Yeah, it's a cool for when you WANT to use it but when you don't it's the worst thing ever. Especially in boss battles.
Fun fact: If you go into a form outside of battle you will never go anti or get a point. Don't know if I said this before.
Luminous is custom and Unreal is 3rd party and open to the public. Most indie people will probably start using. Not very original but It's a simple thing to work with. The new team was probably inexperience since they never even developed a PS3 game and only like 1 or 2 crap games for PS2. (Maybe not crap but not as popular) Which is also probably why the games were on handhelds. I'm really thinking they are working fast and not taking their time.
They probably did this because it's easier to build for both PS4 and XboxONE.
Would be really dumb if it didnt come to the US. Japan already got the preorder OST.
Cavern Of Remembrance The Encounter
He also wants a replacer, yes I know.
You need to learn code and how to program to make an extractor.
Sora, I don't care what answer he gave you. He probably said that to you so you'd stop asking like you always do.
I'm sure if you ask him about an extractor he'll give you an answer.
Pretty much.
Sora, he didnt repeat anything. It's okay if they repeat the same issue.
I personally don't like it. I don't think mines any better either.
The last 2 are by crazycatz00, who's a member here and did the KH1FM translation. I don't know how to tag! =S
I also agree it would be perfect for the Wii U even thought I don't have it.
*insert 2 words here* and repeat. sorry don't get your panties in a bunch, cupcake. I mean I like a little of the classic rap like LL Cool J but modern rap is awful imo.
I like that "I will not bow" track. I thinks it's the only one I ever heard from them.
Yes and I don't like team osaka anyway.
I just want Team Tokyo. This is their second job posting. I'm a little nervous for KH3.
I don't like the sound or the way some of the tracks were orchestrated or arranged. I don't like it IMO