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  1. Iskandar
    Ignis stayed quiet as the rest of the interview finished up, with the group making up their mind to go to Tundratown. At least the lion seemed to be more cooperative than the sheep, but it still remained to be seen if any of the info they had gotten was going to be of any use. At the very least she'd rather something happen then the group meeting up with another person who wouldn't tell them anything, or will tell them something, but in the end it doesn't lead anywhere. She was never good with this investigative stuff, that's why she always took the mercenary jobs that basically entailed "finding the target, and beat them up".
    When the group got to Tundratown, they met up with the other keybladers that had split up from them. At that moment Ignis new something was bound to happen. There's no way that they get told to split up to find some people from two different suspects and then they both end up in the same place. It was just say to much of a coincidence that Ignis didn't believe it at all. And apparently the other group had brought along with them a small mouse. She was apparently related to this Mr. Big person, but after seen her, Ignis couldn't help but sigh at the name. She hated bad jokes, and name jokes were one of the worst ones ever.
    As they grouped up and got ready to get going, however, a voice boomed over them. Apparently their interview with Mr. Big was put on hold, because out of nowhere small penguins popped up out of nowhere following the voice's directions. Ignis hadn't seen any penguins in her world before in person, but she remembered reading about them in a book. Though these guys were a lot more active than what she had envisioned. These penguins had on masks and were carrying around swords. Ignis almost wanted to slam her head into the ground for how bad this joke was running. First they find a sheep that acted all high and mighty, with an ego that was larger than the prison she was held in, then they needed to find some person named Mr. Big, who was apparently actually the size of a small mouse, a large booming voice over a megaphone with an empty street, that sad to say she had only just now noticed, and now little stubby penguins were bouncing all over the place with masks and swords that she was supposed to take seriously? Not too mention, in her current size, she could go over and kick each of those little puffballs over any building like a small ball. It was like this town was made to be full of bad, cliche villains, and it was just too much energy to deal with. Bringing out her keyblade, she just got ready to fight.
    As Stratos was busy fighting his own, Ignis watched as Beuce finished up an attack on his own penguin, sending the thing flying with a nice little attack. Taking the chance to take out the little annoyance, she ran after the thing as it flew through the air, and then jumped after it. As she caught up, she spun around and slammed her leg into the creature, sending it flying right back into the ground. The penguin slammed down with enough force to crack the ground a little, and Ignis wondered if maybe she had gone overboard. As she fell back down to earth, some other penguins decided to come after her and she brought out her second keyblade, fighting them both off in the air as gravity took them back down. She parried one penguin and spun around again, bringing the force of her keyblade and the penguin and sending it into a spin, slamming into it's partner and into a building. One of the penguins became a pancake right into the side of the building, while also being kind enough to cushion the second enemy. Ignis landed on the ground as she readied herself for more.

    Total Words: 682
    EXP: 60
    Total EXP: 60

    Penguins: 22/30
    One Penguin: 6/15
    One Penguin: 5/15
    Post by: Iskandar, Jan 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Iskandar
    I may not be a businessman, but isn't basically $100 a little much for an analog clock, even if it has some lights and is based off a famous game?
    Post by: Iskandar, Jan 13, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Iskandar
    I got $125 altogether, and I have nothing to spend it on.
    Post by: Iskandar, Dec 25, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Iskandar
    Ignis listened as the sheep tried to keep herself calm and collected, as if she were better than everyone else in the room. She apparently hated predators as well, because the glare Beuce and Ignis received was not a pleasant one at all. Ignis could understand why a sheep might not like predators, but maybe this one was more like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

    After a minute, some loud noise boomed from the next room over and there was a lion that was trying to help out. Though Ignis wasn't sure if "help" was the right word. It seemed more like the lion was just trying to get on someone's good side to get out sooner, which was certainly selfish of it. Then something came up about a turf war in Tundratown and that seemed to get on the sheep's nerves. She tried to deny there was nothing related to the two they were searching for, but it seems like this sheep couldn't hold her lies together very well once they fell apart. It might have better just for her to keep quiet at this point, but that lion was getting on her nerves, and maybe they could get something out of that.

    "So, this turf war that isn't related to who we're looking for, you said it was going on in Tundratown? We're kind of new you see, and we're not sure who's important around here. Is there anyone we should know about, so we can stay away from them in case we end having to go there to ask anyone questions? A big city like this with no leads, who knows where we might end up."

    Ignis wasn't very good at interrogation, but she didn't have to be with the moronic lion next door and the sheep blabbing her mouth trying to hide her secrets.
    Post by: Iskandar, Dec 24, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Iskandar
    If this is a real world that's going to be in KH3, I'm guessing it's going to be one of the last ones, just looking at Sora's HP bar, but if it's also a test, and a filler, who knows for sure. I thought the same thing of Symphony of Orchestra and Country of Musketeers in 3D, but I was wrong about that.
    Post by: Iskandar, Dec 23, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Iskandar
    Survey of IT Applications: B-
    Intro Astronomy: B-
    Industrial and Consumer Sales: B
    2D Animation: A

    GPA: 3.4

    Well, the only class I cared for was 2D Animation, and I got a perfect score on my final, so I'm proud.
    Post by: Iskandar, Dec 18, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Iskandar
    If anyone even thinks of putting Simpsons in Kingdom Hearts, I'm dropping the series then and there.
    Post by: Iskandar, Dec 15, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Iskandar
    Makes me glad that I only ever pick Rolette this generation. Which is funny, because there's never been a generation I pick grass types over fire or water.

    Also, didn't they have a problem with Wide Guard in Sun/Moon as well? What's going on with that move?
    Post by: Iskandar, Dec 9, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  9. Iskandar
    Ignis listened to Beuce as they continued to walk to their destination. She pondered for a moment, thinking about what they were supposed to be doing in this world. It was true that in the other worlds they had a goal set for them and this time was different since they went in without any information, but it's not like they didn't have anything to do.

    "Well," she responded to Beuce's question, "For the first world we had to help a kid out with some problems, and the second one was the same as you: getting the password that turned out to be a list of people."

    She stopped at that thought, thinking about a little while ago back in Game Central Station when she had one of her famous moments. At that point she shoved the last bit of her previous thought out of her head, so she didn't get reminded of anything else that might set her off.

    "Maybe we already have a mission and we just don't know about it. I mean, for the most part helping people has led us to what we need, so maybe just acting like police will get us where we need to be?"

    She continued to walk, and then turned a corner as they neared the penitentiary. She looked at it and wondered what kind of people they were going to meet inside. Back in her old life she beat the living crap out of those who were likely to end up in jail, or even kill them. For their sakes, she hoped no one inside tried anything funny, or they were going to end up with a very bad day.
    Post by: Iskandar, Dec 7, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Iskandar
    Ignis continued her pointless pursuit of "cars in violation", trying to get as many tickets out as she could. It seemed like they were almost done, since there were plenty of tickets out at that point. Luckily there was a group of them putting out those tickets, because otherwise it might have been a pain getting one hundred out, not too mention they still had other things to do in this world. What they were, she had no clue, but she was pretty sure they didn't have anything to do with walking around putting pieces of paper on vehicles.

    She passed by a couple more cars and plopped some more tickets and noticed her paper was out at that point. She hadn't really kept count, but she doubted she had gone through that much paper in so little time. She hit the machine a couple times, trying to get it to work. After a second, the machine began to make some weird noises, and paper began to fly out of the machine at rapid pace. Ignis freaked out a little, thinking she probably broke the thing. After the last of the paper spewed out, the machine made a couple more noises, and then sparked in her hands, and finally some smoke began to rise out of the thing. She figured that was probably a good point to stop what she was doing.

    "Hey guys, I think I'm finished!" She raised her machine to show the others the damage she had done. "Or at the very least, this machine is finished."

    Tickets: 100/100
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 29, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Iskandar
    Personally I'm looking forward to Chris Pratt and his performance next to Downey Jr. because Stark and Quill are way too similar for their respective roles.
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 29, 2017 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. Iskandar
    Ignis was about to continue her rampage of ticket placing when Steel decided to come up and set her and Stratos straight on what to do with them. Or at least, that was what he attempted to do. She wasn't entirely convinced when he began to have trouble trying to get a ticket to print. Still, at least it made her feel slightly better when she knew she wasn't the only one lost in what was going on. She could tell at this point this was going to be a world she would rather forget about afterwards, just because of the sheer number of embarrassing moments that are bound to happen.

    She followed Stratos and Steel's lead afterwards and began to print up tickets with information, whatever that meant, on the ticket and put them on cars that were near her. She honestly didn't know what good parking was compared to bad parking so she just went to each car she passed by and put a ticket. It kind of made her glad that at least in her world, they only had to deal with horses and carts, and didn't have to worry about these "parking violations".

    Tickets: 50/100
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 28, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Iskandar
    Ignis listened as the group watched a very large cheetah talk to them and give himself a misunderstanding of who they were. Out of nowhere he called his boss and apparently the keybladers were considered some kind of police officers. She really wasn't sure what was going on, and was getting a headache just thinking about the huge misunderstanding going on right now. When Ignis got her hands shook by the cheetah though, she wasn't sure if his hands were clean, and that made her about hit her limit for what she was going to deal with that day.

    She walked over and grabbed one of the vests that the desk clerk had pointed to and put it on, feeling a little tight under it. There was also a little machine to grab as well, and she took one. Apparently they were on "Parking Duty", whatever that was. She went outside and noticed Stratos putting pieces of paper everywhere. She wasn't sure what to do, so she dabbled with the machine trying to make it work. While she was used to the idea of machines since leaving her world, she never really had to mess with one, and this thing had more buttons than she wanted to try. Luckily the first button she hit, a piece of paper came out and she figured that was what she had to use. She ripped it off the machine and put it on something like Stratos was doing. Eventually she had put ten tickets all over: on some windows, a car, a street sign, and even a baby stroller. Though for some reason the people didn't seem happy about her doing so.

    Tickets: 20/100
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 28, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Iskandar
    Ignis walked through the portal and ended up in the middle of a large city. It seemed a lot like Shibuya with the tall buildings, the vehicles, and...the animals? Ignis was confused about what was going on and looked around, realizing everywhere she looked there were only animals and no humans. Though the animals seemed to be wearing clothes like humans, so she figured she was stuck in a world where there weren't any humans around. Then she looked down and realized she was further off the ground than usual. Looking closer, she noticed that her boots were gone and in place were giant cat feet, and her legs were larger than usual with orange and black stripes.

    "Don't tell me..." She walked over to a window and looked in then let out a big sigh.

    Luckily most of her clothes were still in place, but instead of normal human skin, she had the body of a tiger, with the tail and ears included. She even had gained some muscle coming to this world, but thankfully is wasn't a large amount. She figured it made sense, given how large tigers normally were, but she wasn't a fan of being an animal again either. The reason she picked this world in the first place was because it looked like she wouldn't have to worry about becoming an animal. Though on the bright side, at least she wasn't a stupid deer this time, and as odd as it looked, it seemed like her hair had somehow come intact.

    Over to her side she noticed a group of animals consisting of a rabbit, wolf, hedgehog, and a raccoon. Somehow she could tell who they were, though she wondered if maybe it was the hair that did it. She walked over to Stratos and Beuce and wondered what to say, considering the last thing she did was nearly chop Stratos in half.

    "So it looks like we're all stuck as animals in this one, huh? Am I the only one that wants this world to be done with quickly?"
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 22, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Iskandar
    Ignis watched as the keybladers all gathered with their new groups. Apparently the game master didn't like the previous teams, because he switched them around into teams of three, and Ananta was now with Aislann and AJ while Ignis was with Stratos and Beuce. She didn't care much either way. She figured by this point these guys didn't really stick to their own rules, so something was going to happen.

    As the group of Kaida, Hikaru, and apparently Aux, which Ignis wondered how that would go, got ready to go through their portal, Ignis figured it was time for her to go through to her own test world. Luckily these were almost done, so hopefully that meant they were all going to be finished with this exam and get out of this place. She looked over to her teammates as she prepared to go through the portal that had a giant city in it. The other one looked like it had only animals in a savanna, so hopefully this other one didn't have only animals in it. She wasn't a fan of the last world where she was stuck as one.

    "See you guys on the other side." And she walked through.
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 16, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Iskandar
    Gonna spoil this, so I'm not kidding when I say if you don't want any reveal, don't hit the tag.

    So with Necrozma, it basically has a mega evolution and it's own z-move to use while in mega evolution. The evolution is a Dragon/Psychic type, and the Z-move, as far as I've seen, is a psychic-type attack that's basically DBZ spirit-bombing the game. No, i'm not kidding, I saw a video of it on youtube. I don't know if you need to have the Solgaleo/Lunala-Necrozma form to get the mega evolution, but it's also supposedly going to have the highest stats in the whole game, though I don't know if it means collectively or an individual stat.

    I'm also unsure if the mega-evolution is like an alternate form that stays after you finish, or you need to use that ultra-burst thing every time to get for fights. They made it seem like the Ultra Necrozma was it's own thing like how we got Giratina Alternate Form, but we'll find out soon I guess.
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 14, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  17. Iskandar
    Ignis going to Zootopia
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 14, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  18. Iskandar
    One of which would be all the OST's being put on youtube, including the champion theme with a picture of who you challenge, so heads up for that one.

    I get the feeling Nintendo isn't doing it's best to hold these games in check right now.
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 10, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  19. Iskandar
    Listening as Ananta talked, Ignis couldn't help but chuckle a little. She turned her head back toward Ananta and saw her fists, and couldn't help but wonder.

    "So, out of curiosity, are you angry at Kaida for that punch? Or are you angry that you weren't there to help stop Aux?" She sighed a little, being reminded of herself somewhat. "If it's the former, you can either let it go and try to make up for it somehow. And if it's the latter, don't even bother thinking you could have done anything. I was the first one to go against Aux, and got beaten badly, and considering that everyone else was sent to the Realm of Darkness, they didn't fair much better. Having one more person would have just added another tally to Aux's score."

    She wasn't very good with words herself, and definitely wasn't good with pep talks. The most she could do was try and say things that seemed right to her, but it wasn't always the best advice for some people.

    "Oh, and don't worry about if you're worried about saying the wrong thing, at least around me. I don't take much personally, and you aren't going to please every person out there, no matter what kind of things you say. Trust me, I can tell you for a fact I made a lot of people angry with things I used to say growing up. Don't really regret it though, since all I was doing was what I knew. Some things we just have to learn through experience."
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 7, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Iskandar
    Ignis listened as Megumi and Yue continued to argue about how the next teams were going to form and Aux taking part in the tests. She wasn't exactly sure why they were going to continue letting him take the mark of mastery, but none of them seemed to have a say in the matter, and apparently neither did Yue, who was supposed to be the game master. It seemed to her that this Megumi really like doing things his own way.

    As the names of the teams popped up, she saw that she was going to be partnered with Ananta. Probably was a good thing for Ananta, since everyone wasn't being very friendly with her at the moment for what she said earlier. Coming over to Ignis, Ananta asked about Aux and how they got there in the first place.

    "We were all in Disney Town when Aux appeared and brought the world into Darkness. We tried to stop him, but he just sent us flying into a big black hole in the sky and we ended up here. Some took it worse than others." She turned her head to Hikaru and Kaida as she said that.
    Post by: Iskandar, Nov 7, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena