D'awwwww Nighty nighttttt<3
Holaaa :]
Very .
:dddd i<3youma'ammmm
Someone hold me.
O: I would make love to those matching... thingys B|
Bow chica wow wow :D
Everyone is invited to teh orgy ;D
We can have a 2389472389479 way :]]
SCORE!! :]nfvjhgfj
>': Lies are not nice, sweetie...
going to make love to you.
The first two are incorrect.
Thanks :]
Yeah I'm pretty sure i remember him being hot.
Roxasissomebody Famous Sora 13 Miele Desi i'm pretty sure K A I R I was hot, but i can't really remember. xD that's all i can think of right now.
Beastly hat. Ehhh Ihatethewayilook. Rawrrr,hangme.:]
Sex WAS the topic, silly :] Someoneeeee's grumpy ;]]
Sexsexsex :] It's a sexual joke.