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  1. Lite
    Name: Shu Shirakawa
    Description: A once villainous genius turned good, Shu is one of the few leaders of a group of armored rangers that fight for peace under the oh-so original name of "ArmoRangers". Shu himself has no armor, rather he devises plans for the group to assist in their battles. He does own his own mech, however. A devastatingly powerful machine, named Neo Granzon, with enough energy inside to wipe an entire planet clean of life in one fell swoop. However, he vows never to use that power unless the world is doomed to die anyway. In the meantime, Neo Granzon simply powers Shu's home in Japan. Because of this, he has no electricity bill.
    Occupation: Scientist/ArmoRangers Leader
    Series Character is from: Super Robot Taisen
    Other: Appearance
    Neo Granzon

    Kouji Kabuto
    Description: A young man with a burning passion for justice and some killer pointy sideburns. Unlike his other incarnations, he does not pilot a standard giant mech named Mazinger Z, but rather dons a suit of armor called MechArmor under the same name. That being said, like his other MechArmor wearing comrades, his armor can "evolve" into a full-blown mech should the situation call for it.
    Occupation: Student/ArmoRanger
    Series Character is from: Mazinger Z
    Other: Appearance (The one with the helmet)
    Mazinger Z

    Name: Tetsuya Tsurugi
    Description: A man that, while good at heart, sometimes lets the heat of battle get to him, causing him to go near-berserk. Fortunately, he usually keeps enough of his composure that he keeps the berserk rage directed at the enemy and away from his allies. Like Kouji, he wears an evolution-capable suit of MechArmor called Great Mazinger, the second-generation version of Kouji's own armor.
    Occupation: Police Officer/ArmoRanger
    Series Character is from: Great Mazinger
    Other: Appearance (On the left)
    Great Mazinger

    Name: Ryoma Nagare
    Description: A top-notch karate fighter that one day wishes to revive his father's dojo. Until then, he saves money doing meaningless work at Nintendo High, specifically janitorial duties. However, his alternate job is the same as Kouji and Tetsuya's. He dons the powerful Getter MechArmor, which can evolve just like the others.
    Occupation: Janitor/ArmoRanger
    Series Character is from: Getter Robo
    Other: Appearance
    Getter MechArmor

    The next one is sort-of an OC, though it's mostly based on something canon so I'll use the canon character sheet for it.

    Name: Getter Robo G
    Description: A robot made from an old suit of MechArmor that Ryoma, as well as two of his old friends, once wore. It can change forms from Dragon, Liger and Poseidon at will. Each form, due to how the machine was made, takes on a similar voice and personality to the person that once wore it as a suit of armor.
    Occupation: Robot/ArmoRanger
    Series Character is from: Getter Robo

    To explain the ArmoRanger and MechArmor thing, I basically took mechs and turned them into suits of power ranger-esque armor (or a human-sized robot in the case of the last one). The evolution thing refers to the suits' ability to turn into a full-blown mech, but that'll only be used when the situation calls for it since it requires a lot of energy and can only be maintained for a short time. Also, Neo Granzon sounds OP because, is OP. That being said, that planet-wiping power I mentioned in the sheet will never be used. Ever. Unless I'm told to use it. In which case I will gleefully destroy everything. But that probably won't happen. c:
    Post by: Lite, Jan 12, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Lite
  3. Lite
    Profile Post

    Oooh, yes~

    Oooh, yes~
    Status Update by Lite, Dec 30, 2015
  4. Lite
    Asston of character sheets incoming:

    Name: Kamina
    Description: Kamina is the self-proclaimed "Number One Student", but really he's just the number one trouble maker. He never leaves home without his trademark shades, and always starts the day by smashing through his best friend Simon's window to take him to school. He lives by his goal to live life to the fullest.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Guren Gakuenhen

    Name: Simon
    Description: Just a regular light-hearted student who is almost always dragged into Kamina's mischief. His pet Pig Mole, Boota, is always by his side.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Guren Gakuenhen

    Name: Lordgenome Teppelin
    Description: A very stern and strict teacher, Lordgenome has never had a student fail his class...Or at least that's what his record says. The only person he shows any kind of affection to is his daughter, Nia. He also has a shaky past with a certain Astrology teacher.
    Occupation: History Teacher
    Series Character is from: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Guren Gakuenhen/Double K (Bit of a mix of both)

    Name: Antis Piral
    Age: Unknown
    Occupation: Astrology Teacher
    Bio: An odd foreign Astrology teacher who insists on arriving each day wearing all black to match his jet-black skin tone. He has a bit of a God-complex, and refuses to have a class size of over 30 students. When things are going his way, he's a laid-back and calm teacher, but deny him his way and he is relentless with his punishments.
    Other: N/A

    Name: Antis Eptic
    Age: Unknown
    Occupation: Student
    Bio: The son of Antis Piral. Antis Eptic, by the forceful hand of his father, works to take his father's place as an Astrology teacher in the future. Truthfully, he wishes to join a force to protect his new home of Japan, but he's kept that wish a secret from his father, lest he suffer severe punishment.
    Other: N/A

    Name: sans
    Age: Unknown
    Occupation: Sentry
    Bio: sans is a skeleton. a lazy one at that. so lazy, in fact, that it's impossible to write this bio with proper capitalization. behind that perpetual smile on his face lies some deep, dark secrets...but mostly puns. horrible, horrible puns.

    Name: Papyrus
    Age: Unknown
    Occupation: Sentry
    Bio: Papyrus is the skeletal brother of sans. He takes his job very, very seriously in hopes that one day he'll be able to head a squad of freedom fighters that he has preemptively named "The Royal Guard". His favorite food is Spaghetti, as anyone who's spoken to him will quickly find out.

    Name: Mettaton
    Age: Unknown
    Occupation: Entertainer/Star
    Bio: Originally created as a defense robot, Mettaton is now one of Japan's top performers. He's done it all, from hosting game shows to live musical performances. His box-like form isn't his only look, however, as he hides a second form specifically for dazzling the crowd.
    Post by: Lite, Dec 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Lite
    Makin' some reserves:

    Kamina (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
    Simon (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
    Lordgenome Teppelin (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
    sans (Undertale)
    Papyrus (Undertale)
    Mettaton (Undertale)

    Character sheets coming later.
    Post by: Lite, Dec 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Lite
    ooc: Intro #2: The Lone Cyborg, start!

    A lone humanoid figure with blatantly mechanical arms stood silently atop a tall building in Tokyo. His build was rather large in the torso area, implying more of him was mechanical than human. Even his eyes, which lay emotionless just under his short blond hair, were unnatural. The whites of his eyes weren't even white, instead a pitch black. His pupils were a bright yellow, making them stand out on the "blacks" of his eyes. Closer inspection revealed a sort of digital heads-up display in front of his eyes, showing him data about whatever was in his view.

    "This place...It seems dangerous." He mumbled to himself. Currently the thing that stood out the most was the incident taking place at a bank within the city. However, his current objective prevented him from intervening. Plus, his scans showed there was already some sort of resistance at said bank, meaning the cyborg was not needed. After scanning the area below him, he looked toward the sky, scanning out as far as he possibly could. He detected something in space...something alien. He couldn't confirm what he was detecting, only that they were on the moon...Save for one reading, which seemed to be heading straight for Earth. Judging by the Cyborg's next words, this was exactly what he was looking for.
    "Target acquired."

    At the moment, the Cyborg- named Genos- was unable to do anything except wait while his target descended to Earth. So he did. Instead of attempting to pass time with other activities, Genos merely stood there, unmoving, as he watched his target descend to Earth. Clearly Genos isn't good at managing his time.


    Saitama casually strolled through the streets, lightly grasping a soda he'd purchased mere minutes ago. Save for the fact that a section of the city was blocked off due to an intense, high-stakes and dangerous bank robbery by some extremely dangerous and murderous men, things were pretty calm today. Despite the disappointment earlier regarding the Subterraneans, Saitama did enjoy the peace. He continued to stroll along, sipping his non-specified-brand soda, when he came across an ad playing on a television in a store window. He couldn't hear the ad, as the audio was muffled due to the window, but from what he could see, there was a show happening in the city featuring a group of colorful animal characters. Saitama felt like he'd seen these characters before, but he couldn't place where. Maybe on television a long time ago. Whatever the case, he decided to head to the show. He had nothing better to do that day except for a little shopping, but that could always be done after the show.
    "Welp. Guess I know what I'm gonna do today." Saitama said to himself before beginning his walk to the theater to catch the show.
    Post by: Lite, Dec 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Lite
    OOC: So after my first post was...well...let's be real it was trashtastic, I'm gonna rewrite it. Different character, different scenario, all that good stuff. However I just want to say that, unless you've seen/read One Punch Man before, this post will look much much more destructive and generally godmod-y than it actually is, so I ask that you please read the whole thing before you send any complaints my way. Thank you and have a nice day.

    ~Tokyo: Random Apartment Complex A~
    The sun rose on this typical morning. It shined through the windows of many a citizen's window, brightening up their homes and telling them that the coming day was going to be a good one. The singing birds and calming breeze were another sign of this. Even the owner of one of the apartments, a hairless fellow by the name of Saitama, was so calm by the beauty of the day that he hadn't even woke up to see it yet, as he continued to snore away in bed, his white-and-blue striped pajamas keeping him comfortable. Or maybe he was just a late sleeper. One of those two. Unfortunately, his infantile sleep schedule would soon be broken by the sound of a loud boom coming from outside his home.


    "This is the very feeling I've been looking for!!"

    And thus, the blaring alarm clock laying next to Saitama's sleeping bag of a bed was not only crushed by his hand, but sent flying into the floor below. The grand battle against the Subterraneans and the final fight against their King...was all just a dream. A dream of what Saitama, The World's Strongest Hero (despite the fact that somehow nobody knows who the hell he is), had wanted from a fight since the day he found he could take down any opponent with a single swing of his fist. With One Punch, to put it simply.
    Saitama sat up, a blank expression on his face. The disappointment inside him was intense. How he wished such a battle could take place for real. But seemed that day would never come. But then...
    From outside, Saitama heard a loud booming sound, prompting him to quickly don his yellow suit, red gloves, red boots and white cape. Stepping out to his apartment's small patio, he looked to the ground. Just like in his dream, several creatures had emerged from underground, claiming themselves to be Subterraneans. Even their king had emerged alongside them. But these guys seemed...smaller and generally less intimidating than their dream-world counterparts.
    "The surface is ours! You surface dwellers must die! I am the Subterranean King! Surface dwellers, prepare yourselves for-"
    The small Subterranean king's speech was cut short due to a violent kick from Saitama, who jumped from his second-story apartment in his Hero garb. Jumping from the now-KO'd King's head, Saitama looked to the other Subterraneans, who collectively squeaked in fear at what they just witnessed.
    "Alright, bring it on!" Saitama shouted heroically, preparing himself for an intense battle...But before he knew it, the Subterraneans had escaped back into the small holes they emerged from, leaving behind only a white flag that had "SORRY ABOUT THAT" written on it.
    Saitama scratched the side of his bald head before letting out a sigh.
    "I've become too strong..."
    With that, Saitama returned to his home and changed out of his hero outfit, choosing to spend his day in more casual wear. He then went about his day as he usually did, the disappointment regarding the weak Subterraneans still biting him in the back of his mind. But he'd get over it. These days, getting over a disappointing fight is all he could do.

    ooc: Aaaand intro post 1 complete. I've got two more planned that I'll be writing before getting my characters actually involved in something so yeh. Keep an eye out for those. Or don't. I'm not your mother.
    Post by: Lite, Dec 27, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Lite
    Greetings and salutations, HSD...people. After talking to @NutheadBros about it, I've decided to come back. I'm looking forward to RPing with you all again.

    Also, to start myself off, I'll claim the following characters:

    Name: Saitama
    Description: Saitama is the most powerful hero alive. Having apparently trained himself to superhuman conditions, Saitama faces a self-imposed existential crisis, as he is now too powerful to gain any thrill from his heroic deeds.
    Occupation: Hero
    Series Character is from: One Punch Man


    Name: Genos
    Description: At age 15, Genos was still a human being living a happy and peaceful life along with his family. One day, a crazy cyborg attacked their town and destroyed it, killing his family. Genos miraculously survived, but he wouldn't survive long alone in his ruined town if he wasn't found by Dr. Stench who passed the town pursuing the cyborg. Genos begged Dr. Stench to transform him into a cyborg, who complied. Genos was reborn as a cyborg fighting for justice and promised Dr. Stench that one day he would find and destroy the cyborg.
    Occupation: Hero
    Series Character is from: One Punch Man


    Name: Mumen Rider (aka Licence-less Rider)
    Description: Mumen Rider is a C-Class Superhero. He has the #1 rank of the C-Class. He is known as the bighearted bicyclist who springs into action with his persistent spirit. He was christened "Rider" due to his obsessively persistent attitude, and because he's unable to ride a motorcycle.
    Occupation: Hero
    Series Character is from: One Punch Man


    From what I could tell, these three were free. But if I'm wrong let me know and I'll fix it.
    Post by: Lite, Dec 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Lite
    ooc: So sorry for taking so long to get a post made. I've been dealing with some personal matters these past few days. Hopefully I won't be held up like that again. Also I'll probably have a banner made for Tony in my next post.

    Tony Stark, having kept quiet and merely observed the reactions to Vision, finally stepped forward and spoke up now that the team had decided that they needed to make their move against Ultron and that the newborn synthezoid, evil murderous killing machine or not, was going to be on their side for it.
    "Hear that? Do those sound like the words of Ultron 2.0 to you guys? 'Cause it sure doesn't to me. Look, maybe he's got some evil shoved down in his head and maybe he'll turn on us later. But right now we share a common goal: To kick Ultron's metal ass into the dirt." Tony began, hoping his words in defense of Vision would have some sort of impact on the doubts the others may have had. "Plus, look at it this way; If we do manage to beat Ultron, then that just means we're prepared to take this guy on too if he pulls a 180 and attacks us." He concluded before turning to Vision. "Word of advice, don't do that."

    Having spoken his mind on the subject, Tony prepared himself for the mission ahead. Whatever Ultron had in store for them, it was not going to be pretty.

    "If there's nothing else to chat about, how about we get going, hm? Our good friend Ultron isn't gonna sit and wait for us."
    Post by: Lite, Oct 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Lite
  11. Lite
    I've been contemplating joining in here for a little bit, but I just saw Age of Ultron a little while ago and it's put me in a huge superhero-y mood. Now I'm definitely getting in on this if possible.

    If I can, I'd like to claim Iron Man (Tony Stark), based mostly- if not entirely- on his Cinematic Universe incarnation.

    If anything needs to be altered or if I can't claim Tony for whatever reason just let me know.
    Post by: Lite, Oct 8, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Lite
    "Adrian Luther is my name. I'm a mercenary and I'm also..." As he continued his unwanted spiel of an introduction, Adrian noticed that the group had already begun leaving to the island after just hearing his name. "...being left behind. Wait for me!" He cried as he ran to catch up.

    The vast amount of forestation that was revealed when they approached the island was worrying. Considering the unnatural and slithery way Nobodies moved, they would have a much easier time maneuvering through such a landscape. Even worse was the fact that should a fight break out inside the forest, Adrian's Thunder magic could spark a forest fire if he missed a target. Adrian didn't even know if the others were capable of any sort of magic, but if they were he could only hope it was something that could put a fire out.
    "Jeez...Tight space plus Nobodies does not equal a good time..." Adrian mumbled as he walked ashore. When Neoph asked if there were any questions, Adrian childishly raised his hand as if he were a student answering a teacher. "Any idea how many Nobodies are supposed to be slithering around here? Just asking in the event there's gonna be a lot and they make me scream...Nobodies creep me out. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy splitting them in two, though."
    Post by: Lite, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Lite
    Unbeknownst to Neoph and his merry band of fighters, a sneaky sneak of a man, named Adrian Luther, was listening in on their conversations from afar. He managed to catch most of it, primarily talk concerning an "Island of Nobodies". From what he could gather, this group intended to go there despite the potential danger. This idea intrigued Adrian, pushing him to approach the group and offer his services to them.
    "Hey, wait up! Hold your metaphorical horses!" Adrian called out, hoping to Neoph and his allies before they left to have their fun. "I couldn't help but overhear that you guys are going off to do some dangerous work. You wouldn't happen to have room for one more, would you? I could go for a good fight." Adrian asked, catching his breath after sprinting up to Neoph and co.

    OOC: Woulda had this done last night but stuff came up that prevented me from doing it. Hopefully this is enough to get Adrian in.
    Post by: Lite, Oct 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Lite
    I was told this fine RP is still accepting newbies so here comes a new challenger.

    Name: Adrian Luther

    Alias: None

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Bibbidy Boop (Warning: image is kinda huge. Also, ignore the lines in the eyes and the pointed ears.)

    Personality: Sarcastic and somewhat sadistic. He enjoys finding a joke in any situation, even if it may not be the most appropriate time. Despite his irritating attitude, he can be very aggressive and even violent when angry.

    Weapon: Raiden (Sword in the picture) and Thunderbolts (Knives)

    Talents: Very nimble, Able to use Thunder magic to further potential than other magic types

    Goals: To keep living as a mercenary for as long as possible

    History: Adrian was born into an impoverished family of a mother, father and two sons, Adrian included. Daily life was a struggle, consisting of tireless searches for food and other necessities wherever they could find them. This lead to Adrian learning to hunt and discovering his natural talent with Thunder magic when he accidentally electrocuted a large animal he was attempting to take down with his bare hands. From there, he taught himself to use bladed weapons in tandem with his magic, allowing him to hunt with greater efficiency.

    Later in life, Adrian began to dabble in mercenary work to earn money for his family. His mother was especially against the idea, but when she saw the rewards that were being brought home, her opinion quickly changed. Adrian's natural abilities made him a well-known merc around his home village of Roland's Ford, which brought in many high-paying jobs. Things were looking up for Adrian and his family, as they were finally able to live at least somewhat comfortably now that they had stable income.

    Recently, Adrian's father miraculously managed to land a job as a secretary for a powerful politician in Durlag. It confounded the minds of Adrian and his family as to how it could have happened, but it resulted in a change in living location to a nice house in the city. Much to the dismay and confusion of his family, Adrian decided against moving with them, electing to stay in their old home in Roland's Ford. Something about the simpler life appealed to him, it seemed. To this day he does what he can to protect his home...For a price, if he can manage it.

    PvP Statblock:

    Hit Points: 20

    Strength: 0
    Defense: 0
    Agility: 2
    Magic: 3
    Magic Resist: 1

    Magical Bonuses: His swords and knives can be imbued with Thunder magic to increase their power.
    Spells: Thunder, Cure, Reflect
    Post by: Lite, Oct 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Lite
  16. Lite
  17. Lite
  18. Lite
  19. Lite
    I really like the sound of this concept, especially the Crossover Medals. Count me in if/when it gets going.
    Post by: Lite, Sep 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Lite