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  1. Iskandar
    Ignis watched as the final group of keybladers came out of their worlds. What happened next seemed a little too weird for Ignis's liking. Some guy with a megaphone came out of nowhere, paralyzed all of the keybladers somehow, Glen spoke out in defiance and got sent to who-knows-where, the robed keyblader turned out to be Aux but didn't remember who they were, the game master came to put the new guy who had over-ridden their exam in his place, the new guy managed to get away, Aux disappeared, and the game master gave them a portal to the final set of worlds. It was a condensed version, but that's pretty much how she was going to remember it given how weird and crazy it was in the span of a couple minutes.

    After that all happened Ignis watched as Kaida gave a punch to Ananta. Apparently she didn't like how Ananta defended Aux even a little. She understand Kaida was upset, but she personally didn't hold anything against Aux. Sure she'd like to beat him one to get even for last time, but that's about it. There wasn't anything she really hated about the guy. He was someone they fought against, that was the long and short of it for her. Of course, she also didn't want a punch to the face, so she figured she'd keep that line of thinking away from Kaida.

    As some keybladers walked through the portal, Ignis figured it was time to step through the portal and found herself in Shibuya again.
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 2, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Iskandar
    It's definitely easier to see how this game is going to include everything so far, and it looks like I'm going to be enjoying it. I'm kind of disappointed we didn't get Maxie and Archie with ORAS designs, but oh well. Still, I want to know why they all got together, because I understand Ghetsis, but Archie and Maxie I thought gave up, as well as Cryus....and how is Lysandre not dead?

    Personally, if they were going to bring in all the past villains, it would have been cool if they brought in characters from the past games as well to fight them, like Red and Blue, Silver, May/Brendan, Berry, etc.
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 2, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  3. Iskandar
    Ignis stayed silent as Luna began to pat her head. There was a part of her that felt this scene was slightly weird, being older than Luna and yet being comforted as a child, as another part that felt refreshed. She thought back to some years ago, when the same thing used to happen much more frequently, and many times she would end up being comforted by her close friend. Though technically at that point in time the friend in question was more like a "Nurse from Hell" who wouldn't take the word no for an answer, but that was neither here nor there.

    Ananta and Luna tried to get Ignis to talk about what was going on, but she really didn't feel like putting out a sob story. And she knew that compared to Ananta, her life wasn't all that bad, but it still didn't feel any better for her. Ignis knew how to fix this problem, but it wasn't something that was going to go away just by talking about it. She had tried that before, and it didn't nothing. Looking back on it, she might not have had any attacks in a long while because she always felt like she was doing something to stop the cause. It might not have been much, but it was the only thing she could have done at the time. Now, traveling with everyone else and not being in her own world, there was a pulling sensation that if she went home, she'd find everything gone. It was a scary thought, and every moment she thought about it, it felt like there was a clock just ticking down, and once it hit zero, she'd lose everything, just like Ananta; well, maybe not everything. Her world would still be there, but just a living hell.

    Ignis had dried up her eyes at this point and tried to calm her breathing. She knew she wasn't okay yet, but it wasn't going to help her or anyone else by cowering. She just hoped that nothing like this happened again, at least while with this group.

    "I know you guys are trying to help," Ignis waved Luna's arm away and puller her other hand away from Ananta, "But this isn't something that's going to be resolved just talking about it. I've been chased by a living nightmare for the past four years, and it won't go away until I get rid of the cause back in my own world. I'm just thankful I didn't hurt anyone this time."

    She got up, shakily, and looked at the mess she had caused. "Thanks for trying to help though, and I do mean that sincerely."
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 27, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Iskandar
    Spending 30 Crowns on Speed
    Spending 450 Coins on Speed Chain

    Unequiping Warrior Job
    Equipping Ninja Job

    New Stats
    HP: 68
    MP: 5
    Strength: 43 (+2) (+5)
    Speed: 20
    Defense: 20 (+2)
    Magic: 8 (+3)
    Resistance: 13
    AP: 28 (+2)

    Equipping Abilities
    Synch Boost
    Reload Boost
    Magic Lock
    First Strike

    Equipping Skills
    Ninja Vanish
    Poison Edge

    Unequipping Skull Noise Keyblade
    Equipping Lunar Eclipse and Dual Disk

    1 Crown Left
    8420 Munny Left
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 25, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  5. Iskandar
    Either way, get your Switch while you can. And I'm sure there's probably a chance it could come out in late 2018, since sometimes we've gotten remakes and new versions back to back.
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 24, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  6. Iskandar
    I was hoping someone would post that, since the last post was mine.

    Now I'm really curious about what's going on in this game, because isn't this supposed to be years after Team Rocket falls apart? After all, we have a fully grown Red and Blue for crying out loud.....oh, I just had a really hopeful thought that they'll come in and actually fight Team Rocket with you. Eh, a guy can dream.

    Also, this is going to be the last main Pokemon title for the 3DS. Apparently Nintendo is trying to put everything they've learned into this one and the next will be released on the Switch in 2018. Hope you guys are ready for a Switch to play pokemon.
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 24, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  7. Iskandar
    Ignis continued her crying while Luna came over to help and Stratos backed off from her. Aislinn had come over as well, but Ignis was too upset to say anything to anyone of them. She hadn't had attacks like that one in a fair while, and wondered why they happened again. She always figured she was past that, but it seems like she was still scared. Working through her test in the Castle of Illusions helped her get her body back, but it didn't do much to help her mentally with the trauma she had experienced. Luckily there wasn't anyone hurt from her fit, and she was thankful for that. She continued to cry as the tears kept coming.

    She began to worry about the possibility of it happening again while around them. If her fears began to come at her again like that, she didn't want to injure anyone that was around her. But at the same time, Ignis knew she didn't really have anywhere else to go. The whole thing had left her shaken and confused.

    Slowly her breathing became normal again as she tried to regain some sort of composure. She was still shaken quite a bit, and couldn't move her legs yet, but at least she managed to hold back the tears finally. She looked over at Luna and tried to say something, but as she opened her mouth, the words wouldn't come. She wasn't sure what to say after that little mess. She could only imagine what it looked like to everyone else while she hammered on the pile of trashed furniture behind her. She also looked at the cut across the ground she left when she had almost attacked Stratos. Ignis just wanted to curl up in some dark corner and hide away from the world at this point.
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 23, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Iskandar
    So far I've only enjoyed the Devil Survivor games and Persona 5, so I wonder if I'll try this or not. Though that would entail buying a switch, but from the sound of it, I'll need one for the next main series pokemon games next year anyways
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 23, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  9. Iskandar
    Knowing that it has a much longer and more in-depth story, both for the main story and post-game story, as well as being twice as long, makes me want to play this even more. The first one always felt a little rushed for some stuff. Hopefully that means we either get more rival battles, or more battles with the villains, because those are usually the highlights of pokemon games. I kind of wonder if they're going to do the champion fight the same way too.
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 17, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  10. Iskandar
    I really am not looking forward to them bringing that Rotom-Dex into the game more, I wasn't a fan of it the first time. Oh well, I probably will never use it anyways, so I won't be missing much.
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 12, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  11. Iskandar
    Ignis continued with her rampage on the merciless furniture. To everyone else, it probably looked like she kind of just went crazy, but in her eyes, it was like she was reliving the worst moment of her life ever. She tried looking around, but she couldn't see anything other than smoke and flames. She saw dark figures moving in the flames, and began to attack them. To her, they were the shapes of monsters that attacked her and her family, and killed thousands of innocent people. She couldn't look at the shadows without remembering everything she lost that night, and caused her to cry with the sadness of losing everything she ever knew, as well as that anger she felt to them.

    Ignis began slashing at the shadows, trying to kill them, but every time she slashed, the shadows kept staying alive. She began to hear voices around her, and they sounded like nothing but horse laughter. She couldn't help but feel like the monsters were laughing at her, at her weakness, and she kept attacking the shades. As she kept attacking, she noticed another shade move toward her. This time it wasn't the shadow of a monster, but of a man. It may have been nothing but darkness in her eyes, but she knew who it was. It was the man that sent the creatures that killed everyone, and took her home. She wasn't going to let that man get away with what he had done.

    Bringing her keyblade up, she brought it down on the man. Then, maybe because it was from exhaustion or her fit had run its course, her visions began to go back to reality. The smoke and fire cleared, and the monsters in her sight began to change back to furniture. She was bringing down her keyblade full force, ready to cleave the shadow in two when she realized she wasn't attacking her nightmare, but Stratos. Ignis was just about to strike him, but managed to throw her arms to the side just in time. Her keyblade came to the ground, and managed to make a decently sized cut along it.

    She breathed heavily, still reeling from the attack she had. She had almost attacked her teammate as well. Falling to the ground, she began to cry.

    "I'm sorry..." The words came out between the heavy breathing and crying. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 8, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Iskandar
    Ignis looked up at Stratos and then back to her hand. She didn't have anything to bandage it with, so she just had to deal with it. Then she looked at the mess she made and back to Stratos. She wondered how to explain what just happened without getting into all the nitty-gritty details.

    "Oh, yeah, sorry, I'm fine. Nothing really happened in the world, I just remembered something from my own world." She realized she was clenching her fist again and the blood began to drip a little faster. "The guy we had to deal with in that world reminds me of someone from my own personal life that I'd really like to forget, but don't have the luxury of doing so."

    She reflexively threw her fist out again, and shattered more of the glass that reminds from the first smash. She looked at the mess and decided it was probably best to walk away before she broke anything else, including her own hand. She picked a chair of the many that were in the area and sat down. Of course, since her mind was now on that man, she couldn't clam down and just wanted to breaking things, like she did with those guards back in that world. She knew it wouldn't help anything, but every time she thought about that man, she remembered that nightmare from four years ago, and always got angry and upset at the same time. And as if on cue, Ignis snapped yet again.

    The more she tried not to think about her past, the more it kept coming up, until eventually her anger bubbled over. She brought her out keyblade and started slashing at the seats around her. She kept swinging everything around her until there was nothing but rubble, and then kept slashing. All the while, Ignis was screaming out in anger, eventually with tears of her own forming and falling down her face.
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 6, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Iskandar
    Oh, I kind of hope not. That's one reason I didn't like the original Ruby and Sapphire and that they kept in ORAS, because you had these characters but you could have done the whole game without them. Well, I'm getting Sun, so maybe they'll either be trying to catch Solgaleo, or keep it from Necrozma, those are the only two options I can think of.
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 5, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  14. Iskandar
    I wonder if that Ultra Recon Squad is actually a villainous team or if they're more like observers or something else. We see that you battle them pretty early it looks like; either that or they're one of those annoying NPCs that only ever work with one pokemon and never pose a challenge even though they're major characters.

    It's kind of weird that they made four characters though but we only get to see two of them per game. Maybe the other two will show up at the end or something with dialogue that means absolutely nothing.
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 5, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  15. Iskandar
    Ignis followed the group out of The Grid and met up with those that had gone to Space Paranoids. Beuce started up a conversation, and Stratos replied with some mention about a 12-foot guy and motorbikes. She wasn't sure if she was jealous about them getting more out of their journey or not.

    "Oh, we just got stuck in a little tournament fighting some NPCs, and beat up a mountain of guards. There really wasn't anything for us to do, quite honestly. Even the guy who was running the game didn't last long at the end. Though thinking about him reminds me of a certain someone..." She clenched her fist and slammed it into the nearest display, cracking the hole thing and some glass dropping to the floor.

    Ignis couldn't get the thought of CLU out of her head and how he reminded her of her own personal problems back in her world. Having to deal with a dictator who wants everything his way and justifying it by any means made her more angry than anything, especially after what that man did to her family. She took her hand off the display and notice some glass had cut her hand. She sighed and covered it up with her clothes, keeping the blood from dripping too much.

    "So anyone know where the others are? I figured we'd all have finished around the same time."
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 5, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Iskandar
    I've always enjoyed the Halloween Town movies, though the first two over the last two, but I'll still watch any of them.
    Kinda feels llike I'm jumping on the bandwagon, but Hocus Pocus isn't that bad either, but I still find it weird to watch.
    Not really Halloween, but the Harry Potter films always worked for me, at least the first 4, since that was when things didn't get so serious.

    For real horror...well, I don't find much horrific, but Woman in Black is pretty good, and the Saw movies are a nice touch, along with Resident Evil animated films. I don't remember too many actual horror movies that I've seen, so those are always the first I think of.
    Post by: Iskandar, Oct 3, 2017 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Iskandar
    Mine's pretty simple now, not cluttered with rainmeter
    View attachment 47926
    Post by: Iskandar, Sep 29, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  18. Iskandar
    Ignis continued with her sweeping of the guards as they tried to get to CLU. She was used to dealing with large groups of enemies by this point, but it was getting kind of irritating every time it felt like they should be done and then more enemies kept coming. She took out her keyblade and slammed it into the next guard that came at her. The guard tried to block with his staff, but Ignis slammed it with enough force that the staff broke and the guard was thrown acros the ground, with a little reminder of the hit left over.

    More guards tried to get Ignis, but she simply knocked them all away. She was getting kind of tired of dealing with the goons and was ready to take out the big guy. She was also getting irritated because this CLU guy was reminding her more and more of the one person she hated, having people do everything for them while they just watched and gave orders, thinking everything should be their way. It was enough to make her go crazy, to be perfectly honest. She had to keep herself from mutilating every guard that came after her.

    As she continued knocking the guards away, she noticed that she left a pile of them lying on the ground around her. She hadn't even kept count, but there was a good number of them, at least twelve or so. Ignis realized her hair was a complete mess and in her face, and she was out of breath as well. She looked over at the others and then at CLU with his guards.

    "Hey....can you guys get rid of those last few? I'm a little worn out?" Her legs gave out and she fell to the ground, sitting with no energy to move.

    Post 9/10
    Post by: Iskandar, Sep 29, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Iskandar's all the same cherry-flavored soda
    Post by: Iskandar, Sep 29, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Iskandar
    Dr. Pepper, Pib Xtra, they're all the same
    Post by: Iskandar, Sep 28, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone