View attachment 47757 Ignis continued knocking the guards senseless as she listened to Kaida and Beuce have their conversation. Of course, when Beuce got to asking what a soul was, Ignis couldn't help but say something. "Well, that depends. Are we talking about the spiritual thing? Or maybe a metaphor? I think given the different ways people can use the term "soul", you gotta clarify that just a little bit." She dodged an oncoming attack and brought up her knee right into the guard's gut, and brought her leg around him into the air and slammed in down on hit back, squishing him right into the ground. It was probably a good thing they were programs, because that meant is was likely they didn't feel pain. And if they did, she hoped that hurt a lot. "By the way, does it seem like these guys always have an unending supply of guards for us to beat down?" She grabbed a pole thrust at her with her outer arm and swung her keyblade into the guy's helmet, sending him flying backwards. "I mean come on, is it so hard to ask for someone to just admit they lost and give us what we need?" Post 7/10
I'd personally go for the Slim, but that's just because from personal experience, when we got the PS2 on our first day, it broke on us and my parents had to return it for a full refund and got a slim one instead, and it's lasted almost..11 years...I think? Now granted, I haven't used it in a very long time ('bout 2 years or so), but if I were to put it in, I'm sure it'll play as well as before. Not to say it didn't have trouble reading disks sometimes, and we had to put something heavy on the disk reader to keep it down enough for the thing to read stuff as times, but maybe I'm just biased? Kinda makes me think I should just turn the darn thing in, since I don't use it, and the only thing at this point I could use it for is play Legend of Dragoon easily, since emulating on my computer is a giant pain getting it to read the disk alone, but everything else is either on PS4, or coming to PS4 (.Hack//GU Last Recode can't get here fast enough)
Okay, I'll admit the surfing looks pretty cool. I was disappointed with what we got last time, but this might make it much better. Finally we might get surfing that lives up to Hoenn standards. On the other hand, now I want to know more version exclusives, because I'm not a fan of getting houndoom over manectric in Ultra Sun.
View attachment 47745 Ignis was glad they when they finished their little fight with Rinzler, but not so happy when CLU came down and tried to take them all for beating his silly game. These bad guys should really learn to stop making games out of what they're doing and being sore losers when their plans fail to work. And from the sound of it, they needed to keep Rinzler since he was their way to their goal, so Ignis was ready to bring the pain on some programs. As it so happened, some programs seemed to find Ignis as their target, but she wasn't going to go that easily. As they brought some sticks out, she brought out her keyblade and readied to fight them. Dealing with two, the first one on the left decided to strike at Ignis first, swinging his pole at her. She swung her keyblade, hitting the pole on the far tip and sending the weight the other way, going straight at the other program. The other one either was either blind or clueless, because it got struck in the head by the pole and fell to the ground. "Well...not what I was expecting, but I'll take it." She looked over to the others with a puzzled look. "So are these guys supposed to look threatening and be weak instead, or what?" Post 1/10
Ignis used Cross Slash on Rinzler
Ignis used Upgrade
Ignis guards.
Ignis used Combo on Cannon 2
So our new UB choices are either a minecraft escapee, or a jester.....not sure I'm a fan of those options. On the other hand, the Lycanroc Z-move is actually pretty cool looking. I hardly, if ever, use them, but I might use that just for the hell of it.
Ignis used Cross Slash on Cannon 1
Ignis used Vorpal Blitz on Cannon 1.
View attachment 47730 Following her loss of points, Ignis tried her best to try and land more hits on Eon. Unfortunately for her, the NPC was living up to his role of Guardian, and blocking Ignis' blows. Luckily, Ignis was able to do the same, but at this point, they were doing nothing more than a fancy fist-fight with razor-sharp disks included. Ignis needed to try and gain the upper hand, and quickly. She didn't enjoy how fast her points were falling, and that Rinzler wasn't making things any easier. She tried to pay attention to when he threw his disks, but it wasn't easy focusing on the opponent in front of her while focusing on one behind her that was out of reach. As if on cue, Ignis heard another disk coming from behind, and she tried to take this chance to get more points. Eon thrust his disk forward, and Ignis grabbed his arm. Then she spun around and put her back against his chest, and moved her foot back. Then, just as Rinzler's disk came up, she threw Eon over her shoulder and slammed him into the oncoming disks. As luck would have it, or bad luck to be specific, Eon's arm flung widly in the air and actually knocked the disk away from him, keeping him from harm; but it gave Ignis a chance to land a blow. As Eon hit the ground, Ignis threw her disk down, getting two blows out of Eon, getting some points back. It wasn't much in her book, but at least she didn't have an annoying zero in her points. Then she jumped back, giving herself breathing room as Eon got off the floor. IGNIS +2 POINTS IGNIS: 2 EON: -4 RINZLER: 2 Post: 8/10
View attachment 47727 Ignis continued her fight against Eon, trying to score up points and keep her opponent from getting more points. Unfortunately, she forgot about the annoyance throwing a disk from outside the arena; as she got off the floor from rolling away from Eon, she heard a whirling sound and turned around. As she disk, a disk came in front of her, and she tried to throw her disk up and knock the disk away, but as she did, the disk scratched her arm. She didn't really see how that would countas fair, but given their situtation, it didn't seem to matter, because she saw her points go down one and that Rinzler's points go up. She wasn't too happy with that, but it didn't stop there. The Eon NPC seemed to take advantage of the moment, as he threw his own disk to Ignis, and got her on the back as she was knocking away Rinzler's disk. She reeled from the attack for a second, and threw her disk backwards. More of a desperate measure than anything, but she was irritated from being attacked on two sides at the same time. Her disk flew toward Eon, but as she thought, he simply dodged it and ran up to hit her again. Ignis wasn't enjoying her enemy getting more points off her, and decided she was going to try and get some back. Lucky for her she was flexible, and brought her right leg up and threw it into Eon's stomach, and caught her disk as it came back to her, then spun around and threw her arm up again, getting a nice hit off Eon across the chest and sending him to the ground. It was only a point, but at least it was one gained back from the three she lost. IGNIS -3, +1 EON +2, -1 RINZLER +1 IGNIS: 0 EON: -2 RINZLER: 3 Post: 5/10
Well, hate is a strong word in this case, but it was the only H-word I could think of that fit with the joke. Either way, we are now trapped in our house with flooding outside, and only a couple feet between the water and our front door. Right now the rain is letting up, and if the storm goes away even a little it won't fill up much more over the next few days, but if the water gets into our house, we'll have to turn off the power. We'll see just how this week is going to go.
Ignis knelt to the floor as CLU began to speak to the keybladers and then split the room up into fours, having each of them fight one-on-one against their NPC opponents. Ignis wouldn't have minded that too much by itself, but CLU's little right-hand man, or at least that's the impression Ignis was getting, decided to join in on the fun and sent his disk flying through all four zones, hitting each of the keybladers. Ignis didn't even have to chance to dodge as Rinzler sent his disk flying in her direction. "Of course you can stay in the middle and send your disk through the walls. Do bad guys ever play fair?" She got up as she readied herself against her fight with Eon, who seemed pretty ready to go. Eon began with a simple throw against Ignis, which she blocked, sending the disk flying back. There wasn't anything fancy with the move, but maybe that was because they were alone? Before the NPCs could work together, but now they had more of their personal strengths to work on, but having strengths implied there were weaknesses as well. Eon was supposed to be good at guarding, but maybe he couldn't do anything too fancy with attacks? Ignis had hoped that was the case, because otherwise her actions were going to have consequences. She ran up to the NPC and instead of throwing her disk, she took it and held it in her hand as she dropped to the floor, slide-tackling Eon and sending him to the ground. As he fell, Ignis tried to slice her opponent to gain a point, but Eon grabbed her arm and stopped the attack. Ignis took the initiative and dropped her disk, catching it in her other hand and hit Eon with it, gaining another point. She rolled away from the NPC, trying to gain distance for the next bout. IGNIS +1 POINT EON -1 POINT Ignis: 2 RINZLER: 4 Eon: -3 Post: 1/10
It kind of comes across how you wanted, but at the same time, it's more like...instead of putting up a sign saying you're doing that, it has more the feeling of "oh yeah, I forgot that I also do this". Kind of like a slap in the face for comedic effect. It's a horrible metaphor, but it's the best I can come up with. And maybe it's also because of how wordy it is. Back when I first started at University I took a class on Technical Communication, and one of the first things my teacher kept trying to pound into us was "try to make your point with as few words as possible", so maybe it's because of that that your first 10 seconds is kind of weird to me. Course I also try to clarify what I'm doing in as few words as possible anyways, but it's kind of been engraved in me now. Or instead of going from saying you do RWBY stuff to kingdom hearts, you could say something like "I do RWBY and Kingdom Hearts such-and-such, and oh yeah, I also do RWBY and Kingdom Hearts such-and-such. Any questions?" ...Okay, horrible example adding my humor into that, but maybe it gets what I'm trying to say across?
Maybe it's just me, but that first bit where you go between RWBY and Kingdom Hearts bugs something in the back of my brain. Maybe it's just because of the back and forth, or something else, but it just seems strange to talk about one theory, then another, then reactions, then discussions, then all that stuff. Maybe change up the wording a little? I only say this on an opinion-level, obviously, since everyone does things differently, but just thinking about what I've seen in my video production classes, it just seems like that first 10 seconds is wonky. Though I'll admit, that bit with the "react to things, react to things, we react to all things" was a nice touch; though if you're going to have one clip with someone reacting with sound, maybe use another clip with sound as well before you have the bit with a million and one faces. If you need, I have a pretty good PC, so I could use mine to help make the video.