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  1. Iskandar
    Man, it feels like they brought back every fighting mechanic from the previous games into this one. Lots of showy moves for a minute of fighting
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 11, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Iskandar
    That'll certainly make traveling around a lot more....interesting. Seems to make chocobos null and void, however
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 10, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  3. Iskandar
    From the sound of it, it does seem like we're going to get a different list of alolan forms, so it'll be interesting. Maybe this time we'll get an ice-type growlithe. Jokes aside, looking at the screenshots of the legendaries, it seems like they're pulling a B2/W2 on us, with what looks like Necrozma fusing with the legendaries. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

    And yeah, what's up with all the pikachu?
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 7, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  4. Iskandar
    To be official: Ignis going to The Grid
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 6, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  5. Iskandar
    Huh, I'm honestly surprised that they did something like B/W where they're making a second game that takes place later on in the same region. I wonder just how far in advance this one will take place, and if they'll do something like B2/W2 where you can transfer data for some scenes or pokemon. And maybe we'll get Lillie back, and she actually is a rival, since they made it seem like she'd try to be a trainer afterwords.

    Now I'm just full of questions and theories and I apparently am going to have to dust off my 3DS. Here's hoping there's more pokemon options though. I kept making the same team every playthrough because I wasn't a fan of some of the type limitations
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 6, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  6. Iskandar
    Fair points, but I'm sure they could fix a lot of those with a remake. After all, we've had snow areas in X/Y and Sun/Moon (sorta Sun/Moon), and they weren't terrible. They weren't big either, but I'm sure if they remade it, I doubt they'd made the walking speed slow down as much. I do agree that I'd like customization again, but maybe they should try something like allowing us to customize the main character from before; something I wish they'd done with ORAS.

    Still, if they keep up their trend, I'm sure we'll get 4th gen remakes soon enough. I wouldn't mind a 5th gen either, but maybe they should try putting both B/W and B2/W2 in the same cartridge instead of separate games. We've only got 2 more gens till they hit 3DS games, so the options are limited on remakes right now.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 5, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  7. Iskandar
    I'm wondering if maybe they'll be talking about Pokemon Stars. It's been around for a while now that it's likely and will be made for the switch, but I guess we'll have to see. It's pretty close to around that time when they can reveal the next generation too.

    Also let's not forget that the Switch has actually sold more games than consoles, which is kind of sad. And what do you have against Sinnoh remakes? If we got a remake of Platinum with a little more story like they did in ORAS I'd be a happy man.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 5, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  8. Iskandar
    Ignis watched as everyone got to know their partners, while her partner went to get to know others as well. The one thing that got on her nerves was that Beuce seemed to completely ignore her after that one "hello". She looked around at where they were when the voice spoke again. It talked about how there were five worlds open to them, and they needed to get codes from three of them to open the keyhole and finish their task this time. The time limit wasn't very long either, since this itme they only had twelve hours. Her impatience kicked in at that point, not wanting to lose any time.

    She looked around at where to go and saw one of the portals had a sign: The Grid. She figured that was as good a place as any to go. She obviously hadn't paid much attention to what was going on around her though, because as she turned around to get Beuce, she noticed a giant man with brown hair, red clothing, and hands the size of hammers. She paused for a second, taking it in, and then decided to take it calmly; well, as calmly as her shock would allow. The man asked if he could help with anything, and Ignis took that as her cue to leave. She went over to Beuce and grabbed him by the arm and pulled.

    "Sorry big guy, but we're in a little bit of a hurry ourselves. We've got a deadline, and this one needs to join me. Good luck with whatever you were doing though." She waved to him and yanked Beuce away, trying to get them both to their world.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 5, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Iskandar
    With the end of Spring I managed to get my GPA back up to 3.5. Would have gotten higher, but that B in POS, aka piece of s*** kept it from getting any higher. OH well, at least it's another semester on the Dean's List.
    Post by: Iskandar, Jun 3, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Iskandar
    Nothing I haven't seen before
    Post by: Iskandar, May 26, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Iskandar
    I was going to say, because actually waiting for a 2020 release for either game seems like an extremely long wait. Not too mention the changes in gaming we might have, so it would be weird. I'm still praying for a late 2018 release myself
    Post by: Iskandar, May 26, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Iskandar
    So this card collection is just all the purrty shots you can get in the game, except hand-sized? Kinda strange
    Post by: Iskandar, May 25, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Iskandar
    Final Fantasy XIV, Mass Effect Andromeda, and Horizon Zero Dawn
    Post by: Iskandar, May 25, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  14. Iskandar
    Is it anything like inside Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo's head?
    Post by: Iskandar, May 25, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Iskandar
    Ignis was standing around waiting for the keybladers to leave when all of a sudden they ended up in a different place altogether. Surprisingly, there was also the other group of keybladers from the second world. They were inside a giant white room with benches placed about and railways that led...somewhere. Ignis was completely confused about what was going on.

    "So I guess we're not going to be split between two different versions of worlds this time?" She asked aloud, wondering if someone might have a decent answer.

    Just then, a voice started booming from somewhere.

    "ATTENTION ALL YOCTOGRAMS! We interrupt your exam for a special bulletin announcement. You former proctor has been pulled from duty on accounts of her inability to supply you with a proper test of skill. In other words... (It's x2) die!"

    Ignis seemed to get exhausted just at the thought of what was going on. They had only just started this exam and they were already on a crash course to something else. And this one sounds like one of those obnoxious genius types who consider themselves smarter and better than everyone else. Ignis was already getting annoyed.

    As the voice started to "explain" how things were going to go, a list of numbers came up, showing the new partners for this round. Ignis looked at the list and wondered what was going on. Just a list full of numbers? They probably had to relate to something. The voice said that is was the board for everyone's partners, so the numbers had to equate to their names somehow.

    "Is this like... a test?" Ignis looked over at Hikaru as he asked about the numbers.

    AJ seemed to understand pretty quickly, as he took out a piece of paper and pencil and figured the numbers equated to letters, and came up with a list of partner. In it, Ignis was partnered up with Beuce this time. She looked around for him and walked over.

    "Well, guess we're partners this round."
    Post by: Iskandar, May 25, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Iskandar
    Spending 40 crowns to increase Ignis's defense from 16 to 20
    Post by: Iskandar, May 23, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  17. Iskandar
    Why do I only see Buzz Lightyear when I look at sora's face? That's kinda of creepy, completely honest
    Post by: Iskandar, May 23, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates