Well, the past few nights where I finally got to use my hidden talent kinda helped a bit too. Still hard to believe I was finally able to pull it...
I've been pretty psyched the past few days. Especially with things going well with Amby and all. :3 Of course, education comes first after all...
Hey, Princess! :glomp: How's it going?
But you're so cute and adorable and squggable! :D Yeah, enjoy youth while it lasts. Because you might not like the adult world when you finally reach it. :3
Yeah, I mean I was having fun too. :) And I guess it was kinda my fault for making you feel tired, due to me trying to enforce the trance trigger which didn't work. :sideways: Although, I'd still like to know exactly WHY those other post-hypnotic suggestions won't work on you. :huh: To review: 10-15 minutes induction 10-15 minutes to do the baloon suggestibility test and position your arms where I want them to be 10-15 minutes to give you what you want and enforce the post-hypnotic suggestion that actually works 5-8 minutes to enforce post-hypnotic suggestions that didn't work 5-10 minutes to try to do what I want Seriously, I wonder if there's a faster way to get you under since the trance trigger obviously doesn't work and the induction takes a good chunk of time.
*wonders if he should use hypno powers on Remy* *decides that doing it to Amby is more likely* *Matrix Flights back to homework*
I never stopped believing in you. ;)
Yes, but this is the third time I was actually able to accomplish it in real life. :3 I was only able to get only one post-hypnotic suggestion at a time. :sideways: But at least it's one she REALLY likes. ;)
Hey, Remy! :glomp:
I've heard the recording of the session and I've gotta say... Do I REALLY sound like that?! :yelling: I sound like a damn fratboy...and my nose keeps whistling... :sideways: I've really gotta figure out how to get this HyperCam to record both my microphone and the webcam at the same time. That way I don't have to get freaked out by only hearing just my side of the convo all the time. D8
I think this might become a nightly habit for both of us. :)
Well, what do you think we should do, oh co-leader? :3
I seriously want to do it again. It's like this new power or ability that I've gained and I just want to keep using it while I'm still in possession of it. But I already know the whole "Great Power, Great Responsibility" thing, so I know I have to be careful too.
Cool, huh? It's a time dilation effect. That's usually what I mean when I use the example of being completely focused on something and losing track of time. :)
That's true. Especially with how long it took. (About 2 and a half hours).
Hey, we've all been in hypnosis at least once in our life. It's the people that try to take advantage of our suggestible state that really piss me off. :3 Well, ask Amber her point of view if you're interested. Two different viewpoints. I was only an observer, not the one who experienced it. ;)
Yeah, I know. :) Whoa. Hope you thanked him. ;) I seriously couldn't stop thinking about last night, though. Seriously, being able to do it successfully was on my mind the entire time. I'm starting to think she wasn't the only one hypnotized last night. :sweatdrop:
Already done it. Not as long and hard as I'd like, but it was good enough for the time being. :sweat: I'll try even harder later. :D It's not really that simple. You can't just listen to a script or watch a vid and expect to be hypnotized right off the bat. It takes time and being repetitive. On the other hand...
To be honest, I only come here these days for the fanservice. :sweat: But seriously, if you're ever around, send me a PM or VM. We'll have lunch. :p
Yeah, good luck getting that image out of your head. Although, I was thinking more of her being clad in black-leather with a whip. "Silence, slave!" *THWACK* ;)