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  1. Lite
    Green Hill. Somehow he always found himself coming back here. Maybe it was the peacefulness of the vibrant green landscape, or perhaps it was how freely he could run through the area, or maybe it was as simple as nostalgia. Whatever the reason, the blue blur known as Sonic the Hedgehog spent a lot of time in this serene area in between his various adventures. At the moment he was taking a run through Green Hill, running under waterfalls and through the naturally-made shuttle loops he loved oh so much. He could see it, just ahead was the makeshift goal post Sonic had made out of wood and leaves. It was a straight shot, it would only be a few seconds before he'd finish his run.

    3. Almost there.

    2. Even closer now. Sonic held out his arm.

    1. Time seemed to slow down around Sonic. His outstretched hand was around the wooden goal post now. He began to close his hand to claim victory.

    However, his victory was cut short when, as he went to grab the goal post, he instead grabbed...Nothing. The confusion caused Sonic to trip and fall on his face. He sat up and removed the dirt from his face.
    "Ouch..." He groaned as he looked at his goal post-less hand and back to the spot where the goal post once was, only to find...Nothing. "Disappearing goal posts. That's not normal." He said half-sarcastically.
    Suddenly and shockingly, the horizon Sonic saw broke apart before him...literally. It was as if he was looking at a painted window that had a stone thrown into it. The Green Hill he had just ran through broke into shards before his eyes.
    "That's...less normal." What was left in the area where Green Hill once stood was nothing but white, similar to the time-less white world Sonic restored in a previous adventure.
    He began to reach into the whiteness, when suddenly the shards of glass started re-forming. But what was made from the shards was not Green Hill. It was a landscape completely foreign to Sonic. He looked down at the ground. There was an obvious split between the two landscapes, as the bright green grass of Green Hill did not fit alongside the darker green grass of this new landscape.
    Barely taking a step into the unknown land, Sonic felt a sudden sharp pain in his head, causing him to drop to his knees and grip his head, his eyes shut tight from the pain. An image of a man cloaked in blue appeared in his mind. The man stood in black emptiness as he called out to Sonic. He asked for Sonic's help. He asked that Sonic help in saving not only the world, but the very fabric of existence. He was told to meet this blue-cloaked figure in the center of the forest, before finally the figure faded from his mind.
    Returning to reality, Sonic opened his eyes. The pain left his head in an instant, prompting Sonic to let go of himself and stand up. Looking around, he found that he was now in the unknown land that had formed within Green Hill. He turned around to look back at his home world, only to find that it wasn't there anymore, instead he saw more of this unknown world. He was stuck in this foreign land with nothing but a cryptic message to guide him. Sonic
    took a good look around him. None of what he saw looked familiar. He crossed his arms and began tapping his foot, already anxious from standing still for too long.
    "Great. Right when I'm about to beat a record, too. Jeez..." Sonic complained. He looked to the horizon. There didn't look to be anything noteworthy in sight aside from a forest, prompting an annoyed sigh from the hedgehog. "Well, the guy did say to meet him in the middle of a forest. Guess that one up there is my best bet." He said to himself before taking off, running full-speed toward the forest he saw in the distance.
    As the blue hedgehog ran towards the distant forest, he was unaware that he was being watched from a distance by a strong Pokémon Trainer from the Kanto Region: Blue, ex-Champion and current Viridian City Gym Leader. Blue took out his Pokédex as he attempted to get data on Sonic, who Blue assumed was an undiscovered species of Pokémon. He was irritated when the Pokédex gave no information.
    "Well that bites. Here I thought I was gonna catch me a brand new Pokémon before anyone else." Blue complained. He looked in his bag, confirming what he had seen earlier when he first arrived in this strange world. All of his spare Pokéballs were missing. "Not like I coulda caught it anyway. I guess this weird world likes to eat peoples' Pokéballs." He said to himself.
    Blue let out a sigh as he closed his bag. He could joke about it all he wanted, but he knew he was in a serious predicament. He'd been taken from Kanto, told to meet some strange cloaked guy in the middle of a forest, and to make matters worse he only had half of his Pokémon team on him, despite having his full team of six before being taken to this world.
    Blue released his Aerodactyl from it's Pokéball and hopped on it's back. He pointed to the forest that the blue spiked Pokémon (Sonic) had been running towards.

    "That way, Aerodactyl. If we're gonna find out what's goin' on, getting to the center of that forest is our best bet." Blue ordered. Aerodactyl complied with a powerful cry before taking flight toward the forest.
    Post by: Lite, May 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Lite
  3. Lite
  4. Lite
  5. Lite
    Can I get a Sit instead?
    Post by: Lite, May 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Lite
    OOC: Long and Important post ahead. If you wish, you can skip to the section that begins with Genome's banner and go from there.

    ~Temporal Tower: Xros Gattai and the Appearance of a New Enemy!~


    Ryoma watched with a confident smile as Gurren Lagann and Lazengann switched their combined Laganns around to make Gurren Lagann Xros and Lazengann Xros.
    "Everything that guy does is insane. And yet it still works." Ryoma commented. Turning Getter Robo toward the newly-introduced Insalaum forces, Ryoma contacted all other members of ZEXIS, prepared to give an order despite not being considered a "leader". "Alright, listen up! We gotta protect Gurren Lagann Xros and Lazengann Xros while they finish Thymilph and Viral off! Don't let these new guys get an inch closer!" Ryoma ordered.
    "Oh yeah? Who died and made you team leader? Ah, who th' hell am I kidding, as long as I can kick these punks' asses I don't care who gave the order!" Ken exclaimed from within Mazinkaiser SKL's cockpit, a sadistic smile growing on his face.
    Ryo sighed. "Sometimes I wonder how I deal with a psychopath like you as my co-pilot." He said jokingly.
    "You should count yourself lucky. I've got two to deal with." Hayato responded, also jokingly.
    "Oi! Quit flappin' your gums and let's get this started already!" Jin yelled. "Rossiu, you ready for this?"
    "Y-Yes! I'll do my best!" Rossiu responded, tightening his grip on Blodia's controls.
    "Heh, you guys act like this is gonna be a tough fight." Kidd commented.
    "You've got Team Dai-Gurren on your side. Victory is essentially guaranteed." Iraak added.
    "If that's the case, then let's do this!" Kouji yelled, charging Mazinger straight into the fight.
    Getter Robo, Mazinkaiser SKL, Blodia (with Jin on it's shoulder), Kidd Knuckle and Einzer followed suit, ready to protect the Xros-combined mecha while Genome dealt with the indestructible Thymilph.


    Several yellow energy bolts flew into the fight, piercing distracted enemies, as Heero, Haruko, Naota and Canti (the last two in their combined form) re-entered the fight at the Tower.
    "Forward, Heero-kun! Kill them all with explodey goodness!" Haruko called, sitting on Wing Gundam's shoulder and pointing toward the warzone.
    Heero silently complied- or as he likes to call it: "Chose to do so himself"- and charged into the fight, getting in as many long-range shots as possible before having to switch to closer-range tactics.
    Naota-Canti, on the other hand, charged in even further, using their combined strength to pound the enemy into the ground.

    Finally, Genome was no longer in his Lazengann, but instead was piloting the newly formed Gurren Lagann Xros alongside Kamina, while Simon piloted the also newly-formed Lazengann Xros alongside Noriko. While the structural make-up of the machines were generally the same, there was one major difference; The color scheme of the mecha had changed. Instead of retaining it's traditional red color scheme, all traces of red on Gurren Lagann had turned the same shade of black as Lazengann, save for the Team Dai-Gurren logos on the shoulder guards. The same went for the Simon/Noriko-made Lazengann. Instead of turning black, it was mostly red with yellow and light-blue details, similar to Gurren Lagann.
    "Genome! This guy knows you from his past, right? If we can't break his body, the only way to do this is to break his spirit, and make an enemy into a friend! It's down to you, my second blood brother!" Kamina told Genome after the Xros Combinations finished.
    "Break his spirit and make an enemy a friend...Right!" Genome responded.
    Though he sounded confident, a thick layer of fear and hesitation was just waiting to burst from Genome. There was no questioning it: It was up to Genome- and only Genome- to get the indestructible Thymilph on their side.
    Genome looked to the now on-foot Thymilph, whose hammer was at the ready. Noticing this- the fact that Thymilph was even attempting to fight a combined Gunman with just his hammer- seemed very odd to Genome.
    "Thymilph! Please, don't do this! You don't have to fight us like this!" Genome pleaded.
    Thymilph gripped the handle of his hammer tighter.
    "Yes, I do! These are the orders given to me by the Spiral King! AND I WILL NOT DISOBEY!" Thymilph called out as he jumped into the air. This is where Genome was even more confused. Thymilph- the rather large gorilla who was wearing heavy armor and wielding an even heavier weapon- had just jumped high enough to be at face-level with Genome's Lagann while combined.
    Genome didn't have time to think that over, as Thymilph was coming down fast and preparing a swing, which was blocked by Gurren Lagann Xros's arms.
    The hammer hit and it hit hard. Unnaturally hard. So hard that it pushed the mecha into the ground slightly and left a dent on it's arms.
    "What the hell!? How is he this strong!?" Genome thought before he and Kamina used their combined strength to push Thymilph away. The revived general landed on the ground with a mighty boom before preparing himself for another attack.
    "This isn't right...None of this is. He's too reckless. Too strong. No way is he this strong naturally." Genome thought before speaking to Thymilph again. "Think about what you just said to me before you attacked! You're orders came from the Spiral King, Lordgenome Teppelin. And he and I are the sa-" Genome stopped himself. He remembered the conversations he's had with Kamina, Noriko and anyone else about how different he is from his older self.
    "No. He and I aren't the same. All we share is a name. He is Lordgenome Teppelin, The Spiral King and the murderer of innocent humans who didn't deserve to die! I am Lordgenome Teppelin, the one who took care of not only you, but Guame, Cytomander and Adiane, too! To me, you aren't veterans of war that I give orders to! You're my best friends that I would give anything for!" Genome said to Guame, his eyes tearing up as he spoke.
    Thymilph began to grow hesitant.
    "I-I...Y-You aren't..."
    "I don't want to fight you! I don't want to watch you die again! I wouldn't be able to face that again! So please, Thymilph...Just stop this senseless fighting. That's all that I want. That's all that we want." Genome continued.
    Thymilph's grip on his hammer began to loosen. However, as this happened, he felt an unnatural force come over his body.

    -Location Switch: Secluded room within the Temporal Tower-

    Kabuto was low to the ground, hunched over a grid he had made containing one small light-blue pebble. This grid was meant to represent the battlefield just outside the tower, with the sphere representing Thymilph. The sphere shook slightly, signifying Thymilph's hesitance.
    "My, my, it looks like the Reanimated beast is letting his emotions get the best of him. What a shame, he was doing so well." Kabuto said sarcastically before making a single hand sign. "But we can't have feelings getting in the way of progress now can we?" Kabuto added with a fiendish smile. The sphere then stopped shaking.

    -Location Switch: Battlefield outside the Tower

    "I...C-can't...I fight!" Thymilph choked out before charging at Gurren Lagann Xros once more, letting out a distressed battle cry.
    "This isn't good...It's almost like he has no control over his movements!" Genome realized, dodging the swings from Thymilph's hammer, despite the hammer being much smaller than Gurren Lagann Xros. Finally, Genome saw an opening and took the opportunity to lock Thymilph in place by stepping on him with Gurren Lagann Xros's large foot. He knew Thymilph would be fine after being stepped on, as he'd survived Kamina and Kallen's combo attack not long before now.
    After being stepped on, only Thymilph's upper body was visible while the rest was crushed beneath Gurren Lagann Xros's foot. Acting quickly, Thymilph raised his hammer to attack, only for a single slender drill to emerge from a hole on Gurren Lagann Xros's leg and take the hammer away by wrapping around it and pulling it from Thymilph's unnaturally strong grasp before tossing it out of his reach.
    "Thymilph, what's the matter with you? Why do keep going with this pointless fight!?"
    "B-Because I-ngh!" Thymilph's words were cut off yet again as he felt something overcome him.

    -Location Switch: Inside Temporal Tower

    Kabuto sighed, his fiendish grin still stuck on his face, as Thymilph's emotions were once again hindering his performance.
    "I didn't want to do this, but you've left me no choice, Beastman." Kabuto said somewhat sarcastically before performing a single hand sign.
    "Now, let's see if having your emotions ripped out of you enhances your battle prowess." Kabuto said as he returned to watching the small blue pebble on his battlefield diagram.

    -Location Switch: Outside Temporal Tower

    Thymilph felt every emotion leave him in an instant, causing him to only focus on fighting and killing anyone not on his side. He started this by grabbing on to the edge of Gurren Lagann Xros's foot and pushing. Most would think it was an impossible thing to attempt, but Thymilph was making progress as the mechs' foot slowly began releasing it's hold on him.
    "What the hell!? How's he hitting us this hard!?" Kamina cursed from within Gurren.
    "No idea, but I think I know what I need to do!" Genome replied. He then began to think quickly about how he would go about his plan.
    "So far he's shown signs of hesitation whenever I tried to persuade him into stopping the fight, but something's sent him back into fighting full-strength every time..." Genome thought.
    The distressed looks on Thymilph's face whenever he would be hesitant about attacking flashed through Genome's mind.
    "It's almost like he doesn't want to fight...But something- or someone- is making him. And it looks like bringing out emotions breaks the control a little." Genome concluded. "Kamina! Keep Gurren's foot held down on him as much as you can, I've got a plan!" Genome stated.
    "You got it! Now go for it!" Kamina responded, using all the strength he could muster to keep Thymilph held down.
    Genome's Lagann then removed itself from atop Gurren, breaking the combination. Lagann fell down, landing on top of Thymilph's visible body.
    "Kamina, step off of him!" Genome ordered.
    Kamina quickly complied, lifting Gurren's foot off of Thymilph. Before the General could get up, drills emerged from Lagann's thrusters, impaling Thymilph's legs. A third slender drill emerged from it's forehead, wrapping around Thymilph's arms. Thymilph was unable to move.
    Genome removed the crest that was on Lagann's head as he opened it's hatch, allowing him to look Thymilph in the face.
    The first thing he noticed was the cracks that covered the Beastman's face, as well as his pitch black eyes and red pupils.
    "Thymilph...What...What happened to you?" Genome asked. He was met with unsettling silence as Thymilph stared him in the face blankly.
    The mixture of feelings Genome was having suddenly intensified, causing a tear to start rolling down his face. He gritted his teeth as he reeled back his fist.
    "Answer me, dammit!" He cried out as he threw his fist forward to land a punch...Only to stop mere centimeters from Thymilph's un-moving face. Genome's tears intensified as he continued to stare down one of his four closest friends in the universe.
    A tear drop fell from Genome's face, landing on Thymilph's. This seemed to spark a reaction from Thymilph.
    "M-M-Master..." He managed to choke out.
    Genome's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing Thymilph's voice.
    "I didn't want...for us to meet again in this way..." He said, seeming to get a better grasp on his feelings.
    "How did this happen to you? I thought you were..."
    "I was...But I was brought back from my eternal slumber...To fight you." Thymilph responded.
    Genome began to feel sick.
    "You mean you were resurrected!?"
    "Y-Yes...My memory if the situation is a blur...But I know that I have no control over my actions. That's why...I want you to do anything you can to stop me...From hurting you." Thymilph requested. "I want you to end me once again."

    Genome's thoughts were all over the place. He could hardly think of anything to say.
    "But...I...Maybe we don't have to go that far! We can undo what's controlling you and you can join us in ZEXIS!" Genome said, trying to find anything to have this end with Thymilph by Genome's side.
    "I'm afraid I can't do that...Neither of us know what is controlling me...And I could be sent after you again. I am sorry, Master..." Thymilph responded.
    "D-Don't call me Master! Call me Genome! I'm not your master, I'm your friend!!" Genome said, almost hysterically, his voice cracking from the emotions he was feeling. "And I don't want to watch my friend leave me again! I won't! I can't!!!" Genome continued.
    He jumped from Lagann and landed atop Thymilph, hugging him tightly around the neck.
    Genome held back his urge to begin sobbing loudly as he held on to Thymilph. He then felt something on his back. The large hand of Thymilph, returning the hug Genome was giving. This made Genome's feeling intensify even more.
    "I'm not...Going to watch you die again..." Genome sobbed.
    "You won't be. You'll be letting me rest once more."
    Genome gritted his teeth as he continued to hold back his feelings, as they were close to bursting out of him. He knew in the back of his mind that the only way to stop Thymilph from being controlled was to send him back to his eternal sleep, even if Genome didn't know how to go about it. But he didn't care. He wanted to fight alongside one of the four friends he'd grown up with. He wanted his family back.
    "I don't give a damn what it takes, I will give you your freedom back!" Genome said, still denying the harsh reality of what needed to be done.
    "Genome!" Called Ryoma's voice.
    Genome looked up toward Getter Robo which was still fighting Insalaum's forces.
    "I get it. He's one of your closest friends. I know more than you think about losin' a friend...But Thymilph already died." Ryoma began. "Once someone's gone, they don't belong with the rest of us who're still living. The world would be a fucked up place if the dead were coming back as they pleased."
    "You shut your mouth! How could you know anything of what I'm-"
    "He's right, Genome." Thymilph interrupted.
    Genome looked at Thymilph, confused.
    "My time has come and gone. Keeping me here any longer would not be right. I have fallen, I need to stay that way."
    "Please, Genome. Don't make me stay here any longer. I don't wish to burden you or anyone by being someone's pawn. Let me go."
    Genome's heart was pounding and his mind was racing. He didn't know what to do or say. Everything was spinning out of control around him, before finally...
    "...okay." He said quietly, his near-insane expression leaving him and his hair now covering his eyes. "You're right. You don't belong in this world anymore. You deserve your rest." Genome said, depressed. Suddenly, however, his expression then intensified into teary-eyed confidence. "But I won't stop until the bastard that made you like this is dead! And I don't mean the one who brought you back to life. I'm talking about the Spiral King." Genome began. "He's turned you, Adiane, Cytomander and even Guame into leaders of war. That's not what I wanted for any of you, and it makes me sick that he's done this to all of you."
    Thymilph smiled.
    "That makes me...Happy." He said. Just then, bright yellow light began shining through the cracks on Thymilph's body.
    Genome moved back a bit, surprised by the sudden light.
    "What's going on!?" He asked in a scared tone, even though he had a feeling he knew what was happening.
    The drills that were holding Thymilph in place suddenly retracted, desipte Genome not giving the command.
    Thymilph's body then began levitating, causing Genome to fall off of him and land on the ground.
    "Thank you, Genome. You've given me true freedom through your acceptance of my death." Thymilph said, his body becoming surrounded in a warm light.
    "I hope you can find it in your heart...To forgive me. Not just for this battle, but for everything I've done..."
    The sadness continued to overflow from Genome.
    "Of course...Of course I forgive you. I'll always forgive you!"
    Thymilph's smile grew larger.
    "Then...I am at peace. I'm happy I was able to see you one last time in the way that I remember you best. I only wish it didn't have to happen like this."
    "Don't. Don't return to your rest regretting this. Let me bare that burden. You deserve a peaceful sleep." Genome said, trying to hold back more tears.
    "As you wish, Genome...I thank you for letting me go. And I thank you all in ZEXIS for helping him come this far. Don't let him stray away from this path. That is my only request." Thymilph said.
    From within Gurren, Kamina responded to Thymilph.
    "You got it, fuzzball." Kamina said, smiling slightly at the Beastman General.
    The light surrounding Thymilph began to intensify.
    "This is goodbye, Genome."
    "No. It's not goodbye. You're always with me here. Always have been and always will be." Genome said, placing a hand over his heart.
    "I see...That makes me happy. Be strong, Lordgenome. Show Cytomander, Adiane and Guame the error of their ways for me. Do not let them forget who they really are."
    Finally, there was a bright flash of light. When the light faded, Thymilph was gone.
    The area grew silent for a moment. Genome sat on the ground, looking up at where Thymilph was just at. He then lowered his head, putting a fist up to his heart.

    Genome stood up and got into Lagann.
    "I won't."
    Lagann then jumped up and re-combined with Gurren, forming Gurren Lagann Xros once more.
    "Hey, you gonna be alright, Genome?" Kamina asked, knowing full well what the answer was from the look on Genome's face through their video communicators in their cockpits.
    "I'll be just fine. I've saved one of my friends-no, my family. I can't let anything bring me down when I've still got three more to save. Now let's finish the rest of these clowns!" Genome said, gripping his controls.
    Meanwhile, Viral showed extreme anger over the second loss of General Thymilph.
    "How!? HOW!? He was invincible! He should not have been beaten!!" Viral said aloud.
    "He wasn't beaten, he was saved! YOU'RE the one who's gonna be beaten!" Genome said as Gurren Lagann Xros ran over to Lazengann Xros's side.
    "Bring it on, Beastman." Genome said, raising Gurren Lagann Xros's fists.

    -Location Change: Inside Temporal Tower

    Kabuto watched, annoyed, as the light blue pebble crumbled to dust as Thymilph disappeared.
    "Damn...They must have released his soul somehow. But there's no reason to worry. I have countless others. That was merely a test to see how well this Jutsu works on those from other worlds. And it looks to work well for the most part. I just need to be more forceful in my emotional removal." Kabuto said to himself. "For now, however, I believe it's time to move away from here. Things seem to be getting rather heated outside." Kabuto said as he stood up, preparing himself to leave the Tower.

    ooc: okay my hands are numb and i can't take any more feels so i'll just leave it at that for now. Many thanks to DarkTraitor for allowing this scene to happen.
    Post by: Lite, May 16, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Lite
    Name: Sonic the Hedgehog
    Video Game Series: Sonic the Hedgehog
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: Super Speed (maximum exceeds Mach 1)
    Speed-based attacks (Spin-Dash, Homing Attack, etc.)
    Chaos Powers (requires at least one Chaos Emerald, though Sonic's Chaos Powers are not as extensive as Shadow's)
    Super Sonic

    Name: Blue
    Video Game Series: Pokémon
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: Able to call various Pokémon into battle via Pokéballs. His Pokémon include Blastoise, Arcanine and Aerodactyl.

    Name: Pit
    Video Game Series: Kid Icarus
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: Limited Power of Flight (wings burn after 5 minutes)
    Bow of Palutena, his main weapon, as well as a variety of other weapons.

    Name: Agnes Berge
    Video Game Series: Super Robot Wars UX
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: Large mech known as the Riot B.

    The fourth reservation, Agnes, is an original character and not from an anime/manga like the rest of the characters in SRW UX, which was on the 3DS exclusively. However if the fact that he pilots a giant robot makes him incompatible with the setting of this RP, I'll undo his reservation.
    Post by: Lite, May 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Lite
    ~Honnouji Academy; Japan's #1 Ninja Arrives!~
    Entering through Honnouji Academy's front gates for his first day of school was a young man with spikey blonde hair. Despite the horrendous distance from the bottom of Honnou to the Academy at the top, the young man's spirit was never broken. This young man was none other than...
    "Naruto Uzumaki, Shinobi Supreme, has arrived!"

    Naruto ran excitedly into the school's grounds. He'd heard about Honnouji's reputation from his father, a previous student at the school, but he didn't let that sway his enthusiasm. Speaking of Naruto's father...
    "8 seconds too slow, Naruto. If you're gonna take up my mantle someday, you've gotta pick up the pace a little."

    Naruto's father, Minato Namikaze, had been timing Naruto on how fast he could reach Honnouji Academy from the bottom using a stopwatch.
    Naruto groaned.
    "Uuughh...Why does speed have to be the Yellow Flash's strong suit..." Naruto complained.
    "The title of "Yellow Flash" means you are able to strike in an instant. It means that when there's a cry for help, you're there to assist before the cry is even over. That title belonged to my father before being passed down to me, and it belonged to his father before being passed to him." Minato explained, a serious tone in his voice. A slightly embarrassed smile appeared on his face suddenly. "But if I'm completely honest...I had a bit of trouble with this exercise too when I was your age."
    "Really?" Naruto asked, surprised.
    "Yep. 8 seconds too slow, just like you. But look at me now. I can get from the bottom of Honnou to the top in an instant. So keep at it, Naruto. I know you'll succeed, because you're my son."
    A confident smile grew on Naruto's face.
    "Alright, that's enough exercising for now. I've gotta go set up." Minato said before turning away.
    Naruto's eyebrows raised.
    "Wait, set up? For what?" He asked.
    Minato turned back to his son.
    "I didn't tell you? I'm teaching an Advanced Ninjutsu class here at Honnouji Academy."
    Most students would dread the thought of their parent teaching a class at the school they attend, but Naruto had a different kind of relationship with his father. He was pleasantly surprised to hear that his dad was teaching a Ninjutsu class at the school.
    "Alright! Sign me up for that class!" Naruto said, pointing to himself with his thumb.
    "Already done." Minato said with a smile, taking out a piece of paper from his coat's pocket that listed all of the students he was going to have. Naruto's name was at the top.
    "Heh. Thanks."
    "No problem. See you in class, Naruto!" Minato said before disappearing in a yellow flash of light. Several other flashes could be seen going toward the school building, showing that Minato was going in that direction.
    Naruto began to walk toward the entrance to the building itself, when he suddenly heard loud booming footsteps approaching from behind.
    He turned toward the sound, and was met with the massive, hulking form of one of Honnouji's Elite Four.

    Gamagoori towered over Naruto, casting an intimidating shadow over the shinobi.
    Naruto was ever so slightly terrified by the large Disciplinary Bureau Chairman.
    "W-What's the problem, sir?" Naruto asked in a sad attempt at sounding polite.
    "You're violating Honnouji Academy's dress code by wearing that deplorable outfit. Put on this one-star uniform like everyone else and you'll get off with just a warning." Gamagoori said incredibly loudly, pulling a neatly-folded one-star Goku Uniform from his pants pocket.
    Naruto saw the ugly grey uniform and scoffed.
    "There's no way I'm putting that ugly thing on!" He exclaimed, arms crossed.
    "Pff, yeah, like you're allowed to shove something down a student's throa-ACK!" Naruto's retort was cut off when Gamagoori had in fact shoved the uniform into Naruto's mouth, but not quite into his throat.
    "You're lucky I'm feeling generous today. NOW PUT IT ON!" Gamagoori demanded.
    "hophay i'll phut iph onm...(okay i'll put it on)" Naruto responded, the uniform lodged tightly in his pie-hole. He slowly made his way into the school building to find a private area to change into the uniform.
    Gamagoori smiled proudly.
    "Another job well done, Ira. Now to go sharpen my spike whips." Gamagoori said to himself before making his way to the whip sharpener in his office, also inside the school building.

    ~Nintendo High; Children's Card Games 101~
    Yami was finishing his preparations for the day's lesson, which was a lesson on just how freaking cool the Dark Magician card is, when he noticed a good friend of his had been in the room.
    "Ishizu! It's good to see you!" Yami said, stepping out from behind his desk to greet his good friend. "It's nice to finally be able to talk to someone without the conversation starting with 'Mr. Moto, you're talking too fast' or 'Mr. Moto, we don't haaave any Egyptian God Cards' or 'Mr. Moto, your son is bleeding to death in the school parking lot'. That gets extremely tiresome." Yami said, mimicking the conversation starters with an annoying schoolgirl voice.
    Just then, Yami's son, Yugi, entered the classroom. His left arm and right leg were in casts, his torso was covered in burn marks under his shirt, and his entire face save for his mouth was covered in bandages.
    "Yugi!...Say hi to Ishizu! It's been a while since we've seen her!" Yami said, completely oblivious to his son's horrible injuries.
    "...It might be a little while more, dad. In case you haven't noticed, I CAN'T F*bleep*ING SEE!" Yugi retorted rather loudly.
    "You can't see? Strange. You look just fine to me."
    "Ooooh, those are bandages? I thought it was some stupid new fashion thing you kids are doing these days."
    "...I'm gonna go sit down now." Yugi said before walking toward his desk, only to trip on a pencil and fall. "Why me?"
    "Anyway, Ishizu, is there anything I can do for you before class starts? Anything at all. There isn't anything more important going on at the moment that I could be doing." Yami asked, completely ignoring his son's face-plant.
    "I taste pennies..."
    Post by: Lite, May 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Lite
    Since their original owner is no longer a part of this RP, I'll be reserving:

    Minato Namikaze (Naruto)
    Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto)
    Madara Uchiha (Naruto)

    I searched through the thread to see if anyone else had already reserved any of these three and found nothing, but if I did happen to miss anyone's reservation of these three just let me know.

    EDIT: Also reserving:

    Marik Ishtar/Melvin (Yu-Gi-Oh/Abridged Hybrid)
    Post by: Lite, May 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Lite
    ~Temporal Tower; The Battle Continues!~

    Riddhe, Trowa and Wufei- in the Delta Plus, Heavyarms Gundam and Sehnlong Gundam respectively -had formed a 3-man squad for the fight, utilizing their Mobile Suits' distinct abilities to assist one another. Riddhe readied Delta Plus's Beam Saber, while Trowa engaged Heavyarms' Army Knife and Wufei prepared Shenlong's Beam Glaive. They charged in, slicing through various targets to begin their assault before switching to ranged tactics. Riddhe used Delta Plus's Beam Rifle to dispatch single targets from a longer range, while Trowa and Wufei used their Gatling Gun and Flamethrower respectively to wipe out several closer-range targets at once. As the enemy's numbers slowly dwindled, Riddhe spoke up.
    "Has anybody seen Heero? I haven't even heard from him since we engaged the enemy...Which isn't that surprising, but still."
    Falling back momentarily to look, Trowa and Wufei saw no sign of Heero or his Gundam.
    "Negative. I don't see him either." Trowa answered.
    "Hmm...Ptolemaios, Ikaruga, Dai-Gurren, is Heero Yui's Gundam still on board any of our vessels?"
    "Negative, the Dai-Gurren has no Gundams on board." Dayakka responded.
    "All units tied to the Ikaruga have moved out. No Gundams here." Jun responded, having boarded the Ikaruga with Tsugumi for the time being.
    "Same for the Ptolemy. All our units have-Wait...Radar is picking up a friendly signal heading away from the battlefield, going in the direction we came from." Ian Vashti said from within the Ptolemaios.
    "Damn...What the hell's he doing!?" Riddhe cursed, oblivious as to why Heero would abandon the fight.


    Hearing all of this was Naota, who stood on the Dai-Gurren's bridge alongside Canti. Needless to say, Naota was not happy to hear of Heero's ditching antics after the bad experiences they'd had.
    "Canti...We're going to get him." Naota said somewhat quietly. Canti looked to Naota, a question mark appearing on his monitor-head.
    "We're gonna go knock some sense into that idiot as payback for hurting Haruko. Now let's go!" Naota demanded, staring intently at Canti, who motioned as if he'd sighed before lifting Naota up and flying in the direction that Heero was said to have gone.
    They flew at high speeds, quickly allowing them to find Heero where Ian said he was going.

    In his Wing Gundam, Heero could detect Canti and Naota's approach, quickly turning around and aiming a Beam Rifle at the two of them, firing a warning shot.
    "Don't stop, Canti!" Naota ordered.
    In response, Canti sped up, getting closer to Wing Gundam at an even faster rate. Within seconds, they were close enough to touch the Gundam's torso.
    "Open up!" Naota demanded, only to get no response from Heero. Irritated even further, Naota gave an incredibly insane order to Canti.
    "Throw me at him!"
    Hearing this, "!?" appeared on Canti's monitor.
    "Just do it!" Naota ordered.
    Canti did nothing for a moment before reluctantly following Naota's order, reeling back and tossing Naota at Wing Gundam.
    Unable to think fast enough, Heero opened the cockpit, stopping the Gundam completely and allowing Naota to enter.
    As he flew towards the Gundam, Naota pulled his fist back, flinging it forward as Heero came into view, landing a surprisingly powerful punch to Heero's face. Naota pulled his fist back, his knuckles bloody from Heero's now-bleeding nose, before standing up and balancing himself at the edge of Wing Gundam's open cockpit.
    "First you hurt Haruko, our ally, for no reason at all. And now you're abandoning our fight!? Just how pathetic are you!?"
    Heero felt his upper lip to see if he was actually bleeding, which he was, before looking at Naota, his expression blank.
    "I'm not abandoning the mission..." He muttered.
    "Then what are you doing!?"
    "Completing a more important one."
    Naota gritted his teeth in anger, holding back the urge to punch Heero again.
    "And what could be more important than helping your team!?"
    Heero sighed, closing his eyes for a moment.
    He then opened his eyes again, looking at Naota.
    "Bringing back the ally I chased away." He stated, hating himself for speaking his intentions out loud.
    The anger on Naota's face faded as he realized what Heero was doing.
    "Haruko Haruhara is a valuable asset to ZEXIS...She's also an ally. I'm just doing what's best for the mission at hand."
    Naota understood now. Whether Heero was just doing it because of his duties as a member of ZEXIS or because he genuinely cared for Haruko's well-being was irrelevant. He was looking for Haruko, and that's all that mattered.
    "I'll help you, then. Haruko's my friend."
    Heero sighed.
    "Fine. But we do this my way."
    A small smile grew on Naota's face.
    "Not a chance." He replied before turning towards the outside of the cockpit. "Canti!" Naota called. Canti flew up and grabbed Naota, allowing Heero to close his Gundam's cockpit.
    The Gundam turned back in the direction it was going before.
    "There's unknown activity going on not far from here. We'll check there for her first." Heero stated before moving forward. Canti followed, Naota completely silent.
    After a few short minutes of flying, the three of them encountered the unknown activity. It was a small group of weak-looking mecha that had nothing more that knives and mecha-sized pistols at their disposal.
    "Five of them. Most likely scouting units. Little to no threat." Heero stated.
    Naota was unable to tell if Heero was talking to him or just stating all of that to himself.
    "So are we going in?" Naota asked.
    "Affirmative. Heero Yuy; engaging targets." Heero said before moving in.
    Naota rolled his eyes before pointing forward, prompting Canti to follow Heero. As they flew, Canti tossed Naota straight up into the air before a monstrous mouth emerged from Canti's torso that consumed Naota whole. This caused Canti to turn completely red.
    Heero's Wing Gundam began the firefight with it's Vulcan Cannons, getting a clear shot before firing. However, this would prove useless as the group of mecha suddenly scattered, moving much faster than expected.
    "That speed..." Before Heero could react, one of the mecha had latched on to his Gundam. "What the-AAGH!" Heero cried out loud (which was surprising for him) as the enemy machine suddenly started electrocuting the entirety of Heero's Gundam, Heero himself included. Wing Gundam's systems were beginning to overload, and Heero himself was in extreme pain.
    The Naota-Canti combination was in a similar tough spot, as the remaining four mecha ran circles around them- literally. Naota-Canti couldn't get a clear shot on the enemy mechs in their cannon form, which was their strongest weapon. The enemies slowly closed in, still going around in a disorienting circle.
    All hope seemed lost for the missing members of ZEXIS. But suddenly, glimmer of hope appeared...No...That's not some anime glimmer thingy in the distance, that's the shine of a freshly-waxed vehicle!
    "Hey! Keep yer filthy robot mits off my friends!" called a voice that Naota-Canti recognized immediately.


    "You...!" Heero said, still being electrocuted.
    Haruko laughed a bit as he rode in on a new bike she had acquired from god knows where. She first decided to help Naota-Canti. As she approached them, she stood on the seat of her bike, surfing on in for a moment, before leaping off and grabbing on to the leg of Heero's Gundam. The bike she jumped from sped directly into the running mecha, causing one to trip and fall and the rest to follow as they ran. Naota-Canti took the opportunity to stylishly karate-chop the four piled mecha in half, eliminating them.
    Meanwhile, Haruko climbed Wing Gundam's body, ignoring the electricity surging through it despite the pain it caused her. She climbed and climbed, making sure to wave at Heero through the Gundam's eyes, before reaching the mecha that was assaulting Wing Gundam. She took the guitar from her back, holding it upside-down by the neck.
    She began to savagely pound on the enemy mech with the instrument.
    Haruko finished her rampage by swinging upward as hard as she could, detaching the busted up machine from Wing Gundam. It caused an explosion that was frankly way too big for the relatively small size of the mecha. But Haruko is in the vicinity so it's okay.
    Wing Gundam landed and Heero opened the cockpit to get out, only for Haruko to block his way.
    "Hiiiii, Heero-kuuuuuuun~" She...uh...Swooned?
    "Isn't there something you'd like to say to me?"
    Heero remained silent, too weak to do anything else.
    "D'awww, wittle Heero-Kun, silent as always. That's okay, I'll take your silence as a thank you."
    Haruko looked at Heero, excited to hear where he was going with this.
    "I...Will kill you." He said, emotionless.
    Haruko again was told this by Heero. In response...She smiled. Knowing how weak he must have been, Haruko lightly grabbed Heero by the jaw and leaned in, giving him a small peck on the cheek.
    "I'll kill you too, Heero-kun~" She responded happily before jumping from the open cockpit.
    Heero was frozen in place from Haruko's response. He snapped out of it, slightly red-faced, before wiping his cheek off with his arm. He then exited his Gundam.
    Smoldering mechanical debris aside, the area was calm now. Naota and Canti un-combined to greet their friend.
    "Haruko! Haruko, are you okay?" Naota asked, worried about Haruko. She playfully ruffled his hair.
    "No broken bones here, kid. I'm A-Okay. I just needed a breather is all." She responded before looking out into the distance, as if to look for something.
    "What're you looking for?" Naota asked.
    "I met a couple o' guys who were up to no good, started makin' trouble in my neighborhood."
    "...Excuse me?"
    Haruko shook her head.
    "Sorry, I was thinking about something else. What I meant to say was that I met these guys who said they'd help me find you and Heero-kun, but it looks like they vanished on the way here. Hm. Oh well. C'mon, we gotta get back to the team." Haruko said, putting her hands on her hips.
    There was silence for a moment before Heero spoke up...More like "mumbled up", but you get the point.
    "Agreed." He said before re-entering Wing Gundam and acting as if his entire body hadn't just been charged with a near-lethal amount of electricity.
    Naota was picked up by Canti, who began to hover in midair.
    Finally, Haruko climbed Wing Gundam again, taking a seat on it's shoulder.
    "Forward! Taa-kun, Heero-kun!" Haruko called out as they began to move back to the Temporal Tower.
    Post by: Lite, May 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Lite
    Funny you should mention that. I was completely oblivious to it, but it turns out that as I was typing up this thread my dad was looking for some repairers around our area. He found a couple that had really good reviews online, so we'll be checking into them. Thank you for the response, though.

    I guess this could be considered a solved problem? We don't know with 100% certainty that these places are what we're looking for in terms of service quality and whatnot, so I guess this thread could be left open for now. At least until we decide on a place and have the console worked on. I'll let a mod be the judge of that, I guess.
    Post by: Lite, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Technology
  12. Lite
    I don't know how many people on this site actually own a Wii U and have also had this problem, but I couldn't find anything useful anywhere else through google so KHV is my next best option. tl;dr version of my explanation after the following paragraph.

    I got my Wii U a little over a year ago, around Christmas time. During the first year, everything worked as expected (when the console was actually being used). However, just recently (about a month or two ago at most), I noticed that whenever the Wii U would be on for more than maybe 45 minutes to an hour, it would suddenly shut itself off. The power light on the front would be blinking red, and the console itself would be warmer than it should be, sometimes even really hot. After looking into what was going on, I found out that the fan located in the back of the console wasn't spinning when the Wii U was turned on, which explained the overheating. I know the fan isn't stuck, as I've manually (and carefully) spun the fan blades myself to check.

    tl;dr: My Wii U's fan stopped working and it makes the console overheat.

    Obviously the first solution one would think of would be to send it in for repairs, which I would be more than happy to do if this issue hadn't started just after my warranty ended. Has anyone else had this issue, and if so do you know of a less wallet-draining solution? I'd rather not pay $175 for Nintendo to repair it, but I will if there's no other solution.
    Thread by: Lite, Apr 30, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  13. Lite
  14. Lite

    Foreteller Anguis (Kingdom Hearts X[chi])
    Foreteller Leopardos (Kingdom Hearts X[chi])
    Foreteller Unicornus (Kingdom Hearts X[chi])
    Foreteller Ursus (Kingdom Hearts X[chi])
    Foreteller Vulpeus (Kingdom Hearts X[chi])
    Chirishii (Kingdom Hearts X[chi])
    Post by: Lite, Apr 28, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Lite
    ~Battle Outskirts~
    Senketsu's single eye widened upon hearing that the plan was to do the very thing Ryuko just said they weren't going to do.
    "I don't think this guy is as sane as we thought he was!" Senketsu said, beginning to freak out.
    "Calm down! Like he said, we're not fighting, just passing through. All we gotta do is avoid getting shot, blown up, or stomped on. Simple." Ryuko responded, sarcastically acting as if those potentially fatal outcomes were no big deal.
    "...I should have never put myself on you."
    As they neared the raging battle, a small smirk grew on Ryuko's face. As if the sight of such a fight was exciting, despite the fact that she wasn't going to be directly involved in it.
    "Don't hesitate, Raiden. Get us through as fast as you can!" Ryuko said, preparing herself for a wild ride.
    Post by: Lite, Apr 5, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Lite
    Infinite Crisis is a MOBA set in the DC Multiverse. Players choose from one of many famous Heroes and Villains from DC Comics, including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Joker, Doomsday and many more. The catch here is that, while you'll see the instantly-recognizable spandex-wearing heroes you know and love, you'll also be treated to versions of those characters that hail from a different universe within DC. For example, Batman "Prime" is the Bruce Wayne that everybody knows and is playable, but there are two other Batmans (Batmen?) in the game: "Gaslight" Batman, who was originally featured in the one-shot comic "Gotham by Gaslight", and "Nightmare" Batman, a vampiric version of the Caped Crusader who gained his Vampire powers when he himself was bitten by a vampire. Other Heroes and Villains also have alternate versions of themselves in this game.

    Gameplay Modes

    Players are split into two teams of five Champions (what the game calls the DC characters). A team must work together to complete their objective before the opposing team does it first to win the game. Currently there are three modes of play, one mode per map available in the game:

    Gotham Heights: Gotham Heights is a fast 5v5 mode that demands teamwork and tactics to capture and hold several Control Points, up to a maximum of five. Holding a majority of these points will drain the enemy team's Power Core and drive your team to victory. Periodically, a control point in the middle of the Urban Jungle will open. When captured, a portion of the Urban Jungle is destroyed by a meteor strike. The location of the strike is always closer to the home base of the team that failed to capture this point. Additionally, powerful Drones (which are like LoL's minions) are spawned in the middle and go outward to capture points. The amount of drones spawned is dependent on how many control points the enemy holds. EXP and Credits (currency used to buy items that enhance character abilities) are gained at a faster rate in this mode to compensate for the quicker match times. Visual Representation here.

    Coast City: Choice and adaptive tactics define Coast City. This 5v5 two-lane map features a large Urban Jungle that holds access to Elite Drones and control of the Doomsday Device. Claim victory by outmaneuvering the enemy team and pushing into their base to destroy its Power Core. In the game's current state, this map cannot be played competitively as it is being used as a Practice Mode map, where players can learn the basics of Infinite Crisis and/or try out new Champions without the pressure of enemy Champions coming to kill you. Visual Representation here.

    Gotham Divided: A dimensional rift splits Gotham City between the worlds of Gaslight and Prime in this 5v5 three-lane map. Triumph through clever use of urban shortcuts carved by exploded turrets, cunning placement of Tactical Skills, and power seized by defeating the formidable Leviathan. For League of Legends veterans, this map can be compared to Summoner's Rift, however the layout of the map itself is tilted so that Top and Bottom lanes turn at the top and bottom of the map itself, and Middle Lane cuts straight through the middle (duh) horizontally. Visual representation here.

    Since it would take me way too long to write up a description of each Champion, I will instead describe each Champion class and add a link to each Champion that is in that class.

    Bruiser: Bruisers are exactly how they sound. They are Champions whose basic melee attacks are their main source of dealing damage. Their abilities are usually used as a means of quickly closing in on an enemy or to enhance their damage dealt for a short time. The following Champions are in the Bruiser class:

    Atomic Green Lantern

    Assassin: An Assassin works best when jumping into a situation, doing their max damage upfront, and getting out of there before the enemy knows what happened! The following Champions are in the Assassin class:

    Atomic Wonder Woman
    The Flash
    Gaslight Catwoman
    Nightmare Batman

    Enforcer: An Enforcer is the first into battle and tries to soak up as much damage as possible for their team. The following Champions are in the Enforcer class:

    Atomic Poison Ivy
    Gaslight Joker
    Mecha Superman
    Wonder Woman

    Marksman: A Marksman is essentially a ranged Bruiser, utilizing their Basic attacks for the majority of their damage output, but with the added bonus of more range. They tend to be easy to kill due to low base health, however. The following Champions are in the Marksman class:

    Gaslight Batman
    Green Arrow
    Mecha Wonder Woman

    Controller (originally called Support): A Controller class aids their teammates by controlling the flow of battle and the movements of their enemies. The following Champions are in the Controller class:

    Arcane Green Lantern
    Harley Quinn
    Poison Ivy

    Blaster: A Blaster is, simply put, the opposite of a Bruiser. Their main source of damage is their Powers, leaving their basic attack as a bit lackluster in comparison. The following Champions are in the Blaster class:

    Green Lantern
    Star Sapphire
    The Joker

    I'm surprised there isn't a thread about this game yet. Oh well, no complaints here, I got to make it myself. :3
    Anyway, The game is currently in Open Beta, so if you have wanted to play but couldn't due to the beta being closed for the longest time, now's your chance to give it a try. Just go to this page, sign up, download it and play.

    In my honest opinion, I enjoy this game so much more than League of Legends, which is the only other MOBA I've played. I don't exactly know why, though, as the gameplay isn't all that different from LoL. Perhaps it's the DC characters making me geek out the entire time I play. Right now I'm maining Gaslight Batman and I'm learning to use Atomic Green Lantern so I have a melee-based champ that I'm good with.

    Has anyone else played the game? If so, what do you think of it? Feel free to discuss that and anything else Infinite Crisis-related here.
    Thread by: Lite, Apr 4, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Lite
    ooc: Good gawd, I wanted to write a post and ended up writing a novel...Sorry for the length. But this one is somewhat important as it introduces what I hope will be a re-occurring...entity. Is it good? Is it evil? Is it just irritated because it's constipated?...What're you looking at me for? I don't know.

    ~Temporal Tower Battle~
    A smile grew on Ryoma's face as Mina's inspirational words echoed through the team's machines.
    "Heh, dick or chick, Kamina really knows how t' get a guy pumped. Hayato, we're startin' this with a surprise attack! Switch to Getter-2 and dig. I'll leave the rest up to you. Open Get!!" Ryoma said, having either forgotten or set aside his hatred for Hayato. Being inside the cockpit of the Getter Robo with Hayato and Musashi by his side made Ryoma feel overwhelmed with nostalgia, as it brought back memories of their school days when they were first introduced to Getter Robo.
    "Letting me start the fight for once, Ryoma? That's a first. But I gladly accept. Change! Getter-2!!" Hayato called as the Getter Machine jets moved into a 2-3-1 formation to combine into Getter-2. Hayato then revved up Getter-2's drill arm and dug the machine underground.

    One of the enemy mecha vigilantly kept his eyes peeled for any incoming forces as the battle began, thinking he was completely safe.
    "Yeah, they ain't gonna get me. I wore my glasses to this fight!" The pilot of the mecha said confidently. Unfortunately for him, his glasses did not allow him to see the spinning drill of death that was digging up just below his mecha. The drill emerged from the ground below the mecha piercing through it and leaving a hole in the bottom and top, where the attacker entered and exited respectively. The attacker was the powerful white super-robot known as Getter-2, piloted by Hayato Jin. Getter-2 landed on the ground, where it's drill stopped spinning. Finally, the enemy mech exploded, netting Hayato a kill.
    "Hayato, another one on your six!" Ryoma warned. Hayato instantly reacted, spinning up Getter-2's drill as the super robot turned around.
    "Drill Storm!" Hayato called as the drill began spinning even faster, causing a tornado-like blast of deadly wind to shoot from the drill and rip the approaching enemy mech to shreds, ending in an explosion. Hayato quickly caught sight of another enemy not far from his position. He aimed Getter-2's drill arm at the enemy.
    "Drill Missile!" He called as the drill began spinning again before it shot off of Getter-2's arm like a missile, as the attack name implied. This enemy, however, dodged the drill before engaging a jet-pack of some sort and took to the skies, a place Getter-2 was not capable of going.
    "Damn it...Ryoma, switch to Getter-1!"
    "No, let me handle this. We'll need Getter-1's power for the tougher ones." Musashi said.
    "Understood. Open Get!!" Hayato called, causing the mecha to split into three jets, which aligned themselves in a 3-1-2 formation to combine into Getter-3.
    "Change! Getter-3!!" Musashi called as the mecha formed. Getter-3 began to move forward, Musashi's eyes locked on the airborne enemy that floated not far above him. "Just 'cuz you can fly doesn't mean I can't reach you! Getter Arm!!" Musashi called as Getter-3's arms extended forward and upward toward the enemy mech. Before it could get away, Getter-3's arms had wrapped around it, pulling and slamming it into the ground. As Musashi held the enemy there, Getter-3's shoulders lifted out of their sockets and pointed forward, revealing them to be missiles. "Getter Missile! Fire!!" Musashi called as the missiles fired at the bound enemy, who continued to struggle. Just before the missiles hit, Musashi unwrapped the enemy from Getter-3's arms, preventing any damage to the arms from the missile blast. The missiles hit their target, blowing it to smithereens. "Heh, Don't screw with the Getter Team." Musashi taunted.

    Just then, Dayakka's voice played over the comms.
    "Unknown energy source incoming! It's readings match Getter Robo's, but way stronger!!" He said, stressing the difference in energy strength.
    "What!? How the hell can that be!?" Ryoma asked.
    "Ryoma, let's switch to Getter-1 and go airborne so we can look for this thing." Musashi said.
    "Alright! Open Get!!" Getter-3 split apart, allowing them to..."Change! Getter-1!!" Ryoma called as the jets combined into the signature Getter-1. Getter-1 instantly went airborne upon combining, up even above the enemy air forces, where it could see a red spark approaching from the distance.
    "That must be it." Hayato pointed out.
    "Then let's go see who's stealin' our gimmick!" Ryoma said, only to be stopped by Hayato.
    "Ryoma, wait!"
    "The fuck do you want now!?"
    "You heard Dayakka, it's stronger than our Getter. We shouldn't just charge into it head-first without knowing what it is." Hayato explained.
    "Sorry to break up your incredibly interesting conversation, guys, but that thing is getting closer really fast!" Musashi interrupted, causing Ryoma and Hayato to look forward, where the once-distant spark was nearly in melee range. Ryoma moved out of the way just as the speeding red bullet passed.
    "Son of a bitch, that thing's fast!" Ryoma exclaimed, turning Getter-1 toward the red object. Suddenly, it stopped, nearly on a dime, before turning and facing the Getter Team. "W-What the...!?"
    "Is that...A Getter Robo!?"
    "No way..." The Team was awestruck at what was before them. It looked very much like a twisted version of their Getter Robo. Opening comms with the mecha, Ryoma spoke.
    "Hey, I dunno who the hell you think you are, but we're the only Getter Team around here. Take yer stupid-lookin' knockoff and beat it!" Ryoma said as Getter-1 drew it's Tomahawks. In response to this, the other supposed Getter Robo equipped itself with a melee weapon of it's own; A double-sided axe weapon. The blades were large and terribly sharp, and the handle was long enough to possibly reach the Getter Team from it's position. "...Oh shit." Ryoma cursed before the "Getter Robo" charged, swinging it's large tomahawk. Ryoma managed to dodge and avoid being hit, but the tomahawk did end up taking out a random air soldier below.
    "That tomahawk...It's huge." Hayato said.
    "Size don't matter, it's how you use it that counts! Let's fuck 'im-"
    "You." Said a voice over comms suddenly, cutting Ryoma off at quite possibly the worst part of his sentence.
    "What? Who said that!?"
    "Give me your name..."


    "Or the three of you die." Said the pilot of the other Getter, completely emotionless. This irritated Ryoma even further.
    "Yeah, like I'm just gonna give my name to some punk-"
    "Hold on a minute." Hayato said, stopping Ryoma.
    "Okay, I'm getting really sick of people cuttin' me off!" Ryoma growled, annoyed.
    "Just think about this for a minute. He's in a Getter Machine confirmed to be more powerful than ours. All he wants is our names. Wouldn't it be more logical to give him what he wants, and let him be on his way?" Hayato asked. Ryoma sighed.
    "Yeah, I guess it would..." He said, looking as if he agreed with Hayato. Until suddenly the crazy bastard charged forward at the other Getter at full-speed. "But logic's not somethin' you need to use when you pilot Getter Robo!" Ryoma said confidently as Getter-1 flew at the unknown Getter. Tomahawks still in hand, Ryoma swung at the other Getter, only to have each swing swiftly dodged. "Damn you...Getter Beeeaaam!!!" Ryoma called, causing a hole to open up in Getter-1's "gut", where a large pink laser made of Getter Rays fired at the other Getter. This Getter Beam was met with a similar attack from the enemy.
    "Getter Beeeaaam!!!" The pilot called, firing an identically-colored beam from his Getter's own stomach. This beam, however, was larger than Ryoma's and easily pushed it back.
    "Shit! Open Get!!" Ryoma called, separating Getter-1 into the three Getter Jets, avoiding the oncoming attack. The opposing Getter's beam flew down to the ground below, taking out some stray enemy mecha with the resulting explosion. Getter-1 reformed behind the attacking Getter Robo.
    "Ryoma, we can't fight this guy. He's just too strong to take on alone, and we can't take any of our guys out of the fight below. That'd be too risky." Musashi warned.
    "Damn it..."

    "Pilot of the unknown Getter entity, this is Hayato Jin speaking." Hayato suddenly said, speaking to the pilot of the other Getter. "We don't know who you are, we don't know what kind of Getter Robo you're piloting, and we don't know what your reasoning is for attacking us. But you've made one thing apparent: Your Getter Robo is leagues ahead of ours." Hayato said.
    "What the hell are you doing!?" Ryoma asked, baffled at what Hayato was saying.
    "Just give me a minute." Hayato said to Ryoma before turning his attention back to the other pilot. "Tell us what you want from us. We're all Getter pilots here, we shouldn't be fighting against each other. If you agree to cease hostilities and ally yourself with us, we'll comply to whatever demands you have." Hayato explained. There was silence for a moment.
    "You're Hayato Jin? Of the Saotome Research Labs?" The pilot asked. Hayato was somewhat confused by this question. He hadn't been to the Saotome Labs in years.
    "I haven't stepped foot in the Saotome Research Labs since before Professor Saotome himself...passed away. I am merely Hayato Jin. Nothing more, nothing less." Hayato said. Ryoma was incredibly angered at Hayato's glossing-over of what actually caused the professor's death.
    "I see. And the other two. Who are they?" The pilot asked.
    "I'll let them answer for themselves." Hayato said, crossing his arms. Musashi spoke up first.
    "M-Musashi Tomoe, Getter-3's pilot." Musashi stated, unsure if he should be giving this information to someone who was just attacking him and his co-pilots.
    "Musashi!? You're still...I see. So that means the only one left is-"
    "Ryoma Nagare. Now tell us why you needed to know all this." Ryoma demanded.
    "...Not now. The time isn't right. Getter Team...We'll meet again." The pilot of the other Getter Robo said before turning away from the three he spoke to and flying off at incredibly high speeds.
    "...The hell was that all about!?" Ryoma asked angrily.
    "How did he know who we were? We've never even seen a Getter Robo like that before." Musashi said.
    "Why did he think I was with the Saotome Research Labs? And that Getter of his..." Hayato said, the image of the other Getter Robo clear in his mind. "Could that be what the professor was..." Hayato was lost in thought.
    "Hayato, snap out of it! Obviously the guy in there is just some psycho with a rip-off Getter Robo. He said we'll seem him again, so if we do, you can ask him all the stupid questions you want. For now, let's finish what we came here for." Ryoma said, snapping Hayato out of his thought trance.
    "Right. Let's go then." Hayato replied. Getter-1 charged back down to the ground, firing Getter Beams at anything getting in the way. He didn't say it, but Ryoma felt...Off. He felt as if the pilot of that other Getter Robo was similar to him. Their Getter Energies resonated almost in tandem.
    "Hmph. This world just keeps gettin' weirder and weirder. Fine by me." Ryoma thought to himself. Getter Robo landed back in the heat of the fight, where it immediately began striking enemies with it's tomahawks.
    "Ryoma, what was that energy source?" Dayakka asked over the comms.
    "Nothin', Dayakka. Just some kid." Ryoma responded.
    "Right...Well, the energy source is gone now, and you three are still alive, so I guess that means it wasn't a hostile." Dayakka said.
    "Not quite. We scuffled with the punk for a bit, but he bailed as soon as he heard our names." Ryoma said, gloating slightly.
    "Heh, you three must be pretty popular where you're from if the pilot of a stronger mecha is too afraid to stay and fight." Dayakka joked.
    "You could say that." Ryoma jokingly replied as he continued fighting.

    Elsewhere, the other Getter Robo continued to fly away from the Temporal Tower.
    "So you were right about them. They are the Getter Team." Said a cool and collected male voice different from the pilot that spoke before, signifying that there was actually more than one pilot within the robot.
    "Not exactly. One of them isn't in the right position of authority, and the other is just wrong. Also, their Getter Machine is too old." The main pilot explained.
    "So...What do we do now?" A third, more rugged male voice asked.
    "We wait. If we're going to fix things, we need the right Getter Team, in the right Getter Robo. We finish things only then. Not a second sooner or later." The main pilot continued.
    "So I guess we'll be waiting a while then...Damn. What're we gonna do in the meantime?" The rugged voice asked.
    "We'll do what we can to maintain stability until the time is right...Then we confront the Getter Team and make things right once and for all."

    ~Near the Battle Site~
    Ryuko, cross-armed and red-faced, continued to be carried along by the cloaked man who was with her.
    "I don't need to be carried. I can walk just fine." She groaned.
    "If you don't want to pass out from blood loss, I suggest you enjoy the ride until we reach our destination." Said Senketsu, a talking piece of clothing that typically resembled a sailor uniform. However, something must have changed with Senketsu that prompted Ryuko to cover herself in the tattered cloak she wore over him.
    "Here's a tip: Stop taking my blood, you vampire uniform!"
    "I was trapped in that basement for god knows how long. I'm malnourished."
    "Fine...Just don't go overboard." Ryuko responded, somewhat annoyed. To the man carrying her, it sounded as if Ryuko was talking to herself, as Senketsu could only be heard by Ryuko.
    The explosions and gunfire from ZEXIS's battle echoed as they grew closer.
    "What is all of that noise? It sounds like we're in the middle of a warzone." Senketsu asked.
    "Well...We're not far off from that." Ryuko responded.
    "...Where is this man taking us?" Senketsu asked worriedly.
    "Don't get your threads in a knot. We're not just gonna walk into that death trap. How stupid do you think we are?" Ryuko responded.
    She then looked to the cloaked man's face.
    "...We aren't gonna walk into that death trap of a warzone, are we?"
    Post by: Lite, Mar 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Lite

    Keroro (Keroro Gunso/Sgt. Frog)
    Tsurugi Ryuga (Getter Robo Hien)
    Dan Amakusa (Getter Robo Hien)
    Goki Hagane (Getter Robo Hien)
    Post by: Lite, Mar 16, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Lite
    This actually happened yesterday but I forgot to make a post about it, so:

    Transferring control of
    Satsuki Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill) to The Hero of Time.

    Even with a new owner, Satsuki's still the head honcho at Honnouji. FEAR THE EYEBROWS OF YOUR NEW LORD AND SAVIOR.
    Post by: Lite, Mar 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Lite

    Takeshi Iori (Gundam Build Fighters)
    Mario Renato & Julio Renato (Gundam Build Fighters)
    Ricardo Fellini (Gundam Build Fighters)
    Allan Adams (Gundam Build Fighters)
    Post by: Lite, Mar 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home