As they continued their endless assault on the seemingly endless hoard of heartless, Ignis came across some more shadows. As much as she hated these things and how they disappeared into the ground, they seemed to mutually love messing with her, because she couldn't get away from them no matter how hard she tried. Then again, they were in the Realm of Darkness, so it shouldn't have been all that surprising. Even still, she was getting irritated by the number of them and wanted at least something different to deal with. Instead, they were being swarmed by obnoxious Shadows that couldn't keep a physical form for two seconds and just let the keybladers knock them out. Maybe she was asking for too much, but at this point she'd rather deal with behemoths from Central Haven again. "Okay, so we've got some maniacal guy who wants to take us out and prove he's not useless. Then we've got Kuma from the Order here beating him up, or at least that's my hope, I kind of lost track of them. Then we've got Aux who just a minute ago looked like he was about to go all crazy on us again. Then we've got an expansive army of heartless that want to get rid of us. Oh, and let's not forget that this whole day started by being forced into a castle to face....whatever the heck it was we all faced, then we dealt with an evil witch, and then forced into a death game as our way of becoming masters. Can someone please tell me we're out of surprised for the day, or should I just go sulk in the corner right now?" She knocked another Shadow away, causing it to dissipate. At this point there was definitely a smaller number than they had dealt with before. Although for some reason it still felt like she couldn't make out anything or anyone from where she was. It was probably because of all the heartless jumping and bobbing around, at least in the case of the darkballs, but she was amazed she hadn't gotten lost on this little island. There were enough heartless around to make a small room look like a giant field given how much they blocked her view. She let lose another flame wave against the shadows, knocking them down and causing them to fizzle away. At the very least she was glad of her new abilities and being able to take out multiple enemies at once. It was kind of ironic that she had the abilities of fire now when she couldn't even use her own fire spell that well before when this whole thing started. As she toasted her next shadow, she heard a shuffling sound in the sand and saw some Neoshadow coming up toward her. She sighed a little, figuring that if it wasn't one Shadow, it was a Neoshadow. As the Neoshadow came up to her, it began the usual attack of slashing its claws at her. The one saving grace of these things was that they really only had one way to attack it seemed, and that was jumping and slashing at things. The only part she had to be careful of was being caught by surprise. She figured she hadn't taken the time to blow something up recently, and punched the heartless in the gut as it tried to attack her. She sent the enemy flying right into a group of Neoshadows a little ways away and watched as they blew up. She might not have been great with magic, but she certainly enjoyed using that skill of her, plus the added aura flames. Total Words: 612 EXP: 60 Total EXP: 420 Heartless Defeated: 11 Shadows 3 Neoshadows Heartless Remaining: 78 Shadows 31 Neoshadows 88 Darkballs
As much as Ignis wanted to say they were getting close to finishing up their fight here, it was hard to convince herself of that. She looked around and noticed that there were definitely less heartless, but seeing all of the shadows everywhere, "shadows" being the dark figures of the heartless and not the weak little annoyances that wouldn't leave them alone, really made her want to go find a nice corner to take a rest in. She fired off a flame strike to a wayward darkball, singing it extra crispy and watching as it puffed into a vapor of nothingness. Or maybe it was a vapor of darkness? It was hard to tell how to phrase these things given where they were and what they were dealing with. She looked over to Beuce and Stratos as they dealt with their fair share of heartless. "So am I the only one thinks perhaps we could get some kind of assistance with this nonsense? I'd really appreciate some kind of help considering these Heartless aren't making our jobs any easier. Sure, we got new abilities to deal with them, but let's be honest, a handful of keybladers versus all these things isn't going to end well for us. I'm betting you by the end of this, we're all just going to get out of this realm and just find a nice little bed to relax in. Or is that just me?" She took a swing at another darkball, taking it out and looking around. It seemed kind of strange how there were so many enemies and yet they didn't just completely overwhelm them all at once. At the very least, if this were her leading a group, she would just use the sheer numbers to overwhelm the enemies, no matter how strong they were. Than again, they were fighting a bunch of creatures made from darkness, so it's not like they really had much thought process to go along that route. As she let her mind wander, a Neoshadow took the chance to sneak up on her. Ignis turned her head to look around and noticed the heartless. Once it was spotted, the heartless attacked Ignis with its claws. Ignis swung her keyblade, swiping away the attack and knocking the heartless off balance. As she readied to strike the enemy, another neoshadow popped out from behind it and swung at Ignis. As she was in mid-swing, she lit her keyblade on fire, sending flames upward and blocking the attack from the second neoshadow. At the same time, she finished her swing and took out the first that attacked her. Taking the first one out, she kicked the second one, which looked like it had a nice day at the sauna, and vaporized it. By that point she figured she was done, but some Shadows popped out and surrounded her. There looked to be about ten of them, and Ignis really wasn't ready to deal with the annoying creatures and their little "shifting into the ground" stuff. She waited as the Shadows readied themselves to strike, and all of them jumped at Ignis simultaneously. As they got over her, she through her keyblade, taking a handful of them out while the rest when flying. She kept tossing her keyblade, destroying them before they touched the ground. By the end, it was Ignis with one ten points and the Shadows at zero. She figured there was a joke in there somewhere, but didn't really want to think on it. She turned around turned Stratos and Beuce and figured she'd try to make some kind of small talk. "You guys enjoy those new auras of yours? Seems like mine's come in handy plenty already." Total Words: 620 EXP: 60 Total EXP: 360 Heartless Defeated: 2 Darkballs 10 Shadows 2 Neoshadows Heartless Remaining: 101 Shadows 63 Neoshadows 112 Darkballs
Having been knocked around like a punching bag by these heartless, Ignis was ready to pay them back with a little extra. Stratos and Beuce where dealing with their own fair number, but there were darkballs that seemed to be generous enough to wait for Ignis to get up right in front of her. She wasn't sure how these things thought, or if they even had a thought in the first place, but it kind of confused her when they kept acting random all the time. As she was getting ready to deal with the problem in front of her, a few shadows bounced at her from behind. Reacting quickly, she twisted herself around and knocked them away. It seemed like the darkballs where waiting for that though, launching their own attack as she was busy dealing with the shadows. Having a train of heartless bouncing around wildly like that was not something she wanted to deal with, so Ignis rolled on the ground as low as she could go, getting under and behind the heartless. As they kept bouncing around madly, she enveloped her keyblade with flames and flung a wave of fire at the heartless, burning them all to a crisp. It wasn't enough to beat them, but it was enough to get them to stop bouncing around for a second. Luckily a second was all she needed as she took the opportunity to get in close and knock a few around. She slammed her keyblade into one of the darkballs, sending it flying, and then brought it down on another, throwing it into the ground. Before it could get up, she knocked it with her keyblade again, causing it to puff away. As she brought her keyblade against the third darkball, it took the chance to turn into a smoke cloud again, just barely dodging the strike. The others seemed to have the same idea and moved around randomly. She knew she didn't want to be near the things when they popped back in, so she ran away and got some distance. As the clouds turned back into their physical selves, they seemed surprised that Ignis wasn't there. She wondered if maybe they weren't entirely aware of where they were when they were gas clouds. Either that, or some other reason she couldn't think of. Not caring enough, she went back into the fray and knocked the heartless around a bit more. A few more disappeared from their beatings while two seemed to linger. She readied herself to take out the last two when she got ambushed by more Shadows. As weak as they were, they certainly seemed to have the "bad timing" down pat. They jumped at Ignis and caused her to leave the heartless on the ground and go for the ones jumping at her. She enveloped her keyblade in flame again and brought it down on the group of Shadows, burning them with a large fire. Unlike the darkballs, this time they all vanished after the attack, leaving her to deal with the previous problems. Unlike before, however, they weren't laying idly on the ground. One had turned around and was ready to chop Ignis right into heartless chow. She got her keyblade in front of her, blocking the thing's teeth, and struggled with the weight it put on her from so close. As she struggled, the other darkball came launching at her with teeth baring. Deciding to get out of the way, she let herself get pushed back by the one in front of her, falling to the ground and letting the two heartless collide into each other. Taking the moment, Ignis launched some fire from her keyblade, burning the last darkballs. Total Words: 619 EXP: 60 Total EXP: 300 Heartless Defeated: 6 Darkballs 5 Shadows Heartless Remaining: 174 Shadows 89 Neoshadows 127 Darkballs
Ignis countered her little run around the wooden balcony that she had gotten herself onto. Just a second ago she tried throwing her keyblade to take out a heartless from behind, but instead the thing moved out of the way and Ignis's keyblade hit a tree that knocked a coconut of all things out and fell on the head of a darkball. And would you know it, the thing decided to pull in some heartless friends to chase after Ignis now she had a parade of Shadows, Neoshadows, and Darkballs on her heels, and she didn't feel like stopping to shake their hands, or in the darkball's case, antenna. She looked back and watched as the two darkballs chasing her decided to pick up the pace with their little munching attack and chose to take the detour off the balcony. She put her arm up on the broken ledge and pushed her body up, jumping over the barrier. Unfortunately for her, the wood wasn't holding too well, and broke just as she got over, leaving her to fall backwards to the ground. Apparently the Shadows and Neoshadows alike decided to wait for her too, because as she fell they jumped up and took a swing at her. She covered herself up and got smacked around a little, then landed on the ground with a thud. The one thing she was glad about this time was that she fell into the sand on her back and not with her mouth. That didn't stop the heartless though, as they all decided to dive bomb her while she was on the ground. Quickly moving over to the side, Ignis managed to get out of the way just as the heartless hit the ground where she had been. At that point, all of them were nice and huddled, and Ignis figured it would be a good idea to take a couple of them out. She swung at the heartless closest to her, which in this case happened to be another darkball, and hit it hard with her fist. The heartless fell back into the others and knocked them all to the ground. They stayed there stunned for a couple seconds and then the magic happened. The darkball began to shine for a second, then the fireworks occurred, sending all the heartless flying across the island. Luckily for her, it looked like she had managed to knock out all of the heartless, though it was hard to tell since they all vanished in a puff of smoke, and in that explosion, it was kind of hard to tell what smoke belong to what. At the very least she figured they were gone and began looking for her next target. Just as she took a step forward though, she looked down and quickly moved her head back. Without noticed, a Neoshadow popped out of the ground right where she was about to step and came inches away from her face. Before she could react, however, the Neoshadow spun around and knocked Ignis right in the side and to the ground. She clutched the area where she had been struck and kept her eyes on the Neoshadow. She was having a hard time figuring out if these things were intelligent or there were just so many of them she just had the bad luck to keep getting surprised by them. The heartless didn't wait for its follow-up attack, as it spun around to attack again. Ignis put up her guard and blocked the attack, then counter with a right hook. The Neoshadow when flying, but of all things, a random darkball popped out from its smoke travel and the explosion sent the Neoshadow back to Ignis. She had no time at this point to react to the upcoming explosion, so she got to her feet and ran about four feet before the explosion when off. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!!" She screamed as she flew through the air and headed straight toward Stratos and Beuce. She landed into the sand face-first again, this time buried. She struggled to get her head out and took a deep breath. Looking up she had landed right in front of the two. "Hey guys, how's it going? Doing alright so far? Did anyone get the number on that darkball that just sent me flying with my own attack?" Words: Total: 731 EXP: 60 Total EXP: 240 Heartless Defeated: 2 Neoshadows 7 Shadows 2 Darkballs Heartless Remaining: 370 Shadows 103 Neoshadows 178 Darkballs
After being surrounded by a bunch of evil dark balloons being smacked around to the ground, not too mention having multiple explosions in her face, Ignis was already done with this giant mess of heartless. And they still have plenty left to go too. She didn't want to think about all the nonsense that was going to happen later on. And as if on cue, some Neoshadows popped out of nowhere in front of Ignis and spun around, knocking her further away again. She flew through the air for a second and then landed in the middle of a small little pond between the torn part of the island and a messed up shack. The only upside to what just happened was that the water seemed to wash out the leftover sand that was still stuck in her mouth. The downside was that she was pretty sure it was down her throat, and she did not enjoy having water and sand forced down. She almost started feeling like a punching bag to these heartless too, given how much they were tossing her around. At this point she wondered if it was going to be a back and forth of her blowing things up with fire and them knocking her around. There was a pretty good chance of her just wanting to burn the whole island if that kept up. Ignis tried to get up, but the blow seemed to have hit her harder than she thought. When she got up, the world began to spin a little and she lost her balance. The Neoshadows on the other hand didn't seem to feel like waiting. Three more joined the one from earlier and leaped at Ignis as she was dealing with her dizziness and spun around more, slamming themselves into her and knocking her against the wall. Some shadows also felt like joining in on the fun as a few come out from under the water and jumped on top of her, pinning her down. Getting tired of being held down by Shadows of all things, she flipped her gripped on her keyblade and spun it around, knocking some Shadows out of existence and a few others flying into the Neoshadows. Ignis noticed a broken walkway above her, and leaped up to it, trying to get the high ground and catching her breath. The heartless didn't agree with that, as they melted into the ground and then popped out of the wall from behind Ignis. She quickly ducked as they jumped out of the wall, and she tossed her keyblade, knocking two Neoshadows out. Unfortunately, the other two and the shadows felt like keeping up the attack, as they disappeared into the ground again. She figured they would try and attack her from the wall behind her again, so she jumped into the air and watched as they came out of their little dark portals. She charged her keyblade with some fire and brought it down on a few unsuspecting heartless, taking out four shadows and knocking back the rest of the bunch. With all of the heartless lined up nice and pretty on the deck for her though, Ignis slid forward and struck all of the heartless in one, basically making a heartless-kabob. The last two Shadows puffed away and the Neoshadows were dazed from the move. Ignis felt better gettng payback from earlier, and struck the two Neoshadows with her keyblade, causing them both to disappear as well. She felt better getting payback on them, but there was also the hope that she wasn't going to get knocked around again right after dealing with this bunch. If she was lucky, maybe she could get some backup from the others, but they were all scattered, and even she had gotten separated from Luna and Kel after only just reaching them. Words: Total Count: 640 EXP: 60 Total EXP: 180 Heartless Defeated: 4 Neoshadows 9 Shadows Remaining: Defeat 530 Shadows Defeat 123 Neoshadows Defeat 172 Darkballs
View attachment 48761 Ignis had met up with Kel and Luna and tried to make sure they were okay, but the hoards of heartless didn't seem to appreciate that. As Ignis tried to help Luna out, she got knock from behind by a darkball. She went flying face first into the sand with her mouth still open. Dragging across the ground she got sand in her mouth and got up, mouth hanging open and sand falling out like a waterfall. Although in this case "sandfall" would be the more appropriate term. She looked back over her shoulder toward the darkball that hit her. At first she was only irritated by being hit from behind, but for some reason the thing looked like it was grinning at her and jumping around like it was happy that it managed to knock her down. A couple other darkball surrounded Ignis while she was lying on the ground and thought it was a good idea to gang up on her. She was about to teach them that it was a very bad idea to think such a thing. Figuring that she'd take it out on the heartless that hit her first, she ran over to it and slammed her keyblade into its face, sending it flying around like a balloon that lost air. The heartless didn't appreciate it, and bounced around angrily. At that point the three darkballs flew at Ignis, mouths chomping at anything in their path. She thrust her keyblade into the mouth of one of them and swung it to the side, slamming it into another of the darkballs and jumped up and kicked the third one into the wall. At least that disappeared, so she only had a handful more to deal with. Then she noticed that there were puffs of smoke floating around her and before she could react, the darkballs popped out of thin air, releasing an explosion of some kind of dark energy or something. Ignis put up her guard as best she could and took the hit, being sent back a little. With that, she lit up her keyblade with flames and swung it horizontally, hitting a handful of the heartless with a giant burst of flame and sent them reeling. Some of them disappeared after the single hit while others did that weird "deflating balloon" thing again. She figured she would pay back the one that hit her before with a punch back, and jumped toward it, plowing her fist into its face. The darkball flew back into the ground between a couple other darkballs and after a few seconds, blew up, taking the others with them. Ignis was starting to enjoy having the aura she had taken, being able to deal better fire damage. While she wasn't great with magic, it certainly made her skills that much better. Soon enough there were only 2 darkballs left to deal with. One could almost look at the heartless and think they were worried, but maybe that was just Ignis's hopeful imaginings. One rushed her, teeth chomping, and she just thrust hey keyblade through its head, causing it to disappear. As she readied herself to get rid of the last darkball that had ganged up on her, the heartless turned into smoke again. As it got close, Ignis tried to jump back from the explosion, but as she jumped back, she fell to the ground, finding a couple shadows grabbing her leg. At that point she was lying face down in the sand again, getting another mouthful of "disgusting". She was getting annoyed by all the attempts to mess with her by these buys and knocked the shadows away from her feet with sheet strength, and threw her keyblade at them, causing them to disperse. As the smoke from the darkball got closer, Ignis jumped out of the way again, this time getting distance and dodging the explosion. As she landed, she brought her keyblade down on the heartless, causing it to disappear as well. After that was done, she realized she was feeling sand in her mouth and couldn't help herself but try to spit out any bit of sand still stuck inside. She looked over to Kel and Luna, with a few tears from squinting her eyes. "Guys, please tell me you have a way to get sand out of your mouth. This stuff is disgusting." Words Total Words: 729 EXP: 60 Total EXP: 120 Heartless Defeated 9 Darkball 6 Shadows Heartless Remaining Defeat 568 Shadows Defeat 136 Neoshadows Defeat 181 Darkballs
View attachment 48757 Ignis seemed to have gone somewhere else in her head for a little while, because before she knew it, they were on some kind of messed up island in the middle of the darkness and there were more heartless than she cared to count swarming around them, and some guy with a weird arm fighting what looked like Kuma from the Order. She must have had one of those moments where she just started doing things without realizing, but now would be a really good time to get in on the fight instead of standing around doing absolutely nothing. It already looked like the other keybladers were taking down a bunch of heartless, and she was ready to get in on the action. She jumped head-first into a pile of shadow that were crawling around, looking to jump at someone. She really wasn't looking forward to dealing with those guys, seeing how they were melting into the ground and stuff. Then there were those Darkballs that were floating around, turning into puffs of smoke and acting all crazy. She didn't even want to think about those big flying heartless with the swords, because they just looked like a giant pain. She figured that was the only annoyance she had to deal with when a larger version of the shadows she just took down came flying at her from out of nowhere. She brought her keyblade up to defend against it and threw the enemy across the way. It landed on the ground and readied itself for another fight. Apparently there were larger version of the Shadows that she didn't notice right away, which only made her levels of enthusiasm drop even lower. She had to deal with this thing first since it had its sights set on her. Since she didn't want to fight the thing, she tossed her keyblade at it. Unfortunately for her the Neo-Shadow jumped out of the way, and decided to attack her as her keyblade was coming back. She jumped back as quickly as she could, and then let her keyblade cut through the enemy as it returned. She looked around to figure out where everyone was in relation to herself to get her bearings. At that point she just had the urge to blurt out what she was thinking. "So remind me. We've had to fight a giant hoard of heartless back at Central Haven as well as a giant hoard of weird blob things back in Wasteland, and now we're having to fight a hoard of heartless here? I think this is the only place that even makes sense, considering where we are and all. But next time someone decides to build up an annoying amount of these guys, can we just find them and beat them down before it happens?" With that she felt a little better and got back to the fight. She noticed Luna was lying on the ground and Kel helping her, then saw another Neoshadow crawl up from the ground and took it out with another toss of her keyblade. Ran ran over to them to make sure they were alright. As she did, two Darkballs decided to pop up around of nowhere and pushed her back. She wasn't getting a friendly feeling from these guys so she decided to knock them out of the park. She brought her fist to the Darkball's face, much to its surprise she bet, and sent it flying into the other one. A second later, there a large explosion from the one she punched, taking it out along with the other darkball and even some surrounding shadows. "Well....wasn't expecting that to do so much damage. Is that from the aura thing I got perhaps?" Thinking later would probably be a better time to think on it, she grouped up with Kel and Luna. "You guys doing alright?" Word count Words: 644 EXP: 60 Heartless Defeated 2 Neoshadow 19 Shadows 2 Darkballs Remaining Defeat 574 Shadows Defeat 161 Neoshadows Defeat 191 Darkballs
Yay for my anti-bodies. Pretty sure my mom has it right now, but neener-neener-ni-ner
To me anything above 65 degrees is a desert, so it's all the same to me. Seems like everyone is getting the flu. Good thing I don't get sick but once every few years or so.
I actually thought of everything but human temperature when I read that. I was going between "You need to move out of the desert" to "Buy a better fan for you computer" to turn on your air conditioning already".
View attachment 48683 Ignis continued to stand around wondering what to do next when Hikaru came up to her and complimented her new look. It made her smile a little, since she was glad she had picked out an outfit that seemed to suit her. Turning her head, she responded to his remark. "Well, I don't know about feeling stronger, but I definitely think it's a little more comfortable than the last outfit. Though I might have been somewhat imitating a friend of mine, now that I think about it." She tilted her head a little, trying to think back on the memory. Thinking on it, he was the first one I saw with this kind of clothing. My world doesn't really have clothing like this, but I he had clothing that kind of remind me of this place. I wonder if maybe my world was something like this in the past?" She got lost in thought, wondering about what her world may have been like in the past. She knew there were some secrets hidden about the past of her world, and she had gotten curious about them, but that would have to wait till some other time. If nothing else, after they were done with this little journey of theirs, she could help design new styles of clothing if she ever got tired of being a mercenary. The thought made her chuckle a little. At that point, she remembered that they had to choose an aura for themselves, and she went over to pick one. She looked at them and put her hand to the one that seemed right. She had decided before that she would pick the one that was the closest to her namesake, and picked it out. Walking back over to her companion, she turned her eyes toward Aux for a minute than back to Hikaru. "So, are you all good with Aux now? Seems like you and Kaida were getting past that whole thing that happened before. I personally wouldn't mind going another round with him, but perhaps more on friendlier terms than him trying to kill us all. I am a sore loser after all." She grinned at Hikaru, wondering if he might find the joke amusing.
View attachment 48661 Ignis listened as they were finally given the official announcement of passing their Mark of Mastery exam, and was thankful for the 24 hours given for free time. She followed Stratos as he went into a store, and looked around to see if there was anything around that looked interesting to her. She grabbed a jacket, a pair of gloves, some pants, and shoes, and went to the changing room. As she went in, she noticed some scissors lying around and decided to take those along as well. She changed into her new clothes and figured they didn't look so bad. Then she took the scissors and started cutting away at her hair. While she didn't mind having long hair, it was about time for something different. She just wished she had someone along to help her out with it, but eyeballing it seemed to get the job mostly done. After finishing up she had changed from that dress to a black leather jacket, a choker, some loose half pants, boots, and a new glove for her sword hand. She wondered if maybe the black was a bit much, though she didn't seem to mind it. Walking out of the clothing room and about to leave, she noticed a belt with a few pouches on it that was hanging around. Not seeing the harm it, Ignis grabbed it and put it on, thinking it didn't look so bad. Having spent most of her life in some kind of armor, it was nice to be out of that and in a new kind of clothing. As she left she noticed Luna going over to Stratos and the group of Aux, Hikaru, and Kaida having a moment. Though it was a little weird seeing the three of them all funny of sorts. While she didn't know what was going to happen with Aux, she still didn't hold it against him that they were all in their current predicament. If they could leave with him as an ally, it would certainly help them, though if something happens and they had to fight him, she wondered if it would end up the same. Not sure what to do at this point, she walked over to the group and tried to listen in on what they were suggesting.
Did you binge watch Doctor Who or something?
Was kinda hoping we'd get a few more levels, but I'll make do with the crowns I have. Spending Crowns 50 on Strength = +5 10 on AP = +1 10 on Defense = +1 Strength: 48(+2) AP: 31(+2) Defense: 21(+2) Job Unequipping: Ninja Equipping: Soldier Keyblade Equipping: Lunar Eclipse Abilities Unequipping: Cheer Explosion Synch Blade Reload Boost Magical Lock Smokescreen First Strike Equipping: Aerial Finish Blitz Finishing Leap Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior's Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock End Stats HP: 88 MP: 5 Strength: 55 [48(+2)(+10%)] Speed: 20 Defense: 21(+2) Magic: 10 Resistance: 13 AP: 31(+2) Crowns: 4 And I think I'll hold off on buying anything for the moment. And I just included the Valor increase in the strength stat so it's all ready for whenever the next fight comes. You don't have to put that pretty number on the grid if you don't want.
View attachment 48639 Ignis had walked into Shibuya from Zootopia, glad to finally be done with being an animal again. Though there was the bright side of not having to be stuck on all fours like when she joined up in that forest from a while back. But either way, she wasn't a fan of being an animal, and preferred to have a human body. Everyone else was getting excited about the fact that they finished the last of their worlds and to be granted their Master title. Ignis just wanted to be done with this test one way or the other by this point, given how many worlds they had to go through. "So does anyone know where we go from here? I'd like to be able to go find a place to get new clothes, mine are getting a little worn out for my liking. Do I have to wait for us to get back to our own realm, or is there a shop here that I might be able to visit?" She looked around, wondering if maybe these administrators would be kind enough to give them a little break before whatever else was supposed to happen. "Hey Kaida, think you could give me some tips on new clothes? I want to try something like your outfit."
Maybe they thought it would end up like the show where tiny little tops could basically become WMDs
I remember the show, which was actually pretty decent, even though sometimes the rules didn't seem to make much sense, but I never had any of the toys themselves. I grew up owning the original beyblades, not the mini-slider verisons of beyblades they make now.
And this is my point exactly. You kinda gotta wonder if there's a story out there that doesn't take a million common tropes and still does really well.
I sleep with my fan on, but that's just because I can't stand still air so I always need my fan on. But most of the time I'll sleep no matter what after a while, since I hear nothing while asleep. I've been told I sleep even through people yelling their lungs out at me.
View attachment 48597 Ignis was surprised that the heartless was still standing, but at this point is was on its last legs. She jumped at it and attacked again than began to walk away. "Alright, it's basically dead. You guys can finish it now, right?" Ignis used Vorpal Blitz