Shopping? For the thing we were talking about last time? :sly:
<_< >_> O_o *leaves banana* *Matrix flights away*
You should know that by now, cutie. ;) In case you don't, though... Until school starts again (which is next week), I'm doomed to have a crappy internet connection which only gives me a limited amount of time online and I don't want to start any conversations or epicness if I know full well I won't be able to finish it. :o And I hope you didn't push yourself too hard in your final. x3
... It only counts as rape if it's unwelcomed sexual contact. And I'm not interested in crossing those boundaries. All I care about is making her laugh until she either: 1.) tears up 2.) wets herself 3.) faints I know the limits and where the line is. :o <_< >_> *Matrix flights away* *AGAIN*
Well, Citrus, good luck on your finals. Don't stress too hard now. ;)
<_< >_> O_o *tickle glomps* [IMG] Heard ya missed me. :D Don't worry, I'll be back to fulltime status soon. ;)
*uses hypno powers to make all of the forum's girls more ticklish* *warps out*
Waiting to get back to my dorm room so I can have high-speed internet and complete privacy from my family. Working on Wedding and still going...
:lol: I was wondering what was going on. :p At least you were well-rested, right? <_< >_> *Matrix Flights away*
I'm going to admit that I completely agree with MSUK. Seriously, my parents are pretty concerned about the whole internet relationship thing (my mom more than anybody). They're all like "I don't want you ending up dead, your funeral, blah blah, etc." How may I ask is that different from IRL relationships? My opinion about the whole thing is that if the relationship's meant to be and you both really care strongly about each other, despite what internet-ignorant people think, your affection towards each other will endure and hopefully last. :) As for the basketball thing, it's all a test of patience. Try not to let it get to you. Most of them will grow out of it by the time you graduate. Just let your affection be your shield.
You and me both. The Wedding battle's the toughest update I'm working on. :cryinganime:
Nope. I mean, I "technically" graduated, but not my highest diploma possible.
*checks underneath the chair labeled "Mexico"* Nope. Nothing at all. *walks away with bottle of Tabasco sauce*
:blink: :sweat: *wonders where all the strippers are*
*activates Hypertime, accesses the Speed Force and eats 20 pixy stix* *raids your fridge, steals your HD TV and ends up hungover at a strip club*
*pours water* *dynamite trees sprout* *lights one fuse and teleports away*
And you'd never have met me. I guess YouTube's good for something other than running their copyright/privacy/banning of free speech problems....
*sticks needle on butt and sits down* *pops whoopie cushion* <_< >_> WHOOPIE! :woohoo:
Exactly. ;) Without them, I'd be completely clueless. :rolleyes:
I don't own a PS2, so I have to watch cutscenes. That's how I become familiar with games I don't own or never played. :)