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  1. Magick
    Alyse's teeth chattered as she treaded water, muttering every curse word that she could imagine under her breath. It seemed to take an eternity for the man to pull up the fisherman before reaching down for her. Pausing in her rotary movement, she reached up and grasped his wrist with her much smaller hand. A shiver racked her body that wasn't entirely attributed to the cold as she looked up into the yellow eyes of a witcher, before being hoisted up onto shore. The witcher strolled away to casually break some barrels, leaving Alyse's eyes to wander. She spotted Teliana easily enough; the witcher she had introduced before at her side. Another was in a boat, rowing towards the monster. That doesn't seem like the brightest idea. But then she could hardly talk, jumping into the water after some random civilian. When it comes down to it, you have a soft heart after all. And it'll get you murdered in a back alley with a sword of silver in your gut. The thoughts vanished from her head as Veceslav used his witcher magic to start the barrels on fire. "Stick close to the fire, it'll do you good." He told her before walking away. The fisherman, coming out of his catatonic state just long enough to roll closer to the fire, made Alyse raise an eyebrow.

    She watched the
    witchers confer, and Teliana begin to conjure more of her magic. The man whose hand she had grabbed wasn't by her side anymore....biting her lip, she cursed as her teeth bit through, causing a wave of blood to wash over her tongue. Grimacing, she wrung out her hair, proceeding to give the same treatment to her close, when the movement of the snake bursting from the water caught her attention. Every muscle tensed, as the monster faced the boat the witcher was in, and then proceeded to push him out to sea. And on his back.....Alyse's eyes widened, and she stepped away from the fire. He wouldn't be that stupid, would he? Her mind tried to grapple with the chance of another werewolf being in Novigrad and being idiotic enough to change in front of witchers, and her sister. Nothing came to the forefront, and so she jogged towards Teliana, planning to tell the fire mage to hold back, when the back of her neck prickled. Unbidden, she turned her eyes, narrowing as she scanned. Everything is not as it seems. But her sister came first above all else, and so Alyse turned away from the call of the hunt and rested a hand on Teliana's shoulder, unafraid of the fire. "Don't exhaust yourself." She said, her eyes on the snake, analyzing the scenario before turning to the witchers. The only thing she could do right now, would be to jump back into the freezing waters and swim to the boat. That didn't sound enticing in any sort of way.

    Teliana glanced as an older witcher greeted Derrick before joining the fray. She tried to forget what Lysander had muttered, though it still stung. Why bother trying to be normal? People like him will always treat you with fear and disgust. She hadn't wanted to know why he had been afraid, hadn't even asked.....and still he threw it in her face. Humans. The fire in her hand sputtered and then roared, feeding off her negative emotions. She took a deep breath to calm the spell. There wasn't much time before the snake rose from the water, its back to them as it fixated on Aaron. Teliana heard Derrick yell, but she didn't need a signal, and curved her hand before whispering into the flames. They spiraled up towards the sky, growing in volume to the size of her own person before leaping off her hand, and racing through the frigid air. The fire took a form similar to her own, leaping across the water and hurling itself at the snake, wrapping around it in a ring of fire that tightened. While Teliana was aware of the werewolf, she couldn't afford to spend energy on control when the distance was already taxing her strength as the fire pressed into the scales, up until the snake dove back into the water.

    Unable to hold the spell, Teliana released it, her legs feeling weak. She took a few breaths, her eyes narrowed as the
    snake made its way with the boat carrying Aaron out to open water. But it wasn't quite open...was it? Unbidden, the fire returned to her hand, hungry for more. A touch at her shoulder made her relax as a familiar voice whispered in her ear. Alyse was okay. As the mist rolled in, Teliana's gaze focused on a ship, out in the bay. Why hadn't the snake attacked that one before coming to the docks? And why was it now pushing Aaron's boat out that way? "You're right about the magic, Derrick." Teliana forewent all formalities in the face of time as a necessity. "That snake is playing fetch for someone, it looks like." The fire roared in her hand, sensing her desire, but Alyse still didn't back down. The girl didn't have any kind of healthy fear when it came to magic, perhaps because....

    Feeding her own fear, her sadness and anger and frustration into the magic, Teliana stepped forward as it encircled her, saving Alyse from much worse than a burnt hand. Raising her arms, it spun into the sky, creating a column of fire that paused, for a moment, before arcing down to blast into the ship. For any innocents that might get hurt, Teliana offered a quick prayer to the goddess as she severed the link to the magic, watching as it careened down. Sometimes though, there had to be sacrifice. She sagged back against Alyse, perspiring in spite of the cold.
    "I am out of practice." She admitted to her sister, waiting for the quivering of her legs to subside before she tried to stand on her own again. Distance always made things much harder than they needed to be.

    Post by: Magick, Jun 24, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Magick
    Kara grinned at Miribelle, sensing that behind the exterior might lie someone more fun. Oh this could be her savior in this darkened place of despair and humourless soul sucking heroes. Kara's thinking was momentarily stalled by Miribelle's pen, waving in the air in front of her face. Her light colored eyes widened, pupils following the ornate instrument as it moved back and forth like a pendulum. By every god in human imagination.....Miribelle made to stow it, teasing that Kara might get a closer look now. Oh hell no. Her clockwork arm reached out and snatched the beautiful item from Miribelle's hands, pulling it to her face so she could look now. "I've never been one for foreplay when there's much more interesting things underneath." A smirk played along her lips as she examined the crest, the fine craftsmenship, before holding the pen back out to Miribelle. At Dylan's accusation of flirtation, she winked at Miribelle before sticking her tongue out at Dylan and sashaying over to Zephyr as he walked to the door. "Jealousy doesn't look good on you, Stardust."

    Grabbing a wisp of
    Zephyr's hair, she leaned on his shoulder as she played with the strands with her human fingers, one ear listening to the door with half interest as she stared at Miribelle with a raised eyebrow. "So what brought such a lovely lady to our home of mold and soulessness?" Her ears perked at the sound of her name, and without missing a beat she leaned towards Zephyr. "Hey Blondie, I think Stardust could use a hand to hold at the door. You know how he gets with strangers. He can't remove the stick from his ass on his own."

    Rigel heard someone shouting in the background, but his attention didn't waiver from the red haired gentleman in front of him. Who, disappointingly enough, was quicker and managed to stop his fist from hitting his face. Rigel sighed inwardly, knowing that he had never been much of a fighter, but still minorly disappointed. The name of the Constabulary didn't invoke fear in him, as this man thought it should. "You get a lot of pleasure from being a bully? Perhaps the poor name the Constabulary drags around is solely from your lack of dignity and respect. You should leave these men to their duty, Officer. They clearly know the law better than yourself." The words poured out faster than Rigel could stop them; perhaps after not speaking to other people for so long he had found a release.

    How it would turn out, well Rigel hadn't thought that through. But he hoped the
    man would listen to his words, or at least that they would make some sort of impression in his mind.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 23, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Magick
    Rigel watched the confusion with a wary, yet tired eye. In a perfect world, the people would be working together to protect each other, keep themselves safe and solve the problem. What he saw was the opposite of cohesion, and it couldn't help but frustrate him. Glancing around to try and get a full view of what was going on, Rigel caught sight of someone in very distinctive hair belligerently arguing with a Royal Guard. His brow furrowing, he started towards the pair.

    Rigel didn't want to start a conflict in the middle of a square, but this
    man was showing no signs of backing down, and Rigel got the vague idea that any attempts to persuade the man to back off would only escalate the matter. No, it was safer for everyone around if Rigel just did they say it? Down and filthy, or something? Mentally shrugging, he wiped all emotional expression off his face, before raising his voice to be heard above the crowd. "Hey! You need to respect the Guard!" He yelled as he clenched his fist and brought it back, aiming for Lucian's nipple face.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 22, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Magick
    Kara took a deep breath as she heard footsteps. Show time. Keep your game face. Game. Face. Turning to face Stardust, Kara's resolve held out for five seconds before she burst into giggles. Covering her mouth with her human hand, she executed a small curtsy to Miribelle, who was absolutely adorable. "You better hope this one knows how to laugh, Stardust. Because any more lacking in the humor department and I might wither away from sheer sadness. No one appreciates me here." Winking at Miribelle, she walked up to the girl, tilting her head as she studied her.

    Turning to
    Dylan, Kara walked up to him and peered into his face. "So, funny story about that is, I have a nice smile. Beautiful, stunning in fact. That's what the man said, and I'll remember it for the rest of my life!" Turning away, she went back towards the bag, rifling through to pull out a can of chicken, or tuna? Who cared? "It was so nice, in fact, so fantastic a grin, that he gave all of this to me for nothing other than a promise to return to him with more smiles. How could I do anything but refuse?" And there had gone her chance to tell the truth. It was more fun this way, and Stardust wouldn't care. Kara doubted he noticed her existence, unless she was switching out the hair wash for chlorine in an attempt to change his hair color. Tossing the can towards Stardust with the hope that it would hit him in his suspicious, fun-sucking face, Kara turned back to Miribelle. "Now, he might have accepted you, but before I do, there is one imperative question you must answer." Tucking a lock of purple hair behind her ear, her face went dead serious. "What kind of pen, is the best pen?"
    Post by: Magick, Jun 18, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Magick
    The scene moved as quickly as any battlefield that Teliana had ever been a part of. She felt Lysander leave her side, either to heed her warning or run away. As she cast her spells, feeling her magic sap at her strength, a freaking werewolf ran past her and latched onto the sea serpent. Teliana had to blink and make sure she wasn't hallucinating before simply accepting it had happened and continuing her focus, lest she set someone on fire by accident. That was when another well armed figure entered her vision; this man ran towards the docks where Alyse had jumped over, tossing rope towards what Teliana assumed was the swimming form of her sister.

    At this point, the
    sea serpent plunged itself beneath the waves, causing it and the werewolf atop to disappear from view. Derrick was running back towards her, yelling at Aaron to get into position. Teliana turned, looking for the bard only to see him curled up against the wall. So he ran. With a sigh, she dug in her pouch for the sharp smelling arnica. Crumbling some of the leaves between her fingers, she held her hand in front of Lysander's nose. "You need to breathe. Deep and strong." She instructed in a soft voice. "And if you're that afraid, you need to get further away. I can't protect you and fight." A part of her wondered if she was the cause of his clear terror. She was used to the stigma that came from the ability to manipulate fire, but there was a giant snake that was swimming around. Either way, if he couldn't help, he would only get in the way. "Here." She pulled more of the leaves and placed them on the ground in front of him. "It'll help with the shock."

    Turning back as
    Derrick spoke her name, she pulled a length of string out of the pouch and began to braid her hair before tying it back as she listened to him. She was quiet for a moment, before holding up her hand and calling fire to it once more, a small grin curving her lips as her eyes sparked. "Miss Secret is too long. Teli." The fireball grew in her hand, giving her face an odd glow. This was where she belonged. This was where she felt most alive. "I'm ready when you are." Why had she ever given this up?

    So. Fucking. Cold. Alyse propelled herself through the water slowly, dragging the shocked fisherman behind her. She only paused, a thrill of fear going through her stomach, when the sea serpent dove beneath the waves. She thought she saw something furry on top, but didn't look long enough before moving more quickly towards shore.

    Because you just have to be the freaking hero Alyse. You just had to save the nice man with a pole and now you're going to be lunch. Gasping, her legs going numb, movement caught her eye. A
    man was standing at the edge of the dock, tossing rope towards her. It landed in the water just in front and she risked letting go of the civilian to grab it, before holding her breath. Disappearing beneath the waves for a moment, she wrapped the rope around his rather chubby waist (weren't they all supposed to be starving?!) and tied it in a knot before resurfacing. "P-pull him up f-f-first." She spat through chattering teeth, treading water with her dangerously numb arms. The sea serpent can even use your mace to pick its teeth with you when its done. And she wondered why bad things happened to her. Sucking in her breath, she followed in its path, waiting for the man to pull up the fisherman, trying not to consider the monster that was lurking beneath her feet. You totally deserve it if that thing decides you're food.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 18, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Magick
    Kara tossed the half eaten apple up and down in her hand, frowning at the lack of response. Any kind of response, really. A blush, a shudder, even a sneer would have been preferable to the simple words he offered her. Maybe Robot would be a better nickname. "Anything else you'd like to know?" Yeah, how Stardust hired someone with the emotional capacity of a teaspoon. Maybe she was just having an off day. With a sigh, Kara took another bite from the apple before turning away. "I hope you're hiding a better sense of humor underneath that pillow with the lube. Otherwise this could be a rough freaking ride." Her hair sliding over her shoulder like a purple waterfall, she walked to the kitchen with all the swagger of a female who was attractive and knew it; more for show than actual pride. Maybe that would get a response.

    Shoving the apple back into her mouth, Kara freed up her hand in order to dig through the bags and begin sorting through the food. Humming a tune as she worked, she could just barely hear the voices of
    Stardust and his guest. If she had tried hard enough, she might have been able to hear their conversation, but frankly Kara couldn't care about anything that wasn't dirty talk, pen related, or drizzled in chocolate. For some reason, this conjured the image of Dylan leaning against the door-frame, half naked and smearing chocolate over himself, perfect gold fountain pen in his mouth like a rose. Her immediate response was to laugh, but with food in her mouth it turned to a choking gasp as she grabbed the apple from her mouth and set it on the counter, coughing out the chunk that had gotten lodged in her windpipe before bracing herself against the same counter, staring at the apple as she tried to wipe the image, and the grin, off her face. Taking a few deep breaths, she continued with her task of going through the groceries, her humming punctuated by odd chuckles.


    Rigel easily peered over the heads of the crowd, being taller than most of the people there. Even though he felt curiosity at finding out what had happened, it was mitigated with shame. He was no better then the people here, a vulture feeding off the pain and misery off of others. No, he needed to be better than them. Aldin hadn't helped him survival hell only to lead him here, to a dead end. No, there had to be a reason this was happening, that Rigel was here at this moment to witness. Looking around, Rigel spotted someone else much taller than the rest of the rabble; a clockwork golem. Ordinarily, Rigel would have approached such a creature, preferring their unbiased existence to that of a person. It seemed to be occupied, however, with that of multiple officers of the law.

    Rigel had wanted to be an officer, as a young boy. Something seemed honorable about the charge; protecting the weak and being their shield against evil and corruption. Rigel hadn't heard the nicest of things about the constabulary, and it kept him from approaching them now. There had to be a source of good in this city, hadn't there? The errand for fresh shirts forgotten, Rigel contemplated exactly what he should do.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 17, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Magick
    Kara was in the middle of another apple bite when she heard the door open and close. A small frown on her lips, she bit into the apple, holding it in her mouth as she pushed herself off the bed and opened the door to her own room. "I hope you weren't planning on going through those groceries. Those aren't for you yet, Blondie." Kara raised an eyebrow, a challenge in her voice. She didn't mind Zephyr, truly, but on the other hand she didn't really know him yet. Or how he would react if he knew she hadn't exactly paid for those. Leaning against her door-frame, peering into his room, Kara wondered if he happened to have any decent pens available. Perhaps he would like some. Or she could just replace his better ones with her worse ones. After all, if anyone was getting out, it would be her. Maybe Dylan. She wasn't sure yet. Stardust wasn't the worst type of person, and he had nice eyes. But Kara didn't quite feel safe around him, not yet anyway. Perhaps if that constable ever came looking for her, he would be able to prove himself as dependable.

    "So are any of those pornography? Or is everything you read about swordfights and magic?" Kara asked, realizing at this point the apple was still in her mouth. Taking it out with her clockwork arm, holding it next to her face, she chewed slowly, wondering if she should repeat what she had said. Better safe than sorry, right? "Groceries. Not yours." Pointing at the books with her apple, she raised an eyebrow and swallowed her mouthful of food before grinning. "Porn? Or Magical sword fights?" The latter could be considered a category of porn, but she wasn't going to tell him that. It would ruin the surprise of finding the magazine under his pillow.

    The kid didn't decide to follow him, and that was okay. Rigel had no idea what to do with that sudden interaction anyway. He was too worried about hurting someone else to be prepared for any type of interaction that he didn't plan in his head. That would have to change, and it would change, just....maybe not today. Walking along the road, Rigel kept his head on a swivel and his hands resting on the pommel of his sword. It was his relaxed stance, even though it could be taken as aggressive. He just never knew what else to do with the two limbs when they weren't holding onto something or being used.

    Entering the market square could be done by using one of the bridges. While there seemed to be commotion, Rigel wasn't sure if this was every day occurrence or something unusual, but it mattered not. He was a man who needed a new shirt, for the new beginning. He would have to find a job, and in order to do so he needed to look clean. Walking across the bridge, Rigel glanced at the lapping of the waves to the side. It sounded nice, peaceful even. Calmed him a little, cleared his mind. Squaring his shoulders, Rigel paused at the edge of the crowd. He could just barely see the color of blood, and figures walking through a parted sea of people. This was definitely not a normal every day occurrence.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 14, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Magick
    Alyse remained silent in the company of the strangers, though at Lysander's comment her lips twitched upwards in the semblance of a smile. She turned away before Teliana could comment on it, and walked out the door. Everyone seemed to leave pretty quickly, spurred on by her apt description of a "thing". The two witchers ran ahead, with Teliana, the other guy, and Alyse not too far behind. Watching them run off made Alyse feel strange, as though she should race to keep up with them, perhaps even beat them; establish herself as a leader and not just a follower. That was more then likely the furry side of herself talking, and so she made a point to remain by Teliana's side, even though the Lysander the bard was there as well. She didn't try to make conversation, and ignored his presence until they caught up to the other witchers at the docks. Alyse was the friendly one, even if he was funny. One witty comment didn't make him a good person. Rounding the corner, she stopped, Teliana almost running into her back. The giant "thing" was still there, tearing into boats. It was...intimidating, even for herself.

    Apparently noticing the presence of the witchers, perhaps because they weren't running and screaming in a different direction, the
    creature paused to stare at them. She shivered under its gaze, her fingers reaching out. They were meant to grasp onto Teliana's sleeve, a habit she had developed for comfort since her younger years. Instead, she latched onto strange fabric, foreign skin. Startled, she looked over to see her hand had grasped Lysander's sleeve instead. Alyse's lips parted in surprise as she withdrew her hand like she had been bitten. "" The sound of water splashing drew her attention to the serpent, which was turning to attack a boat. Her focus honed in on the helpless fisherman upon its decks, and without another thought Alyse darted forward, using her enhanced speed and strength to leap over the gap between the dock and the boat. Landing as she rolled, she grabbed a fistful of shirt from the fisherman and, praying that it held, yanked him overboard with her. The water was freezing, and she near inhaled water in shock. The crash of the sea serpent into the boat was muted underwater, but it forced her into action. Dragging the fisherman to the surface, her hand still on his shirt, she forced her other arm and legs to work, swimming towards the end of the dock as quickly as she could.

    Teliana grinned in open appreciation of Lysander's comment, as movement caught her eye. Alyse was turning away to...hide a smile? Teliana didn't have time to comment as her younger sister left the room and she dutifully followed. Derrick shouted that he would lead the way; typical hero. Aaron went with him, probably to keep from being left behind with the lesser folk. Teliana didn't mind, her hands were busy in her medicinal pouch as she walked, mixing together a certain powder that could be classified as explosive.

    Alyse was gone from her side in a flash, darting towards the
    serpent and then over the edge into the water. Teliana hadn't had time to see the fisherman before Alyse grabbed him and toppled overboard. Her heart stopped at the thought of the blonde woman in the freezing water, but as the serpent crashed into the boat where they had been, she redirected her attention. "Lysander, you might want to stand back." It wasn't that the fire would hurt him; it just might make him nervous. People didn't generally like to play with the flames like she did. Calling two small sparks into life in both her palms, she let them grow into fireballs the size of her head before launching them into the serpent's side. It was less of a move to do damage and more to get its attention away from her sister. As always, the energy didn't leave her until the warmth of the fire left her palms. She didn't enjoy the feeling, but conjured another flame to her hand, running forward. The less distance between her and her target, the better.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 13, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Magick
    Kara's walk back to the agency was unremarkable, for the most part. She avoided the main roads and took as many back ways as she could afford, ignoring the homeless and poor. Not so long ago, she had been among them, though she was slightly more successful then that poor fellow by the sidewalk. Taking pity for a moment, Kara stopped and set a can beside him. Corn, or something. She wasn't a fan of vegetables, and she didn't know or really care what Dylan was into. If he wanted food that badly he could come and watch her back next time she went out on a five finger discount. Kara stared at the man as he took the can, both of them unsure of what to say. With a shrug and a smile, Kara continued on her way, pulling her hood low over her face. While she didn't mind helping someone out, it also wasn't that much of a stretch to think the man could turn around and rat her out. Money talked a lot more than a simple act of kindness.

    Walking on an invisible line, Kara wobbled slightly, biting her lip as she made an effort to win this imaginary game before she made it to the steps of Haytham's Investigations. With one last glance around, Kara turned and opened the door, walking inside and shutting it behind her. She could hear the sound of voices from..somewhere. If she was lucky,
    Dylan was getting his rocks off and would be slightly less crabby. Or he would have a job. Either way, Kara didn't care enough to interrupt. Dropping her bag of groceries on the table, she dug through them before finding her prize, a single red apple. Taking a bite, Kara wandered towards her own room, one of the guest bedrooms that came with the place. Flopping onto her bed, she let her hood fall off her purple hair. Tangling a lock around one of her still human fingers, holding the apple in her mechanical hand, Kara considered the pros and cons of dying her hair a different color, at least for a while, as she waited to see what else this day had brought. Haytham would want to know about the market square, when he was done.

    Rigel was caught off guard by this kid. Asking him random questions, then continuing to tell him his name. Rigel made a point of it to not interact with as many people as he could manage, while still coexisting with them. Zephyr, as he called himself, was throwing it all off balance. Rigel couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, slightly stumped as to how to proceed. If he asked Zephyr if this continued interaction was normal, he would give away that he didn't do it this often. That this was an uncomfortable area for him, a weakness. He couldn't very well ask any random passerby if that was the case, either. That would hardly go over any better. No, Rigel had to make a decision here, and it had to be made soon.

    "You can call me Rigel." He didn't extend his hand, but simply nodded towards Zephyr in what he hoped was a friendly manner. Without attaching his last name, it was unlikely that this one would have heard any stories about him. There had to be other Rigels in any case, right? And even if somehow the rumors of a small village made it to a large city, years upon years later, Rigel could always wave them off as myths, superstition, and overzealous stories. It had worked before. "But why would you tell me?" He asked, somewhat confused by the statement Zephyr made. Was he somehow special? Marked as a friendly person? Rigel was fairly certain that this wasn't so, but it didn't seem like a harmful question to ask. And Zephyr had still offered up no evidence as to why he had decided to make conversation with him. Maybe he was just a friendly person? It still struck Rigel as odd. "I um...I have an errand I need to run." he paused, uncomfortable, and unsure. He didn't know if this guy should be invited along, or if it wasn't normal to do that. Aldin's sack, why did it have to be this difficult to act normal?

    Instead of saying anything else to make the situation better, Rigel turned and walked away, leaving
    Zephyr to follow or go as he wished. He needed to replace several of his clothing items, and the marketplace was as good as any to start looking.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 12, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Magick
    Kara didn't turn to look back, she kept her eyes on the path in front of her and her feet pounding against the ground as she worked to put distance between the constabulary and herself. The hood flapped against her head in an annoying fashion, but it was much easier than trying to dye her hair. Ducking around another corner, Kara slipped into a group of people who were worriedly muttering about blood and the Minister and all sorts of things she wasn't really interested in at the moment. But she knew someone who might be. At least I didn't murder the man. She whined in her head, wondering what Dylan's response would be to her antics. That was if she told him the whole truth. But Dylan was the one person she usually did tell everything to, if not because he typically found out later. Like her hair, for instance. She had never told a soul if it was dyed or natural, a little secret she liked to keep to herself and a game she liked to play with everyone else. The damned man had seen through her lie in a matter of seconds, not only ruining her fun but also making her extremely uncomfortable.

    Kara risked a glance back to see if the
    police was still following her. To her relief, he was not. She turned, clutching the hood tightly around her hair, and continued to walk across the bridge, her mechanical arm placed over the bag full of groceries to keep it from moving and making noise as she walked. She hadn't recognized the man who had stopped her, but he must have taken his job a bit more seriously than the others she had met, given he had decided to actually chase her. Too bad someone like that hadn't been in charge of the investigation into her aunt's death. For a moment, the sound of crackling flames surrounded her, and the smell of roasting flesh filled her nose. Shaking her head to clear the visage, she took a deep breath of fresh air and quickened her pace, heading back towards Haytham's Investigations.

    Rigel exited the church and took a deep breath, hoping as always that it would instill some sort of piece into his heart and mind. It usually never helped, but the ritual itself was a habit, something that he was so used to doing it came without a thought, and it was only after the matter that he would consider his actions. Rigel was an extremely careful person; he hadn't always been, but life had punished him for lack of thought more severely than it seemed to do to others. Glancing at the people as they walked back and forth, he couldn't help but wonder if they knew how blessed they were for such a simple existence; if they could have any idea how much Rigel would give for his greatest concern to be doing the grocery shopping, or wondering if rent would be paid on time. But such mundane thoughts were beneath him, with or without his consent. And so Rigel made his way onto the street, when something unexpected happened. "What kind of sword is that?" Rigel turned to behold a young..kid? They didn't look much older than sixteen, honestly, and their eyes were glued to Rigel's sword at his hip. His hand settled on the pommel, even as he tried to come up with a decent response."A long one." Was the decided interaction. Rigel would have smirked in any other situation where he had been comfortable, but it seemed all to random for this kid to have picked him out of a crowd because of his sword.

    "Do you normally ask people strange questions like that?" He followed up with. That was what people did, right? Continued the conversation after an introduction. While neither of them had given each other names, it wasn't really important. Didn't seem like it anyway. If this was a sign from Aldin to direct him to the proper path, he was not sure how to decipher such a message.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 11, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Magick
    Alyse stormed down the street, muttering about men and curses and how much life sucked because it did. She just wanted to go to, stay in the nice warm tavern, and eat free food. Maybe even have an ale after her shift was done. Then go home, curl up in her bed, and dream about chasing rabbits and tearing them to pieces. Hunting dreams usually occurred close to the full moon, closer to her forced Change. She didn't much care for them, or the sickened feeling she woke up with, or the cramps in her legs that needed to be massaged before she could get out of bed for the day. At least in the dreams, she was sure of who she was, of what she was. What Kord said so much didn't bother her as how he said it. He was sure of who he was, he had found his place in the world. But Alyse had been something before she was turned. If Teliana had found her and she had been her magical normal self, she still could have taken her away, and there wouldn't have been lies between them. There wouldn't be this space that she felt the couldn't overcome. Alyse had debated her ability to become free of the curse, to be cured of her monthly problem. But her knowledge of that was little to none, and at this point she enjoyed the power, the speed and the strength that came with it. What did she want?

    The scream of a monster turned her head towards the docks. Alyse paused, uncertain whether it had been a figment of her imagination. She took off running when the sounds of crashing and the rumbling of waves followed. Darting past the people who were running in the opposite direction, Alyse didn't make it past the entrance to the docks before she saw the thrashing of the giant monster. The creaking of wood as the....whatever it was smashed them to bits made Alyse think twice about jumping into the water. Hopefully no one happened to be on the ships when they were destroyed. I don't have the tools to deal with this.....But she knew someone who did. Whirling around, Alyse turned and sprinted towards the merchant district, towards her home with Teliana.

    Teliana's eyes appraised the witcher in a new light as he regaled them of the tale. Lysander was apparently also hearing this for the first time as well, given his reaction. She bit her lip, dearly wishing to ask to see the scars from this encounter. That might have been a bit inappropriate, and normally Teliana wouldn't have cared, but given that her subject would have been a witcher, she thought it best to refrain. That didn't stop her from asking about the potions, however. "You wouldn't happen to have any of those potions on you, would you? I would love to see what makes them so powerful. My own tonics are not nearly as useful."

    Clearing her own cup to put in the wash basin, she turned with a raise eyebrow and a smirk in
    Lysander's direction. "Are you sure you could manage without him?" She asked the bard, just as the door flew open. Alyse stood there, breathing a little heavier than normal. "There's a...a thing. By the docks." Her eyes swept the room, narrowing, but then returned to Teliana. "I can't handle it." Teliana frowned, before turning to look at her guests. "You have your chance to earn your keep, Master Kaedwan, and probably at a finer establishment then mine." She said, trying to imagine what could possibly have Alyse so frazzled. Grabbing her medicinal pouch that was always by the door, she slung it over her shoulder. "Would you like to come as well Master Antoinarre?" Realizing her poor manners, she gestured towards her niece. "Forgive my manners, but this is my sister. Sister, this Lysander Antoinarre the bard, Derrick of Kaedwan the witcher, and the one you probably upset in running in here is Aaron the witcher." Right. With that being said, Teliana turned and walked out the door, walking quickly in the direction of the shipyard.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Magick
    It was always something simple that turned into a complicated matter. Kara didn't usually mind doing this shopping, but she hardly ever advocated to be chosen for the chore. She didn't like pretending to be nice, and she didn't like having to smile charmingly at people while perusing their wares. This, though, this was infinitely more interesting than just simple shopping. Her bag clutched underneath her arm, a determined smile spreading across her lips, Kara ducked under the outstretched arm of some lady without bothering to apologize before skidding around a corner. She would have been laughing with glee if it hadn't caused more attention to herself, and instead grabbed several articles of clothing off of a rack. "Here, have some vegetables!" She tossed a can out of the bag towards the startled vendor with a wink and a smile before grabbing the only piece that had a hood and throwing it on as she took off again, diving back into the crowd.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Magick
    Well, it WAS a nice day. Kara reflected as she stared at the man in front of her. One moment she had simply been perusing along, almost skipping in her pleasure at a job well done. She had looked behind her, looking all around except for one direction. Actually two. Up and down. But to be fair, there was no way he could have come from underneath without shifting a lot of road, and using a lot of magic. She would have been able to escape that. But up...Kara needed to remember that one. Clever. The man was eyeing her, his sword pointed in her direction. "It's a little superfluous to yell at someone to stop, point a sharp stick at them, AND drop down in front of them? I'm sure all the criminals find you very...." she paused, her gaze turning sharp as she identified his uniform with all its straps and colors. "Charming." her sentence finished, Kara shifted the strap of the bag to cut across her body, making it more secure in the event this turned rough. Which, her intuition told her it probably would. "Now, at the risk of sounding discriminatory, I'd say you think I was doing something wrong." Blinking, she twirled a strand of purple hair around her finger even as the other mechanical hand braced on her hip, ready to reach for the dagger hidden on her body. Dylan would not appreciate the murder of a Constabulary man, but she would not risk his safety, or hers over some small time coward with no self esteem who couldn't puzzle his way out of a paper bag. Unfair. Discriminatory. She reminded herself, though her hand didn't budge.

    "I'm afraid, sir, that I don't have any means in order to pay you to leave me alone. My legs don't open for any old badge walking down the street, and my purse, well, that's closed even tighter." Joke was on him, she never brought it with her. Movement caught her eye, and Kara risked turning for a half a second to see purple and gold uniforms striding across the square. That is definitely not because of me. Glancing back at Jebidiah, Kara jerked her head towards the action. "That might be something you should attend to. You know, protecting the weak and all that." The sound of boots on the ground raised the hair on the back of her neck, but Kara refused to emanate anything but calm. Until the guns came out. Definitely time to leave. "So it has been a pleasure meeting you, and I would say I would love to meet again. But I don't." With a mocking salute towards the man in front of her, Kara stepped backwards with a flash of a grin, and then took off running.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Magick
    "I'll take one of you. And one of you. Definitely need some of that." Kara pursed her lips as she tossed some of the strangely colored fruit, and then canned something or others into the bag at her side. With a glance over her shoulder at the guard who was busy talking to some old lady, Kara took the chance to toss a loaf of bread and some more cans into the bag, being very careful not to squish the bread. "You CANNOT eat crushed bread." Tossing her purple hair over her shoulder with her hand, Kara turned away from the supermarket part of the city center, and walked a little down the road, pausing every now and again to make sure she wasn't being followed. It wasn't as if she couldn't pay....but technically...Well Sir Dylan Haytham, the Green Haired Knight of New Haven had given her money, but Kara didn't feel like using the little amount he had...or they, to buy food. Why waste the time at the counter when the five finger discount was so much easier and quicker for everyone involved? And it meant she could get back to what was really important here...Pens. Kara hoisted the bag onto her shoulder with a determined smile and a glimmer in her eye, and wandered a little further down the street, making it seem as though she was aimlessly moving when in actuality, she was slowly drifting further away from any eyes. There was a particular bank, on the other side of town that she liked to frequent at this time of the week. They always got new pens in from whatever pen factory the inkwells all originated at. And you could never have too many pens, honestly. They always ran out of ink or the points dulled or the body snapped, and if you only had the one, then where were you? Up shit creek that's where.

    What if she was kidnapped by robbers, and her only pen snapped? How could she manage to miraculously unlock her handcuffs, and stab her kidnappers in the eye to escape? How could she pen her last will and testament? God forbid
    Haytham found the rather questionable stash of magazines underneath her bed. Actually, that could do the man some good...he went around scowling far too much. Maybe she should leave one under his pillow, help lighten the mood. Bright eyed with her new plan, Kara hesitated by a window, pretending to stare at a red, velvet dress. Way too prim and proper for her, and the color would clash against her hair. White was a good color for her, and it helped people think she was innocent, just a pretty face. That left Kara free to raid them of all their pens. Staring at her reflection, she bit her lower lip to flush some color into it, brushing a lock of hair away from her light colored eyes, and smiled charmingly. How could anyone resist? If this investigative gig failed, Kara could always try to be a ladies model. But then she might have to wear boring clothes too. Oh the struggle. Turning away, Kara surveyed the crowd once more, her eyes turning piercing as she looked for any particular obstacles that might be in her way. Seeing none, she started back on the path to home. Wait until Haytham saw all the deliciousness she had gotten for free. And all because I have such a nice smile. Glancing back at her reflection one last time, Kara winked at herself. No one had to know.


    Rigel knelt with his hands clasped, close enough to his forehead that he could feel his thumbs brushing the crease in his forehead caused by a furrowed brow. The hard floor might have hurt the knees of a lesser man, but Rigel had spent a lot of time on his-No, that didn't sound right, even in his head. With a frustrated sigh, Rigel shut his eyes, and tried again. Aldin, please have mercy on my soul. Enlighten me and help me to wield the sword of justice. The prayer was an old version of one he remembered hearing as a child. From his parents, or another adult in his past, he couldn't say. It called to him from before the days when everyone looked at him with fear and apprehension. When he was forced into silence under the looming threat of what he could do. What he was. But Aldin, the gods themselves would not have created him if they didn't have a plan. If they didn't intend for him to be a force of good. That was, in truth, why Rigel had come to Eredan. Looking for a new beginning, looking for hope of some kind. All of his readings and research had given him very little to go on, small enough morsels of information that he didn't have any hope of finding someone else like him. But perhaps, if not another who shared his curse, he could find someone who would accept him.

    When Rigel was a child, he had dreamed of a wedding, of a family, and a future. After that had been crushed, and his world turned to darkness, Rigel had nowhere to turn to. He had been given a few small treasures in his solitude, two of which he still carried with him. One was the book describing the gods of Tyrrus, what they were worshiped for, where they had originated from. It had stuck with him since, giving him comfort that even if he was physically the only body in the room, there might be a force out there watching over him. And when Rigel was old enough to leave, he had struck out on his own, praying to the gods for guidance, for wisdom, for a light to shine the way. Aldin had answered him in a dream of sorts, showing him a glowing library filled with knowledge. And thus, Rigel had left Whytehold and set out in search of information on the arcane. His journey had been long, and painful. Full of lessons that he would have learned sooner or later, but they still hurt him to recall. Opening his eyes and getting to his feet, Rigel's hand involuntarily found its way to the sword in its sheath on his hip. A small comfort was taken in knowing that it was still there, and he turned to leave, dropping a few coins into the tithe bowl on the way out. Aldin had told Rigel to come here, when he was ready. And the man he was today was far more in control of his curse than the boy of fifteen when he had first arrived in the south. Rigel stepped into the sunlight, turning his head up and down the street to take stock. Perhaps here, he would get his new beginning. Perhaps he would finally realize his purpose.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 9, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Magick
    Teliana couldn't help but quirk a small, cynical smile at Derrick's response to her joke. "Not all monsters wear fur and bear fangs." She commented, her voice a little quieter. Both Lysander and Aaron took their respective cups and sat back, Lysander with elegant thanks. She mock pouted in his direction when he said he was catching the first ride out, before twirling a lock of hair around her finger. "I suppose, it can't be helped if the residents refuse to take happiness where they can get it. But you never know what a new day might bring. And I sense that your witcher friend might be bereft, should he lack your company." Their conversation was interrupted briefly as Aaron announced his departure to the outdoors, getting up and getting his jacket. Teliana watched him go, her eyes piercing even as the smile remained on her lips, before turning her gaze to Derrick as the door shut.

    "A Striga.." Teliana shuddered a little at the thought. Her mentor had been with her to face the only one she had ever seen, and even then, with his trained hand at her back, she could recall with startling clarity how fast her heart had pounded. "I wouldn't relish another encounter like that." She commented, tilting her head at Lysander's reference. "Although I haven't been gifted enough to see those particular works of art, Master Antoinarre, your words stir an image that I don't find comforting." Despite not being entirely comfortable with the witchers, Teliana didn't want to see them harmed, really. Threatening her person was one thing, but they had been kind so far. Aaron was even doing as he had promised, and trying to build her green house. Glancing out the window, seeing him stare at the pieces caused another smile to tug at the corner of her lips; for all the world the younger witcher looked like a puppy.

    "The nobles didn't mind that you slaughtered their kin? Even though she wasn't human anymore, I suppose they would want nothing to do with her once she was cursed." Brushing her hair behind her ear, she took another sip of tea. "There isn't really a cure for that sort of thing, is there?"

    Alyse shook her head, clearing her vision one more time before shoving the mace violently into its sheath, rubbing her wrist after doing so. "Why don't you go back to those slippery friends, then? Clearly they desire your company more than I do. I would hate for them to have to suffer your absence." Each word was hurled out in a scathing voice, much the same way one would throw acid at an enemy. Because that's all Kord was to her. In Alyse's world, there was very little that was allowed to be placed in the grey area of her mind. You were either a friend, a non threat, or you were an enemy and a problem. RIght now, Kord fit into that black area that wold have made the hackles on the back of her neck rise. As it was, she had to hold herself back from attacking him once more. She couldn't give him any proof to his story, anything other than his word for the witchers to believe. Dayla would take her side in a heartbeat, but she didn't like their chances against two trained killers.

    Alyse couldn't help but laugh at the words that
    Kord kept spouting out. "Do I look like I need a protector? Go find some other girl to swoon over your sweet words and stalker ways. I've been doing just fine the way I am." She didn't need to justify it to him, either. Clenching her fists, Alyse stalked past Kord, walking around the corner to the front door of the inn to open it. "Dayla, I need air. Keep your pointy stick close." Slamming the door with an attitude only anger could bring, Alyse turned and stalked off towards the abandoned streets of the poorer part of town. Begging whatever gods existed to send a murderer or rapist her way, she tossed her hair over her shoulder before taking the darkest road she could find. Anything to take her mind off the last few minutes of her life. The way he had acted burned her, as if his words had been made of silver and stuck like slivers underneath her skin. Making it seem as though they could belong, with what they were. What she was. There was no proof he hadn't been lying, and honestly, Alyse could think of a million excuses for why she hadn't been able to beat him black and blue in ten seconds flat. It didn't matter. He was obviously fine with how he was, what he was. And Alyse would have sold her soul if it meant she could go back to the way it had been before.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 8, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Magick

    Kara Webb
    Age: Twenty-two
    Race: Human
    Nationality: Southern Tyrrus
    Faction: Haytham's Investigations
    Job: Junior Informant
    Weapons: A crossbow with a detachable grappling hook, a small dagger that extends out to double its length.
    Magic: Metamagic
    Religion: She's not exactly religious.
    Augments: Clockwork hand on the left side (compensating for previous injury).
    Skills and Strengths: Kara is skilled at medical surgery, specializing in trauma, she has a photographic memory (but only in regards to things she reads), and she is a good liar.
    Personality: Kara is sarcastic and cynical, but she has a good heart. She has a tendency to try and charm her way out of bad situations. Kara doesn't usually have a problem making friends, but she doesn't put much stock in forming deep relationships with people.
    Flaws/Weaknesses: Kara can't always keep track of her lies, and they can get her into trouble. She has an intense fear of magic that isn't similar to hers. Kara also has a tendency to steal and hoard pens.
    History: Kara was born in a small, not name worthy village to the south. She grew up in the company of four siblings of various magical powers and two parents who doted upon them. Kara's siblings distrusted her because of her ability to distort their abilities when she became upset, and began to plot ways to get rid of her. At the age of ten, her older brothers led her into the forest before disappearing, leaving Kara to her fate. Unable to find her way back, Kara would have starved if her father hadn't found her. Soon-after, she was sent to live with a distant relative in the city for her own safety. Kara spent the rest of her childhood with her aunt, learning control of her magical powers and spending her free time teaching herself how to navigate the city's narrow sewers and alleys with the rest of the urchins and orphans.

    When Kara was eighteen, an unknown arsonist went on a killing spree, including Kara's home in his destructive wake. Kara's aunt was killed by the same blaze that also caused the lost of Kara's hand as she tried to save the woman who had helped raise her. Ever since Kara's fear of magic, begun by her siblings and perpetuated by their treatment of her, grew into a phobia that can barely be controlled when in the presence of magical users. She joined Haytham's Investigations after the Constable failed to turn up the criminal who had caused her loss. Even though they never caught the bad guy, Kara stayed with the Investigations, enjoying the feeling of helping to solve other people's problems.

    Vitality: 10
    Agility: 11
    Dexterity: 15
    Intelligence: 16
    Will: 10
    Wits: 11
    Charisma: 17
    Post by: Magick, Jun 5, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Magick
    Name: Rigel Northam
    Age: Thirty two
    Race: Human
    Nationality: Whytehold
    Faction: Factionless
    Job: Bounty Hunter
    Weapons :
    Magic: Forbidden Magic
    Religion: Light Gods, Aldin is his patron
    Augments: N/A
    Skills (e.g medicine, engineering, science, etc.) and Strengths: A skilled sword-fighter, very good at strategically thinking, and determined.
    Personality: Rigel is empathetic to a point, if emotions cloud his judgement he will step back from a situation in order to be able to think more clearly about his course of action. He is rational for the most part, but his loyalty can overrule his pragmatic nature in situations where something important to him his threatened. He still retains a sense of humor, but rarely uses it.
    Flaws/Weaknesses: His tendency to react irrationally to certain situations, his hesitancy to use his magic even in life saving scenarios, and his fear of forming close attachments.
    History: Rigel was born with the curse of Forbidden magic. This curse became evident around the age of eight. After losing a contest of fishing, Rigel's competitor was the recipient of an unfortunate accident that led to the child's death. During the rest of his childhood, he was unable to make friends because of his inability to control his magic and because of the reaction of the townspeople. As a result, Rigel was shut away in his family home where he could harm no one. After spending the next seven years of life with no company other than his fearful parents, Rigel left at the age of fifteen in search of answers. His journey was laden with unfortunate mishaps for his companions as Rigel struggled to learn control of his curse, until he reached the city of New Haven. Rigel spent the next decade and a half researching literary references to Forbidden magic, and teaching himself how to control his abilities with a promise to himself that no one else would get hurt unless he wanted them to.

    Now thirty two, Rigel has mastered (mostly) his dark talents, and has returned to his travels, searching for meaning in his life.

    Agility: 10
    Dexterity: 11
    Intelligence: 13
    Will: 17
    Charisma: 10
    Post by: Magick, Jun 5, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Magick

    Teliana didn't verbally promise to Derrick that she wouldn't burn them all where they stood, but she settled for a small smile and a nod. As long as her life, Alyse's life, were not threatened, then they were safe from her. Hell, she would probably even try to protect them if it came down to it. Even if two thirds of them were witchers. The two yellow eyed men didn't seem all that fazed by her use of magic, but the bard's demeanor immediately changed. Her first instinct was to apologize, but she held her words back by biting her lip, resting her chin on one hand as her elbow used the counter top for support. It was highly unlikely that Teliana's past activities were the cause for the bard's fear. If she was somehow to blame, then she could, and would, apologize. Until then she would keep her mouth shut. Derrick managed to startle a quiet chuckle out of her at his description, and Aaron's reaction, to their mutual relationship, though she smiled at the latter in an effort to keep him from being offended. "Well, hopefully we can make this first encounter a pleasant one." She responded to him before her eyes turned back to Lysander as he strummed his instrument, bringing forth another quiet laugh.

    Even if they were monster hunters, they didn't seem to make bad company. Teliana listened to
    Lysander's tale with rapt attention, clapping at the end with a genuine smile before turning to get the water in the kettle, which was now boiling. Stirring in tea leaves, she grabbed cups from the counter, placing them next to her before turning back to her present company. "You have a way with words, Master Antionarre. I'm sure your talents will be in high demand in Novigrad. This city is in sore need of a reason to smile." Pouring the boiling water into the cups, she placed them on the edge of the counter for her guests to take, if they chose, before taking one for herself and sipping at the mint smelling liquid. "As for the witchers, the only monsters I've heard of lately are a clan of drowners nesting in the sewers, and a noonwraith haunting a field to the south. But as it is currently winter, no one leaves the city anyway, and I doubt anyone would be able to bring about the coin to pay you for the drowners." She shrugged. "You could always sell your physical services to the ladies...or the men. You'd be popular with the nobles." A slight smirk ended the sentence, indicating it was more of a joke than a serious statement, but Teliana had no illusions about how many of the residents afforded a roof over their head. "So what was Master Witcher looking for in Vizima?" She asked, resuming her leaning position against the wooden counter.

    (For another post at least)
    Alyse growled in frustration and anger as Kord stepped out of her range. Why couldn't he just die? Why did it have to be so hard to just get rid of this dangerous nuisance? "You're not the only one they want to kill." Kord was seemingly trying to talk her out of this. Why did he have to be so annoying. Alyse bared her teeth in response to his words as he compared them, called them similar, said he understood, that he empathized. Well how very convenient for him. Anger swelled, and for a moment her vision blurred, her hands went numb. For one dangerous moment, Alyse leaned against the alley way wall as she felt her muscles contract and her head spun. Swallowing hard, she clenched her hand, unwilling to let go of her human weapon, reminding herself that she needed to stay what she was. Stay. "I don't worry." Her voice was slightly more gutteral, her breathing still fast. Too close. Not the right time. Definitely not the right place. Stay. "I wasn't worried until a man walked into my friend's tavern and started talking. Until he pretended that he knew me. You don't know a goddamn thing."

    She needed to breathe. She needed to calm down right now or she risked losing it all. Shuddering, Alyse backed up into the alley, blinking rapidly as she struggled to relax the tightness in her chest.
    "I am loved. I am protected. I am trusted. And you are going to ruin everything." She snarled, speaking rapidly as she swung the mace experimentally, the muscles in her arm contracting and expanding. Stay. "I didn't ask for you to come here. Like some white knight, riding in to give me a better life? Please." All those nights she went hungry, all those hands that touched her, all the times she risked changing into her predatory self so she could sleep in the forest, so she could have hope that she wouldn't freeze to death. Where was this guy then? Living in some house with a family to call his own? Running with a pack? Biting down on her lip, the rush of pain followed the spurt of blood in her mouth as she tore the skin, forcing herself back down. "Leave. Or by all the gods, I will throw the pieces of your body into the river so the drowners can have you." The nameless wolf, who had given her a place to hide and saved her from discovery. Teliana, who had taken her in even before she was able to conclude they were family. Dayla, who had given her a job. All three of them, trusting and helping and protecting her in their own way. She would not let this stranger ruin what she had. She would not let him take those relationships away from her.
    Post by: Magick, Jun 3, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Magick
    Derrick's hand was warm and calloused, the kind accustomed to a hard life. He asked her name once again, but this time more directly. Unable to stop herself, Teliana permitted a mischievous smile in his direction before outright ignoring the question, the smile only growing when he made the promise she was waiting for. The other man stepped into view, introducing himself as Lysander. Well, a lot more than just "Lysander", but Teliana wouldn't be bothered to remember the whole name. If he was truly a great bard, than the first was the only one she would need to find him. And if he wasn't, then he probably wasn't worth finding. "You are quite friendly." She commented as he also asked for her name. "It's rare to find so many friendly and helpful people in one place." It was all because of her face, yes, but sometimes being pretty had its benefits. More often then not, she had to deal with the downfalls. "But you know, I really do like that. Miss Secretive. Why don't we just shorten it to Miss Secret?" Her gaze, although warm and kind, was also piercing, as though by simply staring upon these strangers she could know what their future might hold. What hers might hold, because of it. Aaron directed her attention to him by swearing upon his honour as well, and though they were just words, Teliana sighed with more than a little relief. While she couldn't speak for the bard, both Derrick and Aaron sounded as though they meant what they said. And now the die was cast.

    Beckoning with two fingers, Teliana turned and walked the short few steps back into her house, leaving the door open as she crossed the threshold. Pulling her cloak off and hanging on the hooks opposite the entrance, she ran her fingers through her long, russet colored hair before moving to the small kitchen area to put a pot of tea on.
    "You may sit where you please, coats and cloaks can go with mine if you like." Setting the kettle in the small cooking fire place, she called a warm ember into her hand, gently rubbing the tiny flame as though it were a small kitten with her fingers before blowing on it. The flame leaped from her hand and onto the wood pile, igniting into a blaze. Satisfied, she turned to review her guests again. Upon viewing the witchers, she was reminded of another cat eyed gaze, a warm and gentle one that pulled her into the safety of his arms...Folding her arms across her chest, she tilted her head, the long train of hair falling from her shoulder to caress her cheek. "So how did you all meet?" She asked, moving forward to rest her back against the counter. The witchers would know each other from training, or from wanderings. But a bard in the company of one was only slightly odd. Perhaps only a little more than herself, she thought with a smile. "I must admit all the news the city guard passes is not the most optimistic, and mostly relates to our survival. I wouldn't mind a good story or two." For the moment, her project was forgotten in the face of possibly having a good time again. Either by having good company, or fighting to the death. The day was young, it could go either way.


    Maddeningly, he stepped out of range. Alyse stood at the ready, sizing up the enemy before her as her brain kicked into battle mode. Whether it was actually a different way of thinking, she couldn't say. But her eyes noted the hatchet at his side that she had missed before, the clothing he wore that wasn't necessarily battle ready, but worn, and the stance Kord took as he made another step back. He had obviously seen a few battles, survived them, but wasn't completely prepared to fight. His words, even as they reached her ears, made little sense to her. Socializing in the modern city? It was a distraction, and she shook it off, her hand gripping the handle of the mace tightly before finally some words filtered to her brain that made sense. "So can I get a name before I tell you why I'm here or are you just going to keep swinging that thing at me?"

    "Bittch, you guessed right." Lunging forward, she brought the mace from the ground up, aiming to cut from his hip to his chest. Following through, she took another step forward, whirling again, her blonde hair in a halo around her head as she moved to slice open his stomach. If he was going to be persistently agile, then she would take it up a notch. Baring her teeth in a feral grin, Alyse darted away. Even if her attack wasn't successful, she needed to stay out of range of Kord, who was bigger and heavier. If he managed to get his hands on her, she would have a hard time getting away without growing fur and fangs, and in the middle of the city, in broad daylight with a possible Dayla intervention looming in the future, Alyse wanted to avoid that.
    Post by: Magick, May 31, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Magick
    Alyse raised an eyebrow at Kord and then laughed in spite of herself. It wasn't a cheerful sound, but dark and full of tension. "Can you? See why a woman would be nervous when a man she doesn't know comes up to her without provocation and talks the way you do? Do you really understand?" Her eyes slid to the other man as he got up to leave, and then to Dayla, who was entertaining the two witchers. Even though the elf didn't know it, she was slowly helping to relieve the tension that Alyse felt since the two monster hunters appeared. She could handle this man, likely he wouldn't survive five seconds against her before she tore his throat out. But she didn't fancy her chances against trained men who had experience fighting people like her. This one, she could do. At Kord's mention of her not needing her mace, Alyse barely suppressed another derisive laugh. Leave it to a man to tell her what she could or couldn't do. Her fingers grazed the top of the handle, itching to unhook it from the sling holster around her waist and smash it into his overconfident, creepy face. But then Dayla would have to clean the blood up off the floor, and it might draw the eye of the witchers, she certainly didn't want that. No, she would have to do this the old fashioned way. A smile played on her lips. The fun way. "Fine, Kord. Follow me then, if you're so sure that's what you want."

    Pushing away from the bar, Alyse turned her head to catch
    Dayla's eye. "I'm stepping out for a moment, Dayla. Need to use the privie." It was their code, her way of letting Dayla know she was taking care of a potential problem and that Dayla should give her ten minutes. Preferably, Dayla would get to Teliana and have her find Alyse, but that might not be the case. Alyse wouldn't know, she had been away more then seven of those precious minutes. And if Dayla found out, well...Alyse would just deal with it. She always found a way. Giving the witchers a wide birth, Alyse ignored the re-arrival of Enok, and stepped out of the door, not waiting for Kord. Once outside, she took a breath of the crisp, cold air before turning left at a brisk walk. Not more then a minute away was a particular place, dear to her heart. Stepping into the alley, there was only one way in, and the same way out. There were no windows to the buildings on either side, which were both abandoned, residents having starved to death. They could be alive and well for all she knew, but in Alyse's mind, that was what happened, the reason for the silence and lack of activity, the morbid event that had led to her killing sanctuary. Alyse let her hand curl around the handle, waiting for Kord's footsteps behind her before yanking the mace out and in one fluid movement whirling around to slam it into his face.
    Post by: Magick, May 30, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home