[IMG] Happy New Year, Princess!
That's the point. :p And mine was okay. Still had to work afterwards. :sideways: How about yours?
Where everyone else gets their stuff. DeviantArt. :o
From what the description said, they're the "Mighty Skimpy Kairi Rangers." They've got three girls that may or may not be related to Kairi with...
The Misadventures of Giggle Girl and Evil DF! By day, she is the Kookie Kween. Teenage royalty, ruler of everything cookie-related. By night, she is the lovable and adorable super-heroine, Giggle Girl! Her sweet, musical giggles entrance her enemies, disrupt electronics and bring teddy bears to life! With the occasional help from the dark and mysterious stalker, Evil DF, she will spread her cheerfulness and positivity to the world! When we last left our gigglicious heroine, she had been kidnapped and was now tied up, lying helpless by herself until her captors returned. Struggling against her electronic bondage, a chill ran down her spine. She knew that the only way she was going to get out of them was by pure, unrestrained laughter. But she was too scared to laugh, let alone giggle. "Ooh...how do I get myself into these things?" she moaned softly. "You're just too cute not to be captured," a familiar-sounding voice said smugly. Giggle Girl gasped. "Oh no. Not you! Anyone but you!" Evil DF took a long look at her bound form. "The only way to neutralize those chains is by your giggles." "But I'm scared!" Giggle Girl whined. "I don't feel like giggling!" "There must be a way to make her laugh!" Evil DF ruffled his hair in frustration. "I've got to think about this..." Giggle Girl lifted her head from her position and gave him a weary glare. "You actually have to think about it?" Evil DF couldn't help but suppress a smirk. "Now that you mention it..." If Giggle Girl wasn't scared before, she was definitely freaked now. As his wiggling fingers loomed closer to her ticklish body, she mentally smacked herself. "Me and my big mouth..."
<_< >_> Crap. *teleports away*
I personally think it shouldn't matter. Yeah, there is a set societal limit, but it not only depends on the person, but both sets of parents and the legal limit in which they both live. If a 24 year-old and a 14 year-old really liked each other enough to keep an ongoing relationship going and the parents were okay with it, then I'd say it would be fine. However, since in most areas the legal limit isn't until 18, if the older person was willing to wait 4 years (which would make the person 28 by then) and the relationship was able to last that long until then, there shouldn't be any real reason NOT for it to be okay. Take me for example. My online GF is around 10 years younger than I am. I've personally talked to her parents and they trust me enough that I won't do anything to her in both online and in real life. However, my parents have watched too many internet predator shows and firmly believe that I shouldn't trust anyone. Knowing this, I had to lie and tell them that she was legal, but we were waiting a few years to actually meet in person. Which was true. Both me and her know the risks of having that much of an age difference in a relationship. So we agreed to wait for the time being (despite how much we longed for the day to meet up and the fact that we're only 45 minutes away from each other). My point is that age is only one factor in a relationship that may take or break if both parties involved. It all depends on the perspective, the feelings and their beliefs.
*sees thread* Kinda cheating on your persuasive paper, aren't you? :p
Well, I'm a bit overheated from using the computer for too long. Hello to everyone past, present and future! *gives one more mega tickle glomp to everyone before teleporting out to rest*
Who's Hoshi? :p *squishes*
Yo. ;) <_< >_> O_o *tickle glomps*
*pops head in* Probably want Evil DF to do it instead, huh? :p *Matrix Flights out*
*Due to Finals Week, Destiny's Force, aka DF, aka Ambrosia's squishy, sends his congratulations to the one-year anniversary of the Cookie Castle and its occupants. He is currently occupied in trying to keep Evil DF from tickle-torturing all the girls and will return when he is able to. Thank you for your understanding.*
I define flirting as making the other person giggle or blush by any means possible whether it's by text or vocalization. :)
So you can see which User Profiles we're looking at, huh? <_< >_> *stays invisible to everyone below Super Mod*
<_< >_> *shrugs* Meh. One for the road. *tickle glomps* [IMG]
Well, we've been both busy. You with high school and me with the university. Maybe when we're both not busy and in the right state of minds, we...