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  1. Lite
  2. Lite
    "You're right mostly, yeah. My girl, Simone over there is my partner. She's the other half of my soul. The method to my madness. I suppose you could say, I depend on her more than she'll ever realise." Mina said from within Kokuren after coming closer to Ryoma. It was then that Kokuren outstretched it's arm.
    "Yer' good, kid. And you got some buddies there who care about ya. Now consider yer'self to have one more. I got your back." Mina said as she waited for Ryoma's response.
    Without wasting a second, Ryoma motioned Getter-1's controls to take hold of Kokuren's extended hand, giving the mecha a firm and bond-forming handshake.
    "Heh... what am I even sayin'? Not just me, but the whole of Team Dai-Gurren have your back. No doubts." Mina added as the two mecha shook hands.
    "Likewise, Kamina. As long as I'm still alive, I've got your back too. Same goes for every member of Team Dai-Gurren." Ryoma said, feeling the power of their newly-formed bond flowing through the two mecha's hands.
    Getter-1 released Kokuren's hand before Ryoma spoke again.
    "Let's get these things back on the Dai-Gurren. We're gonna need 'em in top shape if we're gonna be watchin' each others backs out there." Ryoma said confidently.
    Getter-1 took a couple steps back.
    "Open Get!" Ryoma called as Getter-1 once again split into three separate jets. They landed side-by-side on the Dai-Gurren's bladewang before Getter Eagle let down a ramp from it's bottom side, allowing Ryoma to exit it.
    Upon exiting Getter Eagle, he was met by Hayato and Musashi. Hayato looked somewhat annoyed at Ryoma's actions, while Musashi looked relieved that the fight involving Ryoma was over.
    Ryoma silently passed the two of them before walking to the other side of the bladewang to see how the fight between Male Kamina and Kallen had progressed. Musashi followed, while Hayato stayed behind and examined the damage done to the Getter Machines.
    Post by: Lite, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Lite
    Getter-1 took the punch thrown at it by Kokuren, the sheer force of the blow sending the mecha flying back before landing harshly on the ground, sliding a bit before stopping. After a quick moment of laying still, Ryoma gathered himself and stood Getter-1 up. As it stood, the large dent left in Getter-1's "face" was visible to anyone watching, showing just how strong the attack from Kokuren was.
    "I didn't expect you to just take a Getter Beam barrage like that. You've got some balls, toots." Ryoma said with a smirk on his face as Getter-1 had finished standing.
    "I also didn't think a chick version of Kamina would have the same spirit. Looks like I was wrong about that, too."
    Meanwhile, watching from the Dai-Gurren's blade-wiener was Getter Robo's other two pilots; Hayato and Musashi.
    "If this keeps up, both of them will be too beaten up to fight once we reach our destination." Hayato pointed out, arms crossed.
    Looking closely at the two mecha, Musashi couldn't help but agree.
    "You're right."
    Musashi leaned over the railing a bit before calling out to Ryoma.
    "Ryomaaa! Enough with the fighting already! You're gonna weaken our only method of fighting real enemies! You're not the only one who's gotta pilot that thing, y'know!"
    Hearing Musashi's voice, Ryoma, as well as Getter-1 itself, looked toward him.
    "Tch...Stay outta this, Musashi!" Ryoma responded, somewhat annoyed at the fact that Musashi was right.
    "You've both proven how good you are! Enough is enough!"
    Ryoma angrily tightened his grip on Getter-1's controls before sighing, accepting the fact that what Musashi was saying was true.
    Ryoma and Getter-1 looked to Mina.
    "My friend's got a point. If we're gonna be fighting an actual enemy soon, we shouldn't be roughing up our only weapons. And judging by your 'copycat' talk from earlier, it's pretty clear that your mecha can combine too, meaning you've got a co-pilot that depends on you. Am I right?" Ryoma asked, his arms crossed, from within Getter-1's cockpit.
    Post by: Lite, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Lite

    Ryoma reacted quickly as Kokuren's shade blade swung at Getter-1's head, seeing as he was completely incapable of moving Getter-1's arm or dodging in general.
    "Open Get!" He called out, causing the arm that Kokuren had a hold of, as well as the head it was swinging it, to disassemble, followed by the three Getter Machines separating into their jet forms.
    The tomahawk that was in Getter-1's constricted hand fell to the ground as Ryoma escaped Mina's grasp. After getting some distance away from Kokuren, Ryoma re-combined the Getter Machines back into Getter-1.
    Ryoma was silent for a moment as he process what had just happened. Kokuren was certainly tough and pretty agile to be able to fend off an attack from two directions. But running and dodging speed was something that still wasn't known.
    "Hm. Your Kokuren is pretty strong, I'll give you that." Ryoma said, floating high above Kokuren.
    Getter-1 then grabbed hold of it's cape, pulling it around the mecha's body and covering it so that only the head was visible.
    "But let's see how fast it is!"
    Getter-1 then charged down at Kokuren.
    "Getter Beam!" Ryoma called as a barrage of pink lasers fired off of Getter-1's cape, heading straight for Kokuren.
    Post by: Lite, Jan 23, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Lite
    ~Outside the Dai-Gurren; Kokuren vs Getter-1~
    Ryoma simply smiled cockily at Mina's jabs at both him and Getter-1, though the fact that she referred to the caped mecha as a "Gunman" gave Ryoma the opportunity to toss some smack-talk back.
    "Getter's the copy-cat, huh? Well I can't say fer sure if you're right or wrong there, but if there's one thing I know without a shadow of a doubt..."
    What looked to be the handle of some kind of weapon suddenly emerged from Getter-1's left shoulder. The mecha grabbed the handle with it's right hand and pulled it out, revealing the weapon to be a sharp tomahawk.
    "...It's that Getter Robo is leagues ahead of your hunk-o'-junk Gunman!" Ryoma's voice echoed from Getter-1 as it's arm pulled back, preparing a throw.
    The tomahawk was then tossed with great force at Mina's Kokuren, spinning in the air as it flew.
    As the tomahawk flew towards Mina's Kokuren, Ryoma quickly ejected a second tomahawk from Getter-1's right shoulder, from which Getter-1 grabbed it with it's left hand. Getter-1 then hovered slightly above the ground before taking off toward Mina, positioning itself behind Kokuren.
    "Some words of advice; Never let a true man throw the first punch!"
    Getter-1 then swung at Kokuren with the second tomahawk while the first was still flying towards her.
    While Ryoma looked to have put himself in an advantageous position, he knew it wasn't going to be so easy to win a fight against a Kamina.
    "Come on...Show me that you've got the same spirit as he does." Ryoma thought to himself as he attacked.
    Post by: Lite, Jan 23, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Lite
    I play from time to time, but lately I've taken more of a liking to Infinite Crisis, a MOBA that's still in beta that features DC comics characters, but that's another topic entirely.

    As for my preferred champion, I used to be a fan of Gangplank, but recently Ahri and Jinx have become my new favorites. Ahri because of her design and ability pool, and Jinx because she's insane and insanity is a good quality to me. I can't exactly give my opinion on Jinx gameplay-wise, as I have yet to actually be able to play as her.
    Post by: Lite, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  7. Lite

    King Dedede (Kirby Series)

    I have no idea if he's already taken and I don't feel like looking, so if he's taken please say so and I'll remove this reserve.


    Also reserving
    Mistral (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance)
    Dandy (Space Dandy)
    Meow (Space Dandy)
    QT (Space Dandy)
    Post by: Lite, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Lite
    OOC: Oops double-post, sorry.

    So here I am, sittin' in my room inside the Dai-Gurren while people're fighting each other outside. Usually I'd be all up in dat krib, but I'm just not feelin' it today.
    I scratched my head in thought, which is a rare occurrence, to decide what I should do in the meantime.

    "Practice your gun skills in the training area?"
    "Hijack the Dai-Gurren so we can get this show on the road?"
    "Too much effort."
    "How about we go screw around with some other plots?"
    Just then, a lightbulb turned on my head. Literally. Like, I can feel the lightbulb getting warmer from being turned on inside of my brain. It kinda burns.
    "I've got a perfect idea! I should do it before the lightbulb melts my brain."
    I took out one o' my swords, and stabbed the air. Except, it wasn't the air. It was the wall in space that separated Cove's reality from the world known as "erf", more commonly known as the "fourth wall".
    I drug my sword across the invisible wall, revealing a pretty-lookin' hole in reality, which I quickly hopped into.
    Before goin' any further, though, I reached back through and taped the hole shut with some masking tape I had stored in my corneas.
    After a short portal-trekking sequence, I found myself on the other side of the portal. Nick, you know what to do.; Crossover Cove: Page 292~
    "Thanks, buddy."
    So here I am, standing on a forum page, because I can do that. I climbed through the various posts, looking for any that involved a certain group of magic animal abuser-I mean tamers.
    After a long and perilous search through the pages, I finally found the latest one...From over a year ago.

    "These children have been asleep for over a year?"
    "In erf time, yes. But in Cove time, it's just been a night or so."
    "I see. We're never gonna see the *SPOOOOOOOOIIILEEERRRRRRRS* are we?"
    "Probably not. Anyway, in we go!"
    Cutting another hole into the post, I hopped in, where I found myself in...

    "I...I think he's ignoring us."
    "Motherf-HEY! You're supposed to type out where I am, buttbag!"
    "Silent treatment, eh? Fine, I'll do it myself."

    "There. Perfect."
    "...It looks like a three-year-old drew it."
    "You just don't know art when you see it."
    "...Whatever. So what're we doing here?"
    "I'm gonna wake these chilluns up with the smell of Deadpool's special pancakes. Made with love from the bottom of my pancreas."
    So then, while the kiddies were asleep, I whipped up a batch of Mamma Deadpool's world-famous pancakes, complete with the special ingredient.

    "You mean the special ingredient that caused a godmod to turn you into a catgirl?"
    "The very same!"
    "Poor kids..."
    I put the platter of pancakes on a table in the main area, where a few of the trainers slept, leaving a little note in front of it.
    It read 'From Deadpool, with love. <4'.
    Finally, I left the HQ, taping the hole back up as I left.
    I made my way back to page 292, where this post is gonna end up when it's done.

    "You do realize you wrote "<4" on the note, right?"
    "That's not even a thing."
    "Of course it is! If <3 is a heart, <4 must be a BIGGER HEART!"
    "I don't think that's how it works..."
    "Oh, you're just a negative-nancy."
    And with that, I re-entered the Dai-Gurren and continued vigorously mast-

    "Post is done. You can leave now. GET OUT."
    And we all lived fappily ever after. The end.
    Post by: Lite, Jan 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Lite
    I think the difference between the terms "update" and "upgrade" comes down to how drastic a change there is between what something was before it was updated/upgraded, and what it is after. Using what you said as an example, Amaury, when Firefox updates it's usually not something that completely changes how the program is used (unless stated otherwise in the update information, in which case it would be more of an upgrade), where as an upgrade would be like I just said; something that changes how a program/product is used, be it for better or worse.

    As another example I'll use modern-day cell phones. The phone will receive several updates during it's life cycle that maintain, fix, and sometimes add on to what's already available in the device, usually with no purchase or payment required from the user. An upgrade, however, is what you would say when the user purchases the newest edition of that brand of phone, which could include new hardware or software features that were too large or incompatible with the previous edition.

    That's how I see it, anyway. Maybe it all comes down to simply how a person uses the words and I'm just over-analyzing.
    Post by: Lite, Jan 13, 2014 in forum: Technology
  10. Lite

    Levi (Attack on Titan)
    Jean Kirstein (Attack on Titan)
    Bertolt Hoover (Attack on Titan)

    Again, no colors, but you get the idea.
    Post by: Lite, Jan 11, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Lite

    Ragyo Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill)
    Daiya Tsuwabuki (Gaiking: Legend of Daiku-Maryu)
    Lulu Ajesu (Gaiking: Legend of Daiku-Maryu)
    Kenji Kusanagi (Koutetsushin Jeeg)
    Tsubaki Tamashiro (Koutetsushin Jeeg)
    Kyo Misumi (Koutetsushin Jeeg)

    No colors because lazy.
    Post by: Lite, Jan 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Lite
    King Dedede confirmed.

    Post by: Lite, Jan 10, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  13. Lite
    Sorry for the doube-post, but Reserving:

    Kota Kazuraba (Kamen Rider Gaim)
    Kaito Kumon (Kamen Rider Gaim)

    My apologies if either of them are already taken. If they are, I'll remove them.
    Post by: Lite, Jan 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Lite
    Happy New Year, may 2014 keep us all on even ground.

    geddit cuz 2014 is an even number-*shot*
    Post by: Lite, Dec 31, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  15. Lite

    Goh Saruwatari (Shinkin Gattai Godannar!!)
    Anna Aoi (Shinkin Gattai Godannar!!)
    Shizuru Fujimura (Shinkon Gattai Godannar!!)
    Tetsuya Kouji (Shinkon Gattai Godannar!!)
    Post by: Lite, Dec 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Lite
    Ryoma was approached by Mina, who was obviously not thrilled with the things Ryoma had just said to the male Kamina. The very second their eyes met, strong tension instantly grew in the air...A kind of tension similar to what Ryoma felt with the other Kamina in the hot spring.
    The tension only grew as Mina lashed out at Ryoma, stating her distaste at Ryoma's "manly spirit crap" comment as well as saying Ryoma must not be a real man.
    Again, the tension intensified as Mina's forehead met with Ryoma's and jabbed two of her fingers into Ryoma's chest, threatening to shove his scarf down his throat for telling Yoko to be quiet.
    Finally, Mina moved back from Ryoma, raising a third finger and pointing those three fingers toward the sky, saying that just talking about Getter Robo's power wasn't enough anymore.
    Putting her hands on her hips and smirking, Mina did the one thing Ryoma was hoping she was going to do.
    "Kick both their asses you say? Well, I'm Kamina too! So let's see you back up your tough talk! I bet your Getter Robo ain't got nothing on my Kokuren!" She said as she jabbed a thumb toward the direction of her Kokuren.
    Ryoma crossed his arms before a smirk similar to Mina's grew on his face.
    "If your Kokuren's anything like his Gurren, I should have no problem smearing it all over the ground. Bring it on, sweetheart." Ryoma responded as he walked past Mina and toward Getter Eagle, purposely bumping his shoulder into her's as he passed.

    Ryoma was about to enter the cockpit of Getter Eagle, one of three jets that combined to make one of Getter Robo's three forms.
    "Ryoma, you really shouldn't be doing this. Fighting amongst ourselves is going to accomplish anythi-" said Hayato, who had followed Ryoma.
    "Shut the hell up, Hayato. This has nothing to do with you."
    "Whether it does or not is irrelevant. You potentially trashing our only method of fighting because of some petty squabble is irresponsible."
    "And killing a man and letting me take the blame for it isn't? You're the last one that needs to be telling me what is and isn't responsible. Now piss off, Hayato." Ryoma said before turning away and continuing to enter Getter Eagle.
    "He's got a point, Ryoma. It's not a good idea to be doing something like this right before our mission starts." Musashi, who had just entered the room, added.
    Ryoma stopped for a moment, as if he was going to respond, before simply sighing and entering the cockpit anyway.
    From within the cockpit, Ryoma set the two remaining empty cockpits that made up Getter Robo to auto-pilot before taking off, Getter Jaguar and Getter Bear automatically following.
    The three jets circled around the Dai-Gurren from high in the air as Ryoma prepared to combine them.
    "Change! Getter-1!" He called, causing the three jets to line up in Eagle-Jaguar-Bear order and merge together to form Getter-1.
    The red and white mecha landed on the side of the Dai-Gurren opposite of Kamina and Kallen, where Ryoma waited for Mina.
    Post by: Lite, Dec 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Lite
  18. Lite
    ~With Mina and Simone~

    Yoko was unsure what else Mina and Simone would have had in their world in Yoko's place other than simply a male version of herself, which is exactly what Mina answered with.
    Rubbing the back of her head, Yoko gave an embarrassed smile.
    "I guess that's pretty obvious...Kind of a dumb question now that I think about it." Yoko said with a nervous laugh. However, Yoko was unprepared for what Mina had to say next.
    "If you weren't so into the other me, I'd probably have made a pass at you myself." Mina said nonchalantly.
    Yoko's face quickly turned red from Mina's comment.
    "Wh-What!? I-I-I-" Yoko could hardly form a coherent sentence before Simone asked a question.
    "W-wait... Yoko...You like Kamina?" Simone asked, looking up at Yoko.
    Her face turned an even deeper shade of red.
    "N-No! Well, I mean...We all like Kamina, d-don't we?" Yoko asked, knowing full well what Simone actually meant.
    It was at this point that Yoko was too embarrassed to hear Mina compliment herself, as well as the joke misunderstanding Mina had pulled on Simone, as she simply held herself in overwhelming embarrassment.
    Before the conversation could progress further, a crowd had gathered on the Dai-Gurren's large bladewang. Their attention was focused on Kamina's Gurren and Kallen's Guren, who were staring each other down. Naturally, Mina had already made her way to the front of the crowd before Yoko even had a chance to notice. When she did notice, however, she was relieved that the topic of her feelings toward Kamina seemed to have been dropped...For now.
    Making her way to the front of the crowd and looking at the ensuing battle, Yoko gave a confused look.
    "Why are they...-"
    Yoko's unfinished question was answered by Kouji Kabuto, who was standing nearby.


    "Seriously? You didn't hear them? They've been arguing for hours!" Kouji said, somewhat surprised Yoko didn't know what was going on.
    "Arguing? What are they arguing about?"
    "From what I heard, Kamina thinks Kallen stole the name of his Gurren, and Kallen just thinks Kamina's an idiot, so this happened."
    Yoko sighed.
    "Why am I not surprised..."
    "I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and guess this kind of stuff is normal with Kamina. Am I right?"
    "Pretty much. I didn't think Kallen would be one to get into a fight over something like this though...Granted, I've only known her for less than a day so I could be wrong."
    Just then, Yoko noticed another that stood next to her opposite of Kouji; Ryoma.


    Ryoma watched quietly as Kamina and Kallen began their Gurren-on-Guren duel. If there was anything that could result from this fight, it would be that it would prove whether or not Kamina and Ryoma's exchange of fists and feelings was worth anything.
    "Um, hey, you're name's Ryoma, right? Are you alright? You look a little...Upset."
    Ryoma remained silent.
    "Hello? Earth to Ryoma?"
    "Oi, Kamina, you really gonna spout that 'manly spirit' crap when she's running circles around you?" Ryoma yelled to Kamina from his position on the Dai-Gurren, ignoring Yoko entirely.
    An angered look came over Yoko's face.
    "Hey, watch what you're saying to Team Dai-Gurren's lead-"
    "Quiet." Ryoma said, cutting Yoko off, which angered her even more.
    Ryoma's gaze then went from Kamina's Gurren, to Kallen's Guren MkII.
    "And you, Kallen, you're seriously gonna try and make Kamina out to be some kind of dumbass without the skills to back it up? Both o' you, show ZEXIS which Gurren we should really be looking up to! Otherwise I'll bring Getter Robo down there and kick both o' your asses!" Ryoma called out, being unusually inspiring in his words.
    Kouji and Yoko blinked at the sudden speech that had emerged from Ryoma after he'd been so quiet.

    ~Temporal Tower~
    As Envy lunged at Link, his arm now a super-sharp spike, Link held up his shield to block the attack. Envy's spike-arm slammed into the shield hard, causing a loud "clang" noise to be heard.
    Link struggled to hold Envy's spike arm back as he readied his sword.
    "Whether I'm a hero or not...Isn't for you to decide!" Link called out before stabbing his Fighter's Sword into Envy's abdomen and kicking him away.
    Now sword-less, Link watched for what Envy was going to do next, if anything at all.
    It was at this point that Link realized that he'd either won the fight against Envy...Or made a big mistake.
    Post by: Lite, Dec 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Lite
    ~Outside Temporal Tower~
    Link's charge quickly came to a halt as he watched his beloved princess transform before his own eyes. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to feel ashamed for allowing a shapeshifter to trick him, or enraged at the fact that a shapeshifter used the form of Zelda to trick him. He decided to go with both.
    "You may have tricked us into coming here, 'Envy the Jealous', but you made a grave mistake in doing so. Now that I know you are not my fair Zelda, I will show no mercy as I strike-Oh, screw it, this is giving me a headache."
    Link, finally dropping the fake dialect, pointed his sword at Envy.
    "You made a big mistake in tricking us. Now you'll feel the wrath of Hyrule's own Link!"
    Link jumped into the air, arching his sword back.
    As Link came close enough to Envy, he swung his sword down at "him", attempting to finish the fight in one blow.
    Post by: Lite, Dec 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Lite
    ~Outside Temporal Tower~
    The green-clad hero known to his people as Link followed close behind Princess Zelda, who was leading him, along with his new comrades, Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Winry Rockbell and Greed, to a tower that she claimed was holding an alternate version of herself captive, plus she also claimed to know the location of something known as the Philosopher's Stone, an item that was apparently vitally important to Ed and Al.
    "Come on, Link! The other me is in here! I just know it!"
    "Fear not, Princess! I am right behind you." Link said, hiding the fact that the dialect he was using was nothing but an act.
    It was then that Greed began to complain about the reasoning behind following Zelda, to which Ed supplied an explanation.
    Suddenly, Al stopped the group in their tracks, stating that the "Homunculi" were nearby. Greed agreed, stating he could smell ones known as Lust and Sloth.
    "Homunculi? What are-"
    Before Link was able to finish, the two figures he could only assume were the aforementioned Homunculi appeared before them, stationed near Zelda.
    Link stared the women down angrily as they stood dangerously close to his princess.
    Just then, Alphonse uttered a word Link was not expecting to hear.
    Link's eyes widened as he turned to Al.
    "One of these women...Is your mother!?"
    It was then that Lust explained that Sloth simply looked like Ed and Al's mother, as she was created from the "mass of flesh" that was supposed to be their deceased mother.
    Hearing all of this disgusted and angered Link even more.
    "How dare you. How dare you take on the form of the mother that these brothers lost! That is unforgivable!"
    Finally, Lust and Sloth prepared for battle.
    "Take not another step, wenches! I will not allow fair Princess Zelda nor my new comrades to be harmed by filth such as thee!"
    Link swung his blade vertically then horizontally, showing he was prepared to fight.
    "Edward, Alphonse, Greed, I will assist thee in striking the two of them down. Winry, stay back, we will protect you!"
    Link, with his sword and shield at the ready, charged forward at Lust and Sloth.
    "Have at thee!"
    Post by: Lite, Dec 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home