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  1. Lite
    ~Temporal Tower; Victory!~

    The battle's intensity suddenly screeched to a halt after the fantastically over-the-top move, the Giga Drill Breaker, from Kokuren Lagann.
    Even though it didn't result in a kill, much of ZEXIS was in awe at the spectacle of the attack that had literally and figuratively disarmed Cheval's Emeraldan. Even the members that had seen the move back when the Dai-Gurren was originally taken couldn't help but at least smile at the attack.
    "Whoa! That drill was huge! Man, I wish Mazinger had a move like that." Kouji began, slightly jealous of the incredible move.
    "Pfft. Yeah, like what? A giant fist attack or somethin'? Keep dreamin', kid." Kaido responded.
    Kidd and Iraak were hardly surprised at the spectacle of the attack.
    "Heh, yep, that proves it. This chick really is Kamina." Kidd said, sitting back cross-armed inside his Gunman.
    "That may be the case, but I still think that our Kamina has a special timeless air about him. It's as if he's never going to stop being the man and leader that he is, no matter what."
    "Agreed. But you gotta admit that she ain't half bad either."
    Joey, having fought hard alongside ZEXIS for the latter-half of the battle, was relieved to see that not only had both him and Heroman come out of the fight with little more than a few bruises, but they had no casualties on their side.
    It was then that Heroman shrunk down, exiting his "Augment" mode.
    "We...We actually did it. Maybe it was a good thing that I was brought here. I have a team that I can fight alongside."

    In the air, the Gundam pilots were also relieved to see their battle had also come to a close.
    "Mission complete. All enemies have fled the battlefield." Heero stated.
    "Woohoo! Yeah, we kicked their ass-butts!" Haruko added, fist-pumping inside the Wing Gundam's cockpit.
    "Well, I think it's safe to say that this was a successful operation." Lyle Dylandy said, happy with the outcome.
    "Yes...Perhaps this new force will work after all." Tieria replied, initially unsure of whether or not it was a good idea to trust the pilots from other worlds.
    Riddhe, while still satisfied with the outcome of the fight, was very interested in the Celestial Being Gundams, mostly the 00 Gundam.
    "That Gundam from Celestial Being...It turned red and it's speed tripled...Just like Char Aznable's Mobile Suits." Riddhe began thinking. "Celestial Being has only helped ZEXIS so far. Maybe it's just a coincidence...but I won't put my guard down."

    On the ground, Sonic, Shadow and their younger selves watched as the enemy fled.
    "Man, that never gets old." Sonic said, smiling at the aftermath of Mina's powerful attack.
    "Are you saying you've seen that technique before?" Shadow asked.
    Sonic was confused at first, but quickly realized why Shadow was asking such a question.
    "Oh yeah, you weren't around then. Well, just a little bit before we picked you and the rest of your little group up, Team Dai-Gurren had just taken that big red behemoth back there from one o' the Spiral King's cronies. The male Kamina did that very move to finish the furball off."
    "I see. Interesting. The technology in their machines must be very advanced to have functions like that."
    "Pfft. Technology, schmechnology."
    "Shadow, somethin' like that just doesn't happen because someone programmed it to do that."
    "I don't think I follow."
    "Mina's move, the one that just won us this fight, was 100% raw fighting spirit. She wanted to beat what's-his-face in one go, so she did!"
    "That's preposterous."
    "Shad, I don't think you know who you're dealing with right now. We're ZEXIS now, yeah, but before that we were Team Dai-Gurren! We live by one rule: "Kick logic out and do the impossible"! That one rule tells us that we can do anything as long as we've got the will to get it done."
    Shadow smiled slightly.
    "Hmph. You really are a bunch of psychopaths."
    Sonic laughed in response.

    Genome, Kamina, Simon and Noriko were still face-to-face with Viral, however.
    Viral's Enkidu was severely damaged from the fight. It was a miracle that it was still standing at all.
    "Just give it up, Viral. You've lost, and it looks like your friends have already accepted that fact." Genome said cockily as Gurren Lagann Xros pointed to the fleeing army behind him.
    "What!?" Viral choked as Enkidu turned around. The sight of the Insalaum forces fleeing made Viral's blood boil, but he also knew that without any sort of backup or additional pressure to put on ZEXIS, any additional fighting would be in vain.
    "Damn you all, Insalaum..." Viral growled before turning back to the Xros Gunmen. "You may have won this battle, humans, but your downfall is coming! The Spiral King will crush you all like the worthless insects that you are! Count on it!" Viral said before he also fled the fight.
    "Jeez...Typical bad guy spiel. But it looks like it's all over. Thanks for the help, Kamina. I don't think I would have been able to talk to Thymilph if you and Simon hadn't come along in Gurren Lagann." Genome said, his face appearing on Simon and Kamina's cockpit HUD. Genome then appeared in Noriko's cockpit.
    "And thank you, Noriko, for piloting Zen for me. It really does help." Genome said, his face turning an ever so slight shade of red.

    Finally, descending from it's much higher fight with TheEnd was Shin Getter Robo, still holding on to Nirvash. Quickly reaching the ground, Nirvash was put down safely before Shin Getter turned to the now-emptying battlefield.
    "You can thank us later, squirts." Ryoma said to Renton and Eureka in a friendly yet somewhat conceited tone.
    "I'm surprised they didn't put up more of a fight. They looked like completely capable fighters." Hayato muttered, referring to the Insalaum forces.
    "Do you actually feel sorry for them, Hayato?" Musashi asked with a hint of sarcasm.
    "Hm. Maybe I did for a second or two. Silly me."
    "Damn right, silly you. Anyway, looks like the fight's done for now. Musashi, how 'bout you head inside the Dai-Gurren and take a breather. Yer arm's still botherin' you, right?" Ryoma asked.
    "Nngh...I don't think I need to...But what the hell. I'll take a break."
    "Alright then. Open Get!" Ryoma called, separating Shin Getter into three jets. Musashi landed his yellow jet on the Dai-Gurren's bridge, allowing him to exit the vehicle and get the rest he needed.
    "Yo, Dayakka, Musashi's headin' inside to take a breather. Make sure he's got a place." Ryoma said via comms.
    "You got it, Ryoma." Dayakka replied.
    This left only Ryoma and Hayato in their Getter Machines. Ryoma, pressing some buttons in his cockpit, was able to put Musashi's Getter Machine on auto-pilot, where it flew on it's own up to Ryoma and Hayato's vicinity.
    "I've noticed how much you care about Musashi's well being. Is something going on?" Hayato asked.
    "The hell kind o' question is that? Why wouldn't I care? I've known him since school. YOU'VE known him since school. But I wouldn't expect you to care about something like that." Ryoma snapped back.
    "...Whether you believe it or not, I do care. But you seem to be caring a lot more than you usually do. Ever since he mentioned his arm being hurt, you've called his name every time a grunt came out of his mouth. Something's the matter, Ryoma, and now is not the time to be hiding things."
    Ryoma groaned. He knew Hayato was right...But Hayato was the last person Ryoma wanted to be spilling his guts to.
    "Son of a...Fine. It sounds insane, but ever since we got in Shin Getter, I've had a bad feeling. I don't know where it's comin' from, but I feel like something bad's gonna happen."
    "And Musashi hurting his arm scared you because of that feeling, correct?"
    "It didn't scare me!...But, yeah...That's right."
    "It's an understandable reaction, Ryoma. I'm probably not the person you want to hear this from, but you don't need to hide something like that."
    "Tch...Just shut up about it already. I told you what you wanted to know, end of story. Let's just get back into the Dai-Gurren."
    "Fine with me."

    And with the battlefield cleared, the forces of ZEXIS returned to their battleships to get their machines repaired and their bodies rested. It seemed like a miracle that they were able to fight off such a massive force of enemies with not a single friendly casualty. In fact, the team's size grew once the fight had ended, with the inclusion of Kittan, the Power Rangers Samurai and the Wonderful Ones.
    With their Megazord de-combined and put away for safe keeping in one of the battleships, the Power Rangers Samurai were blissfully unaware that they were getting annoyed looks from Wonder Blue of the Wonderful Ones.
    "Is something wrong, Blue?" Wonder Red asked, having just approached Wonder Blue after getting acquainted with some of ZEXIS's other members.
    "It's those Samurai dudes...I dunno what it is, but somethin' about 'em just rubs me the wrong way."
    "Well, you would know what the wrong kind of rubbing is, being a cop and all." Red replied, attempting to make a joke.
    Blue's awkward stare then shifted from the Power Rangers to his partner Wonder Red.
    "Y-Yeah, I don't know why I thought that was funny..." Red said, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
    "The fact that you're a kindergarten teacher made that really creepy, ya know that?" Blue responded, his inner-cop coming out for a moment.
    "Yeah...Yeah, I know. I'm just gonna...go now." Red mumbled as he slowly shifted out of frame, leaving Blue alone.
    Looking back at the rangers, Wonder Blue decided that he would approach them and try to strike up a conversation to see what they were like. Get in their heads. Learn them.
    "So. You guys're samurai, huh? That mean you're from, like...Korea or somethin'?" Blue asked, completely ignorant of his own ignorance.
    Post by: Lite, Aug 5, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Lite

    Level Cap

    Coma pretty much hit the nail on the head for this one. The player needs to reach a level of strength that would allow them to put up at least a decent fight against the increasingly powerful foes that are coming at them as the game progresses. So in Phantasy Star Universe/Portable 2, a level 100 cap (i assume) would not be enough to allow players to fight the tougher bosses or enemies without getting their butt kicked in half a second. On a small side-note, I will say that the KH2 level cap has always bugged me because it stops at level 99 and not 100. Considering the first game's cap was 100, it gives me the feeling that I can't become as strong because I'm locked out of level 100, even though there is no level 100 at all in KH2. Anyway, back on topic:

    I believe there are some games that have a stupidly high level cap simply for the sake of having one. The Disgaea series has a level cap of 9999 and I can't imagine there's enough bosses and content to keep the player going to the max level, especially considering it's a Strategy RPG where you level several characters at once. Of course I could be wrong, as I've only just started the first game in the series and my highest leveled character (the main character) is only level 12.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 26, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  3. Lite
    I need a villain on my roster. or two.

    Name: Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik
    Video Game Series: Sonic the Hedgehog
    Villain or Hero: Villain
    Abilities/Equipment: Various mechs and machines. Tends to float around in his Egg Mobile hovercraft.

    Name: Master Xehanort
    Video Game Series: Kingdom Hearts
    Villain or Hero: Villain
    Abilities/Equipment: Keyblade, as well as various Darkness-based powers.

    Name: Riku
    Video Game Series: Kingdom Hearts
    Villain or Hero: Hero
    Abilities/Equipment: The Way to Dawn Keyblade, as well as Dark Powers and standard Magic.

    I have one last one that I'm not 100% sure on but I'll post it anyway. If it's not allowed, I'll remove it ASAP.

    Name: Laharl
    Video Game Series: Disgaea
    Villain or Hero: Hero who thinks he's a Villain
    Abilities/Equipment: Melee weapons of various types (mainly swords) as well as destructive demonic powers.

    EDIT: I probably should point out that the reason I even thought of taking Laharl to begin with is because of the DS version of the first Disgaea. I'm no rule-breakin' least not all the time.

    This'll be it from me for a while. Maybe. (seriously though i'll hold off on taking more because lord knows i'll go crazy with it if i don't)
    Post by: Lite, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Lite
    Sonic's high-speed run through the forest was cut abruptly short as he was taken to the ground by the outstretched arm of Solid Snake. It took Sonic a few moments to register what had just happened and why he was suddenly looking up at the sky.
    It was then that Snake spoke up, saying that they were short on time before holding his hand out, offering Sonic a smoke.
    Sonic took Snake's hand and was helped up to his feet. Shaking off his disorientation, Sonic spoke back to Snake.

    "No thanks. I don't smoke." Sonic declined before taking a look at his surroundings.
    More forest. Fantastic.

    "Great. Nothing around here that stands out..." Sonic groaned before looking up at Snake. "You've probably got some kind o' fancy-shmancy find-what-we're-looking-for device, right? You military-types usually have stuff like that. Well...Military-types and Tails...But whatever."

    ((ooc: I'll make a separate post with at least Blue soon.))
    Post by: Lite, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Lite
    After taking a close look at the part of the video you mentioned, I noticed that Donald flinched and slid back a bit when he took the hit that lowered his HP, but on the "hit" that seemingly did nothing, he didn't flinch at all and acted as if nothing happened yet his HP/MP bar still shook. If I had to guess, I'd say it's either a glitch or perhaps Donald had some invincibility frames from the previous hit that were still in effect, but he still came into contact with the hitbox of Pete's shockwave attack, thus causing his HP/MP bar to shake with no loss of HP.

    Of course I could be dead wrong on the invincibility frames thing. I haven't played KH2 in a long time and the mechanics of that game haven't stuck with me, but that's what it looked like to me.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Lite
    I seriously hope it gets localized. I tried a bit of it a while back and I enjoyed it quite a bit, but the language barrier prevented me from really taking advantage of the features that were available. I dig the look of the game and how it plays (assuming I was actually playing it correctly), and I really would like to experience the story by playing the game myself in a language I can understand.

    Make it happen, Squeenix...please.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Lite
  8. Lite
    ~Honnouji Classroom~
    The Coach and the Fighter's wills were unbreakable as their one-handed battle raged on, neither one closer to victory than the other.
    Nekomaru's intense focus was unbreakable, not even allowing him to respond to the friend that had supplied him the protein shake, though he did appreciate it.
    Akane, the aforementioned friend, did get a response, however. It was instead from the SHSL Swimmer, Aoi Asahina, the girl supplying her favored contender and best friend, Sakura Oogami, a protein shake of her own.
    "Don't listen to her, Sakura! You've got this in the bag! Show him why you're the SHSL Fighter!"
    "CLASSMATES! This tomfoolery is not welcome in a school environment!" Began the aspiring disciplinarian and SHSL Hall Monitor, Kiyotaka Ishimaru. "Despite that, I am placing my hypothetical money on Oogami-san!"
    "Tch. I could take both o' these punks and toss 'em over the table no problem...but my money's on Oogami." Scoffed the SHSL Outlaw Biker, Mondo Oowada.
    "You're all nothing but fools. The only possible winner in this situation is I, the Dark Lord Gundam Tanaka. My Four Heavenly Kings of Destruction will bring about your en-hey where'd this fifth hamster come from?" Said the SHSL Breeder, Gundam Tanaka, as he was caught off guard by an unexpected fifth "hamster" that had a swirly tail and looked like it was wearing black sunglasses.
    "Boota, behave yourself!" Said Simon, who somehow had fit Lagann into the classroom where the arm wrestling match was taking place. It turns out the fifth "hamster" was actually Simon's pet Pig Mole, Boota. The small creature jumped from Gundam's shoulder to Simon's with a hearty "BUU!".
    "S-Sorry about that..." Simon said to Gundam.
    "Hmph. Just don't let it happen again, Mortal." Gundam replied, crossing his arms, hiding the fact that he was somewhat happy that another small creature had chosen his shoulder as a temporary seat.
    Next to Simon, Kamina was cheering on the fight along with the others in his wheelchair.
    "...Bro, who are you cheering for?"
    "I dunno, I don't even know who these people are! I just wanna see the end o' this!"
    Simon sighed.
    "Of course you do...we don't even go to this school."
    Naruto had also found a place among the spectators, cheering on Sakura Oogami for...certain reasons.
    "Yeah! Go Sakura!" He cheered, possibly excited by the fact that the girl he was cheering for shared a name with another girl he may or may not have had feelings for.
    Finally, at the other end of the classroom was Naruto's dad, Minato, who was getting more and more tired of this bullshit as it continued.
    "Guys, seriously, I have a class to teach. You're gonna have to take this somewhere else! And why does Nekomaru have an unconscious girl flung over his shoulder!?"
    The girl, Ryuko Matoi, was barely conscious as she was still weak from the heavy blood loss she suffered earlier.
    "dont worry, teach, i'll be alright...gooo nidaiiii...ow..." She mumbled, half-heartedly fist-pumping into the air as she "cheered".
    "Do you really think this guy's shoulder is the best place to recover, Ryuko?" Senketsu asked.
    "*incomprehensible mubling*"
    Just then, a faint boom was heard. And then another, slightly stronger. The booms got louder and louder until it sounded as if it was right outside the classroom door.
    The large door handle slowly turned, squeaking as it did so.
    Then, a loud noise was heard, as well as a large dent being made in the door. A second after, another loud noise was heard as the door flew off it's hinges and across the room towards Minato, who just barely dodged it with his extreme speed.
    The now door-less doorway had a massive foot coming through that momentarily exited, before the owner of said foot came into the room, towering over everyone. There was only one with a stature this large.


    Gamagoori, having promptly scared the bajeezus out of everyone in the room with his loud voice and massive everything, towered over the arm wrestling match, waiting for an answer to his crudely-worded question.
    "So...They're arm wrestling?" Gamagoori asked.
    "I see. In that case, the intensity of this arm wrestling match is becoming a serious hazard to the school! Aside from the obvious cracked floor and disintegrated chairs beneath the two of them, their intensity has also broken several water lines, set the school's kitchen on fire-staff included- and is seriously interfering with Inumuta's Wi-Fi connection! Knock it off at once or be punished!"
    Nekomaru and Sakura finally broke their focus on each other, turning to Gamagoori momentarily before finally releasing their grips on each other.
    "I guess it's a draw, then. We'll finish this another time, Sakura Oogami."
    "*more incomprehensible mumbling from Ryuko*"
    "Hm? What's that, Ryuko?" Nekomaru asked, turning Ryuko's face closer to his ear.
    "you totally had that in the box..."
    "Uh...I think you mean 'bag'."
    Post by: Lite, Jul 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Lite

    Daichi Manatsu (Captain Earth)
    Teppei Arashi (Captain Earth)
    Akari Yomatsuri (Captain Earth)
    Hana Muto (Captain Earth)
    Amara (Captain Earth)
    Moco (Captain Earth)
    Post by: Lite, Jul 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Lite
    I prefer the synthesis method. Like others have said, there's little point in having the weapon at all if you're required to defeat the strongest boss to get it. Yeah, grinding for the synthesis materials can be a pain but at least the Ultima Weapon has some actual use once you're finished.
    Post by: Lite, Jul 9, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Lite

    Chou-Chou, (self proclaimed) Undisputed God of the Universe! (Mugen Souls)
    Altis (Mugen Souls)
    Ryuto (Mugen Souls)
    Soul Skyheart (Mugen Souls)
    Sandy Sunshine (Mugen Souls)
    Post by: Lite, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Lite
    ~Temporal Tower~
    Hearing Graham's speech as he closed in, Haruko looked at Heero, confused.
    "You know this guy?" She asked.
    "Sounds like he's got a bit of a grudge against you."
    "No, not against me. Against Gundam. Most likely one that doesn't belong to me." Heero replied, speaking more than three words for once.
    "Huh. Okay. I don't get it but I don't care, I just wanna see you blow this guy up!"
    Haruko was expecting silence from Heero toward her statement, but surprisingly, he spoke up.
    "Understood." He said as if he were accepting a mission from a commanding officer.
    Just then, Wing Gundam changed shape, morphing from it's humanoid form to a bird-like form in seconds, quickly flying out of Graham's line of sight.
    "Woo! Nice dodge, Heero-kun!"
    "It's not over yet."
    As Heero said that, he turned the transformed Wing Gundam around, aiming it's Buster Rifle at Graham's Masurao before taking yet another series of shots at the black mobile suit.


    Seeing that the Power Rangers Samurai were in trouble, Wonder Red ordered his team into battle to defend them.
    "Team! We promised to protect the Samurai Megazord and that's what we're gonna do! Move in and get the enemy off of our allies!"
    "Black, start us off with a time bomb!"
    "Got it." Wonder Black pressed a button on the handheld gaming system he refused to let go of, before calling out the name of his technique:
    "Unite Bomb!"
    Just then, a dark purple aura surrounded Wonders Red, Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow and White. They were then all forcibly stuck together via their auras, creating a large dark purple bomb that was flung at the enemies in front of the Samurai Megazord.
    The explosion, however, did not cause any kind of damage. The time bomb Wonder Black threw was just that: A bomb that slowed down time in the area of it's blast radius.
    As the bomb exploded, the other Wonderful Ones, unaffected by it's slowing power, were freed from their joined state and continued the fight.
    Wonder White was the next Wonderful One to show off his power, holding his claw weapons upward.
    "Uniiiite Claw!" He called as a white aura surrounded the other Wonderful Ones as they again formed a giant version of the attacking Wonderful One's weapon; this time a large white set of claws.
    Wonder White charged in, impaling one of the slowed mecha with one set of claws before swinging it around toward another mecha.
    "終わりだ!" White called out as the machines collided, resulting in a stylish explosion in front of White. "最終的に、すべてが白にフェード。" White said before he disengaged the Unite Claw, freeing his teammates.
    Next, Yellow reluctantly stepped up to fight next.
    "U-Uniiiite Hammer!" He called as a yellow aura surrounded his teammates before they formed a large yellow hammer around the small one that Yellow held.
    "вы собираетесь вниз!" He managed to say in Russian before swinging his hammer into one slowed mecha after another, sending them flying far away from the Samurai Megazord. He finished his assault by taking out one last mecha with a powerful downward swing, flattening the machine like a metal pancake.
    "Вы не правы, чтобы смотреть вниз на цвет желтый, другу." Yellow said before he released his teammates from the Unite Morph.
    Wonder Pink then stepped up next, Using her pink-colored Unite Morph known as...
    "Uniiiite Whip!" She called as her teammates were covered in a pink aura, forming together to make a large spiked whip.
    "E timpul pentru unele pedepse!" Pink said before binding one of the enemy mecha by the leg, swinging it back and forth, slamming it into the ground repeatedly. She then flung the beat-up machine into another mecha, destroying them both in a fiery explosion.
    "Rozul este culoarea de deces în unele culturi, să știi." Pink said before whipping her teammates out of the Unite Morph.
    Next was Wonder Green, who held his gun up high.
    "Uniiiite Gun!" He called, a green aura forming around his teammates before they themselves formed a large green blaster gun.
    "Je suis une meilleure chance que vous pouvez penser, monsieur." Green said before opening fire on several of the slowed mecha, shooting holes in them with each shot. After a few moments, they all exploded like normal.
    "Eh bien? Êtes-vous vert de jalousie encore?" Green asked sarcastically as the Unite Morph disengaged.
    Second to last on the list was Wonder Blue. He held his Valiantium Blade upward before calling out:
    "Uniiiite Sword!"
    A blue aura surrounded Blue's teammates before they formed into a large sword.
    "Time to feel the sting of my Valiantium Blade!" Blue said before he effortlessly began cutting through the limbs of several mecha around him, rendering them useless. He finished it off by taking all of the limb-less mecha out with one powerful swing, cutting each one in half.
    "Hahaha! I've been waiting for a chance to make some evil scum feel the sting of my Valiantium Blade. 'Course they didn't feel it for long. 'Cuz they're dead. From the blade." Blue said cockily, disengaging the Unite Morph.
    Finally, the leader of the Wonderful Ones stepped up, smashing his fists together as he prepared to fight.
    "Uniiiite Hand!"
    A red aura surrounded his teammates, who then merged together into a large red fist.
    "So long as the Wonderful Ones still breathe, all evildoers across any world will be stopped dead in their tracks!" Red called out as as delivered a powerful punch to the last of the slowed enemy mecha, sending it flying back.
    "Mission Accomplished!" Red exclaimed just ask Wonder Black's time bomb aura dissipated. "It took all seven of us, and we were only able to take out a small portion of the entire force. If only we had a full 100-man team..."
    "Dude, cool it, Red. In case ya haven't noticed, there's more than just us fightin' these guys."
    "Blue is right. I say we are in, how you say, a good spot."
    "If another one of those rust buckets comes our way, ve'll slam them into the ground just like the last ones."
    "B-But we must know our limits, too...You do know what happens if our suits overheat in Unlimited Form, yes?"
    "Just one of our suits overheating would cause an explosion large enough to wipe this battlefield clean several times over...If all seven of us were to overheat..."
    "Game over."
    "That's not gonna happen. Team! This fight's not over yet! Cool down your suits and prepare to keep fighting! Power Rangers Samurai, we've still got your back!"
    Post by: Lite, Jul 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Lite

    As Astral easily named off the capabilities of his opponents, Senketsu grew increasingly worried.
    "Ryuko, no matter what, we can't fight this guy." Senketsu warned.
    "Wasn't plannin' on it...why?" Ryuko asked, still very weak.
    "He knew the specifics of their abilities before even seeing them all...If he were to decipher me..."
    "Don't worry, Senketsu...I won't fight 'im yet...I couldn't if I wanted to."
    "Did you say something, Matoi?" Nidai asked.
    "...No, nothin'."

    "This is worse than I thought...He was somehow able to see how even the Disciplinary Chairman's uniform worked. That's something that not even people with my position are allowed to know." Minato pointed out, his voice becoming more serious as the situation intensified.
    "Damn it...We can't just stand and watch this! I'm goin' in there!" Naruto exclaimed, again trying to run forward, only to get stopped by Minato...Again.
    "Stop stoppin' me, dad! I know I can help!" Naruto whined.
    "No, it's not that-well...It's partly that." Minato said before pointing toward the sky. "Look there. Something's coming."
    Minato wasn't wrong, as what he sensed coming toward Honnouji was Black Getter with Simon and Kamina in tow.


    "Make way, losers! Black Getter's comin' through!" Ryoma called out as the huge machine slammed into the ground of Honnouji Academy's courtyard, sliding across it and knocking over several one-star students like bowling pins. Black Getter quickly knelt down and safely put Kamina and Simon on the ground before standing back up and revealing one of the machine guns stored in it's arms, pointing it at Astral.
    "Oi, S-Type, I don't know what the hell you think you're doin', but I know what I'm gonna be doin' here in a minute if you don't knock it off!" Ryoma said, his voice echoing from inside Black Getter.
    Gamagoori angrily looked up at Black Getter.
    "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! We have a strict no-mecha policy here at Honnouji that all random strangers have to follow-"
    "YOU hold it, big guy: Ryoma Nagare, staff at Nintendo High is who you're talkin' to. I'm legally authorized to pilot this thing, even though my licence to pilot probably expired like 12 years ago. So stuff it."
    "Nnngh...I'll check the validity of your license when we're finished here, Ryoma Nagare of Nintendo High. In the meantime-"
    "In the meantime, we'll be kickin' that thing's ass! Me 'n' Simon, that is!" Kamina said, rolling up toward the fight in his wheelchair, Simon nervously following. They were stopped by the large boot of Gamagoori.
    "YOU TWO! You dare return to Honnouji Academy after being told to not set foot here again!?"
    "You're damn right we are! I've got a job t' do, and I'm pretty sure that S-Type thing's got a lot to do with it!"
    "I won't hesitate to throw you all the way to Kanto, boy!" Gamagoori threatened.
    "Do it. I dare ya!"
    "Cease this fighting at once!" called a woman's voice that echoed across the academy campus, bringing everyone to a silent halt.
    Everyone's attention was then brought to a womanly figure standing atop the front gates of Honnouji Academy, colorful light radiating from her body. Five others stood with her.
    "Students and Staff of Honnouji Academy, I am confident that you remember who I am. In case you don't, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ragyo Kiryuuin. Next to me is my close friend and business partner, Antis Piral, and the four wonderful individuals that were my Elite Four when I was this school's Student Council President."

    "No way...Lady Ragyo!" Minato said in shock.
    "You know this old bag, dad?" Naruto asked.
    "Hey, watch you're mouth! But yes, I do know who she is. Like she said, she was once Honnouji Academy's Student Council President like Lady Satsuki is now. That was back when I was a student."
    "Really...Did she always glow like that?"
    "Actually yes...In fact it's a lot brighter now than I remember it being years ago."
    "It is unlike me to intrude on school grounds these days, but the presence of this S-Type forced my hand. That is why I am asking all of you, including the current Elite Four, to stand down and let my Elites handle this." Ragyo ordered.
    Just then, the remaining four jumped from Ragyo's side and landed on the ground, prepared to fight for their old school ground.
    The Elite Four of Ragyo Kiryuuin's Old Student Council revealed themselves finally.
    "What is this? One S-Type causes trouble and the student council is called in? Where are the Two-Stars? Or even the One-Stars?" Said the left-most Elite, Madara Uchiha.
    Next to him were the remaining three Elites, whose identities will be revealed in the next posts by the people who play them; DarkTraitor and Hero Of Time.
    Post by: Lite, Jun 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Lite
    ~Temporal Tower: Evolution~​

    The fight continued outside the tower, as it had been for a while now, with some of team beginning to notice one of their own still missing.
    "Where's the Getter Team? They should've been back by now." Kouji asked, half-focused on the fight while trying to spot the Getter Team.
    "Maybe whatever they found killed 'em. Even I gotta admit charging straight into the underside of a tower that's fuckin' with space-time can't be safe." Kaido responded, his full focus on tearing apart the enemy.
    Almost immediately, Dayakka spoke up.
    "You can stop worrying now, guys. I'm picking up the Getter Team's energy signatures coming up from the ground."
    As Dayakka said, the Getter Team's un-combined jets emerged from the ground unscathed. However...They weren't going right back into battle like everyone expected them to.
    "H-Hey! You guys, where're you going?" Kouji asked.
    The jets landed on the deck of the Dai-Gurren, no response from the pilots.
    Yoko, who happened to be standing nearby with her rifle, checked the jets after they landed.
    "They're empty! All three of them!" She said in a worried tone.
    "Then where the hell's the Getter Team!?"
    "Cool it, guys, we're fine. We just got a new toy is all." Said Ryoma's voice over the comms.
    Suddenly, three different jets emerged from the ground at extreme speeds.
    "Ryoma, what are those things?" Kouji asked them.
    "We'll show ya! Hayato, Musashi! Let's give this a shot!"
    "Let's do it!"

    The three jets maneuvered into a straight formation, the red jet in front, white in the middle and yellow in the back.
    They joined together just like the Getter Team's original jets, slamming into place. At this point, their speed had been so great that they'd flown high above the battle, nearly going as high as Nirvash had gone.
    "Change! Shin Getter One!!" Called Ryoma. The team couldn't see it, but the machine that had formed was completely different than before. It's intimidating form alone was a sign of it's incredible power.
    "Ha ha ha! Just lookin' at this thing gave me chills, but sitting in the cockpit is giving me a whole new kind o' rush!"
    "I have to admit, this is a major improvement over our regular Getter Robo."
    "Ryoma, Hayato, hate to stop you from admiring your new toy, but something's falling, six o' clock high!" Musashi said, prompting Ryoma to turn Shin Getter around, where it saw Nirvash falling quickly toward the ground, a barrage of missiles and beams following it.
    "Hey, ain't that the surfboard mech?"
    "It is. It must be unable to fly without the board."
    "Well ain't that a shame. Guess we'll have to help!"
    Shin Getter flew at high speeds towards the falling Nirvash.
    As they got close, Ryoma called out to Nirvash's pilots.
    "You kids look like you could use a hand!" Ryoma called out as Shin Getter flew above Nirvash, looking as if it was ignoring it.
    Moving quickly, Ryoma positioned Shin Getter right in the path of the missiles and beams.
    "Let's give the wings a shot! BATTLE WIIIING!" Ryoma called as Shin Getter's bat-like wings began spinning around Shin Getter's body at extremely high speeds, creating a dark purple tornado around the machine that deflected the beams and missiles that attacked Nirvash.
    "This thing...This Shin Getter Robo...It's awesome!"
    "Ryoma! Don't forget-"
    "Yeah, yeah, I know." Ryoma responded, maneuvering Shin Getter back down to grab Nirvash, which it successfully did.
    As Shin Getter 1 was almost 4 times Nirvash's size (Nirvash at 15 meters tall and Shin Getter 1 at 55 meters), Nirvash was easily held in one of Shin Getter 1's arms.
    "I hope you didn't think we were gonna let ya fall back there." Ryoma said sarcastically.
    "Nnnngh..." Musashi groaned.
    "Musashi, you alright?" Ryoma asked in response to the sound.
    "Y-Yeah, I'm fine...I think that grab messed with my arm a little bit...But I'll live."
    "If you say so, Musashi. If you need a breather, just say so." Ryoma said, genuinely looking out for Musashi's well-being.
    "Yeah." Musashi replied, still sounding somewhat pained, but confident nonetheless.
    "Heads up, there's an energy source coming from the direction of the barrage we just stopped." Hayato warned.
    "Hm! Let 'em come! I can kick their ass with just one hand! In fact, I don't need any hands! GETTAAAAA BEEEEAAAAAMU!" Ryoma called out, firing a large super-powerful beam from Shin Getter 1's torso at the source of the now-stopped missile and beam barrage: Anemone in TheEnd.

    Entering the battle against Graham Aker was Heero Yuy, who (much to Heero's dismay) had Haruko taking up space in Wing Gundam's cockpit.
    "Target acquired. Engaging." Heero said to himself as he opened fire on Graham's Mobile Suit with Wing Gundam's Buster Rifle.
    "Ooooh, his robot looks dangerous, you think you can take him, Heero-kun?" Haruko asked.
    "...He will be eliminated. That's my mission." Heero responded, not taking his eyes off of what was in front of him.
    "Eh...Mission, mission, mission, that's all it ever is with you. Can't you just shoot someone because you wanna?"
    Ignoring Haruko's questions, Heero continued to charge in toward Graham's Mobile Suit, firing well-placed shots in an attempt to take him out.
    Post by: Lite, Jun 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Lite

    Barizorg (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Damaras (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Post by: Lite, Jun 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Lite

    Barizorg (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Damaras (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Post by: Lite, Jun 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Lite
    Smash 4 just got a bit more heavenly...i'm sorry that was bad.


    Secondly, here's another reveal with quite possibly the best trailer ever:


    And finally, The joining of the four is among us.


    First, Palutena. I had a feeling she'd be coming, but now that she's officially revealed I am extremely excited. She looks fun to play imo. And was that a Dark Pit teaser at the end of her trailer? I hope so.

    Secondly, Miis. Not quite as hype-inducing as Palutena imo but still a good addition. Plus the three distinct fighting styles (with twelve customizable specials each) shows that they weren't lazily tossed in there with another character's moveset.

    Finally...Pac-Man. I couldn't be more hyped right now if I tried. In all seriousness though, I think the way Pac-Man is portrayed here is absolutely perfect for Smash Bros. Plus it allows for a four player Icon Battle between Mario, Sonic, Mega Man and Pac-Man. Oh, and Mr. Game and Watch was confirmed, I think. He didn't have a little "Mr. Game and Watch joins the battle"-type thing but I don't think vets get those anyway.

    So yeah. Hype. I am finding it hard to contain it.
    Post by: Lite, Jun 11, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  18. Lite
    ~Temporal Tower; Just after the Power Rangers Samurai arrived~
    A group of seven watched in annoyance as the Power Rangers Samurai prepared themselves for battle. The group consisted of a blonde haired man dressed in painfully casual clothing, a cool-headed dude wearing police gear around his shoulders, a rather chubby green-haired kid with a fanny pack full of various foods and treats, an eye-pleasing girl with a killer fashion sense, an Asian fellow with a face so intense he could make a board meeting interesting, a large Russian man who looked incredibly nervous and finally a young dark-skinned child whose face was glued to the handheld gaming system he was holding.
    "What the...!? Are they...Copying us!? No, they can't be...They've got the mask wrong." The blonde-haired man asked.
    "Copyin' or not, their costumes are wa-ha-haaaay lame, dude." The cool-headed dude replied.
    "Intéressant! Perhaps we are not ze only ones who fight ze doers of evil." The chubby green haired kid added with an incredibly strong french accent.
    "Blech! I have to agree vith Blue on this one. Those costumes are DEESGAHSTING." The pretty girl groaned, her accent clearly showing her Transylvanian roots.
    "It is not the kosutoom zat makes the fightah. It iz the fightah zat gives the kosutoom its reputation. Howevah...those sixu fightahs could not give their kosutooms a good reputation even if they defeated every last enemy in the yuuneevasu." The Asian fellow said in a beautifully thick accent, arms crossed and eyes shut.
    "B-B-But perhaps it is best to simply leave them alone, no? We do not want to start fight with we?" The Russian man stuttered, shaking nervously.
    "maybeweshouldtrytogetthemtojoinourside..." The small gamer mumbled.
    "Black's right. There's a fight going on here, and only one side is on the side of justice. If those six are on that side, then they're as good as allies! Team! Prepare for battle!" The blonde-haired man ordered.
    "Roger!" The rest of the group replied.
    The blonde haired man began the preparations by preparing himself first.
    "Wonder-Eyes, Red!"

    "I'm Will Wedgewood, a special combat agent; CENTINEL's planetary secret service, Blossom City Field Office. Also known as...Wonderrrr Red!"
    The man who was known as Will Wedgewood a mere second ago was now the super-powerful defender of justice, Wonder Red.
    "Blue, you're up!" He said, pointing to the cool-headed dude.
    "You got it, bro! Wonder-Eyes, Blue!"

    "Eliot Hooker, Wonderful One from the Los Angeles Field Office and second in command of the Wonderful 100 (pronounced "one double-oh"), also known as...Wonderrrr Blue!"
    "Dude! Feel the sting of my Valiantium Blade!" He gloated, swinging around the blade that came with his ability set.
    "Green! Your turn!"
    "Eet will be my pleasure, monsieur Red! Wonder-Eyes, Green!"

    "Jean-Sébastien Renault, Stationed and the CENTINEL's Field Office in Bordeaux, France and novice member of the Wonderful 100. Also known as...Wonderrrr Green!"
    "Sacré vert! Me, a noveece? You may address me as MESSIEURS Wonder Green. Have you no respect for etiquette?"
    "R-Right, sorry about that...Anyway, Pink! You know the drill!"
    "Let us do this!! Vonder-Eyes, Pink!"

    "Mariana Kretzulesco, CENTINEL's special combat agent from the Transylvania Field Office. Also known as...Wonderrrr Pink!"
    "Yes! Now it is time to start the vhipping and defeating of the bad guys!"
    "You got it, Pink! But we're not through yet! White, it's your time to shine!"
    "Hai! Wandah-Eyes, Whaito!"

    "Momoe Byakkoin, Master of Ninjutsu and Wonderful One from the Shinshu, Japan Field Office! Also known as...Wonderrrr White!"
    "To purotecto my warudo...Zat is why I am a Wandafuru Wan." Wonder-White said solemnly to himself.
    "That's why we all are Wonderful Ones, White. To protect our world! Now, show us your resolve, Yellow!"
    "Wha-bu-eh...Oh, if you say so. W-Wonder-Eyes, Y-Yellow!"

    "Ivan Istochnikov, Special Combat Agent of the CENTINEL's Siberian Field Office! Also known as...Wonderrrr Yellow!"
    "Y-Yes, that is the name that is mine, eh...I-I suppose it is time to be moving on to the last transformation, yes?"
    "That it is, Yellow! Black, give 'em the grand finale!"
    "Yeah. Wonder-Eyes, Black!"

    "Krishna Ramanujan, Special Combat Agent of the CENTINEL's New Delhi Field Office! Also known as...Wonderrr Black!"

    "Nicely done, Team! Now, let's get in there and-ooohhh..." Red stopped as he noticed the Power Rangers Samurai had formed their Samurai Megazord during the Wonderful Ones' transformations. "They have a robot too!?" Red asked.
    "Pssh, whatever, dude. We've taken out JERKs bigger than that thing. We don't need any robot."
    "Hmm..." Red examined the area to see if he could figure out which side of this fight was the "good" side. "Those rangers are fighting for the team with the colorful set of robots on their side...Team! We're gonna assist the rangers' mech while I establish comm link with the rangers and it's allied battleships!"
    Red, Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, White and Black all formed up next to the Samurai Megazord's feet.
    Fiddling with his communcation device in his right ear, Wonder Red managed to link up to the Dai-Gurren, Ikaruga, Ptolemaios, Samurai Megazord and Octozord.
    "This is Wonder Red of the Wonderful 100 speaking! We've recognized that your opposition is unjust and evil, therefor we're here to help! We are without large machines, but don't worry, our suits can handle way more than a simple mech can dish out. We're as lost as I'm sure all of you are in this world, so we'll help you as much as we can until we find a way back home. Wonder Red out!"
    Turning his attention back to the battle, Wonder Red issued one last command.
    "Listen up! A battle this massive will need a little extra firepower from us, and that's exactly what we're gonna give. Team, Engaging Unlimited Form!"

    "Wonderful 100! Engage the enemy now! Make sure to keep our ally Rangers' Megazorp safe!" Red ordered.


    "Is it just me or are the enemies just falling out of the damn sky now?" Ryoma asked half-sarcastically as more opposition came at them in the form of Graham Aker and Kei Ayanami.
    "Nothing we can't handle, Ryoma, just focus on the fight!" Musashi responded.
    "You got it, Musashi!"
    Getter-1 took flight and targeted one of Cheval Reptail's many underlings. Pink energy began building up on it's torso.
    "GETTAAAA BEEEEAAAAAM!" Ryoma called, firing a powerful beam into the enemy, melting it's metal before causing it to explode.
    "Damn, that feels good!"
    On the ground, Mazinger Z and Mazinkaiser SKL stood side by side.
    "Kaido, let's One-Hit-Punch one of 'em!" Kouji suggested.
    "Heh, I like the way you think, kid."
    The two Mazin units stood side-to-side, outstretching one of their mecha's arms so that each arm pushed up against the other mecha's arm.
    "TORNADO ROCKET DOUBLE CRUSHER PUUUUUUUNCH!" Kouji and Ken called out, firing their mecha's fists in tandem, sending it straight through one of the enemies.
    "Okay, not gonna lie, that was awesome." Ken said as the two mecha's rocket fists returned to them.
    "Heheh, Yeah, it was."

    Standing on the bridge of the Dai-Gurren was a young boy with a machine of his own.
    "Okay...I...I have to help. I can do it! I have to!" Said the boy in an attempt to raise his own self-confidence.


    The images of those he cared for flowed through his mind.
    "Lina...Psy...Holly...Professor Denton...When I get back to Earth, I'll find all of you!" Joey said aloud.
    He looked to his sentient mecha, Heroman.
    "Heroman! Let's go!"
    Heroman responded with a hearty "Mm!" Before picking Joey up and jumping from the Dai-Gurren to the ground.
    Joey jumped off of Heroman's shoulder before pressing a command on his arm-controller.
    "Heroman, Goooo!" Joey called, prompting Heroman to charge into battle, Joey following close behind.
    Upon getting close to Cheval's forces, Heroman stopped, holding out an arm to stop Joey as well.
    "I don't think I need to ask why you stopped..."
    Noticing Heroman and Joey on the ground, Ryoma called out to them, tomahawks locked in the blades of an enemy mecha.
    "Hey, kid! You can't just be runnin' around out here with no cover! You'll get killed!"
    Joey knew Ryoma was right, but before he could speak, a command prompt appeared on Joey's controller.
    Noticing this, Joey looked at Heroman, who looked back at Joey, implying he was suggesting this command.
    Joey nodded.
    "Heromaaaaan..." he began, raising his right arm.
    "Augment!!" He called out, pressing his right palm down on his controller. Heroman let out a powerful cry as he accepted the command, lighting shooting from his body going upwards until what looked lightning hair grew on his head. At the same time, Heroman himself was growing larger and larger, until he reached the same height as Mazinger Z.
    "...Alright, you can ignore what I said before, you're good to go! Just don't get stepped on!"
    "Right! Heroman, Attack!" Joey called, pressing the Attack command that appeared on his controller gauntlet.
    Heroman immediately charged in, his focus locked on one target among the many Insalaum forces. He threw a punch, only for his target to block it and attempt to push Heroman back. However, Heroman quickly attacked again with a sweeping kick to the mecha's legs, knocking it over and freeing Heroman's fist. Finally, he took the opportunity to leap high into the air, almost reaching the air battle above. He focused the majority of the electrical power in his body into his right fist before charging down and the knocked-over enemy mecha, slamming his fist into the machine and discharging the electricity stored in his fist, overloading the systems of the enemy mech and blowing up the machine.
    Heroman walked out from the explosion unscathed, ready to fight further.
    "Alright, way to go, Heroman!"
    "That was pretty impressive. Yo, kid, what's your name?" Ryoma asked.
    "J-Joey Jones, sir!" Joey answered politely.
    "Don't give me any o' that "sir" stuff, Joey. My name's Ryoma, so you call me Ryoma, got it?"
    "Y-Yeah, sorry sir-I mean Ryoma!"


    Heero and Riddhe took to the skies to assist against Graham Aker while Trowa and Wufei stayed grounded to continue their fight as well as fend of the new Evangelion unit that had dropped in.
    "Heero Yuy: proceeding to engage unidentified Mobile Suits."
    "Uh...Riddhe Marcenas: Helping that." Riddhe said, not used to stating all of his actions over comms.
    Heero and Riddhe dealt with the GNXIII's while Celestial Being's Gundam pilots dealt with Graham himself.

    Meanwhile, as the fight against the new Eva unit began, Dayakka alerted the team of yet another incoming object.
    "Heads up, we've got something else coming in! And fast!"
    Before anyone could react, a yellow spiked object of some sort flew by the Dai-Gurren and impaled itself into one of the enemy mecha near the Evangelion unit.
    "Kiiiiing Kittaaaaaan Stingaaaaaaaah!!!" Said a voice coming from the object before the impaled mecha was snapped clean in half before exploding.
    "Hey, is that...!?" Yoko began.
    "It sure is!" Dayakka responded.
    "Yo, Team Dai-Gurren! Did ya miss me?"

    "Kittan of the Black Siblings is here to help!" Said the main piloting a Gunman that looked strangely like a jagged banana from the side.
    "Kittan! Glad to see you're okay." Dayakka said to Kittan, establishing a communications line with him.
    "O' course I am! I ain't gonna die that easy, pal! And it looks like you guys managed to get that behemoth from the Spiral King's goons. Nice." Kittan responded.
    "BROTHER!...there's two of you now." Kiyal said, floating in midair in her magical girl form.
    "Kiyal, I'm not gonna pretend to know what you're talkin' about...Or why you're flying...But right now it looks like you guys could use a hand! But first..."
    King Kittan (Kittan's Gunman) turned to what he assumed to be Gurren Lagann, Gurren Lagann Xros.
    "Kamina, Simon! It's good to see you in Gurren Lagann agai-why is Gurren Lagann black?"
    Just then, Genome's face appeared in King Kittan's cockpit as Genome contacted him.
    "Sorry, not Simon. But Kamina's in here with me if that makes you feel better." Genome said.
    "...And who're you?"
    "...Who is this guy again?" Asked Kamina as his face appeared alongside Genome's.
    Kittan facepalmed before angrily responding to Kamina's question.
    "...Still don't know who you are."
    Kittan sighed.
    "Nevermind. Anyway, you're name, kid?"
    "Genome. Long story short, Simon and I switched places for a bit and he's on my Lazengann's body."
    "Don't know what that means, don't care what it means, I'm just ready to kick some ass for Team Dai-Gurren! Let's do this!!" Kittan called out before charging in with King Kittan.

    Back with the Getter Team, Ryoma was too engrossed in murderizing the Insalaum scrubs to notice Kittan's entrance. However, Hayato's more watchful eyes and ears did manage to take notice of something.
    "Ryoma, we're getting another Getter Energy signature." Hayato warned.
    "Is it that guy in the rip-off Getter again? I thought we were done with him."
    "No, this is different. It's not coming from the air, it's coming from underneath the tower."
    "Under the tower, huh? Well, guess that means you're the guy to go look for it. Get to it, Hayato. Make it snappy." Ryoma ordered sarcastically.
    "Open, Get!!" Ryoma called, separating Getter-1 into three jets.
    "Change, Getter 2!!" Hayato called, reforming the jets into the drill-enabled Getter 2.
    Hayato began drilling into the ground, heading toward the energy reading he was picking up.
    "It's getting stronger...A lot stronger." Hayato said.
    "Then we're close. Keep at it."
    The drilling stopped when Getter 2 found a large open room. There was little light in the room aside from what tiny bit of light shined through the hole Hayato had made. However the darkness was quickly broken as a bright green light emerged from the center of the room, lighting it up entirely.
    "Whoa...Is that...?" Musashi began.
    "This must be the source of the energy reading."
    "Heh. Musashi, Hayato. Looks like we've got a new toy to play with."

    "Even with the new additions of the Power Rangers Samurai, Wonderful Ones and Team Dai-Gurren's own Kittan, the battle they were fighting did not get any easier. Even still, their fighting spirit did not falter, for they knew they were that much closer to finally being able to go home. However, the Getter Team seems to have found something giving off powerful Getter Energy readings underneath the Temporal Tower itself. What could this discovery be? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!"
    "This isn't Dragon Ball Z, you clod."
    "But it could be if we believed hard enough!"
    "No it couldn't."
    "Jeez, fine. Next time on Crossover Cove...All o' that crap I said before happens. There, happy?"
    "I'm not..."
    Post by: Lite, Jun 6, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Lite
    ~Honnouji Academy~​

    A huge commotion has been stirred up at Honnouji Academy, as a strange being known as Astral, as well as the husband and wife it was fighting, had literally fallen from the sky into the school. Many students and teachers alike had gathered, initially to watch the fight between Ryuko Matoi and the Captain of the Boxing Club.

    "Uh...Is this supposed to be happening?" Naruto asked his father, Minato.
    "I don't know what's going on, Naruto. All that I do know is that the woman who fell in has quite a reputation at Honnouji, as does her husband at Nintendo High. If those two are fighting against something and struggling, then it can't be good." Minato explained.
    Naruto gripped his fists.
    "We should help them!" Naruto said, trying to take a step forward, only to be stopped by Minato.
    "No, Naruto. Let the Student Council handle it. They're prepared for things like this."
    Naruto was angry he couldn't help, but if his own dad, the Yellow Flash, said it was dangerous then he knew he had to comply.

    Gamagoori took the opportunity to be the first of the Elite Four to approach Astral, Jumpman and Lady Jumpman.
    "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" Gamagoori screamed, stopping their fight and wrapping the three of them up, Astral in one whip, Mr. and Mrs. Jumpman in another. Gamagoori's eyes widened as he recognized the married couple. "Lady Jumpman! You and your husband are here?" Gamagoori asked before looking at Astral. "And fighting what I can only assume is an S-Type. I've heard of your kind, you roach. You disgust me." Gamagoori said before releasing Jumpman and Lady Jumpman.
    "I am Ira Gamagoori, Chairman of the Honnouji Academy Disciplinary Bureau, and I will not stand for such atrocious beings defiling the same land on which Lady Satsuki stands! State your reasoning for trespassing here, S-Type, and I might let you off with nothing more than a body full of broken bones." Gamagoori threatened, keeping Astral wrapped right.

    Nidai stayed with the weakened Ryuko as they watched all of the commotion take place.
    "So this is his power, huh? I guess he's more than just talk." Nidai said to himself, referring to Gamagoori.
    Ryuko watched silently, feeling too weak to make any kind of verbal noise whatsoever.
    "Ryuko, you're weakening more and more every second. I have to revert out of this form now."
    Senketsu's warning was met with weak mumbling that sounded like the word "fine".
    Just then, Ryuko's revealing attire began flashing with pink stars before reverting to a much less revealing sailor uniform.
    Nidai let go of Ryuko in shock.
    "Matoi! Are you alright? Your clothes changed!" He pointed out.
    Laying face-down in the dirt, Ryuko managed to mutter an answer.
    "Y-Yeah...I'll be alright...I just need a minute...To catch my breath." She said.
    Not leaving her side, Nidai nodded.
    "Alright. I'll watch your back for you then."
    "Ryuko..." Senketsu uttered.
    "Don't worry, Senketsu...I'll really be okay."
    "No, it's not that..."
    "It's just...All I can see is dirt in this position. Would you mind rolling over?" Senketsu requested.
    Ryuko let out a faint chuckle before asking Nidai to help her roll onto her back, a request Nidai fulfilled perfectly.

    Kamina and Simon's boring routine was suddenly cut short as they saw three figures flying above them towards Honnouji Academy.
    "Whoa...Bro, did you see that?" Simon asked.
    "Yeah. Let's go up there." Kamina responded.
    Simon nearly choked on air when he heard Kamina say that.
    "Seriously? You want to go there again!? We almost got killed last time!"
    "Y'think I don't remember? Look, Simon, when I was out of it, someone came to me. It wasn't a dream. It was too real to be a dream. He told me that I gotta go back there soon and that I'll know when I gotta do it." Kamina explained.
    Simon couldn't believe what he was hearing.
    "Did that Gamagoori guy break your brain too? Who's this 'someone' that came to you?" Simon asked in disbelief.
    Kamina looked forward, noticing someone approaching them.
    "Him." Kamina said, pointing to the one approaching, somewhat surprised at the perfect timing.
    "...Mr. Nagare?"

    "Hm? What is it?" Ryoma asked, noticing he was being pointed at as he approached.
    Simon sighed.
    "Bro says you came to him while he was unconscious and told him to go back to Honnouji." Simon explained.
    "It's true! Nagare was there and we were in some kind o' huge battleship or somethin' fighting off some huge alien bugs! I even saw another one of 'im flyin' in on a giant robot dragon!" Kamina explained. "First he told me that he was waitin' for me, but that I wasn't supposed to be there yet. Then he told me that I had t' go back to Honnouji and that I'd know when the time was right."
    Simon lowered his head in embarrassment.
    "He's lost it..."
    "Nah, he ain't makin' stuff up." Ryoma said.
    Simon slowly raised his head back up to look at Ryoma.
    "...Come again?"
    "I know exactly what he's talkin' about. Well...'cept for the dragon part. Anyway, he wasn't talking t' me. He was talking to another me. Get it?" Ryoma asked.
    Simon was confused beyond belief.
    "...Mr. Nagare, are you on some kind of medication?"
    "Nope. I'm just sayin' that what Kamina's talkin' about is real. Oh, and one other thing. He didn't see all that because he was knocked out. He saw it 'cause he was dead."
    Simon gasped.
    "He was...Dead?"
    "If I died then how the hell am I still here?"
    "You heard the other me, didn't ya? It wasn't yer time yet. So he sent ya back here. Looks like you've still got a job to do."
    To Simon and Kamina, this concept was incomprehensible.
    "So Bro...Died, met another you, got told it wasn't his time and was brought back to life?"
    "You got it, kid. I know what he's sayin' is true. I've been there. It's a long story and I ain't tellin' ya about it right now. If I heard ya right, Kamina's got a job to do up at that school. Ain't that right?" Ryoma asked.
    Kamina smirked before answering.
    "Yep. That's exactly what I gotta do. Simon! Help me get into Lagann so we can-"
    "Whoa, whoa, you don't gotta do that." Ryoma said, stopping Kamina.
    "Let me give ya a hand."
    Ryoma raised his right arm and snapped his fingers.
    "Come here, Black Getter!!" He called, summoning a giant mecha from the sky to his position.
    After it landed, Black Getter knelt down and held out a hand, allowing Ryoma to hop on. When he got on, Black Getter brought Ryoma up to the now-open cockpit entrance, allowing him to get inside and take control of the machine.
    The cockpit entrance closed and pupils formed in Black Getter's eyes that quickly looked down at Kamina and Simon, who were quite stunned at what they were seeing.
    "H-H-How did we not know you had that? It's huge!" Simon exclaimed.
    "You never asked. Now hurry up and get on, I'll get you to Honnouji in no time!" Ryoma ordered, lowering Black Getter's hand again to allow Kamina and Simon to get on. Simon got on with little trouble but lifting Kamina up took a minute or two as he still needed his wheelchair.
    Using Black Getter's arms to keep Kamina and Simon safe, Black Getter took off toward Honnouji Academy.
    "Aaaah! A-Are you sure this is safe!?"
    "Who the hell cares if it's safe, the view is AWESOME!" Kamina replied.
    Ryoma chuckled inside Black Getter's cockpit as he approached Honnouji Academy.
    Post by: Lite, Jun 2, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Lite
    ~Honnouji Academy Front Gate~
    "'This is a naked pig who dared to defy Honnouji Academy. As such, justice was dealt', eh?" Said a new transfer student, reading a sign that was hung on the unconscious body of a student who had apparently broken the rules of the school...Or at least he looked knocked out. The possibly knocked-out student was tied up, completely naked, held up in the academy's entry way via thorned rope tied around his arms. "The city's dangerous, but this school's just as bad, I see. Interesting." The student said, a cocky smirk on her face. She began to enter the school's courtyard through the entrance. "Something tells me I'll find exactly what I'm looking for here."


    The girl walking inside was Ryuko Matoi, a student transferring to Honnouji Academy. Ryuko believed that within this school was the one she'd been looking for: The scumbag that murdered her father. As she walked inside, she was bumped into by a large, extremely buff figure. "Hey, watch where you're going!" She snapped, annoyed. The large student turned to her.
    "Hm?" The large student mumbled. "What're you barking about?" He asked.
    "What I'm 'barking' about it your huge-ass arms runnin' into me!" She complained.
    The large student's already intense face intensified more, so much so that lightning began sparking from his eyebrows.
    "If my arms are so big, then you should have been able to see them coming. Or are you just blind?"
    Ryuko growled.
    The large student merely chuckled at her growling.
    "What's your name?" He asked.
    "Eh? First you run into me and now you're demandi-"
    "Your name. What is it?"
    Ryuko sighed.
    "Ryuko Matoi."
    Ryuko blinked at the sudden shouting from the large student, feeling compelled to comply.
    "Ryuko Matoi!" She said, putting more heart into it.
    "My name is Ryuko Matoi! Now how 'bout you tell me yours!" Ryuko said loudly, legitimately angry that this guy kept making her repeat her name.
    "Hmph! MY NAME IS NEKOMARU NIDAIIII! A NAME YOU WON'T FORGET! EVEN IN HELL!!" He began, his voice echoing grandly.


    He continued on.
    "SUPER HIGH-SCHOOL LEVEL COACH! NEKOMARU NIDAI! THAT! IS! MY! NAAAAAAAAAME!!!!" Nidai screamed, lightning sparking from his eyebrows.
    The sheer force of his yelling blew Ryuko's hair back a bit. Straightening it out, Ryuko smiled.
    "You're loud. REALLY loud. But I love your spirit, Nidai. I'm kinda glad I bumped into ya." Ryuko complimented.
    "Haha! Likewise, Ryuko Matoi! I'm glad to see someone else with a powerful spirit at this school!" Nidai complimented back.
    Suddenly, a deep boom was heard behind Nidai. I'm sure you can guess what it is.


    "I heard yelling. What's going on?" Gamagoori asked demandingly.
    Nekomaru turned toward Gamagoori. The two of them stood at completely equal height.
    When their intense gazes met, the pressure caused a small gust of air to blow out from in between them.

    The two walked closer to each other, causing the air to increase in speed and force, until finally they were forehead-to-forehead.
    "I was teaching this new student how to properly introduce herself. Is that a problem?" Nidai asked.
    "When it's causing extreme noise pollution during school hours, then yes. It is a problem." Gamagoori replied.
    The two pushed against each other's foreheads with so much strength that a mixture of sparks and flames flew from in between their foreheads.
    Ryuko simply stared at the two, at a loss for words...That is until she spoke up, of course.
    "I'm just gonna go now..." She said nonchalantly before fast-walking away from the two hulking men.
    "Fine! It was good meeting you, Ryuko! Maybe we can meet up again later!" Nidai said, gritting his teeth as he continued to push up against Gamagoori.
    "Yeah, sure, sounds great!" Ryuko replied as she continued to move away from him and Gamagoori.
    "Now then...Where were we?" Nidai asked, turning his attention back to Gamagoori.
    "I believe we were in the middle of talking about how noise pollution is an offense punishable by ME." Gamagoori roared.
    "Haha! Don't you mean punishable by law?" Nidai asked in an attempt to belittle Gamagoori.
    "Of course I do! Because here at Honnouji Academy, I AM THE LAW!"
    "Then it looks like this place needs a better law, 'cause punishing me for helping a fellow student isn't the right way to go about it!"
    Gamagoori growled in response, prompting Nidai to also start growling.
    The two would continue their struggle against one another for hours, the sparks and flames slowly growing from cool visual effects into a legitimate fire hazard.

    Okay, since I'm lazy and things kinda need to move forward for a couple reasons, here is a series of videos that summarize various things. Also, since a post can only have 5 videos in it max, only some of the video links are embedded. The rest need to be watched on youtube by clicking the links:

    When Ryuko entered her first class and was introduced, this happened:

    Later on, Ryuko attempted to confront Satsuki Kiryuuin about the murder of her father, and this happened:

    After Ryuko managed to escape, she returned to where her home once stood. Then this happened:

    Finally, with Senketsu in tow (though covered with a tattered cloak out of embarrassment), Ryuko returned to Honnouji Academy. Then this happened:

    And that brings us to where we are now. Moving on...

    With the Boxing Club Leader defeated and Senketsu's terribly revealing look revealed to everyone, Ryuko took up a microphone and began demanding to know why Satsuki Kiryuuin, who Ryuko believed was her father's killer, did such a terrible thing, only to suddenly feel weak and fall to her knees.
    "You're bleeding too much, Ryuko." Senketsu said, his voice only audible to Ryuko.
    "I thought you wanted blood!" She whispered.
    "I do, but at the rate you're losing blood, you'll fall unconscious within five minutes." Senketsu explained.
    "Don't make it sound like no big deal!" Ryuko said before falling to her knees, holding herself up with her scissor blade.
    Managing to stand herself up, Ryuko began to run for Honnouji's exit.
    "We'll have our leisurely chat another time, Satsuki Kiryuuin!" Ryuko threatened as she ran.
    However, before she could reach the exit, the weakness from her lack of blood caused her to fall again. Luckily, the student Ryuko had met not long ago, Nekomaru Nidai, was standing not far from where she fell. He went over and helped her up, making sure not to touch her in the less-than-appropriate areas.
    "Ryuko Matoi! Are you alright?" He asked.
    "I-I'm...Fine..." She choked out.
    "Come on, you can go louder than-"
    Nidai was cut off when Ryuko gave him quite possibly the most terrifying death stare of his life.
    "I-I mean I'm glad you're okay..."


    A strange looking man who's body and clothing looked as if it were a chalk drawing, sat in a room that looked to be some sort of a throne room. The strangest aspect of the room is that the colors looked photo-negative. Before him was a tear in reality, showing him the events taking place at Honnouji Academy.
    "Fascinating. First the boy finds the key to unlocking his Spiral Power, and now this girl finds a key of her own." He said to himself before raising a hand, using some unnatural power to close the tear.
    Right as the tear closed, the door on the other end of the room flew open, bright multi-colored lights shining through. In the center of the light was a woman who had an air of pure beauty about her. Even the underside of her hair glowed with the same colored light that filled the room, causing everything the light touched (which was literally everything in the room) to go from photo-negative to it's normal colors.
    "Well well, I was beginning to think you weren't going to get here." The main said to the woman.
    "I'm a lot of things, darling. But a liar is not one of them." The woman responded, her voice pleasing to the man's ears.
    As she walked up to the man's throne, the man pressed a button on the end of one of his seat's armrest. This caused his throne to slide to the side and raise a second throne for the woman.
    "Your throne, my dear." He said to her, gesturing politely for her to take a seat.
    "Thank you, darling." She responded, taking her seat.
    The man and woman took each other's hands lovingly.
    "So, did anything interesting happen during my absence?" Asked the woman.
    "Indeed. The son of the Spiral Warrior from seven years ago has found a means to unlock the Spiral Power within him. Not only that, but the girl you've had your eye on has acquired a power of her own." The man explained.
    "Is that so? Show me." The woman requested.
    "Of course." The man responded, re-opening the tear in reality he was looking through, focusing on Ryuko, who was still wearing Senketsu.
    The woman's eyes widened ever so slightly at the sight before a smile grew on her face.
    "I see. So she's acquired a Kamui. Perfect. Everything is beginning to fall into place."
    "Shall we move things even further along and introduce ourselves to the world, m'lady?" The man asked.
    "No, not quite yet. On the way here I took note of a battle taking place between a powerful S-Type and a married couple, one of which used to attend Honnouji Academy."
    "Really now? That would explain the powerful aura I've been feeling. Let's see if I can find this battle." The man said, switching the view from the reality tear to various locations in Japan until he found the fight between Jumpman, his wife, and Astral. The power that both sides were exerting was fascinating to both the man and the woman.
    "Perhaps we should stay in tonight and enjoy the show. What do you say, Ragyo?" The man asked.
    "That sounds delightful, Antis Piral." The woman responded.

    Post by: Lite, May 29, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home