Young man, there's no need to feel down.
I like where this is going
just trying to learn your ways before you part with them
For a bit, not for good
Thank you Amaury. Means a lot for you to take the time and wish me a birfdeih during your holiday season. Merry Christmas everyone.
The kid like flashy and bold textures, so add 'em in and mess around with opacity and layer merging.
You still looking for a job?? never hurts to have $$$ to get toys
imma fanart the crap outta dis omfg
I'm actually doing a lot better. I haven't been depressed, but I've just been in routine, ya'know? How have you been my friend?
it's canon. my life is complete alex you have no idea.
I'm sorry for being slow to respond. You know how it is. I hope it doesn't sound selfish, but I'm not really in the mood nor mode to be pumping...
Dork. :p
bet you say that to all the boys~
Hey good lookin's what's new? Anything fun happen while I'm lurking in da pink
Either way, my face is up here I expect you to respect me not make me an object for your recreational pleasures.
I think if you had Ellensburg, WA it would be easier for a vast majority to figure you're from Washington State, because almost everyone...
It's so weird being able to listen to a podcast and everything being fresh. (Of course the topic had to be one that i'd ACTUALLY TALK IN.) Also 'grats Cal on being a regular, proud of you girl~
I'm still not following sorry