Same here. And I'm good. My location pretty much says it all. :p You?
Yeah, but at least the experience was fun. :p Besides, you look cute when you're worn out. Your hair looks like you got out of the shower and it's almost as if I tickled you for half an hour. ;)
Heh. Good to see you too. :p I don't know how much longer I'll be on, though. I've got class in 15 hours. :sweat:
I give my blessing and so does Evil DF by casting a time delayed tickle spell on any girl that will activate at some random interval when the planets are aligned and the laundry doesn't smell like cookies. :p *goes to reinforce adamantium cookie walls*
Aww...:cryinganime: Well, so long Number 3. It's been nice knowing you. :ninjacat:
I would SO love a picture of you cosplaying as Giggle Girl. :D And it looks like you'll be needing a new castle soon. :huh:
*tosses Emma Oreo*
<_< >_> O_o What?
"777" Lucky post count. :p
:blink: Good point. I should be happy now, right? :p *changes stats*
Double negative beats anti-logic any day. :p
Your counterpoint is invalid. Which is a double negative. ;)
Someone who wants to be tickled? :p *tickles from behind*
Ha! You're still ticklish and any denying it means you're just proving my point. Nyeh! :p
But I can be more random than you on the phone. :p So, yeah you are. Because the stork told me so. ;)
You're under the impression that I didn't hypnotize you to think that you won. Beat that logic.
Yeah, you are. I hypnotized to think you've won, but you haven't. So there. :p
You're still ticklish. :p
That's what you think. :p
<_< >_> O_O; *tickle glomps Ambrosia* *Matrix flights away*