bow chica wow wow ;] I think, that nobody cares, lol. Little kids are going to find this out wooner or later. Plus it's all a joke.
you ARE the strip club ;D
Let's sex tonight.
Penis inside vagina :D
Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck me.
B|!!!! I will screw you till you *** from the eyes.
>>>>: /ignoredignoredignoredddd
Really? It's turning me onnn ;D
**** shot* O:
*jacking off to raep* :D
pelvic... THRUST!
Thank you for the support. Bendoverplz.:] Anywhos, Let'smakebabiez/!
Kinky Hormone Videos :] .net ;D
dry hump= humping someone w/ clothes on
*dry hump* Dididoitrite?! D:
Thank you. How you doin, baby? ;D
I'll lock you up... In my bed :] ;]]]
Someone's wearing a cleavage top OOO: ;] fagfagfag:] gaysmile ugly+hotty.
Bueno . Lmfao. Does no one know Tod? xD