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  1. Lite
    Talk of distrust and dislike of the man named Zero echoed through the Command Room. Nobody seemed to be entirely sure that Zero had the best interest of the team in mind. Hearing this, someone stepped up to speak to ZEXIS.​
    "If I could get everybody's attention, there's an important matter than needs to be discussed."
    The various members of ZEXIS went silent and looked towards the source of the voice; Hayato Jin.
    "It's become apparent that there's a great amount of distrust going around. Whether or not that distrust is justified isn't for me to say. However, I will say this; Whether or not you trust everyone in ZEXIS is irrelevant. We all share the same goal right now. I'm sure most of you have heard the old saying, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". That saying applies here. We may not trust everyone here, but we share the same goal. And it's because of that common goal that we need to put our distrust of others aside and work together. If that doesn't cut it for you, allow me to put it another way."
    Hayato pointed to Zero.
    "A lot of you are harboring distrust towards Zero. Fine. But if we work together, and we can all get back to our own worlds, it won't matter if Zero, or anyone for that matter, can be trusted or not. Their world isn't your world. So I ask all of you; will you put aside your distrust of others and work together so we can all go home?"
    There was silence in the command room for a moment. Hayato's sight was locked on one man in particular; Ryoma.
    Finally, a nameless member of ZEXIS spoke up.
    "Y-Yeah! If we can go home we won't have to choose who to trust!"
    "He's right!" Said another member.
    Other members of ZEXIS began to agree, until the room was filled with a cheer. Except for Ryoma, who stood in the back with his arms crossed.
    "Good. Now that we have that settled, it's time to move out. Everyone report to your respective transport vessels. It's time we showed our enemies that we can overcome every obstacle thrown at us! As a team! As one!"
    The Command room was filled again with loud cheering from the members of ZEXIS who agreed with Hayato before the room emptied.
    Hayato stepped down from the podium, also making his way for the exit, when he was stopped by Ryoma.
    "Just because you make some big speech about common enemies and working together doesn't mean I'm gonna trust you any more than I already don't."
    "That's fine. As long as we can cooperate while piloting Getter Robo, you can hate my guts." Hayato said before walking off.
    Ryoma stood there for a moment, growling annoyed at Hayato.
    "Tch. Cocky bastard." Ryoma growled before exiting the Command Room.

    -Minutes later...-​
    The time had finally come. ZEXIS had been formed, a goal had been set, and it was time to get moving and reach that goal.
    Every member of ZEXIS boarded their respective ships, and those with Mecha entered their respective Mecha's cockpit.
    A communication line was created between the Dai-Gurren, Ikaruga and Ptolemaios 2 by Leeron from within the Dai-Gurren.
    "This is Dayakka Littner of the Dai-Gurren reporting that we are ready to go."
    "Zero of the Ikaruga reporting. We are ready."
    "This is Sumeragi Lee Noriega of the Ptolemaios 2 reporting. We are ready as well."
    The three ships then began to activate, The Dai-Gurren lighting up from it's windows while the Ikaruga and Ptolemaios 2 lifted off of the ground.
    Zero began to speak over the comms again.
    "Now begins our first mission under the name ZEXIS. Let us not falter! Move out!"
    The Ikaruga and Ptolemaios 2 began to move forward, while the Dai-Gurren took it's first step forward.
    ZEXIS was now on it's way to the Temporal Tower to discover the source of the distortions.

    -Inside the Dai-Gurren-​
    Sonic and Tails were found in the science bay of the Dai-Gurren, enjoying their last chance to just talk before their mission began.​
    "Seems like we always wind up fighting robots lately. Not that I'm complaining." Sonic said, leaning against a table.
    "Stuff like this should be a walk in the park for us at this point, though. We've been dealing with robots for years." Tails responded while he examined a screen that showed the status of the Dai-Gurren and all of the mecha aboard it.
    "Yeah, but Eggman's goons were usually pretty small. He'd save the big stuff for himself. This Spiral King is giving big 'bots to his goons, and then stuff like the Dai-Gurren to the higher-ranked goons, so I can't imagine what the head honcho himself's got in store."
    "Well whatever it is, we'll be ready for it. We've got plenty of prep time for that."
    "We could have all the preparation time in the world and still wind up not even coming close to being strong enough."
    Shadow stood at the doorway, arms crossed.
    "Sheesh...Leave it to Shadow to toss the good mood out the window." Sonic joked.
    "Joke all you want, but my point still stands. The Spiral King, and anyone else we find ourselves up against, could easily wipe us out in one blow. There's no way to be certain of the strength of our enemies."
    "Look, Shadow, I know you're the "take the worst case scenario into account" kind o' guy, but I don't think there's anything to worry about. You know first-hand that anything we've come against, we could and did beat it. You and me against the Biolizard, all of us against Neo Metal Sonic, and even when you took down Black Doom all on your own, there was no guarantee that those fights were gonna end with a win. But they did. Because that's how we roll!"
    "Hm. I suppose you have a point. By the way...I'm surprised we haven't come across Dr. Eggman yet."
    There was silence from Sonic and Tails when Shadow said that.
    "What is it?"
    "Did you tell him, Sonic?"
    "Tell me what?"
    "Okay, look, the thing is...Eggman's gone. As in...dead-gone."
    Shadow was silent for a moment. He was finding it hard to believe that Dr. Eggman was truly gone.
    Sonic went on to explain all of what happened back on Earth, when Yuri was known as the Unbreakable Dark, and what Eggman did for them all.
    "I see...So he sacrificed himself just to buy the rest of you some time. That was...Rather noble of him."
    "Yeah...But hey, let's not get down on ourselves right before a big battle."
    Just then, Sonic summoned the green Chaos Emerald to his hand.
    "You might need this." He said as he handed it to Shadow.
    Shadow took the emerald and dismissed it into his own spirit for safe keeping.
    "Just remember, if we need to go Super, you gotta bring it near me."
    Unbeknownst to the three of them, a pair of evil eyes was watching them from the shadows.
    The eyes faded as their conversation ended.
    At the Temporal Tower, the owner of the eyes, Mephiles the Dark, turned to a hedgehog that stood next to him.
    "They are approaching. Are you prepared?"
    "Yes. The Iblis Trigger will be destroyed today." Said the hedgehog, known as Silver the Hedgehog.
    Silver turned to his close friend, Blaze the Cat, feeling confident about what was about to transpire.
    "This is it, Blaze. Now we can finally defeat the very thing that destroyed our world!"
    Mephiles turned away and laughed quietly to himself.
    "Yes. Indeed you can, Silver."


    X and Zero, having picked up an unrecognizable rock formation on their scanners, finally found what they were detecting.
    "Is this it?"
    "Most likely. It matches the what we we've been detecting."
    The reploids were currently standing in front of a meteor-like object. It obviously did not belong in the city, and was most likely connected to the web-like substances found within the city, as well as the hostile creatures.
    "So what now? We could carry this back to the others, but there's no telling how heavy it is, or if it's even safe for us to carry."
    "In that case, I'll go alert the others. You stay here and try to gather as much information as possible on this...thing. Also, here. Take this."
    Zero took his Z-Saber hilt and tossed it to X, who caught it effortlessly.
    "Your superior Buster mixed with my Saber should be more than enough to keep you safe."
    "Thanks, Zero. Now get going, we need the others here as soon as possible."
    Zero nodded before turning around and dashing his way back to the rest of the group.
    Meanwhile, X knelt down next to the meteor-like object and began to examine it further.
    On his Heads-Up Display, every different piece of matter on the object was shown, with a progress bar showing that it was being scanned. Unfortunately, every scan ended with an error message that read "Scan inconclusive; Nonexistant matter".
    X sighed.
    "Doesn't exist in my world, so it doesn't exist in my databanks. Great."
    Suddenly, another box appeared.
    "Add new matter to databanks?" it read.
    X shrugged. Why not?
    "Uhhh...Title it...'Space rock'."
    Another box appeared after that, which read "Description?"
    "Just put 'It's a space rock'. It's all we know right now."
    With the naming process complete, X awaited his partner's return.

    *With Zero*

    Zero made it back to the group, quickly alerting them of the discovery he and X had made.
    "Everyone, X and I found something."
    The gem-esque light on his forehead lit up before displaying a hologram of the meteor-like object they had found.
    "We found this object not far from here. Neither of us can identify what exactly it is, only make assumptions. Going by it's general make-up, it looks like a meteor. Whether or not it's what caused the city to look the way it does, or if it's the source of the creatures that have been sighted in this section of the city."
    Zero crossed his arms, leaving the hologram up for the others to see.
    "Whatever we do, we need to do it fast. X is back there alone and there's no telling what could happen."
    Post by: Lite, Oct 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Lite

    A.D.A.M (Archie Sonic Comics)
    Feist (Archie Sonic Comics)
    NICOLE (Archie Sonic Comics)
    Amadeus Prower (Archie Sonic Comics)
    Rosemary Prower (Archie Sonic Comics)
    Doctor Finitevus (Archie Sonic Comics)
    Post by: Lite, Oct 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Lite

    Jinx (League of Legends)
    Post by: Lite, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Lite

    Link (The Legend of Zelda)

    Now before you say "wtf bro he's taken", allow me to elaborate. If you've seen the official Zelda timeline, you'll know that there are three timelines in the Zelda Universe. This Link comes from the timeline that takes place in the event that Link is defeated in Ocarina of Time. Also I was given permission by HoT to reserve this Link.
    Post by: Lite, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Lite
    In response to Dark's reserves, I'm reserving:

    Mable (Pokemon X/Y)
    Clemont (Pokemon X/Y)
    Korrina (Pokemon X/Y)
    Wulfric (Pokemon X/Y)
    Wikstrom (Pokemon X/Y)

    Also, a few non-Pokémon reserves:

    Captain Zélo Parracnius (Star Wars: The Old Republic OC)
    Corso Riggs (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
    Skavak (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
    Post by: Lite, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Lite

    Aikurō Mikisugi (Kill la Kill)

    And Bushy Brow is reserving:

    Satsuki Kiryuuin (Kill la Kill)
    Post by: Lite, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Lite

    Jago (Killer Instinct)
    Glacius (Killer Instinct)
    Chief Thunder (Killer Instinct)
    Sabrewulf (Killer Instinct)
    Post by: Lite, Oct 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Lite
    ~Demolition Site~

    Matt nodded to Tai when he was told to go with him.
    "You got it! Let's go, Gabumon!"
    Matt then followed Tai to the location of the Mega-level Digimon, leaving this battle to the remaining DigiDestined.
    Eric and Henry, along with their respective Digimon, continued to fight against Targetmon, however their efforts continually were in vain, as Targetmon repeatedly revived itself using it's Anja Serenade.
    "Try all you want, but every time you take me down, I'll come back as strong as ever!" Targetmon taunted.
    "Then I suppose it's time to take drastic measures. Sealsdramon, do what you have to. Do not hold back."
    "Yes, sir."
    Eric looked back at Henry.
    "Call off your Digimon for now. Sealsdramon can handle it from here."
    "O-Okay. Gargomon! You can stop fighting now!"
    Upon hearing his DigiDestined Partner's voice, Gargomon jumped away from Targetmon, landing next to Henry.
    "What's the matter?"
    "This guy says his Digimon can handle it from here." Henry explained.
    "Okay...But if things get hairy, I'm going back in!" Gargomon said, smacking his gun-hands together.
    "Don't worry. This fight's as good as finished."
    "Alright, let's hurry this up, then. I wanna get outta here and grab myself a beer." Targetmon said, taunting Sealsdramon.
    "Hmph. Why wait?" Sealsdramon responded.
    Before Targetmon could even react, Sealsdramon had charged and punched Targetmon hard enough to send him into a nearby apartment building. Sealsdramon followed.
    Back on the ground, Eric took something out of his pocket. It was...A pack of Mentos?
    "Are those...Mentos?" Henry asked.
    "It's all a part of the plan." Eric responded, a confident smirk on his face.
    Back in the apartment building, the residents of the apartment the two Digimon had gone into watched in terror.
    While Targetmon was still down, Sealsdramon grabbed a conveniently placed beer can-shaped mini-fridge. First, he took a single can of beer out from the fridge, before taking the fridge itself and shoving it into Targetmon's mouth.
    With the monkey Digimon now choking on an oversized beer can, Sealsdramon grabbed him by the legs and tossed him back outside, in front of Eric. Sealsdramon followed, the beer can he took from the fridge in his hand.
    Sealsdramon opened the can and walked over to Eric, who put the entire pack of Menton into the can. Wasting no time, Sealsdramon ran back over to Targetmon, quickly putting the Mentos-filled beer can back into the fridge that was lodged in Targetmon's mouth, before finally kicking the mini-fridge further into Targetmon's throat.
    A few seconds passed before finally, Eric and Sealsdramon's plan came to fruition, as they had created a makeshift frag grenade out of beer, Mentos and a mini-fridge, which had exploded while in Targetmon's throat, destroying him completely.
    "Target Destroyed."
    "At ease, Sealsdramon. Your mission is complete for now." Eric said.
    Hearing this, Sealsdramon reverted back into Commandramon.
    "Whoa...That was amazing! Kinda brutal...But amazing." Henry said to Eric.
    "Yeah! You two are one in-sync team!" Gargomon said before also reverting back to it's previous stage.
    "When you've been partners for as long as we have, you can conduct plans without even speaking a word. Now, let's see what the rest of these DigiDestined can do." Eric said as he turned towards the remaining fights.
    Meanwhile, Mikey and Shoutmon, along with the rest of that team, began to unleash their best on MadLeomon and his troops.
    "Ballistamon, Starmon, Pickmonz, let's finish 'em off!"
    "Yeah!" Said Ballistamon.
    "Alright!" Shouted Starmon.
    "Let's do it!" Yelled the group of small Digimon called Pickmonz.
    Shoutmon began the assault by running straight into a group of enemy Sealsdramon before placing his microphone-staff right in front of his mouth.
    "ROCK AND ROLLERRRRR!!!" He shouted, causing the staff to extend, allowing him to beat down the surrounding enemies in one strike each.
    Ballistamon was being charged by several Sealsdramon and Pteramon. As they came close, Ballistamon held his arms upward, exposing the speaker on his abdomen.
    "Seismic Speaker!!" Ballistamon called, letting off a high-power sound wave, sending the approaching enemies flying back.
    Starmon and the Pickmonz targeted a group of Sealsdramon and Mammothmon.
    "Meteor Shower! Yeah!" Starmon yelled, pointing forward, ordering the Pickmonz to charge.
    The small guitar pick-like Digimon charged forward en masse, drilling their pointed heads into the enemy.
    Finally, Shoutmon targeted a single Pteramon.
    "Haaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Shoutmon let out a yell, holding his hand out in front of him. A small fireball grew, before turning into a flaming musical note in Shoutmon's hand.
    "FIERY FASTBAAALL!" Shoutmon yelled before throwing the flaming note like a fastball, destroying the Pteramon in a large explosion.
    MadLeomon stepped in front of Shoutmon after seeing that display of strength.
    "You annoying little maggots!"
    "I'm back and stronger than ever, MadLeomon! And it's all thanks to my new friend Mikey and the rest of the DigiDestined!" Shoutmon said confidently.
    "Grrrr....Let's see if your pathetic human friends can help you survive THIS!"
    MadLeomon began to let out a cry, when suddenly the Sealsdramon, Pteramon and Mammothmon he brought with him began to break apart and flow into MadLeomon.
    "Did he just...Eat all of his friends!?" Henry asked, somewhat freaked out.
    "It looks like he absorbed them." Eric said, arms crossed.
    MadLeomon's body changed. His torso was completely armored, and his right arm was more robotic. His left arm, however, was one big chainsaw.
    "It's Armed MadLeomon!" Shoutmon yelled.
    Armed MadLeomon slammed his chainsaw arm into the ground, causing the ground to collapse underneath Shoutmon and Ballistamon.
    The two Digimon fell, however Shoutmon grabbed the edge of the ground, while Ballistamon grabbed on to Shoutmon's staff, holding on for dear life.
    Armed MadLeomon then approached the broken ground where Shoutmon was holding himself and Ballistamon up.
    "I don't know how you survived last time...But you won't be coming back after I'm finished with you this time, rodent!"
    Mikey watched as Shoutmon and Ballistamon were hanging on.
    "I've got to do something. I didn't save him just so he could be destroyed again!" Mikey said as he ran for Shoutmon and Ballistamon.
    Henry called out to Mikey.
    "Wait a minute! Don't go!"
    "I owe this to him!" Mikey responded.
    "Tch...Stupid kid. He's going to get himself killed." Eric said.
    "Mikey, stop! Go back and take cover!" Shoutmon yelled, still holding on.
    Mikey still kept running, when suddenly, the voice he heard in that alleyway when he first found Shoutmon began to speak in his head again.
    "Use this Fusion Loader." The voice said.
    Mikey looked down at his Fusion Loader, when suddenly, as if by instinct, he knew what he had to do.

    "Wh-What? No! That human just DigiFused them!" Armed MadLeomon pointed out.
    Henry and Eric were even more surprised.
    "Whao, that didn't look like any digivolution I've ever seen!"
    "That's because they didn't digivolve. They DigiFused!" Terriermon pointed out.
    Henry looked at Terriermon, somewhat confused.
    "How did you know?"
    "Because Mikey said it out loud. Duh."
    "Amazing...All this time I thought Digivolution was the only way a Digimon could grow stronger. It must be that Digivice he has."
    The newly-fused combination of Shoutmon and Ballistamon charged forward, throwing a powerful punch at Armed MadLeomon, who attempted to block it with his chainsaw hand, only for Shoutmon's fist to break right through. Broken pieces of Armed MadLeomon's chainsaw hit the ground before disappearing in a white light.
    "Yeah! Direct hit!" Mikey called out.
    Just then, Shoutmon and Ballistamon's new form flashed brightly for a quick second, before the two Digimon were seperated into their previous forms, falling to the ground.
    "Mikey! I think we might need some reinforcements!" Shoutmon said.
    Nodding, Mikey held his Fusion Loader out in front of him.
    "Shoutmon! Starmon! Pickmonz! DigiFuse!"
    The fusion commenced quickly, as four silver Pickmonz stacked themselves on top of Starmon, while Starmon himself turned into what looked like the handguard of a sword, complete with a handle in the middle.
    Shoutmon landed and grabbed this sword, before pointing it at Armed MadLeomon.
    The blade caught fire, and Shoutmon jumped into the air.
    "Sun Sword!" Shoutmon called as he swung the blade, sending a fast and high-powered wave of flame at Armed MadLeomon, landing a direct and final hit on him, which caused a large explosion.
    Armed MadLeomon began to shrink back to his original size, while all of his armor fell off of his body and disappeared, reverting him back to MadLeomon.
    Shoutmon jumped for joy at his victory.
    "You miserable little worm..."
    Suddenly, the air behind MadLeomon's head cracked open, revealing a hole with nothing but green digital distortion in it.
    "You failed me." A voice said from inside the hole.
    A look of fear came over MadLeomon upon hearing this.
    His body began to glow and flow into the hole.
    "No, Tactimon! Wait! I'm not defeated yet! I can still fight him! I can still win!"
    The voice, apparently named "Tactimon", ignored MadLeomon's plea, as the rest of the small forces MadLeomon brought with him her sucked into the hole, leaving the remaining Digimon that the other DigiDestined were fighting.
    "You'll pay for this, Shoutmon! And that goes for your human friends too!" MadLeomon yelled before his voice faded along with the hole in the air.
    Shoutmon let go of the Sun Sword, allowing it to revert back into it's original forms of Starmon and four silver Pickmonz.
    "That was weird. Who's this "Tactimon" guy?" Shoutmon asked.
    "No idea. But whoever he is, he's probably the guy who sent MadLeomon after us. I don't know about the rest of these Digimon, though." Mikey responded.
    "Well, whatever! We beat him and that's all that matters!"
    "Mikey! There you are!"
    "Haha! My rival Mikey Kudo is finally found-WHAT THE HECK ARE THESE THINGS!?"
    Approaching the site of the battle was Mikey's two friends Angie Hinomoto and Jeremy Tsurgi.
    "Angie! Jeremy! Take cover, it's still too dangerous around here!"
    "How about explaining what those monsters are and why you're out here with them first!" Angie ordered.
    Mikey groaned.
    "They're called Digimon. Those ones are bad, these ones are good. We're trying to fight them off! Now go take cover!"
    Still as confused as they were when they arrived, Angie and Jeremy heeded Mikey's warning and took cover nearby where they could watch the battle as it progressed.

    OOC: Welp, this turned into a massive wall of text. Stopping here or else this will become too long. I'll make posts with other characters at some point.
    Post by: Lite, Oct 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Lite
    Profile Post

    Come at me.

    Come at me.
    Status Update by Lite, Oct 4, 2013
  10. Lite
    I've been waiting for this series for quite a while. I guess you could call me...Quick Nick-*shot*

    Bad nicknames aside, I'll stop messing around now to prevent unwanted spam.
    Post by: Lite, Oct 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Lite

    Ira Gamagori (Kill la Kill)
    Takaharu Fukuroda (Kill la Kill)
    Uzu Sanageyama (Kill la Kill)
    Post by: Lite, Oct 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Lite
    ~Hot Spring~

    -Joey Jones-

    After the meeting ended, Joey Jones, a seemingly normal young boy, exited the Command Room and the Hot Spring, making his way behind the Hot Spring, looking around as if to make sure the coast was clear. Upon confirming that, Joey removed his backpack and placed it on the ground, where he unzipped it.
    "I gotta make sure you're working if I'm gonna be a part of this new team." Joey said to...Someone.
    First, he took out a small, white circular device with a black screen on one side. Next, he took out what looked to be nothing more than a child's action figure.
    Holding the circular device in his left hand, Joey gripped it tight, pressing two button-like mechanisms inward, causing it to glow with a bright light. The device seemed to break apart and float in pieces around Joey's left arm, before finally re-shaping itself into a larger device that covered the majority of his left forearm.
    "Alright, so the controller still works...Now to see about the main component."
    Joey placed his right index and middle fingers on a light-blue ring that was going around the edge of the controller's screen, causing a white square to appear where his fingers were. He flicked the square to the side, causing it to spin around the light-blue ring. He caught the square and slid it into the center of the screen, where finally an image appeared that resembled a robotic face.
    Joey held the white controller-mechanism out in front of him before lifting his right arm into the air.
    "Heroman...Engage!" He yelled as he pressed his right hand into the controller's screen, causing a bright light to shine from it, as well as the toy that sat on the ground.
    The toy began to grow in size, until it was at least twice the size of Joey himself. The light then faded, revealing the new form of the toy, or rather, the robot.
    Joey let out a sigh of relief.
    "So you still work. That's good. Alright, I guess since you're already up and running we should go bac-"
    "What is that?"
    Joey turned around to see Jun Lee and Tsugumi Rosenmeier standing there in awe over the sight of Joey's robot, Heroman.
    "I-It's uh...My robot..." Joey said nervously.
    Jun and Tsugumi stepped closer to examine it.
    "So if this is a robot, it must work on it's own, right?"
    "Sort of. I give it commands with this..."
    Joey held up his left arm, which had the controller covering it.
    "And Heroman carries them out."
    The robot in question, Heroman, simply stood with no emotion and watched as Jun and Tsugumi examined his every part.
    From there, Tsugumi and Jun began to drill Joey with question after question about Heroman, how he was built, what he does, etc.


    We now have Genome, who's once again found speaking with Noriko.
    The two had become friends rather quickly, with Noriko having solidified her place as one of Genome's best friends not too long ago after a heartfelt and uplifting talk she had with him regarding his fears of becoming the very man they were fighting against. With those fears seemingly behind him, Genome was ready to move forward and fight alongside his friends and comrades with no hesitation.
    Genome let out a rested sigh.
    "Y'know, usually I'd be a little worried about something big like this, but this time...I feel like I'm ready. Today I'm gonna show any enemy, regardless of whether they work for the Spiral King or not, that I'm not afraid of them or the future. And you're gonna be right by my side the whole time. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me." Genome said with a smile.
    "Even though the guys we're gonna go up against include the animals that sat by my side back home, I can't back down now. Thanks to you, Noriko, I know that I'm not gonna turn out the way the Spiral King did. Knowing that, I'd say that my animal friends are the same way. Now I'm ready to fight with all I've got!" Genome said with a confident glimmer in his eyes. As he spoke, the Core Drill around his neck began to glow a faint green-ish color. Genome noticed this and looked closer at his Core Drill.
    "That's weird...Usually when this thing glows, it glows red."
    After thinking for a moment, a small smile grew on Genome's face, as if he'd figured it out.
    "I think I get it. Just like Lagann, this Core Drill reacts to my feelings. I guess it's figured out that all my anger and rage toward the Spiral King has changed into fighting spirit. It feels good, to be honest."
    Letting go of his Core Drill, Genome looked back to Noriko once more.
    "So, anything else you wanna do before we head out? We've got time to kill, after all."

    -Riddhe Marcenas-

    Riddhe, finally getting an opportunity, approached Quattro Bajeena.
    After a quick introduction, Riddhe asked a question that had been on his mind ever since he saw Quattro's Mobile Suit.
    "I don't mean any offense by this, but I couldn't hope but notice that your Mobile Suit is...Out of date, so to speak. Why would you want to pilot a Mobile Suit that old when there are much more improved Mobile Suit variants?"

    -Yoko Littner-

    Yoko, with Simone on her arm and Boota in her cleavage, smiled at Mina's speech. With every word that exited Mina's mouth, it became more and more apparent that, at the very least, she shared a spirit with the Kamina that Yoko knew.
    "Let's go after your big sis, Simone. If she's anything like my Kamina, she's not complete without her blood sister." Yoko said as she lead Simone out of the Command Room.
    Upon locating Mina, Yoko picked up her pace a bit to catch up.
    "Mina! Wait up!" Yoko called as she caught up.
    Yoko gently released Simone from her arm.
    "I think you forgot someone in there." Yoko said cheerfully.
    She sighed.
    "Thanks for what you said back there. I don't think I could have said it better myself. Ever since I first saw that Zero guy, he's given me nothing but bad vibes. Even now I still don't trust him."
    Boota, who had partly revealed himself, crossed his arms and shook his head, agreeing with Yoko's distrust of Zero.
    "As far as I'm concerned, we're Team Dai-Gurren, and we always will be."
    There was a question Yoko had, but she felt somewhat awkward asking it.
    "So, uh...I've been meaning to ask...Did you have a someone like me back where you come from? A male me, or something?"
    Post by: Lite, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Lite

    Vol'jin (World of Warcraft)

    Da Crossover Cove be gettin' a few more Trolls, mon.
    Post by: Lite, Oct 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Lite
  15. Lite

    Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney series)

    I'll write up his sheet along with several others I need to do soon.
    Post by: Lite, Sep 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Lite