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  1. Lite
  2. Lite
    ooc: spoiler-ing the rest of the flashback because it's long and I wanna cut down on the amount of space this post takes up on the page.
    If you don't wanna read all of it, here's a tl;dr version: Lordgenome is healed, brings Kamina and Simon home, where they're unconscious for the next three days but are cared for by Nia and Tamamo. Kamina's in a wheelchair and Simon is using Lagann as a makeshift wheelchair.

    Now the flashback stuff is done, and everything after the spoiler is the current day. Also, Honnouji is open for business as of the current day, so I highly recommend enrolling some characters you may have had trouble finding a place for. Their moral standing (good, evil, etc.) doesn't matter when choosing a student for the academy. Anywho, on to the post.
    ~Earlier: Compile's Home~

    Lordgenome looked once more at Simon and Kamina as Jumpman offered his condolences, as well as a free meal at his place. "Thank you, Jumpman. Knowing these two, they'll be up and about within a week or two. And I might just take you up on that dinner offer soon." He said happily. Nia smiled and hugged her father's arm (since that was all she could really fit her arms around). "That sounds wonderful! When you do, can Simon and Kamina come too?" She asked, her eyes sparkling. Lordgenome sighed with a smile on his face. "I suppose. As long as Kamina doesn't burst into one of his usual speeches." It was then that Lordgenome's would finally finish healing, the "flames" of his Spiral Power fading from his skin. There was a large scar on his back from the wound, however. "Well, I'm feeling much better now, though this scar probably isn't going to go away." Lordgenome said as he stood up and stretched. "Are you still in pain, Father?" Nia asked. "No, I'm fine, dear. My back will probably be sore for only a few days...Or weeks...Maybe months...But I'll live." Lordgenome said before carefully lifting Simon and Kamina onto his shoulders. "Jumpman, Compile, it's been great seeing you both again. Feel free to stop by the school sometime and visit, I'm free during lunch hours on most days." He offered happily. Nia opened the previously-kicked open door for her father, who bowed his head to her. Before Nia herself exited, she noticed that on the floor were items that Simon and Kamina were carrying but had taken off of them when they were set down. Simon's Core Drill, and Kamina's red pointed shades, which were broken in some areas, though the broken pieces were luckily still there with the shades themselves. Nia quickly retrieved the items before looking at Jumpman and Compile, smiling cheerily. "Thank you both again for all you have done. It means the world to me." She said, bowing to both of them before leaving Compile's home and closing the door behind her.

    Nia entered the passenger seat of Lordgenome's car, which had Lagann connected to the back. She noticed Simon and Kamina in the back seat, still knocked out. "What took you so long, Nia?" Lordgenome asked curiously. "Simon's Core Drill and Kamina's glasses were left on the floor. I went back to get them." Nia explained before reaching back and giving the two unconscious boys their respective belongings. "I'm surprised they're still not coming out of it...What happened to them?" Lordgenome asked. Turning forward again, Nia sighed. "They...I can't explain such a horrible, brutal beating. I will just say that if they had not been inside of Lagann, there is no way they would be alive right now..." Nia explained, placing a closed hand up to her heart. Lordgenome shuddered at the thought of such a beating. He questioned the possibility that they took a worse hit- or hits- than he did. He shook the thought off. "I-I see. At any rate, I'm glad it's over now, and that they will be okay. Now let's get them home. They need to rest in their own beds. We probably won't be seeing them at school for a while." Lordgenome said as he turned the ignition key of his car, causing the heads-up-display to appear. Oddly enough, instead of a traditional car HUD, it was a spiraling gauge very similar to the one on Lagann, though the spiral was more jagged and magenta in color. The spiral filled up and the car's engine ignited before Lordgenome pulled out of the driveway and began driving toward Simon and Kamina's home, stopping along the way to get a wheelchair for Kamina.

    ~Later, at Simon, Kamina and Tamamo's home...~

    Lagann sat outside, Lordgenome working to fix it up, while Nia was inside, making sure Simon and Kamina were safely tucked into bed. In Simon's room, Nia had placed Simon's Core Drill on the desk next to his bed, along with a note that read 'Dear Simon, please get well soon. My time at school just isn't the same without you around. Wishing you well-Nia♥'. Minutes later, Nia was in Kamina's room, placing his now-fixed shades on the table next to his bed, which also included a note from Nia. It read: 'Dear Kamina, I hope you heal up soon. Father says there are reasons why you may take the longest to heal up, but I cannot explain at the moment. Also, your cool glasses were broken, so I fixed them for you! No need to repay me, the fact that you are still alive and with Simon is enough for me. Wishing you well- Nia♥'. However, there was also another note, this time from Lordgenome. It read: 'Kamina, what you and Simon did was unbelievably reckless, especially since you brought my Nia into it all. Normally I would be furious with you...But right now all that matters is yours and Simon's recovery. I sincerely hope you both get well soon. -Mr. Tepellin'. Nia then left Kamina's room, slowly and quietly closing the door behind her. That was when she saw her father coming inside with Lagann over his shoulder, which had been fully repaired. "Wow, Father, that was fast! It looks good as new!" Nia said happily. "Yes, I...Have a bit of experience with things like this." He said, groaning as he attempted to pull Lagann through the front door. He succeeded, however in doing so he broke the door's frame. "...I'll fix that." Lordgenome said sheepishly. Nia giggled before speaking. "Why does only Kamina have a chair with wheels? Doesn't Simon need one too?" Nia asked. "No. W-Well, yes, he needs something to assist him in getting around, but not a wheelchair. The very reason I repaired Lagann was so that it could serve as his wheelchair." Lordgenome explained. "I see! Good idea. Simon's room is this way, follow me." Nia said as she led her father to Simon's room. Nia entered with ease, however Lordgenome yet again had to struggle to get Lagann through, again breaking the frame of the door. "Oh, come on!" He whined before grumbling and placing Lagann next to Simon's bed. Nia took one last look at the unconscious pilot of Lagann. "Get well soon, Simon." She said softly before turning and exiting the room. Lordgenome also looked at him for a moment, still secretly wondering what exactly he and Kamina had been through. Lordgenome then left the room, attempting to close the door behind him, but the broken frame made it near impossible, so he left it open just a crack. The Tepellin finally left Simon and Kamina's residence, finally going back to their own home.

    Over the next three days, Nia periodically returned to make sure Simon and Kamina were cared for, though Tamamo was doing that job perfectly fine. Nia still enjoyed checking up on the boys, even if they were unconscious for those three days.

    Finally, we find ourselves on Friday, August 30th, 2013...

    ~And thus, the flashback of the raising of Honnouji Academy and the hopeless attempt to combat it by Lordgenome, Simon, Kamina and Jumpman has come to an end. The three of them now know what happens to those who are not welcome, and will not charge so hastily into battle against them.~

    ~Simon, Kamina and Tamamo's Home~
    In Simon's room, he continued to lay completely still in his bed. Three days had passed since the horrific events at Honnouji Academy, and Simon had been out cold ever since. But finally, as the day of Friday, August 30th began, Simon's eyes opened once again. His vision was blurry, his ears rang, and everything under his neck was in pain. He struggled to sit up, his entire body in pain. He eventually sat himself up, and noticed his left arm was wrapped in a cast. "What the...?" He said, still half-asleep. As his vision returned to him, Simon looked around his room, first noticing Lagann next to his bed. "L-Lagann? How'd you get in here?" He asked nobody in particular before noticing his Core Drill on the small table next to his bed, accompanied by two notes. He read the first, which was Nia's "get well soon" note. The second, however, was from Lordgenome. It read: 'Simon, when you read this, you will probably be confused and in pain. I wish I could answer your questions but even I don't know what happened to you and Kamina at that school. If your injuries are as bad as I was told, then you won't be able to walk normally for a while, so I fixed Lagann and brought him inside. I also took the liberty of widening all of the doors in your home so Lagann can fit through. No need to thank me. -Mr. Tepellin'. Simon removed the sheets that covered his lower body, revealing his legs, which were also wrapped. The wrapping was segmented. His thigh and lower leg had their own separate thick cast, while his knees were wrapped much looser, allowing him to bend his knees if he needed to. Hoping Lordgenome was wrong about his injuries, Simon attempted to stand up on the floor next to his bed, only for a severe pain to shoot up both of his legs, prompting him to sit back down. He held his legs for a moment as the pain faded before looking at Lagann. The height of his bed allowed for Simon to lift his legs into Lagann with relative ease, though it wasn't the most graceful sight to behold. Finally settling himself in the small mecha, Simon grabbed his Core Drill from his bedside table and activated Lagann.

    Simon made his way out of his room, when he instantly heard a loud bump, followed by a familiar brotherly voice screaming "AAAGH, DAMN IT, MY LEGS!". Simon sighed before walking Lagann over to Kamina's bedroom door. Lagann turned the doorknob and opened the door, revealing the sorry sight of Kamina laying face-first on the floor. "Uh...Bro, you alright?" Simon asked. "Hell no, I'm not alright! My legs don't work!" He yelled angrily as he removed his face from the floor. "Bro, we both got seriously hurt when we were at that school looking for Mr. Tepellin, remember?" "So? What's your point?" Simon sighed and rolled his eyes. "My point is that your legs are probably broken. Someone even got you a wheelchair to use until you're healed." Simon said, pointing to the wheelchair that Kamina failed to notice, despite being right next to his bed. Kamina looked at it before scowling. "Screw that, I don't need a stupid wheelchair! I'M THE MIGHTY KAMINA, DAMMIT!" He yelled before attempting to stand again, his pain made obvious by the look on his face. "Bro, stop, you're just gonna make it worse!" Simon yelled. Kamina stopped trying to stand and flopped back on to the ground. "I still don't need a stupid wheelchair." He grumbled. Instead of doing the sensible thing and getting himself into the wheelchair he insists he doesn't need, Kamina simply pulled himself across the floor, dragging his legs as he went. Sighing again, Simon walked Lagann over to the wheelchair Kamina was supposed to use, pushing it out of his room. He rolled it past the crawling Kamina before turning and placing it in front of him. "Come on, bro, don't be so stubborn. It'll help you get around faster while you heal." Simon said, attempting to convince Kamina. "I ain't doing it! If my legs don't work I'd rather drag myself across the ground than sit in some stupid wheelcha-AH!" Kamina was cut off as Lagann picked him up, bringing his face up to Simon's. "Kamina. Get in the fucking wheelchair." Simon said, his face and tone resembling that of a certain world's worst father, before Lagann sat Kamina in the wheelchair. Kamina groaned and crossed his arms. "As soon as I can walk again, I'm goin' back to that place and kickin' all their asses. Nobody injures us and gets away with it." He said angrily. Simon walked Lagann behind the wheelchair and began to push. "Yep. You keep thinking that, Bro." Simon said as he headed for the front door. "Where're we going? We ain't going to school, are we?" Kamina asked. "No, not today. We've been stuck here for three days, I think some fresh air will do us some good. Plus I don't think we've eaten since that day...I'm starving." Simon said, his stomach growling. Kamina placed a hand on his own stomach, which also began to growl. "Good idea...Let's go then!" Kamina said as they exited their home, Simon closing the door behind them.

    ooc: stopping there for now. Will post more later.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Lite
    As you are most likely aware, in the flashback posts that NutheadBros and I have been making, the central focus was of a new school called Honnouji Academy, and the brutality that it's staff is willing to use to enforce it's strict rules. But it's still a school, and in a school-based RP like this, it only makes sense to allow people to enroll students where they desire. So, with that in mind, NutheadBros has allowed me to make this post, detailing how things work at Honnouji Academy. Allow me to explain:

    At Honnouji Academy, things generally work the same as they would at any other school. Students attend to learn, Teachers teach things to the students, and Club Leaders lead their respective clubs. Simple, right? However, like some schools, Honnouji Academy has a dress code that must be adhered to. Every student must wear what is known as a Goku Uniform (also known as an Ultima Uniform by some). Unlike most uniforms, these give the wearer enhanced strength, speed, durability, etc. as well as some other bonuses depending on the rank. Now you may be asking, "Rank? Why do the uniforms have ranks?". Good question. Each Uniform has a star ranking from No-Star to Three-Star, and are assigned to students based on their standing in the school. A more detailed explanation of each uniform rank follows:

    Goku Uniforms and You
    The ranking of a Goku Uniform is shown via the amount of "stars" on the uniform itself (the black cross-like parts as shown in the image above). There's another factor that determines the strength of a Uniform, but that will be explained through the RP's plot. In terms of matchups against wearers of higher or lower-ranked uniforms, someone wearing a Two-Star will easily beat a One-Star, but a Three-Star will easily annihilate Two-Star and One-Star wearers. Every student is required to wear one of these uniforms while on school grounds (any rank, so long as they have been given the rights to wear the uniform they have), or be faced with the punishment of getting your face whipped into next week. And that's just a warning.

    No-Star: These uniforms give no bonuses or enhancements. They are basically just regular uniforms, and are given to those who are deemed not ready to bare the responsibility of wearing a One-Star Uniform or higher, such as new students or known trouble-makers.

    One-Star: One-Star Uniforms are the weakest of the enhancement-giving uniforms, giving the wearer a simple increase in their base abilities, such as strength, speed, stamina, all that good stuff. However, that being said, if a One-Star were to fight against someone not wearing a Goku Uniform (or someone wearing a No-Star), the One-Star Uniform wearer would win the fight no question.

    Two-Star: Two Star Uniforms are reserved only for Club Leaders. Members of that leader's club will have specially-made One-Star Uniforms that bestow the wearer with less-powerful versions of the Leader's abilities. While generally giving better enhancements than One-Star uniforms, Two-Star uniforms also give the wearer special abilities based on what club they run. For example, in Kill la Kill's canon, the leader of the Boxing Club, Takaharu Fukuroda, was given a Two Star Uniform that resembled Boxing Gear, including a head guard, boxing robe, boxing shorts, and the main part of the getup: Large boxing gloves. The gloves themselves were incredibly hard and near-unbreakable, and allowed him to not only throw devastatingly powerful punches, but also fire a barrage of smaller boxing gloves at high speeds. So if you decide to have one of your Honnouji Students run a club, be sure to get creative with what their uniform can do. Just be ready to deal with ungodly amounts of paperwork. *wink*

    Three-Star: Three-Star Uniforms are reserved ONLY for Honnouji Academy's Elite Four. They are Ira Gamagori (who has been seen in my previous flashback posts), Uzu Sanageyama, Nonon Jakuzure and Hoka Inumuta, all of which have been reserved so don't ask. Three-Star wearers not only are granted catastrophically better enhancements compared to lower ranks, but they also come with full-on transformations. Here is an example of one. That one may look constraining, but trust me, it can wreck you. In conclusion: Don't f*ck with the Three-Stars.

    Now, there is one more thing I would like to cover before I'm done here. Don't worry, this part's short:

    The City of Townsvil--er, Honnou.
    In Kill la Kill's canon, all of Honnouji Academy's students live in Honnou City. If you look closely, the Academy itself is at the very top of this upward-spiraling construct, while the rest is Honnou. Just to give you a sense of scale, the academy itself is pretty massive, so the rest of the city beneath it is jaw-droppingly large. The closer you live to the Academy, the better your living conditions are. It ranges from rich, snooty jerks at the very top of the city to poor, poverty-stricken families at the very bottom. I want to make this incredibly clear, right here, right now:


    They'll just have a much longer trip to make if they're commuting from out of town. But worry not, there are buses and small booths connected to wires that carry students straight to the school. So in HSD, living in Honnou is recommended, but not required.

    And here are a few misc. rules that I couldn't find a good place for in this post:
    -Satsuki Kiryuuin's word is law. What she says goes. NO EXCEPTIONS.
    -Just like at Nintendo High, you can play teachers. At the moment all but one class is open to have a teacher fill the role, the one not open one being the History Teacher, who is played by DarkTraitor.
    -There are only four Three-Star wearers, and there will only ever be those four. Unless some incredibly special situation comes up, nobody else will have access to Three-Star Uniforms.
    -In regards to school schedules, it works generally the same as Nintendo High, so keep doing what you've been doing for your Honnouji characters.
    -You're not restricted when it comes to playing characters on school grounds. Yes, there are strict rules, but during free time, students can roam the school as they please. This includes the inside as well as the very large courtyard on the outside(seen here, it's the large circular open space in front of the tower-like building). Heck, you can even hang out on top of the courtyard wall if you want, as long as you don't leave the school while you're up there.

    Okay, so I think I've covered everything major so far. If you have any questions that weren't addressed in this admittedly long post, please feel free to come to me with them and I'll be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. I hope we can have as much fun with Honnouji as we have been with Nintendo High.

    Also, sorry I called you all maggots. I didn't mean it. c:
    Except for you, Hector. *glares*
    lol just kidding.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 6, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Lite
    ~Earlier That Day: Compile's Home~
    Nia silently sat by her father's side, holding is limp hand, hoping that he would awaken soon. "Father...Why did you go to that terrible place? They almost..." Nia stopped herself from using the one word she never wanted to speak when talking about her father. Her eyes closed, and a single tear dropped from her face and onto Lordgenome's hand. Just then, Nia felt Lordgenome's hand twitch ever so slightly, causing her eyes to shoot open. "F-Father!?" She said, hoping Lordgenome could hear her. Her hopes came true as Lordgenome's eye's slowly opened up. The world around him was blurry, but Lordgenome could hear the faint echo of Nia's voice as he woke up. Finally, everything came into focus, and he looked to Nia. "N-Nia...Where are we?" Lordgenome asked, still recovering somewhat. "Mr. Jumpman and I dragged you to your car after you fell unconscious. And when we got to the bottom of that terrible city, we found Simon and Kamina as well as Lagann and brought them here. This is the home of one of Jumpman's friends, her name is Compile." Nia explained. "Compile? It's been a while since I've heard that name..." Lordgenome said as attempted to sit up, groaning in pain as he did so. "Father, please, do not strain yourself!" Nia said, placing her hands on Lordgenome's chest to push him back down. "It's okay, Nia. It's not as painful as it looks." Lordgenome said, smiling at his daughter. Nia looked at Lordgenome's back, the open wound still very much open. However...Something strange was occurring. On the edges of the opening, small magenta-colored flames formed. As this happened, the wound slowly began healing itself. Not incredibly fast, but certainly fast enough to see the wound shrink. Nia gasped. "F-Father, there's-" "I know, Nia. It's okay. I suppose now that you've seen it, I should explain something to you." Lordgenome said. Nia's gaze went back to her father's face. "What is it?"

    "In this world full of billions of humans, animals and everything in-between, there are some born with special traits that not many others have. There are humans born with supernatural abilities, or animals born with the ability to walk and talk like a human being. You, me, your brother, and our entire family are those people. We were born with the ability to naturally generate a special kind of energy, an energy brought out by the will to fight for and protect what we love. This energy is called Spiral Power." Lordgenome began explaining. "Spiral...Power?" Nia asked. "Yes. This power allows the user to perform feats unimaginable to one who does not possess such power. Some would call it the power to break the rules of reality...And they would be right. A Spiral Power user can instantly repair their weapons in battle, or create new weapons out of thin air, however the creation of a new weapon would take an immense amount of Spiral Power. It is more commonly used to enhance weapons already in use. "So...It is a power used for battle." Nia said, somewhat disappointed that such an amazing power was used for something so violent. "Not always." Lordgenome said. Nia's eyebrows raised, hearing that she wasn't entirely correct. "Spiral power can be used to heal as well. Even now, I am using my Spiral Power to heal my wound. The flames you see are simply my Spiral Power manifesting in a way that it can best heal me. But even with these uses, there is one thing that beings capable of producing Spiral Power are forbidden to do." Lordgenome said, closing his eyes. "What is that, Father?" Nia asked. "Resurrect the dead." He said, opening his eyes again. Nia gasped. "Are you saying that Spiral Power is capable of doing such a terrible thing?" Nia asked, disgusted at the mere possibility. "Yes. One with enough Spiral Power merely needs to will it, and anyone that has died can be brought back to the world of the living in an instant. However...Doing so rarely ends as the foolish user intended." Lordgenome explained, tightening his one open hand into a fist, possibly remembering something from his long past. Lordgenome looked back to his daughter, giving a reassuring smile. "But we don't have to worry about such a thing. I know not to do that, and now you do too." He said. Nia gave a sigh of relief. "That's good...But what about Simon and Kamina? They cannot produce Spiral Power like we can." Nia said, turning her gaze toward the two teenagers who lay next to Lordgenome, still unconscious. "That is not necessarily true. Yes, our family can produce Spiral Power, but that does not mean that we are the only ones." Lordgenome said before looking down at and picking up Simon's Core Drill, which had been removed from his neck and placed on the ground next to him. "This Core Drill is what he uses to activate Lagann. The only way he would be able to do that is if he could produce Spiral Power, so he can channel it through this drill and into Lagann." Lordgenome explained. Nia's eyes lit up. "So...If Simon can produce Spiral Power, does that mean he will heal faster?" Nia asked excitedly. "Yes. However, his Spiral Power is much weaker than mine, as he has not awakened it's true potential yet. It's in him, but it is merely a spark compared to the inferno that is awakened Spiral Power. His injuries will heal faster than a normal human, but it will still take a while. As for Kamina...I have no way of telling if he can produce it. He certainly has the attitude of one that can, but if he cannot, he will be recovering for much longer than even Simon, but he will be okay in the end." Nia was somewhat disappointed that Simon and Kamina couldn't recover as fast as her father was, but she was more relieved that everyone was going to be okay. "I am glad to hear that." Nia said with a smile. Lordgenome turned his attention to Jumpman and Compile. "Thank you, Jumpman, for getting us out of that godforsaken academy. And thank you, Compile, for allowing us to recover in your home." Lordgenome said, a warm smile on his face. "I must say, you've grown a lot since your days as a student at Nintendo High. I'm glad to see you're doing well for yourself."
    Post by: Lite, Mar 5, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Lite
    ~Earlier That Day: Honnouji Academy~
    As this "Jumpman" addressed Lordgenome as "Genome", a sense of familiarity overcame him. Due to Lordgenome's immortality, his mind was filled with thousands of years worth of memories, making it hard to sift through them all. However, this man's voice, his tone, his body language, it all rang huge bells. "Jumpman...Jumpman! I remember you. Nintendo High, 1981. Not long before this damned school opened the first time. It seems your legendary jumping ability hasn't left you after all this time." Lordgenome said, happy to see someone from his past that was on his side. Meanwhile, Satsuki had grown annoyed at Jumpman, more so when he jumped up to her podium. "Gamagori." Satsuki said. Ira instantly moved on command, extending one of his spiked whips at Jumpman, catching him faster than he could react. He then swung Jumpman to the opposite end of the courtyard, attempting to slam him into the ground. Wasting no time, Lordgenome jumped higher than someone with a body his age should be able to (but not higher than Jumpman could, of course) and grabbed the whip as it came down, pulling it and snapping it. Lordgenome then pulled Jumpman toward him and caught him, saving the high-jumping father from a painful splat. "But you should work on your reaction time." Lordgenome said as he unwrapped Jumpman and set him down. Ira growled at Lordgenome's hasty save. The Nintendo High vets stared down their Honnouji rivals. Meanwhile...

    ~Earlier That Day: Outside Honnouji's Gate~
    Lagann finally reached Honnouji Academy, still toting Simon, Kamina and Nia. "There! That is my father's car!" Nia said, pointing to the car that sat not far from Lagann. "So he's really here, huh? I gotta say, your old man's pretty nuts to come to a place like this...I like that." Kamina said, smiling. "Then I guess there's no time to waste. Let's go!" Simon said as he made Lagann charge forward through the gates. The thrusters kept the small mecha slightly above the ground. As they charged forward, Simon spotted Lordgenome, and immediately went to see if he was alright. "Mr. Tepellin!" Simon called. Lordgenome turned around. "Simon!?" Lordgenome said as Lagann came to a halt next to him. The hatch opened, revealing the three people inside Lagann. "Father! You're okay!" Nia called as she exited Lagann and hugged Lordgenome. "N-Nia!? I thought I told you to stay home!" "I apologize, Father, but I could not stay there knowing you were in danger...So I called Simon and he used his face robot called Lagann to bring me here." Nia explained. "Face robot?" Lordgenome asked, looking past Nia. He finally noticed Lagann, which caused his eyes to widen in surprise. "A-A Gunman!? Where did you-" Lordgenome was cut of by Ira, who was swinging another whip at Lordgenome, Nia and Jumpman. "ENOOOUUUGH!!!!" He screamed. Lordgenome quickly held Nia and Jumpman close to him, his back to Ira's whip. The whip finally hit, smacking Lordgenome in the back hard enough to cause blood to spurt from his mouth before sending the three of them flying across the courtyard, Lordgenome holding on tightly. They rolled on the ground for a few moments, Nia screaming, before they slid to a halt. Nia and Jumpman were left with just a few little scratches, but Lordgenome was much worse off. Blood ran from his mouth, and the back of the clothing on his torso had been torn open by Ira's whip, revealing a large bloody gash that was also left by the whip that went from one end of his upper back to the other. Nia struggled from Lordgenome's grip, noticing that he had passed out from the intense beating. "Father! Father, please wake up!" Nia said, shaking Lordgenome's limp body. Kamina looked at Ira, now pissed at the whip-using creep. "Hey! That guy might be a jerk, but that don't make it right to beat the shit out of him like that! 'specially in front of his daughter!" Kamina yelled. Ira eyed Kamina. "Don't test my patience, brat." Kamina smirked. "And what're you gonna do about it, tough guy?" Kamina asked sarcastically. New red whips emerged from the spiked plates on Gamagori's arms. "THIS!" He yelled as he swung the whips at Lagann. Simon quickly closed the hatch just before the whips hit, dodging them. Lagann's thrusters then engaged, as well as a large drill emerging from Lagann's forehead. The drill spun as it charged forward. "TAKE THIIIIIS!" Kamina yelled just before the drill hit. However...Instead of the sensation of drilling through some big jerk-face, Lagann stopped as if it had hit a steel wall. "Wh-What!?" Simon said, trying to get Lagann to drill through. Gamagori stood perfectly still, smiling. "Your machine's drill is acceptably powerful. My uniform, however..."

    "Is a hundred times that!" Gamagori said, the stars on his uniform glimmering for a moment. "An attack from a measly drill like that won't even leave a scratch on my Three-Star Goku Uniform!" Simon looked up at Gamagori from inside Lagann, terrified, while Kamina simply remained pissed. Ira then caught Simon off guard by swinging his whips at near light speed, beating the mecha to a pulp and knocking the pilots around violently. He stopped his barrage for a moment, allowing Lagann to float in midair, it's face looking as if it were a human's after being beat up, Swollen cheeks, missing teeth, etc.. However, before Lagann could recover, Ira slammed the mecha into the ground with both whips, simultaneously wrapping it in one of them. Ira continued his brutal beating by flinging Lagann into one of the far walls of the courtyard, leaving a crater. "What were you hoping to accomplish by attacking me with that pathetic drill!?" He said as he pulled Lagann out of the wall, then slamming it into the opposite side of the courtyard, again leaving a crater. "You must be a spy from Nintendo High or the likes!" Ira again pulled Lagann from the wall, but instead of stopping his massacre, Ira slammed Lagann into the courtyard walls at incomprehensible speeds, knocking the pilots around in a near-fatal manner. "However, a machine like that is wasted on your kind!" Ira then slowed down, once more slamming Lagann into the courtyard wall, this time just above the courtyard entrance, Simon and Kamina yelling in fear before impact. "You aren't worthy to breathe the same air as Lady Satsuki!!" Ira seemed to have stopped, as Lagann simply sat in the latest crater, horribly beaten and it's pilots most likely unconscious. "NOW FALL!" Ira called out as he pulled the whip toward him causing Lagann to fly toward him as well. Ira unraveled the whip from Lagann as it flew, causing it to spin as it careened toward Ira. Finally, when the small mecha reached Ira, he swung an incredibly powerful punch, sending it flying across the courtyard, out of the gate and out of sight. Still with her father, Nia's eyes teared up as she watched the horrific beating that Kamina and Simon had just taken. Nia looked to Jumpman, who seemed to be the only conscious person who didn't want to murder everyone in sight. "S-Sir, please, you have to help me! I need to get my father out of here! He needs a doctor! And we need to find my friends! I don't know if they could survive a terrible beating like that!" Nia said, her voice trembling. As Nia cried for her father and friends, Ira was about to charge at them. However, he was stopped. "Gamagori! That's enough!" Satsuki called from her podium. "We're done here. Head inside." Satsuki said before walking off of her podium and into the door behind her. Ira complied, having gotten his fill of discipline for the day. The courtyard was now nearly empty, save for Nia, Jumpman and the severely beaten Lordgenome.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Lite
    ~Earlier That Day: Honnouji Academy~
    Finally, Lordgenome was close to the Academy. The drive through Honnou City (ooc: the upward-spiraling town leading up to the academy at the top) would have been long and tedious had Lordgenome not disregarded all safety regulations and drove straight through everything in sight, causing thousands of dollars of property damage as a result. "If the government wasn't trying to take away my licence before, they sure as hell are gonna try now." Lordgenome joked to himself as he finally made it to the top, his car now parked just outside the gate. Shutting his car off, Lordgenome exited the vehicle, prepared to walk in and confront Satsuki by any means necessary. "There's no turning back now. I have to stop this before-" His heroic speech to nobody in particular was cut short when a man with amazing jumping ability leaped past Lordgenome and up to the top of the gate. "Amazing...He jumped over the gate." Lordgenome thought. He shook the thought off, there was no time for that now. He walked toward the gate and was about to enter, but stopped when he heard the man that jumped the gate already inside, bad-mouthing Satsuki. Lordgenome decided to stay hidden and watch what was unfolding inside.

    As the man bluntly called Satsuki out, he was approached by Ira Gamagori, who's total size was measured at "bigger than you". Ira towered over the jump-happy person. "SILENCE!! Nobody addresses Lady Satsuki in such a coarse manner! In fact, NOBODY ADDRESSES LADY SATSUKI PERIOD!!!" Ira screamed at the man, asserting his authority. "Those who would belittle the name of our beloved Student Council President deserve nothing less than the maximum punishment! PREPARE YOURSELF!" Ira yelled as he lifted his spiked boot from the ground, ready to stomp the man into the ground. "Enough, Gamagori!" called Satsuki from her podium high above the courtyard. Ira immediately froze. "B-But Lady Satsuki, he-" "I wish to speak to him." Satsuki ordered. Ira reluctantly placed his foot back on the ground and stepped to the side. "As you wish, Lady Satsuki..." Ira said, quietly grumbling. "I also wish to speak to you as well, Lordgenome." Satsuki said, having noticed Lordgenome's presence the moment he drove up to the school gates. Lordgenome was surprised...But then remembered who he was dealing with. He stepped through the gate and entered the courtyard. "Satsuki...You're just like your mother. Smart, perceptive...Corrupt." Lordgenome said as he continued walking toward the center of the courtyard. Ignoring Lordgenome's taunting, Satsuki spoke to them. "The both of you have trespassed in my academy. By all rights, I should have the two of you executed." She stated. "So why haven't you? Did you inherit everything but your mother's undying cruelty?" Lordgenome asked, arms crossed. "No. I want you alive. You'll be useful." Satsuki vaguely explained. "Useful?" "You've no need to know yet." Satsuki looked to the other man, the one who had entered the courtyard first. "As for you, you should count yourself lucky I didn't let Gamagori crush you. Now explain yourself. Who are you, and how do you know of the Kiryuuin name?"
    Post by: Lite, Mar 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Lite
    OOC: I've slightly edited my previous post to better signify that it took place during the early morning hours of the current day. The following post takes place not long after, so it is still considered a "flashback" of sorts. Also, I would just like to clarify that while yes, the school emerged earlier in the current day, I don't expect anyone to go back and edit their posts or change things to accommodate that. While it is completely optional at the moment, If you wish for your character(s) to become aware of it, hearing about it on the news or just seeing it from somewhere in Tokyo would be good ways to go about it in my opinion. But like I said: Completely optional.

    ~Earlier That Day: Approaching the Tepellin Residence~
    As Kamina and Simon got closer to Nia's home, Kamina caught sight of something that Simon was oblivious to while paying attention to Lagann's movement. He nudged Simon with his elbow. "Hey, Simon, am I seein' things or is that a mountain covered in buildings?" Kamina asked, pointing to Honnouji Academy, which had just become visible from their perspective. Simon took his eyes off of what was in front of him for a moment to see what Kamina was referring to, instantly taking note of the near-massive structure. "Is that what Nia was talking about...?" Simon said to himself. Kamina leaned over to Simon, who was still distracted by the Academy. "What'd Nia say?" Kamina said rather loudly into Simon's ear, startling him and causing Lagann to violently swerve for a few moments before Simon put it back on track. Breathing heavily, Simon answered Kamina. "She said her dad saw that place and started to act weird, like he was worried, and then he left the house saying he had to run an errand." Simon explained. Kamina was silent. "...And she needs us to come to her place...Why?" Kamina asked, confused and somewhat annoyed. "Mr. Tepellin never leaves Nia alone at home...Unless he's going to do something dangerous." Simon added to his explanation. The usually thick-skulled Kamina quickly realized what this meant. "Alright, so baldy's probably throwin' himself into harm's way, huh? And Nia wants us to go knock some sense into him?" Kamina asked, assuming he'd guessed correctly. "Well...The first part's right, but Nia never said what she wanted us to do. That's why we're going to her place first. Speaking of which..." Lagann then turned and stopped in a driveway, that driveway being the one outside Nia's home. Lagann's hatch opened up, but before Simon could even exit the mecha, he was glomped by Nia, who had been waiting outside her house for him. "Simon!"

    As Simon's airways were being blocked by Nia's hug, he attempted to speak. "Good to see you too, Nia." Simon managed to choke the sentence out before Nia let him go. She stepped back and acted as if everything was normal, while Simon and Kamina stared at her. "...What is it? Is there something on my face?" She asked. "W-Well...I kinda thought you'd be a bit more surprised that I'm sitting in a big metal face." Simon explained. Nia looked down, finally noticing Lagann. Her eyes widened at the sight for a moment. "Oh...I suppose that is rather unusual. But maybe I didn't notice because you look so...Hmm..." Nia seemed to be struggling to find the right word. "I suppose it's because you look so natural sitting inside of that machine." Nia said with a smile. "Natural?" Simon asked, his face turning red. Kamina then bro-hugged Simon, a large grin on his face. "See, what'd I tell ya! Even Nia can tell that you're meant to use Lagann!" Kamina said. "Lagann? That's a great name for it! It fits perfectly!" Nia said happily. Simon's face grew more red. "T-Thanks...Anyway, what about your dad? Should we go after him?" Simon asked. "I don't know...I saw him drive toward the large mountain structure...A place that makes even my father fearful can't be safe." Speaking about her father potentially being in danger scared Nia, that much was obvious from her tone of voice. "...D-Don't worry, Nia. Bro and I will go and make sure your dad stays safe!" Simon said slightly hesitantly. He was about to activate Lagann's thrusters again, but Nia stopped him by grabbing on to his arm. Simon looked to Nia, confused. "Simon, please...Take me with you." Nia said. Simon was surprised to hear this, and was immediately going to tell her no, but he saw the determination in Nia's eyes. It told Simon that Nia was going to go with him and Kamina whether they liked it or not. "I need to show my father that I'm not a little child anymore. I can handle myself." Simon sighed. "Okay, Nia. You can come with us." Simon said. Nia smiled, happy that Simon agreed. Kamina held out his hand. "Hop in, little lady." He said with a friendly wink before Nia took his hand, allowing Kamina to lift her into Lagann. Nia settled herself into Lagann before the hatch closed, limiting the amount of space that Kamina and Nia had behind Simon. The two of them were uncomfortably squished together arm-to-arm. "My apologies, Simon's Brother, there is not much room to move in here..." Nia said, somewhat embarrassed. "Don't worry about it...Simon, get goin'!" Kamina said, wanting to get there as fast as possible. "You got it! Brace yourself, Nia!" Simon said as Lagann's thrusters re-engaged, causing the head-mecha to go forward at high speeds toward Honnouji Academy.

    -Insert Lordgenome Banner Here-
    ~Earlier That Day: Tokyo Streets; Lordgenome's Car~
    Lordgenome continued to drive toward Honnouji Academy. Images of apparent past experiences flashed in his mind. None of them were pleasant. "Ragyo...You were told to close that school permanently...What are you doing back here?" Lordgenome thought. Lordgenome turned the radio to the news station, to hear that they were covering the appearance of the school. "bzzt-at the once-barren outskirts of Tokyo, where the long-gone and forgotten school known as Honnouji Academy, as well as it's surrounding living quarters, have literally emerged from the ground. When we asked one of her representatives about what Student Council President Ragyo Kiryuuin had to say about the re-opening of the school, we were told that Ragyo Kiryuuin is not the Student Council President and that, in a shocking turn of events, the title belongs to her daughter, Satsuki Kiryuuin." Said the voice of the news anchor woman. Hearing this horrified Lordgenome. It was unknown why, however. "S-Satsuki...No...Ragyo, you have gone too far this time!" Lordgenome said aloud, his grip on the car's steering wheel tightening. "This has been Jernet Jerkson, reporting for Radio 1.1037. Thank you, and have a good day." The news anchor's voice stopped, and a commercial for stain remover began playing on the radio, prompting Lordgenome to turn it off. "Got those pesky neon pink stains splattered on your bathroom wall? Knock 'em out of the park with the new "Home Run Stain Remover Spray"! It's cleansing power is so strong, you could cover up a murder with it-bzzt" Lordgenome sighed. He knew now that he had to get to the school fast. Lordgenome's foot pressed slightly harder on the gas pedal. "I will put a stop to this myself if I have to."
    Post by: Lite, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Lite
    OOC: In regards to the post I made a while back containing the opening of Kill la Kill's Honnouji Academy, that post is officially retconned. It never happened. Honnouji Academy is not located in the United States. I will delete that post momentarily to solidify the retcon. The following post will be the real opening of Honnouji Academy. This post is very important, so please read at least to the end of the fourth paragraph, as it introduces a new location and characters. And yes, before you ask, it was approved by NutheadBros.

    ~ Early Morning That Day: Tokyo Outskirts~​

    Tokyo's quiet outskirts. An empty and lifeless place where nothing especially noteworthy takes place. Businesses and buildings have been built and destroyed here over the years, but for the longest time this area has been a blank slate, completely unused. However, as the sun rose on this day, that truth would no longer be correct. Today, a new facility of education would rise, one that Nintendo High once knew as a bitter rival.

    The ground of the outskirts began lightly rumbling. That rumbling quickly grew stronger and stronger, to the point that people within the city of Tokyo could feel the vibrations. The ground of the outskirts began to split apart, revealing some kind of underground holding area. The area was massive, implying that whatever was held inside was equally massive. Onlookers would begin to notice something emerging from the now fully opened hole in the ground, something that resembled the top of a building. It continued to rise, eventually revealing the entirety of the large building that contained a large round courtyard. Already this building out-sized Nintendo High, but it wasn't done rising yet. The structure continued to rise, revealing that it sat upon an upward-spiraling city. Initially, the homes looked very well built and polished, but as the structure continued to rise, the quality of the homes decreased, eventually leading to what could easily be described as a slums area. Finally, the massive structure stopped rising, showing it's incredible size to anyone in Tokyo who looked in it's direction. It towered over Tokyo like a giant, completely dwarfing any building or structure in Tokyo, or even Japan. Due to it's size, the very bottom of the structure just barely touched the city of Tokyo. This structure was Honnou City, and at the top of it all was the prestigious Honnouji Academy. Students that already were enrolled stood in the courtyard of the school in a perfect horizontal line facing away from the school itself and looking toward the exit, each one wearing a light-grey uniform with a single black star on it. Before them stood one of the school's higher-ups, a large man named Ira Gamagori.


    Ira silently watched the students for the slightest sign of misbehavior. His silence was broken, however, when he heard echoing sound of the highest power in the school stepping up to her pedestal. He looked up to her, the light of the sun reflecting off of her in a glorious radiance. Ira's life was dedicated to serving this woman. He placed his hand over his heart and uttered her name quietly to himself. "Lady Satsuki..." His gaze then turned back to the students. "Attention!!!" He yelled, his powerful voice echoing through the school. "Lady Satsuki Kiryuuin, the Student Council President, stands before you!! SALUTE!!!" Ira ordered. Every last student turned 180 degrees and placed their right arms out before them, their forearms angled perfectly in front of their chests, saluting their one true leader: Satsuki Kiryuuin.

    Satsuki Kiryuuin, Student Council President and overall leader of Honnouji Academy, stood at the edge of her podium, which was high up above the school's courtyard. She held her sheathed sword, Bakuzan, out in front of her like a can of sorts. The grip was pointed upward with Satsuki's two hands covering the bottom, while the covered blade pointed downward, the tip touching the podium floor that she stood on. Her dark-blue hair flowed in the wind as she began to speak. "Fear is Freedom! Control is Liberty! Contradiction is Truth! That is the reality of this world!" She called out, her dictatorial voice echoing across the entirety of the school and the cities below. "Listen well, you pigs in human clothing, and submit to that reality!!" The light that radiated from her intensified, lighting up the city of Tokyo below.

    -Insert Lordgenome and Nia Tepellin Banners Here-
    ~ Early Morning That Day: Tokyo; Tepellin Residence~
    Nia was quietly sitting in the living area of her home reading her favorite book, titled "Harry Potter and the Cursed Toilet Seat", when some rumbling followed by a bright light from one of the windows in the room shined in her eyes, blocking her view. She squinted as the light hit her eyes before placing the book down on the table next to her, making sure to keep the book open on the page she was on by laying the open pages face-down. Blocking the light with her hand, Nia attempted to get a look at what was causing such a bright light, but her eyes couldn't see through the blinding light. A few moments passed and the light began to fade, slowly revealing the source. It was the massive Honnouji Academy, which had just risen from the ground mere moments before. Nia looked over to the other side of the room, where her father, Lordgenome, was hard at work on some school-related paperwork.
    "Father? What is that?" Nia asked. Putting his pen down, Lordgenome stood up and walked over to the window that Nia was standing by. He looked out the window and immediately saw what Nia was referring to. His reaction was a mixture of confusion and terror. "N-No...How can this be?" Lordgenome said, his voice trembling. Nia was understandably confused by this. "What's wrong, Father? Is it the government coming to try and take away your driver's licence again?" Nia asked. "It's nothing, sweetheart. Just...A place I thought I would never see again." Lordgenome stepped away from the window before walking over to the front door next to said window. He grabbed his large brown jacket from the hook on the wall next to the door and put it on before turning to Nia once more. "Nia, I have to...Run an errand. You stay here, I won't be gone long." Lordgenome said, sounding slightly worried. "O-Okay, Father. Enjoy your errand." Nia said, also somewhat worried. The only time she'd ever been told to stay home and not go with her father was when he was doing something dangerous. This must have been one of those times. "R-Right...I love you, Nia." Lordgenome said. "I love you too, Father." Nia replied before her father exited their home. Nia watched from the window as Lordgenome entered his car, started it up and drove off in the direction of Honnouji Academy. Her worry growing, Nia quickly reached for the nearest telephone and entered in a phone number. She waited as the sound of the call going through played in her ear.

    ~ Early Morning That Day: Tokyo Dump~
    "C'mon, Simon! You'll never master yer dad's gift if all you do is whine!" Yelled Kamina to his younger soul-brother Simon, who was sitting inside Lagann. "I'm fine with practicing, Bro...But do we really have to do it at the dump?" Simon asked, looking around at the piled of garbage. "Hell yeah we do! Your old man used Lagann to dig through dirt on a daily basis. Diggin' through junk is in your blood, Simon!" Kamina said, attempting to get Simon to see it his way. "I think there's a difference between dirt and garbage, bro-" Simon was cut off as he heard the sound of his phone's ringtone play in his pocket. Taking the phone out, he saw that it was Nia's number calling. Simon quickly answered the call before speaking. "Hello? Nia?" Simon said into the phone. "H-Hello, Simon, I hope this is not a bad time..." Nia said, a tone of worry in her voice. "Not at all, Nia. What's up?" "Did you feel the rumbling and see the bright light that came from that large building that appeared just outside of Tokyo?" Nia asked. Simon thought for a moment. He didn't remember anything like that, but he had been buried in a pile of garbage not long ago, so he assumed he had missed the things Nia spoke of. However, to save time, Simon said the opposite. "Y-Yeah, I did." "W-Well, when I showed my father what I saw, he looked worried and scared...Then he left, saying he had to run an errand." Nia explained. "Hmm...Well, I suppose he could just be actually running a simple errand." Simon said. "I do not think so. Father always takes me with him when he leaves home. The only time he doesn't is when he's doing something dangerous..." Nia continued, sounding more and more scared after each passing moment. Simon thought for a moment. "Hang on, Nia. I'll be at your place as soon as I can!" Simon said confidently. Nia felt relieved to hear Simon say this. "Okay, Simon. I'll be waiting for you." She said before hanging up. "So what'd Nia want?" Kamina asked, having apparently moved himself right next to Simon to eavesdrop on their conversation, much to Simon's dismay. "Something's wrong, Bro...Apparently some big building showed up and her dad got worried by it, and she thinks he left to go investigate. He could be in danger!" Simon explained. "So? Why's it our problem if that bald-headed jerk wants to-" Kamina stopped when he saw the determination in Simon's eyes. A smile grew on Kamina's face. "Y'know what, screw it, let's go meet up with yer girl Nia!" Kamina said, hopping into Lagann. The spiraling energy meter on Lagann's display filled and Lagann's hatch closed, protecting Simon and Kamina from the outside. The thrusters on Lagann's back sprung to life and shot the small mecha out of the dump and into the city streets, where it made it's way to the Tepellin residence.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 2, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Lite
    It's a shame to see you go, friend. We've enjoyed having you as a part of the Cove family, and respect your decision. I hope you're RPing future is a joyful one. Oh, one last thing...

    Post by: Lite, Feb 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Lite
    I'm also making reserves for me and a couple others. I'm reserving Marshal (Pokémon) and Grimsley (Pokémon), DarkTraitor is reserving Shauntal (Pokémon), and The Hero of Time is reserving Caitlin (Pokémon).
    Post by: Lite, Feb 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Lite
  12. Lite

    The Wonderful 100 (The Wonderful 101)

    Which is technically just seven actual characters and 93 mooks used to form the main seven's weapons.

    Those seven characters being:

    Will Wedgewood/Wonder-Red
    Eliot Hooker/Wonder-Blue
    Jean-Sébastien Renault/Wonder-Green
    Mariana Kretzulesco/Wonder-Pink
    Ivan Istochnikov/Wonder-Yellow
    Momoe Byakkoin/Wonder-White
    Krishna Ramanujan/Wonder-Black
    Post by: Lite, Feb 23, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Lite
    ~Temporal Tower; The Battle Begins!~

    "ATTACK!" called the once-defeated Beastman General, Thymilph, from within his Gunman. That single word sparked the beginning of what many knew would be an important battle in the fight to defeat the Spiral King once and for all. Those who were with Team Dai-Gurren when Thymilph was originally defeated were naturally surprised by the fact that he once again stood against them, but one in particular was overwhelmed with different feelings at the sound of Thymilph's voice.
    "N-No...How is he...!?" said Genome, who shakily sat in Lazengann's Lagann head while his current co-pilot, Noriko Takaya, sat in Lazengann's torso Gunman; Zen.
    Noriko's face appeared on Lagann's heads-up display as she communicated with him from within Zen.
    "Genome, don't let them trick you! You saw what happened to Thymilph back when we took the Dai-Gurren, right?"

    Flashbacks of Thymilph's death played in Genome's head, reminding him of the bitter sweet victory.
    "Y-Yeah...I do..." He replied hesitantly.

    "Then you know that the Thymilph you cared for is gone! That one must be an impostor!"
    Genome gripped Lagann's handles tightly.
    "Right...That one's a fake...There's only one Thymilph...And he's gone!" Genome yelled as his body, and by extension Lazengann's body, began to burn with anger, sadness and fighting spirit all at once, causing Lagann's energy meter to fill completely. The black Gunman leaped from the Dai-Gurren and landed on the ground.

    "ZEXIS, it's time to give 'em hell! ATTACK!" Dayakka yelled from within the Dai-Gurren, his voice echoing across the battlefield as it blared from the Dai-Gun's external speakers.
    All of ZEXIS's prepared mecha were free to attack as the enemy's forces simultaneously charged at them.

    Immediately, Genome ran straight for the Gunman that the supposed fake Thymilph was piloting, letting out a yell as Lazengann's fist reeled back for a punch. However, Genome's charge was cut short by the foot of Viral's Enkidu as it kicked Lazengann in the upper face, causing Lazengann to slide backwards.

    "You humans must be stupider than you look if you think I'm going to let you even attempt to harm General Thymilph again." Viral said to Genome, his arms crossed along with Enkidu's, as he stood between Genome and Thymilph.
    Lazengann recovered from the kick before Genome responded to Viral.
    "Cut the crap, Viral. You know as well as I do that Thymilph is dead! I don't know what kind of sick trick you're trying to play here, but I'm not falling for it!" Genome called out as Lazengann again threw a punch, this time at Enkidu, who blocked and grabbed the fist that was coming for it, Viral laughing fiendishly as it happened.

    "Trick? You think you're being tricked? I know you're just a child, but I expected a bit more intelligence from the one who becomes my king! The Thymilph that stands before you now is the very same one that you brutish humans murdered! I was given the opportunity of a lifetime: The chance to bring General Thymilph back from the dead! Only this time, the glorious General Thymilph sports a new body! One that never tires and cannot be killed!"
    Enkidu pushed Lazengann back as it removed the blade from it's head.
    While Viral's tone of voice was that of confidence, the dislike of the revival method still burned in the back of his head.
    Lazengann again recovered from being pushed away before staring Enkidu down.
    "If you want to get to General Thymilph, my will-be king, you'll have to go through me first!"

    "Gladly." Genome said as two drills emerged from each hand, allowing Genome's punches to have additional damage done.

    OOC: Many thanks to DarkTraitor for allowing me to use Noriko in this post. I'll get a post in as my other characters soon. Everyone else with characters in ZEXIS, feel free to begin fighting now. Those mooks ain't gonna fight themselves ya know. ;D
    Post by: Lite, Feb 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Lite

    Nightwing (Damian Wayne)

    Not to be confused with Hector's reserve of the Dick Greyson Nightwing. This one is from the Regime universe, as shown in the game/comic series Injustice: Gods Among Us.

    Also sorry for the triple post. lol

    EDIT: Also reserving:

    Lawrence Nelson (The Wonderful 101)
    Alice MacGregor (The Wonderful 101)
    Prince Vorkken (The Wonderful 101)
    Immorta (The Wonderful 101)
    ????????? (The Wonderful 101)
    Post by: Lite, Feb 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Lite
    Definitely. Given Little Mac's, well...Little size, there's no doubt he'll be in the light weight class. It'd be a tad weird for someone of his stature to be a heavy weight, or even a medium weight, if that's even a thing in Smash.

    That's probably true, haha. Thing is though, I'm what one would call a competitive smash player. Not a pro, not even close, but yeah. I was too young to take Melee seriously when it was out (I was like...6 when it came out), and Brawl was not very competitive-friendly (in my opinion), so Smash 4 will really be the first game where I (hope I) can actually dedicate myself to a character or two and learn the ins-and-outs of those characters while not having to worry about whether or not I was going to trip the next time I turned around. Seriously who thought tripping was a good idea...But that's a topic for another time. Also I don't mean to come off as one of those "NO ITEMS FOX ONLY FINAL DESTINATION" guys, I just like to have a game where one kind of player isn't just left out, so both competitive play and casual play can be enjoyed equally. I can only hope that Smash 4 can cater to both kinds of players.

    tl;dr: I hope Smash 4 is friendly to both competitive and casual players.
    Post by: Lite, Feb 16, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  16. Lite
    Little Mac had me so hyped when I first saw his announcement trailer during the Direct. I've never played any of the Punch Out titles myself, but I still have a great amount of respect for the titles as Nintendo Classics, which is why Little Mac's been one of my most-wanted for a while now.

    Before Mac's reveal, I wasn't sure who my main was gonna be. I was torn between Sonic, Rosalina or Mega Man, but after seeing what Little Mac is capable of in that trailer, I'm so tempted to go with him. His ground game is insane; he's so fast both in running speed and attack speed, he has a counter, super armor on some of his moves, he can run under Mario's fireballs and completely fly past Mega Man's fully-charged buster like it's nothing, plus he's got that unique meter mechanic (which I can only assume was in a previous Punch Out game). And to avoid being OP, his air game is not good at all, as Doc so kindly pointed out in the trailer, so staying on the stage is his #1 priority.

    All in all, Little Mac is one of the hypest reveals yet in my opinion.
    Post by: Lite, Feb 15, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  17. Lite
    I'm quite pleased with all of the new designs, though Knuckles looks like he went a little overboard with steroids.

    As for the game, I'm very excited for it, because from what I've seen it looks more open and explorable than past Sonic titles. What I'm most interested in seeing, though, is how Amy is portrayed in this game, as her new design seem to give off a much different vibe than her old one did. She seems less like a...I don't want to say "damsel in distress" because she doesn't quite fit that title (she could handle herself much better than someone like Princess Peach), but she seems more capable now. Like she could take on a horde of enemies by herself. That's just how it comes across to me, anyway.

    If this were to happen I would buy that game in a heartbeat. No questions asked.
    Post by: Lite, Feb 7, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  18. Lite

    May (Guilty Gear series)
    Johnny Sfondi (Guilty Gear series)
    Dizzy (Guilty Gear series)
    Slayer (Guilty Gear series)
    Ramletherl Valentine (Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-)
    That Man (Guilty Gear series)

    May, Dizzy and Slayer do not have confirmed last names. And yes, there is a character called "That Man".
    Post by: Lite, Feb 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Lite
    Proof of this:

    Baalmon and Beelzemon are the same thing, just in case you didn't know.

    Volcdoramon and Menervamon, however, are free as far as I know.
    Post by: Lite, Feb 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Lite

    ~Temporal Tower: The Battle Begins~
    Pilots manned their mecha and on-foot fighters readied themselves, for the Battle for Temporal Tower was mere moments from beginning. The large force that opposed ZEXIS loomed in the distance with a murderous air about it. This terrified some members of ZEXIS, while others were more than ready to put their lives on the line to win this fight.
    Sonic, who was standing out on the Dai-Gurren's bladewang alongside Tails and Shadow as well as each of their younger selves, whistled at the scale of the enemy force.
    "There sure are a lot of 'em." Sonic said with his usual confident smirk. C. Sonic merely nodded in agreement.

    "Leeron and I made sure all of the mecha on the Dai-Gurren were in top-shape before readying them for launch, so this fight shouldn't be too much of a struggle." Tails said in response to Sonic, sounding somewhat proud of himself.
    "Please. As if a bunch of grunts would be anything more than a minor annoyance. If our air support does their job right, Sonic and I may not even need to use our Super forms." said Shadow, arms crossed as usual.
    "Tough talk comin' from someone who's not even half the size of one o' those things." Sonic snarkily said to Shadow.
    "Have you forgotten my title, you blue buffoon? I'm the-"
    "Ultimate Life form, yeah yeah, I've heard that speech about a billion times before. Look, all I'm sayin' is that we shouldn't underestimate a force that big, especially when it's full of mechs and ships that are ten times bigger than we are! We don't even have mechs of our own to use." Sonic said, being unusually cautious.
    "Correction: You two-er, four don't have mechs of your own to use. Me and...Well, myself were working on something on the way here, and we managed to finish it just before I needed to help Leeron fix up everyone else's mecha. Wait here, little Tails and I will be right back." Tails said, leading his younger self along.
    "I wonder what they were workin' on."
    "Going by what Tails said, probably a mech of some kind."
    "I dunno, Tails is more of a plane kind o' kid."
    "Sonic! Over here!" Called Tails' voice from a distance.
    Sonic, C. Sonic, Shadow and C. Shadow looked to the source of the voice, where an unidentified plane was seen, which was assumed to be piloted by Tails and Classic Tails.
    "Told ya." Sonic said, elbowing Shadow jokingly.
    The plane Tails was flying was not like any plane Sonic had seen before.
    Descending down to the left side of the Dai-Gurren's bladewang, the two cockpits opened, revealing Modern Tails in the front and Classic in the back.

    Each of the Tails' handed their respective Sonics and Shadows what appeared to be headsets with either a green or red semi-transparent device that went over the left eye.
    "These communicators are linked up to everyone's mecha and our three battleships so you can communicate when you need to." Tails explained, his voice also playing through the communicators.
    "And they're equipped with a device that lets you see the details of enemy machinery. Power output, remaining ammunition, stuff like that."
    "Nice job, guys! C'mon, Shadow, let's hop on." Sonic said, turning to his less enthusiastic friend.
    "Don't you mean "in"?" Shadow asked.
    "Nope." Sonic responded as he grabbed Shadow by the arm and jumped on to the back of Tails' new plane, each Hedgehog standing on one of the two engines.
    The two classic hedgehogs did the same.
    Each of the cockpits closed as the plane ascended, allowing them to fly just above the Dai-Gurren.

    "By the way, this is the X-Tornado FII." Tails said over the comms.
    "What's the F stand for?"
    "FII stands for 'Fennec II'. We scrapped my younger self's old mecha to rebuild it into what it is now. It's got a set of deployable legs that allows it to function like my old Cyclone, but both cockpits are positioned back-to-back so the two of us can get a 360 degree view of the area. It's also got a flight-based battle mode where the engines are used as arms to either punch stuff or use the new-and-improved Fen-Blades. It's also able to use both of those functions at once to form a full mecha, but due to the energy needed to power the weapons and movement, it's reserved for last-resort type situations." Tails explained.
    "I've got to admit, I'm somewhat impressed." Shadow said, somewhat hesitant with his words.
    "You know it's cool." Sonic responded jokingly.

    Meanwhile, the rest of ZEXIS was preparing. Several mecha were activating as their pilots entered their cockpits.
    "All Dai-Gurren forces, activate your mecha now. You'll be ordered to launch as soon as we're within optimal range. Remember, we're dealing with the ground forces! Do not let any of them get any cheap shots on our air support!" Dayakka said over the Dai-Gurren's comms.
    Finally, all of the mecha on each of the ships sprung to life by order of their respective commanders. Everything from Mazinger Z to Gurren Lagann to Nirvash, even the large assortment of Gundams. Every member of ZEXIS was ready to strike on command. All they needed now was just that; The command to strike.
    However, while ZEXIS had prepared themselves for battle, the opposition at the Temporal Tower was also prepared.

    Leading a team of Gunmen that made up a good portion of the enemy force was Viral, who piloted a Gunman of his own, the Enkidu. The Gunman's arms were crossed as it stood and watched the approaching team known as ZEXIS.
    The sight of the Dai-Gun that was once the Dai-Gunzan being used as a human vessel caused Viral's blood to boil.
    "How dare those naked apes defile General Thymilph's Dai-Gunzan with their filthy hands. They will pay for his death with their lives." Viral said to himself.
    Enkidu turned slightly, it's "eyes" looking at a particular member of the force; A non-standard upgraded Gunman that was piloted by the revived Thymilph. Viral didn't like the idea of bringing the dead back to life, especially in the way Thymilph was, but the Spiral King's orders came before his own feelings.
    "All troops! Your orders are simple: Eliminate the enemy force! Do not let them harm General Thymilph again! And if you can, make sure the stolen Dai-Gun remains in one piece. It may have been poisoned by human filth, but that doesn't mean it can't be cleansed! Any other vessels can and must be eradicated!" Viral ordered.
    Viral gripped Enkidu's controls, ready to move the instant the enemy was within range.
    "I will not be put to shame again...Especially not by that idiot Kamina!" Viral thought as he waited.
    Post by: Lite, Jan 31, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home