P.S. Don't be a dick
what do you mean by sagged
which directioner is your fav, loosy goosey
I'm trying to be regularly active unlike my sex li-*SHOT* which is your fav be honest
Yes, they are my guilty pleasure, and Harry is one of my men crushes.
you sure you were home when you were drunk?
Missed you too kitty
I laughed for a good solid minute at this for no reason.
"You wot mate."
horribly so.
that is definitely an important thing I missed. How was it?
thats bud to you, bud.
*tumbles out of the seams of the internet* Sup Biches As some of you may or may not know, Cherry Berry and I have been dating for almost a year and a half now. The wee lass lives in London, and I'm visiting her and her family in January 2016. But I thought to myself that there are a few folk that I've gotten to know on this site that live on the good ol' chunk of Britannia. So I was curious that if anyone I know that lives in London, or within reasonable distance from it would like to have a get together, let me know! Regardless there will be lots of pictures I'll be taking, and it would be nice to meet some of you and to have some memories. If you'd like to speak of details, shoot me a PM. Thanks jerks. PS how is everyone else doing? Better be behaving or so help me
And here I thought Queen Elizabeth II would hand down the crown before you leave. Haven't been on here as often as I should, but I'll definitely be pestering you more on twitter and tumblr be prepared to feel the wrath you goose. Take care Cass, see you around. (Also have fun being pink ya b!tch.)
Day 451: Der Cherry is still unawares of boyfriend status. All is going as planned. Spoiler
what if I turn not purple. Been a mix of work, not being on here, girlfriend, and not being on here. whats new with you homeslice?
just pooping around the internet and wishing i had more money and time to poop on.
sup poop head