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  1. Explode
    Someone who got an early copy of the game uploaded the Absent Silhouette battle with Larxene, with what is clearly Shanelle Gray's voice. I didn't discect it too much, mainly because I still want it to be fresh when I play it myself, but it sounds like they used her battle grunts from Re: Chain of Memories, possibly clips from cutscenes, and possibly some new clips as well.

    Exciting news, I think.
    Thread by: Explode, Nov 30, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Explode
    Apparently, the Japanese release has theater mode available with English voice acting for both KH2FM and BBSFM, seemingly including the additional scenes, with the lips synced correctly. Here's a sample:

    More surprisingly, the game has full English text hidden in the game, and with some hacking you can play it. Some parts are unfinished, and pre-rendered sequences are still Japanese, but still pretty crazy.

    I'm guessing ReCoded is not included, since that is pre-rendered. We can expect to see more of this in the coming days. Though I'll probably restrain myself from watching the new scenes ahead of time.

    Assuming they are going to be censoring KH2 again for the rest of the world, at least this means we (probably) have uncensored English versions of those scenes here.
    Thread by: Explode, Oct 5, 2014, 26 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Explode
    For anyone who's interested, there's a live stream going on. They're playing KH2FM right now, with (Japanese) commentary.あかぎ/あかぎのキングダムハーツ2HD
    Thread by: Explode, Oct 1, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Explode
    I beat KHFM's secret boss yesterday, but it wasn't particularly satisfying because I had to use cheap tactics that I've never resorted to before (ie. taking advantage of invincibility during limits). This is mainly because of his drain attack that seems almost completely random whether you survive it or not. There's no pattern or constant speed that the release command moves in, and there were several times where I pressed X while selecting release and it did nothing (from what I remember, I wasn't mashing the button). This would almost be excusable if it capped off at 1HP (forcing Xemnas to hit you in order to die), or if it went away when Tinker Bell brings you back to life, but nope.

    Has anyone had consistent luck with this that wants to share their strategy? It's an otherwise fun battle, and I want to be able to enjoy it without worrying about this little snag.
    Thread by: Explode, Dec 22, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Explode
    So this is going back quite a ways (as many as 10 years), but I was recently recalling some of the old rumors I heard about Kingdom Hearts 2 before its release. Back when there was little to no beta-footage of the game. I think I saw it on ansemreport(.com/net?), which has mostly ceased to exist, except for an old forum, which may or may not be related to the original site (

    Anyway, I remember a rumor about a gameplay mechanic, or special move called "Terra", where you press triangle and would gain control of a Heartless that was attacking you, and use it in battle. I distinctly remember this because it sounded really cool, though I thought it was a weird name for a move that controlled Heartless. This could have been an early stage of the Anti-Form drive ability, but of course I can't help but think of Birth by Sleep, where Terra is a character who struggles with and controls darkness.

    It seems like too much of a coincidence to just be fan rumor. So does anyone remember this too, or have any idea where this "rumor" came from? Is it possible this "Terra" (either a move, or a character) was originally going to be a part of KH2, but they decided to use it in Birth by Sleep instead?
    Thread by: Explode, Jun 1, 2013, 10 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Explode
    All credit goes to Skiller, Mutuki, Hiei-yyh, Pyriel, EvilMan_89, AntiWeapon, carey (khkid1212), Erkz, NeoCloudstrife, Keytotruth,
    ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ and NarutoSuperKubii for fixing the thread, and the entire KHV coder staff.

    Game ID: 0001

    Region: Japan

    Master Code
    903088E0 0C0C21E0
    F02F5EF8 002F5EFB

    E0??XXXX 0034D45C
    ?? = Number of Code Lines to activate.
    XXXX = What Button to activate them.

    L3: FFFD
    R3: FFFB
    L2: FEFF
    R2: FDFF
    L1: FBFF
    R1: F7FF

    All Abilities (Sora/Roxas) (Press R2, then look in Abilities Menu)
    E025FDFF 0034D45C
    2032E074 81888189
    2032E078 819481A5
    2032E07C 81978197
    2032E080 809E8195
    2032E084 808A8052
    2032E088 81080181
    2032E08C 810D8061
    2032E090 81118089
    2032E094 8230810C
    2032E098 018580C6
    2032E09C 01828107
    2032E0A0 819C8065
    2032E0A4 810E00A2
    2032E0A8 818F8110
    2032E0AC 0238810B
    2032E0B0 81958237
    2032E0B4 8197822F
    2032E0B8 819D0183
    2032E0BC 00A38069
    2032E0C0 00A300A2
    2032E0C4 81098232
    2032E0C8 810F8231
    2032E0CC 8106810A
    2032E0D0 0184821B
    2032E0D4 818E806D
    2032E0D8 0191818E
    2032E0DC 8193819B
    2032E0E0 81868198
    2032E0E4 818C8192
    2032E0E8 81A08195
    2032E0EC 81888199
    2032E0F0 819E018A
    2032E0F4 8196819A
    2032E0F8 018B818D
    2032E0FC 8190821E
    2032E100 8187819F
    2032E104 821C8189

    Item Codes
    Have All Synthesis Items
    0032F13F 00000062
    4032F140 000B0001
    62626262 00000000
    1032F16C 00006262
    0032F17B 00000062
    2032F17C 62626262
    1032F19A 00006262
    1032F19C 00006262
    2032F1D8 62626262
    2032F1DC 62626262
    Have All Normal/Synth/Weapons/Acc. Items < FM Version, includes all new items and weapons with NO dummies and Key Items >
    4032F0B0 00060001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    0032F0C9 0000000A
    1032F0CA 00000A0A
    4032F0CC 00020001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    1032F0D6 00000A0A
    1032F0D8 00000A0A
    1032F0DC 00000A0A
    1032F0E0 00000A0A
    0032F0E2 0000000A
    0032F0E7 0000000A
    1032F0E8 00000A0A
    1032F0EA 00000A0A
    1032F0EC 00000A0A
    0032F0EE 0000000A
    0032F0F3 0000000A
    2032F0F4 0A0A0A0A
    1032F0FA 00000A0A
    4032F0FC 000B0001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    1032F128 00000A0A
    0032F12B 0000000A
    4032F12C 00100001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    0032F17B 0000000A
    2032F17C 0A0A0A0A
    0032F181 00000000A
    4032F194 000200001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    1032F19C 00000A0A
    0032F1AB 0000000A
    4032F1AC 00060001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    4032F1C8 00060001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    1032F1E0 00000A0A
    0032F1E5 0000000A
    1032F1E6 00000A0A
    Sora/Roxas's Keyblades
    0032F1C8 00000062 - Two Become One
    0032F1C9 00000062 - Winner's Proof
    Donald's Staves
    0032F1CA 00000062 - Centurion
    0032F1CB 00000062 - Centurion+
    0032F1CC 00000062 - Plain Mushroom
    0032F1CD 00000062 - Plain Mushroom+
    0032F1CE 00000062 - Precious Mushroom
    0032F1CF 00000062 - Precious Mushroom+
    0032F1D0 00000062 - Premimum Mushroom
    0032F1E6 00000062 - Spells Relic+
    Goofy's Sheilds
    0032F1D1 00000062 - Frozen Pride
    0032F1D2 00000062 - Frozen Pride+
    0032F1D3 00000062 - Joyous Mushroom
    0032F1D4 00000062 - Joyous Mushroom+
    0032F1D5 00000062 - Majestic Mushroom
    0032F1D6 00000062 - Majestic Mushroom+
    0032F1D7 00000062 - Ultimate Mushroom
    0032F1E7 00000062 - Akashic Record
    Synthesis Items
    0032F1D8 00000062 - Mushroom Shard/Tranquil Shard
    0032F1D9 00000062 - Mushroom Stone/Tranquil Stone
    0032F1DA 00000062 - Mushroom Gem/Trainquil Gem
    0032F1DB 00000062 - Mushroom Crystal/Tranquil Crustal
    0032F1DC 00000062 - Remembrance Shard
    0032F1DD 00000062 - Remembrance Stone
    0032F1DE 00000062 - Remembrance Gem
    0032F1DF 00000062 - Remembrance Crystal
    0032F1E0 00000062 - XIII Emblem (Manifest Illusion (?))
    0032F1E1 00000062 - XIII Emblem+ (Lost Illusion (?))
    Key Items
    0032F1E2 00000062 - Proof Of Connection
    0032F1E3 00000062 - Proof of Nonexistence
    0032F1E4 00000062 - Proof of Peace
    0032F1E5 00000062 - Executive's Ring (AP +30)

    Have 9 Drive Bars (This makes it infinite and 9 drive bars for ALL characters)
    21C6C900 0A090964
    Drive Forms Level up to 9 After One Hit
    201D5F84 3C0F0009
    201D5F88 240F0009
    Infinite Form:
    201A1BE0 C60001B8
    Turn Infinite Form Off:
    201A1BE0 46006006
    Infinite Drive:
    201A1B58 00000000
    201A1B64 00000000
    Turn Infinite Drive Off:
    201A1B58 A08001B0
    201A1B64 A08E01B1
    Drive Without Party Members (Use in conjunction with the code below):
    201C9A80 0000102D
    Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive (Use in conjunction with the code above):
    201C99A0 0000102D
    Sora Can Summon When Alone:
    201C9B5C 0000102D

    HP/MP/Munny mods
    Infinite Health
    200FE000 8C820004
    200FE004 0806891E
    200FE008 AC820000
    20166CD8 0C03F800
    Inf MP In Battle (Pyriels Code Ported)
    200C0100 8C830238
    200C0104 8C810184
    200C0108 0023100B
    200C010C 08068678
    200C0110 AC820180
    201A1A10 08030040
    No MP Charge
    201A1D78 10000006
    Max/Inf. Munny
    2032DF70 000F423F

    Game Mods (Difficulty, Speed, Game Time, etc.)
    Meter Mod (Like the Moral Gauge in LoD, Orbs in Tron's World 1st Visit, etc.)
    Full Gauge (L2)
    E001FEFF 0034D45C
    201D1DC0 1000001F
    Empties it (R2)
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    201D1Dc0 0200202D
    Turn Off Code (Off Joker) (L3)
    E001FFFD 0034D45C
    201D0DC0 45000013
    "Cool Drive" [D]
    2036D408 40000000
    Game Speed Mod
    20349E0C ????????
    Game Time Mod
    1014CCF4 0000????
    ???? Replace with below
    0000 = Stop Time
    0001 = Normal Time Running
    000A = 10x Normal Time
    0014 = 20x Normal Time
    Low Game Time
    2032DF74 00000000
    2032DF84 00000000
    More Color to Special Effects [D]
    2036EF24 40000000
    Menu Boot Speed Mod
    203714F8 ????????
    More Electricity/Effects on Drives (Lower Value, More Effects.)
    20370BAC ????????
    No Model Colors [D]
    2036CEC4 40000000
    "Small People" [D]
    2036CECC 40000000
    Glide Speed Mod
    2036DE24 ????????
    Animation Distance Mod
    2036E808 ????????
    Invisible Enemies [D]
    2036D7A4 40000000
    RC/Lock On Distance Mod
    2036CD18 ????????
    Boss Speed Mod
    2036C59C ????????
    Model Size Mod
    2036C190 ????????
    Width Mod
    2036A9C8 ????????
    Height Mod
    2036ABA0 ????????
    20370B4C ????????
    HUD Display Mod
    2036ACA4 ????????
    Subtitle Text Mod
    2036D618 ????????
    Special Effects Width Mod
    20370B50 ????????
    Cutscene Camera Mod
    20371288 ????????
    [COLOR=red]Difficulty Levels[/COLOR]
    Battle LVL 00
    2032F254 00000000
    Battle LVL Default
    2032F254 00140401
    Battle LVL End Game
    2032F254 0015FDF9
    Battle LVL Deadly (gives enemies Infinite HP in some worlds)
    2032F254 001FFFFF
    Impossible Mode (Can be used in every world except "The World That Never Was",
    "Halloween Town: First Visit",  "Space Paranoids" and "Pride Lands")
    2032F254 99999999
    Difficulty Mod
    0032DFC8 000000??
    replace ?? with
    00- Beginner Mode
    01- Standard Mode
    02- Proud Mode
    03- Critical Mode

    Command Menu Mods
    Command Menu Text Mod
    01C5FEF0 000000??
    00 - Sora
    01 - Mickey
    02 - Skateboard
    03 - Trinity Limit
    04 - Stitch
    05 - Chicken Little
    06 - FAKE
    08 - Bounce--100 Acre Wood
    09 - FAKE [x3]
    0A - No idea
    0B - Hovercraft
    0C - Riku
    [COLOR=red]Command Menu Modifier[/COLOR]
    01C5FFD4 000000??
    00 - Normal Command Menu
    01 - Magic Menu
    02 - Item Menu
    03 - Drive Menu
    04 - Item Target Menu
    05 - Shortcut Menu
    06 - Secondary Normal Command Menu [The one with Summon, Limit, etc.]
    07 - Summon Menu
    08 - Party Menu
    0A - The Bottom of the Command Menu?
    0B - Everyone
    0C - FAKE
    0D - No Command Menu

    Moveset Modifier
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 240100YY [Note 1]
    200F900C 142F00ZZ [Note 2]
    200F9010 240F00XX [Note 3]
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D348C 0803E400
    [Note 1] - The "YY" values.
    These tell the code what character you're modding. Like if you're playing as Roxas[Yes, you CAN use this code in conjuction with the Universal Character Modifier for Maximum Damage!], you'd set it to Roxas's value, else the moveset doesn't change...
    01= Sora
    02= Donald
    03= Goofy
    04= Mickey
    05= Auron
    06= Mulan
    07= Aladdin
    08= Sparrow
    09= Beast
    0A= Jack
    0B= Simba
    0C= Tron
    0D= Riku
    0E= Roxas
    0F= Ping
    [Note 2] - The "ZZ" values.
    o_O This part of the code is weird. It supposedly affects the position of one's weapon. However, if you set it to 'Sky' on certain people, it freezes. And if you set it to 'Normal' on certain people, they T-Stance when attacking or even moving.
    02= Normal
    01= Sky
    [Note 3] - The "XX" values.
    01= Sora
    02= Valor
    03= Wisdom
    04= Master Form
    05= Final Form
    06= Freeze *
    07= Lion Form
    0A= Dual-Wield Roxas
    0D= Roxas
    11= Donald
    14= Goofy
    17= Aladdin
    18= Auron
    19= Ping?
    1A= Mulan?
    1C= King Mickey **
    1D= King Mickey ***
    1E= King Mickey ***
    22= Sparrow
    23= Riku ****

    Munny Modifier
    20242520 2010????
    Repalce ???? to gain
    000A = 10
    0064 = 100
    03E8 = 1000
    2710 = 10000

    Status Modifier
    The following Enable Code must be used in conjunction with the
    Status Modifier in order for it to work. Replace the "X" and "Y" values
    with the same digits you used for the Status Modifier. This Enable Code
    is not a replacement for the Mastercode posted at the top of the page,
    they both must be active.
    Enable Code
    200F9014 240100XX
    200F9018 502F0001
    200F901C 240F00YY
    Status Modifier
    200F9000 10400008
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 240100XX
    200F900C 502F0004
    200F9010 240F00YY
    200F9020 A44F004C
    200F9024 03E00008
    201D348C 0803E400
    Replace the "X" and "Y" values using the digits below.
    The "X" values determine which character you will be modding,
    while the "Y" values determine whose status/items/equipment/etc.
    character "X" will recieve.
    01 - Sora
    02 - Donald
    03 - Goofy
    04 - Mickey
    05 - Auron
    06 - Mulan
    07 - Aladdin
    08 - Jack Skellington
    09 - Beast
    0A - Jack Sparrow
    0B - Simba
    0D - Riku
    0E - Roxas
    0F - Ping

    Reaction Command/Shortcut Modifier
    (Some, if not most, crash when using them during inappropriate times.)
    Reaction Command Modifier
    Press R3 to make reaction appear (the digits are the same as Shortcut Mod)
    E003FFFB 0034D45C
    21C5FF48 00000000
    21C5FF4C ????0000
    21C5FF50 00010001
    1032f228 0000????
    1032F22A 0000????
    1032f22c 0000????
    1032f22e 0000????
    ???? - Effect
    0001 - Attack
    0002 - Magic
    0003 - Items
    0004 - Drive
    0005 - Revert
    0006 - Valor Form
    0007 - Wisdom Form
    000A - Talk
    000B - Master Form
    000C - Final Form
    000D - Anti-Form
    000E - Examine
    0014 - Hi-Potion
    0015 - Ether
    0016 - Elixir
    0017 - Potion
    0018 - Reversal
    0019 - Full Swing
    001A - Tackle
    001B - Snag
    001C - Sparkle Ray
    001E - Examine
    001F - Talk
    0020 - Open
    0021 - Ride the wind
    0022 - Cyclone
    0023 - Guard
    0024 - Kickback
    0025 - Full swing
    0026 - Evade
    0029 - Dog paddle
    002A - Sora
    002B - Donald
    002C - goofy
    0031 - Firaga
    0032 - Thundaga
    0033 - Blizzaga
    0034 - Curaga
    0035 - Push
    0037 - Save
    0038 - Mickey
    0039 - Roxas
    003A - Auron
    003B - Ping
    003C - Mulan
    003F - Beast
    0040 - Jack
    0041 - Simba
    0042 - Tron
    0044 - Waken
    0046 - Bump
    0047 - Meteor Spike
    0048 - Summon (Sora summons nothing, stay's in pose)
    004A - Twin howl
    004B - Stalwart Fang
    004C - Outcry
    004D - Slide
    004E - Vertigo Toss
    004F - Let go
    0050 - Hang on
    0051 - Bushido
    0052 - Limit
    0053 - Banishing Blade
    0054 - Shooting star
    0055 - Spiral
    0058 - Stich
    0059 - Genie
    005B - Connect
    005C - Donald
    005D - Goofy
    005E - Auron
    005F - Ping
    0060 - Mulan
    0062 - Jack
    0063 - Beast
    0064 - Jack
    0065 - Simba
    0066 - Tron
    0069 - Bat cry
    006A - Lance Tug
    006F - Warp
    0070 - Learn
    0071 - Jump
    0072 - Aladin
    0073 - Aladin
    0075 - Outcry
    0076 - Stalwart Fang
    0077 - Firaga
    0078 - Firaga (Possible no sound?)
    0079 - Blizzaga
    007A - Blizzaga
    007B - Thundaga
    007C - Thundaga
    007D - Curaga
    007E - Curaga
    0080 - Shooting Star
    0081 - Banishing Blade
    008B - Red Rocket
    008C - Flametongue
    008D - Heat Lance
    008E - Red Meteor
    008F - Wake up!
    0091 - Depart
    0092 - Get up!
    0093 - Charge
    0094 - Step Vault
    0095 - Slingshot
    0096 - Catch
    0097 - Pendulum Round
    0098 - Release
    009A - Question
    009B - Interrogate
    009E - Examine the book
    00AD - Release
    00AE - Magnerga
    00B1 - Reflega
    00B4 - Riku
    00BF - Ask for Help
    00C0 - Approach
    00C1 - Persuade
    00C4 - Shop
    00D5 - Synthesis (Crashes)
    00D6 - Ask About Missions (Crashes)
    00D7 - Report
    00D8 - Hang on
    00DA - Help Her up
    00DF - Punish (Cerberus RC (?) Can't remember off top of head)
    00F1 - Go to the tournament
    00F2 - Mega Potion (Crashes if used too much)
    00F3 - Mega-Ether (Unlimited supply)
    00F4 - Megalixer
    00F5 - Charge
    00F7 - Approach
    00F8 - Tinker With it
    00F9 - Greet
    00FB - Rescue
    00Fc - Ask for the Bottle
    00FD - Finish
    00FF - Whirli-Goof (Crash)
    0100 - Whirli-Goofra (Crash)
    0101 - Whirli-Goofga (Crash)
    0102 - Examine
    0104 - Translate
    0105 - Move
    0106 - Go to the Rescue
    0107 - Translate
    0108 - Access Computer
    010A - Examine the wall
    010C - Learn
    010D - Speed Trap
    010E - Press
    010F - Takedown
    0110 - Access Computer
    0111 - Launch
    0112 - Grab on
    0113 - Hang on
    0114 - Hit
    0115 - Fore!
    0116 - Move Center
    0118 - Comet
    0119 - Comet Rain
    011A - Comet
    011B - Whirli-Goof
    011C - Access Computer
    011D - Aero Blade
    011E - Warp Snipe
    011F - Warp Snipe
    0120 - Buy Tickets
    0121 - Touch the Light
    0122 - Learn the rules
    0123 - Approach
    0124 - Examine the Table
    0125 - Listen to the story
    0126 - Approach
    0127 - Touch the Beam
    0128 - Enter Password
    0129 - Key Counter
    012A - Lunarsault
    012B - Break Raid
    012C - Rising Sun
    012D - Duel Stance
    012E - The end
    012F - Fail-Safe
    0130 - Scapegoat
    0131 - Jump!
    0132 - Peter Pan
    0133 - Pinball
    0134 - Air Twister
    0135 - Quick Blade
    0136 - Tornado Ride
    0137 - Dodge Roll
    0138 - Stop Dice
    0139 - O
    013A - Root Ravager
    013B - Aura Guard
    013C - Dismiss
    013D - Open the Door
    013E - Clear Shot
    013F - '-' (Jump)
    0140 - Big Ben (WTF?!)
    0141 - Air twister
    0142 - X
    0143 - Begin Game
    0144 - O
    0145 - X
    0146 - Release
    0147 - Hop on
    0148 - Shift Shot
    0149 - Heal Stomp
    014A - Get Off
    014B - Wind dance
    014D - High Climb
    014E - Needle Dive
    014F - Pegasus Run
    0150 - Juggle Parry
    0151 - Overhand
    0152 - Knocksmash
    0154 - Duo Raid
    0155 - Cosmo Boost
    0156 - Attack (Does nothing)
    0157 - High CLimb
    0158 - Duck Flare
    0159 - Reversal
    015A - Phil One-Two
    015B - Rocket Flare
    015C - Megaduck Flare
    015F - Speedster
    0160 - Quickplay
    0162 - Trickster
    0163 - Return Fire
    0165 - Bluff
    0166 - Slasher
    0167 - JackKnife
    0168 - Final Trap
    0169 - Backshuffle
    016A - Rockshatter
    016B - Stomp Bomb
    016C - Air Slash
    016D - Shoot (Acts like a 3 Hit Combo Master)
    016E - Leap
    016F - Dispel
    0170 - Rodeo
    0171 - Grand Cross
    0172 - Rapid Blow
    0173 - Capture
    0174 - Rapid Blow
    0175 - Musical
    0176 - Rockshatte
    0178 - Wildcat
    0179 - High Fang
    017A - X-Claw
    017B - Proud Roar
    017C - Bolt Reversal
    017D - Faith
    017E - Report
    017F - Apply for work
    0180 - Listen To the Story
    0181 - Investigate
    0185 - Set the Jewel!
    0186 - Go, Abu!
    0187 - Call Over
    0188 - Land
    0189 - Reverse Blade
    018A - Stop
    018D - Wild Dance
    018E - Spin
    0195 - Dance Call
    0196 - Synchronization
    0197 - Downbeat
    0198 - Finale
    019F - Setup
    01A0 - Cluster Code
    01A1 - Burst Pulse
    01A2 - Reprogram
    01A4 - Urninator ("GET ON THE HYDRAS BACK.")
    01AB - Rising Run
    01AC - Forwad March!
    01AD - Company Halt!
    01AE - Settle Down
    01AF - Cannon Bomb
    01B0 - Reversal
    01B1 - Swing
    01B2 - Release
    01B3 - Zone Guard
    01B4 - Disk Strike
    01B6 - Jump
    01B7 - Jump on
    01B8 - Delete
    01B9 - Cancel
    01BA - Clear Light
    01BB - Replace
    01BC - Burst Edge
    01BD - Ghost Ride
    01BE - Hinder
    01BF - Chicken Little
    01C0 - Post
    01C3 - Deliver
    01C4 - Pearl
    01C5 - Synthesize
    01C7 - D-Charge
    01C8 - Healing light
    01C9 - D-Charge
    01CD - Save
    01CE - High Counter
    01CF - Aura Sphere
    01D0 - Charge
    01D3 - Enter Tournament
    01D4 - Never Land
    01D5 - My shadow!
    01D6 - The Flying Boy
    01D7 - Tiny Fairy
    01D8 - Wendy
    01D9 - Anti-Sora
    01DA - Believe!
    01DB - Old Rival
    01DC - Victory
    01DD - The Clocktower
    01DE - Present
    01DF - Journey's End
    01E0 - Full Swing
    01E1 - Berserk
    01E3 - Run Through
    01E4 - Trinity
    01E5 - Break
    01E6 - Ultima
    01E7 - Major Drive
    01E8 - Begin Combo
    01EA - Overtaker
    01EB - Break
    01EC - Warp Snipe
    01ED - Berserk
    01EE - Recovery Run
    01EF - Leap
    01F0 - Grab
    01F1 - Rescue
    01F2 - Grab
    01F3 - Arm-in-Arm
    01F4 - Piggyback
    01F5 - About-Face
    01F6 - Show Stealer
    01F7 - Fend
    01F8 - Wild Dance
    01F9 - Firagun
    01FA - Blizzagun
    01FB - Jump On
    01FC - Jump
    01FD - Heelflip
    01FE - Pop-Jump
    01FF - Crash
    0200 - 360*Spin
    0201 - Method Grab
    0202 - Air walk
    0203 - Handstand
    0207 - Ohana!
    0208 - Leap
    0209 - Stop
    020A - Leap
    020B - Grind
    020C - Counter
    020D - Shoot
    020E - Ukulele
    020F - Blast
    0210 - Eclipse
    0211 - FPS Mode
    0212 - Balls
    0213 - Firecracker
    0214 - End
    0215 - Full Swing
    0216 - Jump
    0217 - "Valor" Genie
    0218 - "Wisdom" Genie
    0219 - "Master" Genie
    021A - "Final" Genie
    021B - Ukelele
    021C - Blast
    021D - Beserk
    021E - Sonic
    021F - Rave
    0220 - Strike
    0221 - Judgement
    0222 - Arcana
    0223 - Bash
    0224 - Infinity
    0225 - Impact
    0226 - Valor
    0227 - Wisdom
    0228 - Master
    0229 - Final
    022A - Elixer
    022C - Pick It Up
    022E - Take It
    022F - Capture
    0230 - Inside Combo
    0231 - Facedown
    0232 - Clash
    0233 - Break Through
    0234 - Finish
    0235 - Bounce
    0239 - Session
    023A - Last Saber
    023B - Dark Cannon
    023C - XIII Blades
    023D - Master Hearts
    023E - All's End
    023F - Call Over
    0240 - Move Left
    0241 - Move Right
    0242 - Wee Tornado
    0243 - Giant Tornado
    0244 - Sonic Dive
    0245 - Twin Counter
    024A - Magna Storm
    024E - X
    024F - O
    0256 - Begin Game
    0254 - Approach
    0255 - Warp Snipe
    0256 - Warp Snip
    0259 - Loot Launch
    025A - Vault
    025B - Kickspring
    025C - Examine (Crash)
    025D - Drive? (Used for Genie Summon)
    0262 - Dark Aura
    0263 - Dark Shield
    0264 - Stunt Dodge
    0265 - Hit
    026C - Trinity
    026D - Break
    026E - Shop [Makes the HUD disappear and crashes the game]
    026F - Jump on
    0270 - Flip
    0271 - Slicer
    0272 - Escablade
    0273 - Sky Scraper
    0275 - Capsule Prize
    0276 - Rare Capsule
    0277 - Limited Capsule
    0278 - Prime Capsule
    027B - Reversal
    027C - Sky Scraper
    027F - Read the Book
    0280 - Roll Up
    0281 - Spin Burst
    0282 - Talk [Crash]
    0283 - Proceed
    0284 - Fend
    0285 - Riding Shot
    0286 - Meteor Rain
    0287 - Jump
    0288 - Release
    0289 - Learn
    028A - Reflect
    028C - Attack
    028D - Dark Aura
    028E - Rescue [Riku's RC from the Last Battle]
    028F - Megalaser
    0290 - Touch It
    0292 - Eclipse
    0293 - Magna Storm
    0294 - Fend
    0295 - Firagun
    0296 - Blizzagun
    0297 - Bolt Reversal
    0298 - Block
    Final Mix Exclusive
    029C - Ready, Go!
    029D - Lob Count
    029E - Air Trample
    029F - Hitsukomeku [TL plz]
    02A0 - The End [Roxas]
    02A1 - Limit Form
    02A2 - Limit [From Auto-Limit, the Limit Form Trigger]
    02A3 - Slide-Turn [Reversal to us US folks]
    02A4 - Bat Ballet [._o WTF?]
    02A5 - Lance Snatch
    02A6 - Air Twister?
    02A7 - Dispel
    02A8 - Slide-Turn
    02A9 - High Slide <- Heehee
    02AA - Other Break
    02AB - Ragnarok
    02AC - Shoot
    02AD - Impact
    02AE - Giga-Impact
    02AF - Access Terminal
    02B0 - Kidousuru [Magic-something?]
    02B6 - "-"
    02B7 - "-"
    02B8 - "-"
    02B9 - "-"
    02BA - Sonic Rave
    02BB - Rave
    02BC - Finish
    02BD - Last Arcanum [Ars Arcanum in English]
    02BE - Break
    02BF - The End
    02C0 - Strike Raid
    02C1 - Raid
    02C2 - Judgement
    02C3 - Limit
    02C4 - Mega-Impact
    02C5 - "-"
    02C6 - Decieve [azamuku] [If this is the japanese version of FAKE, I'm killing someone]
    02C7 - Release [kaijyo]
    02C8 - Heal [iyasu]
    02C9 - Deny [uchikesu]
    02CA - Turn Page [mekuru]
    02CB - Struggle [agaku]
    02CC - Reset
    02CD - Break
    02CE - Struggle [agaku]
    02CF - Crush [uchiyaburu]
    02D0 - Admire [miageru]
    02D1 - Dispel
    02D2 - Fall
    02D3 - Escape
    02D4 - Lucky? [ayakashi]
    02D5 - ???? [ikuukan]
    02D6 - Impostor [itsuwari]
    02D7 - Suspect [utagau]
    02D8 - ???? [esougoto]
    02D9 - Hide [kakureru]
    02DA - Fantasy [kuusou]
    02DB - Illusion [gennei]
    02DC - Magic [genjutsu]
    02DD - Cheating [gomakashi]
    02DE - Trick [sakuriyaku]
    02DF - Hallucination [satsukaku]

    Summoning Mod (Unfinished?)
    0032f055 000000??
    00 =
    01 =
    02 =
    03 =
    04 =
    05 =

    Drive Mod (Forms will only work if you have previously acquired them.)
    0032F054 0000000?
    0 = Normal Form
    1 = Valor Form (Must already have it first, or it can crash)
    2 = Wisdom Form (Must already have it first, or it can crash)
    3 = Limit Form (Must already have it first, or it can crash)
    4 = Master Form (Must already have it first, or it can crash)
    5 = Final Form (Must already have it first, or it can crash)
    6 = Anti-Form
    7 = Mickey
    8+ = Crashes game

    Party Modifier (Condensed)
    4032F064 00130001
    NNDDWWMM 00000000
    NN = Slot 4
    DD = Slot 3
    WW = Slot 2
    MM = Slot 1 (Main slot Sora/Micky)
    00- Sora/Roxas (Roxas in his part).
    01- Donald
    02- Goofy
    03- World Character
    04- Sora Valor/Roxas Two Keyblades (Roxas in his part).
    05- Wisdom
    06- Limit Form
    07- Master
    08- Final
    09- Antiform
    0A- Mickey
    12- None

    Special Abilities Mod
    Quick Level Up (All Characters)
    2032F210 0098967F
    Infinite Jump (Glitchy when using Drive Forms) (Credit to Skiller for porting)
    20191c70 00000000
    Infinite Jump for ALL Characters (MAX)
    01C6C93E 000000FF
    speed upgrade (Sora Only)
    21CE2FE4 41C00000

    Boss Stats Mods
    For Roxas, Data Axel, Data Luxord, Data Xemnas (First Battle)
    11C6C4E8 0000????- Current (?)
    11C6C4EC 0000???? - Max (?)
    11C6C670 0000????
    11C6C674 0000????
    01C6C698 000000??
    Elementals (The Lower the digit, the less damage you take from that element. 64 means full damage, 00 means no damage. Higher than 64 makes them take more damage)
    21C6C690 XXYYZZWW
    21C6C694 0064AABB
    (Credits to Smartguy05 for these)
    XX - Thunder Resistance
    YY - Ice Resistance
    ZZ - Fire Resistance
    WW- Physical Resistance
    AA - Light Resistance
    BB - Darkness Resistance
    Light Attacks - Drive Form Activation Hitstun, Magnet, Magnet Splash (Sora's Finisher), Reflect.
    Darkness Attacks - Such as Anti-Form's Chaos Finale (Square Button Combo).
    Physical Attacks - Normal Attacks (Attacks and Reaction Commands).
    For AS Zexion, AS Larxene, Data Xigbar, Marluxia, Lexaus, Vexen, Data Cut Saix, Data Demyx, Data Xaldin, Data Final/Twilight Xemnas
    11C6C018 0000???? - Current?
    11C6C01C 0000????- Max
    11C6C1A0 0000????
    11C6C1A4 0000????
    21C6C1C4 0064AABB
    (Credits to Smartguy05 for these)
    XX - Thunder Resistance
    YY - Ice Resistance
    ZZ - Fire Resistance
    WW- Physical Resistance
    AA - Light Resistance
    BB - Darkness Resistance
    Light Attacks - Damage when transforming into any drive form, Magnet, Magnet Splash (Sora's Finisher), Reflect
    Darkness Attacks - Antiform's attack with Square when done during a combo on the ground and mashing the attack button during Antiform's finisher in the air to release a burst of dark energy.
    Physical Attacks- Normal Attacks from just using attacks and reactions
    Vexen's Sheild
    11C6C024 0000????- Current
    11C6C028 0000????- Max
    11C6BDB0 0000????- Current
    11C6BDB4 0000????- Max
    01C6BF38 000000??
    01C6BF3C 000000??
    21C6BF58 ??????64
    21C6BF5C 0064????
    Character Slot Stats Mod
    11C6C4E8 0000????- Current
    11C6C4EC 0000????- Max
    01C6C670 000000??
    01C6C674 000000??
    21C6C690 XXYYZZWW
    21C6C694 0064AABB
    Slot 3
    11C6C280 0000????- Current
    11C6C284 0000????- Max
    01C6C408 000000??
    01C6C40C 000000??
    21C6C428 XXYYZZWW
    21C6C42C 0064AABB
    11C6C018 0000????- Current
    11C6C01C 0000????- Max
    01C6C1A0 000000??
    01C6C1A4 000000??
    21C6C1C4 0064AABB
    Slot 5
    11C6BDB0 0000????- Current
    11C6BDB4 0000????- Max
    01C6BF38 000000??
    01C6BF3C 000000??
    21C6BF5C 0064AABB
    Slot 6
    11C6BB48 0000????
    11C6BB4C 0000????
    01C6BCD0 000000??
    01C6BCD4 000000??
    21C6BCF4 0064AABB
    Slot 7
    11C6B8E0 0000????
    11C6B8E4 0000????
    01C6BA68 000000??
    01C6BA6C 000000??
    21C6BA8C 0064AABB
    Slot 8
    11C6B678 0000????
    11C6B67C 0000????
    01C6B800 000000??
    01C6B804 000000??
    21C6B820 XXYYZZWW
    21C6B824 0064AABB
    Slot 9
    11C6B410 0000????
    11C6B414 0000????
    01C6B598 000000??
    01C6B59C 000000??
    21C6B5BC 0064AABB
    Slot 10
    11C6B1A8 0000????
    11C6B1AC 0000????
    01C6B330 000000??
    01C6B334 000000??
    21C6B350 XXYYZZWW
    21C6B354 0064AABB
    Slot 11
    11C6AF40 0000????
    11C6AF44 0000????
    01C6B0C8 000000??
    01C6B0CC 000000??
    21C6B0EC 0064AABB
    Maximum value for current HP is *0D48*
    Setting value for max HP to *2EE0* makes bosses AI harder (Start in desperation mode)
    (Misc fact: The Max-HP values for most endgame/data bosses is 0D48)
    Max Strength is FF (Hex for 255)
    Max Defense is FF (Hex for 255)
    64 = full damage
    00 = no damage
    C8 = double damage
    32 = half damage
    XX - Thunder Resistance
    YY - Ice Resistance
    ZZ - Fire Resistance
    WW - Physical Resistance
    AA - Light Resistance
    BB - Darkness Resistance
    "What the **** does "Slot #" mean?" It means the slot the character is currently occupying.
    What slot each character is in depends on what is on-screen. Players, party members, and AI
    partners take priority. The playable character is always in slot 1. If you have two party
    members with you they take up slots 2 and 3. If there's a boss present, he'll then take slot
    4. If you have no party members with you, the boss will take slot 2, as it is no longer
    occupied. I hope that makes sense.

    Universal Character Modifier
    Digits can be found in the URL below:
    Character Slot 1 (Sora)
    11CE0B68 0000????
    Character Slot 2 (Donald)
    11CE0B6A 0000????
    Character Slot 3 (Goofy)
    11CE0B6C 0000????
    Character Slot 4 (Guest)
    11CE0B6E 0000????
    Character Slot 5 (Valor Form)
    11CE0B70 0000????
    Character Slot 6 (Wisdom Form)
    11CE0B72 0000????
    Character Slot 7 (Limit Form)
    11CE0B74 0000????
    Character Slot 8 (Master Form)
    11CE0B76 0000????
    Character Slot 9 (Final Form)
    11CE0B78 0000????
    Character Slot 10 (Anti-Form)
    11CE0B7A 0000????
    Character Slot 11 (King Mickey)
    11CE0B7C 0000????
    3/4 Sora Fix (allows you to use more than 1 main character)
    201D69F0 00000000
    Universal Character Codes (this version affects all worlds)
    200FC030 95ED0010
    200FC034 03E00008
    200FC038 A5ED0010
    201A8ABC 0C03F000
    E00EFDFF 0034D45C
    200FC000 396D0001
    200FC004 11A0000B
    200FC008 240Dwwww (main character)
    200FC00C 396D0002
    200FC010 11A00008
    200FC014 240Dxxxx (2nd character)
    200FC018 396D0003
    200FC01C 11A00005
    200FC020 240Dyyyy (3rd character)
    200FC024 396D0004
    200FC028 11A00002
    200FC02C 240Dzzzz (guest character)

    Universal Weapon Mod (UWM)
    Replace ???? with 4 digit ID, to replace one weapon with the other.
    Note: The digits are the same ones as the Universal Character Mod
    Sora's/Roxas's Weapon Modifiers
    Normal Worlds
    Kingdom Key
    11CD4390 0000????
    11CD4394 0000????
    11CD4398 0000????
    11CD439C 0000????
    Hidden Dragon
    11CD43A0 0000????
    Hero's Crest
    11CD43A4 0000????
    11CD43A8 0000????
    Follow the Wind
    11CD43AC 0000????
    Circle of Life
    11CD43B0 0000????
    Photon Debugger
    11CD43B4 0000????
    11CD43B8 0000????
    Rumbling Rose
    11CD43BC 0000????
    Guardian Soul
    11CD43C0 0000????
    Wishing Lamp
    11CD43C4 0000????
    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CD43C8 0000????
    Sleeping Lion
    11CD43CC 0000????
    Sweet Memories
    11CD43D0 0000????
    Mysterious Abyss
    11CD43D4 0000????
    Fatal Crest
    11CD43D8 0000????
    Bond of Flame
    11CD43DC 0000????
    11CD43E0 0000????
    Ultima Weapon
    11CD43E4 0000????
    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CD4404 0000????
    Struggle Bat A
    11CD4408 0000????
    Struggle Bat B
    11CD440C 0000????
    Detection Saber
    11CD4454 0000????
    Edge of Ultima
    11CD4458 0000????
    Acrossing Two Keyblade
    11CD43E8 0000????
    Winner's Proof
    11CD43E8 0000????
    Halloween Town
    11CD452C 0000????
    Hidden Dragon
    11CD4530 0000????
    Hero's Crest
    11CD4534 0000????
    11CD4538 0000????
    Follow the Wind
    11CD453C 0000????
    Circle of Life
    11CD4540 0000????
    Photon Debugger
    11CD4544 0000????
    11CD4548 0000????
    Rumbling Rose
    11CD454C 0000????
    Guardian Soul
    11CD4550 0000????
    Wishing Lamp
    11CD4554 0000????
    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CD4558 0000????
    Sleeping Lion
    11CD455C 0000????
    Sweet Memories
    11CD4560 0000????
    Mysterious Abyss
    11CD4564 0000????
    Fatal Crest
    11CD4568 0000????
    Bond of Flame
    11CD456C 0000????
    11CD4570 0000????
    Ultima Weapon
    11CD4574 0000????
    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CD4594 0000????
    Struggle Bat A
    11CD4598 0000????
    Struggle Bat B
    11CD459C 0000????
    Detection Saber
    11CD45E4 0000????
    Edge of Ultima
    11CD45E8 0000????
    Space Paranoids
    Kingdom Key
    11CD4A44 0000????
    11CD4A48 0000????
    11CD4A4C 0000????
    11CD4A50 0000????
    Hidden Dragon
    11CD4A54 0000????
    Hero's Crest
    11CD4A58 0000????
    11CD4A5C 0000????
    Follow the Wind
    11CD4A60 0000????
    Circle of Life
    11CD4A64 0000????
    Photon Debugger
    11CD4A68 0000????
    11CD4A6C 0000????
    Rumbling Rose
    11CD4A70 0000????
    Guardian Soul
    11CD4A74 0000????
    Wishing Lamp
    11CD4A78 0000????
    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CD4A7C 0000????
    Sleeping Lion
    11CD4A80 0000????
    Sweet Memories
    11CD4A84 0000????
    Mysterious Abyss
    11CD4A88 0000????
    Fatal Crest
    11CD4A8C 0000????
    Bond of Flame
    11CD4A90 0000????
    11CD4A94 0000????
    Ultima Weapon
    11CD4A98 0000????
    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CD4AB8 0000????
    Struggle Bat A
    11CD4ABC 0000????
    Struggle Bat B
    11CD4AC0 0000????
    Detection Saber
    11CD4B08 0000????
    Edge of Ultima
    11CD4B0C 0000????
    Timeless River
    11CD4BD8 0000????
    11CD4BDC 0000????
    11CD4BE0 0000????
    Hidden Dragon
    11CD4BE4 0000????
    Hero's Crest
    11CD4BE8 0000????
    11CD4BEC 0000????
    Follow the Wind
    11CD4BF0 0000????
    Circle of Life
    11CD4BF4 0000????
    Photon Debugger
    11CD4BF8 0000????
    11CD4BFC 0000????
    Rumbling Rose
    11CD4C00 0000????
    Guardian Soul
    11CD4C04 0000????
    Wishing Lamp
    11CD4C08 0000????
    Decisive Pumpkin
    11CD4C0C 0000????
    Sleeping Lion
    11CD4C10 0000????
    Sweet Memories
    11CD4C14 0000????
    Mysterious Abyss
    11CD4C18 0000????
    Fatal Crest
    11CD4C1C 0000????
    Bond of Flame
    11CD4C20 0000????
    11CD4C24 0000????
    Ultima Weapon
    11CD4C28 0000????
    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CD4C48 0000????
    Struggle Bat A
    11CD4C4C 0000????
    Struggle Bat B
    11CD4C50 0000????
    Detection Saber
    11CD4C98 0000????
    Edge of Ultima
    11CD4C9C 0000????
    Donald's Weapon Modifiers
    Normal Worlds
    Mage's Staff
    11CD46B0 0000????
    Save the Queen +
    11CD46DC 0000????
    Halloween Town
    Hammer Staff
    11CD4780 0000????
    Save the Queen +
    11CD47A8 0000????
    Space Paranoids
    Mage's Staff
    11CD4D64 0000????
    Save the Queen +
    11CD4D90 0000????
    Timeless River
    Hammer Staff
    11CD4E34 0000????
    Save the Queen +
    11CD4E5C 0000????
    Goofy's Weapon Modifiers
    Normal Worlds
    Knight's Shield
    11CD4848 0000????
    Save the King +
    Struggle Battle Weapon
    11CD4874 0000????
    Halloween Town
    Adamant Shield
    11CD491C 0000????
    Save the King +
    11CD4944 0000????
    Space Paranoids
    Adamant Shield
    11CD4F00 0000????
    Save the King +
    11CD4F28 0000????
    Timeless River
    Adamant Shield
    11CD4FD0 0000????
    Save the King +
    11CD4FF8 0000????
    Mickey's Weapon Modifiers
    FAKE [a.k.a Darkside Kingdom Key]
    11CD4A0C 0000????
    Riku's Weapon Modifiers
    Way to the Dawn
    11CD4A34 0000????
    Aladdin's Weapon Modifiers
    11CD49E8 0000????
    Auron's Weapon Modifiers
    Battlefields of War
    11CD49F0 0000????
    Mulan's Weapon Modifiers
    Sword of the Ancestors
    11CD49F8 0000????
    Mushu [ XDDD ]
    11CD49FC 0000????
    Tron's Weapon Modifiers
    Energy Disk
    11CD4A04 0000????
    Sparrow's Weapon Modifiers
    Skill and Crossbones
    11CD4A2C 0000????
    0846- Axel's weapon
    0844- Some water column effect, hangs game randomly

    Weapon Dummy Digits (For UWM)

    Keyblade Dummies
    0317 - Way to Dawn (Dummy) (Riku's Keyblade)
    0074 - Darkside (Dummy)(Mickeys Keyblade)
    023D - Kingdom Key (Dummy)
    0769 - Starseeker (Dummy)
    076A - Hidden Dragon (Dummy)
    076B - Hero's Crest (Dummy)
    076C - Monochrome (Dummy)
    076D - Port Royal's Keyblade (Dummy)
    076E - Follow The Wind (Dummy)
    076F - Photon Debugger (Dummy)
    0770 - Gullwing (Dummy)
    0771 - Rambling Rose (Dummy)
    0772 - Guardian Soul (Dummy)
    0773 - Wishes Lamp (Dummy)
    0774 - Holy Pumpkin (Dummy)
    0775 - Sleeping Lion (Dummy)
    0776 - Sweet Memory (Dummy)
    0777 - Mysterious Abyss (Dummy)
    0778 - Fatal Crest (Dummy)
    0779 - Bond Of Flame (Dummy)
    077A - Fenrir (Dummy)
    077B - Ultima (Dummy)
    0068 - Oathkeeper (Dummy)
    0069 - Oblivion (Dummy)
    077C - Struggle Bat A  (Dummy)
    077D - Struggle Bat B  (Dummy)
    0939 - A Crossed Two keyblade (dummy)
    093A - Winners Proof keyblade (dummy)
    Halloween Town Keyblade Dummies
    077E - Starseeker (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    077F - Hidden Dragon (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0780 - Hero's Crest (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0781 - Monochrome (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0782 - Port Royal's Keyblade (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0783 - Follow The Wind (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0784 - Photon Debugger (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0785 - Gullwing (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0786 - Rambling Rose (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0787 - Guardian Soul (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0788 - Wishes Lamp (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0789 - Holy Pumpkin (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    078A - Sleeping Lion (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    078B - Sweet Memory (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    078C - Mysterious Abyss (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    078D - Fatal Crest (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    078E - Bond Of Flame (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    078F - Fenrir (Dummy) (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    0790 - Ultima (Dummy) (Halloween Town) (Dummy)
    Space Paranoids Keyblade Dummies
    06F3 - Kingdom Key (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    0791 - Oathkeeper (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    0792 - Oblivion (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    0793 - Starseeker (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    0794 - Hidden Dragon (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    0795 - Hero's Crest (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    0796 - Monochrome (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    0797 - Port Royal's Keyblade (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    0798 - Follow The Wind (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    0799 - Photon Debugger (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    079A - Gullwing (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    079B - Rambling Rose (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    079C - Guardian Soul (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    079D - Wishes Lamp (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    079E - Holy Pumpkin (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    079F - Sleeping Lion (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07A0 - Sweet Memory (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07A1 - Mysterious Abyss (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07A2 - Fatal Crest (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07A3 - Bond Of Flame (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07A4 - Fenrir (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    07A5 - Ultima (Space Paranoids) (Dummy)
    Timeless River Keyblade Dummies
    07A6 - Oathkeeper (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07A7 - Oblivion (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07A8 - Starseeker (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07A9 - Hidden Dragon (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07AA - Hero's Crest (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07AB - Monochrome (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07AC - Port Royal's Keyblade (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07AD - Follow The Wind (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07AE - Photon Debugger (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07AF - Gullwing (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07B0 - Rambling Rose (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07B1 - Guardian Soul (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07B2 - Wishes Lamp (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07B3 - Holy Pumpkin (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07B4 - Sleeping Lion (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07B5 - Sweet Memory (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07B6 - Mysterious Abyss (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07B7 - Fatal Crest (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07B8 - Bond Of Flame (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07B9 - Fenrir (Timeless River) (Dummy)
    07BA - Ultima (Timeless River) (Dummy)

    Boss/Cutscene Warps
    World of Darkness
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx01
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - The Dark Margin
    01 - Loop Demo
    Digit 00 - The Dark Margin Event Digits
    ?? digits
    33 - Letter
    39 - At the Dark Margin
    3A - FMV Ending & Credits
    3C - The Gathering
    3D - Birth by Sleep
    Digit 01 - Loop Demo Event Digits
    ?? digits
    38 - Menu Trailer
    Twilight Town
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx02
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - The Empty Realm
    01 - Roxas's Room
    02 - The Usual Spot
    03 - Back Alley
    04 - Sandlot
    05 - Sandlot (Day 4)
    06 - Market Street: Station Heights
    07 - Market Street: Tram Common
    08 - Station Plaza
    09 - Central Station
    0A - Sunset Terrace
    0B - Sunset Station
    0C - Sunset Hill
    0D - The Woods
    0E - The Old Mansion
    0F - Mansion: Foyer
    10 - Mansion: Dining Room
    11 - Mansion: Library
    12 - Mansion: The White Room
    13 - Mansion: Basement Hall
    14 - Mansion: Basement Hall (In the Fire Wall)
    15 - Mansion: Computer Room
    16 - Mansion: Basement Corridor
    17 - Mansion: Pod Room
    18 - On the Train
    19 - The Tower
    1A - Tower: Entryway
    1B - Tower: Sorcerer's Loft
    1C - Tower: Wardrobe
    1D - Tower: Star Chamber
    1E - Tower: Moon Chamber
    1F - Tower: Wayward Stairs
    20 - Station of Serenity
    21 - Station of Calling
    22 - Station of Awakening
    23 - The Mysterial Train
    24 - Tunnelway
    25 - Underground Concourse
    26 - Tower: Wayward Stairs
    27 - Tower: Wayward Stairs
    28 - Between and Betwix
    Digit 00 - The Empty Realm Event Digits
    ?? digits
    33 - The Name is Naminé
    Digit 01 - Roxas's Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    34 - Connected Dreams
    35 - The Dream That Will Become the Key
    36 - Dream of a Promise
    37 - Farewell Dream
    38 - Waking From the Dream
    39 - The Usual Awakening
    3A - Waking From the Illusion
    3B - Uncertain Awakening
    3C - Unclear Awakening
    3D - Overlapping Awakenings
    Digit 02 - The Usual Spot Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - A Message From Pence and Olette
    02 - Tutorial 5 - Saving
    3F - Something's Been Stoled
    40 - Photographs of Memories
    41 - We'll Go to the Beach!
    42 - The Letter Hayner Left Behind
    43 - Sorry.
    44 - Summer Vacation Homework
    45 - Two Days Left of Summer Vacation
    46 - The World Starts to Fade
    47 - Falling Down
    48 - Kairi Disappeared Into the Darkness
    A7 - Missing
    124 - The 7 Wonders of Twilight Town
    Digit 03 - Back Alley Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Getting the Twilight Town Map
    03 - Axel Under Orders
    04 - Axel's Grief
    05 - Nostalgic Town?
    49 - Nobody Wave Battle
    4A - The Sunset's Radiance
    4B - The Mysterious Man
    138 - DiZ's Guidance
    Digit 04 - Sandlot Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Leave the Rest to Me!
    12 - Sora and Seifer's Argument
    4C - Choose Your Stuggle Weapon
    4D - Tutorial 4 - Fighting
    4E - Seifer I Battle
    4F - Dusk Battle
    50 - Nobody Waves Battle
    51 - Versus Seifer
    52 - Decisive Battle at the Plaza
    53 - To the Original World
    B5 - Seifer II Battle
    B6 - Hayner Battle (Struggle Competition)
    B7 - Setzer Battle (Struggle Competition)
    B8 - Seifer Battle (Struggle Competition)
    EA - Mysterious Enemies Appear
    108 - The Girl's Voice
    160 - Saix Make Bewilder
    Digit 05 - Sandlot (Day 4) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Midsummer Struggle Battle
    03 - 1st Match: VS Hayner
    04 - The Finals
    05 - The Invitation of the Champion
    54 - Hayner Struggle Battle
    55 - Vivi Struggle Battle
    56 - Triple Dusks Battle
    57 - Axel I Battle
    58 - Setzer Struggle Battle
    118 - Finish the Fight
    11A - The Approaching Enemy
    11B - Axel Appears
    11C - A Heart's Outcry
    11E - Roxas's Victory
    Digit 06 - Market Street: Station Heights Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Promise With Hayner
    02 - Encounter With the Girl
    0C - The Story of a Party-Time Job
    59 - Cargo Climb (Roxas)
    5A - Grandstander (Roxas)
    5B - Mail Delivery (Roxas)
    A8 - The Promise Made Yesterday
    C1 - Cargo Climb (Sora)
    C2 - Grandstander (Sora)
    C3 - Mail Delivery (Sora)
    Digit 07 - Market Street: Tram Common Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Road to the Mansion
    03 - Talk to the Clerk
    5F - Tutorial 1 - Movement
    61 - Tutorial 2 - Reaction Commands
    63 - Tutorial 3 - Lock-on
    64 - Junk Sweep (Roxas)
    65 - Bumble-Buster (Roxas)
    66 - Poster Duty (Roxas)
    6B - The Nobody's Direction
    BB - SB Street Rave
    C7 - Junk Sweep (Sora)
    C8 - Bumble-Buster (Sora)
    C9 - Poster Duty (Sora)
    Digit 08 - Station Plaza Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Mysterious Man Once Again
    02 - The Usual Station, The Usual Friends
    03 - Struggle in Front of the Station
    04 - Why Kairi?
    6C - Infinite Nobodies Battle
    6D - So Many Memories
    6E - Giving Hayner the Normal Amount of Munny
    6F - Giving Hayner the Maximum Amount of Munny
    70 - "Can You Feel Sora?"
    71 - 4 People's Treasure
    72 - It Starts With an 'S'!
    73 - The 7th Rumor
    74 - The Crystal Ball's Light
    D8 - Parting With a Partner
    14C - The King Appears
    Digit 09 - Central Station Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Munny Disappeared
    03 - Matching Pouches
    04 - Tears
    0C - Setting Off For the Seven Wonders
    75 - Having Dismounted.
    76 - Time For Goodbye
    77 - Guidance From the Photo
    Digit 0A - Sunset Terrace Event Digits
    ?? digits
    78 - Head to the Wall While Avoiding the Balls!
    79 - Shadow Roxas Battle
    7A - The 6th Rumor
    Digit 0B - Sunset Station Event Digits
    ?? digits
    7B - Ended Up At the Residental Area
    7C - The Train Vanished
    128 - The Truth of the Rumor
    Digit 0C - Sunset Hill Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The World Seen From the Hill
    7D - Stop the Moving Bag!
    D7 - The 4 at Sunset Hill
    Digit OD - The Woods Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Girl Disappeared, An Enemy Appeared
    7E - The Shadows Roaming the Forest
    Digit 0E - The Old Mansion Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Enemy Attacks
    02 - The Haunted House
    03 - The Keyblade's Memory
    05 - Another Twilight Town
    08 - Reunion With the King
    29 - Nobody Waves Battle (With Mickey)
    7F - First Encounter With a Dusk (With Struggle Weapon)
    80 - First Encounter With a Dusk (With Kingdom Key)
    82 - The Curtain Swaying in the Wind
    D2 - The Meaning of "Roxas"
    ED - The Keyblade Appears
    EE - The Key Vanishes
    Digit 0F - Mansion: Foyer Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Entrance to the Parallel World
    Digit 10 - Mansion: Dining Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    83 - Time For the Finishing Touches
    Digit 11 - Mansion: Library Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Hidden Room
    Digit 12 - Mansion: The White Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Many Sketches
    84 - The Girl's Room
    85 - Those Who Don't Exist, Nobodies
    Digit 13 - Mansion: Basement Hall Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Opponent That Blocks the Way
    03 - Entrance to the Darkness
    86 - Nobody Wave Battle
    87 - Battle's End
    88 - Reborn
    141 - Axel's Resignation
    Digit 14 - Mansion: Basement Hall (In the Fire Wall) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    89 - Axel II Battle (Normal)
    D3 - Data Axel Appears
    D4 - Data Axel Disappears
    D5 - Axel II Battle (Data)
    Digit 15 - Mansion: Computer Room
    ?? digits
    01 - In Front of the Computer
    02 - The Password is...
    03 - Input Success
    04 - To the Other World
    8A - DiZ and the Mysterious Man
    8B - In the World of Darkness
    8C - Dream Encounter
    8D - The Laboratory's Light
    8E - Uncontrollable Factors
    8F - The Name is Ansem
    90 - Resurrected Recollection
    91 - Roxas'S Twilight Town
    Digit 16 - Mansion: Basement Corridor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Sleeping Friends
    Digit 17 - Mansion: Pod Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The World's Servant, DiZ
    02 - "My Summer Vacation."
    92 - The Girl in the White Room
    93 - The Voice of Awakening
    Digit 18 - On the Train Event Digits
    ?? digits
    94 - Everyone On the Train
    Digit 19 - The Tower Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - I'm the One and Only Pete
    95 - Wave of Shadows Battle
    96 - The Mysterious Tower
    154 - The Tower's Dweller is...
    Digit 1B - Tower: Sorcerer's Loft Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Master Yen Sid
    02 - Past and Future
    04 - Departure
    Digit 1C - Tower: Wardrobe Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The 3 Fairies
    02 - A Gift From the Fairies
    97 - The Witch's Revival
    E4 - Tutorial 6 - Puzzle Pieces
    Digit 1D - Tower: Star Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    98 - Heartless Waves Battle
    Digit 1E - Tower: Moon Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    99 - Heartless Waves Battle
    155 - The Worlds Remain Unchanged
    Digit 20 - Station of Serenity
    ?? digits
    01 - Select Your Level Up Setup
    9A - Triple Dusks Battle
    9B - The Keyblade
    9C - The Station of Awakening
    Digit 22 - Station of Awakening Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Giant Looming Shadow
    9D - Twilight Thorn Battle
    10C - Roxas's Victory
    Digit 23 - The Mysterial Train Event Digits
    ?? digits
    9E - Far-Off World
    Digit 24 - Tunnelway Event Digits
    ?? digits
    9F - Multiple Vivis Battle
    Digit 28 - Between and Betwix Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Lanes Between
    02 - To the Final Frontier
    A0 - Nobody Wave (Without Axel as Partner)
    A1 - Nobody Waves Battle (With Axel as Partner)
    A2 - The Dark Corridor
    16E - Axel's Atonement
    16F - Exchanged Words of Victory
    Destiny Islands
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx03
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Beach
    01 - Main Island: Ocean's Road
    02 - Main Island: Shore
    Digit 01 - Main Island: Ocean's Road Event Digits
    ?? digits
    33 - Kairi and Selphie
    34 - Kairi Running
    Digit 02 - Main Island: Shore Event Digits
    ?? digits
    35 - The Letter to the Boy
    36 - Axel Talks to Kairi
    Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx04
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Villain's Vale
    01 - The Dark Depths
    02 - The Great Maw
    03 - Crystal Fissure
    04 - Castle Gate
    05 - Ansem's Study
    06 - Postern
    07 - Restoration Site (Before Destruction)
    08 - Bailey (Before Destruction)
    09 - Borough
    0A - Marketplace
    0B - Corridors
    0C - Heartless Manufactory
    0D - Merlin's House
    0E - Castle Oblivion
    0F - Ansem's Study (Before Xehanort took over)
    10 - Ravine Trail
    11 - The Great Maw (1,000 Heartlesses Conditions)
    12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction)
    13 - Bailey (After Destruction)
    14 - Corridors (Sealed)
    15 - Cavern of Remembrance: Depths
    16 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mining Area
    17 - Cavern of Remembrance: Engine Chamber
    18 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft
    19 - Transport to Remembrance
    1A - Garden of Assemblage
    1B - The Underground
    1C - Memory's Contortion (Xemnas I Battle Area) (BSOD!)
    1D - The World of Nothing (Twilight Xemnas Battle Area) (BSOD!)
    1E - Hall of Empty Melodies (Bottom Part) (BSOD!)
    1F - ?? (BSOD!)
    20 - Front Mansion
    21 - Station of Remembrance
    22 - Destiny Islands
    23 - Addled Impasse (BSOD!)
    24 - Mansion: Basement Hall (In the Fire Wall) (BSOD!)
    25 - Havoc's Divide (BSOD!)
    26 - Station of Oblivion
    Digit 00 - Villian's Vale Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Worn Out Pete
    02 - Maleficent's Revival
    Digit 01 - The Dark Depths Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Xemnas' Speculation
    02 - The Enemy Has Begun to Move
    14 - The Conclusion
    15 - A Message From Sephiroth
    16 - One Winged Angel
    4B - Sephiroth Battle
    5C - A Message Left Behind
    Digit 02 - The Great Maw Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Leader of Organization XIII
    02, 00, 00 - The Gathering of Mushrooms (Must Complete 12 Mushroom Missions to Make Mushroom XIII Appear!)
    02, 02, 02 - Ansem's Apprentice
    4E - Hollow Bastion Armageddon
    Digit 03 - Crystal Fissure Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Good Morning, Goofy
    Digit 04 - Castle Gate Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Melodious Nocture, Demyx
    37 - Demyx Battle (Normal)
    72 - Demyx Battle (Data)
    8C - Data Demyx Appears
    8D - Data Demyx Disappears
    D0 - Good Night, Goofy
    Digit 05 - Ansem's Study Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Ansem's Study
    02 - Leon Reveals a Secret Path
    03 - Transfer Device Activated
    04 - Finding the Password!
    05 - The Puzzle's Mystery
    06 - The True Meaning of the Scribbles
    08 - Response From the Program's World
    09 - The Sealed Data
    0C - Aerith Watches Over the Study
    0D - We're Waiting, Tron
    11 - The Researcher of Darkness, Ansem
    12 - Ansem's True Form
    45 - To the World of Programs Once More
    47 - Cyberspace
    5F - Data Transmission
    60 - Hollow Bastion's Restoration
    66 - In Ansem's
    67 - Insurgence From the MCP
    Digit 06 - Postern Event Digits
    ?? digits
    00, 00, 12 - Y-R-P's Treasure
    01 - Looking For Leon
    02 - Sephiroth Descends
    5D - Run Leon
    5E - Radiant Garden
    Digit 08 - Bailey Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Look at That
    02 - The 3 Mysterious Girls
    03 - Their Goal is...
    34 - Sora & Leon VS Nobody Waves
    A6 - Organization XIII Gathering
    Digit 09 - Borough Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Town's Defense Mechanism
    02 - Everyone's Invited
    03 - The Stolen Picture Book
    0A - The Boundary Disappeared
    0B - Malfunctioning Defense System
    0C - Dispersed, Dancing Light
    33 - Nobody Waves Battle
    3A - Heartless Waves Battle 1
    48 - Heartless Waves Battle 2
    64 - SB Freestyle
    A1 - The Great Ninja Yuffie
    AE - Pooh's Fine, Right?
    Digit 0A - Marketplace Event Digits
    ?? digits
    00, 00, 08 - Cloud's Response
    01 - Arrival at Hollow Bastion
    02 - Bad Sign
    0A - The Heartless Again?
    12 - Cloud's Determination
    Digit 0B - Corridors Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - To the Underground Passage
    02 - Maleficent Joins to the Brawl
    03 - Y-R-P!
    Digit 0C - Heartless Manufactory Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Heartless Manufactory
    Digit 0D - Merlin's House Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee
    02 - A Report From Cid
    03 - Merlin's Insight
    04 - Pooh's Picture Book
    05 - To the World Inside the Book
    06 - Heartless Attack
    08 - The Missing Memory
    0A - Yuffie's Explanation
    0B - Peace in the Town
    0C - Program Complete
    Digit 0F - Ansem's Study (Before Xehanort Takes Over) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The King's Memory
    Digit 10 - Ravine Trail Event Digits
    ?? digits
    3E - Sora & Yuffie VS Heartless Waves
    3F - Sora & Leon VS Heartless Waves
    40 - Sora & Tifa VS Heartless Waves
    41 - Sora & Cloud VS Heartless Waves
    4F - Yuffie and Aerith's Valiant Stand
    50 - Stitch Stands Strong
    51 - Y-R-P's Great Performance
    52 - Leon and Cloud
    53 - Cloud, Dark Fate
    Digit 11 - The Great Maw (1,000 Heartlesses Condition)
    ?? digits
    42 - 1,000 Heartlesses Battle
    Digit 12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Aerith and Leon
    0A - Pillars of Light
    49 - Nobody Waves Battle
    Digit 13 - Bailey (After Destruction) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    03 - Before the Broken Path
    04 - Sorry, Your Highness!
    05 - The Opened Path
    3D - Heartless Invasion
    54 - "Everyone, Hang in There!"
    C4 - Hurry to the Castle Gate!
    Digit 14 - Corridors (Sealed) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    56 - Heartless and Nobody Waves Battle
    Digit 15 - Cavern of Remembrance: Depths Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Welcome to the Cavern of Remembrance
    Digit 16 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mining Area Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Activate the Engines
    Digit 18 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Heartless Waves Battle 1
    02 - Heartless Waves Battle 2
    Digit 19 - Transport to Remembrance Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Nobody Waves Battle 1
    02 - Nobody Waves Battle 2
    03 - Nobody Waves Battle 3
    Digit 1A - Garden of Assemblage Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The 13 Strange Portals
    03 - The Garden of Assemblage
    Digit 1B - The Underground Event Digits
    ?? digits
    109 - To the Hidden Stage
    Digit 20 - Front Mansion Event Digits
    ?? digits
    73 - Vexen Battle (Absent Silhouette)
    78 - The Chilly Academic, Vexen
    79 - The Absent Silhouette of Vexen Disappears
    82 - Data Vexen Appears
    83 - Data Vexen Disappears
    92 - Vexen Battle (Data)
    Digit 21 - Station of Remembrance Event Digits
    ?? digits
    7A - The Silent Hero, Lexaeus
    7B - The Absent Silhouette of Lexaeus Disappears
    80 - The Savage Nymph, Larxene
    81 - The Absent Silhouette of Larxene Disappears
    84 - Data Lexaeus Appears
    85 - Data Lexaeus Disappears
    8A - Data Larxene Appears
    8B - Data Larxene Disappears
    8E - Lexaeus Battle (Absent Silhouette)
    8F - Larxene Battle (Absent Silhouette)
    93 - Lexaeus Battle (Data)
    94 - Larxene Battle (Data)
    Digit 22 - Destiny Islands Event Digits
    ?? digits
    7C - The Cloaked Schemer, Zexion
    7D - The Absent Silhouette of Zexion Disappears
    86 - Data Zexion Appears
    87 - Data Zexion Disappears
    97 - Zexion Battle (Absent Silhouette)
    98 - Zexion Battle (Data)
    Digit 26 - Station of Oblivion Event Digits
    ?? digits
    7E - The Graceful Assassin, Marluxia
    7F - The Absent Silhouette of Marluxia Disappears
    88 - Data Marluxia Appears
    89 - Data Marluxia Disappears
    91 - Marluxia Battle (Absent Silhouette)
    96 - Marluxia Battle (Data)
    Beast's Castle
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx05
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Entrance Hall
    01 - Parlor
    02 - Belle's Room
    03 - Beast's Room
    04 - Ballroom (Normal)
    05 - Ballroom (Covered in Darkness)
    06 - Courtyard
    07 - The East Wing
    08 - The West Hall
    09 - The West Wing
    0A - Dungeon
    0B - Undercroft
    0C - Secret Passage
    0D - Bridge (Normal)
    0E - Ballroom
    0F - Bridge (Xaldin Battle Area)
    Digit 00 - Entrance Hall Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Voice Echoing in the Castle
    02 - Find Belle
    03 - Belle's Scream
    0A - Beast is Ready For the Ball
    0B - A Special Day
    0c - Xaldin's Goal
    4B - Nobody Waves Battle
    7C - To the Castle's Exterior
    Digit 01 - Parlor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Assault in the Parlor
    44 - Infinite Heartless Waves Battle
    66 - Beast's Dilemma
    Digit 02 - Belle's Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Belle Goes After Xaldin
    02 - Someone's Voice
    0A - Dress-Up
    0B - Belle, Deep Within Her Sorrow
    68 - Belle's Distress
    Digit 03 - Beast's Room Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Organization XIII's Attempt
    0A - The Missing Rose
    0B - Don't Cast Aside Your Hopes
    45 - Beast Battle
    6E - Beast Regains His Sanity
    Digit 04 - Ballroom (Normal) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Decisive Battle in the Ballroom
    0A - Uninvited Guests
    4A - Nobody Wave Battle
    77 - The Precious Thing
    Digit 05 - Ballroom (Covered in Darkness) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    4E - Shadow Stalker Battle
    4F - Dark Thorn Battle
    71 - Showdown, Dark Thorn
    72 - The Heartless's Final Moments
    Digit 06 - Courtyard Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Belle Has Been Kidnapped
    0B - Together, Always
    Digit 08 - The West Hall Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Find a Way Into the Undercroft
    03 - The Talking Wardrobe
    5F - Move the Wardrobe Out of the Way
    Digit 09 - The West Wing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Rose's Secret
    Digit 0A - Dungeon Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Dwellers of the Castle
    6C - The Hidden Truth
    Digit 0B - Undercroft Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Guardian of the Door
    48 - Thresholder Battle
    81 - Inside the Dungeon
    Digit 0C - Secret Passage Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Dark Lanterns
    02 - Light the Lanterns
    Digit 0D - Bridge (Normal) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Belle? The Rose?
    Digit 0E - Ballroom Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Battle Afterward
    Digit 0F - Bridge (Xaldin Battle Area) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    52 - Xaldin Battle (Normal)
    61 - Xaldin Battle (Data)
    62 - Data Xaldin Appears
    63 - Data Xaldin Disappears
    7F - Xaldin's End
    Olympus Coliseum
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx06
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - The Coliseum
    01 - Colliseum Gates (Normal)
    02 - Colliseum Gates (Destroyed) (Day)
    03 - Underworld Entrance
    04 - Colliseum Foyer
    05 - Valley of the Dead
    06 - Hades' Chamber
    07 - Cave of the Dead: Entrance
    08 - Well of Captivity
    09 - The Underdrome
    0A - Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber
    0B - Underworld Caverns: Entrance
    0C - The Lock
    0D - The Underdrome
    0E - Colliseum Gates (Destroyed) (Night)
    0F - Cave of the Dead: Passage
    10 - Underworld Caverns: The Lost Road
    11 - Underworld Caverns: Atrium
    12 - Coliseum Gates (Hydra Battle Area)
    13 - The Underdrome
    Digit 00 - The Coliseum Event Digits
    ?? digits
    00, 02, 16 - Phil's Training
    01 - Hercules the Hero
    02 - The Advice is Two Words
    04 - Abducted Meg
    44 - Hercules VS the Hydra
    8C - Phil's Training - Practice
    8D - Phil's Training - Maniac
    Digit 01 - Coliseum Gates (Normal) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Reunion With the Hero Hercules (Replace "2032BAE0 00000106" With "2032BAE0 00320106" To Make It Work Properly.)
    Digit 02 - Coliseum Gates (Destroyed) (Day) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Enraged Hydra
    8E - Phil's Training - Practice
    8F - Phil's Training - Maniac
    Digit 03 - Underworld Entrance Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - The Hero's Companion, Megara
    05 - Arriving in the Underworld
    07 - What Happened at Olympus?
    0A - Enter the Underworld Coliseum
    0C - Hades Cup Exhibition
    0D - The Road to the Finals
    12 - Hurry to Hades
    13 - To the Underworld Coliseum
    C5 - Astray in the Underworld
    C6 - Auron Disappeared
    C7 - Farewell to Auron
    D2 - To Hades
    Digit 04 - Coliseum Foyer Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Hero's Fatigue
    02 - Megara's Unease
    03 - The Olympus Stone
    Digit 05 - Valley of the Dead Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Way of the Dead
    03 - Hades' Pursuit
    6F - Escape From Hades
    Digit 06 - Hades' Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Underworld Warrior, Auron
    0A - Auron's Past
    41 - Hades' Power
    42 - This is My Game
    43 - Hades' Intent
    70 - Hades Battle (Hades is Invincible)
    7E - Nobody Waves Battle
    D8 - From Hero to Zero
    F8 - Internal Discord?
    Digit 07 - Cave of the Dead: Entrance Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Hell's Watchdog, Cerberus
    0A - Manipulated Auron
    72 - Cerberus Battle
    DD - Escape Successful!
    Digit 08 - Well of Capitivity Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Pete Never Learns
    02 - Uniting Power
    73 - Defending Megara From Pete
    74 - Sora & Hercules VS Pete I
    ED - The True Hero
    F0 - Laughing Hades
    Digit 09 - The Underdrome Event Digits
    ?? digits
    7C - "Spin Strike" Heartless Wave Battle
    7D - "Bad Alert" Heartless Wave Battle
    BD - The Pain and Panic Cup
    BE - The Cerberus Cup
    BF - The Titan Cup
    C0 - The Goddess of Fate Cup
    C1 - The Pain and Panic Paradox Cup
    C2 - The Cerberus Paradox Cup
    C3 - The Titan Paradox Cup
    C4 - The Hades Paradox Cup
    Digit 0A - Cave of the Dead: Inner Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Escaping Organization XIII
    03 - Legendary Guardian
    Digit 0C - The Lock Event Digits
    ?? digits
    00, 00, 01 - Lifting the Seal
    02 - The Hero is Never Neglected
    Digit 0D - Underdrome Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Take Back the Heart
    0B - Hercules Revived!
    47 - Hercules VS Auron
    B4 - Winning the Pain and Panic Cup Trophy
    B5 - Winning the Cerberus Cup Trophy
    B6 - Winning the Titan Cup Trophy
    B7 - Winning the Goddess of Fate Cup Trophy
    B8 - Winning the Hades Paradox Cup Trophy
    C9 - Hades Battle (Part I)
    CA - Hades Battle (Part II)
    FF - Hades, to the Realm of the Dead
    Digit 0E - Coliseum Gates (Destroyed) (Night) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Hero's Star
    Digit 0F - Cave of the Dead: Passage Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Suspicious Silhouette
    Digit 11 - Underworld Caverns: Atrium Event Digits
    ?? digits
    00, 00, 01 - Bout with Demyx
    7B - Demyx's Water Clones Battle
    103 - Regained Power
    Digit 12 - Coliseum Gates (Hydra Battle Area) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    AB - Hydra Battle
    F3 - Spoils of Battle
    The Underdrome Coliseum Cups
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 00??0906
    2032BAE4 00xx00xx
    2032BAE8 000000xx
    xx digits
    BD - The Pain and Panic Cup
    BE - The Cerberus Cup
    BF - The Titan Cup
    C0 - The Goddess of Fate Cup
    C1 - The Pain and Panic Paradox Cup
    C2 - The Cerberus Paradox Cup
    C3 - The Titan Paradox Cup
    C4 - The Hades Paradox Cup
    Digit BD - The Pain and Panic Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Shadow x5, Hook Bat x5
    02 - Round 02: Large Body x1, Minute Bomb x4
    03 - Round 03: Soldier x2, Rabid Dog x5
    04 - Round 04: Shadow x4, Hot Rod x2
    05 - Round 05: Hook Bat x4, Rapid Thruster x5, Bolt Tower x2
    06 - Round 06: Minute Bomb x4, Gargoyle Knight x3, Lance Soldier x4
    07 - Round 07: Soldier x2, Rabid Dog x1, Aeroplane x6, Assault Rider x2
    08 - Round 08: Rapid Thruster x?
    09 - Round 09: Creeper Plant x4, Gargoyle Warrior x2
    0A - Round 10: Leon & Yuffie
    Digit BE - The Cerberus Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Air Pirate x2, Trick Ghost x2
    02 - Round 02: Driller Mole x3, Hammer Frame x3
    03 - Round 03: Tornado Step x3, Wight Knight x3
    04 - Round 04: Silver Rock x4, Living Bone x1
    05 - Round 05: Icy Cube x5, Shaman x1, Fiery Globe x5
    06 - Round 06: Fortuneteller x2, Aerial Knocker x2
    07 - Round 07: Cannon Gun x3, Toy Soldier x1
    08 - Round 08: Luna Bandit x5
    09 - Round 09: Emerald Blues x4, Fat Bandit x1
    0A - Round 10: Cerberus
    Digit BF - The Titan Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Magnum Loader x2, Dusk x3
    02 - Round 02: Morning Star x1, Assassin x4
    03 - Round 03: Strafer x4, Berserker x2
    04 - Round 04: Sniper x2, Trick Ghost x3
    05 - Round 05: Dancer x3, Neoshadow x3
    06 - Round 06: Air Pirate x2, Dragoon x2, Bookmaster x1
    07 - Round 07: Samurai x2, Crimson Jazz x2
    08 - Round 08: Minute Bomb x3, Sniper x2, Assassin x2
    09 - Round 09: Devastator x1, Dancer x2, Berserker x2
    0A - Round 10: Hercules
    Digit C0 - The Goddess of Fate Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Morning Star x1, Emerald Blues x2, Sniper x2, Morning Star x4
    02 - Round 02: Hammer Frame x3, Living Bone x1
    03 - Round 03: Creeper Plant x3, Toy Soldier x1
    04 - Round 04: Nightwalker x2, Crimson Jazz x2
    05 - Round 05: Shaman x4, Assassin x2, Devastator x3
    06 - Round 06: Fat Bandit x1, Large Body x1
    07 - Round 07: Lance Soldier x2, Assault Rider x2
    08 - Round 08: Rapid Thruster Swarm
    09 - Round 09: Bolt Tower x2, Hot Rod x2
    0A - Round 10: Hades & Hammer Frames
    Digit C1 - The Pain and Panic Paradox Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Shadow x5, Hook Bat x5
    02 - Round 02: Large Body x1, Minute Bomb x4
    03 - Round 03: Soldier x2, Rabid Dog x5
    04 - Round 04: Shadow x4, Hot Rod x2
    05 - Round 05: Hook Bat x4, Rapid Thruster x5, Bolt Tower x2
    06 - Round 06: Minute Bomb x4, Gargoyle Knight x3, Lance Soldier x4
    07 - Round 07: Soldier x2, Rabid Dog x1, Aeroplane x6, Assault Rider x2
    08 - Round 08: Rapid Thruster x?
    09 - Round 09: Creeper Plant x4, Gargoyle Warrior x2
    0A - Round 10: Leon & Yuffie
    Digit C2 - The Cerberus Paradox Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Air Pirate x2, Trick Ghost x2
    02 - Round 02: Driller Mole x3, Hammer Frame x3
    03 - Round 03: Tornado Step x3, Wight Knight x3
    04 - Round 04: Silver Rock x4, Living Bone x1
    05 - Round 05: Icy Cube x5, Shaman x1, Fiery Globe x5
    06 - Round 06: Fortuneteller x2, Aerial Knocker x2
    07 - Round 07: Cannon Gun x3, Toy Soldier x1
    08 - Round 08: Luna Bandit x5
    09 - Round 09: Emerald Blues x4, Fat Bandit x1
    0A - Round 10: Cerberus
    Digit C3 - The Titan Paradox Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Magnum Loader x2, Dusk x3
    02 - Round 02: Morning Star x1, Assassin x4
    03 - Round 03: Strafer x4, Berserker x2
    04 - Round 04: Sniper x2, Trick Ghost x3
    05 - Round 05: Dancer x3, Neoshadow x3
    06 - Round 06: Air Pirate x2, Dragoon x2, Bookmaster x1
    07 - Round 07: Samurai x2, Crimson Jazz x2
    08 - Round 08: Minute Bomb x3, Sniper x2, Assassin x2
    09 - Round 09: Devastator x1, Dancer x2, Berserker x2
    0A - Round 10: Hercules
    Digit C4 - The Hades Paradox Cup Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Round 01: Shadow x3, Soldier x3
    02 - Round 02: Driller Mole x4, Hook Bat x2
    03 - Round 03: Rapid Thruster x3, Surveillance Robot x2
    04 - Round 04: Rapid Dog x5, Creeper Plant x2
    05 - Round 05: Volcanic Lord, Soldier x2
    06 - Round 06: Cannon Gun x3, Silver Rock x2
    07 - Round 07: Icy Cube x3, Shadow x4, Minute Bomb x8
    08 - Round 08: Soldier x3, Silver Rock x2, Armored Knight x5, Large Body x1
    09 - Round 09: Creeper x4, Samurai x1
    0A - Round 10: Yuffie & Tifa
    0B - Round 11: Rapid Thruster x5, Aeroplane x3
    0C - Round 12: Minute Bomb x4, Magnum Loader x1, Air Pirate x2
    0D - Round 13: Luna Bandit x3, Driller Mole x2
    0E - Round 14: Lance Soldier x2, Armored Knight x2, Tornado Step x2
    0F - Round 15: Blizzard Lord
    10 - Round 16: Soldier x4, Wight Knight x2
    11 - Round 17: Strafer x4, Neoshadow x4, Aerial Knocker x4
    12 - Round 18: Luna Bandit x2, Air Pirate x2, Creeper Plant x3, Wight Knight x3
    13 - Round 19: Dusk x2, Assassin x2, Dragoon x1
    14 - Round 20: Pete
    15 - Round 21: Gargoyle Knight x3, Armored Knight x3
    16 - Round 22: Fortuneteller x2, Aeroplane x1, Trick Ghost x2
    17 - Round 23: Soldier x2, Creeper Plant x2 Shaman x2
    18 - Round 24: Bulky Vendor x3
    19 - Round 25: Cloud & Tifa
    1A - Round 26: Bolt Tower x2, Hammer Frame x2, Neoshadow x1
    1B - Round 27: Gargoyle Warrior x2, Rabid Dog x4, Nightwalker x4
    1C - Round 28: Bookmaster x2, Emerald Blues x4, Shaman x4, Silver Rock x3
    1D - Round 29: Sniper x2, Gambler x2
    1E - Round 30: Hades (Without Hercules as Partner)
    1F - Round 31: Samurai x2, Berserker x1, Creeper x2
    20 - Round 32: Dancer x2, Demyx's Water Clones x3
    21 - Round 33: Samurai x4
    22 - Round 34: Sorcerer x2
    23 - Round 35: Rapid Thruster Swarm
    24 - Round 36: Berserker x3
    25 - Round 37: Sniper x2, Assassin x3, Dragoon x4
    26 - Round 38: Dusk x6, Samurai x3, Dancer x4, Gambler x4, Sorcerer x1
    27 - Round 39: Dragoon x4
    28 - Round 40: Leon & Cloud
    29 - Round 41: Toy Soldier x2, Graveyard x2
    2A - Round 42: Living Bone x2, Fortuneteller x1
    2B - Round 43: Morning Star x2, Large Body x2
    2C - Round 44: Living Bone x3
    2D - Round 45: 1,000 Heartless Battle
    2E - Round 46: Hot Rod x2, Devastator x1
    2F - Round 47: Bulky Vendor x1, Lance Soldier x2, Living Bone x1, Emerald Blues x2, Assault Rider x2, Morning Star x3, Crescendo x5
    30 - Round 48: Cerberus
    31 - Round 49: Leon, Cloud, Yuffie, & Tifa
    32 - Round 50: Hades (With Hercules as Partner)
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx07
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Agrabah
    01 - Bazaar
    02 - The Peddler's Shop (1st Visit)
    03 - The Palace
    04 - Vault
    05 - Above Agrabah (Jafar Battle Area)
    06 - Palace Walls
    07 - The Cave of Wonders: Entrance
    08 - Freeze
    09 - The Cave of Wonders: Stone Guardians
    0A - The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room
    0B - Ruined Chamber
    0C - The Cave of Wonders: Valley of Stone
    0D - The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges
    0E - Sandswept Ruins
    0F - The Peddler's Shop (2nd Visit)
    Digit 00 - Agrabah
    ?? digits
    01 - Iago's Melancholy
    02 - Lamp-thief?
    03 - Aladdin and Abu
    04 - Find the Royal Treasure in the Cave of Wonders
    05 - Pete VS the Merchant
    0A - We'll Surely Meet Again
    16 - Interrogating the Merchant
    39 - Infinite Heartless Waves Battle
    6E - SB Sand Slider
    71 - Nice Assist
    Digit 02 - The Peddler's Shop (1st Visit) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Find Aladdin
    02 - Jafar's Lamp
    03 - The Missing Merchant
    Digit 03 - The Palace Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Princess Jasmine
    02 - Competition For the Magic Lamp
    03 - Come Back Soon
    0A - Jafar's Trickery
    3B - Blizzard Lord & Volcano Lord Battle
    80 - The Joy of Triumph
    82 - Getting Along With Everyone
    Digit 04 - Vault Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Sealed Lamp
    0A - Jafar's Revival
    Digit 05 - Above Agrabah Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Fierce Fighting, Evil Genie Jafar
    3E - Jafar Battle
    92 - In the End of Battle
    Digit 06 - Palace Walls Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Genie's Big Performance
    0B - Escape Success
    Digit 07 - The Cave of Wonders: Entrance Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - To the Magic Cave
    Digit 09 - The Cave of Wonders: Stone Guardians Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Cave's Gimmicks
    02 - Protect Abu and Help Him Get to the Pedestal Safely!
    03 - The Opening Path
    Digit 0A - The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Mountain of Treasure
    3A - 50 Heartlesses Battle
    7C - To Agrabah, With Haste
    Digit 0B - Ruined Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Iago's Confession
    Digit 0D - The Cave of Wonders: Chasm of Challenges Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Behind the Door is... (Replace "2032BAE0 00000D07" With "2032BAE0 00320D07" To Make It Work Properly.)
    4F - Chasms of Challenges
    Digit 0E - Sandswept Ruins Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Magic Carpet
    0B - Go Towards Jafar's Shadow!
    0C - Summoning the Heartless
    0D - Follow Jafar's Shadow!
    0E - Chase Jafar!
    0F - Chase Jafar's Shadow to the Tower!
    10 - Mid-air Showdown
    11 - Activate the 3 Switches
    3D - Magic Carpet (Escape From the Ruins!)
    56 - Heartless Waves Battle 1
    57 - Heartless Waves Battle 2
    66 - Hurry to the Tower Before the Door Shuts!
    6F - Magic Carpet (Defeat 65 or More Heartlesses)
    8C - Press the Switch
    8D - Rush to the Door!
    Digit 0F - The Peddler's Shop (2nd Visit)
    ?? digits
    0A - Jafar's Coming
    85 - Suspicious Shopkeeper
    87 - To the Desert Ruins
    The Land of Dragons
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx08
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Bamboo Grove
    01 - Encampment
    02 - Checkpoint
    03 - Mountain Trail
    04 - Village
    05 - Village Cave
    06 - Ridge
    07 - Summit
    08 - Imperial Square
    09 - Palace Gate
    0A - Antechamber
    0B - Throne Room
    0C - Village (Repaired)
    Digit 00 - Bamboo Grove Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Shan Yu's Plot
    02 - Former Comrade Mushu
    Digit 01 - Encampment Event Digit
    ?? digits
    01 - Enlistment Procedure
    44 - Heartless Waves Battle
    46 - Mission 3: The Search
    6E - Ping's Coming of Age Story
    Digit 02 - Checkpoint Event Digits
    ?? digits
    03 - Hurry! To the Capital!
    45 - Mission 1: The Surprise Attack
    50 - Mission 2: The Ambush
    Digit 03 - Mountain Trail Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Danger Approaches the Summit
    47 - Hurry to the Mountain Summit!
    Digit 05 - Village Cave Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Checking in the Cave
    48 - Sora & Ping VS Heartless Waves
    Digit 06 - Ridge Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Shan Yu Still Lives
    0A - Chasing the Mysterious Figure
    0C - The Capital is in Danger!
    Digit 07 - Summit Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Great Battle on the Snowy Mountain
    02 - Avalanche
    0A - The Man Standing Atop the Snowy Mountain
    49 - Sora VS Infinite Heartless Waves (With Time Limit)
    4C - Riku? Battle
    78 - Ominous Premonition
    Digit 08 - Imperial Square Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Capital's Crisis
    0A - Going to the Palace
    0B - More Heartless
    0D - Storm Rider Comes Flying
    4A - Heartless Waves Battle (1st Visit)
    4F - Storm Rider Battle
    51 - Heartless Waves Battle (2nd Visit)
    81 - Fireworks
    Digit 09 - Palace Gate Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - This is the End!
    0A - Mulan's Maturity
    4B - Shan Yu Battle
    69 - The Hero Who Saved the Land
    Digit 0A - Antechamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Figure in Front of the Gate
    0B - Maybe It's Riku?
    0D - Identity of the Earth Sounds
    4E - Nobody Waves Battle
    Digit 0B - Throne Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - To the Emperor's Side
    0B - The Highest Reward
    40 - Captain Shang's Been Defeated
    Digit 0C - Village (Repaired) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Annihilated Army
    0A - The Village With No-One In It
    100 Acre Wood
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx09
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - The Hundred Acre Wood
    01 - Starry Hill
    02 - Pooh Bear's House
    03 - Rabbit's House
    04 - Piglet's House
    05 - Kanga's House
    06 - A Windsday Tale
    07 - The Honey Hunt
    08 - Blossom Valley
    09 - The Spooky Cave
    Digit 00 - The Hundred Acre Wood Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The 100 Acre Wood
    02 - To the Forest Once More
    03 - Piglet's House
    04 - Piglet's House Complete
    05 - Rabbit's House
    06 - Rabbit's House Complete
    07 - Kanga and Roo's House
    08 - Kanga and Roo's House Complete
    09 - The Haunted Cave
    0A - The Haunted Cave Accomplished
    0B - Starry Hill
    Digit 01 - Starry Hill Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - How Are You?
    03 - Right Here Without You
    34 - The Hunny Pot (Get the Hunny Pot Off of Pooh's Head)
    35 - A Dreaming Pooh
    49 - The Hunny Pot (Get a Score of 8,000 or More)
    Digit 02 - Pooh Bear's House Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Pooh's House
    02 - Reunion, and Then a Strange Incident
    03 - Pooh's Situation
    04 - Something's Out of Place
    Digit 03 - Rabbit's House Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Eeyore's Murmurs
    02 - The Mysterious Honey
    03 - Rabbit's Secret
    04 - Just Enough Honey
    Digit 04 - Piglet's House
    ?? digits
    01 - Blowing' in the Wind
    ?? - Windswept Piglet
    04 - Rescue Successful
    Digit 05 - Kanga's House Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Strategy Meeting
    02 - At a Time Like That, Just Jump
    04 - A Joyful Jump
    Digit 06 - A Windsday Tale Event Digits
    ?? digits
    37 - A Blustery Rescue (With Time Limit)
    45 - A Blustery Rescue (Without Time Limit)
    Digit 07 - The Honey Hunt Event Digits
    ?? digits
    39 - Hunny Slider (With Lives)
    46 - Hunny Slider (Without Lives)
    Digit 08 - Blossom Valley Event Digits
    ?? digits
    3B - Balloon Bounce (With Time Limit)
    47 - Balloon Bounce (Without Time Limit)
    Digit 09 - The Spooky Cave Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Finding Pooh
    03 - We Were Worried
    3D - The Expotition (With Time Limit)
    48 - The Expotition (Without Time Limit)
    Pride Lands
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000XX0A
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Pride Rock
    01 - Stone Hollow
    02 - The King's Den
    03 - Wildebeest Valley (Present)
    04 - The Savannah
    05 - Elephant Graveyard
    06 - Gorge
    07 - Wastelands
    08 - Jungle
    09 - Oasis
    0A - Pride Rock (Restored)
    0B - Oasis (Night)
    0C - Overlook
    0D - Peak
    0E - Scar's Darkness
    0F - The Savannah (Groundshaker Battle Area)
    10 - Wildebeest Valley (Past)
    Digit 00 - Pride Rock Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Rafiki's Judgment
    02 - King Scar
    03 - The Wind's Tidings
    04 - Scar's Conspiracy
    05 - The New King
    0A - Scar's Ghost
    0B - The King's Nature
    0C - Simba's Whereabouts
    0D - The Past Overcome
    0E - Circle of Life
    Digit 01 - Stone Hollow Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Weak Heart, Wicked Heart
    Digit 02 - The King's Den Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Irritated Simba
    33 - Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed Battle (Protect Timon and Pumbaa)
    53 - To the Summit, the Battlefield
    Digit 03 - Wildebeest Valley (Present)
    ?? digits
    02 - Cross the Precipice
    04 - Rafiki's Guidance
    Digit 04 - The Savannah Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Simba is Alive
    03 - Present Hometown
    0A - The Hyena's Loud Laughter
    Digit 05 - Elephant Graveyard Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Assaulted Nala
    0A - The Elephant Graveyard
    38 - Living Bone x2 Battle
    39 - Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed Battle (Chase Them!)
    44 - Sora is the Savior?
    5D - Simba Ran Away
    Digit 06 - Gorge Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Wild Kingdom
    Digit 08 - Jungle Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Timon and Pumbaa
    Digit 09 - Oasis (Day) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - A Comfortable Life
    02 - Reunion With Simba
    03 - Hakuna Matata
    04 - Can't Put It Into Words
    0A - Encroaching Phantom
    0B - Self-Consciousness As the King
    Digit 0B - Oasis (Night) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Oasis Night
    Digit 0C - Overlook Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Simba's Agony
    Digit 0D - Peak Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Heartless of Malice and Wrath
    Digit 0E - Scar's Darkness Event Digits
    ?? digits
    37 - Scar Battle
    55 - Reconciliation With the Past
    Digit 0F - The Savannah (Groundshaker Battle Area) Event Digits
    0A - Groundshaker Attack
    3B - Groundshaker Battle
    63 - The Collapsing Monstrosity
    Digit 10 - Wildebeest Valley (Past)
    ?? digits
    01 - Nightmare
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000XX0B
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Triton's Throne
    01 - Ariel's Grotto
    02 - Undersea Courtyard (Day)
    03 - Undersea Courtyard (Dawn)
    04 - The Palace: Performace Hall
    05 - Sunken Ship
    06 - The Shore (Day)
    07 - The Shore (Night)
    08 - The Shore (Dawn)
    09 - Wrath of the Sea
    0A - Wedding Ship
    Digit 00 - Triton's Throne Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Blowing Off the Anxiety
    Digit 01 - Ariel's Grotto Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Prince's Bronze Statue
    02 - Chapter 4 Prologue
    33 - Song 2: Part of Your World (Story-Related)
    43 - Song 2: Part of Your World (Not Story-Related)
    53 - Song 2: Part of Your World (Theater Mode)
    54 - Collaboration With Ariel
    Digit 02 - Undersea Courtyard (Day) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Kingdom of the Sea, Atlantica
    02 - Invitation to the Musical
    03 - The Way to Regain Energy
    05 - The Complex Music Chart
    08 - Ursula's Temptation to Sign the Contract
    09 - Searching Ariel
    0B - To the Best Musical
    34 - Swimming Tutorial
    3F - Musical Rhythm
    Digit 03 - Undersea Courtyard (Dawn) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Chapter 3 Prologue
    35 - Song 3: Under the Sea (Story-Related)
    44 - Song 3: Under the Sea (Not Story-Related)
    57 - Song 3: Under the Sea (Theater Mode)
    58 - Sebastian's Distress
    Digit 04 - The Palace: Performance Hall Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Chapter 1 Prologue
    02 - Chapter 5 Prologue
    37 - Song 5: A New Day is Dawning (Story-Related)
    40 - Song 1: Swim This Way (Story-Related)
    42 - Song 1: Swim This Way (Not Story-Related)
    46 - Song 5: A New Day is Dawning (Not Story-Related)
    4D - Song 1: Swim This Way (Theater Mode)
    4E - Triton's Anxiety
    66 - Song 5: A New Day is Dawning (Theater Mode)
    67 - Because the Worlds Are Connected
    Digit 05 - Sunken Ship Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Statue From the Surface
    02 - Chapter 2 Prologue
    03 - Unforgivable!
    Digit 06 - The Shore (Day) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Prince Searching For Ariel
    02 - The Prince Lost Something
    03 - Prince Eric and Ariel
    Digit 07 - The Shore (Night) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Encounter With the Prince
    02 - The Destined Duo
    03 - The Two On the Beach
    04 - Ariel's Confession
    Digit 08 - The Shore (Dawn) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Ursula's Plot
    Digit 09 - Wrath of the Sea Event Digits
    ?? digits
    41 - Song 4: Ursula's Revenge (Story-Related)
    45 - Song 4: Ursula's Revenge (Not Story-Related)
    61 - Song 4: Ursula's Revenge (Theater Mode)
    62 - Ursula Disappeared Into the Sea
    Disney Castle
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx0C
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Audience Chamber
    01 - Library
    02 - Colonnade
    03 - Courtyard
    04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns)
    05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (Normal)
    06 - Gummi Hangar
    07 - Gathering Place
    Digit 00 - Audience Chamber Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - There Are Heartless Here Too?
    33 - Guide Minnie to the Throne
    51 - The Hidden Entrance
    Digit 01 - Library Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Pleased to Meet You, Queen Minnie
    35 - The Castle's Incident
    Digit 02 - Colonnade Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02, 02, 01 - Protect Minnie While Heading to the Audience Chamber!
    4F - The Sealed Audience Chamber
    Digit 03 - Courtyard Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Welcome to Disney Castle
    Digit 04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Cornerstone of Light
    02 - The Mysterious Door
    03 - Into the Door
    36 - The Queen's Wish
    Digit 05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (Normal) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Castle is Now Protected From the Peace
    02 - The Appearance of a Dark Portal
    Digit 06 - Gummi Hangar Event Digits
    01 - A Strange Situation?
    Digit 07 - Gathering Place Event Digits
    ?? digits
    44 - Terra's Lingering Sentiment
    45 - The Power of the Chosen One
    46 - Rematch With Terra
    47 - Victory on the Wastelands
    49 - Terra Battle
    Timeless River
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx0D
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Cornerstone Hill
    01 - Pier
    02 - Waterway
    03 - Wharf
    04 - Lilliput
    05 - Building Site
    06 - Scene of the Fire
    07 - Mickey's House
    08 - Villian's Vale (Black & White)
    Digit 00 - Cornerstone Hill Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The World of Black and White
    02 - The Appearing Window
    03 - Deepening Mystery
    04 - The Same Door
    05 - This is the World to the Past
    06 - Everyone's Reasoning
    07 - Return to the Original World
    Digit 01 - Pier Event Digits
    ?? Digits
    01 - Attacking Pete
    3A - Pete? Battle
    43 - Not the Culprit?
    Digit 02 - Waterway Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Stolen Steamboat
    03 - Departure! Willie!
    34 - Save the Cornerstone of Light!
    56 - Escaping Pete
    Digit 03 - Wharf Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - There Are 2 Petes?
    35 - Pete II Battle
    58 - The Door of Time is Sealed
    Digit 04 - Lilliput Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - The King at Lilliput
    36 - Heartless Waves Battle
    4E - Mysterious Little Window 3
    Digit 05 - Building Site Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The King at the Construction Site
    37 - Heartless Waves Battle
    52 - Mysterious Little Window 4
    Digit 06 - Scene of the Fire Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - The King at the Scene of the Fire
    38 - Heartless Waves Battle
    4A - Mysterious Little Window 2
    Digit 07 - Mickey's House
    ?? digits
    02 - Ruckus at the King's House
    39 - Heartless Waves Battle
    46 - Mysterious Little Window 1
    Digit 08 - Villian's Vale (Black & White) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Time Window: Maleficent's Verdict
    02 - Time Window: The Good Old Days
    03 - Time Window: Door to the Past
    04 - Time Window: The Culprit Appears
    Halloween Town
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx0E
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Halloween Town Square
    01 - Dr. Finkelstein's Lab
    02 - Graveyard
    03 - Curly Hill
    04 - Hinterlands
    05 - Yuletide Hill
    06 - Candy Cane Lane
    07 - Christmas Tree Plaza
    08 - Santa's House
    09 - Toy Factory: Shipping and Receiving
    0A - Toy Factory: The Wrapping Room
    Digit 00 - Halloween Town Square Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Merry Christmas
    02 - The Mayor's Decree
    03 - Advance Departure!
    0A - Take Back the Presents
    0B - Merry Christmas!
    33 - Heartless Waves Battle 1
    3C - Heartless Waves Battle 2 (Collect the Four Presents)
    52 - Santa's Bodyguard
    6C - The Incident is Not Yet Over
    Digit 01 - Dr. Finkelstein's Lab Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Doctor's Research
    0A - The Shadow Creeping Near to the Doctor
    0B - Jack's Great Idea
    Digit 02 - Graveyard Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Welcome to Halloween Town
    02 - Maleficent's Shadow
    05 - Kidnapped Santa
    Digit 03 - Curly Hill Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Resurrected Boogie
    34 - Prison Keeper Battle
    39 - The Plan
    5E - The Escaping Trio
    Digit 04 - Hinterlands Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The King of Terror, Jack Skellington
    02 - The Hinterland Door
    0A - Jack's Assistance
    3A - Maleficent and Boogie
    Digit 05 - Yuletide Hill Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Christmas Town
    03 - Smog From the Workshop
    Digit 06 - Candy Cane Lane Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - There Are Heartless Here Too?
    03 - Follow the Footprints
    05 - Everyone's Roles
    0A - Jack's Programme
    35 - Heartless Waves Battle
    58 - A Christmas Concern
    Digit 07 - Christmas Tree Plaza Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Big Present Plot
    40 - The Experiment Battle
    72 - The Experiment
    Digit 08 - Santa's House Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Santa Claus' House
    0A - Where's the Real Culprit?
    0B - Where Should We Leave the Present?
    12 - The First Step
    14 - The Stolen Presents
    Digit 09 - Toy Factory: Shipping and Receiving Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Trick-or-Treating Goblins
    02 - Rescue Santa
    37 - Oogie Boogie Battle
    3B - Boogie's Frolic
    4B - SB Workshop Rave
    64 - Boogie's End
    Digit 0A - Toy Factory: The Wrapping Room Event Digits
    0A - The Culprit is of Course...
    3E - Trap Lock, Shock, & Barrel in Presents
    3F - Gift Wrapping (Wrap 100 Presents)
    48 - Gift Wrapping (Wrap Over 150 Presents)
    World Map
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx0F
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - World Map
    01 - DUMMY
    Port Royal
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx10
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Rampart
    01 - Harbor
    02 - Town
    03 - The Interceptor
    04 - The Interceptor: Ship's Hold
    05 - The Black Pearl
    06 - The Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom
    07 - The Interceptor
    08 - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face
    09 - Isla de Muerta: Cave Mouth
    0A - Isla de Muerta: Treasure Heap
    0B - Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold
    0C - Isla de Muerta: Powder Store
    0D - Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook
    0E - Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep
    0F - Ship GraveYard: Seadrift Row
    10 - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face
    11 - Isla de Muerta: Treasure Heap
    12 - The Black Pearl
    13 - The Black Pearl
    14 - The Black Pearl
    15 - The Interceptor
    16 - The Interceptor
    17 - The Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom
    18 - Harbor
    19 - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face
    Digit 00 - Rampart Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The View From High Ground
    0A - Port Royal Once More
    Digit 01 - Harbor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Undead Pirates
    0A - The Jack Sparrow Way
    33 - Undead Pirates Battle (Immortal)
    34 - Undead Pirates Battle (1st Visit)
    35 - Undead Pirates Battle (2nd Visit)
    36 - Luxord Escapes
    5B - The Moon's Light
    5C - Chase Barbossa!
    74 - Resurrected Pirates
    Digit 02 - Town Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Elizabeth and Will
    37 - Heartless Waves Battle
    58 - SB Time Attack
    5E - Will's Request
    Digit 03 - The Interceptor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Onward to the Island of Death
    03 - The Black Pearl's Attack
    38 - Get Rid of the Burning Barrels!
    Digit 04 - The Interceptor: Ship's Hold Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - In Will's Veins Flows
    02 - Barbossa's Trap
    Digit 05 - The Black Pearl Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Captured Jack
    0A - Interceptor, Discovery
    0B - On-board Rivalry
    0C - Missing Medals
    0D - Where's the Treasure Chest?
    0E - All to the Sea
    14 - Talk to Jack Sparrow and Choose "Port Royal" to Fight the 2nd Grim Reaper.
    56 - Parlay From Organization XIII
    Digit 06 - The Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - What Happened to Will's Body?
    Digit 07 - The Interceptor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    3A - Undead Pirates Battle (Protect the Medallion)
    51 - The True Form of the Blood Pact
    Digit 08 - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face Event Digits
    ?? digits
    03 - To the Island of Death
    04 - Each to His Own World
    Digit 09 - Isla de Muerta: Cave Mouth Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01, 01, 02 - Elizabeth and Will Run Away
    3B - Infinite Undead Pirates Battle (With Time Limit)
    64 - The Signal!
    65 - Jack Isn't Here
    Digit 0A - Isla de Muerta: Treasure Heap Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Immortal Body
    0A - Creeping Shadows
    3C - Barbossa Battle
    6F - Eternal Slumber
    Digit 0B - Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Ship Graveyard
    Digit 0E - Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Give Back the Gold Coin!
    3E - Gambler Nobody Battle
    7B - The Captain is Elizabeth?
    Digit 11 - Isla de Muerta: Treasure Heap Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - What Happened On the Island?
    3D - The Blood of Atonement
    67 - You Can't Trust a Pirate
    Digit 12 - The Black Pearl Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Ambush Battle - Tornado Step x2, Cannon Gun x1, Shadow x4
    55 - Grim Reaper I Battle (Normal)
    Digit 13 - The Black Pearl Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Ambush Battle 1 - Undead Pirate B x2, Lance Soldier x2
    0B - Ambush Battle 2 - Undead Pirate B x3, Rabid Dog x5
    Digit 15 - The Interceptor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    02 - Ambush Battle - Undead Pirate A x2, Undead Pirate B x2
    Digit 16 - The Interceptor Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Ambush Battle - Undead Pirate B x1, Air Pirate x1, Cannon Gun x2
    Digit 17 - The Black Pearl: Captain's Stateroom Event Digits
    ?? digits
    4F - The Cursed Medallion
    Digit 18 - Harbor
    ?? digits
    36 - Grim Reaper II Battle (Cursed)
    52 - Showdown With the Grim Reaper
    54 - The Legendary Pirate, Jack Sparrow
    Digit 19 - Isla de Muerta: Rock Face Event Digits
    ?? digits
    53 - The Plan to Rescue Elizabeth
    Space Paranoids
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx11
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Pit Cell
    01 - Canyon
    02 - Game Grid
    03 - Dataspace
    04 - I/O Tower: Hallway
    05 - I/O Tower: Communications Room
    06 - Simulation Hangar
    07 - Solar Sailer Simulation
    08 - Central Computer Mesa
    09 - Central Computer Core
    0A - Solar Sailer Simulation
    Digit 00 - Pit Cell Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Security Program, Tron
    01, 00, 02 - The MCP's Aim
    03 - Escape From the Cell
    04 - Tron's Request
    06 - Where's Tron?
    07 - Game Clear!
    0A - Hurry to the Game Area
    0C - Prevent an All-Out War
    Digit 01 - Canyon Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Space Paranoids
    02 - Energy Core Activated!
    0A - Heartless' Control
    33 - Find the Real Parts!
    54 - Energy Restored
    55 - The Path is Ready
    Digit 02 - Game Grid Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Invitation to the Game
    0A - Tron's in Danger!
    35 - Heartless Waves Battle
    3D - Light Cycle (Defeat 5 of the Heartless)
    3E - Light Cycle (Head For the Goal)
    3F - Light Cycle (Mission: Defeat 30 or More Heartlesses and Head For the Goal)
    58 - Escape Route
    Digit 03 - Dataspace Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Password is...
    36 - Infinite Heartless Waves (Stop All of the Monitors)
    5B - Tron's Restoration!
    Digit 04 - I/O Tower Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Dangerous Program Initiated
    0A - Almost There
    37 - Hostile Program Battle
    38 - Heartless Waves Battle
    5D - Program Erasure
    Digit 05 - I/O Tower: Communications Room Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The MCP's Preparations For Destruction
    02 - Tron and Ansem
    04 - Now, to Hollow Bastion
    0A - Reception Successful!
    Digit 07 - Solar Sailor Simulation Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - In the Sea of Data
    39 - Heartless Waves Battle
    Digit 08 - Central Computer Mesa Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Arrival at the Central Computer Core
    Digit 09 - Central Computer Core Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - Crash, Commander Sark
    3A - Sark Battle (Normal)
    3B - Sark (Big) and the MCP Battle
    6A - All of the Function's Will.
    6B - The MCP's Breakdown
    Digit 0A - Solar Sailor Simulation Event Digits
    ?? digits
    0A - The Solar Sailer's Departure
    The World That Never Was
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 0000xx12
    2032BAE4 00??00??
    2032BAE8 000000??
    xx digits
    00 - Where Nothing Gathers
    01 - Alley to Between
    02 - Fragment Crossing
    03 - Memory's Skyscraper
    04 - The Brink of Despair
    05 - The Soundless Prison
    06 - Nothing's Call
    07 - Crooked Ascension (Bottom Part)
    08 - Crooked Ascension (Top Part)
    09 - Twilight's View
    0A - Hall of Empty Melodies (Bottom Part)
    0B - Hall of Empty Melodies (Top Part)
    0C - Naught's Skyway
    0D - Proof of Existance
    0E - Havoc's Divide
    0F - Addled Impasse
    10 - Naught's Approach
    11 - Ruin and Creation's Passage
    12 - The Alter of Naught (No Door to The World of Nothing)
    13 - Memory's Contortion (Xemnas I Battle Area)
    14 - The World of Nothing (Twilight Xemnas Battle Area)
    15 - Station of Awakening (Roxas Battle Area)
    16 - The World of Nothing (Armored Dragon Battle Area)
    17 - The World of Nothing (Armor Xemnas II Battle Area)
    18 - The World of Nothing (Armor Xemnas I Battle Area)
    19 - The World of Nothing (Core Area)
    1A - The World of Nothing (Twin Cannons)
    1B - The World of Nothing (First Area)
    1C - The World of Nothing (Second Area)
    1D - Alter of Naught (No Kingdom Hearts Moon)
    Digit 00 - Where Nothing Gathers Event Digits
    ?? digits
    33 - Number XIII, Roxas
    73 - The Organization's Agenda: Eliminate the Traitor
    74 - The Organization's Agenda: The Hero of Light
    75 - The Organization's Agenda: Saix's Report
    76 - The Organization's Agenda: Everything Has Begun to Move
    77 - The Organization's Agenda: Insufficient
    Digit 01 - Alley to Between Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Land of Battle
    40 - Prowling Pluto
    Digit 03 - Memory's Skyscraper
    ?? digits
    01 - Sora VS Roxas (Part I - His Time to Awaken)
    02 - Wasn't Anyone There?
    36 - Roxas VS Riku (Part I - The Keyblade's Deathmatch)
    37 - Roxas VS Riku (Part II - The Deathmatch's Conclusion)
    52 - Roxas Leaves the Organization (Part I - Roxas's Past)
    53 - Roxas Leaves the Organization (Part II - The Existance of Sorrow)
    78 - Roxas VS Riku (Part III - The Beginning of Everything)
    Digit 04 - The Brink of Despair Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Roadless Road
    02 - The Road Continuing Onto the Castle
    5F - Wriggling Heartless
    Digit 05 - The Soundless Prison Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Kairi and Naminé
    Digit 06 - Nothing's Call
    ?? digits
    01 - The Castle That Never Was
    Digit 09 - Twilight's View Event Digits
    ?? digits
    104 - The Truth of the Room of Sleep
    Digit 0A - Hall of Empty Melodies (Bottom Part) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Protagonists Together
    02 - The Freeshooter, Xigbar
    39 - Xigbar Battle (Normal)
    64 - Xigbar Battle (Data)
    6B - Data Xigbar Appears
    6C - Data Xigbar Disappears
    BF - Friends at the Origin
    Digit 0B - Hall of Empty Melodies (Top Part) Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - This Isn't a Dream...
    Digit 0C - Naught's Skyway Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - DiZ's Truth
    Digit OD - Proof of Existence Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Road Opened
    02 - A New Path
    Digit 0E - Havoc's Divide Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Gambler of Fate, Luxord
    3A - Luxord Battle (Normal)
    65 - Luxord Battle (Data)
    6F - Data Luxord Appears
    70 - Data Luxord Disappears
    C4 - The Battle's Outcome
    Digit 0F - Addled Impulse Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Luna Diviner, Saix
    38 - Saix Battle (Normal)
    60 - A Friend in the Heart
    66 - Saix Battle (Data)
    6D - Data Saix Appears
    6E - Data Saix Disappears
    7A - I Wanted to See You Too
    Digit 10 - Naught's Approach Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - "Riku, I Wanted to See You"
    02 - Ansem the Wise's Gamble
    03 - Farewell, King
    05 - In the Original Form
    Digit 11 - Ruin and Creation's Passage Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - Maleficent and Pete's Heart
    Digit 12 - The Altar of Naught
    ?? digits
    01 - Completely Full Kingdom Hearts
    02 - Xemnas' Question
    03 - Kingdom Hearts' Door
    D3 - The Opened Door
    Digit 13 - Memory's Contortion Event Digits
    ?? digits
    01 - The Skyscraper's Decisive Battle
    3B - Xemnas I Battle (Normal)
    61 - Xemnas I Battle (Data)
    67 - Data Xemnas I Appears
    68 - Data Xemnas I Disappears
    D1 - Kairi's Voice
    Digit 14 - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    4A - Twilight Xemnas Battle (Normal)
    55 - The Final Battle
    62 - Twilight Xemnas Battle (Data)
    69 - Data Twilight Xemnas Appears
    6A - Data Twilight Xemnas Disappears
    DA - In the End of Nothing
    Digit 15 - Station of Awakening
    ?? digits
    01 - Sora VS Roxas Cutscene (Part II - The Reason Sora Was Chosen)
    41 - Roxas Battle (Normal)
    63 - Roxas Battle (Data)
    71 - Data Roxas Appears
    72 - Data Roxas Disappears
    79 - Roxas' Time to Sleep
    Digit 16 - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    48 - Armored Dragon Battle
    Digit 17 - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    49 - Armor Xemnas II Battle
    54 - For the Sake of Ending It All
    Digit 18 - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    47 - Armor Xemnas I Battle
    57 - The Throne of Xemnas
    Digit 19 - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    46 - Battle Within the Core
    Digit 1A - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    45 - Battle on the Twin Cannons
    Digit 1B - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    4B - Final Battle (Part I)
    5E - The Town Squirms
    Digit 1C - The World of Nothing Event Digits
    ?? digits
    44 - Final Battle (Part II)
    Digit 1D - Alter of Naught (No Kingdom Hearts Moon) Event Digits
    5C - To the Heart in the Midst of Nothingness
    5D - Escape From the Outer Space

    Weapon Mod Codes (Digits are in attachment named "ItemsEquipmentDigits")
    1032E020 0000????
    1032E134 0000????
    1032E248 0000????
    1032E35C 0000????
    1032ED10 0000????
    Form weapon Mods (mods the left hand blade, for forms with no left hand, you can use Moveset code and weapon mod to make it dual wield)
    1032EE24 0000????
    1032EE5C 0000????
    Limit Form
    1032EE94 0000????
    Master Form
    1032EECC 0000????
    Final Form
    1032EF04 0000????
    1032EF3C 0000????
    Lion Sora
    1032EF74 0000????
    Dual Wielding Roxas
    1032F01C 0000????

    Joint Mods
    Sora Weapon Joint (All forms affected)
    01CE267C 00yy00xx
    Default values:
    xx = B2
    yy = 56
    xx-values of note:
    BC (Backwards)
    Roxas Weapon Joint (Both normal and DW Roxas)
    01CE26DC 00yy00xx
    Default values:
    xx = AC
    yy = FF
    xx-values of note:
    BF (Backwards)
    Riku Weapon Joint
    01CE2704 000000xx
    Default values:
    xx = A3
    xx-values of note:
    B0 (Backwards)
    Donald Weapon Joint
    01CE2684 000000xx
    Default values:
    xx = 83
    Goofy Weapon Joint
    01CE268C 000000xx
    Default values:
    xx = 65
    Mickey Weapon Joint
    01CE26FC 000000xx
    Default values:
    xx = 9B
    Mickey (Coat) Weapon Joint
    01CE2694 000000xx
    Default values:
    xx = A9

    Model Modifier
    Sora Model modifier
    21C954F4 YY303031
    21C954F8 XXXXXXXX
    Valor-Sora Model modifier
    21C95554 YY303031
    21C95558 XXXXXXXX
    Wisdom-Sora Model modifier
    21C955B4 YY303031
    21C955B8 XXXXXXXX
    Limit-Sora Model modifier
    21CBD2D4 YY303031
    Master-Sora Model modifier
    21C95614 YY303031
    21C95618 XXXXXXXX
    Final-Sora Model modifier
    21C95674 YY303031
    21C95678 XXXXXXXX
    Anti-Sora Model modifier
    21C956D4 YY303031
    21C956D8 XXXXXXXX
    Y Digits:
    If you mod a form into normal Sora use this: "00"
    If you mod Sora or an form into another form use this: "5F"
    X Digits:
    Sora: "00000000"
    Valor Form: "464C5442"
    Wisdom Form: "4647414D"
    Limit Form: "4631484B"
    Master Form: "46495254"
    Final Form: "46544C55"
    Anti Form: "464C5448"

    Widescreen Mode (Unstretched)
    203A7BBC 3F19999A
    2036A0B8 43C00CCD
    2037153C 3F19999A
    2036A0F0 3F19999A
    Movie Mode (R2 = Effect ON, L2 = Effect OFF)-----widescreen mode
    2036ACA4 00000000
    2036CE98 00000000
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    003496BC 00000001
    003497CC 00000001
    E002FEFF 0034D45C
    003496BC 00000000
    003497CC 00000000
    No Sora On Game Over Screen (Skillers Code)
    001af838 00000000
    Cannot Enter Any World
    2013cba8 24020001
    Command Menu Mod
    2036ad64 ????????
    Mushroom III 500 Points
    201D1BB0 08028000
    200A0000 3C100000
    200A0004 361001F4
    200A0008 AE30002C
    200A000C 080746ED
    Time Stop mod Sel+R3 Stop, Sel+L3 Start (I believe pausing and unpausing causes the time to start going again)
    D034D3C0 00000003
    20349DEC 00000000
    D034D3C0 00000005
    20349DEC 00000001
    RC Bar Mod
    2036ad70 ????????
    L-Analog Stick Speed Mod
    2036adec ????????
    Enemies/Bosses/NPCs Full Model
    2036cf00 40000000 [D]
    Text Size (Loading Screen) Mod
    2036ce9c ????????
    Text Size (HUD)
    2036ce98 ????????
    Magic Level Mod
    201a66c0 240b000x
    201a66c4 a1cb2524
    1 = Level 1 Spells
    2 = Level 2 Spells
    3 = Level 3 Spells
    Heaven or Hell Mode
    201875d0 00000000
    Running Stance (Sora) Mod
    2036a9ec ????????
    Running Stance (Party) Mod
    2036aa14 ????????
    Enemy Stance Mod
    2036d4d0 00000000 [D]
    RC Mod (Jiminys Journal)
    201d97e0 240e0xxx
    "Levitation" / Falling Mod (Needs to be Jokered)
    2036c530 ????????
    3F800000 (Usally Default)
    Credit to Keytotruth
    Color mod
    -XXXX Digits-
    FF00FFFF = Yellow
    000000FF = Red
    00FFFFFF = Gold/White
    FFFF0000 = Blue
    00FF00FF = Pink
    00000000 = Black
    Keyblade size mod
    2036ced0 ????????
    Boss size mod
    21a9bf40 ????????
    -???? Digits-
    3E19999A - Extremely little
    3F000000 - Little
    3F800000 - Normal
    40000000 - Big
    40800000 - Very big
    41200000 - Gigantic
    Marluxia's countdown mod
    01b5d3d4 000000xx
    Press R2 to Unlock All Drive Forms
    (With Antiform in Drive List)
    E006FDFF 0034d3c0
    2032F1F0 FFFFFFFF
    2032F1F4 FFFFFFFF
    2032F1F8 FFFFFFFF
    1032EE24 00000029
    1032EECC 00000029
    1032EF04 00000029
    Timeless river color mod
    (changes if the game looks normal, or looks like timeless river. also this "i believe" was hacked before me)
    20194858 000xxxxx
    00000 = timeless river
    e102b = normal
    Play as Shadow Roxas (Buggy)
    (Might work on PS2)
    11c6cc20 00000754
    21cb1950 58455f50
    21cb1954 2e303131
    21cb1958 7465736d
    No Drive Menu
    2032f1f0 00000000
    2032f1f4 00000000
    2032f1f8 00000000
    Jack Sparrow always in Skeleton Form
    21c95bb0 41435f50
    21c95bb4 5f303030
    21c95bb8 5f4c4b53
    21c95bbc 0043504e
    Mixture Xemnas battle
    (Xemnas has new moves)
    11c6cc24 0000081f
    21cb6010 58455f42
    21cb6014 5f303731
    21cb6018 3939564c
    21cb601c 00000000
    Data Roxas cannot attack
    21aea91c 00000000
    21aea5fc 00000000
    21aea93c 00000000
    21aeaafc 00000000
    21aeab1c 00000000
    21aeac9c 00000000
    21aeac5c 00000000
    21aeac3c 00000000
    21aea97c 00000000
    21aeaa7c 00000000
    21aea7dc 00000000
    21aea65c 00000000
    21aea63c 00000000
    21aea9dc 00000000
    21aea69c 00000000
    21aea77c 00000000
    21aea7fc 00000000
    21aea7bc 00000000
    21aea85c 00000000
    21aea67c 00000000
    21aea87c 00000000
    21aea79c 00000000
    21aea89c 00000000
    21aea8bc 00000000
    21aeaa1c 00000000
    21aeac1c 00000000
    21af0ef4 00000000
    21aea6dc 00000000
    21aea71c 00000000
    21aea81c 00000000
    21aea83c 00000000
    21aea73c 00000000
    Magic Slot Modifier
    (Use Reaction Command modifier digits)
    21c5ff74 0aaa0bbb
    21c5ff7c 0ccc0ddd
    21c5ff78 0eee0fff
    aaa = Blizzard Magic Slot
    bbb = Fire Magic Slot
    ccc = Cure Magic Slot
    ddd = Thunder Magic Slot
    eee = Reflect Magic Slot
    fff = Magnet Magic Slot
    Summon Slot Modifier
    (use Reaction Command modifier digits)
    21c5ff80 0ggg0000
    21c5ff84 0hhh0iii
    11c5ff88 00000kkk
    ggg = chicken little's slot
    hhh = Stich's Slot
    iii = Genie's Slot
    kkk = Peter Pan's Slot
    Reaction Slot Modifier
    (reaction command bar will automatically appear when a digit is inserted)
    11c5ff4e 00000xxx
    World Sora's Wield Neutral Weapons (Press R2)
    E01CFDFF 0034D45C
    01CA1D76 00000002
    01CA1DD6 00000003
    01CA1E36 00000004
    01CA1E96 00000005
    01CA1EF6 00000006
    01CAD056 00000002
    01CAD0B6 00000002
    01CAD116 00000003
    01CAD176 00000003
    01CAD1D6 00000004
    01CAD236 00000004
    01CAD296 00000005
    01CAD2F6 00000005
    01CAD356 00000006
    01CAD3B6 00000006
    01C98E16 00000001
    01C98E76 00000002
    01C98ED6 00000003
    01C98F36 00000004
    01C98F94 00000005
    01C98FF6 00000006
    01CBD376 00000042
    01CBD3D6 00000042
    01CBD436 00000042
    01CBD496 00000042
    01C887F6 00000001
    01CAC996 00000001
    01C792B6 00000001
    ARMAX Version
    Press R2 to enable Solo Trinity Limit (press while in Gameplay, not before changing maps)
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    21C60528 00000000
    21C6052C 00000000
    Unlock All Worlds
    (don't save with this code, it'll cause a glitch that will prevent you from beating the game, i still have to come up with a way to fix that)
    202BF668 0803FFCF
    200FFF3C 3C0E0102
    200FFF40 35CE0102
    200FFF44 ACAE0000
    200FFF48 00A0882D
    200FFF4C 080AFD9B
    DUSK REPLACE MOD(replaces morning star, armored knight, surveillance robot)
    21c96334 00303939
    21c96354 2e303939
    21c98c74 00303939
    21c98c94 2e303939
    21c98cd4 00303939
    21c98cf4 2e303939
    21c9632c 00000003
    21c98c6c 00000003
    21c98ccc 00000003
    Roxas and DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands (Press R2 and leave the map)
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    01C9F62F 00000001
    01C9572F 00000001
    21CE267C 003F00AC
    Neo-Map String Modifier
    00348D68 0000006d
    20348D6F XXXXI2I1
    I1 & I2 = initials of world in hex, for instance, 7365 is "73 65" or "65 73", which in ASCII is "ES", which is the special world for KHII.
    XXXX = Number (also in hex/ascii, ONLY regular numbers) for instance 3031 would be "10". if you dont get it, you can use a hex to ascii converter to just create this part or the entire digits. (note, hex is backwards, so each 2-digit number is backwards)
    Sample Digit
    30307365 (ES00) - The Dark Margin (I think it's called that?)
    How to use:
    Go to the BBS trailer (Theater mode, can be any Video-File Cutscene, i think.) activate the code, return to the menu, boot up any other Cutscene and see what happens.
    Digits are made by taking the world abbreviation (such as HB) and converting the room mod digit for that world to decimal (such as digit 12 converted to "18") and converting that to hex. then you take each number seperated by ":"'s and put them backwards in the digit section, so HB18 (hollow bastion room mod digit 12) would be 48:42:31:38 from the converter, and the final digits would be 38314248. Hope I explained that well.
    Hall of the Cornerstone
    Save point:
    11C533E8 0000????
    11C53894 0000????
    11C53AD4 0000????
    11C535C4 0000????
    Memory of Skyscraper
    Mushroom I
    11C41CB4 0000????
    Little Treasure #1
    11C40534 0000????
    Little Treasure #2
    11C404F4 0000????
    Little Treasure #3(Freezes for some reason)
    11C40574 0000????
    11C58320 0000XXXX
    11C585F4 0000XXXX
    11C581A8 0000XXXX
    11C588C8 0000XXXX
    Save Point:
    11C561A0 0000XXXX
    Throne Room
    Emperor Mod
    11C4FC20 0000????
    Lod chests Mod
    Small One's
    11C4F24C 0000????
    11C4f28C 0000????
    11C4f2CC 0000????
    11C4f30C 0000????
    11C4f34C 0000????
    11C4f38C 0000????
    Large One's
    11C4F3CC 0000????
    11C4F40C 0000????
    Save Point Mod
    11C4F124 0000????
    Soldier 1
    11C4FA64 0000????
    Soldier 2
    11C4FB44 0000????
    -----13 DOORS-----
    11c5a774  0000????
    11c5a734 0000????
    11c5a6f4 0000????
    11c5a6b4 0000????
    11c5a674 0000????
    11c5a634 0000????
    11c5a5f4 0000????
    11c5a5b4 0000????
    11c5a574 0000????
    11c5a534 0000????
    11c5a4f4 0000????
    11c5a4b4 0000????
    11c5a474 0000????
    -----SMALL CHESTS-----
    11c5a89c 0000???? - right little chest
    11c5a85c 0000???? - left little chest
    Summon alone/infinite
    201A1BE0 C60001B8
    201C9B5C 0000102D
    Chicken Little -> Terra
    01caeecc 00000001
    21caeed0 58455f42
    21caeed4 00303234
    21caeef0 58455f42
    21caeef4 2e303234
    21caef20 000009fd
    Terra's Cannon Shot -> Anti-Sora
    21cc07ac 01000004
    21cc07b0 58455f50
    21cc07b4 5f303031
    21cc07b8 464c5448
    21cc07bc 4c54425f
    21cc07d0 58455f50
    21cc07d4 5f303031
    21cc07d8 464c5448
    21cc07dc 4c54425f
    21cc07e0 65736d2e
    01cc07e4 00000074
    01cc07f0 00000004
    Terra's Cannon Shot -> Sephiroth
    21cc07ac 00000003
    21cc07b0 42485f4e
    21cc07b4 00303336
    21cc07d0 42485f4e
    21cc07d4 2e303336
    21cc07d8 7465736d
    01cc07f0 00000000
    11cc0800 00000912
    Terra's Cannon Shot -> Riku Boss
    21cc07ac 00000003
    21cc07b0 58455f4e
    21cc07b4 5f303439
    21cc07b8 004c5442
    21cc07d0 58455f4e
    21cc07d4 5f303439
    21cc07d8 2e4c5442
    21cc07dc 7465736d
    01cc07f0 00000000
    Terra's Cannon Shot -> Roxas Boss
    21cc07ac 00000003
    21cc07b0 58455f42
    21cc07b4 00303933
    21cc07d0 58455f42
    21cc07d4 2e303933
    21cc07d8 7465736d
    01cc07f0 00000000
    21cc0800 09530952

    Role Mods
    Universal Role Mod (Turns everything that is role A into role B)

    Player is: 2036C3DC XXXXXXXX
    Party Members are: 2036C3E0 XXXXXXXX
    NPCs are: 2036C3E4 XXXXXXXX
    Bosses are: 2036C3E8 XXXXXXXX
    Enemies are: 2036C3EC XXXXXXXX
    Weapons are: 2036C3F0 XXXXXXXX
    Partners are: 2036C400 XXXXXXXX
    Large Bosses are: 2036C40C XXXXXXXX
    Summons are: 2036C428 XXXXXXXX
    Tough Enemies are: 2036c430 XXXXXXXX
    0016F154- Player
    0016F164- Party Member
    0016F298- Neutral
    0016F17C- Boss
    0016F1A4- Enemy
    0016F1F4- Partner
    0016F244- Large Boss
    0016F350- Summon
    0016F3A0- Tough Enemy

    Drive/Summon Experience Mods (to level up quickly)
    replace the xxx with the amount of exp you want to multiply by
    Drive Forms Exp Multiplier
    201D5F40 00058xxx

    Summon Exp Modifier (needs testing)
    201D6F40 00048xxx

    replace xxx to level up experience by...
    040 = 2
    080 = 4
    0C0 = 6

    Taken from Code-masters project

    Gummi Codes
    Have All Special Models
    4033CA44 00030001
    01010101 00000000
    Have All Sample Blueprints
    1033CA60 00000101
    4033CA54 00040001
    01010101 00000000
    2033CA74 01010101
    2033CA78 01010101
    1033CA7C 00000101
    0033CA7E 00000001
    Unlock All Gummi Stuff
    0033C993 00000012
    4033C994 00400001
    FFFFFFFF 00000000
    Gummi Ship Score Mod
    21f8039c 000XXXXX
    Gummi Ship Medal Mod
    01f803c0 000000XX
    1E = Max
    Gummi Ship Number of Enemies Defeated
    21f80856 00XXXXXX
    Gummi Ship Beserker mode
    (Press "L2" to enter Berserker Mode, "R2" to return to normal)
    E001FEFF 0034D45C
    01f803c8 00000001
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    01f803c8 00000000
    Gummi Ship Level Mod
    0032ba7c 0000000x
    0 = ?
    1 = ?
    2 = ?

    Advanced Play-As Codes
    Mickey Code - Special Edition (Dual Wield)
    11CE0B68 00000318
    21C9F26C 01000000
    21C9F2B4 001C0001
    21C9F2BC 0A000000
    1032E020 00000029
    21CD4AE0 00000769
    21CD5888 58455F57
    21CD588C 5F303130
    21CD5890 46544C55
    21CD5894 00004c5f
    21CE267C 005B009B
    Play as Shadow Roxas (Buggy)
    (Might work on PS2)
    11c6cc20 00000754
    21cb1950 58455f50
    21cb1954 2e303131
    21cb1958 7465736d
    Press R2 to play as Ven
    E00AFDFF 0034D45C
    21CE0B68 096F????
    4032F064 00130001
    12120100 00000000
    1032E020 00000029
    01C9572F 00000001
    01C9F62F 00000001
    01CBD98C 00000001
    11CBD9D4 0000000D
    20943E74 00D7D540
    21CE267C 003F00AC
    Ven - 005A
    DW Ven - 0323
    ROXAS WITH FINAL MOVESET (FIX) - made by razor
    21cd53f0 46544c55
    21cd53f4 00004c5f
    21cd53f8 00000000
    21cd5410 46544c55
    21cd5414 0000525f
    21cd5418 00000000
    Play As Riku (FIX) *Made By Aurangzeb56*
    11CE0B68 0000089B
    01CB8C77 0000002E
    21CB8C78 7465736D
    21CB8C7C 00000000
    01CB8C96 00000005
    11CB8C9E 00000002
    0032ED64 0000008A
    2032F0AC 00020100
    01C9F62F 00000013
    21CD52A8 48455F57
    21CD52AC 00303030
    21CD52B0 00000000
    21CD52B4 00000000
    11CD4390 00000317 ----->Weapon Mod(With Dummies)
    The following codes were made by Razor
    Play as Marluxia
    20704C58 00E38090
    20704C68 00E6F9C0
    207F7EB8 011006B0 (jump) - jump
    207F4DB8 01113F60 (landing)- landing
    207F7FB8 01109BE0 (glide s) - falling
    207F7FF8 01109BE0 (glide r) - falling
    207F8038 01109BE0 (glide l) - falling
    207F8078 01109BE0 (hover) - falling
    207F7EF8 01109BE0 (aerial dodge) - falling
    207F7F38 012756B0 (dash) - wheel
    207F7F78 01283180 (dash spin) - wheel end
    207F5A58 01239C70 (fire) - whirlwind scyhte
    207F5BD8 0121A790 (thunder) - 2 scythe slashes
    207F5B18 01265340 (blizzard) - air slash
    207F7798 012CBDA0 (gaurd) - scythe throw(spin)
    207F7758 0131F4B0 (revenge slash) - jump down
    207F5B98 012BC340 (aerial blizzard) - back float dm
    -----STOPS COUNTDOWN-----(optional)
    210EC6D8 00000000
    -----KEYBLADE POSITION-----(optional)
    01CE267C 00000080
    -----MENU MOD-----(optional)
    1032f228 00000031
    1032f22A 00000032
    1032F22C 00000033
    1032F22E 00000034
    207F7218 012049B0 (attack)
    207F7258 0120FD00 (attack)
    207F7298 0121A790 (attack)
    Play as Luxord
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    208FD458 00D16E90
    208FD468 00D3A740
    209f06b8 00eee150 (jump) - jump
    209ed5b8 00f02aa0(landing) - landing
    209f06f8 00eee150(aerial dodge) - jump
    209f0738 0108e210 (dash) - hide w/ cards
    209f0778 0109b340 (dash spin) - reveal
    209f07b8 00ef8d50 (glide s) - falling
    209f07f8 00ef8d50 (glide r) - falling
    209f0838 00ef8d50(glide l) - falling
    209f0878 00ef8d50(hover) - falling
    209eff98 00faa2c0 (gaurd) - (card attack)
    209eded8 00faa2c0 - (card attack)
    209eff58 (revenge slash)
    209ee318 01059480 (blizzard) - attack 1
    209ee258 01070890 (fire) - attack 2
    209ee3d8 0107e430 (thunder) - attack 3
    209ee398 (aerial blizzard)
    209ee2d8 (aerial fire)
    209ee458 (aerial thunder)
    Play as Sephiroth
    E002FEFF 0035B55C
    208BFB58 00C8C890
    208BFB68 00CCA0C0
    2098b5b8 00f93610 (jump) - jump
    2098b5f8 00f93610(aerial dodge) - jump
    2098b6b8 01033b10(glide s) - dash
    2098b6f8 01033b10(glide r) - dash
    2098b738 01033b10(glide l) - dash
    2098b778 00fa0470(hover) - falling
    209884b8 00fabb60 (landing) - landing
    2098b638 01033b10(dash) - dash
    2098b678 0103dd50(dash spin) - spinning attack
    20989218 0104cd70(blizzard) - omnislash
    20989158 0103dd50(fire) - spinning attack
    209892d8 01092120(thunder) - flash
    20989298 0107ff30(air blizzard) - Aerial Omnislash
    209891d8 0107ff30(air fire) - Aerial Omnislash
    20989358 01075700(air thunder) - teleport slash
    2098ae58 0107ff30(revenge slash) - aerial omnislash

    Custom/Advanced Ally Codes
    Unrelenting Axel Ally - xaddgx
    11C41CB4 000002F0
    11CE0B6A 000004DC
    11CE0B6C 0000???? - replace with the UCM of who you want to fight
    E004FDFF 0034D45C
    2100ce58 010d8560
    2100dae8 01096350
    2100cef8 010d8560
    2100cf08 010d8560
    Land the Gummi Ship in The Brink of Despair, then go to Memory's Skyscraper and press R2 to activate the animation mods for him. If you're playing on an emulator, remove "E004FDFF 0034D45C" and you'll have to just apply the code once you've entered Memory's Skyscraper.

    More info: His tired animation was replaced with the second phase of his Desperation Move where he dashes in and then smashes the ground to conjure pillars of fire. Also replaced his two "damaged" animations with that. His basic two-hit attack was replaced with the first phase of his Desperation Move. Lots of the time after he uses that his "tired" animation will trigger, but since that was replaced he will go into his second phase of his Desperation Move.

    Quote is false information, I just have no idea how to make the entire flame move over one animation.[/code]

    Custom/Advanced Boss Codes
    Vengeful Roxas
    21C6C690 32323264
    21C6C694 00640000
    01C6C670 000000FF
    01C6C674 000000FF
    E00DFDFF 0034D45C
    11C6C4E8 00000D48
    11C6C4EC 00000D48
    20e67668 010a0320
    20e67f18 0108c180
    20e67768 01041d00
    20e683d8 010de3c0
    20e68328 01080f60
    20e676a8 00ff3a10
    20e67698 01023820
    20e67788 0108c180
    20e67e98 01080f60
    20e67748 01080f60
    20e685c8 00ff3a10
    Go to the Data Roxas battle and press R2 once the battle has loaded to mod his animations and HP, then you're set to battle.
    More info: He's immune to Reflega, Explosion, Magnet Splash, Magnega, and that flash of light when you drive.

    Champion Vivi
    11CE0B6A 0000086C
    11CE0B6C 0000???? -replace with the UCM of a boss or enemy
    11C59BA8 0000???? -replace with the UCM of a boss or enemy
    01CB7B6C 00000009
    20d4a658 00db6850
    20d4b068 00dc5130
    20d4a668 00d8aea0
    20d4a678 00d8aea0
    20d4a6f8 00dbd990
    20d4a708 00db6850
    20d4a758 00dbd990
    20d4a768 00db6850
    20d4a778 00dbd990
    20d4a788 00dc5130
    20d4af18 00dc5130
    Go to Limit Cut Xemnas's battle and activate all of the codes beginning with "2" after the battle has loaded to mod his animations. This code won't work if there aren't two other enemy/bosses and a player present, and this code will most likely freeze on the PS2. If you want to try it on the PS2, add E00BFDFF 0034D45C as a line of code. Place it between "20d4a658 00db6850" and "01CB7B6C 00000009"
    More info: This one is intended to be an ally since you can't give Vivi an HP bar, so he can't be defeated.

    Overlord Scar
    11C6CC22 000002F0
    11C6CC24 000002F0
    11C6CC26 000002F0
    21C6C690 00320064
    21C6C694 00643200
    01C6C670 000000FF
    01C6C674 0000006C
    E012FEFF 0034D45C
    11C6C4E8 00000D48
    11C6C4EC 00002EE0
    20c102d8 00c4f5a0
    20c102e8 00c175e0
    20c10318 00c55450
    20c10328 00c5aa40
    20c103b8 00c55450
    20c103c8 00c9b430
    20c103e8 00c9b430
    20c10408 00c5aa40
    20c105c8 00c9b430
    20c10b18 00c55450
    20c10f78 00c4f5a0
    20c10fb8 00c55450
    20c10fd8 00c46ac0
    20c10ff8 00c5aa40
    20c11008 00c98370
    20c11168 00c5aa40
    Warp to Scar's boss battle, and when the battle loads press L2 to mod his animations and HP.
    More info: Overlord Scar is fully immune to Fire, Lightning, and Darkness. There is an occasional delay glitch on Scar's move where he tackles Lion Sora, and it is possible to reflect to prevent it from going through. That's not supposed to happen but it's your choice if you want to abuse that or not. You cannot dodge Overlord Scar's flame move by standing in place.

    Immolator Axel
    01C6C670 0000009C
    01C6C674 0000009C
    E00EFDFF 0034D45C
    20e51668 00f4bf40
    20e51678 00f4bf40
    20e51698 00fc0f20
    20e516a8 00feba70
    20e51768 00f6ff10
    20e51788 00fb97e0
    20e51948 00fdff20
    20e51f18 00fc0f20
    20e52088 00f67030
    20e52248 00f9dab0
    20e52258 00f6ff10
    20e522e8 00fc0f20
    11C6C4E8 00000D48
    11C6C4EC 00002EE0
    Go to Limit Cut Axel's battle, then press R2 to mod his animations
    More info: I intend to update this someday.

    Object Replacement Codes ~ Sonicshadowsilver2
    (Also contains Boss Replacement Codes)
    Seifer (Tutorial)
    11C36D8C 0000????
    Seifer (Day 1)
    11C36EC0 0000????
    Dusk (Closed Mouth Before 1st Fight)
    11C45584 0000????
    Dusk (1st Fight with Struggle Bat)
    11C443A4 0000????
    Dusk (1st Fight with Kingdom Key)
    11C444D8 0000????
    Dusk (3rd Day; Sandlot)
    11C36FF4 0000????
    Station of Serenity Nobodies
    11C58C0C 0000???? - Dusk (Right)
    11C58C4C 0000???? - Dusk (Middle)
    11C58C8C 0000???? - Dusk (Left)
    Twilight Thorn
    11C59E24 0000????
    Hayner (Struggle Tournament)
    11C269AC 0000????
    Vivi (Struggle Tournament)
    11C26BF0 0000????
    Sandlot (Struggle Tournament) Nobodies
    11C26D24 0000???? - Dusk (Front)
    11C26D64 0000???? - Dusk (Back-Left)
    11C26DA4 0000???? - Dusk (Back-Right)
    Axel I
    11C26ED8 0000????
    Setzer (Struggle Tournament)
    11C2700C 0000????
    Seifer (Day 5)
    11C375E4 0000????
    Vivi Clones
    11C58B68 0000????
    11C58BA8 0000????
    11C58BE8 0000????
    11C58C28 0000????
    11C58C68 0000????
    11C58CA8 0000????
    11C58CE8 0000????
    11C58D28 0000????
    11C58D68 0000????
    11C58DA8 0000????
    11C58DE8 0000????
    11C58E28 0000????
    11C58E68 0000????
    11C58EA8 0000????
    Shadow Roxas
    11C53F9C 0000????
    Living Bag (NPC)
    11C5038C 0000????
    Living Bag
    11C50AA8 0000????
    Back Alley Nobodies
    11C50104 0000???? - Assassin
    11C50144 0000???? - Dusk (Back)
    11C50184 0000???? - Dusk (Right)
    11C5313C 0000???? - Axel (NPC)
    Axel (Attacking Stance) (NPC)
    11C531E0 0000????
    Mansion: Basement Hall Nobodies
    11C55B94 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C55BD4 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Left)
    11C55C14 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C55C54 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Right)
    11C55C94 0000???? - Assassin (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C55CD4 0000???? - Assassin (2nd Wave; Right)
    Axel II
    11C5AF88 0000????
    Station Plaza Nobodies
    11C30808 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C30848 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C30888 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C308C8 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C30908 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C30948 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C30988 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C309C8 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C30A08 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C30A48 0000???? - Dusk (2nd Wave; Middle)
    11C30A88 0000???? - Dusk (3rd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C30AC8 0000???? - Dusk (3rd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C30B08 0000???? - Dusk (3rd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C30B08 0000???? - Dusk (3rd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C30B48 0000???? - Dusk (4th Wave)
    11C30C24 0000???? - Creeper (4th Wave)
    11C30C64 0000???? - Creeper (4th Wave)
    11C30CA4 0000???? - Creeper (4th Wave)
    11C30CE4 0000???? - Creeper (4th Wave)
    11C30D24 0000???? - Creeper (4th Wave)
    The Tower Heartless
    11C503D8 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-Left)
    11C50418 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-Right)
    11C50458 0000???? - Shadow (Front-Left)
    11C50498 0000???? - Shadow (Front-Right)
    11C50504 0000???? - Shadow (Back-Left)
    11C50544 0000???? - Shadow (Back-Middle)
    11C50584 0000???? - Shadow (Front-Middle)
    11C505C4 0000???? - Shadow (Front-Left)
    11C50604 0000???? - Shadow (Back-Right)
    Tower: Star Chamber Heartless
    11C5B140 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C5B180 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C5B1C0 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C5B200 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C5B240 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C5B280 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C5B2C0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C5B300 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C5B340 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C5B380 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C5B3C0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C5B400 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Back-Middle)
    Tower: Moon Chamber Heartless
    11C5B0E8 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C5B128 0000???? - Soldier (1st Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C5B168 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C5B1A8 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C5B1E8 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C5B228 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C5B268 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C5B2A8 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C5B2E8 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave; Mid-Left)
    Borough Nobodies Fight
    11C4C0B4 0000???? - Dusk (Front-Right)
    11C4C0F4 0000???? - Dusk (Front-Left)
    11C4C134 0000???? - Dusk (Front-Middle)
    11C4C174 0000???? - Samurai
    11C4C1B4 0000???? - Dusk (Back-Right)
    11C4C1F4 0000???? - Dusk (Back-Left)
    Bailey Nobodies Fight
    11C45984 0000???? - Leon (Ally)
    11C459F0 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C45A30 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C45A70 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C45AB0 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C45AF0 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C45BCC 0000???? - Samurai (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C45C0C 0000???? - Samurai (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C45C4C 0000???? - Samurai (3rd Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C45C8C 0000???? - Samurai (3rd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C45CCC 0000???? - Samurai (3rd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C45D0C 0000???? - Dusk (3rd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C45D4C 0000???? - Dusk (3rd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C45E30 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Back Middle)
    11C45E70 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Back Mid-Left)
    11C45EB0 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Back Mid-Right)
    11C45EF0 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Back Left)
    11C45F30 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C45F70 0000???? - Dusk (4th Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C45FB0 0000???? - Dusk (4th Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C45FF0 0000???? - Dusk (4th Wave; Left)
    11C46030 0000???? - Dusk (4th Wave; Middle)
    11C46070 0000???? - Dusk (4th Wave; Right)
    Encampment Heartless
    11C48CD4 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-Left)
    11C48D14 0000???? - Shadow (Back-Middle)
    11C48D54 0000???? - Shadow (Front-Right)
    11C48D94 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-Right)
    11C48DD4 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-Left)
    11C49118 0000???? - Shadow (Right)
    11C491C4 0000???? - Shadow (Back)
    11C49278 0000???? - Nightwalker (Left)
    11C492B8 0000???? - Nightwalker (Upper-Left)
    Mission 1: The Surprise Attack
    11C5B09C 0000???? - Nightwalker (1st Wave; Left)
    11C5B0DC 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C5B11C 0000???? - Nightwalker (1st Wave; Right)
    11C5B15C 0000???? - Nightwalker (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C5B19C 0000???? - Nightwalker (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C5B1DC 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C5B21C 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C5B25C 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C5B29C 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C5B2DC 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C5B31C 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C5B35C 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C5B39C 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C5B3DC 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C5B41C 0000???? - Nightwalker (2nd Wave)
    Mission 2: The Ambush
    11C5B760 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C5B7A0 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C5B7E0 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C5B820 0000???? - Nightwalker (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C5B860 0000???? - Nightwalker (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C5B8A0 0000???? - Nightwalker (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C5B8E0 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C5B920 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C5B9CC 0000???? - Nightwalker (4th Wave; Left)
    11C5BA0C 0000???? - Nightwalker (4th Wave; Right)
    11C5BA4C 0000???? - Assault Rider (3rd Wave)
    11C5BA8C 0000???? - Assault Rider (4th Wave; Middle)
    Mission 3: The Search
    11C49504 0000???? - Shadow (3rd)
    11C49544 0000???? - Shadow (1st)
    11C49584 0000???? - Shadow (4th)
    11C495C4 0000???? - Shadow (2nd)
    11C49604 0000???? - Shadow (5th)
    11C49644 0000???? - Nightwalker (Front)
    11C49684 0000???? - Nightwalker (Left)
    11C496C4 0000???? - Nightwalker (Right)
    Mountain Trail Heartless
    11C58528 0000???? - Soldier (1st Wave; Right)
    11C58568 0000???? - Soldier (1st Wave; Left)
    11C585A8 0000???? - Nightwalker (1st Wave; Middle)
    11C58680 0000???? - Nightwalker (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C586C0 0000???? - Nightwalker (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C58700 0000???? - Nightwalker (2nd Wave; Middle)
    11C587DC 0000???? - Assault Rider (7th Wave; Right)
    11C5881C 0000???? - Assault Rider (7th Wave; Left)
    11C588F8 0000???? - Nightwalker (3rd Wave; Front)
    11C58938 0000???? - Nightwalker (3rd Wave; Back)
    11C589E4 0000???? - Nightwalker (6th Wave; Front)
    11C58A24 0000???? - Nightwalker (6th Wave; Back)
    11C58AD0 0000???? - Soldier (4th Wave; Left)
    11C58B10 0000???? - Soldier (4th Wave; Right)
    11C58B50 0000???? - Nightwalker (4th Wave; Middle)
    11C58BFC 0000???? - Soldier (5th Wave; Left)
    11C58C3C 0000???? - Soldier (5th Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C58C7C 0000???? - Soldier (5th Wave; Right)
    11C58CBC 0000???? - Soldier (5th Wave; Back-Middle)
    Village Cave Heartless
    11C5791C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C5795C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C5799C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C579DC 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C57A1C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57A5C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57A9C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57ADC 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57B1C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57B5C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57B9C 0000???? - Assault Rider (1st Wave)
    11C57BDC 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57C1C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57C5C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57C9C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57CDC 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57D1C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57D5C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57D9C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57DDC 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57E1C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57E5C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57E9C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C57EDC 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C57F1C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C57F5C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C57F9C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C57FDC 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C5801C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C5805C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C5809C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C580DC 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C5811C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C5815C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C5819C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C581DC 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C5821C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C5825C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C5829C 0000???? - Shadow (Mid-1st Wave)
    11C58348 0000???? - Assault Rider (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C58388 0000???? - Assault Rider (2nd Wave; Left)
    Rapid Thruster Swarm (Land of Dragons; 1st Visit)
    11C32160 0000???? - Bolt Tower (Beginning)
    11C321A0 0000???? - Bolt Tower
    11C321E0 0000???? - Bolt Tower
    11C32220 0000???? - Bolt Tower
    11C32260 0000???? - Bolt Tower
    11C322A0 0000???? - Bolt Tower
    11C32354 0000????
    11C32394 0000????
    11C323D4 0000????
    11C32414 0000????
    11C32454 0000????
    11C32494 0000????
    11C324D4 0000????
    11C32514 0000????
    11C32554 0000????
    11C32594 0000????
    11C325D4 0000????
    11C32614 0000????
    11C32654 0000????
    11C32694 0000????
    11C326D4 0000????
    11C32714 0000????
    11C32754 0000????
    11C32794 0000????
    11C327D4 0000????
    11C32814 0000????
    11C32854 0000????
    11C32894 0000????
    11C328D4 0000????
    11C32914 0000????
    11C32954 0000????
    11C32994 0000????
    11C329D4 0000????
    11C32A14 0000????
    11C32A54 0000????
    11C32A94 0000????
    Imperial Square Heartless Fight (1st Visit)
    11C4CCC4 0000???? - Bolt Tower (Middle)
    11C4CD04 0000???? - Bolt Tower (Left)
    11C4CD44 0000???? - Bolt Tower (Right)
    11C4CDF0 0000???? - Nightwalker (Right)
    11C4CE30 0000???? - Nightwalker (Behind)
    11C4CE70 0000???? - Nightwalker (Middle)
    11C4CEB0 0000???? - Nightwalker (Left)
    The Emperor (NPC)
    11C4C678 0000????
    Shan-Yu (NPC)
    11C4C714 0000????
    11C4BEB0 0000????
    11C4BE70 0000????
    Nightwalkers (Shan-Yu Fight)
    11C4BF24 0000???? - 1st Wave; Left
    11C4BF64 0000???? - 1st Wave; Middle
    11C4BFA4 0000???? - 1st Wave; Right
    11C4BFE4 0000???? - 2nd Wave; Left
    11C4C024 0000???? - 2nd Wave; Middle
    11C4C064 0000???? - 2nd Wave; Right
    11C4C0A4 0000???? - 3rd Wave; Left
    11C4C0E4 0000???? - 3rd Wave; Middle
    11C4C124 0000???? - 3rd Wave; Right
    11C4C164 0000???? - 4th Wave; Left
    11C4C1A4 0000???? - 4th Wave; Middle
    11C4C1E4 0000???? - 4th Wave; Right
    11C4C224 0000???? - 5th Wave; Left
    11C4C264 0000???? - 5th Wave; Middle
    11C4C2A4 0000???? - 5th Wave; Right
    Parlor Shadows
    11C504CC 0000????
    11C5050C 0000????
    11C5054C 0000????
    11C5058C 0000????
    11C505CC 0000????
    11C5060C 0000????
    11C5064C 0000????
    11C5068C 0000????
    11C506CC 0000????
    11C5070C 0000????
    11C5074C 0000????
    11C5078C 0000????
    11C507CC 0000????
    11C5080C 0000????
    11C5084C 0000????
    11C5088C 0000????
    11C55204 0000????
    11C55244 0000????
    Heartless (Thresholder Fight)
    11C552B0 0000???? - Gargoyle Warrior (1st Wave; Right)
    11C552F0 0000???? - Gargoyle Knight (1st Wave; Left)
    11C55330 0000???? - Hook Bat (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C55370 0000???? - Hook Bat (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C553B0 0000???? - Hook Bat (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C553F0 0000???? - Hook Bat (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C55430 0000???? - Hook Bat (3rd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C55470 0000???? - Hook Bat (3rd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C554B0 0000???? - Hook Bat (3rd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C554F0 0000???? - Hook Bat (3rd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C55530 0000???? - Hook Bat (3rd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C55570 0000???? - Hook Bat (3rd Wave; Back-Middle)
    Beast (Boss)
    11C4CBA0 0000????
    Cogsworth (Ally)
    11C4CBE0 0000????
    Chandelier (Shadow Stalker Fight)
    11C59F9C 0000????
    Shadow Stalker Pillars
    11C5A010 0000????
    Shadow Stalker Windows
    11C5A3A0 0000????
    Shadow Stalker
    11C5A360 0000????
    Chandelier (Dark Thorn Fight)
    11C5A16C 0000????
    Dark Thorn
    11C5A4D4 0000????
    Borough Heartless Fight 1
    11C4C3C4 0000???? - Soldier
    11C4C404 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4C444 0000???? - Soldier
    11C4C484 0000???? - Soldier
    11C4C4C4 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4C504 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4C544 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4C584 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4C5C4 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4C604 0000???? - Shadow
    Auron (KO)
    11C48578 0000????
    Hades (Invincible) (Hades' Chamber)
    11C48478 0000????
    Hades Escape
    11C591FC 0000???? - Hades (Invincible) (Valley of the Dead)
    11C59268 0000???? - Hook Bat
    11C592A8 0000???? - Hook Bat
    11C592E8 0000???? - Hook Bat
    11C59328 0000???? - Hook Bat
    11C59368 0000???? - Shadow
    11C593A8 0000???? - Shadow
    11C593E8 0000???? - Shadow
    11C59454 0000???? - Lance Soldier
    11C59494 0000???? - Shadow
    11C594D4 0000???? - Shadow
    11C59514 0000???? - Shadow
    11C59554 0000???? - Shadow
    11C59594 0000???? - Lance Soldier
    11C59640 0000???? - Hook Bat
    11C59680 0000???? - Lance Soldier
    11C596C0 0000???? - Lance Soldier
    11C59700 0000???? - Large Body
    11C59740 0000???? - Lance Soldier
    11C59780 0000???? - Lance Soldier
    11C597C0 0000???? - Hook Bat
    11C59800 0000???? - Hook Bat
    11C59840 0000???? - Shadow
    11C59880 0000???? - Shadow
    Boulder 1 (Cerberus Fight)
    11C4EF2C 0000????
    Boulder 2 (Cerberus Fight)
    11C4EF6C 0000????
    11C4EDF8 0000????
    Demyx I
    11C527FC 0000????
    Megara (1st Pete Fight)
    11C4F490 0000????
    Pete (Olympus Coliseum; Part I)
    11C4F4D0 0000????
    Hercules (Ally) (2nd Pete Fight)
    11C4FB48 0000????
    Pete (Olympus Coliseum; Part II)
    11C4FB08 0000????
    Phil (Hydra Fight)
    11C567C4 0000????
    Large Urn (Hydra Fight)
    11C56870 0000????
    Pegasus (Hydra Fight)
    11C56804 0000????
    Megara (Hydra Fight)
    11C5695C 0000????
    11C566C4 0000????
    Escort Queen Minnie (Part I - Colonnade)
    11C57670 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C576B0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C576F0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C57730 0000???? - Minute Bomb (2nd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C57770 0000???? - Minute Bomb (2nd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C5781C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C5785C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C5789C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Right)
    11C578DC 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Left)
    11C57988 0000???? - Minute Bomb (3rd Wave; Left)
    11C579C8 0000???? - Minute Bomb (3rd Wave; Right)
    11C57A08 0000???? - Minute Bomb (3rd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C57A48 0000???? - Minute Bomb (3rd Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C57A88 0000???? - Minute Bomb (3rd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C57AC8 0000???? - Minute Bomb (3rd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C57B08 0000???? - Shadow (3rd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C57B48 0000???? - Shadow (3rd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C57BF4 0000???? - Bolt Tower (4th Wave; Middle)
    11C57C34 0000???? - Shadow (4th Wave; Right)
    11C57C74 0000???? - Shadow (4th Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C57CB4 0000???? - Shadow (4th Wave; Left)
    11C57CF4 0000???? - Shadow (4th Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C57DA0 0000???? - Shadow (8th Wave)
    11C57DE0 0000???? - Shadow (8th Wave)
    11C57E20 0000???? - Shadow (8th Wave)
    11C57E60 0000???? - Shadow (8th Wave)
    11C57EA0 0000???? - Shadow (8th Wave)
    11C57EE0 0000???? - Shadow (8th Wave)
    11C57F8C 0000???? - Shadow (5th Wave; Back-Right)
    11C57FCC 0000???? - Shadow (5th Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C5800C 0000???? - Shadow (5th Wave; Left)
    11C5804C 0000???? - Shadow (5th Wave; Front-Right)
    11C5808C 0000???? - Shadow (5th Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C58138 0000???? - Shadow (7th Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C58178 0000???? - Shadow (7th Wave; Back-Left)
    11C581B8 0000???? - Shadow (7th Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C581F8 0000???? - Shadow (7th Wave; Back-Right)
    11C58238 0000???? - Shadow (7th Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C582E4 0000???? - Shadow (6th Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C58324 0000???? - Shadow (6th Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C58364 0000???? - Shadow (6th Wave; Left)
    11C583A4 0000???? - Shadow (6th Wave; Right)
    11C583E4 0000???? - Shadow (6th Wave; Back-Left)
    11C58498 0000???? - Queen Minnie
    Escort Queen Minnie (Part II - Audience Chamber; Bolt Tower Swarm)
    11C55860 0000???? - Queen Minnie
    11C55940 0000????
    11C55980 0000????
    11C559C0 0000????
    11C55A00 0000????
    11C55A40 0000????
    11C55A80 0000????
    11C55AC0 0000????
    11C55B00 0000????
    11C55B40 0000????
    11C55B80 0000????
    11C55BC0 0000????
    11C55C00 0000????
    11C55C40 0000????
    11C55C80 0000????
    11C55CC0 0000????
    11C55D00 0000????
    11C55D40 0000????
    11C55D80 0000????
    11C55DC0 0000????
    11C55E00 0000????
    11C55E40 0000????
    11C55E80 0000????
    11C55EC0 0000????
    11C55F00 0000????
    11C55F40 0000????
    11C55F80 0000????
    11C55FC0 0000????
    Pete (Past) (NPC)
    11C5785C 0000????
    Puzzle Crown 1
    11C56B70 0000????
    Puzzle Crown 2
    11C56BB0 0000????
    Pete (Past)
    11C576B4 0000????
    Building Site Heartless
    11C569D8 0000???? - Hammer Frame (1st Wave; Right)
    11C56A18 0000???? - Hammer Frame (1st Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C56A58 0000???? - Hammer Frame (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C56A98 0000???? - Hammer Frame (1st Wave; Left)
    11C56B04 0000???? - Minute Bomb (2nd Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C56B44 0000???? - Minute Bomb (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C56B84 0000???? - Minute Bomb (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C56BC4 0000???? - Minute Bomb (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C56C04 0000???? - Minute Bomb (2nd Wave;
    11C56C44 0000???? - Minute Bomb (2nd Wave)
    11C56C84 0000???? - Minute Bomb (2nd Wave)
    11C56CC4 0000???? - Minute Bomb (2nd Wave)
    11C56D04 0000???? - Hammer Frame (3rd Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C56D44 0000???? - Hammer Frame (3rd Wave; Left)
    11C56D84 0000???? - Hammer Frame (3rd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C56DC4 0000???? - Hammer Frame (3rd Wave; Right)
    Lilliput Heartless
    11C57108 0000???? - Aeroplane (1st Wave; Middle)
    11C57148 0000???? - Aeroplane (1st Wave; Left)
    11C57188 0000???? - Aeroplane (1st Wave; Right)
    11C571C8 0000???? - Hammer Frame (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C57208 0000???? - Hammer Frame (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C57248 0000???? - Hammer Frame (2nd Wave; Middle)
    11C57288 0000???? - Aeroplane (3rd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C572C8 0000???? - Aeroplane (3rd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C57308 0000???? - Aeroplane (3rd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C57348 0000???? - Aeroplane (3rd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C57388 0000???? - Hammer Frame (3rd Wave; Middle)
    Scene of the Fire Heartless
    11C5734C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C5738C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C573CC 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C5740C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C5744C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C5748C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C574CC 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Middle)
    11C57578 0000???? - Hot Rod (2nd Wave)
    11C575B8 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Middle)
    11C575F8 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C57638 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C576EC 0000???? - Hot Rod (3rd Wave; Right)
    11C5772C 0000???? - Hot Rod (3rd Wave; Left)
    Mickey's House Heartless
    11C577E8 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Middle)
    11C57828 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Right)
    11C57868 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Left)
    11C57914 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C57954 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C57994 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C579D4 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (2nd Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C57A88 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (3rd Wave)
    11C57AC8 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (3rd Wave)
    11C57B08 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (3rd Wave)
    11C57B48 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (3rd Wave)
    11C57B88 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (3rd Wave)
    11C57BC8 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (3rd Wave)
    11C57C08 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (3rd Wave)
    11C57C48 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (3rd Wave)
    11C57C88 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (3rd Wave)
    Puzzle Crown 3 (Waterway)
    11C564F4 0000????
    Little Treasure Chest 1 (Waterway)
    11C56568 0000????
    Little Treasure Chest 2 (Waterway)
    11C565A8 0000????
    Little Treasure Chest 3 (Waterway)
    11C565E8 0000????
    Pete (Steamboat Battle)
    11C56EA8 0000????
    Pete's Steamboat (With Cornerstone)
    11C56EE8 0000????
    Pete's Steamboat (Crane)
    11C56F28 0000????
    Pete (Past) (NPC)
    11C562A4 0000????
    Pete (NPC)
    11C56220 0000????
    Pete (Past) (Ally)
    11C55C30 0000????
    Pete (Final Encounter)
    11C55BF0 0000????
    Harbor Pirates (1st Visit; Part I)
    11C42BB0 0000???? - Undead Pirate B (Front-Right)
    11C42C30 0000???? - Undead Pirate C (Back-Left)
    11C42C70 0000???? - Undead Pirate C (Front-Left)
    11C42CB0 0000???? - Undead Pirate C (Back-Right)
    Harbor Pirates (1st Visit; Part II)
    11C42DE4 0000???? - Undead Pirate C (Front-Middle)
    11C42E24 0000???? - Undead Pirate B (Back-Middle)
    11C42E64 0000???? - Undead Pirate C (Left)
    11C42EA4 0000???? - Undead Pirate C (Right)
    Town Heartless
    11C56984 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C569C4 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C56A04 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C56A44 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C56A84 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C56AC4 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C56BA0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C56BE0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C56C20 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Middle)
    11C56C60 0000???? - Cannon Gun (2nd Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C56CA0 0000???? - Cannon Gun (2nd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C56CE0 0000???? - Cannon Gun (2nd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C56D20 0000???? - Soldier (3rd Wave; Right)
    11C56D60 0000???? - Soldier (3rd Wave; Left)
    Isla de Muerta: Cave Mouth Pirates (1 Minute Fight)
    11C58104 0000???? - Undead Pirate A (Left)
    11C58084 0000???? - Undead Pirate C (Middle)
    11C580C4 0000???? - Undead Pirate A (Right)
    11C58170 0000????
    11C581B0 0000????
    11C581F0 0000????
    11C58230 0000????
    11C58270 0000????
    The Interceptor Pirates Fight
    11C4E1E0 0000???? - Undead Pirate A (Front-Middle)
    11C4E220 0000???? - Undead Pirate C (Left)
    11C4E260 0000???? - Undead Pirate A (Right)
    11C4E2A0 0000???? - Undead Pirate B
    11C4E2E0 0000???? - Undead Pirate A
    11C4E320 0000???? - Undead Pirate A
    11C4E360 0000???? - Undead Pirate B
    11C4E3A0 0000???? - Undead Pirate A
    11C4E3E0 0000???? - Undead Pirate A
    11C4E420 0000???? - Undead Pirate B
    11C4E460 0000???? - Undead Pirate A
    11C4E4A0 0000???? - Undead Pirate B
    The Interceptor Barrels
    11C52604 0000???? - Air Pirate (Front-Middle)
    11C526E0 0000???? - Air Pirate (Front-Right)
    11C52720 0000???? - Air Pirate (Front-Left)
    11C52760 0000???? - Air Pirate
    11C5283C 0000???? - Cannon Gun
    11C52918 0000???? - Cannon Gun
    11C529F4 0000???? - Cannon Gun (Back-Left)
    11C52AD0 0000???? - Cannon Gun (Back-Right)
    11C52DD0 0000???? - Burning Barrel 1
    11C52E10 0000???? - Burning Barrel 2
    11C52E50 0000???? - Burning Barrel 3
    11C52E90 0000???? - Burning Barrel 4
    11C52ED0 0000???? - Burning Barrel 5
    11C43370 0000????
    11C43330 0000????
    Agrabah Heartless
    11C3BCC4 0000???? - Luna Bandit (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C3BD04 0000???? - Luna Bandit (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C3BD44 0000???? - Luna Bandit (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C3BD84 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C3BDC4 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C3BE04 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C3BE44 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C3BE84 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C3BEC4 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C3BF04 0000???? - Luna Bandit (2nd Wave)
    11C3BFF0 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C030 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C070 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C0B0 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C0F0 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C130 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C170 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C1B0 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C1F0 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C230 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C270 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C2B0 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C2F0 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C330 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C370 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C3B0 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C3C3F0 0000???? - Luna Bandit (3rd Wave)
    Chasm of Challenges Heartless
    11C5AFA4 0000???? - Icy Cube (1st Wave; Right)
    11C5AFE4 0000???? - Icy Cube (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C5B024 0000???? - Icy Cube (1st Wave; Bottom-Middle)
    11C5B064 0000???? - Icy Cube (1st Wave; Left)
    11C5B110 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C5B150 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave; Bottom-Right)
    11C5B190 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave; Bottom-Left)
    11C5B1D0 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C5B27C 0000???? - Fat Bandit (3rd Wave)
    11C5B328 0000???? - Fiery Globe (4th Wave; Bottom-Right)
    11C5B368 0000???? - Fiery Globe (4th Wave; Top-Right)
    11C5B3A8 0000???? - Fiery Globe (4th Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C5B3E8 0000???? - Fat Bandit (4th Wave; Middle)
    11C5B494 0000???? - Fortuneteller (5th Wave; Right)
    11C5B4D4 0000???? - Fortuneteller (5th Wave; Left)
    The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room Heartless
    11C54864 0000???? - Silver Rock (1st Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C548A4 0000???? - Silver Rock (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C548E4 0000???? - Silver Rock (1st Wave; Bottom-Left)
    11C54924 0000???? - Silver Rock (1st Wave; Bottom-Middle)
    11C54964 0000???? - Silver Rock (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C549A4 0000???? - Silver Rock (1st Wave; Bottom-Left)
    11C549E4 0000???? - Silver Rock (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C54A24 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54A64 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54AA4 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54AE4 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54B24 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54B64 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54BA4 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54BE4 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54C24 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54C64 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54CA4 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54CE4 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54D24 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54D64 0000???? - Icy Cube (2nd Wave)
    11C54DA4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C54DE4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C54E24 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C54E64 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C54EA4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C54EE4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C54F24 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C54F64 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C54FA4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C54FE4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C55024 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C55064 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C550A4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C550E4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C55124 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C55164 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C551A4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C551E4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C55224 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C55264 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C552A4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C552E4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C55324 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C55364 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C553A4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C553E4 0000???? - Fiery Globe (2nd Wave)
    11C55490 0000???? - Fat Bandit (3rd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C554D0 0000???? - Fat Bandit (3rd Wave; Left)
    11C55510 0000???? - Fat Bandit (3rd Wave; Right)
    Volcanic Lord
    11C32934 0000????
    Blizzard Lord
    11C32974 0000????
    Halloween Town Square Heartless
    11C4A528 0000???? - Wight Knight (1st Wave; Middle)
    11C4A568 0000???? - Wight Knight (1st Wave; Right)
    11C4A5A8 0000???? - Wight Knight (1st Wave; Left)
    11C4A5E8 0000???? - Wight Knight (3rd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C4A628 0000???? - Wight Knight (3rd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C4A668 0000???? - Wight Knight (3rd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C4A6A8 0000???? - Wight Knight (4th Wave; Back-Left)
    11C4A6E8 0000???? - Wight Knight (4th Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C4A728 0000???? - Wight Knight (4th Wave; Back-Right)
    11C4A768 0000???? - Wight Knight (4th Wave; Front-Left)
    11C4A7A8 0000???? - Wight Knight (4th Wave; Front-Right)
    11C4A7E8 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C4A828 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C4A868 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C4A8A8 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C4A8E8 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C4A928 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C4A968 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C4A9A8 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C4A9E8 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave; Back-Middle)
    Candy Cane Lane Heartless
    11C4F634 0000???? - Driller Mole (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C4F674 0000???? - Driller Mole (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C4F6B4 0000???? - Toy Soldier (1st Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C4F6F4 0000???? - Driller Mole (1st Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C4F734 0000???? - Toy Soldier (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C4F774 0000???? - Toy Soldier (2nd Wave; Right)
    Prison Keeper
    11C55570 0000????
    Conveyor Belt (Oogie Fight)
    11C4B57C 0000????
    Spikes (Oogie Fight)
    11C4B7A4 0000????
    Oogie's Terminal
    11C4B7E4 0000????
    Oogie Boogie
    11C4C204 0000????
    Elephant Graveyard Heartless
    11C4EC14 0000???? - Living Bone (Left)
    11C4EC54 0000???? - Living Bone (Right)
    11C54C84 0000????
    Shenzi I
    11C54C44 0000????
    Banzai I
    11C54C04 0000????
    Ed I
    11C54BC4 0000????
    11C5A74C 0000????
    Sandlot Nobodies Fight
    11C371F0 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Middle)
    11C37230 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Appears When Fight Starts)
    11C37270 0000???? - Berserker (2nd Wave)
    11C372B0 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Left)
    11C372F0 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Right)
    11C37330 0000???? - Dusk (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C37370 0000???? - Dusk (2nd Wave; Middle)
    11C373B0 0000???? - Dusk (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C373F0 0000???? - Berserker (3rd Wave; Left)
    11C37430 0000???? - Bersreker (3rd Wave; Right)
    11C37470 0000???? - Berserker (3rd Wave; Middle)
    Hayner (Struggle Competition)
    11C37718 0000????
    Setzer (Struggle Competition)
    11C3795C 0000????
    Seifer (Struggle Competition)
    11C37A90 0000????
    Sora (Light Cycle; Tutorial)
    11C48A1C 0000????
    Sora (Light Cycle)
    11C4F478 0000????
    Datascape Computers Fight
    11C552B0 0000???? - Strafer (Front-Right)
    11C552F0 0000???? - Data Orbs?
    11C55330 0000???? - Strafer (Front-Left)
    11C55370 0000???? - Strafer (Back)
    11C553DC 0000???? - Strafer (Front-Right; Appears)
    11C554B8 0000???? - Strafer (Front-Left; Appears) (Needed)
    11C55594 0000???? - Strafer (Back-Middle; Appears)
    11C555D4 0000???? - Strafer (Back-Left; Appears)
    11C55614 0000???? - Strafer (Back-Right; Appears) (Needed)
    11C5590C 0000???? - Strafer (Final Wave)
    11C5594C 0000???? - Strafer (Final Wave)
    11C5598C 0000???? - Strafer (Final Wave)
    11C559CC 0000???? - Strafer (Final Wave)
    11C55A0C 0000???? - Strafer (Final Wave)
    11C55A4C 0000???? - Strafer (Final Wave)
    11C55A8C 0000???? - Strafer (Final Wave)
    11C55ACC 0000???? - Strafer (Final Wave)
    11C55B0C 0000???? - Strafer (Final Wave)
    11C55B4C 0000???? - Strafer (Final Wave) (Needed)
    Hostile Program
    11C56530 0000????
    Data Orbs (Hostile Program Fight)
    11C56570 0000????
    Corridors Fight
    11C5B780 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C5B7C0 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C5B800 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C5B840 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C5B880 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C5B8C0 0000???? - Crimson Jazz (4th Wave)
    11C5B900 0000???? - Armored Knight (3rd Wave; Left)
    11C5B940 0000???? - Armored Knight (3rd Wave; Middle)
    11C5B980 0000???? - Armored Knight (3rd Wave; Right)
    11C5BA5C 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C5BA9C 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C5BADC 0000???? - Dancer (1st Wave)
    11C5BB1C 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C5BB5C 0000???? - Dusk (4th Wave; Right)
    11C5BB9C 0000???? - Dusk (4th Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C5BBDC 0000???? - Dusk (4th Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C5BC1C 0000???? - Dusk (4th Wave; Left)
    Restoration Site Nobodies Fight
    11C58BA4 0000???? - Dancer (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C58BE4 0000???? - Dancer (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C58C24 0000???? - Dancer (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C58C64 0000???? - Dancer (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C58CA4 0000???? - Dancer (3rd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C58CE4 0000???? - Dancer (3rd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C58D24 0000???? - Dancer (3rd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C58D64 0000???? - Dancer (3rd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C58DA4 0000???? - Dancer (3rd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C58DE4 0000???? - Dancer (3rd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C58E24 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C58E64 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C58EA4 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C58EE4 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C58F24 0000???? - Dancer (2nd Wave)
    Demyx II
    11C4CE7C 0000????
    Ravine Trail Heartless 1
    11C4BC4C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C4BC8C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C4BCCC 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C4BD0C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C4BD4C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C4BD8C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C4BDCC 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C4BE0C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C4BE4C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C4BE8C 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave)
    11C4BF68 0000???? - Yuffie (Ally)
    11C4C044 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4C084 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave)
    11C4C0C4 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4C104 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4C144 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4C184 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4C1C4 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4C204 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave)
    11C4C244 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4C284 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4C2C4 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave)
    11C4C304 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4C344 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4C384 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave)
    11C4C3C4 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave; Mid-Right)
    Ravine Trail Heartless 2
    11C4C5E8 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave)
    11C4C628 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave)
    11C4C668 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave)
    11C4C6A8 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave)
    11C4C6E8 0000???? - Soldier (1st Wave)
    11C4C728 0000???? - Soldier (1st Wave)
    11C4C768 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave)
    11C4C7A8 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave)
    11C4C7E8 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave)
    11C4C8CC 0000???? - Leon (Ally)
    11C4C9B0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4C9F0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CA30 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CA70 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CAB0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CAF0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CB30 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CB70 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CBB0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CBF0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CC30 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CC70 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CCB0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CCF0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CD30 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CD70 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CDB0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CDF0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CE30 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CE70 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CEB0 0000???? - Morning Star (2nd Wave)
    11C4CEF0 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave)
    11C4CF30 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave)
    11C4CF70 0000???? - Soldier (2nd Wave)
    11C4CFB0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4CFF0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D030 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D070 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D0B0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D0F0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D130 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D170 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D1B0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D1F0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D230 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D270 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D2B0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D2F0 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D330 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D370 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    Ravine Trail Heartless 3
    11C4D594 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C4D5D4 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C4D614 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C4D654 0000???? - Armored Knight (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C4D694 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C4D6D4 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D714 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D754 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D794 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4D7D4 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D814 0000???? - Shadow (2nd Wave)
    11C4D854 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4D894 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4D8D4 0000???? - Armored Knight (2nd Wave)
    11C4D914 0000???? - Morning Star (3rd Wave)
    11C4D9F8 0000???? - Tifa (Ally)
    11C4DADC 0000???? - Morning Star (4th Wave)
    11C4DB1C 0000???? - Morning Star (4th Wave)
    11C4DB5C 0000???? - Morning Star (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C4DB9C 0000???? - Morning Star (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C4DBDC 0000???? - Morning Star (4th Wave)
    11C4DC1C 0000???? - Morning Star (4th Wave)
    11C4DC5C 0000???? - Shadow (4th Wave)
    11C4DC9C 0000???? - Shadow (4th Wave)
    11C4DCDC 0000???? - Shadow (4th Wave)
    11C4DD1C 0000???? - Shadow (4th Wave)
    11C4DD5C 0000???? - Shadow (4th Wave)
    11C4DD9C 0000???? - Shadow (4th Wave)
    Ravine Trail Heartless 4
    11C4DFC0 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C4E000 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C4E040 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C4E080 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C4E0C0 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C4E100 0000???? - Surveillance Robot (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C4E140 0000???? - Surveillance Robot (2nd Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C4E180 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Mid-Left)
    11C4E1C0 0000???? - Surveillance Robot (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C4E200 0000???? - Surveillance Robot (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C4E240 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C4E280 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C4E2C0 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C4E300 0000???? - Shadow (1st Wave; Back-Mid-Right)
    11C4E340 0000???? - Morning Star
    11C4E380 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4E3C0 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4E400 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4E440 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4E480 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4E4C0 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4E500 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4E540 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4E580 0000???? - Shadow
    11C4E664 0000???? - Cloud (Ally)
    11C4E6A4 0000???? - Morning Star (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C4E6E4 0000???? - Morning Star (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C4E724 0000???? - Morning Star (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C4E808 0000???? - Surveillance Robot
    11C4E848 0000???? - Surveillance Robot
    11C4E888 0000???? - Surveillance Robot
    11C4E8C8 0000???? - Morning Star
    11C4E908 0000???? - Armored Soldier
    11C4E948 0000???? - Armored Soldier
    11C4E988 0000???? - Armored Soldier
    11C4E9C8 0000???? - Armored Soldier
    11C4EA08 0000???? - Armored Soldier
    11C4EA48 0000???? - Armored Soldier
    11C4EA88 0000???? - Armored Soldier
    11C4EAC8 0000???? - Armored Soldier
    11C4EB08 0000???? - Armored Soldier
    1,000 Heartless
    11C5B714 0000???? (Group 1)
    11C5B754 0000???? (Group 2)
    11C5B794 0000???? (Group 3)
    11C5B7D4 0000???? (Group 4)
    11C5B814 0000???? (Group 5)
    11C5B854 0000???? (Group 6)
    11C5B894 0000???? (Group 7)
    11C5B8D4 0000???? (Group 8)
    11C5B914 0000???? (Group 9)
    11C5B954 0000???? (Group 10)
    11C5B994 0000???? (Group 11)
    11C5B9D4 0000???? (Group 12)
    11C5BA14 0000???? (Group 13)
    11C5BA54 0000???? (Group 14)
    11C5BA94 0000???? (Group 15)
    11C5BAD4 0000???? (Group 16)
    11C5BB14 0000???? (Group 17)
    11C5BB54 0000???? (Group 18)
    11C5BB94 0000???? (Group 19)
    11C5BBD4 0000???? (Group 20)
    11C5BC14 0000???? (Group 21)
    11C5BC54 0000???? (Group 22)
    11C5BC94 0000???? (Group 23)
    11C5BCD4 0000???? (Group 24)
    11C5BD14 0000???? (Group 25)
    11C5BD54 0000???? (Group 26)
    11C5BD94 0000???? - 1 Surveillance Robot
    11C5BDD4 0000???? - 1 Armored Knight
    11C32BB4 0000????
    Rapid Thruster Swarm (Land of Dragons; 2nd Visit)
    11C32C28 0000????
    11C32C68 0000????
    11C32CA8 0000????
    11C32CE8 0000????
    11C32D28 0000????
    11C32D68 0000????
    11C32DA8 0000????
    11C32DE8 0000????
    11C32E28 0000????
    11C32E68 0000????
    11C32EA8 0000????
    11C32EE8 0000????
    11C32F28 0000????
    11C32F68 0000????
    11C32FA8 0000????
    11C32FE8 0000????
    11C33028 0000????
    11C33068 0000????
    11C330A8 0000????
    11C330E8 0000????
    11C33128 0000????
    11C33168 0000????
    11C331A8 0000????
    11C331E8 0000????
    11C33228 0000????
    11C33268 0000????
    11C332A8 0000????
    11C332E8 0000????
    11C33328 0000????
    11C33368 0000????
    Imperial Square Heartless Fight (2nd Visit)
    11C4D024 0000???? - Bolt Tower (Left-Middle)
    11C4D064 0000???? - Bolt Tower (Right-Middle)
    11C4D0A4 0000???? - Bolt Tower (Left)
    11C4D0E4 0000???? - Bolt Tower (Right)
    11C4D1C0 0000???? - Assault Rider (Middle)
    11C4D200 0000???? - Assault Rider (Left)
    11C4D240 0000???? - Assault Rider (Right)
    Antechamber Nobodies Fight
    11C56664 0000???? - Sniper (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C566A4 0000???? - Sniper (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C566E4 0000???? - Sniper (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C56724 0000???? - Sniper (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C56764 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C567A4 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C567E4 0000???? - Sniper (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C56824 0000???? - Sniper (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C56864 0000???? - Sniper (2nd Wave; Middle-Right)
    11C568A4 0000???? - Sniper (2nd Wave; Middle-Left)
    11C568E4 0000???? - Sniper (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C56924 0000???? - Sniper (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    Ride the Wind 1 (RC)
    11C4D450 0000????
    Ride the Wind 2 (RC)
    11C4D490 0000????
    Ride the Wind 3 (RC)
    11C4D4D0 0000????
    Storm Rider
    11C4D324 0000????
    Ballroom Nobodies Fight
    11C5209C 0000???? - Dragoon (Left)
    11C520DC 0000???? - Dragoon (Middle)
    11C5211C 0000???? - Dragoon (Right)
    11C5215C 0000???? - Dusk (Left)
    11C5219C 0000???? - Dusk (Right)
    Entrance Hall Nobodies Fight
    11C500E4 0000???? - Dusk (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C50124 0000???? - Dusk (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C50164 0000???? - Dragoon (1st Wave; Right)
    11C501A4 0000???? - Dragoon (1st Wave; Middle)
    11C501E4 0000???? - Dragoon (1st Wave; Left)
    11C50290 0000???? - Dragoon (3rd Wave; Left)
    11C502D0 0000???? - Dragoon (3rd Wave; Middle)
    11C50310 0000???? - Dragoon (3rd Wave; Right)
    Xaldin (Normal)
    11C5A0A8 0000????
    Hades Cup - Round 1
    11C4BCDC 0000???? - Mole Driller (Middle)
    11C4BD1C 0000???? - Tornado Step (Right)
    11C4BD5C 0000???? - Tornado Step (Left)
    11C4BD9C 0000???? - Morning Star
    11C4BDDC 0000???? - Hercules (Ally)
    11C4BE1C 0000???? - Mole Driller (Left)
    11C4BE5C 0000???? - Mole Driller (Right)
    Hades Cup - Semifinals
    11C4BF90 0000???? - Hercules (Ally)
    11C4BFD0 0000???? - Cresendo
    11C4C010 0000???? - Minute Bomb (Left Middle)
    11C4C050 0000???? - Minute Bomb (Mid-Right)
    11C4C090 0000???? - Minute Bomb (Far Left)
    11C4C0D0 0000???? - Minute Bomb (Far Right)
    11C4C110 0000???? - Crimson Jazz
    11C4C150 0000???? - Minute Bomb (Mid-Left)
    11C4C190 0000???? - Minute Bomb (Right Middle)
    Hades' Chamber Nobodies Fight
    11C486D8 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C48718 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C48758 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C48798 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C487D8 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C48818 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C48858 0000???? - Dusk (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C48898 0000???? - Dusk (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C488D8 0000???? - Dusk (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C48918 0000???? - Dusk (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C48958 0000???? - Dusk (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    Hades (Invincible) (Underdrome)
    11C5BF7C 0000????
    Hercules (Ally) (Hades Fight)
    11C5C0F0 0000????
    Hades (Boss)
    11C5C0B0 0000????
    Harbor Pirates Fight (2nd Visit)
    11C42FD8 0000???? - Undead Pirate B (Middle)
    11C43018 0000???? - Undead Pirate A (Left)
    11C43058 0000???? - Undead Pirate A (Right)
    Grim Reaper I
    11C5BA78 0000????
    Gambler (Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep; 1st Fight)
    11C56F38 0000????
    Gambler (Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep; Medallion Collection)
    11C5706C 0000????
    Gambler (Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Row)
    11C5B970 0000???? - From Ship Graveyard: The Interceptor's Hold
    11C5B9B0 0000???? - From Ship Graveyard: Seadrift Keep
    Gambler (Isla de Muerta: Cave Mouth)
    11C58324 0000????
    Gambler (Isla de Muerta: Powder Store)
    11C5BC28 0000????
    Gambler (Isla de Muerta: Moonlight Nook)
    11C5BC38 0000???? - Undead Pirate C 1
    11C5BC78 0000???? - Undead Pirate C 2
    11C5BCB8 0000???? - Undead Pirate C 3
    11C5BCF8 0000???? - Undead Pirate C 4
    11C5BD38 0000???? - Undead Pirate C 5
    11C5BD78 0000???? - Gambler
    Gambler (Isla de Muerta: Treasure Heap)
    11C433E4 0000????
    Medallion Chest (Grim Reaper II Fight)
    11C431CC 0000????
    Group of Cursed Medallions (Grim Reaper II Fight)
    11C4320C 0000????
    Grim Reaper II
    11C4318C 0000????
    Sora (Sandswept Ruins - 1st Visit)
    11C558F8 0000????
    The Magic Carpet (Sandswept Ruins - 1st Visit)
    11C558B8 0000????
    Jafar's Water Clone (Stationary)
    11C4CDD0 0000????
    Sandswept Ruins Heartless Fight 1
    11C50904 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C50944 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C50984 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C509C4 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C50A04 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C50AC4 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C50B04 0000???? - Hook Bat (2nd Wave)
    11C50B44 0000???? - Hook Bat (2nd Wave)
    11C50B84 0000???? - Hook Bat (2nd Wave)
    11C50BC4 0000???? - Fortuneteller (3rd Wave; Left)
    11C50C04 0000???? - Fortuneteller (3rd Wave; Right)
    Jafar's Water Clone (Moving)
    11C4D1C4 0000????
    Sandswept Ruins Heartless Fight 2
    11C50D38 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Right)
    11C50D78 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Left)
    11C50DB8 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C50DF8 0000???? - Fortuneteller (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C50E38 0000???? - Fortuneteller (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C50E78 0000???? - Fortuneteller (2nd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C50EB8 0000???? - Rapid Thruster (1st Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C50EF8 0000???? - Crimson Jazz (2nd Wave)
    Magic Switch (Fire)
    11C4DC04 0000????
    Magic Switch (Blizzard)
    11C4DC44 0000????
    Magic Switch (Thunder)
    11C4DC84 0000????
    The Magic Carpet (Genie Jafar Fight)
    11C569E8 0000????
    Genie Jafar
    11C56A28 0000????
    11C57570 0000????
    11C575B0 0000????
    11C575F0 0000????
    Present Box 1
    11C57630 0000????
    Present Box 2
    11C57670 0000????
    Present Box 3
    11C576B0 0000????
    Present Collecting Fight
    11C4ABB8 0000???? - Wight Knight (1st Wave; Left)
    11C4ABF8 0000???? - Wight Knight (1st Wave; Front)
    11C4AC38 0000???? - Wight Knight (1st Wave; Right)
    11C4AC78 0000???? - Wight Knight (1st Wave; Back)
    11C4ACB8 0000???? - Graveyard (2nd Wave; Right)
    11C4ACF8 0000???? - Graveyard (2nd Wave; Left)
    11C4AD38 0000???? - Wight Knight (2nd Wave)
    The Experiment
    11C56120 0000????
    Shenzi II
    11C4EDB4 0000????
    Banzai II
    11C4EE34 0000????
    Ed II
    11C4EDF4 0000????
    11C59F80 0000????
    Borough Heartless Fight 2
    11C4C7A8 0000???? - Strafer (Front-Right)
    11C4C7E8 0000???? - Strafer (Back-Right)
    11C4C828 0000???? - Strafer (Back-Left)
    11C4C868 0000???? - Strafer (Front-Left)
    11C4C8D4 0000???? - Devastator
    The Expotition
    11C517AC 0000???? - Bee (1st Wave)
    11C517EC 0000???? - Bee (1st Wave)
    11C5182C 0000???? - Bee (1st Wave)
    11C5186C 0000???? - Bee (1st Wave)
    11C51930 0000???? - Bee (2nd Wave)
    11C51970 0000???? - Bee (2nd Wave)
    11C519B0 0000???? - Bee (2nd Wave)
    11C519F0 0000???? - Bee (2nd Wave)
    11C51A30 0000???? - Bee (2nd Wave)
    11C51A70 0000???? - Bee (2nd Wave)
    11C51B74 0000???? - Bee (3rd Wave)
    11C51BB4 0000???? - Bee (3rd Wave)
    11C51BF4 0000???? - Bee (3rd Wave)
    11C51C34 0000???? - Bee (3rd Wave)
    11C51D60 0000???? - Tigger
    11C51DA0 0000???? - Ice
    11C51DE0 0000???? - Eeyore
    11C51E20 0000???? - Piglet
    11C51E60 0000???? - Roo
    11C52C68 0000???? - Pooh
    Game Grid Heartless Fight
    11C56184 0000???? - Devastator (1st Wave; Left)
    11C561C4 0000???? - Devastator (1st Wave; Right)
    11C56204 0000???? - Magnum Loader (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C56244 0000???? - Magnum Loader (1st Wave; Front-Right)
    11C56284 0000???? - Magnum Loader (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C562C4 0000???? - Magnum Loader (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C56304 0000???? - Magnum Loader (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C56344 0000???? - Magnum Loader (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    I/O Tower Heartless Fight
    11C566D0 0000???? - Strafer (1st Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C56710 0000???? - Strafer (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C56750 0000???? - Strafer (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C56790 0000???? - Devastator (2nd Wave)
    11C567D0 0000???? - Strafer (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C56810 0000???? - Strafer (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C56850 0000???? - Devastator (3rd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C56890 0000???? - Devastator (3rd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C568D0 0000???? - Devastator (3rd Wave; Front-Middle)
    Solar Sailer Heartless
    11C59864 0000???? - Devastator (1st Wave; Right)
    11C598A4 0000???? - Devastator (1st Wave; Left)
    11C598E4 0000???? - Magnum Loader (1st Wave)
    11C59990 0000???? - Strafer (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C599D0 0000???? - Strafer (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C59A10 0000???? - Strafer (2nd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C59AEC 0000???? - Strafer (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C59B2C 0000???? - Strafer (2nd Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C59B6C 0000???? - Strafer (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C59BAC 0000???? - Magnum Loader (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C59BEC 0000???? - Magnum Loader (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C59C2C 0000???? - Magnum Loader (2nd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C59C6C 0000???? - Magnum Loader (2nd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C59CAC 0000???? - Magnum Loader (2nd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C59CEC 0000???? - Magnum Loader (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C59D2C 0000???? - Magnum Loader (2nd Wave; Middle)
    11C59E10 0000???? - Devastator (3rd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C59E50 0000???? - Devastator (3rd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C59E90 0000???? - Devastator (3rd Wave; Mid-Right)
    Sark (Normal)
    11C4FCC4 0000????
    MCP (Non-Boss)
    11C4FD04 0000????
    Strafers (Sark Fight)
    11C4FD44 0000???? - Back-Left
    11C4FD84 0000???? - Front-Left
    11C4FDC4 0000???? - Front-Right
    11C4FE04 0000???? - Back-Right
    MCP Walls
    11C4FF38 0000????
    Sark (Giant)
    11C4FFB8 0000????
    11C4FF78 0000????
    The Old Mansion Nobodies Fight
    11C5B768 0000???? - King Mickey (Ally) (Only replacing him with Axel works)
    11C5B7D4 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Middle)
    11C5B814 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Right)
    11C5B854 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Back-Left)
    11C5B894 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C5B8D4 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C5B914 0000???? - Dusk (1st Wave; Front-Left)
    11C5B9F0 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Front-Middle)
    11C5BA30 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C5BA70 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C5BAB0 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Back-Right)
    11C5BAF0 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C5BB30 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave; Back-Left)
    11C5BB70 0000???? - Samurai (3rd Wave; Mid-Left)
    11C5BBB0 0000???? - Samurai (3rd Wave; Mid-Right)
    11C5BBF0 0000???? - Samurai (3rd Wave; Front-Left)
    11C5BC30 0000???? - Samurai (3rd Wave; Front-Right)
    11C5BC70 0000???? - Samurai (3rd Wave; Middle)
    Between and Betwix Nobodies Fight 1
    11C50364 0000???? - Dusk (Mid-Right)
    11C503A4 0000???? - Dusk (Front-Left)
    11C503E4 0000???? - Dusk (Mid-Left)
    11C50424 0000???? - Dusk (Back-Left)
    11C50464 0000???? - Dusk (Front-Right)
    11C504A4 0000???? - Dusk (Back-Right)
    Between and Betwix Nobodies Fight 2
    11C505D8 0000???? - Axel (Ally)
    11C50644 0000???? - Dusk (Back-Middle)
    11C50684 0000???? - Dusk
    11C506C4 0000???? - Assassin
    11C507A0 0000???? - Dusk (Back-Right)
    11C507E0 0000???? - Assassin
    11C50820 0000???? - Assassin
    11C508FC 0000???? - Dusk (Front-Right)
    11C5093C 0000???? - Assassin
    11C5097C 0000???? - Assassin
    11C50A58 0000???? - Dusk (Front-Middle)
    11C50A98 0000???? - Dusk
    11C50AD8 0000???? - Dusk
    11C50BB4 0000???? - Dusk (Front-Left)
    11C50BF4 0000???? - Dusk
    11C50C34 0000???? - Dusk
    11C50D10 0000???? - Dusk (Back-Left)
    11C50D50 0000???? - Assassin
    11C50D90 0000???? - Dusk
    Roxas (Normal)
    11C4F008 0000????
    Xigbar (Normal)
    11C4AB88 0000????
    Luxord (Normal)
    11C5358C 0000????
    Saix (Normal)
    11C520AC 0000????
    Xemnas (Normal)
    11C5990C 0000????
    The World of Nothing (Cylinder Lasers) Fight
    11C5C118 0000???? - Nobody from Final Battles (1st Platform; 1st Nobody)
    11C5C158 0000???? - Nobody from Final Battles (1st Platform; 2nd Nobody)
    11C5C198 0000???? - Nobody from Final Battles (1st Platform; 3rd Nobody)
    11C5C1D8 0000???? - Nobody from Final Battles (1st Platform; 4th Nobody)
    11C5C218 0000???? - Nobody from Final Battles (1st Platform; 5th Nobody)
    The World of Nothing (Energy Core) Fight
    11C5B668 0000???? - Energy Core
    11C5B890 0000???? - Assassin (1st Wave)
    11C5B8D0 0000???? - Creeper (1st Wave)
    11C5B910 0000???? - Creeper (1st Wave)
    11C5B950 0000???? - Creeper (1st Wave)
    11C5B990 0000???? - Creeper (1st Wave)
    11C5B9D0 0000???? - Creeper (1st Wave)
    11C5BA10 0000???? - Creeper (1st Wave)
    11C5BA50 0000???? - Creeper (1st Wave)
    11C5BA90 0000???? - Creeper (1st Wave)
    11C5BB6C 0000???? - Berserker (2nd Wave)
    11C5BBAC 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave)
    11C5BBEC 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave)
    11C5BC2C 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave)
    11C5BC6C 0000???? - Creeper (2nd Wave)
    11C5BCAC 0000???? - Assassin (2nd Wave)
    11C5BCEC 0000???? - Assassin (2nd Wave)
    11C5BD2C 0000???? - Assassin (2nd Wave)
    11C5BD6C 0000???? - Assassin (2nd Wave)
    Saix's Claymore (Left)
    11C5A7AC 0000????
    Saix's Claymore (Right)
    11C5A7EC 0000????
    Xigbar's Arrowgun (Left)
    11C5A82C 0000????
    Xigbar's Arrowgun (Right)
    11C5A86C 0000????
    Demyx's Water Clones
    11C5A8AC 0000????
    Xaldin's Lances
    11C5A8EC 0000????
    Axel's Chakram (Left)
    11C5A92C 0000????
    Axel's Chakram (Right)
    11C5A96C 0000????
    Armor Xemnas I
    11C5A9AC 0000????
    11C5AF54 0000????
    Riku (Hovercraft)
    11C5AFD4 0000????
    Xemnas (Dragon Form)
    11C5AF94 0000????
    World of Nothingness (Armor Xemnas II Fight)
    11C586B4 0000????
    Armor Xemnas II
    11C58840 0000????
    Final Xemnas (Normal) (No HP Bar)
    11C558CC 0000????
    Final Xemnas (Normal) (HP Bar)
    11C5590C 0000????
    Sephiroth (NPC)
    11C24D24 0000????
    11C24740 0000????
    Mushroom #1
    11C41CB4 0000????
    Mushroom #2
    11C56194 0000????
    Mushroom #3
    11C55080 0000????
    Mushroom #4
    11C4C358 0000????
    Mushroom #5
    11C555CC 0000????
    Mushroom #6
    11C53DD8 0000????
    Mushroom #7
    11C58F8C 0000????
    Mushroom #8
    11C506B8 0000????
    Mushroom #9
    11C4CEF0 0000????
    Mushroom #10
    11C5C13C 0000????
    Mushroom #11
    11C57220 0000????
    Mushroom #12
    11C4454C 0000????
    Mushroom #13
    11C54B7C 0000????
    Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft Heartless Fight 1
    11C5B368 0000???? - Befuddler (1st Wave)
    11C5B3A8 0000???? - Befuddler (1st Wave)
    11C5B3E8 0000???? - Befuddler (1st Wave)
    11C5B428 0000???? - Magic Phantom (1st Wave)
    11C5B468 0000???? - Magic Phantom (1st Wave)
    11C5B54C 0000???? - Necromancer (2nd Wave)
    11C5B58C 0000???? - Iron Hammer (2nd Wave)
    11C5B5CC 0000???? - Iron Hammer (2nd Wave)
    11C5B60C 0000???? - Iron Hammer (2nd Wave)
    11C5B730 0000???? - Mad Ride (3rd Wave)
    11C5B770 0000???? - Necromancer (3rd Wave)
    11C5B7B0 0000???? - Mad Ride (3rd Wave)
    11C5B7F0 0000???? - Befuddler (3rd Wave)
    11C5B830 0000???? - Magic Phantom (3rd Wave)
    11C5B870 0000???? - Befuddler (3rd Wave)
    11C5B8B0 0000???? - Iron Hammer (3rd Wave)
    11C5B8F0 0000???? - Necromancer (3rd Wave)
    11C5B930 0000???? - Befuddler (3rd Wave)
    11C5B970 0000???? - Mad Ride (3rd Wave)
    Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft Heartless Fight 2
    11C5BAF8 0000???? - Lance Warrior (1st Wave)
    11C5BB38 0000???? - Aerial Viking (1st Wave)
    11C5BB78 0000???? - Aerial Viking (1st Wave)
    11C5BBB8 0000???? - Aerial Viking (1st Wave)
    11C5BC9C 0000???? - Spring Metal (2nd Wave)
    11C5BCDC 0000???? - Runemaster (2nd Wave)
    11C5BD1C 0000???? - Spring Metal (2nd Wave)
    11C5BD5C 0000???? - Runemaster (2nd Wave)
    11C5BD9C 0000???? - Spring Metal (2nd Wave)
    11C5BDDC 0000???? - Runemaster (2nd Wave)
    11C5BE1C 0000???? - Spring Metal (2nd Wave)
    11C5BF00 0000???? - Runemaster (2nd Wave)
    11C5BF40 0000???? - Lance Warrior (3rd Wave)
    11C5BF80 0000???? - Lance Warrior (3rd Wave)
    11C5BFC0 0000???? - Lance Warrior (3rd Wave)
    Transport to Remembrance Nobodies Fight 1
    11C585B0 0000???? - Dusk
    11C585F0 0000???? - Dusk
    11C58630 0000???? - Dusk
    11C58670 0000???? - Dusk
    11C586B0 0000???? - Dusk
    11C586F0 0000???? - Dusk
    11C58730 0000???? - Samurai
    11C58770 0000???? - Samurai
    11C587B0 0000???? - Samurai
    11C587F0 0000???? - Samurai
    11C58830 0000???? - Assassin
    11C58870 0000???? - Assassin
    11C588B0 0000???? - Dusk
    11C588F0 0000???? - Samurai
    11C58930 0000???? - Assassin
    11C58970 0000???? - Dusk
    11C589B0 0000???? - Dusk
    11C589F0 0000???? - Samurai
    11C58A30 0000???? - Assassin
    11C58A70 0000???? - Dusk
    11C58AB0 0000???? - Samurai
    11C58AF0 0000???? - Samurai
    11C58B30 0000???? - Assassin
    11C58B70 0000???? - Assassin
    Transport to Remembrance Nobodies Fight 2
    11C58D94 0000???? - Sniper
    11C58DD4 0000???? - Sniper
    11C58E14 0000???? - Sniper
    11C58E54 0000???? - Berserker
    11C58E94 0000???? - Berserker
    11C58ED4 0000???? - Gambler
    11C58F14 0000???? - Gambler
    11C58F54 0000???? - Berserker
    11C58F94 0000???? - Berserker
    11C58FD4 0000???? - Sniper
    11C59014 0000???? - Sniper
    11C59054 0000???? - Gambler
    11C59094 0000???? - Gambler
    11C590D4 0000???? - Sniper
    11C59114 0000???? - Sniper
    11C59154 0000???? - Gambler
    11C59194 0000???? - Berserker
    11C591D4 0000???? - Berserker
    11C59214 0000???? - Sniper
    11C59254 0000???? - Gambler
    Transport to Remembrance Nobodies Fight 3
    11C5941C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C5945C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C5949C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C594DC 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C5951C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C5955C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C5959C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C595DC 0000???? - Creeper
    11C5961C 0000???? - Creeper
    11C5965C 0000???? - Dancer
    11C5969C 0000???? - Dancer
    11C596DC 0000???? - Dancer
    11C5971C 0000???? - Creeper
    11C5975C 0000???? - Dancer
    11C5979C 0000???? - Creeper
    11C597DC 0000???? - Sorcerer
    11C5981C 0000???? - Dancer
    11C5985C 0000???? - Dancer
    11C5989C 0000???? - Dancer
    11C598DC 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C5991C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C5995C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C5999C 0000???? - Sorcerer
    11C599DC 0000???? - Dancer
    11C59A1C 0000???? - Creeper
    11C59A5C 0000???? - Dancer
    11C59A9C 0000???? - Sorcerer
    11C59ADC 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C59B1C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C59B5C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C59B9C 0000???? - Sorcerer
    11C59BDC 0000???? - Sorcerer
    11C59C1C 0000???? - Creeper
    11C59C5C 0000???? - Creeper
    11C59C9C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C59CDC 0000???? - Dancer
    11C59D1C 0000???? - Dancer
    11C59D5C 0000???? - Sorcerer
    11C59D9C 0000???? - Creeper
    11C59DDC 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C59E1C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C59E5C 0000???? - Creeper
    11C59E9C 0000???? - Creeper
    11C59EDC 0000???? - Dancer
    11C59F1C 0000???? - Dancer
    11C59F5C 0000???? - Sorcerer
    11C59F9C 0000???? - Dragoon
    11C59FDC 0000???? - Creeper
    11C5A01C 0000???? - Dancer
    11C5A05C 0000???? - Sorcerer
    11C5A09C 0000???? - Sorcerer
    11C5A0DC 0000???? - Creeper
    Xemnas (Data)
    11C59BA8 0000????
    Final Xemnas (Data) (No HP Bar)
    11C55AAC 0000????
    Final Xemnas (Data) (HP Bar)
    11C55A6C 0000????
    Xigbar (Data)
    11C4ACBC 0000????
    Xaldin (Data)
    11C5A1DC 0000????
    Vexen (Absent Silhouette)
    11C597A0 0000????
    Vexen (Data)
    11C598D4 0000????
    Lexaeus (Absent Silhouette)
    11C56368 0000????
    Lexaeus (Data)
    11C56734 0000????
    Zexion (Absent Silhouette)
    11C597E0 0000????
    Zexion (Data)
    11C59914 0000????
    Saix (Data)
    11C521E0 0000????
    Axel II (Data)
    11C5B0BC 0000????
    Demyx II (Data)
    11C4D054 0000????
    Luxord (Data)
    11C53700 0000????
    Marluxia (Absent Silhouette)
    11C58FE0 0000????
    Marluxia (Data)
    11C59114 0000????
    Larxene (Absent Silhouette)
    11C5649C 0000????
    Larxene (Data)
    11C56868 0000????
    Roxas (Data)
    11C4F13C 0000????
    11C556E0 0000????

    The True Hero Cup ~ Sonicshadowsilver2
    11C51328 00000078
    11C51368 00000078
    11C513A8 00000078
    11C5158C 00000964
    11C5160C 00000964
    11C51AA8 000009C4
    11C51AE8 00000135
    11C51B28 00000135
    11C51B9C 00000049
    11C51BDC 00000049
    11C51C1C 00000967
    11C51C5C 00000967
    11C51C9C 0000096C
    11C51CDC 00000967
    11C51D50 00000078
    11C51D90 00000078
    11C51DD0 00000078
    11C51E10 00000078
    11C521F4 00000049
    11C52234 00000049
    11C52434 00000001
    11C524E8 00000023
    11C52528 0000015F
    11C52568 00000023
    11C525A8 00000023
    11C525E8 00000023
    11C5265C 0000040B
    11C5269C 0000040C
    11C52944 0000096D
    11C52A04 0000096D
    11C52D2C 00000969
    11C52DEC 00000969
    11C52E60 00000933
    11C53088 00000934
    11C530C8 00000934
    11C53108 00000934
    11C53148 00000934
    11C53288 0000096A
    11C532C8 0000096A
    11C53308 0000096A
    11C53348 0000096A
    11C534AC 0000096D
    11C534EC 0000096D
    11C53750 00000023
    11C53790 00000023
    11C537D0 00000023
    11C53810 000005D0
    11C53850 00000023
    11C538C4 00000923
    11C53B6C 00000963
    11C53BAC 00000963
    11C53DA0 0000096B
    11C53DE0 0000096B
    11C53EC4 00000935
    11C53F04 00000023
    11C53F44 00000023
    11C53FF8 000004B8
    11C53FB8 0000035E
    11C540AC 00000965
    11C5412C 00000965
    11C5416C 00000934
    11C54504 0000096C
    11C54544 0000096E
    11C54584 0000096C
    11C545C4 0000096E
    11C54604 0000096B
    11C54644 0000096B
    11C54684 0000096B
    11C546C4 0000096B
    11C54704 00000049
    11C54744 0000096C
    11C54784 00000049
    11C547C4 00000049
    11C54804 00000049
    11C54844 0000096C
    11C54928 0000029C
    11C54968 00000023
    11C549A8 00000023
    11C549E8 00000023
    11C54A28 00000023
    11C54A5C 0000097B
    11C55154 00000023
    11C55194 00000951
    11C551D4 00000023
    11C5552C 00000134
    11C5556C 00000134
    11C555AC 0000013B
    11C555EC 00000134
    11C5562C 00000138
    11C5566C 00000138
    11C556AC 0000013D
    11C556EC 0000013D
    11C5572C 0000013D
    11C5576C 00000134
    11C557AC 0000013B
    11C557EC 00000134
    11C5582C 00000138
    11C5586C 00000138
    11C558AC 00000138
    11C558EC 0000013B
    11C5592C 0000013B
    11C5596C 0000013B
    11C55BC4 000009CB
    11C55C04 000009C6
    11C55DAC 00000754
    11C55DEC 00000833
    11C55E2C 00000934
    11C55EA0 00000010
    11C55EE0 00000010
    11C55F20 00000968
    11C55F60 00000968
    11C55FD4 00000966
    11C56014 00000966
    11C56054 00000968
    11C56108 000009C8
    11C56148 00000607
    11C56188 000006BB
    11C561C8 00000023
    11C56208 00000023
    11C56248 00000023
    11C56288 00000812
    11C562FC 00000023
    11C5637C 00000023
    11C5633C 000009C5
    11C563F0 00000962
    11C56430 00000023
    11C56470 00000023
    11C564B0 00000023
    11C564F0 00000023
    11C56530 00000023
    11C56570 00000023
    11C565B0 00000023
    11C565F0 00000023
    11C56630 00000023
    11C56670 00000023
    11C566B0 00000023
    11C566F0 00000023
    11C56730 00000023
    11C56770 00000023
    11C567B0 00000023
    11C56894 0000096F
    11C56A7C 000009CA
    11C56A3C 000008D1

    Mini Games/Tournament Codes
    Collect 1 Coin to have max coins
    201d1bb0 08028000
    200a0000 8e300018
    200a0004 ae30002c
    200a0008 080746ED
    Time Stop mod (Works For all mini games)
    20349dec 0000000?
    0 = Time moves
    1 = Freezes time
    Joker'd Version Time Stop mod (Works For all Mini Games)
    Select+L3 Stop TIme
    Select+R3 Start Time
    D034d3c0 00000003
    20349dec 00000000
    D034d3c0 00000005
    20349dec 00000001
    Time Limit 00:00:00:
    20349de8 00000000
    20349df8 00000000

    Custom Forms
    ~ Made by Blayz Mods ~
    Anti Gravity Anti Form
    01C9566C 00000005
    11CE0B68 00000058
    21C95674 5F303031
    21C95678 464C5448
    1032E020 000001F3
    1032EF04 000001F3
    21C956B4 00050006
    2036d8c0 00000000
    Anti Gravity Normal Sora
    11CE0B68 00000058
    01C95674 00303031
    01C95678 00000000
    1032E020 000001F3
    1032EF04 0000002B
    11CD4398 0000093A
    01C956B6 00000005
    DW Halloween Town Sora(can use glide)
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 00004D4E
    1032E020 0000002A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    01C95596 00000002
    1032EE32 0000806D
    DW Timeless River Limit Form
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95550 58455F50
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 4B5F4957
    21C9555C 00463148
    01CBD3D6 00000002
    1032E020 0000002A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    Anti Gravity Space Paranoids Limit Form
    11CE0B68 00000058
    21C95670 58455F50
    21C95674 5F303031
    21C95678 4B5F5254
    21C9567C 00463148
    01CBD3D6 00000005
    1032E020 0000002A
    1032EF04 0000002B
    DW Space Paranoids Limit Form
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95550 58455F50
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 4B5F5254
    21C9555C 00463148
    01CBD3D6 00000002
    1032E020 000001F2
    1032EE24 000001F3
    DW Halloween Town Limit Form
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95550 58455F50
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 4B5F4D4E
    21C9555C 00463148
    01CBD3D6 00000002
    1032E020 0000002A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    DW Christmas Town Limit Form
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95550 58455F50
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 4B5F4D58
    21C9555C 00463148
    01CBD3D6 00000002
    1032E020 0000002A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    Anti Gravity Limit Form
    11CE0B68 00000058
    21C95674 5F303031
    21C95678 4631484B
    01C956B6 00000005
    1032EF04 0000002B
    Duel Weilding Limit Form
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 4631484B
    01C956B6 00000005
    1032EE24 0000002B
    DW Anti Form
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 464C5448
    1032E020 0000002A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    01C95596 0000000A
    Anti Gravity Valor Form
    11CE0B68 00000058
    21C95674 5F303031
    21C95678 464C5442
    01C956B6 00000005
    1032EF04 0000002B
    DW Master Form
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 46495254
    01C956B6 0000000A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    DW Wisdom Form
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 4647414D
    01C95596 0000000A
    1032E020 0000002A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    Valor Final Form
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 46544C55
    01C95596 0000000A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    Valor Sora
    11CE0B68 00000055
    01CBD3D6 0000000A
    1032E020 0000002A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    21C6C8FC 01366436
    11C6C900 0000FFFF
    1032EE38 0000806D
    1032EE3A 00008061
    DW Sora.
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95554 00303031
    21C95558 00000000
    01C95596 00000001
    1032E020 0000002A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    Valor Halloween Sora
    11CE0B68 00000956
    01CBD076 0000000A
    1032EE24 0000002B
    DW Space Paranoids Master Sora
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21C95550 58455F50
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 545F5254
    21C9555C 00464952
    01CBD3D6 00000002
    1032E020 0000021F
    1032EE24 0000002A
    DW Space Paranoids Master Sora
    (Works with Crazycatz00's Eng Patch)
    11CE0BF8 00000055
    21C95550 58455F50
    21C95554 5F303031
    21C95558 545F5254
    21C9555C 00464952
    01CBD3D6 0000000A
    1032E020 0000021F
    1032EE24 0000002A
    01c95594 00020001
    Ultinatum Form
    11CE0B68 00000057
    21C95610 58455F50
    21C95614 5F303031
    21C95618 555F5254
    21C9561c 0046544C
    01C95656 00000004
    01c95654 00040001
    01C6C8D0 00000078
    01C6C8D4 00000078
    1032E020 0000021F
    1032EECC 0000002A
    01CBD316 00000003
    1032EE9C 0000806D
    Ultinatum Form
    (Works with Crazycatz00's Eng Patch)
    11CE0BF8 00000057
    21C95610 58455F50
    21C95614 5F303031
    21C95618 555F5254
    21C9561c 0046544C
    01C95656 00000004
    01c95654 00040001
    01C6C8D0 00000078
    01C6C8D4 00000078
    1032E020 0000021F
    1032EECC 0000002A
    01CBD316 00000003
    1032EE9C 0000806D
    Anti Gravity Dark Sora
    11CE0B68 00000058
    21C95670 58455F50
    21C95674 5F303031
    21C95678 485F5254
    21C9567C 00464C54
    01C956B6 00000005
    01C6C8D0 00000078
    01C6C8D4 00000078
    1032E020 000001F1
    1032EF04 0000002B
    21c956b4 00050001
    Anti Gravity Dark Sora
    (Works with Crazycatz00's Eng Patch)
    11CE0BF8 00000058
    21C95670 58455F50
    21C95674 5F303031
    21C95678 485F5254
    21C9567C 00464C54
    01C956B6 00000005
    01C6C8D0 00000078
    01C6C8D4 00000078
    1032E020 000001F1
    1032EF04 0000002B
    21C956B4 00050001
    Farrell Timeless Wisdom Sora
    11CE0B6C 000002F0
    21CE0B68 00000059
    21C956D0 58455F50
    21C956D4 5F303031
    21C956D8 4D5F4957
    21C956DC 00464741
    01C95716 00000005
    21C956CC 01000000
    21C95714 00060005
    11C6C750 0000003C
    11C6C754 0000003C
    Farrell Timeless Wisdom Sora
    (Works with Crazycatz00's Eng Patch)
    21CE0BF8 00000059
    21C956D0 58455F50
    21C956D4 5F303031
    21C956D8 4D5F4957
    21C956DC 00464741
    01C95716 00000005
    21C956CC 01000000
    21C95714 00060005
    11C6C750 0000003C
    11C6C754 0000003C
    Due to the combo plus's in these forms I've decided to make these forms for non-modded iso's, sorry for the inconvenience.
    Duel Wield Dark Space Paranoids Sora
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21c95550 58455f50
    21c95554 5f303031
    21c95558 485f5254
    21c9555C 00464c54
    1032E020 0000021F
    1032EE24 0000021F
    1032EE2C 0000806D
    1032EE2E 000080A2
    1032EE30 000080A2
    1032EE32 000080A2
    01C95596 0000000A
    21c95594 00020001
    Dark Tri-Space Paranoids Sora (Master Form)
    11CE0B68 00000057
    21c95610 58455f50
    21c95614 5f303031
    21c95618 485f5254
    21c9561C 00464c54
    1032E020 000001F1
    1032EECC 000001F1
    1032EE2C 0000806D
    1032EE2E 000080A2
    1032EE30 000080A2
    1032EE32 000080A2
    01C95656 00000004
    01c95654 00040001
    Timeless River Master/Valor Sora
    11CE0B68 00000055
    21c95550 58455f50
    21c95554 5f303031
    21c95558 545f5254
    21c9555c 00464952
    1032EE2C 0000806D
    1032EE2E 00008186
    1032EE30 00008187
    01C95596 0000000A
    1032E020 0000021F
    1032EE24 0000021F
    01c95594 00020001
    Timeless River Master/Valor Sora
    (Compatible w/ Crazycatz00's Eng Patch)
    11CE0BF8 00000055
    21c95550 58455f50
    21c95554 5f303031
    21c95558 545f4957
    21c9555c 00464952
    1032EE2C 0000806D
    1032EE2E 00008186
    1032EE30 00008187
    01C95596 0000000A
    1032E020 0000021F
    1032EE24 0000021F
    21c95594 00020001
    Timeless River Wisdom/Master Sora
    11CE0B68 00000057
    21c95610 58455f50
    21c95614 5f303031
    21c95618 4d5f4957
    21c9561c 00464741
    1032EED4 0000806D
    01C95656 00000004
    1032E020 0000021F
    1032EECC 0000002A
    21c95654 00040001
    Timeless River Wisdom/Master Sora
    (Compatible w/ Crazycatz00's Eng Patch)
    11CE0BF8 00000057
    21c95610 58455f50
    21c95614 5f303031
    21c95618 4d5f4957
    21c9561c 00464741
    1032EED4 0000806D
    01C95656 00000004
    1032E020 0000021F
    1032EECC 0000002A
    21c95654 00040001
    Timeless River Valor/Final Sora
    11CE0B68 00000058
    21c95670 58455f50
    21c95674 5f303031
    21c95678 425f4957
    21c9567C 00464c54
    01C956B6 00000005
    1032E020 000001F3
    1032EF04 000001F3
    21c956b4 00050001
    Timeless River Valor/Final Sora
    (Compatible w/ Crazycatz00's Eng Patch)
    11CE0BF8 00000058
    21c95670 58455f50
    21c95674 5f303031
    21c95678 425f4957
    21c9567C 00464c54
    01C956B6 00000005
    1032E020 000001F3
    1032EF04 000001F3
    21c956b4 00050001
    Farrell Christmas Town Valor Sora (Can ise Reaction Commands)
    11CE0B68 00000059
    21c956d0 58455f50
    21c956d4 5f303031
    21c956d8 425f4d58
    21c956dc 00464c54
    01C9571F 00000001
    21c95714 00060001
    11C6C750 0000003C -- Optional Code
    11C6C754 0000003C -- Optional Code
    Farrell Christmas Town Valor Sora (Can ise Reaction Commands)
    (Compatible w/ Crazycatz00's Eng Patch)
    11CE0BF8 00000059
    21c956d0 58455f50
    21c956d4 5f303031
    21c956d8 425f4d58
    21c956dc 00464c54
    01C9571F 00000001
    21c95714 00060001
    11C6C750 0000003C -- Optional Code
    11C6C754 0000003C -- Optional Code

    Link to the old threads:
    Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Codes (Closed 3)
    Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Codes (Closed 2)
    Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Codes (Closed 1)
    Thread by: Explode, Nov 7, 2011, 2,804 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  7. Explode
    You can watch new episodes of this series every week at 12:00 AM (Eastern Standard Time) on Adult Swim's Saturday night line-up. Feel free to discuss the english dub, and the story in general. However, please refrain from talking about anything that has not yet appeared in the english dubbed version of the anime.

    Here's the promo and DVD trailers:

    You can now legally watch the first two episodes of Brotherhood on Youtube. Hopefully, more will follow:

    I'm very surprised, and even more ecstatic about it. I've seen the first episode with subtitles, and though it was epic, it seemed sort of haphazard; with too much happening in too short of a time span. Still, I have hope that it will get better. The original series is my favorite anime of all time, and so even if this new one is not quite as good (though naturally I hope that it is), I'm happy to see more of this show. Plus I hear that it follows the manga, so that should be pretty awesome (I've only read the first ten or so volumes, but it looked like it was going in an interesting direction).

    Full English Cast

    Returning Actors

    Main Characters

    Edward Elric - Vic Mignogna
    Winry Rockbell - Caitlin Glass
    Pinako Rockbell - Juli Erickson
    Roy Mustang - Travis Willingham
    Maes Hughes - Sonny Strait
    Fuhrer King Bradley - Ed Blaylock
    Riza Hawkeye - Colleen Clinkenbeard
    Scieszka - Gwendolyn Lau
    Alex Louis Armstrong - Christopher R. Sabat
    Izumi Curtis - Christine Auten
    Sig Curtis - Bob Carter
    Solf J. Kimblee - Eric Vale
    Lust - Laura Bailey
    Gluttony - Chris Cason
    Envy - Wendy Powell
    Greed - Chris Patton

    Minor Characters

    Tricia Elric - Lydia Mackay
    Maria Ross - Meredith McCoy
    Denny Brosh - Jim Foronda
    Jean Havoc - Mike McFarland
    Vato Falman - Kyle Herbert
    Kain Fuery - Kevin M. Connolly
    Rick (Ishvalan boy) - Jamie Marchi
    Barry the Chopper - Jerry Jewell
    Basque Grand - R. Bruce Elliott
    Paninya - Cynthia Cranz
    Father Cornello - Andy Mullins (Ep.3)
    Rose - Colleen Clinkenbeard (Ep.3)
    Lior Shop Keeper - Mark Stoddard (Ep.3)
    Shou Tucker - Chuck Huber (Ep.4)
    Nina Tucker - Brina Palencia (Ep.4-5)
    Slicer (older) - Bill Jenkins (Ep.7-8)
    Slicer (younger) - Duncan Brannan (Ep.8)
    Martel (Marta in first series) - Tiffany Grant (Ep.13-14)
    Dolcetto (Dorochet in first series) - John Burgmeier (Ep.13-14)
    Roa (Law in first series) - John Gremillion (Ep.13-14)
    Scar's Master - Grant James (Ep.13)
    Yoki - Barry Yandell
    Mason (Izumi and Sig's assistant) - Josh Martin

    Replacement Actors

    Main Characters

    Alphonse Elric - Maxey Whitehead
    Scar - J. Michael Tatum
    Tim Marcoh - Jerry Russell
    Heymans Breda - Jeremy Inman

    Minor Characters

    Selim Bradley - Brittney Karbowski
    Bradley's Wife - Dana Schultes
    Gracia Hughes - Anastasia Munoz
    Elicia Hughes - Cherami Leigh
    Rick's Grandfather (Ishvalan man) - John Swasey (not 100% sure)
    Cray (Cornello's Assistant) - ??? (Ep.3)
    Dominic - Greg Dulcie (Ep.11)

    New Character Actors

    Narrator - Kent Williams (Voice of "Majihal" from episode 4 of the previous series)
    Father - Kent Williams
    Ling Yao - Todd Haberkorn
    Lan Fan - Trina Nishimura
    Fu - Kenny Green
    May Chang - Monica Rial (Lyra from previous series)
    Isaac McDougal - Bryan Massey
    Truth - Luci Christian (Voice of "Wrath" from the previous series)
    Satera - Susan Huber (Ep.11)
    Ridel - Christopher Bevins (Ep.11)

    I've personally checked and compared these names in the credits, so I know for a fact that they are correct. Updates to the list of cast members will be made as new episodes air.
    Thread by: Explode, Feb 11, 2010, 27 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Explode
    It's been a while, kh-v. We've got our hands on a code that I'm sure many people have been wanting for some time now. This one enables you to fly (the same way you could in Neverland) in any world/location in the first Kingdom Hearts game. Thanks to our fabulous member Soraoscuro (A.K.A. Truthkey) for making this awesome code. Here it is in action:

    *Special thanks to Zeroro (KingRiku) for the making the video*

    Fly EVERYWHERE (Press R2 to start flying)
    E002FDFF 004DD49C
    002C2570 00000008
    002C0950 00000008​


    The codes above are in NTSC U/C format. I don't believe they've been ported to the PAL version of this game, or Final Mix.

    Thread by: Explode, Sep 1, 2009, 78 replies, in forum: New Releases
  9. Explode
    I've had this idea for a while but I finally did something with it. I think the result is pretty decent. It's Lord Voldemort, you'll find out:

    Harry Potter - Lord Voldemort Sings

    Hope you enjoy!
    Thread by: Explode, Aug 6, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  10. Explode

    Thread by: Explode, Jun 24, 2009, 4,999 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  11. Explode
    So, I downloaded the inFamous demo yesterday, and decided to get more information about the game. I followed a link to a page about Sucker Punch (because I freaking love the games this company makes), and saw the words "Sly 4" listed under the Sly Cooper series.

    My first reaction was "No f***ing way!", then my second reaction was "Stupid Wikipedia is making s*** up". Still, I decided to do some research, and apparently there are a few hints inside the inFamous demo at a fourth installment in the Sly Cooper series. I found a video of it:

    and looked in the game just to be sure.

    I don't know about anyone else here, but the Sly Cooper series is very high up on my list of favorite games. I'm quite ecstatic right now, and I really hope that Sucker Punch shows us something soon.
    Thread by: Explode, Jun 6, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Gaming
  12. Explode
    A lot of people find this game really easy. The problem is that Sora is too good, compared to the enemies. If you leave these abilities unequipped, your battles will probably be a lot less one-sided:

    -Slide Dash
    -Dodge Slash
    -Aerial Sweep
    -Aerial Spiral
    -Aerial Finish
    -Guard Break

    This is a good defense against the button-mashing nature of KH2. I'm playing the game on Proud Mode with these settings, and I must say, I'm having more trouble than I did with KH1 on Expert Mode.

    I thought I'd share that :P I recommend giving it a try, if you haven't already.
    Thread by: Explode, Mar 28, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Explode
    This one makes 1,103 for me.

    While you're at it, take a look at your first few posts, and commence twitching at how n00bish you were (at least compared to now).
    Thread by: Explode, Mar 14, 2009, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Explode
    I've been re-playing Kingdom Hearts I, and so I wanted to bring up something that is probably overlooked by some people. In the World Terminus area of End of the World, you revisit areas of most of the world's you've been to. However, upon going through the portal where Hollow Bastion should be (right after Neverland), you come across an unfamiliar room. It's a narrow hallway that has a giant Heartless symbol at the end. Halfway down the hall, there is a small room with some form of giant machine. There are also small black and orange portals in that room, but you can't walk through them. By examining part of the machine, you can read information about Kingdom Hearts.

    People probably forget about this a lot, because once you leave this area, it disappears and the portal turns into the entrance to the Chernabog battle.

    After reading "Ansem's" Report again, I think the most plausible explanation is that it's the underground laboratory in Hollow Bastion where Xehanort and the other apprentices studied and created the Heartless. It's pretty incredible how much layering there is in this game XD

    Still, there's no concrete evidence to show for, so I want to hear if anybody else has any theories.
    Thread by: Explode, Feb 21, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Explode
    This thread has been locked because it exceeds the 5000 post limit. You guys are on a roll! Keep up the good work here:

    Kingdom Hearts II NTSC U/C Codes

    Have fun!
    Thread by: Explode, Feb 18, 2009, 4,847 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  16. Explode
    I'm ripping the Re:Chain of Memories Cutscenes in high quality for my own use, but I can upload them to Media Fire if you guys want. I've done the first eight floors. They COULD be used in the Cutscene Archive, but the staff might object because:

    1) They are .wmv's, and the staff wanted .avi's.
    2) They don't have the kh-vids intro thing.

    I don't think that I can do anything about the file type, because I don't have any programs that can combine files (like a video-editing program) and produce good quality .avi's without a HUGE (as in Gigabyte huge) file size. However, if someone sends me the original kh-vids intro and copyright videos, I can add them and re-encode the cutscenes.

    Re:Chain of Memories English Cutscenes

    Video Resolution: 640 X 400
    File Size: Ranges from about 5-10 MB for every minute of video
    Thread by: Explode, Jan 29, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. Explode
    I ordered a PS3 about a week ago and it arrived today. I haven't even set it up yet, but I have some concerns about creating online accounts. I want to have two different accounts that are completely separate from one another. I like to remain anonymous on the internet, so I want the opportunity to play online with people I know in real life with one account, and people I know on the internet with another account.

    So my question is: How can I set up my accounts so that people online won't be able to see that my two accounts are connected to each other? Would they have to both be Master accounts, or does it not matter? Or is this even possible? >_>
    Thread by: Explode, Jan 5, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  18. Explode


    In Re:CoM

    Skip to 1:03

    Just thought I'd share that >_>;
    Thread by: Explode, Dec 18, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Explode

    I am change!

    Look around! There are plenty of things this world could do without: job loss…failing schools…rising gas and food prices to name a few. It’s time for a change.

    I have the ability to make to make the world, to make America…better! And I’m not afraid to do it, I’m not afraid to lead. How and when this happens is entirely in our hands. All I need is a suit, a tie, a plan, and your vote. Whether I’m next is up to you. No one can stop us!

    I’m chasing something with a beginning, but no end: something that will take us on the right path. Attempting to restore the economy, but my opponent’s reasoning is misguided. By taxing the middle class, he himself has become the past.

    It’s my duty…no…my calling, to find our hope, and remind America what prosperity really means. Al-Qaeda will hear us, but never see us coming, and Bin Ladden’s capture will mean the world’s liberation. I’ll restore America’s former reputation, if it’s the last thing I do.

    I swear:

    Yeah, I know: I'm a freak >_>;
    Thread by: Explode, Nov 4, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Explode
    AntiWeapon came up with this awesome idea to cut down on spam threads. As many of you (hopefully) know by now, the Code Vault only allows one (or sometimes more, for different regions) topic for each game. Here is a list of the existing code threads, which will make it easier for you to find the game you are looking for.

    You may create a new thread if, and only if it is not already listed here. However, at this point, these rules don't apply because this list is not yet complete. For now, you still must use the search function before creating a new thread.

    Playstation 2

    Game | Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4
    Call of Duty: World at War - Final Fronts | NTSC U/C
    Champions: Return to Arms | All Regions | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Devil May Cry | NTSC U/C
    Devil May Cry 2 | NTSC U/C
    Devil May Cry 3 | All Regions | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Dragonball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 | NTSC U/C
    Dragon Quest 8 | All Regions | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Final Fantasy X | NTSC U/C (shared with FFX-2) | PAL
    Final Fantasy X-2 | NTSC U/C (shared with FFX) | PAL
    Final Fantasy XII | NTSC U/C | PAL | International | ----------
    Jak 3 | NTSC U/C | PAL
    Jak X: Combat Racing | All Regions | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Kingdom Hearts I | All Regions | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories | All Regions | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Kingdom Hearts II | NTSC U/C | PAL | Final Mix | ----------
    Monster Hunter | NTSC U/C
    Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 | NTSC U/C
    Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 | All Regions | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon | NTSC U/C
    Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters | All Regions | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Sly 2: Band of Thieves | NTSC U/C
    Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves | NTSC U/C
    Star Wars: Battlefront II | All Regions | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Tales of the Abyss | NTSC U/C
    Warriors Orochi | NTSC U/C | PAL
    Warriors Orochi 2 | NTSC U/C

    Nintendo DS

    Game | Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4
    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days | NTSC U/C | Jap | ---------- | ----------
    Pokemon: Diamond Version | All Regions (shared with Pearl) | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Pokemon: Pearl Version | All Regions (shared with Diamond) | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Pokemon: Platinum Version | NTSC U/C
    The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass | All Regions | ---------- | ---------- | ----------

    Playstation Portable

    Game | Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4
    Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core | All Regions | ---------- | ---------- | ----------
    Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep | NTSC U/C | NTSC/J | Final Mix | ----------

    Playstation 3

    Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix |

    If there are any mistakes, feel free to PM me, so I can make the corrections.​
    Thread by: Explode, Oct 14, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Code Vault