[How's your penis?]
Please don't pee on me. :]
Rawrrrr? hey.
Please say it.
To hannah? Sorry i'm kinda confused.
You did.
A vagina is the sex organ in a woman. Located between her legs. Sperm Cells are the white stuff when you tug on your weiner :]
So In Love - Before their eyes I loveeee the begginingg That's why it's my Sig xD
When a male sticks his penis in a females vagina and then he lets out his sperm cells.
Well I've talked about them sometimes. Butttt yeah. ... And then the liver screamed 'HELP!' - Chiodos
Sex. Sex. And more sex.
Time is all we got - Blinded Black
Smoke up all of your regret I'll write you a novel For every mistake that you made
:P Do ya' playyy?
I love pokemon, lol. Anyone want to trade or battle or just put me on there pal list or whatever it is on Wifi?
Go have sex.
Indeed. What's funny though... Is that we had stolen a couple of balloons a little back, and when they approached me, i had the balloon weight in my teeth, oh well, tonight was a fun night :]
I'd rather just act sick on x-mas eve... No, We were just messing around... like running and jumping on each other kinda.
I never did anything to you... I wasn't... Had fun :\
I came.