Search Results

  1. Lite

    Elsword (Elsword)
    Raven (Elsword)
    Chung (Elsword)

    After some research I found that these characters don't have last names, so that is why none are given in this reservation.


    Also reserving Shigeru Miyamoto. He dares you to bitch about not getting a Majora's Mask remake.
    Post by: Lite, Dec 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Lite
    Rosalina & Luma confirmed. They were also given a trailer:

    Post by: Lite, Dec 18, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  3. Lite

    Ragyō Kiryūin (Kill La Kill)
    Post by: Lite, Dec 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Lite
    ~Unknown Battlefield~
    Explosions littered the battlefield, as well as the foes that caused them. The members of ZEXIS found themselves in a tough spot against a new enemy.​
    "Damn...These monsters just don't let up!" Ryoma cursed from the cockpit of Getter-1.
    "C'mon, they're just Invaders with crystals on 'em. Just blast 'em all one by one!" Musashi responded.
    Suddenly, Hayato gasped.
    "Ryoma, behind us!"
    Getter-1 turned to see a large, red dinosaur-like creature emerging from a hole in reality.
    "Son of a-"
    A large black fist punched the creature away from Getter-1.
    Getter-1 turned to see Mazinger Z standing there, it's now-fist-less arm pointed forward.
    "Heh, looks like you'd be dead without me around." Kouji gloated from within Mazinger Z.
    "Heero, Trowa, Wufei, go for the smaller ones! Me and these three'll handle the big one over here."
    "Understood." Trowa said as he, Heero and Wufei charged toward the lesser creatures in their respective Gundams.
    Mazinger Z's fist returned to it, allowing Kouji to lower it's arm.
    "I say we blast this thing into ash with a beam-combo attack. Thoughts?" Kouji asked.
    "I like the way you think. Let's do it!"

    Ryoma moved Getter-1's "abdomen" forward, where the small circular opening revealed itself, showing a small pink-ish crystal.
    Meanwhile, Mazinger Z's eyes began to glow brightly.
    Mazinger's eyes and Getter-1's abdomen flashed suddenly, and finally...
    Mazinger Z and Getter-1 both fired off their respective beams. Mazinger's Koshiryoku Beam was larger than Getter-1's Getter Beam, however Getter-1's beam suddenly began to spin around Mazinger's, essentially merging the two beam attacks into one.
    The combined beams struck the large creature. Mazinger's beam was burning the creature, while Getter-1's was super-evolving the creature, to the point where it finally exploded in a large dimensional mess before finally disappearing entirely.
    The beams faded, and there was no sign of the creature.
    Mazinger Z and Getter-1 then fist-bumped after their victory.
    "Nice one, kid."
    "Back atcha, gramps."

    Meanwhile, Wufei, from within his Gundam, extended the Mobile Suit's right arm forward, causing the Dragon's Fang to come out, followed by two streams of flame firing from the Fang, burning one of the smaller enemies to death.
    Next, Trowa targeted a separate creature, aiming and firing his Double-Barrel Beam Gatling Gun at the beast, eliminating it.
    "Hey, are you listening?"
    Finally, Heero charged into the midst of the beasts, arming his Twin Buster Rifle by separating it and aiming both parts in opposite directions. Heero then fired the weapons, rotating in circles, wiping out a vast majority of beasts.
    "Targets eliminated."
    "Hey! Heero! I'm right here!"
    Suddenly, Heero's Gundam flashed, followed by large text appearing from nowhere above it. The text read "Level Up!!"

    ~Dai-Gurren; Heero's Quarters~​
    Heero snapped out of his video game-induced trance due to being smacked across the head by Naota.
    He looked up from his game, which involved a group of super-powerful robots engaged in a war, to see the young boy standing there, annoyed.
    "Dayakka says we're gonna be there soon. Quit messing around and get ready. You're gonna help me find Haruko." Naota demanded.
    Heero, first turning off his game, stood up and stared at Naota for a moment.
    Heero then walked past Naota, exiting the room.
    Naota sighed.
    "What the hell does she see in him?" Naota said to himself before also leaving the room.

    ~A distance away from the Dai-Gurren~

    A lone figure garbed in a brown full-body cloak watched ZEXIS, more specifically the Dai-Gurren, as it made it's way to it's destination.
    The figure began to walk in the direction of the Dai-Gurren.
    "You're going after it?" A man's voice asked.
    "Of course. You think I like walking around like this?" The figure responded, it's voice revealing that it was female.
    "Hm. And how do you know you won't be killed as soon as you're seen?"
    The figure was silent for a moment.
    She stopped.
    "I'll kill them before they can even raise their weapons, in that case." The girl responded before walking towards the Dai-Gurren again.
    "Cocky as ever. You'd better not end up damaging me."
    "Shut your mouth. I didn't ask you to force yourself on to me."
    The man's voice groaned.
    "It...It was the only way. There was no way I was going back to sleep."
    The girl sighed.
    "I get it. I really do...But..."
    Just then, the wind blew, blowing the hood off of the girl's head, revealing her face.


    "...You could have at least asked first." Ryuko said as she continued on.
    "Right..." replied the man's voice.
    Post by: Lite, Dec 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Lite

    Boss (Shin Mazinger)
    Nuke (Shin Mazinger)
    Mucha (Shin Mazinger)
    Kouji Kabuto (Shin Mazinger)
    Juzo Kabuto (Shin Mazinger)
    Post by: Lite, Dec 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Lite

    Antasma (Mario & Luigi: Dream Team)
    China Kousaka (Gundam Build Fighters)
    Mao Yasaka (Gundam Build Fighters)
    Aila Jyrkiäinen (Gundam Build Fighters)
    Tatsuya Yuki (Gundam Build Fighters)
    Post by: Lite, Nov 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Lite

    Sayaka Yumi (Shin Mazinger)
    Post by: Lite, Nov 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Lite

    Malekith The Accursed (Marvel, more specifically from Thor: The Dark World)
    Thanos (Marvel)
    Sei Iori (Gundam Build Fighters)
    Reiji (Gundam Build Fighters)
    Post by: Lite, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Lite

    With all of the enemies gone, Sonic let out a sigh of relief.
    "Man, that got pretty rough there for a second."

    "Why are you here?"
    Sonic raised an eyebrow.
    "What do you mean?"

    "I mean, why did you come here to fight this? Nobody asked for your help."
    "What, I gotta have a reason to help some guys out who're about to get their butts handed to them?"
    "I doubt you were much help considering you were almost dead when I found you."
    Sonic gave Shadow an annoyed look upon hearing that.
    "Look, the red and green dudes handled it, so it's all good. Now if you'll excuse me, I got some Z's to catch."
    Sonic then left the area in a flash, looking for a place to nap.

    Shadow sighed before turning to the members of the military that were with him.
    "We're done here. Let's head back to base."

    Finally, Pit contacted his Goddess.
    "Lady Palutena, everything looks clear here. Mind givin' me a ride back home?"
    Post by: Lite, Nov 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Lite

    Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
    Satsuki Kiryūin (Kill la Kill)
    Mako Mankanshoku (Kill la Kill)
    Ira Gamagōri (Kill la Kill)
    Hōka Inumuta (Kill la Kill)
    Nonon Jakuzure (Kill la Kill)
    Uzu Sanageyama (Kill la Kill)
    Aikurō Mikisugi (Kill la Kill)

    Apologies for the large reserve. It was my intention to do this a few weeks ago, but I decided to wait to give everyone a fair chance to reserve characters from this series. Nobody ever did, so I went ahead and made the reservations now.
    Post by: Lite, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Lite
    Sonic could hardly collect his thoughts after all that had happened just now. First Metal Sonic appears and is actually helping, and before Sonic was able to say a word to the robot copy, it was ripped apart in front of him, it's body parts used as ammunition against Sonic and Pit. But even before the blue hedgehog or Angel guardian could gather themselves after the powerful blow, they were bombarded with even stronger explosive spells.
    Sonic was hurt badly, but even through the pain he managed to stay awake...barely.
    "N-Not...Cool..." Sonic mumbled as he struggled to even get up on his knees.
    Sonic's hearing was...Muffled, at best due to the explosions, and his eye sight was blurred.
    Sonic continued to try and stand, fighting through the excruciating pain he was in.
    Sonic was beginning to notice his name being spoken, though he couldn't make out who's voice was saying it.
    "I just...Gotta...Stand up..."
    Sonic was finally on his feet, but still he trembled. He took a moment to look around at the condition of everyone else who'd taken a hit, but it was still hard for him to see anything.
    "Sonic!" Said a deep voice in a somewhat angered-yet-concerned tone.
    Sonic's ears twitched as he heard his name yet again. He turned to see the blurry-yet-familiar face of Shadow the Hedgehog looking at him from afar, with the military behind him.
    Shadow quickly sped over to Sonic and helped him stand all the way up.
    "What happened?" Shadow asked.
    Sonic raised his arm and pointed to Astral.
    "He happened..."
    Shadow held out his free arm and in it appeared a larger-than-normal gold ring, which he handed to Sonic.
    Sonic took the ring and gripped it tight, absorbing the ring's healing power and causing the ring itself to shrink and eventually disappear.
    Sonic's body was still a bit beat up, but now he was able to function properly.
    "Thanks. Got any ideas?"
    Shadow was silent.
    "No. The enemy here is too strong. I'd suggest letting the military handle the rest of it, but-"
    "I ain't running away, if that's what you're suggesting."
    Shadow smirked slightly.
    "As confident as ever, aren't you?"
    "You know it."
    Just then, Pit had risen to his feet not too far away from Sonic and Shadow.
    "Ow...That's gonna hurt for a while..." Pit groaned, rubbing his back.
    Pit dismissed the Viper Blade, as it proved to be useless against his current targets.
    "Maybe it's time to go for a more ranged approach...But what weapon?"
    Pit thought for a moment, before recalling the name that Shadow was calling out to mere moments before hand.
    "That's it!"
    Pit held out his hands in a way that looked like he was holding a large weapon, before the weapon itself materialized in his hands.
    "Sonic Cannon, ready to go."
    Pit's new weapon, the Sonic cannon, began to glow as it charged up.
    The cannon locked on to Astral. All that was left to do was for Pit to pull the trigger.
    "Eat this, scumbag!" Pit opened fire on Astral, forgetting a crucial factor that would make his attempt at dealing a blow against the enemy all for nothing.
    Astral had eyes everywhere via the Astrals-S. It could see everything.
    Post by: Lite, Nov 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Lite

    Shiro Amada (Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team)
    Bartholomew Oobleck (RWBY)
    Cardin Winchester (RWBY)
    Nita (Pokemon)
    Mako Mankanshoku (Kill la Kill)
    Post by: Lite, Nov 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Lite

    A heated battle was taking place in Toshima, and it wasn't showing signs of letting up soon. S-Types of varying strengths and forms littered the area, as well as other powerful characters of varying abilities.
    Luckily, help was on the way from a mach-speed source and a more angelic source.


    Entering the fray faster than anyone there could see was Sonic the Hedgehog, who spin-dashed into battle and struck down two of the weaker S-Types before uncurling himself, revealing his full blue hedgehog form.
    "So this is what all the commotion's about, huh? Hope you guys don't mind if I join in the fun. I could use some exercise." The blue hedgehog said, stretching his legs.
    Unbeknownst to Sonic, an S-Type was charging him from behind, ready to attack.
    But just as the S-Type was about to strike, a bright arrow flew down from the sky and struck the S-Type down, saving Sonic.
    "What the-"
    "Next time, try to cut down on the gloating."


    Pit, the captain of the Goddess Palutena's royal guard, was flying in midair with his Bow in hand.
    After saving Sonic's behind, Pit noticed that the two he was ordered to follow - Mario and Luigi - were out cold.
    "Oh no! I lose sight of them for a bit and find them like this...Lady Palutena's gonna kill me..." Pit said before landing, splitting his bow into two single-hand blades.
    He turned towards Arfoire.
    "I've heard of you, Arfoire. The misdeeds you've committed are not befitting to one who holds the title of "Goddess"! As Captain of the Goddess Palutena's Royal Guard, I hereby place you under Divine Arrest!"
    Just then, Sonic approached Pit, standing at his side.
    "Dude, I've been here for two minutes and I can tell you already, none o' these freaks are gonna listen to stuff."
    Pit was silent for a moment, realizing what Sonic said was true.
    A small smile grew on Pit's face.
    "Heh, alright. In that case..."
    Pit then dismissed his Bow, switching it out for a weapon known as the Viper Blade.
    "Time to show this witch why I'm Lady Palutena's captain!"
    Pit then charged at Arfoire, ready to strike with the Viper Blade.
    Meanwhile, Sonic took notice of the Jet Bob-Ombs and Stone Tanuki Dogoos that were falling around and chasing Falcom and C.C..
    "To the rescue!" Sonic said to himself before curling into a Spin Dash, charging it up, and speeding over to the girls, where he jumped into the air and performed a chain of homing attacks on the Jet Bob-Ombs, causing his targets to explode on impact and leaving Sonic generally unharmed.
    Sonic landed on his feet, turning toward the girls.
    "Pardon me, ladies, but you looked like you could use a hand." Sonic said sarcastically before noticing CFW Trick and CFW Brave approaching.
    "Well well, aren't those two 'frightening'. If you two don't mind, I think I'll lend a hand with them, too." Sonic said, ready for a real fight to start.
    Post by: Lite, Nov 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Lite

    Z-chan (Robot Girls Z)
    Gre-chan (Robot Girls Z)
    Grenda-san (Robot Girls Z)
    Gecchan (Robot Girls Z)
    Post by: Lite, Nov 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Lite
    Double-posting, many apologies. Anyway, reserving:

    Z-chan (Robot Girls Z)
    Gre-chan (Robot Girls Z)
    Grenda-san (Robot Girls Z)
    Gecchan (Robot Girls Z)

    First person to tell me what these four girls are referencing gets a metaphorical cookie.
    Post by: Lite, Nov 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Lite
    Marth has been confirmed:

    While I never used Marth all that much, I'm glad to see he's back.
    Post by: Lite, Nov 7, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  17. Lite

    Sir Harold Jordan/Arcane Green Lantern (DC Comics Earth-13)
    Bruce Wayne/Gaslight Batman (DC Comics Earth-19)

    If the names and universes of origin weren't enough to prove those two are different, allow me to show you the differences.

    This is Green Lantern, who is played by Droid. (Might not be the exact design he's using but you get the point)
    This is Arcane Green Lantern.

    Same goes for the Batmans:
    This is Batman, played by Droid. (again, probably incorrect design)
    This is Gaslight Batman.

    As one last point of proof for each of them; They both are from not only different universes, but different time periods within those universes. Arcane Green Lantern is from the Middle Ages, and Gaslight Batman is from the late 1800's.

    EDIT: Also reserving:

    Kinagase Tsugumu (Kill La Kill)
    Post by: Lite, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Lite

    Guren Nash & Bravenwolf (Tenkai Knights)
    Ceylan Jones & Tributon (Tenkai Knights)
    Chooki Mason & Lydendor (Tenkai Knights)
    Toxsa Dalton & Valorn (Tenkai Knights)
    Post by: Lite, Oct 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Lite

    While you are correct that there is a Dr. Ovi Kintobor, the one that HoT reserved isn't him. Ovi Kintobor is from the Fleetway comics, and Ivo Kintobor is from the Archie comics.

    Ovi was good but was turned into the evil Ivo Robotnik, while Ivo Kintobor is a good-guy Eggman from Scourge's Universe (or Zone if you prefer).
    Post by: Lite, Oct 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Lite
    Apologies for the double-post, but I wanted to make sure this was seen.

    HoT is reserving:
    Dr. Ivo Kintobor (Archie Sonic Comics)

    And I am reserving:
    Rotor (Archie Sonic Comics)
    Post by: Lite, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home