Little bit after my birthday. Hopefully something neat will happen.
People must post their results no matter how bad it turns out.
What is the point in cutting? Serious question.
No. In KH2 there was less sprite faces. Most of them are 3D.
Did anyone make a de-buff code for Mysterious Figure? I thought someone did.
lol Yeah. Not use to it.
I think I just had a stroke...
I remember reading about this. And my God, that nose on Sora...
Sprite faces are still present and not a single one has changed. They would need to add new animation. They are not remaking anything.
If your hand can goes as fast as a bullet then sure.
Synthesizing. You should work for your prizes. I don't like randomly obtaining it from a boss or battle arena. Doesn't feel right to me.
Yeah. The intro was the only ambiance in the background along with some processed drums in the background of the some of the track.
ugh! tough question for me! I can't vote. lol
I guess unbreakable chains for me. That's about it for everything other than KH2.
No its the fast action combos, man.
Capes in cutscenes would have their own animation to each movement the characters make. It may be easier to put them in if they were in gameplay. Unless they did realtime movements which would look awful. What I mean by realtime is like the hair of the main character in the PS3 game Heavenly Sword. I wouldn't say it is easy since none of us have ever made capes In a video game. It may sound easy if you wanna do it right and put it in cutscenes and battle it could take time.
I can understand the capes not being in the cutscene animation. It could do some weird stuff. Maybe they could at least put it on when they are in there armor or mirage arena. Im also confused he said they couldn't do it because animation issues but then says they are experimenting with it? "We have people from Tokyo and Osaka working together on Kingdom Hearts 2.5 and the important thing is that we teach new people who join the team what it means to be making Kingdom Hearts." I really like hearing that. As much as I don't like there style I really want the OSAKA Team to get better. "Birth By Sleep has a very active combat system that many enjoyed. It flowed more fluidly to the original two games. Will you be taking that sort of Birth by Sleep style forward in the future?" Ew! For the love of God, no! No command decks. Combos is what KH combat is about not special attacks.
or that. I never posted the one I found myself.
I remember finding a value that changed running speed a long time ago... I should have documented it. At least we know it's possible.
This and now a hint of MGR2!