We only had about 5-7 inches over the weekend and into monday, but other than that it hasn't been much of a storm. It was ok lol I had no issues...
It used to be under your pin showcase tab in your profile, by the button at the end of the list that says "view all pins", but it may have been disabled. Perhaps an administrator could administer a better resolution for you. @Misty @Plums
Wow, lots of questions to respond to, better get crackin' .___. I. You were very enthusiastic about the forum and being as involved as possible with everything. Also that avatar that looked like Barrett from FFVII pff. II. turd III. Spoiler IV. I don't really feel bad for them? the player just isn't healing at all and waits for Donald to do all the work so about 90% of the video I'm just basically hearing his health level alarm. V. I like you quite a lot. I suppose a ten, if I had to put peeps on a scale. I usually have two degrees, if I like you, I like you, if you're a butt, then I don't like you. Simple as that. VI. No. You're too awesome. VII. Too many to choose from, from different genres, but I've been in an EDM mood, so with a very broad generalization of that category, my faves would be Madeon, Skrillex, 7obu, Krewella, Parov Stelar, Caravan Palace, and Zedd. VIII. Ya dawg, always wanted to visit Washington State, and the west coast for that matter. IX. That's debatable. X. Spoiler
For a splitzee I thought it was Haseo lmfao.
thats a sexy combo I approve
i beg your pardon
so Im told maltesers are good. whoopers are the American version and they suck should i get some maltesers?
/inb4lo- goddammit
wow someone needs a diaper
probably so much so that you pooped all over the place
thanks terd
We're a few days into the 2015 year, but we just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for a great Twenty-One-Four and how excited we are for 2015! We've had many great memories, and on behalf of the entire staff team, I'd like to thank every one of you personally. So thank you!! We hope you had a great year, and if you wanted to share some of the highlights of it, now's the time! Now, to see if you read this. If you reply to this thread, you will receive the KH-Vids 2014 pin. This will only last for a few days, so reply while you can. Happy 2015ing ya derps.
It was, but it's just because she's been busy and such. We both thought it would be best to call it off. Still care for her, but haven't kept in...
Couldn't tell ya if I wanted to. Broke up about two months ago.
If you're gonna ship it, you need to have the right address efufufufu.