View attachment 47632 Ignis watched as Beuce took hits out on most of the enemies, and wondered if maybe he didn't have anger issues; especially when he decided to tear up Anora and take away all of her points. It didn't exactly seem fair how they had been fighting so much and then Beuce just managed to get all those points while they were struggling to keep theirs, but she was going to keep that to herself. Though she wasn't going to lie and say her competitive nature wasn't slightly annoyed. During that time, Cat seemed to have taken another interest in Ignis, because as she turned her head sideways, she watched as a disk flew straight at her. Ignis didn't have any time to react, so she instinctively put up her arms in a defensive stance, forgetting about blocking with the disk. The disk hit Ignis in the arm, and immediately as it did, she threw her arm to the side to toss it away. It left a pretty big gash on her arm, but nothing that wouldn't heal. Unfortunately, this meant that Ignis was down another point, while Cat gained one. Ignis wasn't going to let that go, that was for sure. She decided to repay Cat for the little gift she gave. Ignis ran after Cat's disk as it flew away then jumped and put her arm through the middle. She spun her arm to get momentum and then threw the disk back at Cat, using her own weapon against her. Cat dodged out of the way, but Ignis had given a little gift back to her. She tossed her disk right after throwing Cat's, so it was hidden behind the first, and landed a nice hit on Cat as it landed. Ignis ran up to her target and caught the disk midair, and tossed it back at Cat as she reeled from the first attack, and landed a second strike. IGNIS -1 POINT, +2 POINTS CAT +1 POINT, - 2 POINTS Beuce: 4 Ignis: 2 Kaida: 0 Luna: 2 Anora: 0 Cat: -4 Etrius: -2 Eon: -2 Post 9/10
Yay, it hasn't even been a week and apparently my mom found more fleas on our cats, so we're doing it again...and they haven't even left the bathroom since we did this.
And I took the cats over the dog for four hours and one of them decided he'd gfet comfortable under me while I was driving and now he won't move. Just 3 more hours to go. And I'd upload a photo but apparently it's too large for the server to process....what? Oh well, maybe when we get back in the house.
View attachment 47610 Ignis continued her fight against her opponents, trying to score a point while also dodging against the throws against her and her teammates. She was finding it slightly annoying to keep up with such a small weapon like the disk though. Its size is so small it's usually easier to dodge oncoming attacks, though with the things curving though the air so much it made it hard to know exactly how to dodge. She watched as Kaida had her own stroke of bad luck going against Cat and Eon. As the two threw their disks at Kaida, Ignis took the chance to get them off guard as well. Just as Eon tossed his disk against Kaida, Ignis threw her disk as well, landing a blow against Eon. Apparently Cat didn't like that though, because she then threw her disk against Ignis. Ignis bent down just in time to dodge the disk, and as she got her disk back, she threw it against Cat as well. The timing was pure luck for her though, because As Cat put her arm out to get her disk, Ignis's scratched her arm, just like what happened to Ignis earlier. Luckily this meant Ignis had gained 2 points, but before she could be happy being in the lead, a disk flew past her shoulder, leaving a small cut. She turned around and saw Anora, who had just scored another point off Ignis. "Okay, now I'm getting annoyed. Am I the only one who feels like their being specifically targeted by someone?" She asked the question openly and rhetorically, but she probably guessed everyone felt that way right now. IGNIS +2 POINTS, -1 POINT CAT -1 POINT EON -1 POINT ANORA +1 POINT
I'm debating using it on my team because of that event-only status. It makes it one more unique pokemon to use, but since Lycanroc was only semi-good in the previous versions, unless this one either has a better moveset of some kind, or better stats, I probably will get it just to say "I got it"
I wonder if that means you have to either evolve it during a certain time of the day, or these new games will have a theme more about in between sun and moon, or either sunrise and sunset, or I'm just way overthinking this.
I don't know about anyone else, but that picture is so blurry and such bad resolution that I'm not even sure how they can guess it's a pokemon at all. To me it looks like a big red blob with an eyeball. For all we know, it's a new zelda enemy
View attachment 47588 Ignis continued to fight against their opponents, throwing her disk to try and score points. She threw her disk at Eon again, but this time he seemed ready, as he blocked her throw and sent the disk right at back her. In a moment while Ignis was grabbing her disk again, another disk flew past her arm. Ignis didn't know where it came from and didn't have time to react. As the disk passed by, it left a small scratch on Ignis's arm. She watched as the disk flew back and landed in Anora's hands. Apparently the disk was from when Luna sent it flying from her hand. "I'll deal with you later." She faced away from Anora and went after her original second target, and threw her disk, hitting Cat in the leg while she was distracted by Kaida. IGINIS +1 POINT, -1 POINT TOTAL: 1
View attachment 47567 Ignis walked silently as the group was transported to some arena area, where they were greeted with one of the most unwelcome greetings Ignis had ever heard. She looked up and saw what looked to be the big boss talking, saying they were going to have to fight for their password. She wasn't really in the mood for a forced game just to get a silly password, but it didn't look like much choice. At least she managed to luck out of getting hit in the head with a shoe, unlike Beuce. She actually had to stifle a laugh when it happened. As for who they were supposed to fight, they appeared in front of the group as CLU introduced them. When she was wondering who they were and if they were going to take off their masks, they did exactly that, showing their faces to the group. Ignis was a little shocked to see their former companions, but she wasn't going to let that keep them from getting the password. As for Luna, she seemed to want to get it done pretty quickly as well, because she took some disk off her back and started to fight their opponents. Ignis figured what the hell, and took off her disk then threw it at Eon. She didn't really remember much of these guys anyways if they did meet, so she wasn't going to have a hard time fighting against them. "Hey, you guys do know that we're on a schedule here right? How about we just beat them to get the password we need and worry about why they're here later?" She exclaimed to the others, as she caught her disk coming back to her.
Well, the bad jokes didn't take long at all to form
Holy crap, they finally did a female doctor, AND IT'S NOT GINGER!! On the other hand, I was wondering when they were going to do that, since they did the same with The Master/Missy. Plus now he/she doesn't look like a 1100-year old time lord
I'm actually surprised I read about this before it was put up. Also, that makes 2 worlds now that's part of a movie franchise with it's own original story, one of which is an actual sequel to the movie, and the other that takes place after the 2nd, but not really canon
Say pitchy and see what happens
The scenery certainly looks nice, but I don't think I'll ever fully enjoy it with it being Toy Story. Wonder if they'll be able to bring in Tim Allen and Tom Hanks for the voices. Also, does anyone else think the design on those mecha toys looks like the unversed?
I've been dreading this for so long, and now it happened. I would have taken almost any other Pixar movie, but we just had to get Toy Story. I never really liked Toy Story, and lately I just find it irritating. Though I won't deny that seeing them jump off the room and fighting heartless on the ground is a nice touch at least. Though it better not be a pain to get back up. Wonder how far in the game this'll be. I remember thinking Tron was going to be a later world, but it was one of the first in KH3D
View attachment 47481 Ignis looked around at where she had ended up. This place seemed a lot like Shibuya, with the tall buildings and everything, but it was very different, with lights all over the place and a futuristic look. Then she looked down and noticed her clothes had changed slightly too. Her dress had disappeared and replaced with a black outfit: pants, shoes, tank top, and gloves, all laces with a blue lining. Apparently this world really liked the dark and dreary with a hint of blue. Beuce wondered where they would go and Kaida wondered what kind of world they were in. Pointing out the obvious that they were in a game world, Ignis didn't really care much past that point. But Kaida was right about one thing, the streets were pretty empty of people. It was almost an unsettling feeling, like they were in an abandoned world. "Can't say I know for sure where we are, but I can say I don't have a good vibe about it. Maybe we should look around and see if we can't find any people? Seems like there should at least be someone we can talk to."
I remember this being weird when I first played KhFM, and had hoped maybe it was purposefully done. Oh well, guess that means I gotta keep running for my life in the fight now. Darn it, that's a bug I wouldn't mind keeping
Wish it was longer, but it's nice to see how the fight actually went. Though I was hoping for it to include all the stages of the fight. Now my question is: Why can't I get this to play on mine after updating? Please don't tell me I have to play all the scenes over from the beginning
Wait, we're getting more cutscenes for Days? Guess I'll have to pop the game in tomorrow and watch them. And I agree with Roxam, I'd really love to see the final fight with Xion as a cinematic. It'd look awesome