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  1. Magick
    He's so freaking happy. Could he be for real? There's no way it would be this easy. Teliana belied none of her thoughts on her face, instead smiling kindly as she listened to Aaron. "I once thought that staying in the same place would make me go crazy too, but the nomadic lifestyle can get a little lonely sometimes. It's nice to be able to see a familiar setting and know that it's a safe place to call home." The cold winter breeze that had permeated so much of the season tugged a few stray hairs from the hood of her cloak. Impatiently, she brushed them back in place behind her ear, before glancing back up to Aaron. In spite of herself not being a short woman, the young witcher towered over her. Young...He didn't seem to carry the weight of the years or the burden that most of his kind did. Teliana herself had been on this earth nearly too long, and even she sometimes craved an end to the constant struggle of the world they lived in. So long she had watched it changed, watched the people she came to care about die, all because they didn't bear the same gifts as her. It wasn't fair, and four hundred years of unfair seemed simply too long.

    "I'm not sure about tends to freeze pretty quickly this time of year. I could perhaps talk to the potter, he doesn't live too far away." Footsteps interrupted their conversation as two of Aaron's apparent compatriots approached. She assumed this, mainly because the brown haired one spoke Aaron's name. His cat eyes gleamed, and Teliana suppressed a shiver. What kind of luck had the goddess shone down upon her that two witchers would appear at her door? Clearly none of the kind she wanted. "And who is this?" He turned and gaze her the sort of look men had been giving her since she turned sixteen, four hundred fifty years ago. She raised an eyebrow in reply, before holding out a hand to shake. "I've always been told that witchers gathering in one place can only mean trouble." She quipped before looking at the witcher's companion. He looked young, and without the slitted pupils it was a safe bet that he wasn't a witcher. Traveling with one ruled out vampire, werewolf, or any other kind of creature. Sorcerer wasn't impossible, but improbable.

    She might have been outnumbered, but she wasn't outgunned. A coy smile crossed her lips. Maybe she could have some fun with this opportunity before going back to her boring life.
    "We can talk inside, out of the chill. If." She pointed at Aaron, then Derrick. "On your witcher's honor, promise that neither me or those in my care will come to harm while under my roof. And you." She turned to Lysander. "No blood sucking, fur growing, magic causing havoc, alright?" She figured she had covered all possible dimensions with that promise, at least. And if they didn't behave, well, she had never wanted to die in her bed.
    Post by: Magick, May 29, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Magick
    After Dayla was finished paying attention to her customer, which, to be fair, he was paying for Alyse's wage too, she turned to the blonde girl with a sigh and a somewhat exasperated tone. It didn't really bother Alyse, since her words awarded her a bowl of soup and her request fulfilled. She would have preferred cold hard cash to buy more than just food with, but it was Teliana's house, and Teliana made the rules. Alyse had enough respect for the woman that she would follow that. After all, it was because of Teliana that Alyse didn't have to house herself with dirty people, or in the forest. Alyse barely had enough time to inhale the tantalizing scent of the food in front of her before two things happened; a new customer came in, and the one who had been giving her the eye came up and stood next to her at the bar.

    Alyse eyed over the newcomer first, and felt her stomach twist. The strange, cat eyed stare, the double swords at his back. This one was clearly a
    witcher. Almost out of instinct, Alyse's gaze flipped to the side, her head tumbling through ideas, each one worse than the previous. Running would only make her look guilty, and leaving Dayla in the care of such a character might make her own conscience guiltier still. She took a deep breath to calm her thrumming nerves even as her mind was screaming that the silver that could end her life was right there, when, "Careful though. Would be a shame if you choked to death because you forgot to chew. Saw it happen once. Probably the strangest thing to happen during a full moon."

    Her heart almost stopped, probably would have if she wasn't as young as she was. This had to be a trap. Had to be. There was no way anyone other than a witcher lover would try to be so glib. A werewolf definitely wouldn't chance fate. Alyse hadn't ever heard of one besting a witcher at all, and she didn't think that if she exploded into a ball of fur and anger that
    Dayla would side with her. Taking another deep breath, Alyse held the soup up to her lips and let the outside world fade for a few moments as she drained the bowl dry, letting the burn in her throat ground her and keep panic from overtaking. Panic would lead to stupid decisions, and at this moment one wrong move could end her existence. Alyse liked food, alcohol, and sex too much for that.

    Setting the bowl back down on the counter, she turned to the
    young man who was watching her, letting one eyebrow raise even as the other hand went to her waist, resting just above the handle of her mace. "I'm pretty experienced at not choking on anything I put in my mouth. Your concern is ever so touching, though. So much so, in fact that I would offer you a thank you. If I cared. Which I don't. Now is there something you need? Or..." She let her sentence drift off, letting herself seep with confidence. She could do this. She could survive this strange little hiccup of circumstance.

    Teliana crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow as she listened to Aaron. She and Alyse looked so similar when they took on this pose, they could have been sisters. "A witcher who doesn't worry about money? I wonder what I could have done to deserve such a boon." She ended her sentence with a small smile, though she still kept a wary eye on the witcher. And you keep in touch with your odd. "Actually, that is typically what most witchers do, I would think. Come the snows, they vanish with all the other hibernating creatures. But I've always thought of your kind as come and you go as you all please." Especially the leaving part. Regardless, she gestured at the messy pile. "The stones are supposed to support the glass panes so they can form walls and ceilings, and connect to the house. The glass captures the heat from the sun so you can grow plants inside the glass house all year, even in the winter. Trying to create a better source of food in case this winter never ends." She said the last part as a joke, though some of her wondered if it wasn't a little true.

    "If it doesn't work, just on to the next idea." She said with a shrug. "Although, if you were to find out a way to make it work, I suppose I could pay you with a meal." She offered in spite of herself. She would have to get the food from Alyse, but it could be done. And then the witcher wouldn't surprise her with an unsavory offer, and she wouldn't feel the need to ask if he had a place to stay. There were plenty that would open their door to a monster hunter in return for their services. She wasn't one of them.
    Post by: Magick, May 28, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Magick
    Alyse didn't respond to Dayla's nod, but instead headed towards the back of the inn where she could smell the food of choice for the evening. Ignoring that, she grabbed a hunk of bread from the table and tore into it with her teeth. Manners were for gentry, and people with homes and family. And people that cared. Walking back into the main room, Alyse's eyes slid over Dayla paying attention to one of her customers. The man was hunched over what was probably alcohol, with Dayla giving one of her concerned looks. Alyse mentally shrugged, tearing another bite off the loaf before eyeing the rest of the customers for any sign of trouble. The only one that struck her as odd was the gentleman in the corner, keeping his head lowered. A little too inconspicuous. Another shrug, this one physical as she took a seat at the bar, chowing on the bread in her hands.

    Dayla it's cold out." She said plaintively, her mouth full as she rested her cheek on the counter, chewing slowly. "Make it stop." The last part bordered on a whine as she thought about walking home in the dark and the cold. "Ana wanted me to ask if I could get paid in vegetables again. She knows fruit is hard to find but if her project works out we won't be short. And she said to say please." Alyse stared at Dayla with eyes that made it clear she was being forced into this. She wasn't completely ignorant to the other guests in the room, or what they were doing, but her ears were perked for any sign of trouble. She didn't need the mace at her side, as pretty and shiny as it was, but it did help to keep people from getting the wrong idea. Assuming they could see it before she tore their face off. She would have mentioned that Ana could charm the fireplace to burn without wood for a week in return, but Dayla's tavern had hosted all kinds, and Alyse didn't want to tip off a witcher or a witch hunter about her ancestress' whereabouts. It never hurt to be too careful.

    Teliana walked along the frozen cobblestones, her mind once more clouded by the past. By the smoke that choked out the lungs of those who weren't magically immune, of the fire that burned the flesh of those who could not stand it. And it hadn't just been the men. Women, children, even the elderly had been preyed upon in the madness of battle. In those battles, she had always felt a comradery with the mages at her side, with the powers that combined to fight for what they believed in, what they thought was right. They hadn't thought about the cost of such action until afterwards. Until they had seen the blood running in the streets with their own eyes. Teliana reached out instinctively to grab the hand of someone who should have been there, who was always there, just like the breath in her lungs.

    Her hand only grasped air, and when she turned to look, the hazy streets of bodies and violent screams faded, leaving only the gently fallen snow, and the figure of a
    man approaching her. Teliana raised her eyebrow as he drew closer, the feeling of loss fading in the face of curiosity. One of her eyebrows rose as she realized this wasn't, in fact, just any stranger. This was a witcher. Strange that one of them would come to Novigrad at this time of year, but perhaps the wandering folk found themselves in odd places every now and again.

    "Indeed, it is. But we seem to find ourselves at a circumstance of extremes. Thus I'm trying to ensure at least mine and my charge's survival." Ana glanced back at the small pile of glass and stones with a shrug. "Or I would, if I had any architectual sense at all. Not one of my gifts, I'm afraid. But what brings a witcher to our port city? I haven't heard of any monsters plaguing the streets since the snows set in." Other than the occasional drowner dragging off a child, or a noonwraith haunting one of the outer villages. But no one had the coin to pay for such a thing as monster killing, not now. Not unless it had to do with one of the noble families.

    "Winter isn't an ideal time for travel, either." She pointed out, clasping her hands underneath her cloak. Most witchers didn't have a problem with sorceresses, they tended to avoid each other, like wolf packs. But it never hurt to be careful, especially when one cleave from the silver sword on his back could cause serious problems for her and her magic.
    Post by: Magick, May 25, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Magick
    You're accepted and free to post as you please.
    Post by: Magick, May 25, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Magick
    You guys are accepted, especially Al because he put a term of measurement on his age lmao.
    Post by: Magick, May 25, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Magick
    Alyse Starborn walked through the streets of Novigrad with her head held high, her eyes on a swivel. Most of the passerby might have assumed she was a man, and she was fine with that. Being a woman and having an actual opinion often caused arguments, and those arguments would lead to dark alleys and her clothes stained with blood and having to explain to Teliana why once again she needed to burn another dress much hassle. So Alyse didn't mind that the streets she walked down to get to the tavern where she worked were empty; she didn't mind that there was no one's eyes to be drawn to her. She was tired of counting on her fingers all the husbands, brothers, and sons that she had killed, tired of seeing their faces when she would try to sleep at night. Her life had been at stake, and in a war where it was them or her, she would pick herself. Every. Single Time. But that mentality didn't stop the guilt, didn't stop their eyes from glaring at her accusingly every time she shut her own. The simple solution would have been to skip sleep, to work doubles at the tavern, to drink herself to death. But she could only choose one of those options without putting everyone around her at risk. And Alyse had enough blood on her hands.

    Pulling the hood of her cloak down, Alyse let her blonde hair cascade around her shoulders as she looked up at the cloudy grey sky, watching the gentle snow fall. There had been rumors of another storm, which meant that business would probably not be booming. Who would want to risk frostbite and losing their way to the local bar all for food and drink they could barely afford? Alyse was still surprised by the numbers that turned out, but it wasn't as high volume as had been the summer, or the short fall. If they could all survive until spring, gods willing, perhaps there would be better days. If this winter didn't kill every single one of them first. There had been whispers of magical powers being at work, trying to force the realms into submission in order to have an easier time conquering them. Whoever would want to commit that much energy for such a cause, Alyse couldn't begin to say. No one, in her time, had conquered the proud city of Novigrad, and she hoped that the day wouldn't come when someone would try. Because in order to protect Teliana, in order to save
    Dayla, she would let the monster in her head come out to play. And she would pity the poor souls who got in her way.

    Opening the door to the tavern, Alyse shut it behind her, closing out the dark thoughts and the cold all in one as she slowly unwrapped her scarf and undid her cloak, hanging them in their customary place by the door. Once that was done, she looked around for
    Dayla, wondering if the elf who had hired her was in yet. This didn't have anything to do with whether Alyse was hungry or not, which it just so happened she was. Just a pure coincidence.

    Teliana frowned as she looked over her work. Burning away the snow had been simple, enjoyable even. Picturing where everything would go once she was finished was no task either. But placing the actual panes of glass, trying to instill magic into them in order to protect them from breaking or damage was a pain in her ass. The greenhouse had been a long term goal, a flicker of a thought that had sparked into a hope, which had blazed into an actual project. At this point though, Teliana Jereign didn't think that her hope would become a reality. The glass panes were incredibly expensive, even in Novigrad. They were delicate besides being hard to make, and shipping them here had been a nightmare all on its own. All the same, if she could just make this work, it would help her and Alyse survive the winter, and perhaps some of their friends as well. If she had any friends. They had Dayla to thank for getting Alyse a job, sure. Come to think of it, that might be the only acquaintance she had made, through Alyse.

    Frowning at her current project, Teliana tried to look at it from a different angle. If she used stones as support...She tried once more to visualize the green house gardens in Toussaint. She remembered wanting to burn it all, but those were her younger days. She also remembered the man who had showed them to her..unbidden, a small smile curved her lips. He had been fun, but it was doubtful that he was still alive. He had been a human, something more mortal than herself. Humans didn't tend to live more than sixty years, and that had been....yeah, he was dead.

    Uttering an exasperated laugh at herself, she got to her feet and dusted herself off, glaring up at the sky as another snowflake landed on her head, chilling her. For a moment it seemed as though the sky was filled with smoke, and screaming voices filled her ears. She shook her head, clearing the memory from her mind before turning to go back into the small cottage she owned with Alyse. She would have preferred to live outside the walls of the city, where nothing surrounded them but green, but this made more sense, for now, at least. Resting her hands on the table in the kitchen, Teliana pondered her plan for the greenhouse. It might be better to see if she could find a way to get into the local architect's office, perhaps get an idea. With her face...Teliana smiled, and grabbed her cloak from the hook on the door. Even though she hated the snow, at least if she could get an idea how to work this out it would make the winter a little easier to bear.
    Post by: Magick, May 25, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Magick

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday​

    January February March April May June July August September October November December ​

    Clear Cloudy Foggy
    Early Morning Late Morning Early Afternoon Late Afternoon Evening Midnight
    Sun Rain Snow Thunderstorm Blizzard Low Winds High Winds
    Freezing Cold Warm Hot​
    Post by: Magick, May 24, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Magick

    You guys are so accepted.
    Post by: Magick, May 21, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Magick

    You were named? Alyse Starborn

    You have been alive for? 20 years

    You were born as a...Sorceress

    You chose to be... Mercenary

    You were gifted with...The Curse of Lycanthropy, she can manipulate plants with her magic.

    You fear...Change, and being trapped.

    You love...Food, and fighting.

    You may have heard of them....Teliana and Dayla.

    Who will you fight for? Redania, if it comes down to it.

    What is your history? Alyse was born the daughter of a blacksmith. She became comfortable about sharp objects at an early age, and displayed a prowess for her father's work. In spite of this, because of her gender she wasn't allowed to work with the other apprentices, and was banned to the house. Her mother would notice that plants often grew faster around Alyse, and parasites didn't infect their garden. The strongest indicator of Alyse's magical ability came when she refused to do her father's bidding, and several plants grew long enough to wrap themselves around her and keep her stationed in the garden. Despite this, Alyse's mother didn't want to give up her only daughter to the sorcerers that would keep her away the rest of her life, and forced her daughter hide the magical abilities that could have elevated Alyse's status.

    This act of selfishness was repaid by a stranger, one night. A werewolf who had waited too long to fulfill his need for the hunt, who had begged shelter underneath their roof. He left the entire family for dead, including Alyse, only for them to be found by a passing witcher. Alyse had been saved from being totally mauled by her plants, which had formed a protective cocoon. The witcher kept Alyse alive in order to ascertain whether she could be saved from the werewolf curse, and in that time Alyse escaped the witcher into Novigrad. Some form of fate was watching over the girl, because the first person she ran into was cursed as well. Sensing the same form of magic, she hid Alyse until the witcher had passed, and introduced the once magical girl into their community. It was some years later that she met an ancestor of her father, Teliana. The sorceress offered her family a place to stay, ignorant of her curse. Alyse took the offer, because she had no better prospects, for now.

    What are your weapons of choice? Alyse carries a mace at her side and a handheld crossbow as a secondary.

    Who is your puppeteer? Magick
    Post by: Magick, May 21, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Magick

    You were named? Teliana (Ana) Jereign

    You have been alive for? 480 years

    You were born as a...A sorceress

    You chose to be... An herbalist

    You were gifted with...Fire magic. Teliana can manipulate and create fire.

    You fear...The dark, and the cold.

    You love...The sun, and the sound of water running.

    You may have heard of them....Alyse.

    Who will you fight for? Neutral.

    What is your history? Teliana was born to a maid, centuries ago in a country that no longer has a name. At the age of three she set a soldier's breeches on fire while he was bothering her mother. She was thereafter spirited away by a watching sorcerer to the land of Vizima, and remained there until the age of thirty. Even though she had not yet finished her training, she received a message that her mother was dead and returned to her home land in order to bury the woman who had created her. After that, Teliana traveled the world, determined never to return to the man who had taken her away from her family, or the home that had given her family nothing.

    She sold her magical services for coin, and became embroiled in politics on more than one occasion, leading to an assassination attempt and a fling with a witcher. Afterwards, with newly obtained scars and a broken heart, Teliana retired to Novigrad, attempting to forget the horrors of war in the peace of gardening. Through no small feat of chance, she has been recently reunited with a descendant of her mother's family. Teliana allowed Alyse to live with her, for the time being, under her protection.

    What are your weapons of choice? Her primary source of power, her hands and magic. Her secondary is a small dagger she keeps on her person.

    Who is your puppeteer? Magick
    Post by: Magick, May 21, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Magick
    The Monsters

    · Rabid dogs, wolves and bears (shouldn't need an explanation)

    · Drowners

    · Noonwraiths

    · Nightwraith

    · Ghouls

    · Graveyard hags

    · Berserkers

    · Werewolves

    · Basilisks

    · Wyverns

    · Griffins

    · Endrega

    · Sirens

    · Vampires

    · Leshen

    And the men (and women)
    The Witchers
    1. Aaron Risen from the School of the Wolf
    2. Lumen Arkadian from the School of the Griffin
    3. Derrick of Kaedwen from the School of the Wolf
    4. Veceslav Furst from the School of the Wolf

    The Humans
    1. Lysander Verric Sebastien Antoinarre

    The Sorcerers (and Sorceresses)
    1. Teliana Jereign
    2. Thorvald Mordheim
    3. Enok Anzo

    The Floofs Werewolves
    1. Alyse Starborn
    2. Kord

    The Elves
    1. Dayla Elendel

    The Vampires

    Thread by: Magick, May 20, 2017, 14 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Magick

    The Introduction

    The fires of the city flare up as night descends. Novigrad has stood for hundreds of years, and there is no doubt it will continue to stand long after its citizens degrade into bones and dust. Soldiers patrol the walls and streets, instilling a forced calm, under which belies the tension of a population on edge. Winter has come early this year, causing large losses for farmers and merchants alike. The frozen temperatures are believed to have created higher casualties then the previous skirmishes for territory between the Skellige pirates and the denizens of Novigrad. There is a significant lack of food, causing a rations system to be instilled. This has only added to the turmoil of the townspeople, who find themselves unable to leave for fear of the winter storms that can commence at a moment’s notice, or the bandits who roam the roads in large numbers, facing the same struggle.

    Without the Redanian king to send supplies, with Skellige effectively blockading the port, and no end in sight, it is on this night that adventurers stumble into town ahead of yet another blizzard, seeking shelter and warmth. Why they are here, who they are and where they came from doesn’t matter. It is the unifying reason of home that brought them here, and the reward. The nobles of Novigrad are offering a substantial reward for any who can force the Skellige pirates to leave and open the city’s ports once more in hopes of enticing traders to bring much needed supplies to the starving town.

    It is here where you start, where your choices can dictate life and death, and there is no wrong decision. Welcome to Monsters and Men.


    1. No Godmodding will be tolerated on any level. You will be warned if this occurs.

    2. Related to this rule, do not kill or harm or move someone’s character without permission. When doing so, post in the OOC of your post that you do indeed have permission.

    3. There is a warning system. Three strikes and you’re out for good. Breaking any of the rules will cause you to get a warning.

    4. I am expecting posts to be around 200 words, give or take. Just try not to post single sentences.

    5. You will be expected to post once a week as each character. I understand life gets in the way, but if you have to be gone for long periods let me know. On the flip side, if you have been waiting a long time, message me and we’ll find a solution.

    6. Related to this rule, if you don't post for two weeks as any character and I don't hear from you, I will remove one of your characters from the roleplay until there is more consistency in posting. If it has been a month and there is no response, all characters will be removed until further notice.

    7. You can have two characters at the start. After a month, if you have been consistently posting, you will be allowed to add more based on my judgement.

    8. Keep everything by the ToS. No sex scenes, keep the swearing moderated, and gore descriptions need to have a warning and/or be spoilered. That being said, this is a mature roleplay. Do not join if you are easily triggered by any of the situations listed above.

    9. Keep the drama to the roleplay. If you have issues with another player, bring them up to me, or simply don’t interact with each other. Arguments outside of the roleplay will not be tolerated and anyone involved will receive a warning.

    10. Most importantly of all, this roleplay is meant to be realistic. If you engage in a sword fight, expect to be injured. If you try to assassinate a king, expect to die as a result. Your characters will not heal in one time skip, and you will not be able to magically fix all wounds.

    11. In regards to teleporting, your character needs to spend one post meditating in order to set up the portal. After a few days (in real time), you can post that you traveled into the portal.

    The Races
    Sorcerers or Sorceresses that have been trained to control the four elements. They age slower than normal humans and can transport themselves long distances in the blink of an eye. They are also infertile. Druids are mages that live with nature. You can choose to be proficient in one element.

    Humans that have been taken and extensively trained, physically and mentally conditioned to become monster slayers. They are able to use a special brand of magic, concoct potions that are poisonous to anyone else, and have increased physical speed, strength, reflexes and endurance.

    Witchers have amber eyes with cat pupils that allow them to see in the dark, increased resistance to all disease and poisons, increased life spans, and they are infertile.

    They carry two swords, a steel for men and beasts, and a silver for monsters.

    Witcher and Human magic:

    Aard- telekinetic burst of energy

    Axxi-momentary mind control, causing the enemy to become dazed

    Igni-a burst of fire erupts from your palm.

    Quen- a magical shield that protects the caster for a few minutes

    Yrden-creates a magical, stationary circle that slows down enemies that enter

    The main inhabitants of this RP. Humans are able to take care of monsters on their own, but only with the appropriate tools. They are unable to use magic except for the six signs, but can brew potions and hold various occupations.

    A typed of Cursed being, werewolves were humans that have been infected with lupus lycanthropus. They can transform at will, but anything clothing worn during this process will be unusable afterwards, and the victim will be naked when returned to human form. During the werewolf stage, the victim is unable to recall personal memories or thoughts and becomes an animal, mentally. They are extremely aggressive to any who don’t carry the curse, and when they wake from their time as a wolf, they don’t recall much of their experience. Those infected with lupus lycanthropus tend to either remove themselves from society, or remain in a pack among like-minded individuals. They are weak to silver and are unable to swim in deep water. With super strength and speed, werewolves are a force to be feared.

    A type of Cursed being, vampires were once humans that have been transformed into immortal creatures by a sire. They congregate in family groups, usually centered around a head vampire that leads the community. They are weaker in sunlight, and as a result often remain out of sight until the sun sets. They are also weak to fire, and instead rely on their enhanced sight to see in the dark. Their form of food solely consists of the blood of a living creature, which helps them retain their human form. However, when faced with battle, vampires turn into their true form, a giant bat with sharp claws and super strength/speed. They can speak in this form, but doing so fluently is hard for the vampire. Being bitten by a vampire doesn’t mean the disease is automatically transmitted, there is a subsequent ritual to be performed in order to create the fledgling vampire.

    If you would like to create a character that is not of the races listed above, shoot me a message before creating a profile. I rarely say no to creativity.

    Character Profile
    After you create your profile, please post it in the OOC. I will tag you in an acceptance post when you can begin replying in this thread.
    Picture : must be 300 x 300

    You were named? ( character’s name)

    You have been alive for? (character’s age)

    You were born as a...(character’s race)

    You chose to be... (character’s job)

    You were gifted with...(style of magic, type of curse, or the two skills available to humans)

    You fear...(two fears)

    You love...(two things your character enjoys)

    You may have heard of them....(characters yours might know)

    Who will you fight for? (Nilfgaardian, Redanians, Skellige, or neutral)

    What is your history? (Bio, limit to two paragraphs please)

    What are your weapons of choice? (one primary, one secondary)

    Who is your puppeteer? (your name)
    Thread by: Magick, May 20, 2017, 170 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Magick
    Teliana paused as the witcher attacked, unsure at first, and perhaps a little wary. She had forgotten for one deadly second that they too carried some small amounts of magic; nothing that would deter her own, but enough to do damage. He was not the only one to join the fray, as it turned out. She cast her energy into one of her favorite spells, creating the sword of fire that she thrust into the monster, her stomach twisting as she fully inhaled the rotten smell that followed it. As soon as the creature dropped to its knees she rolled away, taking a moment to retch behind a conveniently placed pair of bushes before regaining control over her body and bouncing back to her feet, hands once more filled with fire.

    It seemed they were no longer needed, as the strange woman who had followed them danced around the monster before plunging a dagger into its back. The creature screamed, or more accurately, roared before it fell to the ground. Relief seeped through her body as she took a moment to wrap an errant strand of hair back behind her ear before looking for their allies. Everyone seemed to have come out in decent shape; Vyle was striding towards her now, the ever present look of concern on his face even as he asked her if she was alright. Really, just because she felt like a broken doll didn't mean he needed to treat her like one. And hadn't she just proved herself worthy of a little respect, helping to fell the creature that stupid mage had conjured?

    Relax. It's concern, not coddling. Teliana took a deep breath before raking her fingers through her hair, mussing it and returning the wayward strands to their place in front of her eyes, where they were both distracting and irritating. She gave up trying to put them back, and gave a half hearted smile.
    "Ready as ever." Something was bothering her though, and it wasn't her companion's attitude. She let her eyes wander back to Zephyr, then to the witcher, narrowing slightly there. He wasn't one she had come across, in her memory, but he looked experienced, and she didn't judge him to be a simple trainee or a boy fresh off the monster killer farm. Then her eyes glided to the woman, the second witcher. Neither he or her had called out, so they didn't know each other. But then, Teliana wasn't friendly with all mages either, or know even half of those that walked this earth. Still....
    Pausing, she grabbed Vyle's arm as goosebumps rippled her skin.
    "I don't believe that woman is a witcher. She didn't use a sword to kill that monster. I haven't seen her use one at all, or even magic, as the man did. Something's not right here." Ana wished that would be enough to stop them from carrying on, from walking into a possible trap, but Vyle could never leave, not again.

    "Just...don't turn your back on her, alright?" She asked softly before walking a short distance behind the woman, towards the castle. It was time to finish what had started, ever so long ago.

    Veera was tiring. She had been tiring for a long time, now that she looked back on it. This world and its troubles were exhausting. The people were exhausting. Everything was an effort. Why did she do it? Veceslav's face flashed in front of her, the wrinkles on his face and the grey in his hair clearer then the enemy in front of her. The hallucination disappeared when Aaron's sword bit into her flesh, causing her to step back, trying to escape the pain and the attack in one move while defend herself from any follow up. She grimaced, disappointed that she had let herself be distracted by regret, when that same guilt was the reason she stood here, in this predicament.

    It was easy to forget she wasn't alone. A short distance away, she caught sight of Solomon summoning more of his cursed undead. Had the man slaughtered half the country to get this far? Another mark against her soul, or whatever was left of it. But she would make amends for it now, on this day. Turning back to Aaron, reluctantly leaving Kruez to sort out the enemy mage, she side stepped to avoid the other attack, her injuries slowing her down. Still, she managed to avoid incurring more as Aaron tried to speak.

    What had previously been a human voice, smooth with youth, was now grated, a struggle to understand as much as it was to speak. Veera supposed that while the vocal cords weren't the first to decay, they did have a low life expectancy after the blood stopped flowing. Still, the undead witcher made his point clear, and his words struck Veera at her core. Jolted, she paused for a moment, her legs trembling. "I know." She whispered, her hand clenching the sword that her fingers were wrapped tightly around.
    "I wish I could hate him. But I can't." It's too exhausting. "You have to let go, Aaron. You have to stop letting him control you. Only then can I set you free, where you belong."
    Post by: Magick, Sep 29, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Magick
    Ana's heart skipped a beat as the creature roared, and then seemed to stop completely as it wrapped it's grimy hands, whatever they were made from, around Vyle. Instead of panicking, she poured more of her energy into the fire that roared at the monster's feet, searching for a way up its body, a way to feed on the rotting flesh that made her stomach roll. But bodies that hadn't been dried weren't easy to burn without a second substance, like oil, that would combust and help to create food for the flame. She felt a brief wave of dizziness as the magic sapped the energy from her body, but shook it off and stepped back, keeping free of the swinging hands before pressing her palms together. Whispering the ancient words, she pulled her left from her right hand, a flaming sword hanging in the balance between the two hands. Gripping the hilt with her fingers, feeling the warmth and spirit of the fire crackle under her skin, she smiled grimly before shoving the fiery blade into the creature's leg.

    Veera barely batted an eye at Solomon's words, her mind completely focused on the battle now. On the enemy in front of her. No matter what Aaron was now, he needed to be put down. And she was the one who would have to do it. She didn't allow herself to feel triumph as one of her hits manage to land on the zombie witcher, because she suspected how futile it was. And how quickly he recovered only proved her right. She was barely quick enough to block his attacks, one after another and another. It seemed relentless, it was relentless.

    Her eye twitched as one of his attacks sliced across her arm, opening the skin and causing blood to flow down her arm, dripping to the floor as she riposted around the zombie, her breath coming in steady, controlled breaths. For now. Aaron appeared to have enhanced abilities attained after his death; in life he had never been this closely matched to her own skills. And when your enemy couldn't die, then how could you hope to win? Noticing that Solomon had decided to take on Kruez, hoping her cell mate could hold his own, she lashed out again, stepping past her own defense to try and cut into Aaron's leg.

    Tessa blinked at Sigmund's words, before squeezing her hands gently, out of reflex. "Just like that? You'll take us with, just like that? What's the catch?" She asked as he began to prepare...whatever magical ritual this was. Tessa had grown up among dopplers, not mages. She had heard stories of their capabilities, but never seen them in person. Not until the massacre in Oxenfurt, and even that had been brief. And she supposed, where there were good powers, responsible people who made sure their gifts did good things, there had to be people on the opposite end of the spectrum as well.

    "What's the catch?" She asked once more, her pale eyes narrowed as she took a step back.

    Alyse tensed once more as the stranger spoke. Or perhaps she had never relaxed in the first place. "Alyse. Dare I ask yours?" She didn't bother introducing Sweallow, that wasn't her prerogative. First name was friendly enough, something to establish common ground, conversation if need be, but it didn't give him something to track her, and it didn't give the stranger enough of an opening through the door to which he might feel welcomed. Alyse didn't let people in. Ever. The one person she trusted had already been present in her life before she had put the walls up. You could say the walls surrounded Ana just as much as they did Alyse. Safer that way, and less of a chance to be hurt.

    Post by: Magick, Sep 14, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Magick
    Hestia watched with little satisfaction as the demon went up in flames and smoke. Running her hands through her hair, she sighed, and sat down on the step, bracing her head in her hands. The cat curled around her legs, purring gently as she let her mind race behind closed eyelids, her heart skipping to the same tempo as her thoughts. I'm so tired. So tired of the fighting, the disappointment. She had saved the werewolf Lightwood, the one who had turned her, and another. But she could have saved more. She should have done more. And instead, she had taken a role similar to Gaia, or tried to. She had tried to stay back, to observe and not interfere unless pulled directly into the events at hand. And she had failed. She was no demi-god, nor was she the first of her kind. Her father's blood gave her incredible power, the skills he had taught her invaluable. But her own intelligence was what had kept her, and those around her alive. And she had failed to listen to it.

    Raising her head out of her hands, she tapped her cheek with her finger, and then slowly rose to her feet to observe the ashes of what had been a truly pathetic fight. Perhaps, it was a sign. Perhaps she needed time to step back, and reflect. Ordinarily she would have beaten Titania back into place. She had let the fey queen run rampant instead for far too long. Somewhat depressed, Hestia stared down at the smoking ashes, and deliberated.

    Grayson wanted to tear into something with frustration. However much he wanted to punish his werewolves for not being able to adequately handle the problem in front of them, his jaws were a little occupied trying to rent the Shadowhunter in front of him in two. He could hear the yelps around him as his wolves fought and died in battle. Pathetic beings they were. Grayson snarled, and shook his head, sending Alarick flying, before he turned and darted at Sien, intent on wrapping his powerful jaws around the magic wielder's limb. Too many sounds and smells infiltrated his head at the same time, and so he let the wolf take over completely, intent on coming out on top of this battle.

    Clarity stumbled out of the bedroom, one hand around her ribs. She felt massively confused, and the pounding headache wasn't going away, if anything was obvious. Staring blearily into the mainroom, she could make out two figures. One, was familiar, and somewhat comforting. The other not as much. "Is there alcohol?" She asked, her voice scratchy and dry from lack of use. Clearing her through felt like swallowing knives, and it urged her onward to find something to drink, something that would also clear the raging pain stampeding through her temple. "If you're not going to help then get out of the way." She told the two males as she began to rummage through the cupboards, starting to look in the higher up ones first.

    Post by: Magick, Sep 13, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Magick
    Ana narrowed her eyes at the incoming knights, forgetting for one moment that she had other dangers to worry about. The Black Ones were no friends of mages or magical creatures. They abhorred anything that didn't fit in their diagrams of existing creatures. "I wouldn't turn your backs to them." she muttered before staring up at the monster as it loomed down upon her. The smell, a combination of mold, rot, blood and decaying flesh, was horrific enough on its own. But when her mind finally comprehended the horror that had turned its attention upon her, she felt her stomach twist. Vyle re-appeared from the shadows, she hadn't even notice his absence at her side, and stabbed into the monster. Ana turned and vomited to the side, the smell too much for her human nose. How Vyle was able to stand it, she didn't know. When her stomach was finished heaving, she turned and aimed her open palm at the monster, fire gathering and shooting out in a flaming ball, wiping her mouth with the other.

    Hopefully Vyle could distract it long enough she could search for weaknesses. Or perhaps their new, temporary allies would serve as bait.

    Veera stepped out of the cage, her hand going to her steel sword as her eyes flipped from Solomon, who didn't at all seem put out, to Aaron. Poor, decrepid Aaron. She had done him so much wrong in his short life. Led him astray, and for what? To meet a lonely, cruel death at the hands of a madman, and then torture in the afterlife by the magic of a damaged soul. Was it even him in the face she knew? Or was it a vengeful spirit going under the guise of her former comrade? Even as a witcher, once spirits left his world, she couldn't pretend to understand what happened to them. Or really even want to know. But regardless of whether it really was Aaron, or another trapped soul, she had a duty. As a witcher, and a friend.

    Drawing her sword, she positioned herself in front of the former witcher to draw his attention.
    "Well then we have something in common." She said to Solomon, before most of her focus was placed back on her opponent. She took a breath, and then cut from the right side down towards his hip, following it up with a quick hand gesture to summon Igni, which blasted from her hand in a small fireball before she spun and cut towards his chest.

    Post by: Magick, Sep 6, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Magick
    Hestia pressed her fingers to her lips, and blew a kiss towards the fiery feline. Flames expelled from her lips and reached the creature, causing it to grow at an accelerated rate. Luckily, the spell was an easy one, though demanding in energy. Once the cat was the size of a tiger, she turned and stepped outside the glowing arch, glancing back at Creed and Rhett. "Please, for the love of the Angel, don't step outside this door until I arrive." She told them, a small smile on her lips. "There are enough provisions that you will last at least a week, should it take me that long. Don't forget to feed Clarity when she wakes, but let her wake on her own, alright?" Winking at the two of them, she turned and threw up her hand behind her, flicking her fingers.

    Flames expanded over the arch, the hot air blowing strands of golden hair past her cheek. The tiger turned, a rumble in its chest as she glanced back, letting the smile expand on her face. It turned from a kind expression, into something a little more sinister.
    "I haven't gotten a new playmate in ever so long." Striding down the stairs, Hestia ignored the confused and frightened looks the mundanes were giving the space around her as she moved downstairs. She had a powerful glamour cast over her body, allowing them to see whatever they wanted in order to keep them back. More then likely it was the visual of a gang member holding the leash of a muscled Rottweiler. Whatever worked.

    Upon reaching the floor that Gord was creeping around on, she wrinkled her nose at the stentch of demon, fire balling into her hand.
    "It's rude to start the meal before the lady arrives." She commented, flicking her wrist and sending the fireball crashing into Gord. She had no interest in drawing this out, not when her dearest friend had finally returned, and her father craved action in his boring prison.

    Titania screeched as she flew back, avoiding the grasping hands of the roots that had come for her. "You're too old, Mother!" She hissed, slamming her hands together, her magic screeching through the earth to call forward thorny vines that shot towards the fairy in front of her. "You should have stayed where you were. Now you'll finally fall along with Father!" Dodging another attack, she didn't spare any attention towards the tree that had grown over Morrigan. The fairy was gone; no one could survive that. Not even Titania.

    Where are my knights? She wondered to herself, though she kept her face free of doubt or triumph. They should have arrived by now, droves of them that even Gaia could not keep at bay. Especially with baggage. Her eyes, glowing bright green, shifted towards the people who had come back with Gaia. The ones who had brought her here, drawn her attention when Titania was so close. Smacking her palms against each other, she tried to take control of the tree that stood over Morrigan's body, forcing the roots to spread outwards and try to trap them. After a second, she flinched and withdrew her magic, keeping it from being poisoned as an unfamiliar power source took over the plant. What....

    Gaia sighed at her daughter's folly. For one who had seen centuries, she still had so much to learn. And now she would never get a chance to. Ignoring the tree that Titania tried and failed to control, she stepped forward calmly, slowly, her every move the opposite of her daughter's. Her very demeanor would have led anyone to believe that albeit their similar physical features, they were two different people; unrelated. Morrigan should have been my daughter. Would have been my heir. The thought brought a pang of guilt that nearly distracted her from Titania's attacks, which were growing more desperate.

    "It would seem my allies are far more powerful then yours." She commented softly, so that only Titania could hear as she inched ever closer to her daughter, dodging and blocking each attack with magic of her own. Soon, it would come to the final battle of wills. And Gaia mourned for the daughter she would lose, along with the granddaughter she had already lost. "You're lost, daughter. And now it's too late for you to come home."

    Everything seemed faded, distant. Morrigan could hear the whistling of the wind through the leaves, and felt something gentle against her skin. It was foreign, and strange, and soft. Unnatural. There was a tugging sensation, and she sank further down, further away from the broken body of the girl who she had been. It had been so painful, so horrible. And then it had been over. This wasn't Titania's doing, Titania wasn't merciful. She liked to play, to torture, to hurt. The one who had done this had been kind, and quick. And Morrigan was grateful.

    There wasn't enough time left to feel anything but good things, and as she tried to open her eyes, and failed, she felt her breath exhale past her lips. When she tried to inhale, her chest felt stuck, frozen. Her fingers wouldn't move. None of her would. She felt another tug, and she descended again. That strange smooth thing brushed past her skin, and she wanted to shiver, to move away. It was skin. Forcing her eyes open was the hardest thing she had ever done, but she managed. And smiled. Above her, Ash tried desperately to dig her free, but to no avail. The ifrit was there as well. Good. He wouldn't be alone. Her mouth wouldn't work, but she tried to communicate with her eyes. Let me go. It's okay. He would hurt, and suffer. But he would move on. She had been too gentle for this world, and he needed someone with a core of steel that matched his own. She hoped he could read what her eyes said, what she had felt for him, and then she was gone as the tree pulled her in.

    It wasn't clear where she became the tree, and the tree became her. But it ceased to matter. Everything did, except for the wind, rustling in the leaves, and the feel of the earth underneath. At last, she was at peace.

    Grayson's pack attacked before his paws had hit the ground, tearing at Valister in unison. He was proud of his pack; even after his absence, they still knew when to hunt and when to hold back. You simply couldn't teach that. Grayson turned, and instead of joining in, simply watched them tear down the vampire, gauging who was the most ferocious and who had the best drive when blood reached their mouths. It tasted like acid, of course; vampires were the only things that werewolves couldn't eat and digest. Still, his ear only flicked when he turned, and growled at the sight that met his eyes.

    Alarick had stalked ahead of the group, in no mood for conversation. Ash had joined them, and then left. Did he care? No. He couldn't bring himself to give a single damn about any of them anymore. The entire trip had been to save Brianne, and he had failed. Now she was in the hands of the High Warlock, and Angel only knew why. He certainly didn't want to find out, but it was his duty, as both the older twin and her remaining family that cared enough to know her condition and whereabouts.

    Until they rounded a corner, and he spotted a familiar figure being beaten down by another slightly familiar face. Though Alarick knew little of Grayson personally, he had read enough about the werewolf to know that Brianne was supposed to have killed him. Another slip up that didn't make sense. Alarick didn't stop to question as he pulled out his bo staff, his thumb sliding along the button to eject the twin blades from the tips before he darted forward, slashing upwards and catching the werewolf alpha by surprise.
    "Help Valister!" He called to whomever had come with, not bothering to try and draw Runes on his body before he attacked Grayson again. The werewolf caught the staff in his teeth with a growl before shaking it, trying to dislodge his grip. Alarick smiled grimly, and shoved back. Finally, a way to get out his aggression.
    Post by: Magick, Aug 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Magick
    Teliana frowned to herself, though she kept a tight grip on Vyle. He was shaking underneath her fingers, as though he would vanish at the first chance he got. She would just have to limit his chances then. Staring up at the distant figure that was Solomon, she leaned in close to whisper to the vampire, "They might not even be friends. And even if they are, they have to fend for themselves. If he walks away from this, we'll all be in danger." She didn't add that if the witcher "friends" didn't, it wouldn't necessarily be the worst thing. She didn't have a deep love for any of the cat eyed people, given some of her previous experiences, and even more so because of her family.

    "Vyle....I don't think we're alone." She murmured as the sounds of horses met her ears. Teliana turned, peering to look for the source of the sound. What her eyes met didn't make her any happier. "I know those colors." She hissed, letting go of Vyle's arm as fire gathered around her hands.

    Veera paused to look at Kruez, shaking her head at his words before turning to the door. And she had thought witchers were emotionless, this mage took the cake on that one. If she had ever seen Derrick again, she would have tried to get these two in a room. The thought made her lips barely twitch upwards in a smile as she bent down towards the lock, and whispered, "Igni." Sparks flew in a steady stream from her fingers, simmering around the metal in the hopes that it would possibly melt. She wouldn't put it past Solomon to have magical wards on the mechanisms keeping her and her companion from their freedom, but she also didn't want to stand around and wait for rescue.

    Veera had never been that girl, and she would be damned if she would be that girl now. Not even a necromancer set on ruining the world, and his fanatical plans could change that. Not even the death of her family would.

    Treasa started to laugh, and then stopped herself at Derrick's monologue. "Another man, trying to tell me what to do. And I thought I couldn't be surprised. Except I'm not." She replied cynically, rubbing the horse's neck thoughtfully. In truth, it was just to give her an excuse to lean down and adjust the stirrups, which still felt far too long for her legs. Her body was sore as well, still recovering from the monster, and the procedure. As she did so, she caught the glimpse of a shadow, moving and disappearing along the alleyway. Her mouth turned grim, and she gently nudged her horse into a faster gait, catching up to Derrick easily.

    Hopefully she made it look as effortless as the horse did.
    "I think we need to pick up the pace and get out of here." She murmured to the witcher, the back of her neck itching as she looked around. That wrong feeling had returned, more powerful then ever. It was possibly because of the crowded area they were in, the wonder at the size of the city turning to dismay, or it could be her instincts. Either way, she was happy to leave Novigrad behind.
    Tessa stepped back slightly as Adolin moved forward, saving her from having to respond. She wasn't sure what to say, anyway. She had never been the leader, the one to take command. Her moment of courage had failed her, and she nearly fell into Seth in her haste to get out of the way. "Sorry." She apologized, missing his foot by less then she would have liked before turning back to Sigmund and Adolin. "Safety. Which is what you promised us." She reminded him, though her voice was quiet and her demeanor gentle once more.

    The fire would return in due time, but for now Tessa was content to let others handle the problem. She would sit back, and wait.

    Alyse turned to look at Sweallow as he replied, before finishing her first drink and ordering another. Heavy footfalls behind them triggered her sensitive ears, and she cringed as the tingling at the back of her neck grew stronger. Where was Ana when she needed her? Only the brunette could keep Aly out of the worst kinds of trouble she dragged herself into. Scaring off that bear? Ana would have taken care of it, hiding Alyse from harm. This man? Ana would have steered him away, or turned Alyse away from the bar. But she wasn't here. It was Alyse and Sweallow and this man, who was now asking to join them.

    Unable to find a reason to say no, other then the racial prejudice Alyse had just enough pride to keep herself from submitting to, she tilted her head to the seat next to her, gritting her teeth as she did so. This couldn't get much worse, could it?
    Post by: Magick, Aug 17, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Magick
    Luce struggled and squirmed and tried to slip from Cin's grasp as he turned and carried her away, the crescendo of pain and tremors building to one image in her mind; The Mortal Sword. An object so powerful, yet she had grown used to its presence in Alicante every day, up until it had disappeared. Now the gleaming metal, the inscripted blade, the decorated hilt, all of it shone in her mind's eye as though it was directly in front of her. And yet, it grew darker with each step Cin took, each moment that she was pulled in the opposite direction. Luce held on as long as she could, until the entire world around her was dark, and her body slumped, leaving only the Sword in her mind. Eventually, even that too faded, leaving her alone in the black.

    Hestia rolled up her sleeves, a slow smile on the edge of her lips. Really, it was too much. Standing at the edge of her apartment, her hands tracing ancient symbols into the air, she slowly began her work, taking her time and getting it just right. It simply wouldn't do for her, the High Warlock, to make an error and turn them all into mice. Although it would make it a little easier to escape the demon prowling around the building, she hadn't ever liked shape changing. Instead she had turned to the arts of fire, and transformation. She herself, well she liked a good bath in the flames every now and again, but she would never transform herself. No, that was not the point of this spell, to turn any living thing from what they were into something else.

    She was going to change something much bigger then that. The cat hopped off her shoulder, and padded between the symbols that glowed in the air, watching with yellow eyes. Almost time.

    Morrigan felt her will waiver as Nick spoke. He wasn't one of the fey, but she could see his intentions in his eyes, just as clearly as they rang out with his voice. He truly did believe what he was doing was right, and if it was only to keep them from Titania.....but Paragon had pointed his gun at her head, and she turned, her black hair framing her angular face as she heard the faint sound of a truck...of people. "Did you ever stop to think just what that would mean for me?" She hissed, her resolve returning with a vengeance. "If you truly cared for me, about any of this, you would have talked to me. I am sick of people thinking they do whatever they please with me when I'm my own person." With each angry word, the vines wound tighter and tighter around her, cutting off her own circulation.

    Wait. She hadn't wanted this. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't think as spots appeared in her vision, black ones that danced and wavered in front of her eyes. No, this isn't right. As Morrigan tried to gasp for air, she felt a shudder underneath the earth, and the fairy only had time to look down, time for one more breath, before the vines shot up underneath her feet.

    So much magic. So much strength. There was only one person whom that could belong to. Titania landed on the ground, tucking the wings she had magicked behind her, before allowing them to dissolve into petals as she landed safely on the ground. Around her, there was chaos. Arguments, proposed violence, and anger. It was beautiful. And sadly, it had to end. The plants around her were obeying the call of another, a weaker. Morrigan. It was time she was dealt with. Titania wrested control from her ever so easily, letting the vines the young fairy had beckoned to herself for protection now becoming a binding vice, that she would have no way to escape from.

    It was then, she went cold. The gaze of something old, something far more powerful then should ever have existed fell upon her, and if Titania had been honest with herself, she would have been terrified that she would turn and look into the eyes of God. Instead, it was far worse. It was her mother. Titania felt empty for a moment, just one long, shuddering moment, as she and the fey who had brought her to this world locked green eyes. Gaia's slid to Morrigan's struggling form, and Titania's followed. And then the earth cracked in two, and the girl was gone, crushed beneath the weight of the plant life around her.

    Both fey sprang into action, Titania called the plants to her as Gaia did, the greenery around them struggling to decide who was the more powerful, who they should follow. But it mattered not. Titania only had to keep her mother occupied until the Seelie Knights at her command appeared, and then it would be over. And she would never have to worry about being usurped again. Shoving her magic into the earth, she did little to ponder the death of the fairy who had shared her blood, who had been half of her, as she focused on killing the one who had created her. Then she would truly have no family left, and she would be safe.

    Gaia's eyes slid to Morrigan, and all she could see was terror. Fear. The poor girl was caught in forces too extreme for her to handle. It was over in a second, and Gaia turned to Titania, loss surging through her, the precursor to anger. She needed that rage, needed that guilt if she was to survive this battle with her daughter. Titania shifted her magic into the earth, and Gaia did the same, splitting the earth in two between them as the life around them struggled to choose a side, to waive to a power. Titania's magic shifted, and Gaia had only moments to react before the vines crushed the others around them as well. Her magic protected Shadi and Nick, who were knocked backwards by the appearance of a tree, removing the vines that had held Morrigan and burying them underneath the roots. Ash, she was nearly too late as several vines wrapped around him, struggling to drag him under ground. She stopped it, and hoped he would be able to free himself before the next wave of her daughter's power.

    Yuri turned his cold eyes to Hendrick, narrowing them slightly, then to the girl to gauge her reaction. To her credit, she remained silent. The first intelligent thing she had done all day. Yuri turned back to Corvo, feeling the shadows at his sides and back tense and pulse as they awaited the verdict. For they too, were hungry for the angelic blood only a Shadowhunter could provide. Fairy blood was well enough, but it had a bitter aftertaste, the taste of a greater demon that had subjugated the forefather of their race. But then Corvo surprised him, and instead of being disappointed, Yuri felt rather grateful.

    "Then I suppose you'll need to take my word for it. But truly, I would rather see a Shadowhunter not betray something, and have a loyalty to anything other then power." Yuri held up a hand as the shadows hissed, sensing a loss. "However,I am not convinced the cost of my people's blood is worth a victory against the Seelie Queen. What happens after she is gone? The fey, while considering themselves better then the rest, are at least controlled. Without a ruler they will run wild in the streets." A dark shape disengaged from the rest, and slunk towards him. Yuri paused, and bent down to the small form, listening to the white haired child with a solemn face.

    "Nephilim, it appears we are both needed elsewhere. The High Warlock, Hestia, is under attack by a demon, who has previously gone by the name of Gord. While she herself is not at risk, I do believe there are mundanes who could suffer in the appearance of such a creature." He paused. "Fulfill your duty, and I shall complete mine." As Yuri turned, the folds of his cape changed, shrinking and lengthening until he had turned into a very large, very monstrous bat. "But I will have vengeance for what has been taken from us." He hissed at Corvo, bright eyes darting from Hendrick to Roxanne, before he leaped into the air. The shadows moved as one, becoming a mass of squeaking mammals that raced to follow their king out into the world, and onto the battlefield.

    Grayson smiled. "He thinks big words intimidate us. I think he's calling us both rude and stupid. What do you say to that, ladies and gents?" The wolves behind him snarled and growled in response as they slowly began to shift into the furry form of themselves. "That's what I say as well. I don't think you should leave just yet. It sounds like we have a dispute to settle." Grayson himself began to change, his teeth elongating. He wasn't fully formed before he jumped at Valister, tearing towards the vampire's heart.

    A blonde haired woman poked her head through the trees, eyeing the vampire and werewolf who had yet remained. "Gaia sent me to send you to her." She began, twisting a finger around her lock of hair with a smile that showed flat teeth, like a cow's, when she parted her lips. "But things have gone rather wrong, there. Where would you like to go, instead? Or would you like to risk life and limb in the battle of the ages?" She glanced behind her. "A few of us will join our Queen, to make our home right. What will you do?"
    Post by: Magick, Aug 16, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Magick
    Luce trembled as the magic tried to pull her away. Every inch of her screamed to keep moving, to follow the draw that she couldn't ignore, couldn't control it. It crescendo-ed into something more then a need, into pain, and she whimpered as she struggled against the fae holding her still. She couldn't speak, or control her lips or fingers enough to make him understand, but neither could she overpower him. She pushed her hands against the metal of his armor, the only way she could try to make him understand. If he didn't, she wasn't sure what would happen.

    Yuri stood still as he listened to Corvo speak, let him speak as he tried to reason with the Vampire King about what he had done. These mortals...they truly knew nothing. When Yuri had been this man's age, he had been in the process of murdering the person who had sired him and taking over an entire kingdom. He saw a similar fire in Corvo's eyes, but it had been swayed so easily by the words of others, by the easy way out. The one thing the mortals had gotten right, actions spoke louder then words. And Corvo's actions; first following the words of a crazed and power hungry leader, to executing him without letting the man have a say in his fate...well it spoke to impulsive, impractical, and random behavior. Not the characteristics he wanted to see in a leader. But that could be saved for future thoughts.

    And then the little rabid mouse that he brought along decided to be the hero, decided to speak up. Yuri held up a hand to stop her, to stop Corvo, and their third companion from interrupting what he had to say. Apparently that was necessary with these people.
    "You are impudent. That much is clear. But I wonder, why should you get the luxury of a trial, when your own leader, who served your kind for over forty years, was taken and shot like a dog? Why would you, a young nothing who has given nothing, receive a gift that a man who gave everything didn't get the courtesy of?" Yuri turned gleaming eyes to Corvo, and a vicious smile curved on his lips. "Your fight with Titania is yours. Do not endeavor to involve my people. Yes, some of them were taken, sacrificed, brutalized, but that is my own loss to pursue. I did not ask you for your help in avenging their deaths." He tapped his fingers against the pommel of his sword, and then glanced to the side, where the shadows remained still. "Leave the girl. Then you'll receive my help."

    Grayson and his pack were laughing, covered in blood as they walked down the alley. He made some sort of crude joke before laughing, the others of his pack laughing with him. As they turned a corner, they all stopped, the sharp, bitter scent reaching their nose one that made their hackles stand straight up. "Well well well, what do we have here?" Grayson strode up to Valister, a toothy grin on his face. "A lone vampire, wandering around at the wrong time of day. The only thing you forgot to wear was the bow, and a card telling us what we did to deserve such a welcome present."
    Post by: Magick, Aug 10, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home