
    Derrick's antics had drawn a few stares, though not the type that were interested in buying. More the type wondering what kind of crazy street show this was. She waved to the people, with a "He's drunk before noon, lost his job!" and turned, leading Derrick back down the street, breaking into the odd burst of laughter as she did so.

    Tessa felt her heart twinge as Seth left, but she forced her attention to return to Adolin. "He's just scared." She defended Seth, though in her mind she couldn't help but wonder why he had left her alone if he thought her so helpless? He had forbidden her down at the docks just last night, but now....she sighed, and shook her head. "I don't know anything beyond her first name." She murmured. "And I've...never been to this city before. Or anything nearly as big. We could try describing them, but would anyone know one girl and child simply by their hair color?"

    She looked at
    Adolin, chewing on her lip as she tried to decide what to do.

    Alyse looked back, and sighed with relief as she noticed that Terra had passed out. "I guess it's just you and me." She told the hand, which began to twitch wildly as she reattached a nerve. She could feel the magic pulling on her body's energy reserves, and sighed. She would have rather saved the life of someone she knew, other then a stranger. This was just....a drag. But she had started, and it would be poor karma to leave the man with his arm hanging by a thread of nerve cells.

    As she continued to work, Alyse kept her mind focused to the task. She couldn't afford even the smallest amount of concentration to wander, unless she wanted his arm to face backwards. Although who knew, maybe that would make him popular. Later, she would take care of that stupid beserker. After this. And a nap.

    Post by: Magick, May 24, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Magick
    In New York

    Hestia watched Corvo with interest, her amber eyes flickering up and down his form as she held Brianne still. "A werewolf is a beast caged in human form. A painful existence. Nearly as painful as ours, doomed forever to roam the earth until we become too tired to carry on, and end our own lives." She replied to his statement as he tried to calm Brianne. "Never fear, Nephilim. Brianne will recover. She is strong, and she is determined. She will come back to you. And instead of coming with to watch her painful transformation, I would instead recommend you seek out Yuri, the Vampire King. He is the one who needs convincing. Though..." and here her lips twisted in a smile. "You may want to approach him more humbly then you did with me. He is not a vampire who takes being slighted well." She turned to watch as Creed stepped forward, and then Rhett. "Sometimes, in trying to fix our mistakes we make others." She told him, with a shrug of her shoulders. Ignoring Brianne, who was growling curses, the veins in her skin blackened, she passed by and whispered the words to open the portal.

    "Whenever you're ready, lads."

    Titania grabbed Cin's chin with her hand, holding him still as glowing green eyes searched his own. "I have been planning the damnation of our kind for nearly a thousand years." She whispered, her voice deadly and soft. "I have wrought far greater punishment for them then you could have ever imagined. And how? You may be the best fighter I have Cin, but you lack patience. You lack foresight. You plan for dozens, perhaps hundreds of years. What's a century when compared to ten of them?" Her fingers dropped, capturing the droplet of his blood. She pressed her finger to her lip, swiping her tongue along the edge of it, and then smiling.

    "I had hoped you would see it. I had wanted other things for you. But now..." She sighed. "Now I suppose you'll have to always wonder what could have been." She turned to look back at Luce, the lights shimmering off Titania's black hair. "Because their time is coming, and when it does, it will be glorious to watch them all burn. Send for the
    Emissary." Titania announced, seemingly to no one. The Seelie Soldier outside her door heard her command, however, and departed.

    In Somalia
    Vo looked up at Valister as Ash's shadow squeezed down on her, putting pressure on all sides. "The Mother is testing you." She said, almost sadly, her eyes squeezing shut as her fingers dug into the ground. "Testing to see if you are worthy to serve her cause. She does not want violence, but she foresees it, and wants her soldiers strong enough to survive, to stay true to their course." Her teeth gritted, and then she relaxed as the dome held. For now. Vo wasn't going to try much longer. Now that she had received word from the Mother that the other group had finished, she was free from her promise to Gaia. But she didn't want to give up on them. Not yet. "Why is it so hard for you to work together?!" She screamed, her voice echoing around the clearing.

    "Are you all so set on killing me that you can't see the smaller pictures that Gaia wants to put together?" The walls of the dome cracked, and Vo looked up at Valister with sad eyes. "One more chance." She whispered. "Do you understand now?"
    Post by: Magick, May 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Magick
    Veera's eyes went from Koldo, to Wilkin, to Damion, and then Lexander. She blinked, once and then twice. And silently wondered to herself just what kind of prank the gods were playing. None of the others besides Lexander appeared to have a scratch on them. And the city was half a day's ride. How had they gotten here unharmed, without horses, and out of sight of the titans? Having grown into adulthood around it, surrounded by it and immersed in it, Veera could only suspect the answer. Magic. One or more of these men were powerful enough that titans didn't trouble them. And they were here, trying to fool her, for a reason.

    It was a plan. This had been premeditated. The bigger question was, why? Veera would not get any answers from these men. To actually ask them would place hers and the others in her care in harm's way. So instead, she opted for the alternative plan. "I will see to it that your comrade gets medical attention. But you will remain here, under the watch of my people." And should any harm come to them, I don't care what kind of soul rending it takes but I will make you suffer.

    "You, come on." Veera nodded towards
    Lexander before she pulled out the extra harness she had attached to her person, something she kept with her ever since the last watch when someone had broken an ankle. It allowed the person to be connected to her, and as long as they didn't struggle against the momentum, she could move with greater speed then simply walking, although her agility was greatly reduced.

    Kala blinked, and then blushed. Hidden by her hood, her hands went up to her cheeks, leaving only her eyes, watching Galadorn and then Flame. "Um...." She paused, uncertain of what to do. She was loathe to turn Flame down, but the way Galadorn made it sound, this was something important.....she didn't get her hopes up, or set on anything, because there was no way it could be that. Galadorn may have picked up on the mannerisms of the people around them, but she couldn't recall anyone showing him the ropes of how to marry someone. And she couldn't think of anything they had been working towards, besides trying to find more information on each other.

    Perhaps he had found something and been keeping it a surprise? Kala lowered her hands. "Why don't I have breakfast with
    Galadorn, and then meet you for lunch, Your Highness?" She asked, knowing full well that Flame could command her to do what she wanted. But Flame wasn't that type of queen. At least, Kala didn't think she was.

    Zack blinked as Adelina offered up Zarron, but mentally shrugged. At least she hadn't put up a fight about the whole breakfast thing. And while he felt as though he had just spent time with Zarron, he could hardly begrudge spending more time with his only son. Smiling gently down at the little boy, Zack quickly kissed Adelina's cheek and Zelina's forehead. "I'll be back with sustenance." He waved lazily as he walked out the door and into the sunlight.

    "But you know.." Zack grinned down at his son, who was waving his chubby arms in the air. "I didn't say when I would come back." He made sure to only whisper this after the door was closed, and set off at a jaunty pace towards the diner. Maybe Tessa was looking to get into trouble.

    Tessa shrugged. "That's true. I just didn't want to think you'd been forced into it." She replied, her fingers darting towards her hair and beginning a quick braid. "I mean, it's been two years. I don't get why now." She sat up, her eyes now focused on Gale's face. "Why after two years are we doing this now? It's not like we haven't seen each other, or been very busy besides our patrols, which seem to match up quite a lot."
    Post by: Magick, May 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Magick
    Ana blinked as Irrin covered her grab for the gun, and turned, firing the weapon. Unfortunately, her aim sucked, and she frowned, trying to move closer in order to get a better shot. That was when the man jumped out of cover, unseen until now. He wrapped an arm around her neck, twisting her wrist until she heard a crack, and forcing her to drop the weapon. She hissed, her eyes narrowed in pain as she felt the cold barrel of the gun pressed against her temple. "Don't move or she dies!" He called out, trying to back up with her.

    She made it difficult on him, dragging her feet and stumbling, her hand slipping into her pocket. "They'd have to care if I was dead. You're unlucky. They don't." The last two words were whispered, making the pirate pause. She used the distraction to slip off the cap and step on his foot with her own, tossing the acid over her shoulder she quickly stepped away, holding her wrist. "Hydroflouric acid. I managed to tweak the formula. It won't burn through the hull of the ship. Just your body." The pirates screams nearly drowned out her voice as she watched him literally melt, her eyes cold.

    Clarity gritted her teeth, thoroughly creeped out. "You know, usually when someone knows my name, it's one of two ways. I've ever slept with them, or they're my commanding officers. Since you don't look like the latter, and I'd think I'd remember something as large as you in my bed, I'm a little stumped. How about you be civil and reveal the mystery to me?" Clarity asked, stepping back one foot but going no further. This fellow could knock her head through the wall stretching his arm, she would have to be quick to avoid any incoming attacks.

    "It's only fair, since I don't know your name."

    Brianne frowned as she received Alexei's transmission, and passed it on to Winters. "Lieutenant, if you can manage it, split your forces and send half back, Ensign Sparky is reporting our home transport is under attack. Ensign Crow and I are closing in." She nodded to Crow, stepping forward and raising her gun. Would it be too much to ask their target to appear in front of them, ready to go?
    Post by: Magick, May 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Magick
    Luce's journey was literally comparable to Persephone's descent into Hell. She tried to memorize the routes they were dragged, the faces and names of the people who took her and Cinead to the Queen's chambers. She tried to recall the twists and turns, ups and downs of the underground road they had taken, but after so long all she could do was shut her eyes and hope she didn't wake up buried underneath the earth.

    When she felt herself stop, she was tied across the room.
    Cinead's limp body lay in the middle of the floor, and standing in the shadows was...."Yorick." Luce breathed, her heart pounding in her chest. He didn't even turn her way, didn't twitch or blink. She had to stare at his chest just to be even half sure that he was breathing. Cinead's body moving turned her attention back to the center of the room, just as Titania entered. Luce didn't avert her eyes, didn't back down no matter how much her instincts screamed at her that this woman should not be messed with. No, she would not show fear to the Seelie Queen. She would not let her last moments be those of a child, screaming in the dark.

    Hestia raised her eyebrows at Rhett's response. He doesn't even consider who might replace Titania? The strongest always rise up when the weak fall. She shook her head against the folly of the young, and sighed, looking down at Clarity before gently covering the ifrit's body with the tattered remains of her clothes. It was then that a new voice strode into the picture. Hestia smiled at the ground before looking up into the face of an unknown Nephilim. "Angel children, always so arrogant." She murmured, gently smoothing the crease on Clarity's face.

    "They think we should kiss the very ground they walk on, and give thanks for the air we breathe." She stood then, eye to eye with
    Corvo. "I am the High Warlock, and the next time someone comes to save your skin, I suggest you greet them with thanks and gratitude first, then ask the questions. Your world is crumbling, Nephilim. You'd be wise to save the alliances that you can." She found herself relieved that she did not have to offer her protection to any of the angelic descendants. Especially this young man. "And those who have their eyes closed tend not to see as much as they should." It was then she heard Rhett's voice, and the fire kitten looked up, mewling. Oh by the gods.

    "Move." Hestia hissed to
    Corvo before pulling a bag out of her pocket. She dumped the dust into her hand and blew, the wind picking it up and carrying it into the Institute. Fire grew from the dust, wrapping itself around the form of the former Head of the Institute, Brianne Lightwood.

    Titania smiled as Cinead slowly rose from the floor, his gaze turning towards Yorick. "Oh my sweet lad. However did you run astray?" She murmured, in front of him in a flash. She gripped his face in both of her hands, staring into his eyes with intent. "I thought you were the best. Sometimes disappointment is so hard to swallow." Her thumb gently brushed against his skin. "Sometimes, the best punishment isn't simply death. Sometimes, it's far worse." She let him go abruptly and turned, striding towards Luce. Picking a knife up from her apothecary's table, she smiled at the girl before pressing the blade to her neck.

    "It'll all be over soon." She whispered, caressing the girl's cheek even as Luce looked off into the distance, refusing to show fear. Brave. But not brave enough. Titania drew the blade across Luce's neck, pressing only hard enough to produce a shallow cut. The look on the Nephilim girl's face made Titania laugh. "Oh don't worry, little dove. I need the rest of it fresh. Can't very well try to summon your parentage without giving them the best the mortal world has to offer, can I?" Tasting the blood that remained on the knife, Titania shut her eyes, and smiled once more. "Perfect."

    She turned back towards
    Cinead, knife still in hand. "So what would you like your punishment, to be?" She asked the Seelie Knight as she drew closer, gently putting the point of the knife underneath his chin and tilting his head up.

    The werewolf yelped, caught between Alarick's bo staff and Sien's concussion blast. She didn't have time to prepare for Nick's clever attack the silver pressing into her jaw as Morrigan followed up with a swipe from her sword. The girl fell back, her naked human form visible as she rubbed the spot on her cheek. "Dammit." She complained, getting to her feet and checking the cuts across her skin from Alarick and Morrigan's weapons. Her head was ringing from Sien's own attack.

    "I'll never hear the end of it from Vo now." She sighed, then motioned. "Come on then. Fuck, that hurt." She turned and strode out of the clearing, leading the group once more towards the village.

    A pillar of earth shot up, protecing Vo from the fireball that had been shot towards her dome by Ash. She then sent the pillar curving and careening towards the direction the fireball had come from. It grew, smashing into the trees that held Ash and Aethelrick, showering them with dirt and debris. The dirt formed small missiles that pelted the two men, covering them with bruises and cracking a few bones here and there. After all, she didn't want to kill them. Not yet.

    That was when Valister tried to attack her dome, alone. For a moment, the dirt pulled apart, opening like the maw of a great beast with the fairy inside. It swallowed the vampire, who found himself pinned to the wall, dirt forming a hard cover over his hands and feet to keep him from moving. "That wasn't smart." She informed him gently, her hands resting on her knees, her legs crossed. Still, she could not find the second warlock, and resorted to smashing her pillars of earth into several trees, hoping one of them would dislodge Masque.

    The girl turned, staring at the wolf for a moment, her eyes glowing white. "You're so sad." She whispered, the air tugging and pulling her hair as it surrounded her. "You're both so sad. Hiding it with something else. Hiding underneath it all." She pointed her palms at the ground and blasted, shooting her body up into the air. From this vantage point, she once more directed the flow of wind towards the two. "Why don't you stay here? Join Gaia? She'll protect you better then he ever will."

    Alarick saw his moment to attack as Sien concussed the wolf, and struck with his bo staff, landing hits on the werewolf's chest. Morrigan and Nick followed up with attacks of their own. Wait, it's over? Alarick blinked, sure that this was a trap. It had been far too easy. And yet, the werewolf was walking away. Alarick looked over to Nick and offered a small smile before turning and following. Even if it was a trap, they had nothing they could do but go forward.

    And it was not a trap. Alarick watched as the werewolf disappeared, perhaps in search of some clothes, and turned to the others in group. "Does anyone understand what just happened?"

    Gaia approached the group that had returned, pleased beyond words. Not that they needed to know why. Not yet. "Well done. There is however, one more trial. But at the end, you will receive your choice of a question, or a request. Only one. And keep in mind that there are some things that I cannot do." She glanced at Morrigan, and then Nick, before her eyes returned to Alarick. "If you wish them to remain private, I may feel inclined to allow that, depending. Now, you may rest, or you may carry on with your last trial." And when you have finished, I will speak to the four of your privately.

    Morrigan, a little nonplussed herself, followed Alarick into the village. She turned to Nick, opening her mouth as she intended to request some time to speak to him, but was cut off by Gaia's appearance. Another trial? Seriously? But it was the last one...and a request.....Morrigan's heart leaped in her chest. It wouldn't hurt to ask, would it? If anyone could do it, it would be Gaia. She could barely contain herself as she stepped forward. "I choose to perform my trial now."

    Brianne narrowed her eyes as Hendrick left. Even with that discussion, he still didn't get it. They were never going to get Yuri or Hestia on their side at this rate. "Men." she muttered to Roxanne, before blinking. "My blade? I..." she swallowed past the lump in her throat. "I can't hold it any longer. I want you to have it Roxanne. But there's a price." She paused, struggling to catch her breath. Suddenly, her chest felt tight.

    "I want you to promise me that you won't take lives anymore, not unless they are physically threatening another. No more skinning, no more torture, no more of your games. Killing isn't fun. Killing can't be fun, or we don't become anything better then Titania and Grayson. So I want you to wield my blade, but every time you bring it down, I want you to think, "Is this what Brianne would do?" Can you do that?"

    She paused as she heard
    Rhett calling her name. But then, her vision went red. He demanded that she come? Like a fucking dog? Snarling she jumped towards the other werewolf, her hands reaching to tear out his throat, when Hestia's fire hands wrapped tightly around her, almost hot enough to burn the skin. She growled, her eyes flickering once more as she was pulled backwards, towards the High Warlock.

    "Oh my dear." Hestia murmured, keeping a safe distance. Brianne glowered at her, struggling viciously to be free. "Change of plans. I'm taking Brianne and Clarity with me. There is room for two more people to accompany us. The others have to remain here, or go elsewhere. I would suggest the later. This will be the first place Titania checks."

    Grayson nodded, then folded his arms across his chest, dark eyes wandering from Paragon to the man he was now introducing. This only produced a smirk from the werewolf; he had a feeling the demon was not someone who took kindly to being ordered around.
    Post by: Magick, May 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Magick
    Hestia's gaze didn't move from the wound on Clarity's body. It didn't take her much focus any more to perform the task, but she would rather risk doing one thing at a time rather then mess something up. It had happened before. "Do you realize the consequences of such actions?" Hestia asked Rhett without looking up. "Regardless of intent, you stole from the Nephilim. The Four will not tolerate this. Regardless if you become one of us." At this point she stopped, her golden eyes looking towards the werewolf as he waited for the barrier to be dispelled. "Titania is too harsh in her actions, but she is right. There will be a price to pay, for both you and Brianne. Even if you are the Alpha, you will be subject to the law. As are we all." She lowered her eyes once more, brushing a strand of hair from Clarity's cheek. "If only he had given you to me, little one." She murmured, a little morosely before standing, leaving the fire kitten at Clarity's side.

    "I will linger a moment longer, but no more. I have already stayed too long. And I will not deign to call upon Yuri using my magic. Given that my element is fire, it would be an affront. As would asking him to plot behind Titania's back. This is something the Nephilim must do on their own. I will not interfere until he has agreed to provide support."

    Brianne stiffened. "What does she want with Luce?" She whispered, shutting her eyes and gritting her teeth. "Until the others return, I don't think we have a chance in hell of getting her back." She admitted before looking to Hendrick. "Who said you were going?" She asked, a little impishly. "I might have a hard time walking, but I'll crawl there if I have to. He should enjoy the show." She shook her head. "Hestia is the least of our worries, and the most likely to help should we call for aide. Yuri is the most difficult bastard I've ever had the misfortune of hearing about. We have to be careful around him. One thing wrong and he'll decline to help us for the rest of our lives. Especially when they might be a lot shorter if Titania is involved."

    Brianne paused, glancing up at
    Corvo. "Sounds like a volunteer. Go check outside then." She gripped the wall tighter, refusing to sit. For a singular moment, her eyes flickered. She was interrupted by Creed returning with a three word report, and blinked. "That makes absolutely no sense. Either I've been knocked out and I'm dreaming, or you paraphrased." She told Creed.
    Post by: Magick, May 19, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Magick
    Teliana frowned, though her annoyance was stymied by Vyle's answer. "Don't mistake choosing your own lives over others to be selfishness." Was her only reply as she returned the hand squeeze before continuing on her way. Perhaps her answer was selfish, perhaps it would steer Vyle to do something he regretted, but if she had to let the entire world die just to remain by his side....well no. No, there would have to be more to the relationship then that. And she would have survivor's guilt to contend with, but overall? It would be worth it.

    She could smell the village before they reached it, her heart sinking as they came to the edge. Apparently, her thoughts a ring of prophecy to them. By distracting
    Vyle, by getting captured and injured and needing rest, she had delayed the search for Solomon. And now it had cost civilians their lives. She stepped forward, breathing through her mouth as her eyes swept the empty village. It was time to search for clues.

    "No one gets a happy ending." Veera watched with shuttered eyes as Keenan was set free. She wished she hadn't played into the mage's hands so easily, but her mind had been shaken and shattered by the revelation of what had happened to someone she had considered her little brother. She had led him to this. It was her fault. And by the gods, she would pay for it. She would take the price for all of it.

    "My life held very little meaning. I was nothing, no one, dirt that had come from dirt and would go back to being dirt. And then someone found me, and changed me from dirt into something harder. I was turned to stone. She let that stone envelope her now, hardening her heart against everything, and everyone that she could. Except for the price of her mistakes, staring back at her. And the
    man who was standing in front of her.

    Treasa looked at him as though to say, Really? Before shaking her head. "I do have something in my head besides fluff about romantic stories." She muttered, turning and walking out the door, completely ignoring surgeon and company as she did. He had been paid, to her knowledge, and she had already thanked him. There was nothing more to say. Outside, the crowded streets momentarily stunned her, before she gained her wits and joined with the crowd, looking back only once to make sure Derrick was following. She let the people around her lead for a while, sorting the thoughts in her head before turning and stepping into a black smith's shop. The hawk sigil on his wares was not familiar to her, but not much was in this land. The steel looked and sounded good as one of his apprentices worked in the ship, and his craftmanship seemed fine. She waited for Derrick to arrive, drumming her fingers on her arm as she glanced from one weapon to another.

    "Got anything silver?" She asked, looking up as the man tensed. Her eyes flickered back down. "Don't touch it, just point." The doppler did as she said, though his eyes turned wary in the blink of an eye. She picked up a silver sword with a cat carved into the handle, admiring the work. "Is not mine. Came from a traveler who had no use for it." That was hard to believe. It looked like a true witcher sword.

    She swung it experimentally before reaching into her purse. "All of this, and my silence." The man grabbed the coins before they were cold and shoved them in the belt purse, turning away. Satisfied, Treasa turned back to
    Derrick. "Now where?"
    Zack walked along, too busy with his thoughts to admire the scenery.

    Tessa nodded, before turning to Seth. "Would you be able to show us the way? Did she tell you where she was going to go?" She asked, not at all thrilled with having to go to her for help, but it was part of being in a cause. Sometimes you had to do bad things, things you didn't want to, but you did it for the good of the cause. For the people you were trying to help. Bryce had taught her that.

    Alyse turned, raising an eyebrow before heaving a sigh and throwing Sweallow's arm on the bed, letting it flop with a small thunk next to his body as she dunked her hands in a small bowl of water, whispering a prayer underneath her breath. "I'm sure the floor is quite comfortable. Just make sure to get out of the way if when I collapse." She told the other mage before turning to Sweallow, a frown on her lips. "I hate this part." She muttered before grabbing his arm in one hand and ripping his sleeve with the other, baring the chewed flesh, torn muscle, and the nicely chomped through bone. Firs step. She pressed the bone pieces against each other, her hands glowing as she began the long process of putting an arm back onto the body.

    Sweallow decided to wake up, he was going to be in excruciating pain.
    Post by: Magick, May 18, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Magick
    Teliana's eyes slid to Irrin as he spoke. He sounded...authoritative. Not something she would inspect of a simple Inspector. Her mind whirled with possibilities as her mouth turned into a frown, her fingers wrapped around one of the vials in her pocket. "Some of us don't need a reminder." She said simply, just before she was nearly tossed into a nearby wall. Righting herself, she shook her hair out of her eyes and watched as Irrin forced the doors open, muttering about systems being down. This ship needed a serious electrical overhaul if a simple band of....she wasn't sure what was breaking in, but whatever they were, if they could shut down entire levels from one position, there was clearly an issue. Sadly, not her department. But she wouldn't mind speaking to whomever's it was.

    Irrin led the way into the hallway, whispering that they needed to stay close. But for her to be most effective, it would be better she was further away from them. A risky venture, but she hoped it would help, somehow. A moment later, the spotlight caught them, causing her to cringe as it turned red. She knew what that meant, all too well. It had happened too many times, when she had tried to escape her captors. Another second later, and one of their team was down, dead before he hit the ground. Ana slid her eyes away from his corpse, whispering a quick prayer to the Goddess of the Winds that he had gone without pain, and that his soul would rest. Teliana didn't have much of her people's culture left to remember, except the Goddess. The single beacon of hope throughout all her dark times.

    She darted to the side, taking shelter on one side of the hallway, behind a storage crate, leaving
    Irrin and his companion on the other side. Now would be a really good time to get a gun....She spotted a small pistol on the bridge officer and threw herself forward to grab it from his body.

    Clarity paused in the hallway, her body tensing as the sound of glass falling onto a hard surface caught her ear. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and pulled it out, holding it up to her ear while her eyes scanned the hallway ahead of her. The voice on the other end made her smile, if only briefly. "Well, right now I'm slowly figuring out how much the security sucks in this place." she murmured, creeping forward slowly. "Either you thought it would be funny to cut a wire when you left, or we're under attack. The elevators don't work, and I'm stuck taking the stairs. Which are great for getting your ass into shape, but not as good for escaping certain doom, just in case you didn't know." She poked her head around a corner before freezing, her body going numb as the lights slowly began to die.

    Feathers, do you believe in ghosts?" She whispered as a figure moved ahead of her, disappearing into the Briefing Deck. "Because I think I'm about to find out if they're real." Holding the phone slightly away from her mouth, she crept forward, poking her head into the inky blackness of the room, her heart racing. "Just in case I die, I want you to know....I absolutely hate lizards. Please don't let them crawl over my grave."

    Brianne peered at the opposite side of the fight, trying to judge how many pirates they had taken down. Winters was doing a good job with suppressing fire, despite his earlier sass. At least she could praise him for it later, even if he was a dick. She raised her eyes to the sky, where....things, were floating. She had quite a good guess as to what those things actually were, but to accept that...well she was starting to get a little nervous as to what they were picking up.

    "Follow me!" She told
    Crow as quietly as she could while still being heard over the sound of gunfire before scuttling around her cover, heading towards the very obvious beacon in the sky, and whatever, or whomever had created it.

    Post by: Magick, May 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Magick
    Brianne sagged slightly. "Well if the Seelie Queen is out there, then this building is our only hope. Its hallowed ground has been around just as long as she has, if not longer. None of the Ruling Four can come in here. Not even with permission." She wondered if it had been a gift from the Angels, given that the Nephilim had ruled the Downworlders through the use of their Runes, without the help of magic or accentuated speed or strength. They had been given a safe haven from the clutches of the most powerful of their enemies, at least for now.

    "We need to seek out Hestia, and the Vampire King. If she's willing to come here, then..." Brianne drifted off, her voice fading for a moment as she shut her eyes, waiting for her strength to return. "Yuri is...hard to deal with, but if he can talk him into coming to our side, then Hestia will help us in a heartbeat." She told
    Corvo and Hendrick before she glared at Roxanne. "You can either calm down, or you can walk away. But I am still in charge of my own life, last I checked." Roxanne had her heart in the right place, but she was going about it the wrong way, and the sickness was taking all of Brianne's patience.

    Vo, safe inside her dome, could hear the muffled sounds of battle. She used that to determine where the participants of the trial were. One of them was oddly silent, but she would deal with that later. She had the Shadowhunter pressed against the tree, and kept him there, another pillar shooting up into the air and curving around to smash Valister into the ground. All she had to do was trap all four of them, get them to yield, and they would lose. Another pillar shot up under Ash's feet, faster this time in an effort to dislodge him while she spread her awareness further, trying to find that fourth....
    Post by: Magick, May 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Magick
    Hestia watched Rhett with a frown on her face. "For Ash's prodigy, I didn't expect you to be so...instinctive." She spoke softly, though her footsteps were quick as she approached the werewolf. "Do you think the Seelie Queen lied? Are you so easily fooled by the breath in her lungs? Put her down." The last part was said sharply. "Take your comrade, and go inside. Clarity is under my care, and I will protect her as my subject. I can also speak for the wolves, until Yuri decides to have his say." She sighed, gently stroking the kitten in her arms. "I cannot stay here. You have a choice in front of you, Rhett. Yes, I know you. I make it my business to know." She smiled gently, but her eyes were sharp.

    "You and your wolf kin can come with me. Until the Vampire King calls for a meeting to declare the next Alpha, you are all under my protection, and I am your sovereign. As such you can come with me. The Nephilim are beyond my help. Until the true Queen returns, I cannot act as their shield against Titania." She glanced inside, irises smoldering. "But I suspect you'll reject my offer. What I suggest then, is that you disperse the wolves, let them save themselves. Titania will return, and she will slaughter them. Right now, neither you or
    Felicia are in shape to be the Alpha they need. Don't be selfish. Then I would send the smartest, most patient person you have available to Yuri. If you can enlist his support, then we may have a chance."
    She knelt down beside Clarity as
    Rhett set her down, placing the curled up kitten next to her.

    Her hands glowed a fiery amber as she placed them over Clarity's chest, whispering in Arabic.
    Rhett would have this time to make a decision. In truth, Clarity would be safer happier here, and she hadn't the heart to force the girl to go somewhere she didn't want, even unconsciously. If Rhett stayed, Clarity would stay with him. And then she would get a message to Gaia.

    Alarick shoved Morrigan out of the way and thrust his bo staff in between the creature's teeth, gritting his own. Nick acted quickly, and the wolf stumbled before the full force of her charge could be thrust upon him, allowing him to shove the werewolf back. He pressed the trigger on the staff, the blades shooting out before he swiped at the wolf.

    Gaia smiled gently, her hair waving in the gentle breeze. "I enjoy hearing the truth, even if I already know it. I am bound to speak it by my blood, but you....Child of the Night you have no such restrictions." Her gaze slid from White Queen to Black Rook. "It is good to see the Children of the Night and Moon working together. Such a union would not have been thought possible even fifty years ago. This pleases me." She clapped her hands gently before the small mage child appeared next to her. "As such, your trial will be simple. I do not require either of you for any purpose." She bent down, brushing a curl behind the child's ears. "Go easy on them." She advised, before standing and walking away.

    The child curtsyed to Paragon's minions, before clasping her hands in front of her, and closing her eyes. The wind began to pick up around her, increasing until she was caught in a vortex that swirled around her. Opening her eyes, she unclasped her hands and shoved them outwards, two gusts of wind following the direction of her fingers towards the vampire and the werewolf.
    Morrigan gasped as she was shoved to the ground. Upon touching the dirt, the vines crawled up her arms and shot forward, wrapping around the torso of the wolf while it struggled with Nick's bolas'. She grinned; her magic was much stronger here. Almost as if...getting to her feet, she took another step back, giving herself more space between her body and the creature before pushing more magic at it, reaching for her sword. It wasn't night, but that didn't mean she couldn't try. However, as she was about to utter the spell, the wolf broke free of her plants, her form shrinking as the bolas fell to the ground. The more human then wolf form snarled before leaping at Sien, her teeth sinking into his arm and shaking him, causing him to fly to the right before she whipped around, gunning for Nick next.

    Grayson sighed inwardly when the Doc interrupted the fight. "Good god, Doc, I hope you have something better then this, because I was bored to tears. If I could cry, anyway." He strolled down the hall, his hands tucked behind his neck and elbows out to the sides. When he arrived before Paragon, he grinned, letting his arms drop only to give the man who had taken him captive a salute. "Good to see you, sir." he replied, sarcasm the only tone in his voice. "I'd been missing that pink face of yours. Did you miss me too?" At the invitation to stand, he shook his head. "I gotta get moving, you understand, right? Been sitting down too long when I'm used to mile long runs a day. Gotta keep all this perfection in shape."
    Post by: Magick, May 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Magick
    Much better. Teliana examined her handiwork with a grim smile before brushing her sticky, blood encrusted hair out of her face. It was clumsy, it was amateur, but it was better then the scraps of Rose's tshirt. Which had probably been in places she didn't want to think about. She grabbed the needle and jabbed it into her thigh, wincing before letting the tool clatter to the ground. The epinephrine hit her system like a cool drink of alcohol, making her grin and her heart beat to a very quick drum.

    "You three are possibly the most unintelligent people I have ever met." She muttered, watching
    Rose stare at Jayce with such a puppy dog expression it made her want to punch the assassin. You are supposed to be the best of us. And while you're crying over a thorn in your side here I am. She shook her head, turning her gaze to Jayce, who looked vaguely like an upset twelve year old that had watched his toy get broken. She would know, because she had broken that toy in front of that twelve year old, ever so long ago. And finally, she looked at Carissa, who appeared to be rolling around in the dirt. What a good way for such a horrible woman to spend her time.

    Jayce. Get on the ship. Or I will make sure you lose ten percent of your body." She called out, cocking the RPG she had picked up, and aiming it at Carissa. "Rose, quit looking sorry for yourself and get your ass up here. I didn't lose fifty percent of my blood to watch you stare about the world like a new born baby who lost her candy." She snapped, before firing the weapon. The rocket barreled towards the cross bow wielder before exploding into the ground, blowing the hair back from Teliana's face. She didn't see whether she had aimed correctly, and honestly, she didn't care.

    "Did that sound like a fucking request? Because it wasn't. Let's go. I need a transfusion and probably a thousand milligrams of penicillin. Oh yeah, and six bullets removed from my body." She pointed the RPG down onto the ground, leaning on it. And I'm oh so tempted to leave the both of you behind just to get it.

    Veera's eyes glowed briefly before she lowered them, her mouth salivating as she began to imagine what she could do. "I believe I can do that much, at least." She replied to Ashleigh, turning to get into formation. Each second that ticked by until they dropped would seem like an age to her, but it would be worth it. Because before this day had ended, she would have the taste of blood in her mouth, and the sounds of battle in her ears. And she would leave none alive.

    Post by: Magick, May 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Magick
    Treasa smiled coyly, before the expression dropped from her face. What am I doing? She shook her head at herself before grabbing her bow, checking for the string that was coiled around the end. "Alastar never let me have a silver weapon. He didn't want me mistaken for a witcher. And he didn't want me getting ideas, I think." She glanced back. "But if you're willing to cover the tax, I believe I can pay for something serviceable." She slipped her fingers into her pouch, hunting for the small money bag that was in there, somewhere.

    Of course, all the way at the bottom. If she had enough money left over it wouldn't be a bad idea to try and get more supplies. She was all out of the cleansing solution, should they come across more necrophages, and more healing supplies wouldn't be a bad idea. "I need more potions. More cleansing solutions. And we need some food to at least start us off." She voiced these thoughts, leaning against the wall for a moment. Weariness had been staved off, but it wasn't completely erased. She would make it, though. She could do this. "Ready?" She turned to
    Derrick, a small smile on her lips.
    Tessa followed Adolin, the determined expression never fading from her face, although her eyes watched the crowd around them warily. Adolin disappeared into the inn, leaving her and Seth outside for a few moments. "Thank you for doing this." She told him, gently squeezing his hand. "I know you didn't have to. But this needs to be done. We can't just sit here in fear. Bryce...he wouldn't have wanted this for me. Not the Bryce I knew." She turned her eyes back towards the door, awaiting Adolin's appearance. When he came back, she followed him once more to a more quiet corner to discuss further options. "My name is Tessa. That's Seth. As for places..." She glanced at Seth. "Could we go back to Sigmund's, temporarily? That, or seek refuge with Matilda and her brother."

    Alyse didn't miss the expression on Terra's face, and narrowed her eyes. "Hey, guess what? You told him to run. You basically told him to die. And as for me, does it look like I'm just walking here?" She gestured with Sweallow's dismembered arm, the fingers flopping about. "See my hand here? Not his, mine. It's glowing, yeah? Unless I'm in a dream, in which case this is a shit dream." She rolled her eyes before turning back to the village. "I'm keeping it alive. Maybe, if you're good, and he gives me a hug, I can reattach it. But you have to drag his sorry ass back, as penance and payment both. Because of your stupid mistake, lady, I have to spend my energy keeping him alive in hopes that maybe you aren't bad people and just maybe this will help more people. So no whining, no looks, no complaining. Take it like a champ, and get him back to my house."

    She paused, golden hair falling over her shoulder as she half turned. "Or don't. Bleed in the street. It's not for me to decide his fate." With that, she turned and headed into a small home down the road.
    Post by: Magick, May 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Magick
    Teliana turned when she heard Zephyr's question, and pressed her her forefinger against his forehead, flicking him gently. "We're going to save the world, silly." She murmured before ruffling his hair, and turning back. Vyle's response displeased her, enough so that she stopped walking for a moment. Rather then question him outright, she started moving again, though she angled herself closer to the vampire. "Are you planning on dying on me?" She asked him outright, though her voice remained quiet. She didn't bother to hide the irritation in her tone, after all she hadn't survived being tortured by Milosh, the slaughter of Oxenfurt, and losing Vyle twice in the process, only to find him and then have him die. No, that was not in her plan at all.


    It took every ounce of strength Veera had to remain standing as Solomon revealed Aaron's body. But when the mage spoke of Aaron's feelings towards her, of the Kaer, of Tatiana and Veceslav's death, something irreparable shattered inside. She fell to her knees, slamming her fists against the ground as a low keening sound made its way out of her throat. Unable to cry, the pressure behind her eyes was enormous as she pressed her forehead to the cool stone of the ground, wishing for all the world that she could be struck down there and now. She had failed too many, and too much to consider even going on.

    Everything faded to a buzz in her ears, the only sound the blood rushing in her head. I have to. I have to do this. She remained where she was a moment longer, before slowly climbing to her feet. Vec would have wanted this. Tatiana would have wanted this. Derrick will want this. I want this. She looked at the dead, their empty eyes haunting her, their injured bodies tormenting her. Finally, she looked at Aaron, refusing to turn her gaze away. It wasn't her amnesia, or her headaches that was the retribution of the gods. It was this. And she would make it right if it killed her.

    Kruez go. The mage. But I have a counter offer." She stepped forward, ignoring the movement of the dead around her. "Let them both go. Let Kruez portal them away. And I'll remain without a struggle. I imagine you need someone to regale with the tales of your success, who claps for you when you finally win, not because they're forced to. Because they want to. We all need someone alive to tell us what we're doing is worthwhile. They just do what you say. And if it gives me a chance to speak to Aaron...." She swallowed past the lump in her throat. "Then I'll do anything."

    Veera was too preoccupied to notice her medallion thrumming.

    Treasa bowed her head, one hand reaching back to unconsciously brush her fingers across the tops of the scars once more before she let her hand rest on her shoulder. "He was.....sometimes it happens. When he gets upset. Sometimes he can't help it. Almost like a defense mechanism." She took a deep breath before leaning forward, grabbing the bandages that she slowly began to wrap around her chest, throwing a glare at the nurse who had come in to stop her.

    "I finally told him what happened to me. After my parents were killed. And he didn't take it well. He murdered the bandits as a bear, but he was too full of rage to stop, and he turned on me. He didn't realize who it was." Each movement was slow and painful, but she had no desire to stay a moment longer. She liked to move when memories of her past came up, as though she could run from the pain. "Luckily there was a village close by. Elsewise I wouldn't be sitting here." Finished with covering her chest, she turned to glance at
    Derrick, a small smile on her lips.

    "No wonder you're so popular." she quipped before grabbing her shirt and slipping it over her arms, grimacing before getting to her feet as she continued to pull on her clothing and equipment.

    Zack watched the woman ride off, a frown on his lips. Something about her Zack turned back in the direction of the dopplers that he had left, but hesitated. Truly, what would his leadership do? He wasn't meant for peace, he was meant for war. But he had no way of knowing where to start. Perhaps it would be best, if he served the Black Ones. Perhaps that was where he was meant to be. With a sigh, Zack turned and trudged back the way he had come, angling his position in order to catch up wtih the others before they crossed the border.

    And perhaps I'll ask for the fastest horse they have and head to Novigrad. He had a newfound reason, and determination, to see the capital city.

    Tessa nodded, her eyes shifting from Seth to Adolin. Around them, the crowd had started to move, and she paused, trying to sense if the intention was still the same. She didn't want to get caught in a riot, after all. "Lead the way. But we should leave." She murmured as one man looked at her a little too long. Whether it was in admiration or suspicion, she couldn't tell. Honestly with some men, especially the drunker ones, it seemed that the two were interchangeable, and quick to reverse.

    The bear roared before grabbing Sweallow's shoulder and pulling. The sound of bones cracking and muscle tearing could be heard as it yanked, before Sweallow's left arm disappeared, tossed by the bear into the brush. It turned back to the doppler, claws bloodying his chest as it tried to reach for his throat, eager to have this done and attack the mage who was causing such pain to his head. Right now however, everything Terra did was only egging on his mauling of Sweallow, who did not have much longer to live. The wind shifted, and the bear's head jerked up as it snuffled the breeze. Roaring, it turned and ran as quickly as it's large beary legs could carry it, away from the two.

    "Gods damn it all." She raced towards the couple, dropping to her knees besides Sweallow's body, scraping her skin in the process as she shoved her hands onto his chest. "I kept telling them to hire a witcher, but no. Get over here!" She shouted at Terra as her hands began to glow with a green light, reminiscent of the color of trees. "Stay away from there, or he'll come back, regardless of my presence. You two are so stupid, don't you know?" Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to Sweallow. "This is going to hurt." She told him before pressing down on his chest, pushing his cracked ribs back into place before they healed wrong.

    "Stay with him. I'm going to go get his arm." She disappeared for a moment before returning, bloody limb in one arm and hands smearing the same color all over her dress. Her fingers still glowed as she held onto the arm. "Please tell me you can carry him. Come on, we have to get you out of the wind before something else smells the blood." Her eyes belied her urgency as she moved back to
    Sweallow. "I'll only be able to stop the bleeding when we get him to my home, so come on."
    Post by: Magick, May 11, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home