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  1. Iskandar
    Rydia was getting somewhat annoyed by these people and how they weren't being helpful. The only thing she learned was that they were in some place called Shibuya in some place known as the Realm of Darkness. She didn't even know what those words really meant, and she had zero interest in staying for much longer. The only thing on her mind was getting back to her home and continuing her "rogue" work, as many seem to call it lately.

    "Okay, fine, so do you have any idea how I'm supposed to get home? I have no reason to stay here." She was ready to leave it at that, but apparently her companion didn't want to leave her be.

    "Pardon the child's manners, she still has much to learn. You don't happen to be in need of any assistance, do you?"

    Changing back again, Rydia's eyebrow twinged a little out of irritation. "Be quiet, if they want help, they'd ask. We have no reason to trouble ourselves with them otherwise. We've got other things to do." Though now that her partner had asked, she kind of wanted to know the answer, since she couldn't keep herself from helping people if they needed it.
    Post by: Iskandar, May 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Iskandar
    Ignis was stuck tied together with Steel and Aislinn when everything started to hit the fan. A few others managed to get up after being knocked down by No Heart while Aislinn and Steel tried to get out of their bindings, but Ignis had had enough for one day. After dealing with the Master's exam and then fighting that whole army of heartless, she had to be honest with herself and know she didn't stand a chance against fighting back. It really hurt her pride too, since this wasn't any different from her city being burned to the ground. Everyone kept trying their hardest, and at some point Ananta tried to get in Aux's way and give herself up in place of Kaida. Ignis gritted her teeth, frustrated not only from her weakness but also that Ananta was willing to just give herself up like that. Her vision had also started to blur slightly, and she was finding it hard to keep herself conscious at this point.

    It didn't make much difference in the end, however. While everyone was trying their best to save Kaida, Ignis somewhat caught of glimpse of Hikaru running through the sand to get to Aux and Kaida. She was having a hard time seeing right now, so it was slightly blurry, but she could definitely make out him running, with spells hitting him as he kept going. She wanted to do something, but she could barely muster the energy to keep her head up. As she thought she was about to lose consciousness completely, she managed to watch as Hikaru had caught up to Aux and Kiada. Facing Aux, he had turned his keyblade on himself. At that point she was starting to get flashbacks of before, being stuck in a burning city and watching others give their lives to save others. She began to squirm some, trying to get out of the magic that was binding them; she didn't want to watch another friend disappear in front of her. She thought she heard him say "thank you", but wasn't sure if she imagined it or not. At that point, Hikaru struck himself, and Ignis began to flail wildly, completely forgetting her exhaustion. Light began to shine across everything and for some reason the chains binding Steel, Aislinn, and Ignis seemed to loosen, and Ignis struggled free. She scrambled and stumbled over to where HIkaru, Aux, and Kaida were.

    Aux was on all fours, screaming, while Kaida wasn't fairing much better. She had gone after No Heart to try and take him down. Ignis could tell she was blinded by anger and sadness at this point and missed No Heart completely with her attacks, stumbling on the ground herself. Ananta had gone over to Kaida while Beuce had set up a barrier to try and keep No Heart and his clones at bay, but it wasn't even delaying them, with No Heart tearing it apart completely. Ignis knew they had no chance of winning this fight and it was time they had gotten out there before they lost another friend. She slide across the sand over to Aux and tried to get his attention, but he seemed to be taken up as well. Turning her head, she yelled over to Ananta.

    "Ananta, you need to get Kaida and get out of there now! Forget about fighting him and just run!" She turned her head back to Aux to try and get him back to reality. [/color=crimson]"Aux, we need to get out of here. There's a time to mourn, but now isn't that time. Otherwise what Hikaru did will have been pointless."[/color]

    She tried to pick him up by the shoulder, but the guy was about as heavy as he looked. She stumbled and fell over. Right now her mind was simply on getting out of there, desperately keeping her own sadness at bay for the time being. She looked around, trying to see who was free at the moment. At this point she could feel her eyes somewhat welling up, and tried her best to keep herself under control.

    "Someone get over here and give me a hand with this guy! We can't just leave him!"
    Post by: Iskandar, May 15, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Iskandar
    Wandering through the streets of Shibuya, Rydia was wondering if maybe she took a wrong turn somewhere. The last thing she remembered was running around looking for some lost kids in the middle of a forest, then a giant storm coming out of nowhere and causing a torrential downpour, being blown around by some huge winds, and being knocked out only to find herself in someplace new where everything was dark. After that, the only thing she could think of doing was walking forward, so she wondered how the scenery changed from nothing to the middle of a city. It didn't help that the size of all the buildings were making her a little dizzy. She was used to absurdly tall buildings, but not with them all packed together. Not too mention, she couldn't think of a city that was anything like this place. Maybe she had been moved to another country or something while she was unconscious. As she continued, she noticed a large pack of people that were gathered around.

    "Hey, do you people know where this is?" Her question almost sounded more like a demand, but she hadn't given much care for how she talked for a while now.

    After asking the question though, another voice spoke from her mouth that wasn't quite hers, being more gruff and a slight echo to it. "Is that any way to ask a question, girl? I swear, you'll never make new friends if you don't change"

    "Who needs friends when I've got a dragon that won't leave me alone?" She huffed and looked up, realizing she had just pulled a switch while in front of random strangers and wondered how to explain this.
    Post by: Iskandar, May 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Iskandar
    Name: Rydia
    Proof of Existence: The Fluid Sharpshooter
    Age: 22
    Race: Somebody
    Birthplace: Mythos
    Catchphrase: Fine, whatever
    Personality: Gives off an uncaring/apathetic/unsympathetic/stoic personality outwardly. Won't hesitate to offer or accept aid to any who need it. Is unwilling to talk about feelings with anyone and clams up, using only motions and sounds to communicate.
    Main theme: Here

    Hair: Sea Blue
    Eyes: Icy Blue
    Skin Color: Tan
    Height: 5' 4"
    Distinguishing features: Dragon eyeballs, slightly pointed ears
    Image: Close Enough

    Weapon: Dual pistols
    • Strength: 6
    • Intelligence: 3
    • Magic: 4
    • Speed: 9
    • Defense: 4
    • Critical: 10
    • Limit Break: 4
    Element/Power: Water
    • Flow: Shoots a compressed amount of water into the ground and explodes upward with high pressure, acting as a shield for incoming attacks, and knocking any close enemies into the air
    • Deluge: Fires multiple water bullets into the air and rains down on enemies in an area
    • Bubble Bomb: Shoots out larger, slow moving bubbles that float around and explode on impact
    Fighting Style: Strategic
    Limit Break: Hydro Cannon - Fires bubble bombs to encircle and trap an enemy then shoots a large blast of water, hitting the enemy and exploding the bombs for extra area damage; renders guns useless for one minute
    Battle theme: Meep Meep
    Post by: Iskandar, May 12, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  5. Iskandar
    Ignis continued looking around for what was causing everyone to freeze when all of a sudden she lost the ability to move as well. She tried to get her arms and legs to budge but it felt like she had lost all sense of feeling in her body. What was even more aggravating was that she was still aware of what was going on around her. Unfortunately for her, that also meant she and the others had to watch as No Heart appeared in front of them and began some silly monologue. It was times like these that Ignis wished the bad guys would just shut and do what they needed to instead of listening to their own voices. As the thought passed, she watched as Aux began to fight back against No heart, but to no avail. He was soon covered in that armor of his yet again and he had begun to go after Kaida.

    Ignis tried to move herself to try and get No Heart, with little luck. Just then, she noticed Steel moving and knocked No Heart's keyblade away, causing them to get free. She didn't really understand the logic behind that, but she wasn't going to knock the chance by. As Kaida dealt with Aux with a few others, Ignis tried to help Steel out with his own problem. She watched as a clone of No Heart came towards their direction and she blocked its attack, getting held up.

    "Oh joy, I get to deal with a clone. How exciting." She sighed heavily, being stuck with a knock-off instead of dealing with the real thing.
    Post by: Iskandar, May 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Iskandar
    Ignis had picked a wall to lean against while the rest of the SOS group tried to make Karina feel better. Ignis had said her piece and was really hoping they could have ended it a lot faster instead of making it seem like some cheesy part out of a story book, but she figured it wasn't going to be that way. As the other group left, the keyblader's pins from their trials started to glow and three boats appeared in the water. Figuring these were their ticket to the next stop on their world tour, she wondered which one to pick. Hikaru seemed set on taking the one on the left, and then for some reason he stopped moving. Aux put the blame on Kaida, but Ignis didn't think that was right. After seeing Kaida freeze too, Ignis raised an eyebrow. Hikaru playing a weird joke didn't seem like him, but it would have made sense, but seeing Kaida stopping as well seemed a little strange. One by one, the other keybladers began to freeze as they tried to figure out what was going on. Soon, there was only her, Aux, Luna, Steel, and AJ left that could move. She started scanning the beach and other parts of the island, trying to see if she couldn't spot the cause.
    Post by: Iskandar, May 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Iskandar
    Ignis continued to sit down on the ground as the bickering over who was going to do what to Aux continued. Eventually Aux interrupted them all and claimed that he was willing to take whatever came his way for the things he had done, and Ignis almost complimented the guy. He may have been their enemy, but anyone who was willing to take whatever punishment came their way for the things they did at least deserved points in her book. At this point Karina had been held back by Beuce and Ananta was being held back by Steel. Ignis' bad humor side almost started to enjoy the show that was going on, but at that point Ananta had said some things that even for Ignis's standards were too far, and more than uncalled for. She whistled as Ananta finished and simply looked away, not meeting her gaze and giving her the cold shoulder. Steel, Beuce, and Kel called out Ananta on her, quite frankly, horrible attempt at whatever she was trying to do, and Ignis watched as Karina pulled out some bag and tossed it on the ground. Inside were keychains that looked well taken care of, especially compared to the rest of what Karina had on her. It caught Ignis's eye and she grabbed the bag, looking at the thing. She was impressed by how much work was put into keeping them so well maintained, and wondered why Karina would throw them away just like that. As Karina began to walk away, Beuce stopped her and pulled her back for a minute. Ignis figured she'd take this moment to say what was on her mind.

    "Hold that thought, Beuce." Ignis grabbed the pouch off the ground and put them ring back in it.

    She got up and walked over to Karina, then shoved the bag back into her arms. It also involved shoving Beuce a little, but Ignis was a little annoyed at the moment, so she might have been forceful in her movements. She hadn't really gotten to know Karina that much, but now was a good a time as any to start.

    "I'm not going to say anything like 'I know what you're going through' or 'Everything will be all right if you just believe in yourself'. I'm not the mushy type. But, what I will say is you've got something you care for," pointing her finger at the bag as she said those words. "If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't give up something that precious just because of a few words. If something is that important to you, you take care of it with your whole being, whether it's the object itself, or what it stands for. So far you've been fighting, but throwing that away? The only thing I see is someone giving up a piece of themselves."

    Ignis turned around and walked away. "Don't you ever give up your treasures so easily. Trust me, there's not much worse in this world than realizing what you have only after it's gone and you're unable to get it back. Sorry 'bout that Beuce, you can continue. I just can't resist returning what's been lost."
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Iskandar
    So this basically means one of four things. 1) We get Larxene as well as Marluxia, in which case, oh joy, I get to hear that annoying yelp any time she gets hit again..., 2) We're going to get Larxene's Somebody at some point in the game, 3) She's just going to voice a completely different character, or 4) She's just messing with around with that reply. We all know how strict Disney is in regards to talking about stuff beforehand. Even Prof. Snyder apparently had a little trouble with them when he talked to you guys a couple years back.
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 27, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Iskandar
    Ignis listened as Steel went on about his choice for a vacation spot and she drifted off a little into her own world. It was the perfect time to just leave everything be, but a commotion had started up that left her unable to enjoy the quiet. She perked her ears to listen to what was going on, and apparently Aux had mentioned who he was and some kid apparently didn't seem to take well to that. Shiro apparently didn't either, since Ignis could hear the guy yell from her position about grabbing Aux. Then there was Ananta who tried to stand for Aux, and Beuce who sounded like he really didn't agree with Aux being there at all, then Stratos seemed to try and take some sort of middle ground. At least, she tried to give him that benefit of the doubt, but it did seem more like he was siding against Aux.
    Oh for crying out loud, this is getting ridiculous.." As her back was still on the ground, she brought her keyblade into her hand then lit it up in flames and tossed it up to the air.

    The keyblade soon let gravity take hold as it fell back toward the ground and landed in the arm of the creature holding Aux, the flames slowly melting the creature's hand. Ignis was about done with this whole nonsense of whether or not they could trust Aux, but she was going to make her point clear even if it made her seem like the bad guy.

    "I can't believe you guys are still arguing over whether or not we should deal with Aux or not. Did he not help us clear our trial, as well as fight along side us during that last battle? So what if he's the one that sent us here in the first place? If the guy had any reason to turn on us, his best chance would have been earlier when we were being overrun by Heartless. But did he? I don't think so. I'm not one to put my trust in people completely, but given that this guy has fought alongside us and saved our butts, I'm willing to back him up. And honestly, if you guys went through all that to get stronger and are still scared of him, maybe you should stay in this realm and not continue fighting. We know there's tougher guys than Aux out there, but we're still going to fight them. If by some chance this guy does turn on us, than all we have to do is beat him down till he doesn't get back up."
    Ignis walked up and grabbed her keyblade from the creature's arm and yanked it out, burning the last bit away and letting Aux go.

    She looked at Beuce, Stratos, Shiro, and the annoying little kid. Quite honestly that kid was irritating Ignis more than any of the others and she couldn't even figure out why. "If you're going to judge a person only by their past failings and ignore their success, why be a part of a team? If that's how this group is going to act toward anyone that helps, I may as well leave now. Our job is to help people, and in my eyes, that means my enemies too, if they deserve it, and this guy deserves it." She planted her keyblade in the ground and sat down, taking her stance on the matter and letting the others choose how to go from there.
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Iskandar
    Ignis dropped to the ground exhausted from all the heartless they had to fight. At this point she was ready for a vacation from any sort of fighting, and she bet everyone else would have been in agreement with her. She looked over to the rest of the group that fought the left arm of that monstrous enemy and gave them a thumbs-up.
    "Well, I'm not one for celebrating much, but looks like we finally managed to beat that stupid ting. Way to go us." She sighed and dropped her arm to the ground.
    As she was ready to go for a power nap, she noticed the fight with Shiro and Hughes had reached its climax as well, as she heard a loud banging noise and looked up. Shiro was banging up against a barrier she hadn't even noticed before, and was going crazy inside of it. Then a second later, a huge gust of wind blew out and flung Ignis across the ground, having her land one last time with her face in the sand, and her coat draped over her head. She slowly lifted her head out of sheer annoyance of the stuff and watched as Hughes got his butt handed to him and sent flying away into a rock. She figured if the guy wasn't dead at this point, he deserved to be them. Tired of fighting, and just plain tired, Ignis fell back to the ground, ready to be done for the day.
    "So is it too much to ask for a vacation to a nice relaxing place, perhaps with a hot spring? I've always wanted to go to one of those." She probably sounded a little delirious, but she was exhausted and couldn't help it.
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 24, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Iskandar
    Ignis used Army of One.
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Iskandar
    Ignis replied to Steel's comment as she attacked. "I've never had any luck to begin with."

    Ignis activated Firestorm and used Combo
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Iskandar
    Did my first animation project ever in Maya, and look how well it turned out, considering most of my knowledge of the program is self-taught and the limited time I had to work on the video for school. I recommend watching in 1080p

    Thread by: Iskandar, Apr 18, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Iskandar
    Ignis used Barrier Surge
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Iskandar
    I'm sure I won't be messing with this part of the game. I've never done any of the mini-games through the series unless it was 100 Acre Wood or Atlantica since they gave rare items
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 17, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Iskandar
    Huh, wonder if that means they'll find a way to pull the story of Union X into KH3, or do something like KHII, where they just gave the summons out of nowhere and they didn't really relate to anything in the story. Well, at least with chicken little I remember that, any mostly Stitch
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 16, 2018 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Iskandar
    Ignis used Combo
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Iskandar
    Ignis did nothing due to paralysis.
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Iskandar
    Ignis attacked with a combo.
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Iskandar
    Ignis followed up Stratos's attack with another of her combos, knocking around the Darkside some more and landing on her feet. She sighed, thinking if Stratos would actually keep his promise, but oddly enough, she couldn't even come up with a pun to say that would keep his mouth shut from the bad jokes. Her personality just couldn't do bad jokes, and this was hurting her brain. She looked at him with a hopeless expression and sighed then just said the first thing that came to mind. "Fine. 'I'm all fired up now'. Happy?" She dropped to her hands and knees at that point, unable to bear the weight of the stupidity that she had just said and the gloom set over.

    Ignis used Combo.
    Post by: Iskandar, Apr 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena